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Egyptian Armed Forces

Allah y'bareek feek ya 3amo. :-) Speaking of stealth...when are these due to arrive?

That would be nice..5 years minimum.. since they have Russian and Indian air forces in line..
That would be nice..5 years minimum.. since they have Russian and Indian air forces in line..
The T-50 is not even over. per exemple The AESA + New Engine is not over and so on. the most optimistic date will be around 2022-25 and that's for the first one for RU+India. Add few years to first export and you get at least 2027... or even more...
Sissi is in the US, hopefully he comes back with some F-16V and some in good condition F-15s in his suitcase.. Now that Usrael got the F-35..
For clarification purposes:

The Egyptian F-16, whether Block 42 or Block 52, have the same standard equipment for the Block and there is no reduction in the plane's standards..

The difference is the reduced air-to-air capabilities of the BVR missiles.. Instead of the use of BVR-type Amraam missiles, the Sparrow BVR is being used..

So what is missing in the Egyptian F-16 aircraft is the fire and forget capability only..
Otherwise They have the same specifications that are found in many thousand F- 16 aircrafts serving in different countries of the world, many of the owners of F-16, including European countries still rely on the old blocks 10 and 15 ... Egypt's entire fleet is of the standard 42 and the new deal is standard 52..

The rumour that Egypt does not have BVR capabilities for its planes is a silly rumour that some of the detractors of Egypt have made in the past..

The Sparow BVR missile is in Egypt in big quantities on its F-16 fighters..The R530 is a BVR missile and works on the Egyptian Mirage aircraft..also the Super 530 F is a BVR missile integrated on the Egyptian Mirage aircrafts..
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The Russian version of the MiG-29M (Mig-35) fighter will receive the latest electronic detection and tracking systems and electronic warfare, which will be equipped with laser detection and thermal detection system OLS-EU of the Russian company "Precision Systems and Instruments" (for Mig-35), which can identify all air, sea and terrestrial objects where the target is thermally infrared, then televised and identified Laser range, without issuing any radar emissions It provides a complete concealment of combat and a silent mode with passive monitoring capability, which is one of the most important things required during the coming air encounters around the world.

The Egyptian version will receive new T220 / E cockpit anchors under the engine's air intake, announced by the Russian hardware and microcomputer in November, designed specifically for the S-35 and MIG-35 , And is responsible for monitoring and selecting the target with infrared systems or ultra-precision electro-optical systems, and to determine the distance and laser target illumination to direct the various bombs and missiles at an error of tens of centimetres.

The new version will include the active MSP-418K active warfare system at the bottom of the fighter on one of the suspension points, operating in the G-J band. It also includes DRFM Digital Radio Frequency Memory to jam radar guided missile The way to create false fingerprints for the fighter to mislead various missiles such as the American AMRAAM AIM-120 and Mica-EM French radar rockets.

The newspaper said that the intensive modifications that Egypt will receive will increase the fighting capabilities of the fighter MiG-29M / 35 to an unprecedented degree, especially in the tasks of monitoring and tracking and ground bombing through the new scoring hubs, which will make the Egyptian fighters outperform their counterparts in the arsenal The Russian air force will also make it a fierce competitor to the US F-16 and Saab Gripen. The Russian sources told the newspaper that the electro-optical detection systems on the current Russian MiG-29 are excellent, but what the Egyptian version will get is definitely better In combat missions And Russia will later receive additional developments.

The Egyptian MiG contract includes the delivery of at least 50 fighter jets to the Egyptian Air Force, estimated to cost more than $ 2 billion. Delivery will begin at the end of this year (2016) and end by the end of 2020.

RD-33MK engines for Egypt's 35 MW
Chernyshev Moscow Machine-Building Enterprise, the leading Russian fighter aircraft manufacturer of Russia's MiG RSK MiG, announced in a report on the results of the company's contracts. The report said the company received a contract worth 8.67 billion rubles ($ 135.7 million), on 17 November 2015, by an anonymous customer for the purchase of 92 RD-33MK engines, with delivery from 2016 to 2018.
This information coincides with what was previously announced that Egypt has contracted 46 MiG-35 Russian twin engine engines (92 engines). The RD-33MK engine is primarily designed to work on the MiG-29K and MiG-35 fighter jets, We can see from the previous information that the engine working on the Egyptian version of the MiG is the same as the MiG-35 fighter, which is the latest version of RD-33 engines and with an AESA radar, advanced electronic protection systems and Avionics, Egypt got its own version of the Mega 35.

