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Egyptian Armed Forces

The only item singed for purchase AFTER CAATSA was the Su-35 contract. The rest from the MiG-35 to the Ka-52 and on backwards were all bought pre-CAATSA and so the US couldn't do anything about them because of that timing. That's why Pompeo the clown came out specifically only after the Su-35 signing which is why this is the one that will make or break the situation.

I say Typhoons because let's be honest, the French are finicky and they took out a lot of critical system from the Mistrals and left them naked without offering any alternatives and they could've pushed the meteor much sooner through MBDA just like they did for Sweden and their Gripen. So I suggested it's better to go with the Typhoon as Italy is making a TON OF $$$ off this deal and that's a good way to persuade them that if they wanted to include the Typhoon into the deal, then the Meteor must be part of it or it doesn't happen. Use it as leverage and I still think that despite the few issues, the Typhoon is a super astounding bird and the diversity it brings while incorporating them with the Rafales would be a deadly combination that would work fantastically.

Ordering them and actually receiving them are two different things, especially with our French friends. I don't feel good about getting them through France but then I look at the incredible deal the Italians are willing to give us and I think the meteor would be easily accompanied the Typhoon and the Italians would make sure of it more so than the French. Just MO from everything I've seen.
Bro..the S-35 deal was negotiates at the same time as the Migs.. it is an old deal.. 2015 when it was 24 Migs and some SU-X.. effected in 2018.. maybe before..
Bro..the S-35 deal was negotiates at the same time as the Migs.. it is an old deal.. 2015 when it was 24 Migs and some SU-X.. effected in 2018.. maybe before..

So according to most information out there about the Egyptian Su-35 deal with Russia, the initial request for the F-35 came long ago, even before the EAF decided to go to France and make a deal for the Rafales. So if the F-35 was requested way in the beginning, it was another one of Sisi's & co.'s brilliant maneuvering since they must've known with 99.999% certainty that the F-35 would be denied. And by requesting it and being denied as the first move in the modernization process, that pretty much shifted the pressure off of Egypt as far as being able to pursue other alternatives including Russian aircraft as well. If the US starts bitching and hemming and hawing, Egypt can just say "hey, we asked you for the F-35 and you gave us the middle finger. What do you expect us to do now? We don't want anymore F-16's without essential elements in them (particularly the comms moreso than BVR weapons but the latter too, of course) and if the essential elements will always be excluded -- despite us signing the CISMOA -- that means that any of the F-15s, be it the SE, XE XYZ or whatever wouldn't be appealing either."

That was just perfect the way Sisi handled that and so I think it all comes down to the timing of the Su-35 deal and when CAATSA was put into practice by the US.

According to timelines, this is as much as we know:
In March 2019, it was reported that Egypt would procure "over two dozen" Su-35s from Russia in a deal valued about $US2 billion, finalized in late 2018. Deliveries were expected to begin as early as 2020 or 2021. Deputy head of the Rosoboronexport Sergei Kornev denied the signing of any contract to supply Su-35s to Egypt. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Egypt against buying Su-35s, saying "...if those systems were to be purchased, the CAATSA statute would require sanctions on the regime."

On 19 May 2020, Russia began Su-35 production for Egypt

Look at all that crazy stuff lol.
- Negotiations were said to be concluded by late 2018
- The deal was reported in March 2019
- Sergei Kornev denies any signing of any contract to supply Egypt with Su-35s
- Pompeo threatens the CAATSA statute should those systems be purchased by Egypt.

So the timeline of signing the contract is key to know whether the US has a leg to stand on as far as the CAATSA statute and we simply don't know when that was for sure.

CAATSA was passed in the US senate and the orange baboon signed it into law on August 2, 2017. This is most likely way before any agreement was made between Russia & Egypt for the Su-35s and so that's why I'm thinking that we really have to wait and see if the US wants to push any sanctions against Egypt because I'm sure it doesn't want to put that kind of pressure as it sees Egypt being a vital ally in the stability of the region (particularly with Israel) and this would affect a lot of that. Also, I go back to Sisi's brilliant move of requesting the F-35 prior to starting any of the modernization process knowing it'll get denies and basically give him the green light and the leverage he needed. "We asked you for one of your better aircraft, you denied it to us and so we had no choice but to go elsewhere." Now he's protected by the laws of self defense and that any country can secure the weapons it needs to protect itself.

