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Egypt militants may have used Chinese missile to shoot down helicopter


Oct 30, 2007
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Ansar Bait al-Maqdis militants.

The Ansar Bait al-Maqdis (ABM), also known as Champions of Jerusalem, an Al-Qaeda-inspired Islamist militant group based in Egypt's Sinai peninsula, may have used a Chinese FN-6 surface-to-air missile to shoot down a military helicopter on Jan. 25, according to China's state-run Global Times.

The military helicopter was shot down near the town of Sheikh Zuweyid in northern Sinai, with the New York Times stating that five Egyptian soldiers were killed during the incident.

The BBC reported that the shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles used by the insurgents are Russian-built SA-7s, while a video clip released on the official website of ABM indicates that the fired missile looked more like a FN-6.

The BBC said that the Egyptian government currently relies heavily on the American-built AH-64 Apache helicopter and various Russian helicopters in its counter-insurgency operation against militant groups. The government may begin to deploy jet fighters against such organizations however as the Apache helicopter may no longer be useful against insurgents with Russian or Chinese surface-to-air missiles.

If jet fighters were to be used in anti-insurgency operations, the BBC said that collateral damage may increase. The New York Times, meanwhile, reported that the ABM has recently carried out a series of terrorist attacks against Egypt's police and military forces.

In a statement released after the incident, the militant group said that they shot down the helicopter in an area clear of residents to preserve the lives of Muslims and to carry out their Jihad against infidels.

Egypt militants may have used Chinese missile to shoot down helicopter|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
That's not what the Egyptian military has said, and besides it's not that important. What's more important are the developments all over the nation and how the leadership is choosing to deal with them. Just this last week we had several protestors and demonstrators killed but they were silenced by reports such as these to divert attention away from the real problem griping Egypt.

However, here's the confirmation apparently by the Egyptian military who's saying they've killed dozens of people in the Sinai recently along with Israel. There's a report israel killed two men in the Sinai. Among those killed by Egypt were civilians forsure but nobody is allowed to the areas as media is banned from the area and the military covers up whatever occurs there. All there are are eye witnesses.

They also make unsupported claims about people's nationality, they don't want to admit they're killing Egyptians and nothing proves the people's nationality anyways.

Egyptian officials: 4 Palestinians, 2 Egyptians behind deadly attack | Maan News Agency

The missile used in the attack was a 9K38 Igla, a Russian-made man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile, they said, without providing further details.

Here is the article of suspected militants killed, as you see...there is so much doublespeak in this article and almost ever other western media outlet which publishes this propaganda bashing the MB for incidents far away from the Egyptian capital. Half of the 'report' is baseless slander against protestors to mix them up with Sinai militants so people could view protestors as 'criminals' who are out to kill. Yet the security forces are the ones killing thousands of protestors with bullets to the head in many instances. However, they prefer the propaganda path that Israel also engages in against the Palestinians.

Egypt military: Airstrikes kill 13 Sinai militants - WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 -

This report is related to Egypt-Israeli military cooperation:

Egyptian report: 2 terrorists that fired rockets at Eilat killed - Israel News, Ynetnews

Egyptian report: 2 militants that fired rockets at Eilat killed

Egyptian media reported that according to security sources from the northern Sinai Peninsula, army forces killed two militants belonging to the organization Ansar Bait al-Maqdis, that claimed responsibility for the rocket-fire towards Eilat Friday night.

That's not what the Egyptian military has said, and besides it's not that important. What's more important are the developments all over the nation and how the leadership is choosing to deal with them. Just this last week we had several protestors and demonstrators killed but they were silenced by reports such as these to divert attention away from the real problem griping Egypt.

However, here's the confirmation apparently by the Egyptian military who's saying they've killed dozens of people in the Sinai recently along with Israel. There's a report israel killed two men in the Sinai. Among those killed by Egypt were civilians forsure but nobody is allowed to the areas as media is banned from the area and the military covers up whatever occurs there. All there are are eye witnesses.

They also make unsupported claims about people's nationality, they don't want to admit they're killing Egyptians and nothing proves the people's nationality anyways.

Egyptian officials: 4 Palestinians, 2 Egyptians behind deadly attack | Maan News Agency

Here is the article of suspected militants killed, as you see...there is so much doublespeak in this article and almost ever other western media outlet which publishes this propaganda bashing the MB for incidents far away from the Egyptian capital. Half of the 'report' is baseless slander against protestors to mix them up with Sinai militants so people could view protestors as 'criminals' who are out to kill. Yet the security forces are the ones killing thousands of protestors with bullets to the head in many instances. However, they prefer the propaganda path that Israel also engages in against the Palestinians.

Egypt military: Airstrikes kill 13 Sinai militants - WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 -

This report is related to Egypt-Israeli military cooperation:

Egyptian report: 2 terrorists that fired rockets at Eilat killed - Israel News, Ynetnews

Egyptian report: 2 militants that fired rockets at Eilat killed


Straws, you're clutching at a great deal of them.
I'm sorry you're having trouble debating with me.

Judging by how emotional and angry you get in your replies and your adolescent need to use profanity it seems to be you who is having trouble.
Judging by how emotional and angry you get in your replies and your adolescent need to use profanity it seems to be you who is having trouble.

Getting emotional is human characteristic all of us have, it's normal. I wasn't emotional over you, I was emotional over our state as Muslims. When it comes to you though all you're good for is presenting government provided information. I don't like being on that side if history.
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Getting emotional is human characteristic all or us have, it's normal.

Yes it is, as is our ability to control said emotions.

I was emotional over you, I wasn't emotional over our state as Muslims.

That doesn't make a difference.

When it comes to you though all you're good for is presenting government provided information.

I'm not the one pushing an agenda. All I try to do is show that both the current regime and the MB are as bad as each other.

I don't like being on that side if history.

Don't flatter yourself, you won't be on any side of history. You are too insignificant for anyone to write about, as am I.
Yes it is, as is our ability to control said emotions.

That doesn't make a difference.

I'm not the one pushing an agenda. All I try to do is show that both the current regime and the MB are as bad as each other.

Don't flatter yourself, you won't be on any side of history. You are too insignificant for anyone to write about, as am I.

I fixed my statement, I'm one of those people who believe over 90% of Islamist organizations are some of the worst people and organizations in our nations but the MB in Egypt was not one of them. Nor the organizations in Gaza.
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