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Egyptian Armed Forces

Just fuel-air-bombs from 100 Kg to 9000 kg.. and BM of up to more than 5000 km..

That is what Al Sisi is doing now and planning it very well according to the whole world.. but you..HaHaHa!

Was Archer serious or was he kidding? lol hard to tell.

One would think that there's several reasons why they didn't just settle for the S-300VM and also bought 7 batteries of the German IRST-SL and why they set up the Protivnik-GE and Resonance-NE radars with 1,100km range active to track within 600km range and the entire system of the air defense is all new with interconnectivity to all the branches. I mean, I think the idea is to monitor everything 24-7-365. 1967, the Israelis moved in right at the moment that all the patrolling aircraft landed and pilots were having breakfast and it was a 1 hour time frame where the defense minister I believe was flying to Sinai and so they shut their radars so as not to mistake his aircraft for an enemy lol. At least that one story was going around for a while. A lot has been learned from all those silly mistakes as well as attempting to purchase the latest and greatest. I think things are quite different now. For Israel to use its nukes, it either has to blast them in rockets that can be blasted or flown in which is equally and maybe even more dangerous.

I believe that one of the journalist asked Dayan in 1973 had the Egyptian army made it all the way to the border, would you have used your nukes? He wouldn't answer in any detail because they obviously don't want anyone knowing they had them but most said they would've probably used tactical nukes on certain military elements in Sinai to discourage them from moving into Israel.

So the only time I think they would ever use them is if they're being invaded and overrun by whomever.
But to just blast them towards cities in proper Egypt would be very difficult for them to do in this day and age with the way the military has set up protection of Egypt proper. Sinai is the tough part because of the treaty. But it looks like they've set up some agreement with Israel that they're capable of even flying their F-16s along the border and see if they can lock on to an Israeli F-15. Something tells me that wasn't a mistake.
So the only time I think they would ever use them is if they're being invaded and overrun by whomever.
There were many reasons not to continue advancing into the Sinai after the 9th of October, and Nukes were one of them. Egypt wanted to take control of the Suez Canal to improve the economy and form better relations with the west, as well as protect Suez, Ismailia and Port Suez from Israeli Artillery and Air Strikes. Egyptian Generals also viewed it important in case Egypt was to attempt and recapture more lands since the Suez Canal crossing wouldn’t be an objective anymore.
Locally building (and modifying) Scorpene 2000 will be a significant step forward for the Egyptian Military. I hope it happens.
Was Archer serious or was he kidding? lol hard to tell.

One would think that there's several reasons why they didn't just settle for the S-300VM and also bought 7 batteries of the German IRST-SL and why they set up the Protivnik-GE and Resonance-NE radars with 1,100km range active to track within 600km range and the entire system of the air defense is all new with interconnectivity to all the branches. I mean, I think the idea is to monitor everything 24-7-365. 1967, the Israelis moved in right at the moment that all the patrolling aircraft landed and pilots were having breakfast and it was a 1 hour time frame where the defense minister I believe was flying to Sinai and so they shut their radars so as not to mistake his aircraft for an enemy lol. At least that one story was going around for a while. A lot has been learned from all those silly mistakes as well as attempting to purchase the latest and greatest. I think things are quite different now. For Israel to use its nukes, it either has to blast them in rockets that can be blasted or flown in which is equally and maybe even more dangerous.

I believe that one of the journalist asked Dayan in 1973 had the Egyptian army made it all the way to the border, would you have used your nukes? He wouldn't answer in any detail because they obviously don't want anyone knowing they had them but most said they would've probably used tactical nukes on certain military elements in Sinai to discourage them from moving into Israel.

