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'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than The United States'

Let just refrain from acting apologetically ;) ..

If you know a little history of Russia, then you would not have caused such a guilty pleasure fact that the Russian self-destruct. This happened several times - in the 12-13 centuries in early 16th century, in 1917, and finally - in 1991.
And every time the power of Russia revives, even though it was already a different country, a different form of existence.
It is a way to preserve the greatness of the country and move to a new form of organization of the nation.
This also works in China and Iran.
But the nations that do not have the ability to view multiple burst of drive - die after the first crash and become history.
Eurasian Union starts in 2015

Not so much to wait, isn't it?

I'm not talking about supplying your own domestic energy demand.

I'm talking about how heavily dependant the Russian economy is on it's fossil fuel industry.
Take it away today and the entire economy will fall apart.

What I'm trying to say is you're economic dependence on fossil fuels is not that much better then Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
You're in no position to criticize them of their dependence on fossil fuels, when you are in no better shape.
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I'm not talking about supplying your own domestic energy demand.

I'm talking about how heavily dependant the Russian economy is on it's fossil fuel industry.
Take it away today and the entire economy will fall apart.

What I'm trying to say is you're economic dependence on fossil fuels is not that much better then Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
You're in no position to criticize them of their dependence on fossil fuels, when you are in no better shape.

You equate nuclear and space superpower to the Bedouin tribes?
Russia will have lots of options for how to survive the termination of the demand for natural resources.
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Dude,Belarus nominal GDP is 63 billion(6800 per capita) well bellow Romania and its 182 billion (9000+/per capita).So yes,the statement stands,another russian populated country which is dirt poor.Look at the nominal GDP's instead of throwing figures that don't matter.

Btw,your comrade vostok is screaming around here how unkrainians are really russians.

Even their state revenues are 21 billion $ as opposesd to Romania's 46 billion E =roughly 59billion $,lol you have failed with the shitholle that is Belarus.:))

dude gdp nominal is not serious to count wealth of nations i told many times. Look also at hdi, romania is lower than belarus.

I already explained u. Let me repeat once again slowly:

1) When you count number of birth's per 1000 population, that includes also old people, therefore does not make much sense.
2) US has much higher life expectancy than Russia.
3) Therefore percent of old people in US is much higher.
4) Therefore Russia has more birth's per 1000, even despite the fact that average Russian woman gives 28% less birth in her life than average American.


Indonesia has much higher percent of manufacturing added value than Japan:

Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) | Data | Graph

Does that mean that Indonesia is more developed or more industrialized than Japan?

indonesia is poorer. But yes they have more manufactering while japan a service industry and whats your point? I never said manufactering = more devoloped but mroe deversified.

Median age russia is older than america again you fail


The bottom line goes as simple as this, your legacy was destroyed, if you were strong enough you could have saved your country, there is no such excuse as " oh we still a big country " ..

I'm afraid you have to wait for centuries boy :lol:
Russia is the 5th biggest economy without the other countries, russia is still much stronger the whole middle east region in fact

here look where you arabs are with your silly spring and where we are
GDP, PPP (current international $) | Data | Graph

youre 362 million while we are only 143 million
Arab World | Data

Lol a Russian telling a Arab that he should worry about fossil fuel coming to an end. Yes he should worry.

Why don't you worry about your country? What would happen to Russia when natural gas comes to it's end?
natural gas wont come to an end the reserves are endless in russia with shale technology. Gazprom even burns their own reserves to have less.

What will happen to Russia when Europe starts extracting the massive amount of shale gas it has,which will surely happen in 6-12 years( allready started in Rou and Pol,some others are gearing up).Who do you think pays all these "environmental" groups crying their hearts out all over the Old Continent? :coffee:
They are mostly paid by germans who who want to sell their renewble energy stuff

watch this video

@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=147423" target="_blank">vostok</a></u>

I'm not talking about supplying your own domestic energy demand.

I'm talking about how heavily dependant the Russian economy is on it's fossil fuel industry.
Take it away today and the entire economy will fall apart.

What I'm trying to say is you're economic dependence on fossil fuels is not that much better then Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
You're in no position to criticize them of their dependence on fossil fuels, when you are in no better shape.

you compare apples with oranges. Saudi arabia has only oil thats it while russia has oil, gas, steel, gold, diamonds, copper, uranium. titanium and many many recources y more.

palladium for example is 90% produced by russia and south africa

Plus manufactering which russia had twice more than turkey in 2011
Manufacturing, value added (current US$) | Data | Table
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indonesia is poorer. But yes they have more manufactering while japan a service industry and whats your point? I never said manufactering = more devoloped but mroe deversified.
My point is that japan's industries are far far far far more developed than Indonesians, depsite their manufacture value % in GPD much lower. So it shows nothing.

