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Egyptian Armed Forces

No more need to the Americans thanks to our leadership. Let them do their best to satisfy their one or two slaves in the region. We must strengthen our relations with Russia and la Republique Francaise to the maximum, and I’m pretty sure we will get the Su-57 once they are ready.
In fact it’s more Americans with less overall influence, Egypt have signed the CISMOA thus Egypt is already getting F-16 upgrades using the US aid of 2020. This said Egypt is destined to have a better F-16 fleet while being fully independent with its Su-35s, MiG-29M2s and Rafales. Not sure if the CISMOA ties our M1 Abrams but we are also going to license build T-90s (the US can’t monitor that) and thanks to the French we now have our western datalink merged with the Russian datalink.
Very good moves from Sisi , could US put sanctions ?
I don’t think that’s a probable but the chance is there, keep in mind the CAATSA wasn’t a thing when we started negotiating for the Su-35.
EAF may just want to check out the Aegian M2K ops, they can easily form the Vanguard for future operations.
HAF has their very best pilots on the -5EG which forms about a sqn.

Considering the EAF Rafales already have the deadly MICA IR and MBDA has a roadmap for the NG variant, it will be a great investment.
If you are interested, Air Forces Monthly covered the HAF M2K-5EG a month or two ago which is a great read.
The EAF/HAF ties are the strongest the EAF has got.

Even naval wise both Egypt and Greece exercise together, thanks for inviting us to the Aegean Sea!

That said, it would seem that those platforms -- including the Su-34 -- have dedicated ECM aircraft where those have the pods permanently attached to them since they've been wired and have all the necessary internals to make use of them (which is not a small task) and then there are the others with pylons that are strictly fighting platforms. In other words, it's kind of the same concept as the EA-18G Growler. One aircraft is permanently set up that way for ECM warfare while the others get fed information from that one aircraft as the the ECM warfare it's pushing out and what it's causing out there to help the rest of the flight squadron. Just MO until there is an actual source that tells us the pods are interchangeable which I really don't think they are. Sorry about being stubborn lol. What I would like to do is get a hold of one of those brochures on that rack next to the pods in that picture!
No, the ECM pod is removable, but another wingtip pylon is needed to carry an A-A missile.
Very nice. So the first 5 are ready or being tested and we still don't see any with the wingtip ECM pods, so maybe those are still to come or that's a removable and attachable item? Not sure yet.

Pretty much the same color as the MiG-35s it seems. Here's the TASS source. https://vk.com/wall-164496481_475

It can be avenue for maybe some later Egypt India cooperation...specifically with DARE lab if you looking to indigenize this crucial stuff long term.

You might find this interesting read:

EAF may just want to check out the Aegian M2K ops, they can easily form the Vanguard for future operations.
HAF has their very best pilots on the -5EG which forms about a sqn.
Considering the EAF Rafales already have the deadly MICA IR and MBDA has a roadmap for the NG variant, it will be a great investment.
If you are interested, Air Forces Monthly covered the HAF M2K-5EG a month or two ago which is a great read.

That's great. The EAF and HAF participate in a lot of exercises together every year. Most of them are interoperability exercises that include naval, airborne and airforce assets in a joint exercise but yeah, they've done some "closed doors" strictly air force stuff a few times but I personally would like to see the EAF broaden their training scope into a much wider format instead of being so secretive about their stuff and keeping a lot of the intricate capabilities in house only. For example, the US has invited the EAF to several exercises, in the US and in Egypt and it involved some of the pretty heavy duty training simulations that they do at Red Flag and stuff like that but the EAF just doesn't trust the US to end up sharing info with our cousins to the northeast. Their paranoia is intense and so they limited the exercises to events such as Bright Star where there's some intricate stuff like JTAC training and things of that sort, but nothing beyond that.

They've taken the last batch of 24 F-16 block 52s and split them in 2 squadrons, one of which is an aggressor squadron and takes on all the others in training. The pilots who are involved in that squadron are the ones with 2000 hours and stuff of that sorts that have been flying the F-16 for decades lol. But I've always hoped to see them get into something of that intensity with other AFs, especially the US, but whenever they do, it's mostly basic stuff with the exception of the occasional JTAC exercises.

