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Dubai police arrest ‘shock video’ uploader

Dubai police has confirmed it has arrested the motorist who filmed an Emirati government official physically assaulting an Indian van driver and uploaded it to the Youtube video-sharing website.
Don't worry the van driver will get his revenge on the internet.:laughcry:
nope,Idiot.many PGCC arabs at that time decided to escape your life-less desert to our paradise.

even first UAE king after his first arrival from Iran said: Iranians have advanced so much.they can build a house over another house(he meant 2 floor building).he asked shah to visit him in Dubai but Shah refused and said:first build a suitable air port so i will come to your country with my new B-707 as well.

but some years later europeans discovered oil in Saudi desert and you got money out of blue.but don get excited to much.cause you will get back to your normal life as HELL.

Says the guy whose country relies on oil and gas.:omghaha:

Yes, you keep telling us about your fairytales Central Asian Nomad and Pagan. That's nice to know. Maybe you should leave the heroin next time. I know that the heroine addiction is the biggest in Iran in the world but try not to use it. We know who got conquered culturally, linguistically, religiously etc and who got civilized when your people (Farsis) first encountered us Semitic people in the Middle East after you migrated from current day steppes of Kazakhstan 3000 years ago.

About immigration that is a nice fairtytale. The historical realities are another thing though. Actually you people migrated to the Arab world in great masses. As proven below. Even to this day. No Arab is going to your poor, isolated, sanctioned, drug, crime and mut'ah infected country. Remember that.

Huwala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now don't write to me.

There is no need to apologize since you obviously don't understand the difference between SOME rights of citizens and non-citizens. The universal rights are more or less the same. As a non-national you cannot vote, own land and you don't usually enjoy the same protection as citizens be it in any country. That was what I was referring to. Otherwise people are equal under law.

Kollang: Nice fairytale Farsi. You must be talking about Iraqi war prisoners or refugees because no other Arabs have ever bothered to go to Iran.:omghaha:

sweety ...

Tell me what is the definition of "watan" (وطن) in Islam ?

As long as I remember, that historic man that we keep talking about, raised the first Muslim Society in a part of Hijaz.
In that society
all people were equal, the non muslims were protected on the payment of tax.
What was the concept of "national" and "non national" in that society ?
Do you subscribe to that historical man's example society or some other school of law ?

When you refer to your glorious history do you include that man and his saying or is it some thing else ?
Says the guy whose country relies on oil and gas.:omghaha:

Yes, you keep telling us about your fairytales Central Asian Nomad and Pagan. That's nice to know. Maybe you should leave the heroin next time. I know that the heroine addiction is the biggest in Iran in the world but try not to use it. We know who got conquered culturally, linguistically, religiously etc and who got civilized when your people (Farsis) first encountered us Semitic people in the Middle East after you migrated from current day steppes of Kazakhstan 3000 years ago.

About immigration that is a nice fairtytale. The historical realities are another thing though. Actually you people migrated to the Arab world in great masses. As proven below. Even to this day. No Arab is going to your poor, isolated, sanctioned, drug, crime and mut'ah infected country. Remember that.

Huwala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now don't write to me.

desert boy,today, i give you a magical advice...

do you know why?because he/she will slap you in the ugly face.got it?
we share nothing with you.
sweety ...

Tell me what is the definition of "watan" (وطن) in Islam ?

As long as I remember, that historic man that we keep talking about, raised the first Muslim Society in a part of Hijaz.
In that society
all people were equal, the non muslims were protected on the payment of tax.
What was the concept of "national" and "non national" in that society ?
Do you subscribe to that historical man's example society or some other school of law ?

When you refer to your glorious history do you include that man and his saying or is it some thing else ?

Do you understand what I am writing to you? I am talking about the laws that are in place. Similar laws are in place in Pakistan. Laws that give more benefits and rights to nationals than non-nationals. This is the case in Western European countries too and USA. The most vital laws are universal though. I am just telling you that citizens enjoy more rights as citizens in every single country.

Why should that be any different in UAE when all other countries are doing the same?

desert boy,today, i give you a magical advice...

do you know why?because he/she will slap you in the ugly face.got it?
we share nothing with you.

Great that you got the message Central Asian Nomad/Steppe boy. Looking at your fellow countrymen then they seem to be obsessed about their old conquerors. Also it seems that your country and people are doing a bad job looking at your language, alphabet, parts of culture, religion etc. in your "nothing to do with". We Arabs don't have anything to do with you though. Wish I could say the same about your people and fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's that are ruling your country. The reality is different though and now we have to bother with you people.
Do you understand what I am writing to you? I am talking about the laws that are in place. Similar laws are in place in Pakistan. Laws that give more benefits and rights to nationals than non-nationals. This is the case in Western European countries too and USA. The most vital laws are universal though. I am just telling you that citizens enjoy more rights as citizens in every single country.

Why should that be any different in UAE when all other countries are doing the same?

