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Egyptian Armed Forces

Can anyone identify the rifle?

This is the M110 dmr I think. Its chambered I'm 7.62x51mm and it is a great rifle.

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Shallowly speaking, if both share the same Pylon link than yes - and if the Saudis are given their own programming keys for it (I think that’s how it is) if we obtain them then that’s also a yes. @Mamajama can you confirm this?
I would assume that NATO would make the missile cross platform to be used on different NATO jets if the need arises. So, yes probably the saudi aircraft can carry the Egptian scalp and vise versa.
We should have like 200. Even though there are only 23 aircraft, so you can only fire so many at one point and probably not a good idea to store so many when you're not in a state of war. But 50 is very low and the proof is looking at the others, the closest one with the lowest count is Qatar with 140 and 36 jets. I just wonder if it was EAF's decision or was the number dictated to them? That makes a big difference because we don't want to see any more of that kinda thing.

As far as EAF Rafales using Saudi Storm Shadows, it all depends on if there is a difference in the two kinds and what is that difference? If there isn't and it's just the name, then the cruise missile is a fire and forget munition with initial flight path controlled by inertial/GPS/terrain reference guidance and it has an infrared seeker for the final or terminal guidance to target. So it's very compatible and the only issue would be compatibility in programming the GPS coordinates into the cruise missile prior to launching it and if that process is done by linkage or simply an existing software in the fighter's avionics. Either way, I bet it would be an easy adjustment/programming if it is needed.

Can anyone identify the rifle?

Dictated by who?!

Isn't this the ESR-32A RADAR that was made public in 2018?
How advanced is it compared to its competitors?
And do we make stuff like this beast from Raytheon?


يا عم اصطبح
View attachment 683144
We didn’t have the intention of doing so for quite some time due to neglect. I think it’ll be wise to buy South Africa’s Company “Denel” since the South African Government and officials are genetically engineered pigs made to look like humans from what I’ve been hearing.
Can someone estimate the worth of Denel?

Denel's seems to be a great company, but I looked at Linkedin and there seems to be an exodus of their Engineers to UAE and Saudi Arabia. Most of these engineers were very experienced(10+ years).
- ENS Alexandria FFG-911 OHP-class
- ENS Solimqn Ezzat FMC Ambassador lll
- 2 Type 209/1400mod submarines
Courtesy of Amir Pharaoh.




Nice shot of the MiG-29M/35 that is different from the other one showing the spinal speed brake extended.

Could Egypt get a licence from Russia to make the MiG-29 plus some BVR missiles locally like India did with their SU-30?
Could Egypt get a licence from Russia to make the MiG-29 plus some BVR missiles locally like India did with their SU-30?

Yes, why not. I mentioned that earlier to our friend @ARCH٤R . We would need to spend quite a bit on fascilities and machinery and equipment etc., but we've built the Abrams tank for what, 20 years? The Gowind Corvettes 3 of them. The K-8s are assembled in Egypt, right? I think it's very doable.

Speaking of MiG-29 and BVR missiles. R-77s & R-73s

Yes, why not. I mentioned that earlier to our friend @ARCH٤R . We would need to spend quite a bit on fascilities and machinery and equipment etc., but we've built the Abrams tank for what, 20 years? The Gowind Corvettes 3 of them. The K-8s are assembled in Egypt, right? I think it's very doable.

Speaking of MiG-29 and BVR missiles. R-77s & R-73s


The Egyptians MIGs have very nice BVR weapons and with the AESA Radar upgrade they will very potent weapons. I guess that's why they get more media attention than other fighters in the Airforce.
We should have like 200. Even though there are only 23 aircraft, so you can only fire so many at one point and probably not a good idea to store so many when you're not in a state of war. But 50 is very low and the proof is looking at the others, the closest one with the lowest count is Qatar with 140 and 36 jets. I just wonder if it was EAF's decision or was the number dictated to them? That makes a big difference because we don't want to see any more of that kinda thing.

As far as EAF Rafales using Saudi Storm Shadows, it all depends on if there is a difference in the two kinds and what is that difference? If there isn't and it's just the name, then the cruise missile is a fire and forget munition with initial flight path controlled by inertial/GPS/terrain reference guidance and it has an infrared seeker for the final or terminal guidance to target. So it's very compatible and the only issue would be compatibility in programming the GPS coordinates into the cruise missile prior to launching it and if that process is done by linkage or simply an existing software in the fighter's avionics. Either way, I bet it would be an easy adjustment/programming if it is needed.

Can anyone identify the rifle?

Do you mean dictated by us or Israel on France?
Could Egypt get a licence from Russia to make the MiG-29 plus some BVR missiles locally like India did with their SU-30?
That MIGs have old structures maybe armed m346 or j10 or su30 are much better
Do you mean dictated by us or Israel on France?

Sorry I forgot to answer you the first time! O3zourni! By France with possible influence from Israel and even the US. But France makes the final decision. The problem is that the aircraft will not be worthy to the EAF without the entire spectrum of weapons packages and I am sure they told the French that. So they had to provide a number of them that would make everyone happy I would think. But that does beg the question about the status of the meteors. What happens if we find out they've banned those from the EAF? Can Italy convince the Brits through MBDA to supply them with a batch of Typhoons? What happens then to our relationship with France?
Sorry I forgot to answer you the first time! O3zourni! By France with possible influence from Israel and even the US. But France makes the final decision. The problem is that the aircraft will not be worthy to the EAF without the entire spectrum of weapons packages and I am sure they told the French that. So they had to provide a number of them that would make everyone happy I would think. But that does beg the question about the status of the meteors. What happens if we find out they've banned those from the EAF? Can Italy convince the Brits through MBDA to supply them with a batch of Typhoons? What happens then to our relationship with France?
The key of banning is in Germans hands others have not any problems specially Britannia after Brexit
I don't know about France
However we have Russia I can't believe it Russian missiles are faster than westerns very specially USA!!!! Russian work with Machs
By Egyptian weapons inventory we can play with many cards and Westerns must understand the Egyptian level
Isn't this the ESR-32A RADAR that was made public in 2018?
How advanced is it compared to its competitors?
And do we make stuff like this beast from Raytheon?

Well, the ESR-32A is based off an American radar that was far ahead of compared to Soviet/Chinese radars back in the 80s and 90s. It is an upgraded system, but is still relatively behind other countries radars because Egypt is new at this. Nothing comparable to that Raytheon system yet, but apparently a 450km radar is being developed.

This is a new radar shown in Benha factory in April 2020. It seems to be a short range radar. Again, this is not the ESR-32A.

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