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Egyptian Armed Forces

Yeah it is ample time that Egypt cooperates with South Africa on missile projects, they have a lot to offer. A2A missile should be the focus, while UAE develope A2G missiles.

I am hopeful i see some progress has started to be made on that to at the EDEX 2020 exhibition this upcoming December. I have been always been saying we need to develop and build advanced air to air missiles on our own or with corporation with some other country.
Wish that Egypt can get ToT for Buyan-M 1000 ton Corvette with 300km LACM Kalibr, and Oniks anti ship missile. Only country willing to provide LACM from a naval platform to Egypt.

This is what Egypt is going to get ToT for:

Project 21631 Buyan-M


And maybe the project 22160 ..too..

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This was during "Houras exercises" in 2015

Thank you, ma bro. That was the one I was looking for but for some reason I didn't think the EAF was in that pic with one of their 2000s but one of the 2-seat Mirage Vs. But it was my mistake because I was thinking of this pic with the Jordanian AF and a super rare glimpse of one of our 2-seat Mirage V DD I believe. Thanks again, ma bro.


I thought this was even older than 2019 when they were interested in the Buyan Class ships, and getting the gifted Molina was the result of the engagement of interest if I recall that correctly because I remember being a little excited when the were talking about it and they came back with the Molina and so we figured things must've went really well and soon enough we'll hear of a deal for a couple Buyans but it never materialized.
Also, @Gomig-21 let's hope that Egyptian airforce will acquire and be able to integrate UAE/South African Tariq cruise missile development shown last year. Supposedly has 200km range at least, so that asset will help bridge the gap between Scalp and other weapons in Egyptian inventory. It will be developed to 300km according to engineers to comply with MTCR.

For the longest time, I've been advocating 2 items for the local production teams (whomever they are whether AOI or even private firms that get security clearance which is a whole other issue in of itself) and only these two to really concentrate on because they are essentially the future of warfare, at least one of them and the other is to make up for the deficiencies we have as a result of the Israeli QME imposed on us and they are, UAVs of all type and missiles of all types. The former would be from small drones all the way up to large, long-distance UCAVs and the latter from small, ATGMs to the latest and greatest in A2A missiles. These seem like no-brainers since unmanned combat vehicles will be the future of military aviation and missiles will only be improving to get better and better to take down those UAVs. Those two items are what I've been advocating for the EGY industry to get into and get involved in creating the best of the best out of them.

A perfect example of someone doing this already is the UAE with their superb UAV that carries 8 missiles internally. I mean, this is where it's at plus the missiles they're involved in with SA etc. Really moving in the right direction in a timely fashion and I also think we will. Let's not forget we're only 7 years after the 2nd revolution and the priority was really to modernize the military forces which Sisi and the miliary has done in an incredible fashion and I truly believe we will start seeing these development projects really kick into high gear in the next few years ISA.


Hello there and welcome to the forum! Yes, you are correct. This Su-35 is Egyptian and was spotted in eastern Russia. Speaking about planes, the EAF needs to get a photographer. Does anyone here know anything about the F-16 upgrades? I’ve came across this patch lately.

Second thing - I found this photo recently; AlJazeera claimed that the aircrafts were gone after the President visited it, but did anyone in AJ wonder what is the purpose of the 20+ shelters in Sidi Barrani?! This is the product of being biased, you get to have the ones with good knowledge laugh :disagree:. I can also confirm at least one E2C Hawkeye is in Mersa Matruh Air Base.

Who's the fella wearing that upgrade detached squadron patch? Is that an American fella or Egyptian and where was it taken? Need more info if possible.

I was going to ask the ambassador on his twitter feed what the upgrade entailed, but I never followed through with it lol.
Yes, the pilot is Egyptian

Also, maybe we should cooperate with the British nowadays concerning land warfare and CAS, BAE has a good (and underrated) project like:

This said, Egypt should put effort in avionics instead of design. If only experience of the AOI was used in the 90s era we wouldn’t have this conversation now - for knowledge, the AOI was assembling J-6s, Alpha jets, Gazelles and manufactured F-16 and Mirage 2000’s parts which was good for its time. Egypt should have no problem joining the UAE’s excellent UAV programs and munition.

