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Egyptian Armed Forces

Egypt takes delivery of first MiG-29 fighter jets

MiG-29M2 fighter jet. Photo by ussiadefence.net
Deputy Minister of Defense of Egypt Mohammad Al-Keshky announced on 27 April that the Egypt Air Forces has received its first batch of Russian modern MiG-29M2 fighter jets.

That was reported by Interfax.

“We have already received some of the aircraft, but not all. The execution of the contract continues, “said Al-Keshky.

Deliveries are set to conclude by no later than 2020, according to Russian state-run news agency Sputnik.

The 50 MiG-29M/M2 fighter jets being acquired by Egypt from Russia’s RAC MiG will be equipped with OLS-EU infrared search and track systems, PPK targeting pods and MSP electronic warfare systems, allowing them to carry precision guided munitions. Rosoboronexport signed the deal in April 2015.

The MiG-29M/M2 (also called MiG-35) is an improved version of the MiG-29 featuring longer range due to increased internal fuel, a lighter airframe, slightly more powerful and improved RD-33MK engines, an in-flight refuelling probe, multi-function displays in the cockpit and improved avionics.

I've always liked that blue, camo naval uniform. Very awesome. Effective and looks good which is a bonus. :tup::tup::tup:

Until you go overboard and wonder why they issued you something that blends perfectly with the dangerous blue mass you operate in.

"First batch?" How many in a 'batch?' If true, I guess Russian aircraft don't get the same arriving ceremonial treatment as the French or US ones.

We've only seen two thus far and one of them hadn't even been painted yet. I'm slightly skeptical as to what delivered means exactly. They could just mean that EAF pilots are now flying them in Russia.


Eagle Salute 2017


Eagle Salute 2017

Well may ceremony would be done after few days

Zarvan bro, if there's anything about us Egyptians is we love to celebrate anything! :D The kids will get dressed in brand new and colorful clothes, the men will be dancing, the women will be doing 'zaghrattas' (that's when they move their tongue side to side not top to bottom, it's very difficult to learn and sounds like this "lewlewlewlewlewlewlewlewlewlewleeeey.") It's an acquired talent takes a while to develop and the camels and the donkeys will be staring thinking "look at these crazy people." If there were any deliveries of MiGs, they would've built new or cleaned old hangers, put on fresh paint, dawned new uniforms, brought in new flags and the state TV news channel and done the whole thing right then and there! If they could've done it a day early they would've! :-)

Until you go overboard and wonder why they issued you something that blends perfectly with the dangerous blue mass you operate in.

lol true. But that's the whole point of camo. The uni is not supposed to make you visible under any circumstance, quite the opposite. I thought you were in charge of the Egyptian military kit ya ostaz?! :D In reality, naval camo (for sailors specifically) doesn't really matter because sailors are supposed to be on board their ships at all times and there is absolutely no need to blend into the ship. The ship is always the main target and not it's sailors so it makes no difference except for separating and distinguishing the different units within, and looks/professionalism. It's better for it to blend with the ocean. Man overboard is something that's not supposed to happen and if SOP and all safety procedures are followed, it doesn't happen and should never happen, but I'm aware of the rare possibility and the uni can't be designed or issued solely based on such a rare possibility. When 'man overboard' occurs because of foolish negligence or the ship got hit and many end up in the water, they should have their bright, orange, life vests on specifically to be spotted and rescued, by friend or even foe. Those all-dark, single color, navy blue uniforms are even more in line in blending with the water than the EGY ones. BTW, there's a good reason why they should wear 'white' undershirts.

We've only seen two thus far and one of them hadn't even been painted yet. I'm slightly skeptical as to what delivered means exactly. They could just mean that EAF pilots are now flying them in Russia.

