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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Egyptians don't really consider Islamists to be Egyptians!! Ask Islamists if they consider they consider themselves Ikhwanis(Muslim Brotherhood), or Salafis first, or Egyptians first then get back to me. Egypt to them is just an Eyalet not an independent country with its own heritage, borders and system.

The former Supreme guide of the Muslim brotherhoond said in 2005 that a Muslim Indonesian is closer to them than a christian Egyptian and they would rather have a Muslim Indonesian in power in Egypt than a christian Egyptian. He also said to hell with Egypt because the goal is the whole Islamic world. I am not making these stuff up, these are documented facts that a lot of Egyptians know about.

Wuahaha :woot: what an irony, in here PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera/Justice and Prosperity Party) an Ikhwanul Muslimin branch in Indonesia always look Moorsi and their friends in Egypt is in higher position than our President (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) right now i must made it clear not all of Indonesian Moslem is PKS/Ikhwanul Moslem affiliated. And right now our President give them a harsh lesson, in wich he is carefully and diligently made the reputation of PKS hit the ground to the lowest and break their mental with blow up scandal involved their high rank politician in sex gratification and corruptions cases.

In Indonesia, right now PKS is perceived as the most corrupted and Sex addict known Party, and they will have a harsh road in 2014 elections.

When we are talking about fundamentalist idea they had, we just can say they are parasites in our Nationalist Country in which will made our country back to Stone Ages with their abrupt idea about government and Nationalism institutions. Good Job for Military of Egypt, those parasites must be wipe out before too late.
Even Elbaradi (the US stooge, who wrote a fake report paving a pay for Iraq war, who got only 2% of vote) said excessive force has been used! Wonder how he sleeps at night!

The stupidity.....

Elbaradei was the principle player in not allowing a UN resolution to pass for military action in Iraq. He declared that Iraq had complied with all IAEA requests and that there was no evidence of WMD in Iraq. The invasion was illegal and he said that the day the coalition invaded was "the saddest day" his life. Elbaradei also didn't contest presidential elections.

I would appreciate it if you learned what a political ideology entails before slamming it. Im a liberal and I condemn the killing of peaceful protesters from both the military/security forces and the MB.
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they dont consider themselves Egyptians

Same with Ikhwanul Moslem of Indonesia, they don't consider themselves as Indonesians but rather they will bow their head to some Middle East foreigner in which hardly known for Indonesian peoples. They are trash, lower than parasites. And made it easy, our Soeharto president had killing about 5000 to 10000 Islamist hardline like them in the past, casualty is just matter of number. Like what Stalin had said, no peoples no problems at all. :D
What’s your point, do you want another civil war ?

What is the other option, the military are gunning down innocent Muslims in prayer

The copts and the liberals are surrounding mosques and attacking the faithful

The right to self defence is allowed in islam

Why should the Muslims sit back and take this slaughter
Same with Ikhwanul Moslem of Indonesia, they don't consider themselves as Indonesians but rather they will bow their head to some Middle East foreigner in which hardly known for Indonesian peoples. They are trash, lower than parasites. And made it easy, our Soeharto president had killing about 5000 to 10000 Islamist hardline like them in the past, casualty is just matter of number. Like what Stalin had said, no peoples no problems at all. :D

Go hang yourself up ok?

İ hope you also agree to the politional actions of the Dutch then?
No people, no problems at all. So the massacres on the İndonesians of the Dutch state was a good action.
What kind of people are they breeding in the UK!? No wonder attacks from the EDL and BNP rhetoric is on the rise...

Its these sort of cretins that give perfectly decent Muslims in Britain and the world a bad name.
The same thing happened in Syria 2 years ago and US / Europe / PGCC backed terrorists went for Jihad against Assad , I just wonder if those freedom fighters want to do their holy duty in Egypt or their masters are not going to let them .

The US and west and their puppets such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar are playing people in ME which is totally in favor of Israel . Unfortunately the same sh!t might happen in Tunisia and Libya .

The game started with Iraq but since that suited Iran it is never mentioned :coffee:

Anyway I am thoroughly amazed at some Egyptian chaps here the world is sorrow at the loss of human life and they are discussing if those killed were Egyptian enough.
Its these sort of cretins that give perfectly decent Muslims in Britain and the world a bad name.

I noticed. Stupid EDL goons would love to take advantage of these type of people. What's hypocritical is that radicals (not normal muslims) love to hype about the greatness of the MB and the evils of western freedom and liberty while enjoying the same freedom of speech to make remakes against modern civil society.
What's doubtful about it?

All those people that were massacred , are foreigners?

They just parasites who still keep using state facility like gov.job, premier educations, hospital, clinic, state fund health, state insurrances and so on, but they keep bragging about some lunatic visions of Moslem Caliphate and trying and pushing to disolve their own country in which had a long historical background. Even Christian and secular Moslem Egyptian is the most bravest mans of all Arabs because they had withstanding against Zionism in the past and future.
Anyway I am thoroughly amazed at some Egyptian chaps here the world is sorrow at the loss of human life and they are discussing if those killed were Egyptian enough.

Someone asked why some Egyptian members do not recognize those who support the MB as Egyptians and they answered. Perosnally, I don't care if they are Egyptian or not. No one deserves to die while protesting peacefully. Although that doesn't mean the security forces were unprovoked(still should be condemned though) .
Its these sort of cretins that give perfectly decent Muslims in Britain and the world a bad name.

It's your kind of retarded scum

Who has kept the Muslim world as slaves, you grow rich leeching off the blood of the people mubarak gadaffi assad saddam

Billionaire scum only concerned for themselves with a ***** rich scum elite giving support
Go hang yourself up ok?

İ hope you also agree to the politional actions of the Dutch then?
No people, no problems at all. So the massacres on the İndonesians of the Dutch state was a good action.

What about the massacre of the Greece and the Bulgary had done to you in the past? Still had a hurt do you?
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