I think these few lines from this article's last paragraph pretty much describes the entire situation:

It began pursuing the recent Russian deal as well as French Rafale aircraft after Washington declined to sell Egypt F-35 fighter jets.

Last November, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper warned Egypt against concluding the purchase of Russia’s Sukhoi Su-35.

However, Cairo appears poised to proceed with the deal and will try to absorb the negative effects which the deal could have on its relationship with the US, knowing that Washington needs its security partnership with Egypt to promote stability in the Middle East.



Egypt, officially first client for the Sukhoi 35 in the MEA region
in North Africa 14/05/2020


CAIRO / N / AF / ROSOBORONEXPORT / 2018/10 (P / 1781811151143) as of 19/03/2018, This is the title of the contract between Egypt and Russia for the supply of a number of Su-35 fighters from Sukhoi to the Egyptian air forces.

This title appeared today on tender published today on the official Russian website Zakupki with a clear mention of the contract and the production plant that produces the Su-35. This internal call for tenders was launched for the supply of electronic and connector equipment for the completion of the contract with Egypt.

The Egyptian Air Force has ordered 26 Su-35 fighters despite threats of sanctions by the United States against it under the CAATSA law. Threats that have been largely overlooked by India and Turkey after the purchase of S-400 Air defense systems.

The aircraft with serial number 06411, which is currently being assembled at the JSC Sukhoi factory in Komsomolsk sur Amour in the Russian Far East, should be destined for Egypt and would be part of the first batch to be delivered before the end of this year 2020.


Egyptian military aviation has experienced a major qualitative leap in recent years with the purchase of Rafales and Mig-29m2 and with negotiations for the acquisition of Leonardo’s M-346 advanced training aircraft. With this purchase, Egypt has taken a step closer to aerial domination in the middle-eastern region and for the first time acquires a very long range and long endurance fighter aircraft.


You know, @The SC , the Italian mega contract is equally as important in the grand scheme of all this modernization and particularly with the Leonardo M-346 advanced trainer aircraft because the current training is mostly done on also older aircraft, going from the Grob to the K-8 to the L-59E and then possibly Alpha Jets as well as moving into the F-16 for a few flights even if their eventual AC is a different model just to familiarize themselves with some of the latest avionics and this makes that M-346 Aermacchi a very attractive element in all of this as the academy needs a newer, state of the art trainer with the latest avionics etc. to teach the cadets and get them that much further in the process of readiness for their final spot.

That was why we kept hearing a potential contract with the Russian Yak 130 and how close they were to signing a deal for that trainer a couple of years ago. But now that Italy (or maybe even Egypt requesting that specific aircraft) adding 24 of them into the mega deal has become a must in order to maximize the potential of all these acquisitions. What do you think, sir? And @Amun & @ARCH٤R & @Philip the Arab?

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So according to most information out there about the Egyptian Su-35 deal with Russia, the initial request for the F-35 came long ago, even before the EAF decided to go to France and make a deal for the Rafales. So if the F-35 was requested way in the beginning, it was another one of Sisi's & co.'s brilliant maneuvering since they must've known with 99.999% certainty that the F-35 would be denied. And by requesting it and being denied as the first move in the modernization process, that pretty much shifted the pressure off of Egypt as far as being able to pursue other alternatives including Russian aircraft as well. If the US starts bitching and hemming and hawing, Egypt can just say "hey, we asked you for the F-35 and you gave us the middle finger. What do you expect us to do now? We don't want anymore F-16's without essential elements in them (particularly the comms moreso than BVR weapons but the latter too, of course) and if the essential elements will always be excluded -- despite us signing the CISMOA -- that means that any of the F-15s, be it the SE, XE XYZ or whatever wouldn't be appealing either."

