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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions


Lets for a minute stop worrying about, the ''forigen vested interests.'' Lets talk about Egyptian interests.

For now what has happened is a black day for Egypt. Mursi was a legit,democratically elected leader who was deposed in a military coup within one year of winning office.

The most valuable asset for Egypt is 'stability' right now. Why did military give in to 'Streetism' of the leftists ?

Does it create 'stability' or 'alienation' ??
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They will never vanish, however, but now they're weak and no longer have sympathizers only followers and to a large extent they have been exposed as frauds.

They simply do not have the numbers to win an election on their own. They relied on the revolutionary vote the last time as Mursi was seen as the lesser of the two evils.

Have you even read the first communique?

frogman, are you a copt?
When will Pakistan show the islamicans the same as the brave people of Egypt?
Check out all the preaching we're getting from the Hindus. Not so long ago, they elected the Hindu Extremist party BJP to power in India and today, majority Hindus here are once again hoping to elect the same Hindu Extremist party to power for another term (Gujarat Massacres 2.0).

The irony of hypocrisy.

So you agree religion should be kept from politics!
For now what has happened is a black day for Egypt. Mursi was a legit,democratically elected leader who was deposed in a military coup within one year of winning office.

As someone pointed out, wish we could do that with our Governments - that is give them the boot if found unsatisfactory or non performing within one year.
A Muslim commentator in an interview on BBC mentioned today that political Islam is a disaster. "You can't mix religion and politics. That's the very reason why the Islamic world is where it is today - on the way to self destruction!"

Wow! That was strong stuff but then isn't it the truth?

idk is it?
what is democracy? what has democracy done? i dont see nothing good that democracy did yet in this world besides war spying poverty imperialism.
frogman, are you a copt?
Nope, I'm agnostic.

For now what has happened is a black day for Egypt. Mursi was a legit,democratically elected leader who was deposed in a military coup within one year of winning office.

The Egyptian people practiced their constitutional and democratic right to protest in their millions (17 million+) against the Morsi regime and signed a democratic grass roots petition (gained 22 million signings) that called for presidential elections. Now since the (disastrous) Egyptian constitution doesn't provide a constitutional process by which a compromise or change can come about the military (strongest institution in Egypt, which maintained all its constitutional powers under the MB) had to get involved as a result. Their intentions are clear (as mentioned, read the first communique) and the first step to civilian rule has happened today.

The most valuable asset for Egypt is 'stability' right now. Why did military give in to 'Streetism' of the leftists ?
Democracy is the will of the people and the people in their millions were on the streets those from the right of politics and those from the left and those who have no political affiliations whatsoever. The street has become the only place in Egypt that ones voice can be heard as all representative institutions have been found illegitimate or are a complete farce. These protests are not for stability, they are to reignite the revolution which called for bread (which signifies life in Egypt) freedom and social justice.

Does it create 'stability' or 'alienation' ??
We shall see, however, I will leave you with this, today the Egyptian stock market made over 22billion Egyptian L.E which is the most its ever made in a day and the EGX30 made a 7.3% jump.
It was wrong to bring a elected president down, dont know why people who believe in democracy should rejoice this..
Morsi was becoming more and more autocratic and was pushing the islamic agenda while failing in governance.
Even hitler came to power by democratic means. We all know what he did to democracy and any free thinking..
iran case is different and not easily replicated in today's world. They have 10% plus copts and sizable young secular middleclass, and a overall neutral army, they would have gone turkey way.

Egypt is going to burn i have a bad feeling, if they do an election a religious muslim will win again thats just the truth, same goes for turkey if erdogan ran again he will win again,

i have Egyptian friends here who are furious the army did this to the country, they said that these secularists are a small minority in fact eygpt is becoming more islamic by the day.
Those thinking that the brotherhood has just vanished after 86 years,are either fools or outright retarded.

Here is a question. "What if they win this election again??"

Egyptian military has a never ending thirst for absolute power. What will it do?

These guys survived Sadat and Mubarak. I don't think MB is going away anytime soon.

What were Morsis cardinal sins?

Can anybody list them.

I do see one major fault with this guy, he does not understand the intricacies and the back room dealings in politics.

He chose to confront when he didnt need to.
in dreams ppp,mqm aur anp ka haal islamist nay dikha dia aik hi 5 sala haqomat k baad :omghaha:

MB agay b 80 saal jidojehat karti rahi ab b karay gi

so called egyptian army chief kay saath salafi leader b khara tha jab us nay takrir ki ab egypt salafi aur tafiris kay hawalay aur syria ko Allah bachaey
Check out all the preaching we're getting from the Hindus. Not so long ago, they elected the Hindu Extremist party BJP to power in India and today, majority Hindus here are once again hoping to elect the same Hindu Extremist party to power for another term (Gujarat Massacres 2.0).

The irony of hypocrisy.

Yes, it seems Muslim genocide has been institutionalized in India. Those are not non state actors, but are very much State Actors.

And as for hypocrisy, what can you expect?

I can understand your frustration.

the tyrant eygptian army can destroy this democratically elected government but they cant destroy the peoples will. viva islam viva the people of Egypt.

These guys survived Sadat and Mubarak. I don't think MB is going away anytime soon.

What were Morsis cardinal sins?

Can anybody list them.

I do see one major fault with this guy, he does not understand the intricacies and the back room dealings in politics.

He chose to confront when he didnt need to.

what my egptian friend said is that the people love morsi, these protestors are a joke secularists notice the tone of the media on this its pathetic and unfair, they are covering these secularists while ignoring the counter protests

Lets for a minute stop worrying about, the ''forigen vested interests.'' Lets talk about Egyptian interests.

For now what has happened is a black day for Egypt. Mursi was a legit,democratically elected leader who was deposed in a military coup within one year of winning office.

The most valuable asset for Egypt is 'stability' right now. Why did military give in to 'Streetism' of the leftists ?

Does it create 'stability' or 'alienation' ??

Please..... first read the title and read the news and listen to propaganda of media.
It is not about democracy.. surprise surprise.. now anti Islam media has sympathies with ISlam and fall of Mursi is being presented as fall of Islam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HELLOOOO...... :coffee:
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