So the only time I think they would ever use them is if they're being invaded and overrun by whomever.
But to just blast them towards cities in proper Egypt would be very difficult for them to do in this day and age with the way the military has set up protection of Egypt proper. Sinai is the tough part because of the treaty. But it looks like they've set up some agreement with Israel that they're capable of even flying their F-16s along the border and see if they can lock on to an Israeli F-15. Something tells me that wasn't a mistake.
Well Bro..believe it or not..Usrael has no nukes of its own..I had the proof years ago with a picture of US nukes being loaded on the USraeli F-4s during the 1973 war.. The other proof to confirm it is when the USSR send nukes to Egypt.... So this myth is still going on by the power of propaganda and concocted stories about them making nukes..by none else than their media machine that knows how to make believe..the scarecrow technique..you know..
There were many reasons not to continue advancing into the Sinai after the 9th of October, and Nukes were one of them. Egypt wanted to take control of the Suez Canal to improve the economy and form better relations with the west, as well as protect Suez, Ismailia and Port Suez from Israeli Artillery and Air Strikes. Egyptian Generals also viewed it important in case Egypt was to attempt and recapture more lands since the Suez Canal crossing wouldn’t be an objective anymore.
Locally building (and modifying) Scorpene 2000 will be a significant step forward for the Egyptian Military. I hope it happens.

I really hope so too, and 12 - 14 subs holy moly that is a large number and the billions of $ required for that is scary.

I know you're a big fan of Shazly and so is every single Egyptian even those who weren't around in 1973 but have studied and learned a lot about the war and I'm sure you've read Shazly's crossing the Suez canal where he details A LOT of the war without giving the specifics that landed him in jail in absentia and I think even a short while when he came back from the UK? The problem is the entire plan, even as successful as it started and somewhat ended, it was fraught with bad planning from the start and really the only one to blame that on is Sadat unfortunately. He played the Syrians thinking the Israelis would be super preoccupied with Egypt trying to take the entire Sinai which he told Assad he was doing knowing quite well they didn't have enough SA-6s mobile SAMs to take with them to protect them and when he gave the 21st was it? the order to move north, without any air support and out of SAM range, that pretty much was the one event that set Egypt back tremendously as they were cherry picked by the Israelis who parked just far enough and on that ever so critical high ground to stop any further intrusion. Why Sadat sacrificed all those soldiers and tanks whom obeyed his orders against a vehemently opposed Shazly who didn't understand how that would help the Syrians is beyond anyone's guess. Most think it was just to appease Assad who had so much success in the first few days and blew it worst than the Germans did in Stalingrad. Embarrassing.

Then when Shazly found out the Israelis had crossed a few tanks and infantry by dinghy because the battle of the Chinese farm was taking too long to settle but they over powered the Egytian 3rd and 2nd and opened the gap big enough to start crossing with the dinghies until the bridge they had already constructed for that purpose made it to the canal, Shazly suggested to Ismail to tell Sadat to withdraw 1 or 2 Sagger battalions to stop the Israelis in their tracks then send the MiG-21s as soon as that bride was within the umbrella to blow it to smithereens and Sadat was immovable. He was too afraid that if the word got around that some units were moving back west, it would ruin the tremendous moral they were feeling. Now I can say there is some truth to that but Shazly's explanation made all the sense in the world. They almost killed Sharon in the process of the western units fighting them. I just can't figure out Sadat's motives and him not sharing them with even Ismail which he trusted more than Shazly and then dismissing Shazly was such a HUGE mistake but it was too late for the Israeli Hollywood movie.

I think Sadat was a bit selfish in wanting the entire glory of the war and why he had a problem with one of the best chiefs of staffs and generals in the Arab world is beyond comprehension. He should have left EVERYTHING to Shazly,

Well Bro..believe it or not..Usrael has no nukes of its own..I had the proof years ago with a picture of US nukes being loaded on the USraeli F-4s during the 1973 war.. The other proof to confirm it is when the USSR send nukes to Egypt.... So this myth is still going on by the power of propaganda and concocted stories about them making nukes..by none else than their media machine that knows how to make believe..the scarecrow technique..you know..

Yep, you're probably right. All the people claiming they have more than 200 of them are full of steaming cow patty, They might have 1-5 in case of emergency where transporting nukes from an American base to Israel would take too long, but they're just full of ****, What's fantastic is how the gap is closing and closing at an impeccably fascinating speed.

Another pic of Meko 911 (I don't particularly care for that # for obvious reasons lol, but what a beauty of a boat.

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Our trusted Tweeter Mahmoud Gamal just poste these pics of MEKO 910.

