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Egyptian Armed Forces

$1 BILLION in weapons alone, and if that doesn't tell you 2 things, then you're not paying attention in that 1) either it's a TON of weapons and/or 2) the French are hosing us big time looool.

Even when you look at the SIPRI sheet for the Russian weapons on the MiG-35, they bought 300 R-73 and 300 R-77. That doesn't seem like a lot and one of the Russian fellas on another forum (because you won't get much info from the Russians on this forum that's for sure!) told me that typically the Russians will suggest that at the start and use up the 300 rounds for target practice and get your pilots really used to using them so they get very acclimated and have a lot of on-hands experience and then when the time is right, the 2nd batch you purchase is the one that you're going to use for real and then storage in hot environments like Egypt becomes very tricky and special buildings with certain cooling systems and heat exchangers etc, in them have to be built to accommodate and store them properly. It makes a lot of sense what those Russian fellas were saying.
Yes and there is a lot of excess electricity in Egypt so cooling storage is not a problem at all..
With France it is different.. it is mostly the 1).. you mentioned....Egyptian negotiators wanted to make sure they get a lot of missiles for both the Rafale and the FREMM.. since they were not totally sure of the US interventions in those deals .. so they wanted to get huge amounts of missiles (upping the Ante) but the deal went up to $7.2 billion Euros with a second FREMM.. note that the Price of a Fremm frigate is just around $500 million.. so imagine the quantity of weapons they wanted first.... just to make sure..

With Russia it is very different.. as the latter is very happy to have Egypt as a strategic partner in the region again.. and with Sisi wearing Putin's military jacket as a gift.. all Russian doors seem to be open for Egypt to just chose and get what it wants, in quality and quantity alike..
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So this is the 2nd source so far that states the Meteor is pretty much in Egypt's hands as well as the SCALPs, so there shouldn't be any more issues with those two items, but especially the Meteor missile. Good news. Finally Egypt has the best BVR missile available to date. This might be worth opening a new thread so everyone sees it and we put an end to Egypt not having the best BVR missiles out there.

Lookout for the R-37M possible coming with the Su-35. If we see the export version of that crazy long range A2A missile, that will seal the door very nicely.
The US isn’t a problem anymore, Meteors could well be in Egypt. Someone to trust said ‘Don’t expect to hear about the Meteors, they are undergoing testing that are early for its time’. R-37s? They are even easier to get than Meteors. But as always we are just ‘expecting’ delivery because no much information is revealed to the public about the EAF and to a lesser extent, the Egyptian Military. Foreign relations, photography and lobbies are needed! Hope they are a part of the 2030 Vision.

i am referring to overall headache for EAF to manage all these different types, with different training, different parts, different training for technicians , different Infrastructure for each aircraft and so on. Whichever way you can paint it, it is a logistical nightmare which the Brass has to deal with.
This is a repeated point that I want to discuss; Egypt does not make technicians work on more than a fighter jet, they are specified to a certain airframe and would only switch to another if the fleet of that particular airframe is reduced, along with new aircrafts are its own ground crews that work only on it. *Blasted*
Egyptian Rafales operate mainly from ‘Jebel El Basur’ AB, an airbase that has no permanent F-16 squadron. This airbase was modified for the Rafales. *Blasted*
Now, what doesn’t get blasted? Money that was spent and would have been saved. This is now in the past tense, over, done. The extra money that was spent for that is only a portion of what the Egyptian government saved when successful taxation took place along with other stuff that are not to be mentioned here.
This was well after the Indian MMRCA by quite a few years IIRC and Egypt was very interested in it and so they made the deal with Russia. Problem is, the exact aircraft they were publicizing wasn't actually available because a couple of the particular elements that made it officially the "MiG-35" were not ready and the main one being the AESA radar which was/is called the Zhuk-AE. In the meantime, they were equipping them with the Zhuk-ME which is a pulse doppler radar (the same one in the Indian MiG-29K slightly lesser range and lesser targets detected and prioritized at once and of course, the AESA factor which is a constantly changing frequency which makes it very difficult or almost impossible to jam) because the AESA radar wasn't (and still isn't ready). The other item that was to be a standard feature on the MiG-35 export version was the OLS-K which is essentially a built-in ground target designator. But instead of that, they offer the T-220 pod which does the same exact thing and is actually a better option because then you can use one pod and share all the info to a slew of other fighters etc. You can see the OLS-K in the pic below, it's that glass bulb under the fuselage.
Well it’s a hybrid between the MiG-29 and the MiG-35, some systems are to be finalized and tested, when done Egypt will upgrade them. (Because there is no obstacle)
I was going to explain to a long-standing member here about this patch and what it represents, which is rather significant because it was brought on and created from the lessons of 1956 & 1967, as well as 1973 to a certain extent, but I decided not to because that individual's mind was clearly made up and based on so much lack of knowledge of not only the correct details of the history, but an inherent lack of wanting to learn and understand. The latter was a much stronger sentiment that I think runs rampant in many people and is a fascinating thing to understand, even though it's truly a shame.

