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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

What is the other option, the military are gunning down innocent Muslims in prayer

The copts and the liberals are surrounding mosques and attacking the faithful

The right to self defence is allowed in islam

Why should the Muslims sit back and take this slaughter

lol, you suggesting civil war, wtf am I supposed to answer to that, nevermind I leave this topic.
What is the other option, the military are gunning down innocent Muslims in prayer

The copts and the liberals
are surrounding mosques and attacking the faithful

The right to self defence is allowed in islam

Why should the Muslims sit back and take this slaughter

Look how two faced you already became. You condemn attacks like this towards your fellow 'Ikwans' but would love to 'defend' your fellow MBs by counter-attacking normal Egyptian liberals and minority groups like the Copts. You hate liberalism but you live in the very nation that gave the world the founder of modern liberal ideas (John locke and Adam Smith). The fact Britain is an liberal society found on liberal values and economic freedom policies has enables you make these types of statements. If the UK was not liberal and was just as autocratic as an typical mainland European nation during the 19th century then you would be cecored and arrested for these posts that encourage sectrain violence.
You are the quresh

You have stolen Egypt, the Muslims will neither forgive or forget what you have done

Like assad and gadaffi it is only a matter of time before you fall

The Muslims of Egypt will foil your plans and not let you govern and steal the nation

Assad hasn't fallen yet you imbecile, and only reason Gaddafi was toppled was because NATO intervened,-----> FACT

NATO isn't coming too rescue you retards this time we made sure of that:pop:
It's your kind of retarded scum

Says the member who brandishes British flags yet has no concept of proper grammar or spelling.

Who has kept the Muslim world as slaves, you grow rich leeching off the blood of the people mubarak gadaffi assad saddam

I'm nineteen years old and will have about -£10000 to my name when I start university in the coming months. The MB leadership are also incredibly wealthy.

Billionaire scum only concerned for themselves with a ***** rich scum elite giving support

Go ask Khayrat Alshater how much hes worth.

I noticed. Stupid EDL goons would love to take advantage of these type of people. What's hypocritical is that radicals (not normal muslims) love to hype about the greatness of the MB and the evils of western freedom and liberty while enjoying the same freedom of speech to make remakes against modern civil society.

Believes in freedom of religion and speech in the UK but not in his native lands. They also seem to have a rather bad case of selective memory disorder and at times verbal diarrhea mixed with a wayward conscious and a moral compass which points south.
What about the massacre of the Greece and the Bulgary had done to you in the past? Still had a hurt do you?

Greece and bulgary?

Again, İ don't approve of any massacre at all. You on the other hand think it's allowed as long as you massacre people of a certain group ( in this case someone who doesn't fit your vision).

As long as it is the opposition, massacre is allowed. This was exactly the way of thinking of the Dutch state.
This was exactly the reason why so many innocent İndonesians died.
Ok then how should the Muslims of Egypt defend themselves

They voted
They partook in free and fair elections
The party and president they chose got into power

The corrupt deep state swung into action making governance impossible planning a coup using the liberal scum and copts as cover

Muslim's peacefully protest and are gunned down in the hundreds

Go on then tell me what they should do

Assad hasn't fallen yet you imbecile, and only reason Gaddafi was toppled was because NATO intervened, NATO isn't coming too rescue you retards this time we made sure of that

Assad will fall just like the Muslims of your nation will increase
Ok then how should the Muslims of Egypt defend themselves

They voted
They partook in free and fair elections
The party and president they chose got into power

The corrupt deep state swung into action making governance impossible planning a coup using the liberal scum and copts as cover

Muslim's peacefully protest and are gunned down in the hundreds

Go on then tell me what they should do

Assad will fall just like the Muslims of your nation will increase

Crazy Right Wing people, not just MB's and salafist, tend to claim such notion's that they are targeted. When not in power they play the victim game. But we all know what happens if they get to power, even democratically... it's an one vote, one time ticket to autocratic hell.
Look how two faced you already became. You condemn attacks like this towards your fellow 'Ikwans' but would love to 'defend' your fellow MBs by counter-attacking normal Egyptian liberals and minority groups like the Copts. You hate liberalism but you live in the very nation that gave the world the founder of modern liberal ideas (John locke and Adam Smith). The fact Britain is an liberal society found on liberal values and economic freedom policies has enables you make these types of statements. If the UK was not liberal and was just as autocratic as an typical mainland European nation during the 19th century then you would be cecored and arrested for these posts that encourage sectrain violence.