What I would also like to see them do -- depending on this highly anticipated mystery upgrade we're all waiting to see happen to the fleet of F-16s if it's anything like we expect it to be....ehemm......lol, then it would be nice to see the EAF start doing things like our excellent friends the Greeks do with their F-16s -- is integrating the terrific IRIS-T missile to their vipers. This is one of the reasons why I'm actually rooting for the Typhoons more so than more Rafales, because the availability of other weapons platforms (as well as other systems even) that can be procured through the Italians INCLUDING the Meteor missile and then very possibly integrating some of these great weapons or ECM systems onto the EAF F-16s. That would be amazing. If the Typhoon comes, it would come with the IRIS-T missile as its main missile and eventually the Meteor and now imagine the EAF which only had the AIM-9P Sparrow missile, now has the choice to fire the AIM-120C-5/7, the IRIS-T or the Meteor missile. It'd be like going from rags to riches overnight LMFAO. :enjoy: So nothing would be lost by going with the Typhoon and in reality, a lot more would be gained by going that way IMO. I think it's a much better choice but I'm pretty sure a lot of my compatriots here on this thread would disagree with me.

Here's what I'm talking about with the awesome Greeks and what they did with their F-16s!? Using the AIM-120 accompanied by the integrated deadly IRIS-T. Of course the Americans would have to be on board and sanction it along with their source codes, but if the upgrade coming up is what we anticipate it to be and the AIM-120 is finally on board, then the ski's the limit after that.


BTW, a quick question for you - did the IAF obtain the Meteor already prior to the delivery of the Rafales? Did they arrive last week or something like that along with the SCALPs? Or was that a phony rumor I heard?

....... and thanks to the French we now have our western datalink merged with the Russian datalink.

Can you expound on that data link a little bit more? Which data link did the French help us merge the Russian aircraft with our western ones? Are you referring to LINK-16 that is used on the Rafale as well as the F-16s and the French tweaked it to work with the new MiG-35s and eventually the Su-35? Or is this a different link band completely? This I'd love to hear about! :-)

The EAF/HAF ties are the strongest the EAF has got.

Even naval wise both Egypt and Greece exercise together, thanks for inviting us to the Aegean Sea!

You know those Egyptian Mirage 2000s are 40 years old!!!!!!!! If you stop and think about that for a minute, you realize their longevity and looking and performing the way they still do is a true testament to the Egyptian maintenance and especially the overhaul depot that is always pulling those things apart and changing all the wiring and replacing the engines and doing complete overhauls on those jets. Really remarkable that they're 40 years old and still highly sought after.

Speaking of the Hellenic stuff, how about a nice close-up of an EAF Apache loaded with hellfires and ready to take fry up some crispy erdogan mercenaries! lol


No, the ECM pod is removable, but another wingtip pylon is needed to carry an A-A missile.

As much as I would love to say "ok, I believe you" and I would do it, but then I would be dishonest and that's not me. No knock on you, my friend. I just like to see some valid sources that show undisputed proof that is the case. Anyone can say Yes or No or Maybe, but without a viable source, it's too difficult to be convinced simply off someone's word. In this case, it looks like too much of an item to be interchangeable simply via a pylon change.

On every single aircraft out there, the wingtip pylons or pod attachments are almost always permanent fixtures. Just like the EA-18G Growler I mentioned that essentially uses the same pods. Those things are on there all the time and the under-wing pylons are the ones that carry the variety of weapons or are interchanged for different types of weapons.

Plus you have to factor in the hardware and software systems beyond the pods. What makes them work internally in the aircraft itself is much more complex to be something that they would install on every single Su-35 or 34 and sometimes use it or sometime not. That I highly doubt as it's not a simple system where there is probably a significant amount of hardware inside the cockpit for that ECM system to be operated and the pilot to use and be able to work, accompanied by a most complex series of software and displays etc. This just doesn't seem like it would be something that easily and frequently interchangeable.

It can be avenue for maybe some later Egypt India cooperation...specifically with DARE lab if you looking to indigenize this crucial stuff long term.

You might find this interesting read:


That's awesome. So they said they'd be fully functional by 2019 and that you'd start seeing them on some of the MKIs by then, have they gotten there yet or not? Would love to see a pic of that and you're right, that really is the way to ultimately go. Build your own systems and make them to your own specs. In our case, it's an item that comes with the Su-35S as opposed to one that never really came with the Su-30MKI and the description of the way it made the aircraft handle after fitting one of the Russian ones on was hilarious. I can see that, actually. Good stuff.
Already here, MBDA released the image very recently hinting at the same.

