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Durand Line Conflict | Exclusive Interview of Suhail Shaheen

View attachment 805615@MultaniGuy
Here our waziristani brothers want to give away Punjab under indian occupation and you are trying to say that we should unite with Afghanistan. Ever thought what will we do then?

Hahaha. Choro yar. Bas package Kara lo data Ka, location sharing off krdo rat Kay 12:16 am pe kisko location bejni ??? Or yepbile Zara charge krlo kal sbha time se uth Kay kahe Jana b Hy tbhe to alarm b laga raka...
I guess it is time to officially hand out some more medals to our Military High Command (especially the past leadership which helped Talibaan and Afghanistan and at the same time pissed of the US); their GIFTS continue to return with interest and God knows how much more we will have to endure.

Had we taken care of these Bastards when the US demanded help and had we simply aligned with the US in wiping out the scum, perhaps even taking over the country in the process, we would have been so much better. We would have preferred trade relations, no FATF, no shaming and no retribution, free military aid and financial assistance until we got back on our feet. And the powers that be pissed on all of that. And now the Talibaan are doing what they do best, bite the hands that have not only fed them for decades but continues to feed them.

Without our explicit and extreme help, most of these Assholes would die of hunger and cold; the ungrateful retards!

If you actully took the time to listen to the guy you wouldn't have belted out this unnecessary farce
Pathans make 60% of Afghanistan population.

O Bhai we want no merger with Afghanistan. Why don't you get it ? If you still want to merge Pakistan with Afghanistan then hamara hisa hamy dedo. Batwara krlo. We are happy on our own but don't want afghanistan. Pakistan is carrying it's Afghan policy on the back of KP, try carrying that on Punjab or Sindh back and you will see. If Afghan muhajiree are so good then why Sindh and Punjab dump them in KP ?
Are the Waziris like the Kunari/Nuristani people; the most independent of the independent? I remember reading no matter who is in control in Kabul the Kunaris view them as outsiders. What has been the most effective way the Afghans have dealt with them besides just letting them do whatever they want?

Do you think it would be best if Pakistan, along with fenced off the border “fenced off” Waziristan, not literally but with enhanced checkpoints in and out of Waziristan into the rest of Pakistan? Or has the threat just been exaggerated and we should just let them live how ever they want in Waziristan as long as they don’t bring it out of that region into the rest of the country, because without government presence, what is to stop them from moving on the rest of the country like they did with Swat and other places a decade ago?

If I understand correctly, most Pashtuns in Pakistan are fine with Pakistan and it’s territorial integrity. So I ask the above questions cautiously, because we don’t want to hurt the majority (and cause a backlash/ insurgency) just to punish the few spoilers. Also would you say these spoilers are just hiding behind the excuse of Pakistan “not being Islamic enough” just to malign Pakistan, while they (the spoilers) themselves are just calling their own cultural practices Islamic, when it is their unique interpretation of their culture? It seems there are many spoilers that negotiations will just not work with and as you agreed in another post, expulsion is the only solution. This was the solution the Talibs just recently did (in September) to the irreconcilable part of the Panjshi population, so it’s not an alien concept to them.
At this point I am only seeing this solution
Fortify borders, do security checks in waziristan but also build security check points around waziristan, maybe if it didn't sound so politically provocative might as well build a fence around it too
so rest of the country and especially former fata areas can move on and not be burdened with issues of waziristan
Are you saying we should decouple Turkey one of our second arms provider including axe KSA a country that has bailed us out millions of times which we have defense treaties including which helped build nukes and look elsewhere? What you are saying is Pakistan should weaken to bare bones.. Next time try to see things from the bigger picture even axe our connectivity thru AFG to Central Asia and jeopardize our economy along the way

