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Dying chimp recognises old human friend

Touching. I definitely feel disturbed when I see chimps and gorillas in zoos ( i havent visited a zoo in a while because of it)....they have a presence and spark that unsettles me thinking they have to day in day out be contained and have people looking at them. Last visit to Toronto zoo cpl years back, just the forlorn and sad look a mommy gorilla gave me when i looked upon her was enough for me to decide never to return to a zoo again. I don't want to see that again...we can get them "comfy" etc and they live out their years etc....but the lack of actual freedom, actual window to allow choice/consequence on their souls ...does a number on them I feel in most cases. We can read their expressions, we can connect with them, it is unsettling in many instances. I do hope more people become aware of it and push for change to not have high-sentience life forms cooped up and constrained, just for our notion of entertainment...or worse power-tripping.
Touching. I definitely feel disturbed when I see chimps and gorillas in zoos ( i havent visited a zoo in a while because of it)....they have a presence and spark that unsettles me thinking they have to day in day out be contained and have people looking at them. Last visit to Toronto zoo cpl years back, just the forlorn and sad look a mommy gorilla gave me when i looked upon her was enough for me to decide never to return to a zoo again. I don't want to see that again...we can get them "comfy" etc and they live out their years etc....but the lack of actual freedom, actual window to allow choice/consequence on their souls ...does a number on them I feel in most cases. We can read their expressions, we can connect with them, it is unsettling in many instances. I do hope more people become aware of it and push for change to not have high-sentience life forms cooped up and constrained, just for our notion of entertainment...or worse power-tripping.
Totally concur, their was one instance where a tiger was confined in a very tiny cage for pretty much it's entire life until it was finally rescued by the authorities and placed in a reserve where it had a few acres of space to live out it's final days, it was very disturbing indeed to see such a majestic creature being deprived of it's freedom in such a vile manner, when finally released one could determine that this was a very inquisitive creature indeed.Kudos bro

Like another user mentioned, whenever I see apes of any kind, I do feel a close connection with them. Their behaviour is far too similar to us and the emotions that all animals exhibit in confined spaces has made me principally opposed to the whole idea of a Zoo.

But it is difficult to see humans ever treating animals in a respectful manner, when we have trouble treating each other the same way.
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