That was just perfect the way Sisi handled that and so I think it all comes down to the timing of the Su-35 deal and when CAATSA was put into practice by the US.

According to timelines, this is as much as we know:
In March 2019, it was reported that Egypt would procure "over two dozen" Su-35s from Russia in a deal valued about $US2 billion, finalized in late 2018. Deliveries were expected to begin as early as 2020 or 2021. Deputy head of the Rosoboronexport Sergei Kornev denied the signing of any contract to supply Su-35s to Egypt. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Egypt against buying Su-35s, saying "...if those systems were to be purchased, the CAATSA statute would require sanctions on the regime."

On 19 May 2020, Russia began Su-35 production for Egypt

Look at all that crazy stuff lol.
- Negotiations were said to be concluded by late 2018
- The deal was reported in March 2019
- Sergei Kornev denies any signing of any contract to supply Egypt with Su-35s
- Pompeo threatens the CAATSA statute should those systems be purchased by Egypt.

So the timeline of signing the contract is key to know whether the US has a leg to stand on as far as the CAATSA statute and we simply don't know when that was for sure.

CAATSA was passed in the US senate and the orange baboon signed it into law on August 2, 2017. This is most likely way before any agreement was made between Russia & Egypt for the Su-35s and so that's why I'm thinking that we really have to wait and see if the US wants to push any sanctions against Egypt because I'm sure it doesn't want to put that kind of pressure as it sees Egypt being a vital ally in the stability of the region (particularly with Israel) and this would affect a lot of that. Also, I go back to Sisi's brilliant move of requesting the F-35 prior to starting any of the modernization process knowing it'll get denies and basically give him the green light and the leverage he needed. "We asked you for one of your better aircraft, you denied it to us and so we had no choice but to go elsewhere." Now he's protected by the laws of self defense and that any country can secure the weapons it needs to protect itself.

I think these few lines from this article's last paragraph pretty much describes the entire situation:

It began pursuing the recent Russian deal as well as French Rafale aircraft after Washington declined to sell Egypt F-35 fighter jets.

Last November, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper warned Egypt against concluding the purchase of Russia’s Sukhoi Su-35.

However, Cairo appears poised to proceed with the deal and will try to absorb the negative effects which the deal could have on its relationship with the US, knowing that Washington needs its security partnership with Egypt to promote stability in the Middle East.



Egypt, officially first client for the Sukhoi 35 in the MEA region
in North Africa 14/05/2020


CAIRO / N / AF / ROSOBORONEXPORT / 2018/10 (P / 1781811151143) as of 19/03/2018, This is the title of the contract between Egypt and Russia for the supply of a number of Su-35 fighters from Sukhoi to the Egyptian air forces.

This title appeared today on tender published today on the official Russian website Zakupki with a clear mention of the contract and the production plant that produces the Su-35. This internal call for tenders was launched for the supply of electronic and connector equipment for the completion of the contract with Egypt.

The Egyptian Air Force has ordered 26 Su-35 fighters despite threats of sanctions by the United States against it under the CAATSA law. Threats that have been largely overlooked by India and Turkey after the purchase of S-400 Air defense systems.

The aircraft with serial number 06411, which is currently being assembled at the JSC Sukhoi factory in Komsomolsk sur Amour in the Russian Far East, should be destined for Egypt and would be part of the first batch to be delivered before the end of this year 2020.


Egyptian military aviation has experienced a major qualitative leap in recent years with the purchase of Rafales and Mig-29m2 and with negotiations for the acquisition of Leonardo’s M-346 advanced training aircraft. With this purchase, Egypt has taken a step closer to aerial domination in the middle-eastern region and for the first time acquires a very long range and long endurance fighter aircraft.


You know, @The SC , the Italian mega contract is equally as important in the grand scheme of all this modernization and particularly with the Leonardo M-346 advanced trainer aircraft because the current training is mostly done on also older aircraft, going from the Grob to the K-8 to the L-59E and then possibly Alpha Jets as well as moving into the F-16 for a few flights even if their eventual AC is a different model just to familiarize themselves with some of the latest avionics and this makes that M-346 Aermacchi a very attractive element in all of this as the academy needs a newer, state of the art trainer with the latest avionics etc. to teach the cadets and get them that much further in the process of readiness for their final spot.

