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Earthquake in Islamabad

its khudadad heights E-11 islamabad


Entire north India felt the quake, and they were serious jolts.
Updates so far:

150 injured persons from Shangla and SWAT have been shifted to Dist Hospital SWAT.

Confirmed collapse of small residential buildings in Bajur, KPK, SWAT, Shangla.

Pakistan Army Engineer (Urban Search and Rescue Team) has started structural assessment of damaged building.

Reports have come in that people have been reporting seeing the sky change colour during after immediately after the earthquake.

Please don’t be alarmed by this. It is known as EQL (Earthquake lights) in geology.

Just another miracle of nature.
Well guys gotta credit the android earthquake alert system for warning me in advance. I was laying chatting on WhatsApp then the Android alert came , soon after the alert my room started to shake. I immediately ran downstairs and took my old mother out from the house. I hope everyones dear and near ones are safe and sound.
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Known injured persons and casualties thus far:

1 minor girl 8-10 yrs died & 80+ injured in Swat, 5 injured in Swabi, 3 in Buner, 2 in Lower Dir, 1 in Chitral, 1 in Mardan.

Most casualties, so far, from Swat are people who need medical aid out of fear/trauma. Elsewhere in KP injuries are caused by collapsing of roofs and walls, and the injured include women.
Hope everyone is safe there bro?
thanks, man.. yes.. nothing, no damage

just shook us for a few

been a few scarier ones here earlier, those too, thankfully, didn't cause any damage..

have a video of the old one. from 2015, apparently

https :// filebin.net /nuhs0f5yp62c06ls
Aftershocks have been reported. Please don’t be alarmed. Advise friends and loved ones to follow the advice of emergency services. Tune into radio Pakistan or any news channel.

Check their building:
  • Turn off gas mains and keep them shut until all clear given
  • Inspect buildings for structural damage
  • Inspect Electrical cables
  • Inspect water pipes

Prepare to evacuate if necessary.

I have posted many articles on pdf on how to make a but out / grab bag. Read one of those and share them.

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