It must've be the translation from Arabic to Russian to English! Those 2 pics weren't even issued by the Russians in any media form, they were taken by Alexander Mishin who's an independent, aircraft photographer who happened to be at Zukovsky where both those MiG-35's were flying. Honestly, I wasn't sure how the Russians are pulling off all these foreign deals, especially with Egypt since they're under sanction because of Crimea. Being under sanctions typically doesn't allow you to make military deals of this magnitude and this deal was signed post issued sanctions, unlike the many other deals with India and China etc., so maybe that's the reason why this is going to be dealt with in a quiet manner? Or maybe the sanctions don't apply, not sure.
Zarvan bro, if there's anything about us Egyptians is we love to celebrate anything! :D The kids will get dressed in brand new and colorful clothes, the men will be dancing, the women will be doing 'zaghrattas' (that's when they move their tongue side to side not top to bottom, it's very difficult to learn and sounds like this "lewlewlewlewlewlewlewlewlewlewleeeey.") It's an acquired talent takes a while to develop and the camels and the donkeys will be staring thinking "look at these crazy people." If there were any deliveries of MiGs, they would've built new or cleaned old hangers, put on fresh paint, dawned new uniforms, brought in new flags and the state TV news channel and done the whole thing right then and there! If they could've done it a day early they would've! :-)

lol true. But that's the whole point of camo. The uni is not supposed to make you visible under any circumstance, quite the opposite. I thought you were in charge of the Egyptian military kit ya ostaz?! :D In reality, naval camo (for sailors specifically) doesn't really matter because sailors are supposed to be on board their ships at all times and there is absolutely no need to blend into the ship. The ship is always the main target and not it's sailors so it makes no difference except for separating and distinguishing the different units within, and looks/professionalism. It's better for it to blend with the ocean. Man overboard is something that's not supposed to happen and if SOP and all safety procedures are followed, it doesn't happen and should never happen, but I'm aware of the rare possibility and the uni can't be designed or issued solely based on such a rare possibility. When 'man overboard' occurs because of foolish negligence or the ship got hit and many end up in the water, they should have their bright, orange, life vests on specifically to be spotted and rescued, by friend or even foe. Those all-dark, single color, navy blue uniforms are even more in line in blending with the water than the EGY ones. BTW, there's a good reason why they wear 'white' undershirts.

It must've be the translation from Arabic to Russian to English! Those 2 pics weren't even issued by the Russians in any media form, they were taken by Alexander Mishin who's an independent, aircraft photographer who happened to be at Zukovsky where both those MiG-35's were flying. Honestly, I wasn't sure how the Russians are pulling off all these foreign deals, especially with Egypt since they're under sanction because of Crimea. Being under sanctions typically doesn't allow you to make military deals of this magnitude and this deal was signed post issued sanctions, unlike the many other deals with India and China etc., so maybe that's the reason why this is going to be dealt with in a quiet manner? Or maybe the sanctions don't apply, not sure.

I can say one thing for sure than that I saw many Egyptian Military pages celebrating first flight of JF-17 B
Good for you
Not only for us it would be great for Egypt as JF-17 B most likely is equipped with AESA and BVR and EW technology so Egypt can get it with TOT with no strings attached
Not only for us it would be great for Egypt as JF-17 B most likely is equipped with AESA and BVR and EW technology so Egypt can get it with TOT with no strings attached

What it will add to the EAF next to the current fleet of ( F-16 , Rafale , MIG-29M2 , mirage 2000 ) ?

We are already covered all types of missions with this fleet , we are just waiting for a 5th gen fighter and we are not in a hurry
Signing of a memorandum of understanding for joint military cooperation between Egypt and South Korea


South Korean sources announced the most important agreements signed between Egypt and South Korea during the visit of South Korean Deputy Defense Minister Hwang In-moo and his accompanying delegation to Egypt at the end of March 2017 and his meeting with the First / General of the Armed Forces, Minister of Defense and Military Production, Major General Mahmoud Hijazi, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Al-Asar, Minister of Military Production, and Navy Commander Ahmed Khaled, Commander of the Naval Forces.

