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Earthquake in Islamabad

I think considering we got lucky this wasn't worse

Inshallah Inshallah we dont get a second earthquake
7.7 Earth Quake a warning against injustice taking place at Islamabad

Coincidence or a sign

My own family is based around Islamabad/Rawalpindi, I am not insensitive.
Nor I love Earthquake or devastation.

but sometimes, Allah sends a warning in form of earthquakes, hurricanes, Tsunami or Tornadoes

For Tyrants but the Tyrants will shrug it off because they are in love with this life and don't worry about the afterlife
  • The life of Luxury
  • The gathering and planning
  • The plans
  • The next cunning move
  • The gathering of mafia criminals in courts

However, these turbulences are a warning those who believe in afterlife repent from their errors and seek forgiveness.
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May Allah keep honest people protected from Earthquake's wrath
The devastation seen in Turkey was heart breaking and let us pray that no such ill fate awaits Pakistan.

Rawalpindi is quite old city and Islamabad while being relatively new, I doubt the construction standards are top notch

I am not aware if Pakistani Building constructions develop with earthquakes in mind.
as is the case in Japan with Earthquake resistant constructions
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If that's the case than chitral and fata are going to be the most effected parts of Pakistan

Just had a flooding in Sindh, south Punjab and now earthquake in KPK, one disaster after another

I hope y'all are safe guys @Friday @TNT @RealNapster and others

Thanks bro, we r safe. I have never seen such a long duration of earthquake. I usually sit it out but this was scary. I grabbed my son and ran down, the floor was slipping through my feet and i slipped like 5 steps but thanks to Allah i didn't fall. People were literally shouting and crying.
Missus and my little one are in Pakistan, Mirpur on holiday. Was on video call with wife until her screen went black! My balls dropped. Her screen went blank, then vibrating, i could hear trembling sounds. She ran inside and got our 2 year old out as he was sleeping. Shukar hain Allah ka everyone is ok, my heart was beating so fast and trembling
کل زلزلے کے وقت ایک ایمان افروز منظر نظر آیا۔ بلیو ایریا سیور میں سینکڑوں افراد کھانا چھوڑ کر آونچی آواز میں کلمہ طیبہ اور استغفار کا ورد کرتے ہوٸے باہر نکل آۓ۔ ہر طرف کلمے کے صدا بلند تھی۔ زلزلہ رکتے ہی زیادہ تر افراد کھانے کا بل دیے بغیر باہر ہی سے دنیا کی بے ثباتی پے بات کرتے ہوٸے آونچی ڈکاروں کی آواز میں گھر روانہ ہوگۓ
(منقول از حاجی شفقت صاحب)

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