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Egyptian Armed Forces

Ihave found that not only had I found this, but also there is a guy on theaviationgeekclub found that Actually the MiG-35 doesn’t feature neither the thrust vectoring nor an AESA radar

It's obvious that MiG is pretty desperate to not only get the RuAF contract delivered, but to boost export models off of the fact that the RuAF chose the MiG-35 as well. If the RuAF didn't sign the contract for the these birds, it would make the export of the MiG-35 much more difficult unless they practically give them away. MiG corporation is in desperate mode to keep its production line open and they try to embellish all sorts of options with these jets to make them more attractive. The RuAF has even said that it prefers to stick to the Flanker family simply because they're already equipped with advanced features, from the engines to avionics/radar and weapon's capabilities as well as many more of them in service, hence better comparability. Without a sustained production line, they haven't been able to develop an effective and readily available AESA that doesn't have problems such as cooling and the pivot/gimbal operations. Maybe this is why the Russian order is placed for later, to give them time to sort these issues out.

The fact that this MiG-29m/m2 or 35 is basically a land version of the K/KUB is indicative of how they're trying to market the same, basic, model as different variants. If you look at that pic of the unpainted aircraft #801, it's actually a single-seater but they kept the double canopy configuration of the 2-seater! So much for attempting to lower the RCS. Anyone else find that ridiculous?
Egyptian Navy SMART-S 3D Medium to Long Range Surveillance Radar System
For the Perry class



SMART-S Mk2 Medium to Long Range (S-Band) Solid State Surveillance Radar

SMART-S Mk2, the newest Thales Naval 3D multibeam radar, is optimized for medium-to-long range air and surface surveillance and target designation. This state-of-the-art radar is an excellent performer in complex littoral environments with their mix of sea, land, rain, thunderstorms and targets such as multiple small surface ships, helicopters and anti-ship missiles.

The detection range allows the full performance of new medium-range SAM-systems such as ESSM. Graceful

degradation through the use of multiple solid state transmit modules and multiple receive channels ensures robust performance throughout the spectrum of military operations. Technical Data Back to top Technology and design
Through the use of Doppler processing SMART-S Mk2 can detect even the stealthiest of targets in a cluttered
environment by measuring radial speed directly. As a multibeam radar SMART-S Mk2 offers the long dwell time per target required for good radial speed measurements.
SMART-S Mk2 is designed for ease of maintenance and can support maintenance free missions. This is achieved by reducing single points of failures (graceful degradation), high MTBF per component, low MTTR and solidstate transmit modules.
SMART-S Mk2 is easy to install on board. The antenna uses electronic stabilization. The solid state transmit modules are integrated in the antenna meaning no separate transmitter cabinet and waveguide are required. Foot print reduction is achieved through the use of powerful processing boards housed in a single processing cabinet. The total system weight is comparable to that of 3D G-band radars!

SMART-S Mk2 is an optimal sensor for target indication to a fire control tracking system. By providing 3D tracks the radar supports correct classification and rapid acquisition. The elevation accuracy is high (even in case of multipath by using receive beams below the horizon) and suited to directly launch fire and forget missiles. SMART-S Mk2 is well suited for detection of helicopters due to dedicated rotor hub detection capabilities. For guidance of helicopters and UAVs it can use very short pulses, providing a short minimum range.
Functional Aspects:

• 3D Air Surveillance with Fast Target alerts
• Surface Surveillance
• Surface Gun Fire Support
• Jammer Surveillance
• IFF Interrogation Support Features
» Excellent performance in the Littoral environment
» Supports full performance of ESSM
» Solid State Transmitter integrated in the Antenna
» Low antenna sidelobes
» Very small below deck footprint; just 2 small sized cabinets
» Easily integrated with many CMS systems, both Thales and non-Thales
» Short-range capabilities for surface detection, helicopter and UAV control
» IFF antenna and optional integration with IFF system.
» Fully automatic detection and tracking
» Dedicated ECCM techniques
» Two operating modes: medium range up to 150 km at 27 RPM and long range up to 250 km at 13.5 RPM


Maximum Instrumented range
Maximum elevation coverage
Minimum Range
Tracking 3D capacity
Surface Fire Control Windows
Elevation accuracy
Bearing accuracy
Range accuracy
Small missile detection
MPA detection

250 km
70 degrees
150 meters
500 targets
< 10 mrads
< 5 mrads
< 20 meters
~ 50 km
~ 200 km

Horizontal beamwidth : approx. 2 degrees
Illumination patterns : Wide beam and Narrow beam
Antenna rotation speed : 13.5/27 RPM
Stabilisation : electronic
Very low sidelobes, Integrated IFF antennaa

Current Platforms

MILGEM class - Turkish Navy
G class - Turkish Navy
Sigma 9813 class - Royal Moroccan Navy
Sigma 10513 class - Royal Moroccan Navy
Almirante Padilla class - Colombian Navy
Guaiquerí class - Venezuelan Navy
Khareef class - Royal Navy of Oman
Cassard class - French Navy
Halifax class - Royal Canadian Navy
Absalon class - Royal Danish Navy

Frequency band: E/F-band (excluding ATC and
communication bands)
Solid State transmit modules integrated in Antenna
Transmitting modes: sectorwise reduced or full power
Broadband frequency operation and frequency agility


Digital beamforming, resulting in 12 simultaneous receive beams
Multipath suppression using a beam under the horizon
Digital pulse compression
Doppler processing using FIR filters, radial speed determination & automatic thresholding of clutter & jamming
Advanced CFAR techniques
Multiple hypothesis tracking based on multiple target models
Classification support


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It is a very good replacement to the Mig-21..isn't it?

If that is your only requirement then sure. Unfortunately that's not how things are supposed to be done.


Alnahar Exclusive with the Egyptian Paratroopers showing a portion of their capabilities and training.

My impressions here on Twitter

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/EgyGreenfly?lang=en
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If that is your only requirement then sure. Unfortunately that's not how things are supposed to be done.

I think we tend to easily look at the procurement of the Rafale and expect that any other fighter brought in should meet the standard of that aircraft, if not, be very close or better. And let's be honest, we see Israel get the F-35 and we want to somehow stay as close as possible. We won't be able to equal that, at least any time soon, but it is in the back of our minds no doubt. Rafale is state of the art and the MiG-35, while a very decent platform is not in the same class. Not to mention the known issues with Russian engines, especially the RDMK-33 even though they rate it at 6,000 hours or 20 years before major overhaul, there were rumors that the Indians had a lot of issues with theirs on the 29K but none were validated. Also, the issue with the radar is very disappointing, even amongst Russian fanboys so we tend to look at those items first before thinking that yes, it is a much better alternative to the MiG-21 and F-7's, for sure.
Egyptian navy recieved first german Type209 MOD 1400 sub ( TAHYA MISR )


the first of 4 submarines we receiving till 2020



Type 209 & FREMM frigate & Ambassador light corvette & mistral hel carrier waiting for Gowind corvette to join them in egyptian navy
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