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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

They will never vanish, however, now they're weak and no longer have sympathizers only followers and to a large extent they have been exposed as frauds.

They simply do not have the numbers to win an election on their own. They relied on the revolutionary vote the last time as Mursi was seen as the lesser of the two evils.

Have you even read the first communique?

my friend d you even live in egypt?
i have friends who just came back recently.

they said that if they hold elections again and be fair! than the brotherhood will win again.
the tyrant eygptian army can destroy this democratically elected government but they cant destroy the peoples will. viva islam viva the people of Egypt.

what my egptian friend said is that the people love morsi, these protestors are a joke secularists notice the tone of the media on this its pathetic and unfair, they are covering these secularists while ignoring the counter protests

Teezak we teezo hamra

The first words from the protesters mouths when Sisi announced the constitution was annulled temporarily were "Allahu Akbar".
Egypt was before Mursi and after Mursi a predominantly pious Muslim nation.

my friend d you even live in egypt?
i have friends who just came back recently.

they said that if they hold elections again and be fair! than the brotherhood will win again.

I predominantly live in the UK but visit every year. I also spend years there and was schooled there for a limited amount of time and maintain constant contact with my family over there who are all anti-Mursi and guess what they live in Minya Alkamh a poor Egyptian town situated between farming villages and they're all Muslims.
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Pro-Morsi Vow to Suicide Bomb Everyone Opposed to Them & to Set Christians on Fire

This footage is taken from a pro-Morsi demonstration in Egypt after the Egyptian military intervened on behalf of the millions of Egyptians who demanded an end to the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. While addressing Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, the Egyptian commander-in-chief, those who support Morsi vow to become suicide bombers that will target secularists, Christians, Shiites, and all other opposition forces. A lady covered in black vowed to burn her Christian compatriots.

I don't understand how this created a civil war between Shia and Sunnis?? it wasn't Shias who toppled Morsi, it wasn't Christians, the EGYPTIAN PEOPLE DID IT!

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This is days before Morsi got toppled.. he threatened that MB has booby trapped cars and other type of explosives to use if Morsi is toppled..

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Remember we warned that Egypt was so destabilized by the fire the Wahabi had started that it might erupt in civil war, and one week later, --- well violence is the only language the Wahabi understands, I hope the Egyptian Army will clean Egyptian society of Wahabis and their sympathizers - The Wahabi have long asserted that all Muslims must submit to them, lets see if the Brave Egyptian Nation and army can teach them a lesson history will recall long in coming And hopefully more Muslims will realize who their enemy is.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday described as "unacceptable" the army's ousting of Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, an intervention he labelled a "military coup".

"Only can you be removed from duty through elections, that is, the will of the people. It is unacceptable for a government, which has come to power through democratic elections, to be toppled through illicit means and even more, a military coup," Davutoglu told reporters.

Turkey says Mohamed Mursi's removal in Egypt an unacceptable 'coup' - World - DNA
Remember we warned that Egypt was so destabilized by the fire the Wahabi had started that it might erupt in civil war, and one week later, --- well violence is the only language the Wahabi understands, I hope the Egyptian Army will clean Egyptian society of Wahabis and their sympathizers - The Wahabi have long asserted that all Muslims must submit to them, lets see if the Brave Egyptian Nation and army can teach them a lesson history will recall long in coming And hopefully more Muslims will realize who their enemy is.
well now those terrorists will start terrorizing the country, since they don't have enough popular support, they just go to suicide bombings..
along with salafis ,takferes the west stooge Al Baradi was standing with Egyptian army chief .the same Al Baradi how was used against iran and iraq
As someone pointed out, wish we could do that with our Governments - that is give them the boot if found unsatisfactory or non performing within one year.

Pakistanis detested PPP govt but didn't drag them out of office, we did that on the polls. Instability is not something Egypt can afford to have right now.
well now those terrorists will start terrorizing the country, since they don't have enough popular support, they just go to suicide bombings..

It was always about terror for Wahabis - just study the history of this cult in Arabia, and see what they did to plurality of confessional sects in Arabia, they raided as far as North Africa in their many jihad

You can be sure that the response of most people to Wahabi terrorism will be confusion to begin with .
Teezak we teezo hamra

The first words from the protesters mouths when Sisi announced the constitution was annulled temporarily were "Allahu Akbar".
Egypt was before Mursi and after Mursi a predominantly pious Muslim nation.

I predominantly live in the UK but visit every year. I also spend years there and was schooled there for a limited amount of time and maintain constant contact with my family over there who are all anti-Mursi and guess what they live in Minya Alkamh a poor Egyptian town situated between farming villages and they're all Muslims.

well if this is what the people of egypt want then so be it, but if this is something they dont want we will see the results in upcoming days.
i know it seems like a lot of people but how many do you think are gathered here? 41 million? if not well thats how many voted for morsi.
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Bro, I can't debate you since I don't believe in those conspiracy theories. I mean, of course there are American designs to follow their interests, but we as well have our interests and we'll only follow the best that suit ours. I strongly believe that ousting the MB is a good thing for Egypt and Arabs. Anyway, Egyptians have decided to topple Mubarak, elect Morsi, and topple him again. It's their country and they are the only who will be held accountable of their decisions whether they are right or wrong.

Forget what you call conspiracy theories, but this seemed planned from a while ago and now MB supporters and members are being arrested and censored. This path is the wrong path. As for Gaza, Hamas was here long before the MB came to power in Egypt and they will still continue running Gaza. But look at the events leading up to and after the ousting. I don't agree with all that's happened. And Egypt won't change over night, and reform won't be drastic either. Either way, I'm also looking forward for a settled solution with calm for Egypt. Although this censorship of anything Islamic went a little too far. Millions don't stand those who protested and you and others should count them in too.
It was always about terror for Wahabis - just study the history of this cult in Arabia, and see what they did to plurality of confessional sects in Arabia, they raided as far as North Africa in their many jihad

You can be sure that the response of most people to Wahabi terrorism will be confusion to begin with .

Actually, GCC is the biggest winner from ousting MB who have always posed a serious threat to them and other Arab monarchies. You seem to hate political Islam and extremism, however, I never heard you saying anything about extreme Mullahs in Tahran, and their terror groups, or is it too much to ask for? :/
Actually, GCC is the biggest winner from ousting MB who have always posed a serious threat to them and other Arab monarchies. You seem to hate political Islam and extremism, however, I never heard you saying anything about extreme Mullahs in Tahran, and their terror groups, or is it too much to ask for? :/
man you are obsessed with Iran... Iran is your nightmare :omghaha:
Forget what you call conspiracy theories, but this seemed planned from a while ago and now MB supporters and members are being arrested and censored. This path is the wrong path. As for Gaza, Hamas was here long before the MB came to power in Egypt and they will still continue running Gaza. But look at the events leading up to and after the ousting. I don't agree with all that's happened. And Egypt won't change over night, and reform won't be drastic either. Either way, I'm also looking forward for a settled solution with calm for Egypt. Although this censorship of anything Islamic went a little too far. Millions don't stand those who protested and you and others should count them in too.

Best of luck to Egypt. This was expected even before Mubarak steps down, things would take years till they settle down in Egypt.
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