Mahmoud Gamal on Twitter: "First photos of the Egyptian Navy MEKO A200 frigate during leaving the shipbuilding hangar in Bremerhaven, Germany, in preparation for launching it into water within the next few days. https://t.co/PbTx3BxE9K" / Twitter

First photos of the Egyptian Navy MEKO A200 frigate during leaving the shipbuilding hangar in Bremerhaven, Germany, in preparation for launching it into water within the next few days.


I don't think this one was posted already but what a beauty. Yalla ba2a let's start seeing Egyptian flags on the tails and roundels on the wings. Like 500Seeker said, that round white patch on the front is probably an access panel to some interior avionics or for the radar gimbal but man would it be nice to see a roundel on the fuselage somewhere under the cockpit as well as the wings. They don't have the roundels on the MiG-28/35s but or the F-16 but they have them on the Rafales. It barely needs to deploy its flaps to take off, just its H-stabs to give the nose lift and takeoff. But somoe other pics show it with flaps more deployed than this.

The Gowind has some pretty neat technology. Although towed sonars have been around for a while, The Gowinds deploy the CAPTAS=-2 Variable Depth Towed Sonar with RX TRIPLETS Array (sounds pretty serious! lol) the other sensors under the ship that also detect possible submarines but also shallow mines that might not show up on any of the GPSs that are quite advanced.

When I first saw a quick clip of them lowering a yellow item into the water, I had no idea what it was until it dawned on me that it had to be the towed sonar. So a friend just sent me this.

The fourth and final Type209 Sub undergoing trials for active duty.


New huge Meko200 on it's way out of it's assembly hanger.



For the equipment, nothing known for now except the AD missile system which will be installed on the frigates. The Egyptian Navy will equip the four MEKO A200 frigates with the New Generation of MBDA's VL MICA surface-to-air missiles which has an operational range of up to 40km.

@The SC
I count 12 VLS Cells so the Gowind looks like it packs a heavy punch for a corvette

There goes an.....F-35

Egypt should invest in Naval Warfare. Developing torpedos might be easier than developing Air Defence missiles. Note; the Egyptian Ministry of Military Production has reached Thales for co-operation in the field of Air Defence. https://www.masrawy.com/news/news_e...حث-أطر-التعاون-المشترك-مع-شركة-تاليس-العالمية
As well as reaching their Pakistani Counterparts to unite efforts in the field of Anti Tank warfare and antitank mines - chemically wise. https://www.masrawy.com/news/news_e...لصناعات-العسكرية-الباكستانية-التعاون-المشترك-
The United States and Egypt sign a memorandum of understanding for mutual military logistics services (ACSMOU)
The United States and Egypt sign a memorandum of understanding for mutual military logistics services (ACSMOU)

That's actually absolutely terrific news, SC, because in reality, that means the US is definitely not interested in sanctioning Egypt for buying the 30 Su-35SEs and associated heavy duty weapons that we have already read have Israel terrified to the point where they're doing EVERYTHING in their power to block the Scorpene submarine deal and if one has been following the history, Egypt has been VERY successful with a roughly meager sub fleet but a great special operations underwater team and combine the 4 new type 209 Submarines from Germany, the Scorpene, being a deep sea asset will put a brutal burden on Israel's navy which can only mean that they have nuclear ability to launch nukes from their few subs. I'm sure they haven't relegated delivery of those tactical nukes by aircraft or SAAR ships only and have secretly developed a way to send them from their subs so they get closer to final target, stay underwater to pr0tect them from radiation etc. and I'm sure the US has been involved in that development.

It probably also means that there is an understanding that the Russian fighters don't share any equipment or special engineers comparing how the two different makers are produced and that is perfectly fine. Maybe the generals are finally telling the US you need to supply us with the AIM-120C-5 and AIM-9X for us to buy more from you. Can't leave our balls cut off like that! Maybe the US is FINALLY starting to understand that we don't want to be an average army but because of the peace treaty and how we've followed it to a T, it's time form them to start treating us with a bit more respect.

