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Egypt expels Turkish ambassador


Jun 2, 2011
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Egypt has told the Turkish ambassador to leave the country and downgraded relations between the two countries.

Egypt's foreign ministry blamed Turkey's continued "interference" in its country's internal affairs.

Turkey's diplomatic representation has been lowered to the level of charge d'affaires, the ministry said in a statement. Egypt has already recalled its ambassador from Turkey.

Turkey has criticised the overthrow of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.

Egypt has been in turmoil since Mr Morsi was deposed in July.

Thousands of Muslim Brotherhood members have been detained in a crackdown the interim authorities have portrayed as a struggle against "terrorism".

Hundreds of people have also been killed in clashes with security forces.

Turkey has been a vocal critic of Mr Morsi's removal and the military's actions, describing it as an "unacceptable coup".

Speaking on Saturday, Egypt's Foreign Ministry spokesman Badr Abdelatty said Turkey was "attempting to influence public opinion against Egyptian interests, supported meetings of organisations that seek to create instability in the country".

BBC News - Egypt expels Turkish ambassador
Egypt expels Turkish ambassador


Egypt downgraded its diplomatic relations with Turkey on Saturday and has asked the Turkish ambassador to leave the country, the foreign ministry spokesman said.

The spokesman said the Turkish ambassador to Cairo has been considered persona non grata and will be ordered to leave the country because of Turkey’s continued “interference” in Egyptian internal affairs.

Egypt has already recalled its own ambassador to Turkey back to Cairo, he added.

The spokesman also accused Ankara of backing unnamed organizations bent on spreading instability, in an indirect reference to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

Turkey was “attempting to influence public opinion against Egyptian interests, supported meetings of organizations that seek to create instability in the country,” said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Badr Abdelatty on Saturday.

Turkey continues to support the Muslim Brotherhood and has refused to recognize Egypt’s new rulers as legitimate.

The Turkish prime minister had openly criticized the Egyptian military’s assumption of power and its ouster of Islamist President Mohammad Mursi last July.

In response, the Turkish President Abdullah Gül said on Satruday that Egypt is undergoing an “extraordinary period” in Egypt and that Turkey hopes the situation is “temporary,” in statements carried by Turkish newspaper Todays Zaman.

Gül said Ankara hopes that democracy will be restored in Egypt very soon, and that “Turkey and Egypt are like two halves of one apple in the Mediterranean.”

“I hope things will get better,” he added.

Now people should understand why Ataturk said: "look west".. My opinion is that we should focus on Turkic countries, Europe and Russia.

I mean, yes Turks and Arabs share same religion but we are so different in terms of loyality, leadership, notion of state and nationhood and brothership.

Arab region won't change in the next 100 years. If not it will get worse when oil runs out, monarchy's will get toppled and chaos will brake out in the whole Arab region when the oil is out. Turkey shouldn't be trapped between that when that period of mayham brakes out.

After that period and when the flames have burned out. Then will be the time to roll in and raze through the region like a hot knife through butter. Arab region only has been ruled with an iron hand. Concepts like democracy is foreign in Arab region. Only when a strong regional government like the Ottomans that region will prosper. But it is too early in the game for this. When the oil runs out. The region will be in flames.
What a great new, Al Sissi is one of the biggest hero ever

Al Sissi is like the legend of Germanicus, the little children raised by the romans & who defeated them because he had never forgotten his people.

Even Al Sissi was forced to make his military career in the JEW USA, he obeyed for not beeing spotted.

I wonder, what did Erdogan benefit from constant provocations against Egypt? Nothing but deteriorating Turkish relations with such one of the most important countries in the ME and might effect the relations with a bunch of other Arab countries. Erdogan is acting very immaturely here, and that's very unfortunate as both Arab and Turkish people want the best relations with each others.
The middle east minus the scum bsg monarchs and dictators holds hugh potential

Turkey has been successful over the last decade because it has looked everywhere for opportunities with Erdogan pushing the way East as well as West

The opportunities in the Muslim world are MASSIVE with massive resources and populations that could be developed

Turmoil is no barrier to economic change

Turkey shouldn't be put off from smart work and seizing opportunities because the countries around it like Egypt are banana republics

Turkey with its position could be the first to utilise its more developed economy to take advantage of the massive resources available
a bit late but better than never of course we dont mean any thing to turkey as a nation it is just erdogan now his ambassador can play ottman with erdogan when he go back
The middle east minus the scum bsg monarchs and dictators holds hugh potential

Turkey has been successful over the last decade because it has looked everywhere for opportunities with Erdogan pushing the way East as well as West

The opportunities in the Muslim world are MASSIVE with massive resources and populations that could be developed

Turmoil is no barrier to economic change

Turkey shouldn't be put off from smart work and seizing opportunities because the countries around it like Egypt are banana republics

Turkey with its position could be the first to utilise its more developed economy to take advantage of the massive resources available
Egypt is a great country, it went through ups and downs but it always gets back on it's feet. It's moving forward as we speak, security has been restored, and investments as well as multi-billion dollars aid have flowed in the country.
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