The Rapid Deployment Forces patch.


Egypt sending medical supplies including PPEs and masks to Yemen to assist in fighting the corona virus.


EAF Airbase in western Egypt very very busy lately. Can anyone identify all the aircraft? The jets are pretty easy but that transport/cargo is a bit tough.



I was going to explain to a long-standing member here about this patch and what it represents, which is rather significant because it was brought on and created from the lessons of 1956 & 1967, as well as 1973 to a certain extent, but I decided not to because that individual's mind was clearly made up and based on so much lack of knowledge of not only the correct details of the history, but an inherent lack of wanting to learn and understand. The latter was a much stronger sentiment that I think runs rampant in many people and is a fascinating thing to understand, even though it's truly a shame.

The Rapid Deployment Forces patch.


Egypt sending medical supplies including PPEs and masks to Yemen to assist in fighting the corona virus.


EAF Airbase in western Egypt very very busy lately. Can anyone identify all the aircraft? The jets are pretty easy but that transport/cargo is a bit tough.




8 Rafale, 5 MiG-29M2 and 1 F-16 fighter

And probably one C-130 .
8 Rafale, 5 MiG-29M2 and 1 F-16 fighter

And probably one C-130 .

If you look at the first pic on the top and the two aircraft at the top right which look like they have shiny silver drop tanks, those appear to be Mirage 2K, also with pointy delta wing ends unlike the Rafales which have wingtip rails and look fatter? And that cargo does it look like it has only 1 set of props instead of 2 like the Hercules?

Thanks for the cool post. I didn't even know our fleet of C-130s had aircraft in it that were from 1978! Probably because of that exact reason mentioned in that they certainly take care of them very well and you can't tell that some of them are that old. That's pretty much the reason why most of us Egyptians balk at the mention of "oh what a logistical and maintenance nightmare all these aircraft are gonna be" lol.

Any idea what they're doing in Bangladesh?
Here Are The First Photos Of Egypt’s New Su-35 “Super Flankers”


Check out the first line in that article:

The first photos of factory-fresh Egyptian Air Force Sukhoi Su-35SE Flankers have been captured, apparently, as the first batch of jets was on a delivery flight to North Africa.

So they're "factory fresh" unlike that blatant lie from that "unmentionable disgrace" who tried to claim they were taken out of used VVS stock lol. There should be some kind of forum penalty for knowingly spreading false information like that. What a disgrace.

The other part is the obvious traveling to Egypt. If you look at that picture in the article, you can see the squarish (what I would safely assume is) the Egyptian flag on the vertical stabilizer (or tail) that is simply painted over with the camo paint and probably has a plastic stickum on it that they peel off later to expose the flag. But the square shilouette or pattern is clearly visible, so it's quite possible that they're on their way to Egypt with several stops in "certain" countries for refueling. The lack of drop tanks and no mention of an A2A refueling platform is pretty interesting in of itself.
Check out the first line in that article:

The first photos of factory-fresh Egyptian Air Force Sukhoi Su-35SE Flankers have been captured, apparently, as the first batch of jets was on a delivery flight to North Africa.

