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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

I cant believe how moronic the egyptians have been

Nor can I. How could Morsi generate such numbers against him and alienate a nation in the space of a year when it took the regime before him 30 years to generate less than a third of those numbers.

All they had to do was sit back and allow the democratic process to take root

Yeah just sit back and allow all the nations institutions to be Akhwanized and for the presidency to rack up legislative and prerogative powers while ignoring the opposition and plunging the nation into sectarian strife elsewhere. Sounds like the foundations to a real democratic process.

But these imperfect president and governments including morsi had to be given time to fail

Morsi was the illegitimate ruler of Egypt when he gave himslef unlimited powers and ordered his goons to attack and kill protestors at Alattahidiya with the help of the security forces and encircle the constitutional court so it couldn't make a verdict.

It seems you have a case of selective memory as many others do on this thread. Blood is nothing new in Egypt and it flows from many sects.

Until the democratic process would take root and a political balance achieved this may take a decade or two

Im sure we would all have loved an elected dictatorship for a decade or two.

The egyptians have just been idiotic allowing a corrupt military and even more pathetic liberal kaffir elite to walk their country towards chaos and murder

Do you have proof of military corruption? or are you just assuming.

Your insistence on using slanderous phrases and the Takfir of Muslims shows how much of a bigoted half wit you are. You're also incredibly politically naive.

They are gunning down innocent human beings

So why werent you outraged and complaining on forums and posting pictures and videos when Maspero happened or when Mahammed Mahmoud happened or when Al3abasiya happened, WHERE WERE YOU?

A selective memory and conscious.

The egyptian scum military is built to oppress its people and is no different to the jew israeli army

Says someone who has no Idea about the Egyptian military or how it operates.
How can you be so cruel against your own people?

Doesn't it bother you at all that they are committing a massacre on your own people?
Whatever their ideology is, they still remain Egyptian.
Very doubtful!! That is the main point.
What's doubtful about it?

All those people that were massacred , are foreigners?

The MB and their affiliates have a questionable national allegiance and that's why many Egyptians don't see them as Egyptians. They do not believe in nation states and the concept of the nation rather they seek a caliphate. To many the only connection they have to being Egyptian is birth and genetics.
What's doubtful about it?

All those people that were massacred , are foreigners?
Egyptians don't really consider Islamists to be Egyptians!! Ask Islamists if they consider they consider themselves Ikhwanis(Muslim Brotherhood), or Salafis first, or Egyptians first then get back to me. Egypt to them is just an Eyalet not an independent country with its own heritage, borders and system.

The former Supreme guide of the Muslim brotherhoond said in 2005 that a Muslim Indonesian is closer to them than a christian Egyptian and they would rather have a Muslim Indonesian in power in Egypt than a christian Egyptian. He also said to hell with Egypt because the goal is the whole Islamic world. I am not making these stuff up, these are documented facts that a lot of Egyptians know about.
@agentny17 you are sick man, the stupid moment when you said democracy will happen in Egypt :rofl: what an idiot, anyway not surprising here since you are a Nasserist, Socialist d*cks, doesn't care how many people died even if it's a "peaceful protest" by Pros which had happened night ago. BTW, the firaun Sisi is referring terrorist to the millions supporters of Pro Morsi and Pro so called democracy who seeks to impose in Muslim country. Have you not remember Assad slaughtered 110 people on the first day of the PEACEFUL protest then what happened next? so, STFU.

children killed
summarizing the massacre



Protest against massacre erupted bigger "down with military regime"

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İ had to ask from your countrymate's

Do you consider yourself a Egyptian? Will you ever betray, sell out or harm your nation for any reason?
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Sisi, the egyptian army and the liberal scum elite are neither egyptian nor Muslims

These kaffir will suck the blood of Muslims in Egypt until you finish them

The Muslims of Egypt need to remain United and rise up against these haramiis

Do not let them govern, spoil their plans
Sisi, the egyptian army and the liberal scum elite are neither egyptian nor Muslims

These kaffir will suck the blood of Muslims in Egypt until you finish them

The Muslims of Egypt need to remain United and rise up against these haramiis

Do not let them govern, spoil their plans

Was he a liberal scum elite and a kuffar and deserved to die for opposing Morsi?

@agentny17 you are sick man, the stupid moment when you said democracy will happen in Egypt :rofl: what an idiot, anyway not surprising here since you are a Nasserist, Socialist d*cks, doesn't care how many people died even if it's a "peaceful protest" by Pros which had happened night ago. BTW, the firaun Sisi is referring terrorist to the millions supporters of Pro Morsi and Pro so called democracy who seeks to impose in Muslim country. Have you not remember Assad slaughtered 110 people on the first day of the PEACEFUL protest then what happened next? so, STFU.

children killed
summarizing the massacre



Protest against massacre erupted bigger "down with military regime"


No use. The blind will stay blind. They'll justify the killing of 200 innocents. Egypt's American backed president said Army/Police didn't use live rounds. Lols. Wonder they were angles who shot them? And all the videos are fake! shame on corrupt and immoral egypt army. For so many years now, they have been western stooges.

Now if the Egyptian People will retailiate and use force for revenge, world will wake up and say.. Look, look terrorists! but remains silent on Army massacare of Muslims!

Even Elbaradi (the US stooge, who wrote a fake report paving a pay for Iraq war, who got only 2% of vote) said excessive force has been used! Wonder how he sleeps at night!
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Sisi, the egyptian army and the liberal scum elite are neither egyptian nor Muslims

These kaffir will suck the blood of Muslims in Egypt until you finish them

The Muslims of Egypt need to remain United and rise up against these haramiis

Do not let them govern, spoil their plans

Who exactly are you to use those words, call others kuffar and tell people they will go to hell ?
You are the quresh

You have stolen Egypt, the Muslims will neither forgive or forget what you have done

Like assad and gadaffi it is only a matter of time before you fall

The Muslims of Egypt will foil your plans and not let you govern and steal the nation
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