That was why we kept hearing a potential contract with the Russian Yak 130 and how close they were to signing a deal for that trainer a couple of years ago. But now that Italy (or maybe even Egypt requesting that specific aircraft) adding 24 of them into the mega deal has become a must in order to maximize the potential of all these acquisitions. What do you think, sir? And @Amun & @ARCH٤R & @Philip the Arab?


The core subject for SU-35 .... is that Egypt actually asked for the F-35 .... Trump approved it .... but the Congress denied it..!
The core subject for SU-35 .... is that Egypt actually asked for the F-35 .... Trump approved it .... but the Congress denied it..!

The problem with this whole particular scenario is that I don't think many understand that the orange baboon doesn't have much of a saying in this matter. This is why the American system of governing is really one of the best in the world (I know many will disagree with that statement but it's true) in that even though anyone can really get elected if he or she can raise enough money and captivate enough people to get the right support and win one of the party nominations, even with all that and he or she becomes president, there are so many checks and balances that keep him or her from making certain decisions and one of those main checks and balances is the approval of high-end, sensitive American made military systems. He can promise Sisi the sun and the moon together in one box, but that's nothing but hot air coming out of his *** and we know who really allows it or disapproves it. And that's what happened with the F-35 and Egypt.

He might've done it to make himself look good to Sisi or since he's dumber than a stick of asparagus, he might've actually thought he had the power to do it but then found out he didn't lol. I think it's the latter since we see his dumbassery on a daily basis up here and that wouldn't shock me that he was too stupid to know that congress had to approve that deal and there was no way they were going to. Anyway, screw the F-35 imagine if they actually approved it without the AIM-120 and AIM-9x ppppfftttlllLLMFAO! oh ma goodness.

Nice shot of yet another Sa'ka Special Forces with Egyptian-made MRAP 4X4 APCs with a lot of versatility in the Temsah.

there are so many checks and balances that keep him or her from making certain decisions and one of those main checks and balances is the approval of high-end, sensitive American made military systems. He can promise Sisi the sun and the moon together in one box, but that's nothing but hot air coming out of his ***
Yes, this is the definition of lobbying, the US president in 1979 wanted to sell Egypt the F-15 and thought of delaying their delivery so that he doesn’t make the ‘pro-Israeli forces’ in the Congress upset. No one can deny Egypt’s need of a lobby, and like AIPAC or NIAC they should be registered as an internal lobby that calls for the rights of Egyptian Americans (while also calling for support to Egypt) which exceed 1 million in numbers. You could also think about the need of having the majority of the Congress members on your side at one time, as long as you get a minority in the Congress they’ll get voted out. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ta...east/articles/qatar-foreign-lobbying-campaign
The Qataris decided to go for a party rather than the Congress, like Iran and NIAC. Shall we do something similar we would be successful after all the QME isn’t an all out effort - if you can trick the US into signing such with you it’ll be awesome. Look at the Iranian nuclear deal! Everyone is bumping their heads into the wall now and the US lost the EU’s support all because NIAC defeated AIPAC years ago.
Yes, this is the definition of lobbying, the US president in 1979 wanted to sell Egypt the F-15 and thought of delaying their delivery so that he doesn’t make the ‘pro-Israeli forces’ in the Congress upset. No one can deny Egypt’s need of a lobby, and like AIPAC or NIAC they should be registered as an internal lobby that calls for the rights of Egyptian Americans (while also calling for support to Egypt) which exceed 1 million in numbers. You could also think about the need of having the majority of the Congress members on your side at one time, as long as you get a minority in the Congress they’ll get voted out. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ta...east/articles/qatar-foreign-lobbying-campaign
The Qataris decided to go for a party rather than the Congress, like Iran and NIAC. Shall we do something similar we would be successful after all the QME isn’t an all out effort - if you can trick the US into signing such with you it’ll be awesome. Look at the Iranian nuclear deal! Everyone is bumping their heads into the wall now and the US lost the EU’s support all because NIAC defeated AIPAC years ago.
View attachment 652267
Is that picture an ongoing program for Egyptian f 16s?
As Egypt is acquiring Rafaels and MiG-35s, and possible deal of license production of JF-17s. Will Egypt be open to selling it's 15 Mirage-2000s to any Muslim country?
Yes, this is the definition of lobbying, the US president in 1979 wanted to sell Egypt the F-15 and thought of delaying their delivery so that he doesn’t make the ‘pro-Israeli forces’ in the Congress upset.

