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'Dying' Russia's Birth Rate Is Now Higher Than The United States'

There is such a defenition as "endogenous psychosis of 2-3 centuries". Aincient Greeks - Ellins died in 2-3 ct. They just lost the point of living and extinct. The whole nation. The same thing is happening in Europe - the initial stage. In Russia it was created specifically by traitor Gorbachev and his supporters.
But spite of enemies Russian breeding again. :yay:
Only Western Ukrainians hates Russia. In old days they were Russians, but than they sold Orthodox faith and become Catholics. And they are not Slavic, but mostly Romanians and Hungarians. Ukrainians - part of Russian nation. Trairors devided our state, but soon it will reunite.

Western Ukraine , if not annexed and artificially incorporated into USSR and Soviet Ukraine would probably be part of Poland or more likely independent state. Reality is that except citizenship average citizen of Lviv and Kharkov don`t have much in common.

On the subject , in early 17th century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (PLC) and Muscovy (Russian Tsardom) had barely together 20-25 million people , and was grossly underpopulated vast part of Europe , today same area has about 200 million people and it`s most populated part of Europe. Demography is not something that should be viewed over short term period , in Europe once was France most populated country with over 20 million people alone. France and Holy Roman Empire (German speaking lands) had the bulk of Europe`s population and that started to decline in favour of eastern parts of Europe since 17th century.
Only Western Ukrainians hates Russia. In old days they were Russians, but than they sold Orthodox faith and become Catholics. And they are not Slavic, but mostly Romanians and Hungarians. Ukrainians - part of Russian nation. Trairors devided our state, but soon it will reunite.

Romanians are still orthodox genius,anyway Ucraina is a fake country it should disband giving back territories to Poland,Romania and the rest(eastern Ucraina) to Rusia,altough i don't know if it's such a good ideea to again have a common border with the bear.
What are you, miserable, did not understand this graph? In 90 years the population of Russia decreased by a million a year - is a direct consequence of the betrayal of Gorbachev.
Now it is slowly, but began to grow.
I understand that for you, pathetic fagot, any good news from Russia - the sadness, but for me it is - happiness.

lol comrade, betrayal of Gorbatchev? hahahaha, it was Yeltsin who pushed for Russian republic independence from the common state and with it effectively killed of the USSR.
Comrade, graph says population growth stopped, for further info and some more disconcerting facts please visit the link i provided.


It's refreshing to see you're impartial and that you delete the offensive posts, i guess you just somehow forgot about comrade Lenin's response above.
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lol comrade, betrayal of Gorbatchev? hahahaha, it was Yeltsin who pushed for Russian republic independence from the common state and with it effectively killed of the USSR.
Comrade, graph says population growth stopped, for further info and some more disconcerting facts please visit the link i provided.

Population growth stopped not from 1991 but from late 80's. Yeltsin was just a drunk clown, the real traitor is Gorbachev. Most of Russian put Gorbachev between Judas Iscariot and Brutus.

In your grath 2012-2013 is direct line because the 2013 is not over yet. We will see it in 2014.

It's refreshing to see you're impartial and that you delete the offensive posts, i guess you just somehow forgot about comrade Lenin's response above.

Thanks for pointing that out.

You see we mods are just human too, as if we had a sixth sense, that's is where we are lacking.

To fill that miserable gap in our ability, we have a report button, use it and you will see fruits.
I will take actions now, but I did not follow this discussion, I responded to a report. Maybe you ought to report next time instead of questioning my impartiality.
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Population growth stopped not from 1991 but from late 80's. Yeltsin was just a drunk clown, the real traitor is Gorbachev. Most of Russian put Gorbachev between Judas Iscariot and Brutus.

In your grath 2012-2013 is direct line because the 2013 is not over yet. We will see it in 2014.

Hopefully we will see a rise in the graph, and you're wrong about Yeltsin. Gorbatchev started glasnost reforms because the ship was already sinking. Yeltsin grabbed the biggest lifeboat (Russia) and took his course. This silent "coup" is well documented.

Thanks for pointing that out.

You see we mods are just human too, as if we had a sixth sense, that's is where we are lacking.

To fill that miserable gap in our ability, we have a report button, use it and you will see fruits.
I will take actions now, but I did not follow this discussion, I responded to a report. Maybe you ought to report next time instead of questioning my impartiality.

Yes, yes, i'm sorry, i know you can't patrol 24/7.
Hopefully we will see a rise in the graph, and you're wrong about Yeltsin. Gorbatchev started glasnost reforms because the ship was already sinking. Yeltsin grabbed the biggest lifeboat (Russia) and took his course. This silent "coup" is well documented.