Note: The RD-33MK has a 7% drive over previous versions and has been developed to reduce the thermal and visual footprint by adding a new Smokeless Combustion Chamber with an integrated electronic control system. -thrust nozzles for different angles, according to the customer's desire, to maximize the manoeuvrability. The engine has a minimum operating time of 4000 hours (20 years) and requires maintenance after 1000 hours of operation (5 years).

Mig-35 manoeuvrers with thrust vectoring nozzles.. not sure if Egypt is getting them, but the probability is high, since with these all direction nozzles the Mig-35 surpasses the mighty F-22 in manoeuvrability..
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Export name Mig-29M/M2 Advanced

Russian designation Mig-35





Egypt gets T220-E which is more advanced than OLS-K that will also be replaced by the OLS-EU


Good stuff, SC.
The stupidity is that silly variation in the designation. Damn Russians can't find enough letters in the alphabet for all their crap that they might end up resorting to hieroglyphics to add more designations! They thought the M/M2 (M = single seater M2 = 2 seater) would be the designation for the "export version" of the MiG-35 & MiG-35D and the rumor is that they've eliminated this M/M2 designation and have now just gone to the MiG-35 and have kept it there to make it easier and not to sound like the export model is inferior. If you look at those aircraft they presented at the MiG-35 unveiling and this new Egyptian one, they're exactly the same. Damn bloody Russians can't get out of their own ******* way! They have an uncanny way of complicating things that they end up tripping over themselves. Not sure if it's excess vodka consumption or what. Probably the product of having so many variations of essentially the basic models in the MiG-29 and the Su-27 families. From those two there has been a slew of inbreeding and cross-breeding and production options and add-ons and even more non-production/prototype options for more crossbreeding...enough to make your head spin for the next 50 years. Small example is the MiG-35 in the first 2 pics with all the specifications has the original MiG-29 wings. Current MiG-35 has the larger wings, basically the K-KUB carrier variant wings with those huge, barn door flaps and folding joints. The current version also has those new, Kruger mini flaps on the LERX. I guess that's what happens when you develop so many prototypes of something that doesn't sell well that you have to keep retooling it and add more frosting on the cake lol. Makes me wonder what century that fancy, carbon fiber looking helmet will ever come to fruition. It looks much better than their standard, bulky white helmets. I certainly don't mean to knock your post, just expounding on the typical Russian way of enticing some of their military products, or specifically MiG which has been playing 'catch up' to Sukhoi for decades, now. :-)

For clarification purposes:

The Egyptian F-16, whether Block 42 or Block 52, have the same standard equipment for the Block and there is no reduction in the plane's standards..

The difference is the reduced air-to-air capabilities of the BVR missiles.. Instead of the use of BVR-type Amramm missiles, the Sparrow BVR is being used..

So what is missing in the Egyptian F-16 aircraft is the fire and forget capability only..
Otherwise hey have the same specifications that are found in many thousand F- 16 aircrafts serving in different countries of the world, many of the owners of F-16, including European countries still rely on the old blocks 10 and 15 ... Egypt's entire fleet is of the standard 42 and the new deal is standard 52..

The rumour that Egypt does not have BVR capabilities for its planes is a silly rumour that some of the detractors of Egypt have made in the past..

The Sparow BVR missile is in Egypt in big quantities on its F-16 fighters..The R530 is a BVR missile and works on the Egyptian Mirage aircraft..also the Super 530 F is a BVR missile integrated on the Egyptian Mirage aircrafts..

Would you agree there is a huge difference in the AIM-7 Sparrow's maximum 40 km effective range and the AIM-120D's 160 km effective range? Not to mention the locking/seeking and homing technology and their effectiveness vis a vis their respective radar capabilities. The Magic's Super 530 is equally less capable in its range, unfortunately. But you're right in the sense that they are BVR, just at the lower end of the spectrum in the effective ranges of BVR missiles and ease of use.

Mig-35 manoeuvrers with thrust vectoring nozzles.. not sure if Egypt is getting them, but the probability is high, since with these all direction nozzles the Mig-35 surpasses the mighty F-22 in manoeuvrability..

