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'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than The United States'


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than The United States'

This was not the headline that the Center for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics gave its recent release of provisional fertility data for 2012. However, if you compare the most recent CDC data with Rosstat data on Russian births you see that, for the first time in a very long time, in 2012 Russia’s birth rate actually exceeded that of the United States. This is, to put it mildly, a significant reversal from the not too distant past when the US had a birth rate that was as much as 75% higher than Russia’s. As you can see, the speed and scale of the convergence is impressive


Since 2008, the Russian birth rate has increased by about 10% while the United States has slumped by about 9%. At first glance this might sound surprising: didn’t Russia’s economy perform abysmally during the financial crisis? Isn’t their economy going straight towards a hard landing? But it’s really not much of a mystery when you really think about it: Russia, and particularly its labor market, rebounded from the financial crisis very quickly. The sorts of metrics which would be a reasonable guide to family formation and births, particularly the unemployment rate and the average real wage, are at historically good levels in Russia. Essentially, Russian wages have never been higher and unemployment has never been lower. Meanwhile, in the United States, wages are stagnant and unemployment is way above its long-term trend. This sort of economic malaise has had a predictably depressive effect on fertility.

What is not particularly relevant for the discussion are the personalities of Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin: neither deserves much credit (or blame) for their respective country’s performance. Fertility is notoriously immune to state interventions, and while I’m sure someone will show up in the comments and say that Russia’s strong performance is solely due to the “maternal capital” program the reality is that most of the change is due to structural demographic and economic factors that are incredibly difficult to change. So Russia’s relatively good performance doesn’t automatically vindicate Putin and the US poor performance doesn’t “prove” that Obama is awful.

It’s also worth noting that Russia’s birth rate will, in the not too distant future, start to decrease as the tiny cohort born during the chaos of the 1990′s comes into prime childbearing years and replaces the relatively large cohort born during the 1980′s. It’s unlikely, then, that Russia’s birth rate is going to exceed that of the United States for very long: there is, at most, a 4-5 year window before structural factors take over and reduce Russia’s rate while bolstering that of the United States.

But I nonetheless want to highlight the enormous change in relative performance between Russia and the United States because 1) it’s something that’s not well recognized and 2) strongly suggests that Russia is not some bizarre and indecipherable ”dying nation” but is actually dealing with a number of demographic problems that every other advanced country is also dealing with. A lot of people pointed at Russia’s naturally shrinking population and basically said “what a wretched and awful place: they can’t even maintain their own numbers!” The fact that the white population is now naturally shrinking in the US should hopefully make people just a little less willing to stereotype the Russians and a little more willing to honestly discuss issues of demography by engaging with hard data.
'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than The United States'

This was not the headline that the Center for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics gave its recent release of provisional fertility data for 2012. However, if you compare the most recent CDC data with Rosstat data on Russian births you see that, for the first time in a very long time, in 2012 Russia’s birth rate actually exceeded that of the United States. This is, to put it mildly, a significant reversal from the not too distant past when the US had a birth rate that was as much as 75% higher than Russia’s. As you can see, the speed and scale of the convergence is impressive


Since 2008, the Russian birth rate has increased by about 10% while the United States has slumped by about 9%. At first glance this might sound surprising: didn’t Russia’s economy perform abysmally during the financial crisis? Isn’t their economy going straight towards a hard landing? But it’s really not much of a mystery when you really think about it: Russia, and particularly its labor market, rebounded from the financial crisis very quickly. The sorts of metrics which would be a reasonable guide to family formation and births, particularly the unemployment rate and the average real wage, are at historically good levels in Russia. Essentially, Russian wages have never been higher and unemployment has never been lower. Meanwhile, in the United States, wages are stagnant and unemployment is way above its long-term trend. This sort of economic malaise has had a predictably depressive effect on fertility.

What is not particularly relevant for the discussion are the personalities of Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin: neither deserves much credit (or blame) for their respective country’s performance. Fertility is notoriously immune to state interventions, and while I’m sure someone will show up in the comments and say that Russia’s strong performance is solely due to the “maternal capital” program the reality is that most of the change is due to structural demographic and economic factors that are incredibly difficult to change. So Russia’s relatively good performance doesn’t automatically vindicate Putin and the US poor performance doesn’t “prove” that Obama is awful.

It’s also worth noting that Russia’s birth rate will, in the not too distant future, start to decrease as the tiny cohort born during the chaos of the 1990′s comes into prime childbearing years and replaces the relatively large cohort born during the 1980′s. It’s unlikely, then, that Russia’s birth rate is going to exceed that of the United States for very long: there is, at most, a 4-5 year window before structural factors take over and reduce Russia’s rate while bolstering that of the United States.