The F-15? Are you sure about that? I remember the story being the F-5 not the F-15 and the US really pushing the F-5 and Sadat looking the other way until they started with the F-20 Tigershark which is -- as you probably very well know -- an improved version of the F-5 and Mubarak, being the Air Force general during the war and knowledgeable about the goings on told Sadat not to waiver from the F-16 and demand that aircraft and only that aircraft. Eventually the US kept pushing the F-20 Tigershark and that's when Sadat said the heck with you to the US and went out and bought the 20 Mirage 2000s that we still have till today. That was how they came to be in the EAF in such a low number, although there are fanatic rumors out there that the actual number of purchased Mirage 2Ks was 2 order of 20 units and the total is actually around 40 aircraft not including attrition rate.

But getting back to your point, I think you meant the F-5 which then turned into the F-20 Tigershark?

Here's the F-5 that was proposed to Egypt in Egyptian colors (I do believe that these ended up ether in Tunisia or Iran, one or the other) followed by the F-20 Tigershark.


Here's the Tigershark on the day the US did an exhibition flight in front of Sadat and Mubarak and other US and Egyptian dignitaries, also in EAF colors.


Shall we do something similar we would be successful after all the QME isn’t an all out effort - if you can trick the US into signing such with you it’ll be awesome.

Come on up. I'll pick you up at the airport and we'll get busy right away. We need Sisi's permission and plenty of $$$ for payroll and expenses since we'll need to stay at nice hotels in DC and we need several suits to look sharp etc. and all of that costs money. Sign the contract, bring a copy for me with you and I'll meet you at the airport. Let's get this going! :-)

Is that picture an ongoing program for Egyptian f 16s?

It's very possible. We know for sure there is an Egyptian F-16 "upgrade" of some kind coming up in the next few months but what it entails, we have no idea yet. Nor do we know if it will be affected by the arrival of the first batch of Su-35s.

As Egypt is acquiring Rafaels and MiG-35s, and possible deal of license production of JF-17s. Will Egypt be open to selling it's 15 Mirage-2000s to any Muslim country?

It all depends on how the next batch of delta/canard platform goes with either France or Italy. If France comes to terms on its offer for a new order of Rafales and the EAF can increase it's numbers by at least 48 aircraft (plus the current 23), then if it was up to me, I would cut a deal with Pakistan on the Mirage 2000s for sure. Those are actually in great shape as the EAF has babied them since they bought them.

But if the Rafale doesn't happen and say the Eurofighter Typhoon deal with Italy happens, I would be inclined to keep the 2Ks for a while longer. But that's just me.
https://books.google.com.eg/books?id=yGOsAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA146&dq=Egypt+F-15+pro+Israeli+Forces&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiyt-SImNrqAhWsDmMBHZEYAcIQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=Egypt F-15 pro Israeli Forces&f=false

Come on up. I'll pick you up at the airport and we'll get busy right away. We need Sisi's permission and plenty of $$$ for payroll and expenses since we'll need to stay at nice hotels in DC and we need several suits to look sharp etc. and all of that costs money. Sign the contract, bring a copy for me with you and I'll meet you at the airport. Let's get this going!

