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Dubai police arrest ‘shock video’ uploader

The man is supposed to be an Indian................He may be a Pakistani...........Suppose he was............then what would have the guy done......the UAE national on the video is reported to be a high government official.......... So please don't FART .............

Pakistanis don't work that way, the arabs know Pakistanis dont care about deportation one touch and you can bet your sweet *** that you citizenship wont hep you against a pakistani, although there are regular cases of indians getting abused by locals and even non locals because they know there arent any consequences
tbh indians have ruined the job market for everyone, by accepting poor work standards and low wages etc.
That's not what many people, foreign tourists and world media say. It's your personal opinion and I respect it, but it doesn't count.
How many times have you traveled to Iran?Perhaps you met wrong people at the wrong time.Bad luck.

Its always wrong people or wrong time never can accept the truth.
Having lived in an Arab country for more than 15 years in similar egoistic societies, I do think I know things better than people whose brain had superiority implants since birth.

I agree Indians don't or rarely fight back but that's a cultural thing. In a civilized society you just don't fight and let authorities handle things. You can argue with me all day long but I can promise you, this self defense thing would have been his ticket back home. You actually know this very well inside but are not going to agree just because of the fore mentioned ego.

Its just funny to me in the most absurd way, the assaulter didn't get imprisoned but the camera man who in fact had NOTHING to do with the accident or road rage bites the dust. Do care to explain this part and if you are logical, I will take my comments back. ;)

That's a cultural thing? You don't fight back in a civilized society? So you let him hit you like that? That's the most unhonoured thing I heard, he has the right to fight back like a man if he's getting bullied or hit.
laws should be equal between all, but in the end its their country, i mean why should a person who doesnt own my house be treated as the same as me in my house? do you get it?

but these arabs are lowlifes, they go too far with their bs.

Except that a house is private space while outside is public.
If they invite people to their country they should treat them equally, next time the Indian should drive his van over this Arab.
This ain't some sissy UK where you can bully the locals. These are real men protecting their pride.
If this was some non Arab nation there would be ranting by these people About how this is racist and against Muslims. Lol Arabs created Islam. Eat that!
That's a cultural thing? You don't fight back in a civilized society? So you let him hit you like that? That's the most unhonoured thing I heard, he has the right to fight back like a man if he's getting bullied or hit.

The man was a driver while Arab was obviously a person of some means. The driver was probably there to earn money for his family back home who are probably dependent on him, not a very easy decision to fight back & risk losing his job. Easier for us to talk here. I Guarantee you that if the Arab guy comes to India & behaves similarly, he would learn a very different lesson.
Pakistanis don't work that way, the arabs know Pakistanis dont care about deportation one touch and you can bet your sweet *** that you citizenship wont hep you against a pakistani, although there are regular cases of indians getting abused by locals and even non locals because they know there arent any consequences
tbh indians have ruined the job market for everyone, by accepting poor work standards and low wages etc.
And 90 % of Taxi drivers and Labours are Pathans & Pakistanis..............
what stupid news. I'm not concerned if they arrested the man who uploaded the video- I wanna know if they arrested the man who did this act?
Do you understand what I am writing to you? I am talking about the laws that are in place. Similar laws are in place in Pakistan. Laws that give more benefits and rights to nationals than non-nationals. This is the case in Western European countries too and USA. The most vital laws are universal though. I am just telling you that citizens enjoy more rights as citizens in every single country.

Why should that be any different in UAE when all other countries are doing the same?

be mature now, why do you think other members from GCC are not taking up case in this thread ?

There are no such rules in Pakistan, nor are their in any other country that you mentioned.

Criminal law is the same, for Nationals and for foreigners.

The only benefits Nationals have are of civic services, or social subsidies. Pension, health care etc.

now, answer me the questions i asked you.

And 90 % of Taxi drivers and Labours are Pathans & Pakistanis..............

U ever been to GCC boy ?

Try messing with a Pakistani. See what happens then.

We will take ur protein deprived a$$ to task.
be mature now, why do you think other members from GCC are not taking up case in this thread ?

There are no such rules in Pakistan, nor are their in any other country that you mentioned.

Criminal law is the same, for Nationals and for foreigners.

The only benefits Nationals have are of civic services, or social subsidies. Pension, health care etc.

now, answer me the questions i asked you.

I don't understand your first question.

What kind of rules are you talking about? Are you saying to me that Pakistani nationals do not enjoy certain benefits over non-nationals living in Pakistan like anywhere else, INCLUDING UAE?

Criminal law is also the same for all in UAE. At least it should be.

I never talked about criminal law. I already gave you an example of a recent execution in Kuwait where 3 citizens of Kuwait, KSA and Pakistan were executed for a similar crime. A user made a thread about this here.

Which are those rules I was referring to when I said that ALL RULES cannot be identical for nationals and non-nationals and neither should that be the case otherwise we might as well abolish the whole nationality/passport principle. Because what is the point then?
Being racist is one of the most low down and laziest thing anyone can do.

Everyone is born the same,
Some people will use their knowledge and skill or whatever God's gift they have and try to become a better human in their life.

Some people are incapable of doing any of that hard work, so they just try to take pride in their birth, creed and blood.

Remember Muslims.
Satan's ORIGINAL sin, was that he was too proud. He thought that the one made of clay (Adam) was inferior to him (Satan); because Satan was made of fire.

You wrongly assume all Arabs are muslims. Islam is a part of the Arab legacy.

The man was a driver while Arab was obviously a person of some means. The driver was probably there to earn money for his family back home who are probably dependent on him, not a very easy decision to fight back & risk losing his job. Easier for us to talk here. I Guarantee you that if the Arab guy comes to India & behaves similarly, he would learn a very different lesson.

India and the UAE are large trading partners, will India flex its muscles? Threaten to hold its investments?
I don't understand your first question.

What kind of rules are you talking about? Are you saying to me that Pakistani nationals do not enjoy certain benefits over non-nationals living in Pakistan like anywhere else, INCLUDING UAE?

Criminal law is also the same for all in UAE. At least it should be.

I never talked about criminal law. I already gave you an example of a recent execution in Kuwait where 3 citizens of Kuwaiti, KSA and Pakistan were executed for a similar crime. A user made a thread about this here.

Which are those rules I was referring to when I said that ALL RULES cannot be identical for nationals and non-nationals and neither should that be the case otherwise we might as well abolish the whole nationality/passport principle. Because what is the point then?

Let us be a bit more descriptive.

NO Pakistani national has any protection from the law compared to a non Pakistani. 0 % !

You are from Hijaz. You take a lot of pride in your tradition and history. Which is fine and it is your right.
I want to know what fraction does Islam have in that pride and tradition ?
Is the tradition and history that you take pride in start from Islam or does it go before Islam ?

then I asked you, what is the concept of Watan in Islam ?
I also ask you that in the ideal society raised by our prophet, was there any difference at all between people ?
India and the UAE are large trading partners, will India flex its muscles? Threaten to hold its investments?[/QUOTE]

That would depend in how the authorities react. Very rare that the Indian government flexes muscle if it is just an individual case with no common thread running . I haven't seem the news media take much note of this, if they and especially TV take note of this, some serious muck would have flown. Surprisingly that hasn't happened in this case.
U ever been to GCC boy ?

Try messing with a Pakistani. See what happens then.

We will take ur protein deprived a$$ to task.

I think i have been to UAE when you were in your School..............And I am Sure that Driver(Taxi) whom the UAE National is Thrashing is a Pakistani...............Watch that Video and comment..........and see whose @ss is deprived from Protein...........
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