The two sides also agreed to hold periodic meetings between the Egyptian and South Korean military committees to discuss military cooperation in accordance with the memorandum of understanding signed by the Egyptian and South Korean sides to discuss joint military cooperation in the field of military cooperation and defense industries. , Mr. Hwang invited General Sidqi Subhi and General Mahmoud Hijazi to visit South Korea in the coming period, in addition to the Egyptian military delegation to the exhibition "Seoul ADEX 2017" for defense and space, which is held from 17 to 22 October.

What it will add to the EAF next to the current fleet of ( F-16 , Rafale , MIG-29M2 , mirage 2000 ) ?

We are already covered all types of missions with this fleet , we are just waiting for a 5th gen fighter and we are not in a hurry
It will add a capacity that no other country can offer Egypt, namely a home made fighter to make the whole EAF redundant in any unpredictable event, also when losses in war are slow/late to replace, The JF-17(Egyptian version) can be counted on to fill the gap, not only because it is cheap to produce, but also because it is a potent multirole fighter, coming with an AESA radar, BVR capabilities, decent EW/ECM and avionics, Anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles, not to forget some wild weasel capabilities..I think it will be the best sidekick fighter plane not only for the EAF but for most Arab and Muslim countries, mainly those located in conflict prone regions..
It will add a capacity that no other country can offer Egypt, namely a home made fighter to make the whole EAF redundant in any unpredictable event, also when losses in war are slow/late to replace, The JF-17(Egyptian version) can be counted on to fill the gap, not only because it is cheap to produce, but also because it is a potent multirole fighter, coming with an AESA radar, BVR capabilities, decent EW/ECM and avionics, Anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles, not to forget some wild weasel capabilities..I think it will be the best sidekick fighter plane not only for the EAF but for most Arab and Muslim countries, mainly those located in conflict prone regions..

With all respect to you and zarvan but I wouldn't call the jf-17 a real fighter maybe a trainer , it just lacks on every aspect to be a good fighter , what's the benifet to have a tot and build a plane that a descent enemy with a 4th gen fighter can drop it like birds , and having a two seat version will not make it any better , we already filled the gap with a cheap multi-role fighter the mig-29M
With all respect to you and zarvan but I wouldn't call the jf-17 a real fighter maybe a trainer , it just lacks on every aspect to be a good fighter , what's the benifet to have a tot and build a plane that a descent enemy with a 4th gen fighter can drop it like birds , and having a two seat version will not make it any better , we already filled the gap with a cheap multi-role fighter the mig-29M
You make a good point.. still the JF-17 and mostly block 3 with AESA will cost half the price of even the Migs.. but that is not the point, the main point is when you have a local production of any military gear it saves you a lot of headaches in the event of war.. speedy replacement is only one of them.. the acquisition of new technologies is also very important to stay afloat and competitive..
Dear friend, I have been following the progress of JF-17 since its beginning, and I was not impressed by it at all, still after so many improvements that had been implemented in Blk 2, I started liking it; more composite materials were added, improved smokeless engines, increased payload capacity, more loitering time, advanced electronics and avionics, SEAD capabilities, BVR capabilities, a very respectful suite of weapons.. and this is just Blk 2.. Block 3 will display more composites in the body, an AESA radar, IRST, 5th generation avionics, HMDS, improved or new engine and much more we do not know about yet.. So for a small and lightweight fighter, it packs a powerful punch.. And please do not forget that it is made to face the SU-30, Mig-29, Jaguar, Mirage-2000 of the Indian air forces.. So yes it can handle and fight any 4th to 4+ generation fighter as it is now, Blk3 will be able to handle the 4+ and ++ generation, because it will be itself a 4+ to ++ generation, while Blk 2 is a 4th generation..
This project will of course need money..KSA and other GCC member states have also shown interest for the JF-17 since its inception till very recently where KSA's chief of staff had promised openly in Pakistan that KSA will purchase/ ( Studying) a substantial number of the plane.. So I do not see why it should not have manufacturing outlets in both Egypt and KSA ..
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