In the Western world was exactly the same crisis in the 70's and 80's. Gorbachev did not began the reforms , he began to deliberate destruction of the socialist economy and the Eastern Bloc. He had every reason to arrest drunk clown Yeltsin, but did nothing. For treason Gorbachev was awarded medals, awards from the West, and his birthday was celebrated all Western leaders in London. Madonna herself sang him a birthday song. He not only destroyed the Soviet Union from the inside, having got the economy to a standstill, he is also devoted to communism displaced people in eastern Europe, advancing to senior positions such as traitors, as he is.


The ruler of a superpower now advertises a pizza - could there be the fate more insignificant and loathsome?
In the Western world was exactly the same crisis in the 70's and 80's. Gorbachev did not began the reforms , he began to deliberate destruction of the socialist economy and the Eastern Bloc. He had every reason to arrest drunk clown Yeltsin, but did nothing. For treason Gorbachev was awarded medals, awards from the West, and his birthday was celebrated all Western leaders in London. Madonna herself sang him a birthday song. He not only destroyed the Soviet Union from the inside, having got the economy to a standstill, he is also devoted to communism displaced people in eastern Europe, advancing to senior positions such as traitors, as he is.

lol, when Gorbatchev came to power it was already going downhill. Poor economic development, bloating defense budget, iirc peak was at 40% GDP, deteriorating standards...etc...
Common myth is that USSR gave money to satellite Warsaw Pact countries while in reality it was just the opposite. They instated some sort of "solidarity" contributions in the 70's iirc, basically borrowing from allied nations. After the dissolution of the USSR much of this debt was returned in the form of military equipment and gas/oil later on.
Gorbatchev could do nothing. But what he did was good, that is, prevented any sort of armed struggle that would create sufficient chaos for a nuke or two, or ten to be sold.

Let's see if you'll make the effort and write an educated response this time, other then verbal diarrhea.
lol, when Gorbatchev came to power it was already going downhill. Poor economic development, bloating defense budget, iirc peak was at 40% GDP, deteriorating standards...etc...
Common myth is that USSR gave money to satellite Warsaw Pact countries while in reality it was just the opposite. They instated some sort of "solidarity" contributions in the 70's iirc, basically borrowing from allied nations. After the dissolution of the USSR much of this debt was returned in the form of military equipment and gas/oil later on.
Gorbatchev could do nothing. But what he did was good, that is, prevented any sort of armed struggle that would create sufficient chaos for a nuke or two, or ten to be sold.

Let's see if you'll make the effort and write an educated response this time, other then verbal diarrhea.

In Britain and the U.S. were the problems with the economy no less than in the USSR.
During Gorbachev's USSR's gold reserves decreased by six times.
He started the "conversion" - the destruction of the defense enterprises.
On the budget - at different times the direct aid of the Soviet Union was 15% of the budget of India, 50% of the budget of Egypt. If interested - search in the internet. USSR, unlike America, has not invested, but gave away for free. And if we lend money - then forgave the debt.
In Britain and the U.S. were the problems with the economy no less than in the USSR.
During Gorbachev's USSR's gold reserves decreased by six times.
He started the "conversion" - the destruction of the defense enterprises.
On the budget - at different times the direct aid of the Soviet Union was 15% of the budget of India, 50% of the budget of Egypt. If interested - search in the internet. USSR, unlike America, has not invested, but gave away for free. And if we lend money - then forgave the debt.

lol........ok. Just as i thought, no sense of introspection. :lol:

And i never said anything about aid to India, Egypt. Was talking about WP countries. But nevermind, you're too closed of a mind. Let's just agree to disagree.
In the Western world was exactly the same crisis in the 70's and 80's. Gorbachev did not began the reforms , he began to deliberate destruction of the socialist economy and the Eastern Bloc. He had every reason to arrest drunk clown Yeltsin, but did nothing. For treason Gorbachev was awarded medals, awards from the West, and his birthday was celebrated all Western leaders in London. Madonna herself sang him a birthday song. He not only destroyed the Soviet Union from the inside, having got the economy to a standstill, he is also devoted to communism displaced people in eastern Europe, advancing to senior positions such as traitors, as he is.


The ruler of a superpower now advertises a pizza - could there be the fate more insignificant and loathsome?
USSR was destroyed by its failed oil dependent economy. In 1986 oil prices collapsed as result 5 years USSR collapsed as well.
USSR was destroyed by its failed oil dependent economy. In 1986 oil prices collapsed as result 5 years USSR collapsed as well.

This is a fairy tale. Why Saudi Arabia did not fall? Or Norway?
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