So just that image and some hinting or was there an official statement released? I'm just curious because of a couple of reasons - 1) is that image could be just indicating what the munitions will eventually be and I'm wondering why there aren't any HAMMER AASMs? Unless you didn't order those but I would think those are a definite but they chose to show the SCALPs and the MICAs and the Meteor and ran out of room for the AASM and 2) If India did in fact already get the Meteor and Egypt is still on the waiting list, then we need to have a talk with the French and see what the heck is going on there! lol.
So just that image and some hinting or was there an official statement released? I'm just curious because of a couple of reasons - 1) is that image could be just indicating what the munitions will eventually be and I'm wondering why there aren't any HAMMER AASMs? Unless you didn't order those but I would think those are a definite but they chose to show the SCALPs and the MICAs and the Meteor and ran out of room for the AASM and 2) If India did in fact already get the Meteor and Egypt is still on the waiting list, then we need to have a talk with the French and see what the heck is going on there! lol.
AASM was not part of the deal but news reports from today say that orders have been placed so they may arrive in 12-24 months.
Regarding the weapons, I doubt we may see any press release officially.
IAF has historically been quiet on weapons/sensors.
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As much as I would love to say "ok, I believe you" and I would do it, but then I would be dishonest and that's not me. No knock on you, my friend. I just like to see some valid sources that show undisputed proof that is the case. Anyone can say Yes or No or Maybe, but without a viable source, it's too difficult to be convinced simply off someone's word. In this case, it looks like too much of an item to be interchangeable simply via a pylon change.

On every single aircraft out there, the wingtip pylons or pod attachments are almost always permanent fixtures. Just like the EA-18G Growler I mentioned that essentially uses the same pods. Those things are on there all the time and the under-wing pylons are the ones that carry the variety of weapons or are interchanged for different types of weapons.

Plus you have to factor in the hardware and software systems beyond the pods. What makes them work internally in the aircraft itself is much more complex to be something that they would install on every single Su-35 or 34 and sometimes use it or sometime not. That I highly doubt as it's not a simple system where there is probably a significant amount of hardware inside the cockpit for that ECM system to be operated and the pilot to use and be able to work, accompanied by a most complex series of software and displays etc. This just doesn't seem like it would be something that easily and frequently interchangeable.
Here they call those wingtip pylons..wingtip rails

"In terms of hardpoints, more is better. More specifically, we’ll go for the extra underwing hardpoints introduced in the 90s. The Russians wanted to facilitate the use of wingtip jamming pods like the Knirti SAP-518. But, those lose the wingtip rails, so Sukhoi added an extra pair of underwing hardpoints to take the short-range AAMs that would normally go on the wingtips. So, our Flankers will have a total of fourteen hardpoints: two wingtip, four under each wing, and four under the fuselage. "

In fact it’s more Americans with less overall influence, Egypt have signed the CISMOA thus Egypt is already getting F-16 upgrades using the US aid of 2020. This said Egypt is destined to have a better F-16 fleet while being fully independent with its Su-35s, MiG-29M2s and Rafales. Not sure if the CISMOA ties our M1 Abrams but we are also going to license build T-90s (the US can’t monitor that) and thanks to the French we now have our western datalink merged with the Russian datalink.

We need no more things if our F-16’s are really upgraded to latest standards after signing CISMOA. We have the 4th largest F-16 fleet in the world, but I think Israel is the problem not just CISMOA. Then, we will have only to increase the numbers of Rafales/EFT and SU35’s gradually to at least 100 of each of them until we totally depend on them, even the Chinese are more trusted than the Americans when it comes to Egypt, but let us see what kind of upgrade we can get for the F-16’s. We have +20 block52 with CFT, but too much more is required.

What about Egypt getting the Emiraiti Mirage2000-9? It will add another strong fleet from Mirage 2000 fighters to the EAF & increases the number of current Egyptian Mirages.
We need no more things if our F-16’s are really upgraded to latest standards after signing CISMOA. We have the 4th largest F-16 fleet in the world, but I think Israel is the problem not just CISMOA. Then, we will have only to increase the numbers of Rafales/EFT and SU35’s gradually to at least 100 of each of them until we totally depend on them, even the Chinese are more trusted than the Americans when it comes to Egypt, but let us see what kind of upgrade we can get for the F-16’s. We have +20 block52 with CFT, but too much more is required.