I remember seeing that video years ago when it first came out. It doesn't appear that this new Egyptian MiG has the TVC nozzles on it. They do look a bit different when you compare the two types. At first I tried comparing the first pic that shows the horizontal stabilizers at full tilt and see if the nozzles were tweaked as well. But they do function independently as well as in conjunction with the H-stabs so it's not necessarily that they would move together. Not even sure if they do function on TO/landing anyway, but they certainly look like the standard ones compared to these.

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Good stuff, SC.
The stupidity is that silly variation in the designation. Damn Russians can't find enough letters in the alphabet for all their crap that they might end up resorting to hieroglyphics to add more designations! They thought the M/M2 (M = single seater M2 = 2 seater) would be the designation for the "export version" of the MiG-35 & MiG-35D and the rumor is that they've eliminated this M/M2 designation and have now just gone to the MiG-35 and have kept it there to make it easier and not to sound like the export model is inferior. If you look at those aircraft they presented at the MiG-35 unveiling and this new Egyptian one, they're exactly the same. Damn bloody Russians can't get out of their own ******* way! They have an uncanny way of complicating things that they end up tripping over themselves. Not sure if it's excess vodka consumption or what. Probably the product of having so many variations of essentially the basic models in the MiG-29 and the Su-27 families. From those two there has been a slew of inbreeding and cross-breeding and production options and add-ons and even more non-production/prototype options for more crossbreeding...enough to make your head spin for the next 50 years. Small example is the MiG-35 in the first 2 pics with all the specifications has the original MiG-29 wings. Current MiG-35 has the larger wings, basically the K-KUB carrier variant wings with those huge, barn door flaps and folding joints. The current version also has those new, Kruger mini flaps on the LERX. I guess that's what happens when you develop so many prototypes of something that doesn't sell well that you have to keep retooling it and add more frosting on the cake lol. Makes me wonder what century that fancy, carbon fiber looking helmet will ever come to fruition. It looks much better than their standard, bulky white helmets. I certainly don't mean to knock your post, just expounding on the typical Russian way of enticing some of their military products, or specifically MiG which has been playing 'catch up' to Sukhoi for decades, now. :-)

Would you agree there is a huge difference in the AIM-7 Sparrow's maximum 40 km effective range and the AIM-120D's 160 km effective range? Not to mention the locking/seeking and homing technology and their effectiveness vis a vis their respective radar capabilities. The Magic's Super 530 is equally less capable in its range, unfortunately. But you're right in the sense that they are BVR, just at the lower end of the spectrum in the effective ranges of BVR missiles and ease of use.

I remember seeing that video years ago when it first came out. It doesn't appear that this new Egyptian MiG has the TVC nozzles on it. They do look a bit different when you compare the two types. At first I tried comparing the first pic that shows the horizontal stabilizers at full tilt and see if the nozzles were tweaked as well. But they do function independently as well as in conjunction with the H-stabs so it's not necessarily that they would move together. Not even sure if they do function on TO/landing anyway, but they certainly look like the standard ones compared to these.


Apparently the Russian say the the MIG-35 is a new design eventhough it looks like the MIG-29 in the general airframe, it is completely different inside and with some differences in the airframe as well as you know..
It is Egypt who insists on the Mig-29M/M2 Advanced designation, the Russian officials seemed to have dropped it for the Mig-35 designation!?

Helmet-wise there is the TopSight that is available on the market, the new Russian prototype looks cool, but again like you say it might take some time before it becomes operational and available..


Of course there is a huge difference in the BVR capabilities between the two missiles, it is like talking about a first/second generation vs a 4/5th generation.. hope Egypt will get the Aim-120..
^^ Thanks.

Sawtooth design on the #EAF MiG-35 & the Russian standard which reduces the aircraft radar signature in front from 5m2 to 1m2.


Wondering why those saw-toothed edges don't go all the way around the radome joint? They basically end right at the radiation warning emblem and the bottom doesn't have them. Curious.

Funny how many online "groups" and sources are calling this new bird #811" a MiG-29M/M2 and not a MiG-35/D, despite it being essentially the exact bird revealed here as the MiG-35. Not sure what the discrepancy is that's causing that.

Saw this picture somewhere else and was quite surprised at some lack of basic safety rules for handling automatics within a group. Anyone notice anything strange or unsafe?

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