In fact I am saying g the EXACT opposite. Pakistan should thoroughly and efficiently pursue our OWN interests. Be it China, Turkey or saudi Arabia. The saudis havn't really done anything for us lately. In fact they are aligned with india nowadays.
Let's first make Pakistan a good country to live in that is advanced and self-sufficient. Then we'll look at other things. Talking about the Ummah whilst Pakistan remains poor and a third world nation is the height of stupidity and mental retardedness......... :disagree:

100% must sort our own house before you take care of the neighbours
At this point I am only seeing this solution
Fortify borders, do security checks in waziristan but also build security check points around waziristan, maybe if it didn't sound so politically provocative might as well build a fence around it too
so rest of the country and especially former fata areas can move on and not be burdened with issues of waziristan

I don’t advocate for literally fencing off any part of the country, as that can also be ultimately pointless and counter productive; because it kicks the can down the road and doesn’t address the problem.

I would hope PDF members who live there or close to there can let us know what is the best way to look at the issue, and that it could be addressed amicably and peacefully as well as comprehensively and in a lasting manner.
Pakistan will always be bullied by its neighbour's. There just does not seem any flare of aggression or assertivness from our leaders and people.
Durand line being recognised as an international border needs to tie in with the funds release from the US. It must be an unconditional demand, if you want your money then comply.

These buffoons and their love affair with OBL cost Pakistan their relationship with Rome. Do you know how much trade volume US can pump your way if they wanted? They could make you into the darling destination after a few weeks of bloomberg promos, they have global f**king reach and money to burn. Now we have to sit on the sidelines speaking on behalf of our retarded cousin in every moot and watch Indians become CEO's everywhere.

If Pakistan remained totally committed to the NATO campaign then I guarantee you they would have assisted in border fortification, technology transfer of drone tech and pushed your trade well north of $200 billion by now and helped you to balance your books, make you profitable. They even helped their enemies after wars to rebuild, what would they do for an ally? And for what? What did you gain from all of this? Prevented a civil war? You have terrorism and no FDI, same thing. So what did you gain?

Should never have got involved in sustaining the Taliban post Soviet invasion. The relationship should have been cut just like US did. The refugees, Taliban and any of their family in Pakistan they had should have been told to go back home and anyone else that wants to leave because the war is over. Border sealed and let Taliban and northern alliance fight it out for their country.

It all comes down to why are you so scared of India? They are feeble, don't be scared of them. Do you think if you had remained neutral after the soviets left then Indians would have swooped in? If they did and 9/11 happened it would be egg on India's face instead no? Why would you want to have open borders and an alliance with a country that will become your enemy for $$$ ?? It's f**king illogical. They are obviously not ally material are they? Do Turkey care what Syria get up to? NO, Turkey is unaffected and BAU throughout the ISIS episode.

Instead you let them entrench in FATA with the border wide open? It's the height of stupidity. Is it Zia's brainchild of an Islamic state of Afghanistan and Pakistan? The ultimate depth but zero consideration of the consequences. Is this what Zaid Hamid is pumping? Is that why the border legalities were never challenged? So many unanswered questions.

20 years wasted and now we are here debating the right thing for Afghanistan to do is recognise their borders, respect their neighbors and swiftly move on to nation building? It's like drawing blood from a stone.
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What an idiotic post another 5ft column.. This is in short translation for pull your garment down so that you can get azz fuked and ended.. Nobody wants you continued existence except few muslim countries the rest of the world would wish you away if they could...

Pakistanis delude themselves that the world wants there existence or is accepting to them nah dawg you got it totally wrong... Pakistan is only respected for its sheer strength but nobody loves it and they could have wished her away if possible... Except muslim states who actually would mourn for it and would viewed as threat themselves
Lol, it's one of the two verified idiots (probably the same person on another account) who are taliban apologists believing they'll fight alongside Pakistan like their brothers.

Not going to engage in any discussion regarding Afghanistan/Taliban/Muslims with you because you clearly have a soft spot for them even when they despise you, and everyone seems equally annoyed at you.

