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Let me ask a question to Arab members, including Mosamania:

Would you like Bashar al Assad to be ousted, if NATO invades Syria, like Libya?

Who said NATO invaded Libya. If you haven't noticed Turkey negated the invasion part but let the help part stick which is exactly why we should be glad we have an inside man in NATO. This thing will change the course of things from your pessimistic views.

Qaddafi is a dictator of the highest order and deserved to be ousted and western plans failed in Libya. It is wrong to think of Libya as "Lost cause" by the state it is now for it just got our of a civil war and needs time to rebuild and the rebuilding time is the real measurement of wither it is a lost cause or not.

Second of all I wish for a unified Arab/Islamic force to give the Syrian people freedom from massacre that will send a message to the whole world that we are together and are fighting as one. Even though I hope that he gets ousted with Syrian people themselves but that way Millions will die if they go in a unified march due to Assadi forces indiscriminate massacres just to keep his chair.
This Reminds me of when Iraq was going to invade Saudi Arabia, I wonder what it would be like if he did, Mosa probably would not have been here and he enjoys a welfare Saudi Arabia today thanks to the coalition of nations that saved him and his family from Saddam, Egypt played parts, so did Syria.

That was back in 1991, regional dynamics changed dramatically now.

NATO invasion would produce a parallel to that of Libya, in my view, in Syria.
This Reminds me of when Iraq was going to invade Saudi Arabia, I wonder what it would be like if saddam did, Mosa probably would not have been here and he enjoys a welfare Saudi Arabia today thanks to the coalition of nations that saved him and his family from Saddam, Egypt played parts, so did Syria.

I always say if Saddam had his way I would be wearing a military uniform instead of a Lab Coat. However what American presence did to our country is unforgivable.
Who said NATO invaded Libya. If you haven't noticed Turkey negated the invasion part but let the help part stick which is exactly why we should be glad we have an inside man in NATO. This thing will change the course of things from your pessimistic views.

Qaddafi is a dictator of the highest order and deserved to be ousted and western plans failed in Libya. It is wrong to think of Libya as "Lost cause" by the state it is now for it just got our of a civil war and needs time to rebuild and the rebuilding time is the real measurement of wither it is a lost cause or not.

Second of all I wish for a unified Arab/Islamic force to give the Syrian people freedom from massacre that will send a message to the whole world that we are together and are fighting as one. Even though I hope that he gets ousted with Syrian people themselves but that way Millions will die if they go in a unified march due to Assadi forces indiscriminate massacres just to keep his chair.

Have a look at the Libyan economy statistics under Gaddafi and then say if he was really the tyrant you make him to be.
Who said NATO invaded Libya. If you haven't noticed Turkey negated the invasion part but let the help part stick which is exactly why we should be glad we have an inside man in NATO. This thing will change the course of things from your pessimistic views.

Qaddafi is a dictator of the highest order and deserved to be ousted and western plans failed in Libya. It is wrong to think of Libya as "Lost cause" by the state it is now for it just got our of a civil war and needs time to rebuild and the rebuilding time is the real measurement of wither it is a lost cause or not.

Second of all I wish for a unified Arab/Islamic force to give the Syrian people freedom from massacre that will send a message to the whole world that we are together and are fighting as one. Even though I hope that he gets ousted with Syrian people themselves but that way Millions will die if they go in a unified march due to Assadi forces indiscriminate massacres just to keep his chair.

You want to unite under Syria's cause but not the Palestinan cuase since 1948? ok thats cool
I always say if Saddam had his way I would be wearing a military uniform instead of a Lab Coat. However what American presence did to our country is unforgivable.

Untrue because this Egyptian and many other arabs from poor parts gave their lives so you could be here today.

Here you go this egyptian soldier.
Have a look at the Libyan economy statistics under Gaddafi and then say if he was really the tyrant you make him to be.

According to you then Saudi Arabia is heaven on Earth and a symbol of freedom in the world but we both know that is not true. As I said Libya needs at least 5 years to rebuild and that is at least. THEN we can judge.

If you haven't noticed due to Turkey's clever Veto on boots on the ground NATO described it as a mistake and only emptied their ammunition stock piles for nothing hell they even said out loud that operations in Libya was a disaster. That is why as I said Turkey's stance saved the Libyan revolution and we should be thankful for Turkey regarding that.

Also it doesn't matter if the Dictator is pro-west or pro-east a dictator is a dictator and they ALL should be cleaned out.
Other Arabs must give their blood so saudi arabia is safe I don't agree with this however we had to maybe one day when saudi arabia is not so arrogant .

Egyptian soldier with Iraqi POW
According to you then Saudi Arabia is heaven on Earth and a symbol of freedom in the world but we both know that is not true. As I said Libya needs at least 5 years to rebuild and that is at least. THEN we can judge.

If you haven't noticed due to Turkey's clever Veto on boots on the ground NATO described it as a mistake and only emptied their ammunition stock piles for nothing hell they even said out loud that operations in Libya was a disaster. That is why as I said Turkey's stance saved the Libyan revolution and we should be thankful for Turkey regarding that.

Also it doesn't matter if the Dictator is pro-west or pro-east a dictator is a dictator and they ALL should be cleaned out.

Did you know Libya's GDP/Capita under Gaddafi was double that of Egypt and the same as Turkey?

After 5 years? According to estimates 30000 civilians killed. You kill 30000 civilians and oust Gaddafi. Waste 5 years. Then expect change. How wonderful?

Also it doesn't matter if the Dictator is pro-west or pro-east a dictator is a dictator and they ALL should be cleaned out.

Interesting Mosamania. How about the Al-Saud family who is a dictator dynasty, just like Bashar al Assad?
This Reminds me of when Iraq was going to invade Saudi Arabia, I wonder what it would be like if saddam did, Mosa probably would not have been here and he enjoys a welfare Saudi Arabia today thanks to the coalition of nations that saved him and his family from Saddam, Egypt played parts, so did Syria.
LOL, Iraqi army took one military post and held it for two days until we kicked them out. If it wasn't for us Iraqis would have started taking Persian two decades ago. We financed the Iraqi army, and then he stabbed us in the back.
You want to unite under Syria's cause but not the Palestinan cuase since 1948? ok thats cool

We did unite until Camp David where the tides of things skewed dramatically and called for a different course of action. However since then Palestinian cause were over shadowed by Iran and Iraq till then and so we need to clean up the mistakes of the past 40 years and get all those guys out who are causing the schism between our countries and caused us to be weak.

Just imagine with Assad out, Syria, KSA, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Jordan, Tunis, Lebanon, Turkey and Inshallah Iraq as well will all be united again. Then we can build this unity to great heights in time and become a truly powerful nation.

In time we even erase the borders as relations will work more and more and become more and more closer to each other our people already love and respect one another but this will take unity to a whole great level. THAT my friend is Israel's nightmare. Not Assad's fall but Arab and Islamic unity.
Well libya is currently falling apart now the East benghazi is basically did something that makes it similar to seceding now. and militias are out of control.
Untrue because this Egyptian and many other arabs from poor parts gave their lives so you could be here today.

Here you go this egyptian soldier.

Why some Egyptians always remember the little they did and forget everything we did for them?
Didn't Jordan dispatch the strongest brigade to defend Syria 1973 war and contributed in the war?
Without GCC oil cut off in 1973, I don't think America would have pressed Israel to cease fire.
USA was the only effective force which repelled Iraqis from Kuwait along with 33 countries.
How many Arab countries fought with you in 1973?
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