Well I’m no foreigner to Egyptian Americans, they on average have a good class in the US, and are making us proud by the day - same goes to the Egyptians in other western countries. Money should be supplied by the government (we reaped more than a 50 billion dollar increase in economy between 2018 and 2019) and I don’t think we’d need more than 2 Billion dollars. Sure it’s all for the country but they would have saved us money on the Su-35s at least. Also you mentioned me being offline for YEARS, I was too reluctant and uninformed about the Egyptian AirPower, now I’ve read books like Arab MiGs (Vol.6 to be precise) and Phoenix over the Nile which dramatically improved my knowledge for me to be qualified to discuss such matters based on knowledge and not bias.
I actually aim to Lobby the US in the future, too much to do tho. My list is... endless.

I have no idea where this guy Michael T. Klare got this history from!?! I've never heard of the F-15 being offered by the US during that period of time, late 70's early 80's during the shift of Egypt from the Soviet block to the US. Sadat might've requested it at some point but it was clear at the time that the US was only offering the F-5 which later they tried to sweeten to the F-20 (as you can clearly see in those pics and there is literature somewhere I'll have to find it) and even the F-4 Phantom while Sadat, being influenced by Mubarak insisted on the F-16 up to the point of frustration until he went out and ordered the 20 Mirage 2000s. That's why that number is really odd that it was only 20 because the US thought Sadat was bluffing and when they saw he made good on his threat, they immediately offered the F-16 to lure him back to camp.

I've never heard of the F-15 being in the mix whatsoever and I have no idea where this fellow gets that information from at all. I know that Egypt requested 12 F-15 Strike E in the late 1990's into the early 2000's and they were actually approved by Congress in the early stages, something like the House approved them but then Hillary started screaming about Egypt allowing the Chinese to take a close look at one of the EAF's F-16 as well as the Israelis jumping up and down screaming bloody murder that one it reached the Senate, it was shut down and never spoken of again. Fascinating stuff.

Look at us now, having come a long way where we're expecting the Su-35 to join the Rafales and MiG-35s. Man have times changed, ey?

Well I’m no foreigner to Egyptian Americans, they on average have a good class in the US, and are making us proud by the day - same goes to the Egyptians in other western countries. Money should be supplied by the government (we reaped more than a 50 billion dollar increase in economy between 2018 and 2019) and I don’t think we’d need more than 2 Billion dollars. Sure it’s all for the country but they would have saved us money on the Su-35s at least. Also you mentioned me being offline for YEARS, I was too reluctant and uninformed about the Egyptian AirPower, now I’ve read books like Arab MiGs (Vol.6 to be precise) and Phoenix over the Nile which dramatically improved my knowledge for me to be qualified to discuss such matters based on knowledge and not bias.
I actually aim to Lobby the US in the future, too much to do tho. My list is... endless.

Awesome stuff. We'll have to look out for you when you get to Washington!
The F-15? Are you sure about that? I remember the story being the F-5 not the F-15 and the US really pushing the F-5 and Sadat looking the other way until they started with the F-20 Tigershark which is -- as you probably very well know -- an improved version of the F-5 and Mubarak, being the Air Force general during the war and knowledgeable about the goings on told Sadat not to waiver from the F-16 and demand that aircraft and only that aircraft. Eventually the US kept pushing the F-20 Tigershark and that's when Sadat said the heck with you to the US and went out and bought the 20 Mirage 2000s that we still have till today. That was how they came to be in the EAF in such a low number, although there are fanatic rumors out there that the actual number of purchased Mirage 2Ks was 2 order of 20 units and the total is actually around 40 aircraft not including attrition rate.

But getting back to your point, I think you meant the F-5 which then turned into the F-20 Tigershark?

Here's the F-5 that was proposed to Egypt in Egyptian colors (I do believe that these ended up ether in Tunisia or Iran, one or the other) followed by the F-20 Tigershark.


Here's the Tigershark on the day the US did an exhibition flight in front of Sadat and Mubarak and other US and Egyptian dignitaries, also in EAF colors.