I'd like to know more about this French help in merging our western data link (which is Link-16) with our Russian aircraft that our friend @ARCH٤R mentioned but still hasn't explained! That's some interesting stuff.

@Lord Of Gondor , the fellow who wrote this book "Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation" - Hindering the Spread of a New Class of Weapons mentions something rather interesting! Check this paragraph out.


https://books.google.com.sa/books?i...f Weapons meteor missile egypt qatar&f=false

Talking to some other guys on another forum about how disgusted I am at the way Egypt gets treated when it comes to buying state of the art weapons etc. and I mentioned the Meteor and one of the members says to me that Egypt already has the meteor and quotes this book. He says that a lot of this stuff gets done in secrecy or they don't announce it because of the sensitivity of the weapons or because of reactions towards those countries and certain issues with human rights etc. Not sure what to think about this. I suppose it's quite plausible and maybe someday we'll see the meteor missile hanging off of an Egyptian Rafale or even a Saudi Typhoon.
I'd like to know more about this French help in merging our western data link (which is Link-16) with our Russian aircraft that our friend @ARCH٤R mentioned but still hasn't explained! That's some interesting stuff.

@Lord Of Gondor , the fellow who wrote this book "Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation" - Hindering the Spread of a New Class of Weapons mentions something rather interesting! Check this paragraph out.


https://books.google.com.sa/books?id=H7I3DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA55&lpg=PA55&dq=Hypersonic+Missile+Nonproliferation:+Hindering+the+Spread+of+a+New+Class+of+Weapons++meteor+missile+egypt+qatar&source=bl&ots=aa31o4qydb&sig=ACfU3U04E49PdIS5_fIFEMDPUyOHD_1wBg&hl=ar&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdqenWuOTqAhWi4IUKHQvVCiYQ6AEwBXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of a New Class of Weapons meteor missile egypt qatar&f=false

Talking to some other guys on another forum about how disgusted I am at the way Egypt gets treated when it comes to buying state of the art weapons etc. and I mentioned the Meteor and one of the members says to me that Egypt already has the meteor and quotes this book. He says that a lot of this stuff gets done in secrecy or they don't announce it because of the sensitivity of the weapons or because of reactions towards those countries and certain issues with human rights etc. Not sure what to think about this. I suppose it's quite plausible and maybe someday we'll see the meteor missile hanging off of an Egyptian Rafale or even a Saudi Typhoon.

Might just be order date when rafale +weapons package was announced and sealed etc....thus "exported" in a sense.

Coz there is no effective way to have meteor deployed on another platform IAF etc did not get MBDA to work an integration for.
Might just be order date when rafale +weapons package was announced and sealed etc....thus "exported" in a sense.

Coz there is no effective way to have meteor deployed on another platform IAF etc did not get MBDA to work an integration for.

I think we'll find out very soon because I have the feeling that the first few shots of Indian Rafales loaded with amunition will be fully loaded and hence, would have the complete package and they won't hesitate to show the Meteor if in fact it has been delivered. Then we'll just have to wait and see if such a thing has happened to the EAF's Rafales and according to that book, if there's any truth to that. I suppose all it would take is one of those 4 nations to show a pic, either Qatar or Saudiya and then we can probably give that article full acknowledgment.

In the meantime, I heard India has requested the AASM HAMMERs as an emergency purchase. Those things are some pretty decent standoff smart bombs and could easily have been used in Libya several times, including recent strikes against valuable targets.

It looks like they use the same or similar one-man fork-lifter to lift the MICAs and AASMs into place.




And from what I've found out, you only need one aircraft with a Talios targeting pod to work for all aircraft in flight. How many at once remains to be found out.


Some more pics.

Egypt apparently has 108 Wing Loong UCAVs. That's a pretty good number of drones and that doesn't include all the other types it operates. It has had great success with this specific type, though.





ENS Anwar El Sadat with the Spanish Juan Carlos.

Another neat pic of El Sadat because of the visibility of the bulbous bow through the water at the front keel.


Hopefully soon we'll see the naval version of this killer attack helo along with the defensive CIWS armament to go on these great big ships.


They're certainly taking their time and as brilliant as the Avenger-equipped HUMVEEs idea has been, they still need a rapid-firing CIWS such as the Phalanx. This is just some great stuff!

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