Once the US approves Israel needs to use them, they will supply them within hours but I think you're right in your original comment that they don't actually have access to the bombs themselves. So they will fight the Scorpene deal with everything they can because those will be more powerful than anything they have and let's say Egypt gets 6 of them, the can send the 8 Seasprites and toss a ton of sonar buoys as well as the Gowinds towed sonars as well as the French Fremm has an AMAZING sonar system for locating subs and identifying them as well as the 2 Berghamini. Power is slowly shifting not necessarily in Egypt's favor, but to parody which is a great thing.

Then the MiG-29N/35s with their Krypton family missiles and the huge stock of exocets as well as Harpoons on F-216 (which BTW, once they run out, the US and France will not supply Egypt with any more of course just like France did to Argentina once their Super Etenard started blowing up British ships and France refused their request for more and they ran out imagine that? That's why I don't trust them as far as I can throw them but I love the French members here) will destroy that small navy despite how good the SAAR ships are followed by the plan to use aircraft, ships and mines to eliminate that threat like they did perfectly in 1973, They just need to stock up on both in HUGE numbers.

What a shame the Argentinians didn't send these colonialist MFs packing like the busy bodies they are, WTF are they doing on the other side of the world on an Island that CLEARLY doesn't belong to them. Oh I forgot, there are a couple of hundred British souls living there for whatever reason I could never tell you.

Argentinian Super Etenards successfully pounding two ships I believe, one survive the othe went kaput. Hero Argentinian pilots, Just badly planned offensive and a huge lack of missiles and other powerful weapons. Brits didn't even lose a single friggin harrier!



Even though we have peace and economy and all that happy shit, you never know with such a cold peace with the way they're gobbling up Palestinian land in the West Bank and bombing Giza, you never know and the first objective we know quite well is to find a way to destroy they ability to use their air force, That really is the only way to then quite easily beat them ONY if they stupidly attack first,
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The United States and Egypt sign a memorandum of understanding for mutual military logistics services (ACSMOU)
Finally, Egypt would be able to mobilize and fight on several fronts including North American during the Third World War. (Followed by a laugh)
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Finally, Egypt would be able to mobilize and fight on several fronts including North American in the Third World War. (Followed by a laugh)

If you look at the details involved in the entire deal, this opens the door wide open for a final (and I mean final sorry that's typical of a builder/general contractor to give these ultimatums) That if Aby plays one more foolish promising game and the reneges on it like he's done what, 7 times since 2011, Egypt has unfortunately no choice but to overwhelm its military power on that dam and that poor country. I truly feel bad because who would ever want to see anyone suffer (except a certain entity we know) but poor Ethiopians which this dam will help them prosper in many ways will undoubtedly be flattened to an unrecognizable pile of rubbish. And the worst part that Israel didn't have to deal with with Ozirak nuke facility in Iraq, is prevent him from retaliation and I have reason to believe President Sisi and the top generals have a plan they put in place for exactly this, to destroy many vital components as well like first their air defense network hence all the tremendous purchases which we all know an Su-35S is not for terrorists lol to be neutralized by Rafales and Su-35SEs even at standoff distances, then the MiGs can toss cruise missiles at a safe distance and the next batch of Rafales go in with their HAMMERs and hammer the heck out of it and the rest will be left to the Su-35SE and all their heavy and deadly weaponry that can devastate the dam and much of the surrounding infrastructure. Comms need to be blown to heII and communication between any miliary assets need to be reported in the intel target package and assigned to the best aircraft and weapon that can destroy it. They need to be set back 20 or more years and taught a lesson that all they needed to do was work with us amicably. Our request for filing time was not unreasonable at all and Aby's foolish games need a brisk awakening. The only problem from then on is we will be in a constant state of war and alertness because of that, B

The only thing it puts us in a bad position is that we will be in a state of war but we must not be apologetic about it just like the Israelis were. The dam destruction is one thing, but to blow up their military network to a point where the can't even fly a single aircraft or shoot any missile will be very sad to see them go through. I just don't think we have any choice. 40 out of the 50 SCALPS to start the operation once the intel has planned a perfect EADS mission even if it requires putting special boots on the ground to sabotage them. The time has come, fellas.
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