So they're "factory fresh" unlike that blatant lie from that "unmentionable disgrace" who tried to claim they were taken out of used VVS stock lol. There should be some kind of forum penalty for knowingly spreading false information like that. What a disgrace.

The other part is the obvious traveling to Egypt. If you look at that picture in the article, you can see the squarish (what I would safely assume is) the Egyptian flag on the vertical stabilizer (or tail) that is simply painted over with the camo paint and probably has a plastic stickum on it that they peel off later to expose the flag. But the square shilouette or pattern is clearly visible, so it's quite possible that they're on their way to Egypt with several stops in "certain" countries for refueling. The lack of drop tanks and no mention of an A2A refueling platform is pretty interesting in of itself.
Yes..and Egyptian pilots were training on them for over 2 years..at least I heard that two or three years ago..
Yes..and Egyptian pilots were training on them for over 2 years..at least I heard that two or three years ago..

Another new pic of the EAF's new Su-35SE which in itself is an interesting designation where the E is most likely...........wait for it......................Egypt? lol :enjoy:

I think they're calling these the "Nile Osprey". Osprey is an incredible, fish-catching bird of prey that is neither a falcon, hawk or eagle and is in it's own raptor classification by itself, in between a hawk and an eagle.

Notice the rudders flanking outwards on both V-stabs for additional braking.


Quite exciting news with Egypt's acquisition of the Su-35s.

About the M-346s, yeah maybe for the air force for LIFT, but i was thinking as a Egyptian navy platform operating from coastal cities they would be great for anti ship missions with the Marte ER missile. Not sure if the Egyptian navy actually needs it but it would be a good asset.



Egypt is developing radars but nothing major about electronic warfare yet. They are related to each other somewhat but let's hope Egyptian engineers will show something new at EDEX 2020.
Quite exciting news with Egypt's acquisition of the Su-35s.

Buddy, it's more exciting that you're back! Forget about the Su-35s man, they don't come close to having PHILIP THE ARAB back on this crazy *** board! :yahoo:

About the M-346s, yeah maybe for the air force for LIFT, but i was thinking as a Egyptian navy platform operating from coastal cities they would be great for anti ship missions with the Marte ER missile. Not sure if the Egyptian navy actually needs it but it would be a good asset.



I hope they go through with that Italian mega deal that includes the 24 of these and they can use them any way they want. I would think because of the slew of super modern aircraft that are now part of the EAF from the MiG-35s to the Rafales and now the Su-35 (heck even the F-16s to a certain extent) that it would be good to use these as trainers because of their advanced state. They would work well for cadets who now don't have to train on antiquated K-8s or Alpha Jets etc. They train on these which will give them much more of a taste of a modern cockpit to set them up for whichever of the main platforms they end up flying.
Buddy, it's more exciting that you're back! Forget about the Su-35s man, they don't come close to having PHILIP THE ARAB back on this crazy *** board! :yahoo:

I hope they go through with that Italian mega deal that includes the 24 of these and they can use them any way they want. I would think because of the slew of super modern aircraft that are now part of the EAF from the MiG-35s to the Rafales and now the Su-35 (heck even the F-16s to a certain extent) that it would be good to use these as trainers because of their advanced state. They would work well for cadets who now don't have to train on antiquated K-8s or Alpha Jets etc. They train on these which will give them much more of a taste of a modern cockpit to set them up for whichever of the main platforms they end up flying.
Yeah, let's hope this deal pans out.

Now about your idea with Alexandria shipyard producing Egyptian ships. Maybe instead a joint Arab ship to develop at first a FAC and then moving into bigger ships with mostly indigenous electronics. With the Saudi, and Egyptian radars and electronics and Hazem CMS it could certainly be a possibility. Now there is also the UAE which can in theory develop a anti ship variant of the Tariq cruise missile in a ground launched variant for anti ship use, it would look a hell of a lot similar to the RBS-15.
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