Can anyone tell what rifles Egypt produce? I know we use the AK-74s for its good performance in desert climate but is that it?
Perfect partner for that is Denel, they are running out of money and seem desperate for funds. They have a HUGE missile product line. They will allow local production, and ToT with the deals, UAE made 5000 Tariqs as of last year. Integration on platforms platforms as well.

Long range BVR missile, 100km range it would be better then all missiles in service and could replace them on Mirages, Rafales, and maybe but unlikely the Russian platforms.

SAM and WVR A2A missile and the two in the back are ATGMs
Perfect partner for that is Denel, they are running out of money and seem desperate for funds. They have a HUGE missile product line. They will allow local production, and ToT with the deals, UAE made 5000 Tariqs as of last year. Integration on platforms platforms as well.

Long range BVR missile, 100km range it would be better then all missiles in service and could replace them on Mirages, Rafales, and maybe but unlikely the Russian platforms.

SAM and WVR A2A missile and the two in the back are ATGMs

That is a good idea actually, and they could be integrated on the fleet of mirage 2000s currently in service and that even on the Rafales which would add up to how lethal these jets could get. There things look really good too. I hope to hear some time soon about a South African, UAE and Egyptian joint venture for developing these kind of missiles.
Can anyone tell what rifles Egypt produce? I know we use the AK-74s for its good performance in desert climate but is that it?
Yes that is the only assault rifle Egypt produces, but at the factory 300 opening it had a lot of furniture on it that makes it look like a new rifle.

Maybe Egypt can cooperate with UAE to produce Caracal rifles in country. Probably better then most European rifles considering who their designers are.
I was going to say as well that one of the reasons Egypt might have brought the Su-35 Aircraft is because of the chances and possibility they would be able to integrate the Russian-Indian joint venture missile Brahmous on the planes like what was done on the Su-30MKI.

I came across this interesting video online as well.

Egypt Air Force to get SU-35 from Russia. Use min 5 types of fighter Jets. Clarification on Brahmos!

I was going to say as well that one of the reasons Egypt might have brought the Su-35 Aircraft is because of the chances and possibility they would be able to integrate the Russian-Indian joint venture missile Brahmous on the planes like what was done on the Su-30MKI.

I came across this interesting video online as well.

Egypt Air Force to get SU-35 from Russia. Use min 5 types of fighter Jets. Clarification on Brahmos!

That could be interesting if Egypt gets Brahmos for its aircraft. Egypt is also getting Oniks coastal batteries with 300km range so they could complement eachother.

I have thought that Egyptian navy should have bought dedicated anti ship helicopters to use off the Mistrals. Only way to beat modern ships in combat is to swarm dozens of missiles at it.
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That could be interesting if Egypt gets Brahmos for its aircraft. Egypt is also getting Oniks coastal batteries with 300km range so they could complement eachother.

I have thought that Egyptian navy should have bought dedicated anti ship helicopters to use off the Mistrals. Only way to beat modern ships in combat is to swarm dozens of missiles at it.

The Brahmos missile would be the best air launch missile platform it could probably find for the SU-35. It is both land and ship attack capable.
Which is why i was opting for the Russian Ka-52K since it is the only mistral dedicated attack helicopter that can fire anti ship missile but it is unclear at where the negotiations is going.

Isn't it the Bastion K-300P bastion complexes they are getting with a range of 300-350 km btw?
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Isn't it the Bastion K-300P bastion complexes they are getting with a range of 300-350 km btw?
Yes, but I think there needs to be another component to it and the Bal-E coastal defense system should be acquired to. The oniks missile is easy to intercept by large navies such as Turkish navy and others because NATO is geared towards it.
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