Wouldn't be surprised if we all witness you go boom on the news anytime soon...
Lol, it's one of the two verified idiots (probably the same person on another account) who are taliban apologists believing they'll fight alongside Pakistan like their brothers.

Not going to engage in any discussion regarding Afghanistan/Taliban/Muslims with you because you clearly have a soft spot for them even when they despise you, and everyone seems equally annoyed at you.

Wouldn't be surprised if we all witness you go boom on the news anytime soon...

You lack few brain capacity or you are either a 5ft column.. There is nothing in between but only these 2 choices here and if I have to make a bet I would say the later... But keep trying that shxt and see how far it would fly on state level.. You will run yourself into the ground and thirsty as hell like someone whos in the desert hallucinating about water-falls in the sahara.. Peasants like you are peasant for a reason and the eliltes are elites for a reason..
Pakistan should use Afghanistan's isolation and economic vulnerability to fence what remains of the border. At worst, I would be happy to see us fence slightly (a few KM) inside our own territory. Then work on mining the border and continually improving it. Pakistan should have a permanently sealed land border with Afghanistan with stringently controlled crossings.

Pakistan has propped up the Afghan nation for 40 years now, taking in millions of refugees. If the military establishment had gone down the road suggested by @Menace2Society then there would be no Taliban today, whatever the historically inaccurate 'graveyard of empires' tells us otherwise. This "big brother, little brother" approach is wearing thin and the blame, I believe, lies squarely at the feet of Imran Khan and his infantile peacenik delusions. It should be made clear to Kabul that continued support from what is essentially its only friend is dependent on it controlling its goons on the border. If they can't, then they should decide whether starving and collapsing internally is really a better alternative.
Pakistan should use Afghanistan's isolation and economic vulnerability to fence what remains of the border. At worst, I would be happy to see us fence slightly (a few KM) inside our own territory. Then work on mining the border and continually improving it. Pakistan should have a permanently sealed land border with Afghanistan with stringently controlled crossings.

Pakistan has propped up the Afghan nation for 40 years now, taking in millions of refugees. If the military establishment had gone down the road suggested by @Menace2Society then there would be no Taliban today, whatever the historically inaccurate 'graveyard of empires' tells us otherwise. This "big brother, little brother" approach is wearing thin and the blame, I believe, lies squarely at the feet of Imran Khan and his infantile peacenik delusions. It should be made clear to Kabul that continued support from what is essentially its only friend is dependent on it controlling its goons on the border. If they can't, then they should decide whether starving and collapsing internally is really a better alternative.

Also a buffer zone established inside Afg where the refugees can be moved to and reintegrated into Afghan society. What are they gaining from moving 100 hundred miles away and seems like not even a border in the way? Hosting afghan refugees makes no sense and is a security risk. If they want to work and have a meaningful job which qualifies them for a visa then fine otherwise go home.
Also a buffer zone

I have seen your posts and you have specifically been obsessed with Pakistan's stragetic advantage in the region all your posts have same pattern and go into that direction.. Did you know what you actully said in that post indirectly?

Don't take us for fools nor take us for dimwits all this is targetted against Pakistan which you are trying to veil but the veil has simply come off or let me put it this way it is just retarded.

You will never be able to out-hustle us you can never outhustle a pick-pocketing thief so all this is fruitless.

Let ISI and national security personale deal with this and I am pretty sure they know exactly what to do but which is completely opposite then what you are trying to piss out here. You have also been going into assumptions and things that are counter to the ground reality..

Stay away from pakistan national security matters and go live your life elsewhere you ain't got the fortitude for this and if you were thinking to fish here I will have to disappoint you and say you ain't outhustling us forget about that cheap attempt but it was cute tho.. Don't waste time and also the mods should seriously look into some of the characters posting here and using Pakistani flag.. There needs to be done cleaning up here few 4-5 needs to be permanent banned just because we are open society doesn't mean we allow retards..
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