Median age russia is older than america again you fail
So far only one who failed is u. And you failed once again. Median age and percent of old are different things.

0-14 years: 20% (male 32,344,207/female 31,006,688)
65 years and over: 13.9% (male 19,122,853/female 24,774,052)

0-14 years: 16% (male 11,740,877/female 11,119,318)
65 years and over: 13.1% (male 5,687,515/female 12,955,556)

USA has more in olderst group and more in youngest group. Both these groups dont make children but are included in birth per 1000 statistics. Thats why birth per 1000 is not a good representation unlike the fertility rate.

The average US woman borns 2.06 children during he lifetime, average Russian woman 1.61 children. Whats so hard to understand here?
Russia is the 5th biggest economy without the other countries, russia is still much stronger the whole middle east region in fact

here look where you arabs are with your silly spring and where we are
GDP, PPP (current international $) | Data | Graph

youre 362 million while we are only 143 million
Arab World | Data

:D I think you need to take a look at this to understand how the Mafia State works

Who are the Russian Oligarchs and why are they so rich? - Truthloader - YouTube

Comparing the ME with Russia is insane, considering the fact there are 19 states in the ME while Russia is one country. Think of it like the EU, some countries have strong economies while others don't.

Just don't get near to the GCC because you will make yourself look like a fool, especially when your own country was divided into 15-something Republics :lol:
So far only one who failed is u. And you failed once again. Median age and percent of old are different things.

0-14 years: 20% (male 32,344,207/female 31,006,688)
65 years and over: 13.9% (male 19,122,853/female 24,774,052)

0-14 years: 16% (male 11,740,877/female 11,119,318)
65 years and over: 13.1% (male 5,687,515/female 12,955,556)

USA has more in olderst group and more in youngest group. Both these groups dont make children but are included in birth per 1000 statistics. Thats why birth per 1000 is not a good representation unlike the fertility rate.

The average US woman borns 2.06 children during he lifetime, average Russian woman 1.61 children. Whats so hard to understand here?

FE just assume these women will have children not that they have. Anyways i disproved you with the births russia has 1.9 million births the US 3.9. Thats much higher to the relation of russias population because america has 315 million and not 286 Million people.

:D I think you need to take a look at this to understand how the Mafia State works

Who are the Russian Oligarchs and why are they so rich? - Truthloader - YouTube

Comparing the ME with Russia is insane, considering the fact there are 19 states in the ME while Russia is one country. Think of it like the EU, some countries have strong economies while others don't.

Just don't get near to the GCC because you will make yourself look like a fool, especially when your own country was divided into 15-something Republics :lol:

So what? arabs have different countries while russia has different regions. Moscow alone is probably almost as big as saudi arabia

List of Russian federal subjects by GDP per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
FE just assume these women will have children not that they have. Anyways i disproved you with the births russia has 1.9 million births the US 3.9. Thats much higher to the relation of russias population because america has 315 million and not 286 Million people.
I explained u that birth rate per 1000 does not mean much just like death rate per 1000.

For example

Norway has 9.21 death per 1000
while Morocco - 4.78

Does that mean that Moroccans live better? No simply Norway population is older.
Very few Russian Muslims in Russia, most live in the south and are not ethnically Russian although they are technically Russians. As a whole Muslims are still a minority. About 80% of Russians are Slavic and a similar number are either christian, atheist or some other religion.

With that said your assertion is likely incorrect. Alcohol deaths have decreased drastically which could mean less people are drinking, which could mean less alcoholics, the less drinking the better the family structure. Moreover, living conditions are improving, and wages are rising, all of these factors could be why more couples are deciding to have children. In essence better pay and living as well as better family structures are causing people to settle down and have children.

Homicide rate has decreased by 65% in just the last decade.

The homicide rate was 31 per 100,000 in 2002, and is 10.2 per 100,000 as of 2012.

For example, the homicide rate dropped from 31,553 in 2004 down to 11,500 in 2011, an almost threefold decrease

Russian fertility rate is still lower than the USA, at some 1.6 per woman.
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