So if I have free speech, then what's the problem, with using my right to speak to defend the Muslims of Egypt

The so called liberals of Egypt have disposed of a democratic government and partaken in a illegal military coup

They are now supporting the massacre of hundreds of Muslims

If you can't use free speech to speak out against that then what use is free speech
Ok then how should the Muslims of Egypt defend themselves

They voted
They partook in free and fair elections
The party and president they chose got into power

The corrupt deep state swung into action making governance impossible planning a coup using the liberal scum and copts as cover

Muslim's peacefully protest and are gunned down in the hundreds

Go on then tell me what they should do

Someone else can answer your queries but I want to ask you a question.

Why has the Salafi Nour party abandoned the MB and its affiliates and agreed to partake in the upcoming elections? Are they not Islamists? are they Kuffars? is the Azhar a Kuffar institution?

The Nour party split from the Islamist coalition a few months back.
Crazy Right Wing people, not just MB's and salafist, tend to claim such notion's that they are targeted. When not in power they play the victim game. But we all know what happens if they get to power, even democratically... it's an one vote, one time ticket to autocratic hell.

But you're just talking B.S

Hundreds have just been massacred by the military, an elected government has been overthrown, and a president arrested and detained on trumped up charges

I think the victim card is theirs to play

Why should they respect democracy or the democratic mandate when the same respect isn't given to them
Greece and bulgary?

Again, İ don't approve of any massacre at all. You on the other hand think it's allowed as long as you massacre people of a certain group ( in this case someone who doesn't fit your vision).

As long as it is the opposition, massacre is allowed. This was exactly the way of thinking of the Dutch state.
This was exactly the reason why so many innocent İndonesians died.

In our long history, Indonesians (bumiputra) had killing more Indonesian people than the Dutch had done to us in the past. This mentality perhaps one of the major reasons for the surviving of Indonesian culture and heritage until this day. I can't say i will take a proud about this barbaric act but sometimes a harsh measures must be taken to guarantee the survival of our identity.

And dont pretend the Turks is innocent too, what about the Kurdish and Armenian cases the killing is must be must worsen than Indonesian communist genocide taken in 1965. As what i said before, a harsh action must be taken to guarantee the survival of Country and her identity and culture. And you can said why Westerling (the perperator of Makassar killing, which left 40000 peoples die) had a nickname "The Turks".
So if I have free speech, then what's the problem, with using my right to speak to defend the Muslims of Egypt

The so called liberals of Egypt have disposed of a democratic government and partaken in a illegal military coup

They are now supporting the massacre of hundreds of Muslims

If you can't use free speech to speak out against that then what use is free speech

Where did I mention that I supported the coup? I disagree with the coup to be honest, it's goes against the rule of law. And the Rule of Law is one the things that Egypt lacks, hence failure of democracy (whether from an Military coup or an Theocratic seizure of the legislative body). What Egypt needs is not military take overs or Elected religious officials that damage the economy but an good civil law system and an effective judiciary that is not corrupted from military officials or party officials. If your buddies have something to complain about then complain about the rule of law...
Someone else can answer your queries but I want to ask you a question.

Why has the Salafi Nour party abandoned the MB and its affiliates and agreed to partake in the upcoming elections? Are they not Islamists? are they Kuffars? is the Azhar a Kuffar institution?

The Nour party split from the Islamist coalition a few months back.

Their behaviour is traitorous and unislamic

Shameful in Ramadan

The only people acting like Muslims in Egypt are the Muslim brothers

God willing the M.B righteous stance will convince all the faithful to support them and bring down the fake government and military
Assad will fall just

Sure Sure you donkeys have been saying that for last 2.5 years, let me know when it happans.

like the Muslims of your nation will increase

On January 1, 2015 the strongest immigration laws in Europe will come into effect in Russia, don't be don't be surprised if your numbers start to decrease:lol:
In our long history, Indonesians (bumiputra) had killing more Indonesian people than the Dutch had done to us in the past. This mentality perhaps one of the major reasons for the surviving of Indonesian culture and heritage until this day. I can't say i will take a proud about this barbaric act but sometimes a harsh measures must be taken to guarantee the survival of our identity.

And dont pretend the Turks is innocent too, what about the Kurdish and Armenian cases the killing is must be must worsen than Indonesian communist genocide taken in 1965. As what i said before, a harsh action must be taken to guarantee the survival of Country and her identity and culture. And you can said why Westerling (the perperator of Makassar killing, which left 40000 peoples die) had a nickname "The Turks".

Mate like İ said. İ'm not the one justifying any kind of massacres. İ'm against any kind of massacre.

You on the other hand are saying that people should be massacred depending on the ideology or beliefs.
Then İ ask you were the Dutch right to massacre the İndonesians?
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