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Egyptian Armed Forces

They can be used all the way down to the Nile... :)
Can be used in/out the Suez Canal and so on. YOu have a lot of purpose for it.

Maybe CMS and escort for the L-Cats out of the Mistrals which is basically beachhead landings or invasions. That makes much more sense, I think.

Maybe CMS and escort for the L-Cats out of the Mistrals which is basically beachhead landings or invasions. That makes much more sense, I think.


but the tank boat will not be used with the mistral.

It's like some sort of an Attack-patrol boat but on Steroids (Landing/Fire support/fast attack/anti-air) and on any sea/river
Not with the Mistrals, with the L-Cats coming out of the Mistrals. Basically the same thing you just said, landing and fire support.
Not with the Mistrals, with the L-Cats coming out of the Mistrals. Basically the same thing you just said, landing and fire support.

Maybe why not. but then Mistral has to stay near shore.
I think it will be mostly used on the Nile region /Suez and few hot spot around the country.
if it's true i can't find any action for those vessel but watching north sainai & gaza coasts
mistral will have BMPs as a self propelled mortar
Yes. Unlike the Navy the Army Special Forces have not adopted simunition.

That's cool. The only difference is the bulkiness of those paint ball guns with that PB hopper and compressed air tank. Even that is not so bad once you get used to it. Inside an aircraft it might get a little in the way with all those seats and stuff, but still a neat alternative. Reminds me of the movie "SWAT" with Samuel L. Jackson and Collin Farrel. They did the same thing when they bet their supervisor they'd beat the allotted time. :-)
Nothing like a tank boat! :-) Interesting concept. Catamaran hull for speed. I like the remote controlled gun turret and at first I thought it couldn't fire to stern without the entire, main turret turning as well because it's directly in front of the radar & antenna mast which would be in its way. But then I realized the main turret only needs to turn a bit then the gun turret can fire without the mast in its way, if the gun turns more than 90 degrees.

Not sure what Egypt would need these for? These are really, beachhead, assault platforms or river patrol boats in hostile environments. Reminds me of something that could've been used in Vietnam. It's good for Indonesia's and similar environments with jungles and dense river banks, but Egypt? Would be nice to know what they're intended use would be.

I could use one since there's good room at bow (you and actually pull out that extending, disembarking ramp a little bit and use it as a pulpit loool) and excellent room at stern with an open transom for some great fishing! And if someone tried to invade my area where the sonar & fish-finder shows a lot of bite, I can just fire the cannon and scare them away.
They might be useful for the mistrals..they can be used for close support to clear an area of 3/4km before troops' deployment in a beach head..What do you think about this possibility?
That's cool. The only difference is the bulkiness of those paint ball guns with that PB hopper and compressed air tank. Even that is not so bad once you get used to it. Inside an aircraft it might get a little in the way with all those seats and stuff, but still a neat alternative.

Having used both, simunition is by far the more realistic experience. You're still using your weapon system with associated sights, laser light modules, and any other attachments. You have the exact same number of rounds in the magazine loaded and so you change and bomb up magazines in the same way you would normally.

It's a bit of a shame that they can get their hands on an EgyptAir passenger plane as a realistic training area and then use paintball. The Navy SFB is far more innovative in terms of training techniques than the Army SF. Hopefully some of these innovations can make their way over.
They might be useful for the mistrals..they can be used for close support to clear an area of 3/4km before troops' deployment in a beach head..What do you think about this possibility?

That's close to what I thought, also, in post #3346 as support for any troops disembarking off the Misral's landing crafts. But Mekawy's comment seems to suggest that's already going to be the BMP-1's duty. Close maritime support would seem to be the most likely role for this tank boat. His idea of it patrolling the northern coast of Sinai and the Gaza border and all the terrorist activity on the northern coast makes a lot of sense, for sure. He could very well be spot on with that.

Mistral's capacity can certainly accommodate the BMP's with everything else it can do.

From Wiki:
- Capacity: 59 vehicles (including 13 AMX Leclerc tanks) or a 40-strong Leclerc tank battalion
Obviously those would change to M1A1's and BMP's in whatever ratio is mission appropriate.
Would they use the M-60A3's on the Mistrals?

- Troops:
  • 900 (short duration)
  • 450 (long durations)
  • 150 (serving as operational headquarters)
- Complement: 20 officers, 80 petty officers, 60 quarter-masters

- Aircraft carried: 16 heavy or 35 light helicopters
- Aviation facilities: 6 helicopter landing spots

I would classify the Ka-52 Katran as a "light helicopter" since "heavy" usually pertains to larger and heavier, utility and transport helicopters such as the Sea Kings etc., but I think there will only be 16 per carrier depending on what the Egyptian bosses order and if their MO is to keep additional helos as backup somewhere on land, and I hope they stick with the Katran despite the radar issues.

It didn't list the following as part of the "capacity" so not sure if landing crafts or hovercrafts are actually carried within as part of the load? Maybe you know, SC.
- Boats & landing
- craft carried:
  • 4 CTM (chaland de transport de matériel)
  • alternatively, 2 LCAC (Landing Craft, Air Cushion)

Having used both, simunition is by far the more realistic experience. You're still using your weapon system with associated sights, laser light modules, and any other attachments. You have the exact same number of rounds in the magazine loaded and so you change and bomb up magazines in the same way you would normally.

It's a bit of a shame that they can get their hands on an EgyptAir passenger plane as a realistic training area and then use paintball. The Navy SFB is far more innovative in terms of training techniques than the Army SF. Hopefully some of these innovations can make their way over.

Couldn't agree more, my friend. I kept my criticism away this time because I don't want to upset my brothers and others and make them hesitant on posting cool stuff like this (they'll be thinking "oh that *** Gomig-21 is gonna find some issue and pick it apart that jerk! lol :D) since I have already criticized several aspect of things from the MiGs to certain SF safety procedures and the worst one to me is the smoking on the Mistral is just @#$!%@^ so I toned it down on this one lol. :D Besides, this one isn't as bad as others but you're spot on, it is a shame when you make the analogy you did. You did say the gear is really in need of a very calculated and appropriate upgrade in many parts of the military that it's pretty obvious to many of us and hopefully it will get to the people in charge. We should forward our complaints to the EAF and tag them @#EgypitanArmedForcesPAKDEFENSE! :-)
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since I have already criticized several aspect of things from the MiGs to certain SF safety procedures and the worst one to me is the smoking on the Mistral is just @#$!%@^ so I toned it down on this one lol.

I think the Egyptian members and other contributors on this thread have created an environment where criticism is encouraged and welcome. On many other forums you would be shouted out if you said something was wrong or questioned the leadership of the Armed Forces. Here you can do so freely.

You did say the gear is really in need of a very calculated and appropriate upgrade in many parts of the military that it's pretty obvious to many of us and hopefully it will get to the people in charge. We should forward our complaints to the EAF

I would obviously love to help out but we all know how much of a closed system the Armed Forces is. Criticism from outside is met with hostility even if it is constructive. I'm starting to go slightly insane with how shit things are in some areas but at least on this forum I can speak freely without having anyone say the Armed Forces knows best wel ta3rees that follows that statement.

We have unqualified people making important decisions throughout Egypt. I'm not sure why some think the AF is immune from that.
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