Haha, ask the Dutch itself because i had correspondent with some of them. And our Nationalist proud soldier too had massacred so many Dutch sympathizer and Indo European descents in chaotic era of 1945 1950.
My way of thinking had taking place in modern place so many times altough the world condemn that and you too probably. Rwandan Genocide, Rokhinga Massacre, Tiananmen incident, Sudan civil war/war in Darfur, Indonesian Reformation in 98, Libyan Civil War, Syrian Civil War, the collapse of Yugoslavia, the Breakup of USSR, Irak sectarian war after the US led invasion, Pakistan war in Tribal Area, Colombia FARC war, Afghanistan Civil War , Somaly Civil War and so on of so many killings and genocide rampage around the world why must you Moslem brotherhood crying for just mere 200 casualties wich is just a tiny numbers compare to what happened around the Globe. I think you of all peoples want blow up these issue and casualties (or martyr according to you) as justifying tools or mere excuse against Military of Egypt so you can declare your Jihad and spill more blood of Egyptian Peoples.