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'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than The United States'

Dude you fail ukrainians arent russians. So you take it as a standard why russia would be poor without recourses? How about you look at belarus the most pro russian country in europe having no gas and oil and being led by a dicator.

Report for Selected Countries and Subjects

:omghaha: belarus is richer than you now what? Ukraine would be just much better off siding with russia like belarus does.

Dude,Belarus nominal GDP is 63 billion(6800 per capita) well bellow Romania and its 182 billion (9000+/per capita).So yes,the statement stands,another russian populated country which is dirt poor.Look at the nominal GDP's instead of throwing figures that don't matter.

Btw,your comrade vostok is screaming around here how unkrainians are really russians.

Even their state revenues are 21 billion $ as opposesd to Romania's 46 billion E =roughly 59billion $,lol you have failed with the shitholle that is Belarus.:))
haha lets forget about fe or birthrate and let me show you why you fail with that statement

Russia had 1,896,263 births, while having 143 million people
US had 3,958,000 births, while having 316 million people

russia has 48% of Americas birthrate, but russia has only 45% of the population of the US therefor they make more children than americans period
I already explained u. Let me repeat once again slowly:

1) When you count number of birth's per 1000 population, that includes also old people, therefore does not make much sense.
2) US has much higher life expectancy than Russia.
3) Therefore percent of old people in US is much higher.
4) Therefore Russia has more birth's per 1000, even despite the fact that average Russian woman gives 28% less birth in her life than average American.

So japanese are gypsies?

Indonesia has much higher percent of manufacturing added value than Japan:

Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) | Data | Graph

Does that mean that Indonesia is more developed or more industrialized than Japan?
The world will be better off without Ruskiys coming around :coffee:

If it would no Russian, the whole world except the United States would be living in the Stone Age, the Americans would set an all-out, undisguised tyranny and would behave as a super race of lords.
If it would no Russian, the whole world except the United States would be living in the Stone Age, the Americans would set an all-out, undisguised tyranny and would behave as a super race of lords.

Oh is it you guys who stand on their way like what you did in the early 90s :D I see...

If Russia was that STRONG, it would have saved its empire :rofl:
Another nugget of wisdom from a far away living Indian. :lol:

Or are you telling me that Norway is able to cater to the entire European continent's consumption, my American friend?
Oh is it you who stand on their way like what you did in the early 90s :D I see...

If Russia was that STRONG, it would have saved its empire :rofl:

Do not worry about Russia. Have you evere see the map of the World? Russia is still the biggest country. In 2015 it would be Eurasian Uinion and Eurasian Union in a few years will gain together former USSR.
Worry about your country, couse after oil will come to end you will be just some desert tribes and nothing more.
Do not worry about Russia. Have you evere see the map of the World? Russia is still the biggest country. In 2015 it would be Eurasian Uinion and Eurasian Union in a few years will gain together former USSR.
Worry about your country, couse after oil will come to end you will be just some desert tribes and nothing more.

The bottom line goes as simple as this, your legacy was destroyed, if you were strong enough you could have saved your country, there is no such excuse as " oh we still a big country " ..

Worry about your country, couse after oil will come to end you will be just some desert tribes and nothing more.

I'm afraid you have to wait for centuries boy :lol:
Do not worry about Russia. Have you evere see the map of the World? Russia is still the biggest country. In 2015 it would be Eurasian Uinion and Eurasian Union in a few years will gain together former USSR.
Worry about your country, couse after oil will come to end you will be just some desert tribes and nothing more.

Lol a Russian telling a Arab that he should worry about fossil fuel coming to an end. Yes he should worry.

Why don't you worry about your country? What would happen to Russia when natural gas comes to it's end?
Lol a Russian telling a Arab that he should worry about fossil fuel coming to an end. Yes he should worry.

Why don't you worry about your country? What would happen to Russia when natural gas comes to it's end?

What will happen to Russia when Europe starts extracting the massive amount of shale gas it has,which will surely happen in 6-12 years( allready started in Rou and Pol,some others are gearing up).Who do you think pays all these "environmental" groups crying their hearts out all over the Old Continent? :coffee:
Or are you telling me that Norway is able to cater to the entire European continent's consumption, my American friend?

No, comrade, i'm saying that in your love of everything Russian you talk crap. Specifically, you need to be schooled in the difference between 100% and 30%-36% depending on the energy source in question. Just that.
The bottom line goes as simple as this, your legacy was destroyed, if you were strong enough you could have saved your country, there is no such excuse as " oh we still a big country " ..

I'm afraid you have to wait for centuries boy :lol:
If you know a little history of Russia, then you would not have caused such a guilty pleasure fact that the Russian self-destruct. This happened several times - in the 12-13 centuries in early 16th century, in 1917, and finally - in 1991.
And every time the power of Russia revives, even though it was already a different country, a different form of existence.
It is a way to preserve the greatness of the country and move to a new form of organization of the nation.
This also works in China and Iran.
But the nations that do not have the ability to view multiple burst of drive - die after the first crash and become history.
Eurasian Union starts in 2015

Not so much to wait, isn't it?

Lol a Russian telling a Arab that he should worry about fossil fuel coming to an end. Yes he should worry.

Why don't you worry about your country? What would happen to Russia when natural gas comes to it's end?

Russia has already start to build experimental reactors closed loop, so do not worry for Russia. Besides, nobody has this technology yet.
No, comrade, i'm saying that in your love of everything Russian you talk crap. Specifically, you need to be schooled in the difference between 100% and 30%-36% depending on the energy source in question. Just that.

Cool down.

Don't be judgemental, mate. I am not from the 'Coalition of the Willing'. :lol:

Perhaps my choice of words were figurative; but can you deny that Europe doesn't need Russian gas? :P
Lol a Russian telling a Arab that he should worry about fossil fuel coming to an end. Yes he should worry.

Why don't you worry about your country? What would happen to Russia when natural gas comes to it's end?

I feel sorry for those repeating words without having extensive knowledge about what economy of an A or B state it is. :D

What will happen to Russia when Europe starts extracting the massive amount of shale gas it has,which will surely happen in 6-12 years( allready started in Rou and Pol,some others are gearing up).Who do you think pays all these "environmental" groups crying their hearts out all over the Old Continent? :coffee:

I don't think the EU is willing to commit environmental suicide bro, shale gas will destroy the Old continent, we can give you a better deal if it came to natural gas ;)
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