Come on up. I'll pick you up at the airport and we'll get busy right away. We need Sisi's permission and plenty of $$$ for payroll and expenses since we'll need to stay at nice hotels in DC and we need several suits to look sharp etc. and all of that costs money. Sign the contract, bring a copy for me with you and I'll meet you at the airport. Let's get this going! :-)

It's very possible. We know for sure there is an Egyptian F-16 "upgrade" of some kind coming up in the next few months but what it entails, we have no idea yet. Nor do we know if it will be affected by the arrival of the first batch of Su-35s.

It all depends on how the next batch of delta/canard platform goes with either France or Italy. If France comes to terms on its offer for a new order of Rafales and the EAF can increase it's numbers by at least 48 aircraft (plus the current 23), then if it was up to me, I would cut a deal with Pakistan on the Mirage 2000s for sure. Those are actually in great shape as the EAF has babied them since they bought them.

But if the Rafale doesn't happen and say the Eurofighter Typhoon deal with Italy happens, I would be inclined to keep the 2Ks for a while longer. But that's just me.

Rafaels might be the best option for EAF. And I'm sure that 15 M2Ks would be PAF's next acquisition from EAF. As there's a possibility of PAF acquiring more M2Ks from Qatar, UAE, and also from France. As PAF really loves Mirages.
Rafaels might be the best option for EAF. And I'm sure that 15 M2Ks would be PAF's next acquisition from EAF.

What makes you so sure? :-) How do you know we'll give them up? Even in small numbers like that (although like I mentioned before, there have been very strong rumors for a long time, now, that the original purchase was a first batch of 20 followed by another batch of 20 for a total of 40 Mirage 2000 in the EAF arsenal but it's never been proven or verified) we still cherish those aircraft a lot. You can tell the EAF is very careful with those because they've never been painted with Orange ID marks. They're hardly every seen like any of the other aircraft and are almost always flying in small, 4-ship formations during major ceremonial exhibitions. They were also see with very interesting munitions for the first time during Sisi's speech at Sidi Barani air base about possibly going into Libya. So bringing them out for occasions of that magnitude while hiding them from public view for the majority of the other times tells us that they are very important to the EAF. So to give them up, it would have to be for something of high value in return. What are you prepared to offer?

As there's a possibility of PAF acquiring more M2Ks from Qatar, UAE, and also from France. As PAF really loves Mirages.

We've had Mirages for a very long time.


I was hoping we would see the production of the Mirage 4000. I always thought that was one of the most beautiful aircraft ever built! But then Dassault took one of the Mirage 2000's and turned it into a Rafale test bed and the Rafale came out just in time to compete with the 4000 and beat it.

If we do come to terms with France for additional Rafales (and like I said before, for a larger number than just the additional 12 on the option) then I think it will be ok to move on from the 2Ks. If we can have a minimum of 48 Rafales, certainly wouldn't have a problem giving up on the 2Ks but again, what would you give in return? :-)

I don't know what you guys are paying us for the 36 Mirage Vs, do you know?
2 dead, 4 injured in clashes in Bir El Abd. In return 18 terrorists have died (Hamas? Flashback to when Morsi opened the border with Gaza for absolute no national interest).
In videos taken by settlers we can hear heavy aerial activity by the Air Force. Here is the video released by the Ministry of Defence.
Today we lose two good men who fought for the safety of others.
!يا نجيب حقهم يا نموت زيهم
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2 dead, 4 injured in clashes in Bir El Abd. In return 18 terrorists have died (Hamas? Flashback to when Morsi opened the border with Gaza for absolute no national interest).
In videos taken by settlers we can hear heavy aerial activity by the Air Force. Here is the video released by the Ministry of Defence.
Today we lose two good men who fought for the safety of others.
!يا نجيب حقهم يا نموت زيهم

And yet, el khara el hena 7at 2oul bardu they can't fight el khawalaat isis el fe Sina el zabaleen w'lad el 3ars.
But they made great bloody mishmash out of those 18 lower than fecal matter and especially that one POS wearing the green shirt and packing a vest and black pants walking down the street with his AK without a worry in this world acting all tough like he owned the street yet they folded and packaged him up in his own red sauce very nicely lol.

This lowlife maggot right here. He's in that video you posted @ minute 0:43

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