But I nonetheless want to highlight the enormous change in relative performance between Russia and the United States because 1) it’s something that’s not well recognized and 2) strongly suggests that Russia is not some bizarre and indecipherable ”dying nation” but is actually dealing with a number of demographic problems that every other advanced country is also dealing with. A lot of people pointed at Russia’s naturally shrinking population and basically said “what a wretched and awful place: they can’t even maintain their own numbers!” The fact that the white population is now naturally shrinking in the US should hopefully make people just a little less willing to stereotype the Russians and a little more willing to honestly discuss issues of demography by engaging with hard data.

Since the author dragged race into it, how much of this birthrates is ethnic Russians (Russkiye) or other ethnicities with Russian nationality (rossiyanin)? How much is due to Kavkaz people (Chechens, Dagestanis) and other ethnic groups having higher fertility rate?
. .
Can some one give the birth rate growth ethnically??

I am sure that this high birth rate is because of Russian Muslims...

Yes Chechens and Dagestanis have high birthrates. Its helping to repair the Chechen population's demographic status after years of war back to its proper position. Thats what I asked...
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Can some one give the birth rate growth ethnically??

I am sure that this high birth rate is because of Russian Muslims...

Very few Russian Muslims in Russia, most live in the south and are not ethnically Russian although they are technically Russians. As a whole Muslims are still a minority. About 80% of Russians are Slavic and a similar number are either christian, atheist or some other religion.

With that said your assertion is likely incorrect. Alcohol deaths have decreased drastically which could mean less people are drinking, which could mean less alcoholics, the less drinking the better the family structure. Moreover, living conditions are improving, and wages are rising, all of these factors could be why more couples are deciding to have children. In essence better pay and living as well as better family structures are causing people to settle down and have children.
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Since the author dragged race into it, how much of this birthrates is ethnic Russians (Russkiye) or other ethnicities with Russian nationality (rossiyanin)? How much is due to Kavkaz people (Chechens, Dagestanis) and other ethnic groups having higher fertility rate?

you do like chechens or other caucasians arent white? The boston bombers were counted as whites. America doesnt give middle eastern people an own branch unlike latinos but puts them into white people this includes arabs, persians, caucasians or turkish. So by american standards russia is 92% white 8% east asian or something.

Can some one give the birth rate growth ethnically??

I am sure that this high birth rate is because of Russian Muslims...


From Russia To Russabia? Not Anytime Soon | Da Russophile
Anyway, in a few years or decades (in worst scenario) Ukraine will reunite with Russia - it wiil bring 40 mln of Slavic people to Russia.
Anyway, in a few years or decades (in worst scenario) Ukraine will reunite with Russia - it wiil bring 40 mln of Slavic people to Russia.

Скажите, почему украинский народ ненавидят Россию? Я видел украинцев называют себя отличается от вас людей. Они говорят на языке похожи, они славянские, то почему они не любят быть в составе России?

Pochemu Ukrainu ne khotyat obyedinyatsya s Rossiyey snova?
you do like chechens or other caucasians arent white? The boston bombers were counted as whites. America doesnt give middle eastern people an own branch unlike latinos but puts them into white people this includes arabs, persians, caucasians or turkish. So by american standards russia is 92% white 8% east asian or something.


From Russia To Russabia? Not Anytime Soon | Da Russophile

России нужно иметь больше славянских детей, чтобы их страна не станет исламским, в связи с Кавказ людей.

Кроме того, ваше правительство, должен обеспечить семью культуры за счет уменьшения американского влияния совместной жизни без брака. Был причина, почему ваши и мои предки замуж, чтобы иметь детей, это было, чтобы сохранить наши обычаи и передать следующему поколению.

Boleye vydavaya dengi ili elektroniku, pravitelstvo dolzhno pooshchryat semeynuyu zhizn.
Скажите, почему украинский народ ненавидят Россию? Я видел украинцев называют себя отличается от вас людей. Они говорят на языке похожи, они славянские, то почему они не любят быть в составе России?

Pochemu Ukrainu ne khotyat obyedinyatsya s Rossiyey snova?

Only Western Ukrainians hates Russia. In old days they were Russians, but than they sold Orthodox faith and become Catholics. And they are not Slavic, but mostly Romanians and Hungarians. Ukrainians - part of Russian nation. Trairors devided our state, but soon it will reunite.
России нужно иметь больше славянских детей, чтобы их страна не станет исламским, в связи с Кавказ людей.

Кроме того, ваше правительство, должен обеспечить семью культуры за счет уменьшения американского влияния совместной жизни без брака. Был причина, почему ваши и мои предки замуж, чтобы иметь детей, это было, чтобы сохранить наши обычаи и передать следующему поколению.

Boleye vydavaya dengi ili elektroniku, pravitelstvo dolzhno pooshchryat semeynuyu zhizn.

I read once old British paper - from 18 or 19 century. They wrought that Russia will become Muslin, Russians are dying and so on. But Muslims - part of Russian state from 15-16 centuries. Rather Europe will become Muslim, because they refuse their Christian religion.
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