Great that you got the message Central Asian Nomad/Steppe boy. Looking at your fellow countrymen then they seem to be obsessed about their old conquerors. Also it seems that your country and people are doing a bad job looking at your language, alphabet, parts of culture, religion etc. in your "nothing to do with". We Arabs don't have anything to do with you though. Wish I could say the same about your people and fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's that are ruling your country. The reality is different though and now we have to bother with you people.
dont get insulted.but the fact is even the "wannabe-arab mullahs" hate you PGCC arab as hell.you cant find a guy in EU,US or China liking Arabs.

plus,we like the Turks(God bless AtaTurk) are replacing arabic words with Persian or English words as possible.
Btw, Kuwaitis are really well mannered... I like those folk.... had nothing but good experience with them in EU and US..... really well educated and well grounded...

Some of my personal experiences:

1. Lebanese: They keep bitchin about everything.... their women keep on having plastic surgeries...... nose reduction..... botox in every crevice....
2. Syrians: Well educated (used to be)
3. Egyptians: Every retard pretends to be either a doctor or a "muhendis"
4. Moroccons: Snobbish for no reason, whatsoever.
5. Saudis: New generation is very well groomed.
6. Sudanese: Excellent human beings, nothing but good experience.
7. Qatari: Arsewipes.
8. Bahrainis: Hate humanity.
9. Dubai: They shouldn't even exist. Even a disgrace to monkeys.
10. Yemenis: Very mild, yet crazy at the same time. Not bad on the whole, decent family values.
11. Jordanians: They talk nothing but nonsense and brag about their heritage, where there is none to speak of.
12. Palestinians: Watch your back, even when sleeping. I rather trust a Jew to guard me than to have a Palestinian within ten yards.
13. Oman: I'm neutral.
14. Algerians: I could never decode them.
15. Iraqis: used to be awesome people.... don't know what happened to them now!

Dear, I understand that this incident moved some memories inside you, but that doesn't meant my friend to act like Arabs give a flying crap of what a you think of them. Plz, get real.
dont get insulted.but the fact is even the "wannabe-arab mullahs" hate you PGCC arab as hell.you cant find a guy in EU,US or China liking Arabs.

plus,we like the Turks(God bless AtaTurk) are replacing arabic words with Persian or English words *** possible.

Yes, continue your fairytales. We Arabs left a great cultural marker in large parts of Southern Europe which we ruled for 800 years for example Spain and Portugal (Al-Andalus).

Did you for example know that 20% of all Spanish words have an Arabic origin and that many Spanish people have Arab ancestry? Most regions and cities have an Arabic origin. For example the capital Madrid. The most famous tourist attractions in Spain are Arab cultural leftovers such as Alhambra, Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Alcázar of Seville etc.

Did you know that up to 50 MILLION people in Latin America have Arab ancestry and that Arab culture has played a great role in that region. Just ask the two Brazilian members here. They told themselves, Farsi. Arabs always had a good reputation whenever they went outside of the Arab world be it Latin American or South East Asia (Indonesia and Malaysia) and they were top of the society there.

Europeans were always paranoid about Muslims, Arabs and Islam but even many Europeans have great interest in Arabs and many even study Arabic. Islam is also spreading quickly there. Many Spanish people read extensively on their past (Al-Andalus) with pride. Many famous books are being written about that period in Spain that are bestsellers today.

Yes, is that why they try to act very hard as Arabs and suck up to us. Makes perfect sense. And claiming Arab ancestry. You even have Iranian members here claiming Arab ancestry.:omghaha:

Turks and Arabs are allies and sorry to damage your fantasy world but both are largely anti-Iranian and not allies with your Mullah's. Historical too.

Good luck with inventing a new language. Last time I saw then Arabic is taught in Iran (obligatory even). Can you name me one Arab country that teaches Farsi? Just one?:omghaha:

Anyway I know that there are good Iranians after all Iranian is not an ethnic group. Most Iranian members here are Persianized Turkic Azeris. They even told themselves. Rest are Baluch, some Kurds etc. Only the Farsis seem to be a problem. But even among them there are probably sane and good people. For example not all Iranian members are as deluded as you. I am just replying in the same manner as you started and putting you in your place.
Dude, it's actually me as a Pakistani who doesn't give a crap. If I did, I would be on some "Arab" forum. You do actually care, else, why would you be here and reading what I wrote. Think about it. If you are able to. Cheers.

Dear, I understand that this incident moved some memories inside you, but that doesn't meant my friend to act like Arabs give a flying crap of what a you think of them. Plz, get real.
When the indian gonna come back to india,,,hes gonna hunt some sauudi here ,,,,
1st he ll hit himm,,n then show this youtube video,,,:woot:

Sauudis like white arse,,no black arse.:closed:
Yes, continue your fairytales. We Arabs left a great cultural marker in large parts of Southern Europe which we ruled for 800 years for example Spain and Portugal (Al-Andalus).

Did you for example know that 20% of all Spanish words have an Arabic origin and that many Spanish people have Arab ancestry? Most regions and cities have an Arabic origin. For example the capital Madrid. The most famous tourist attractions in Spain are Arab cultural leftovers such as Alhambra, Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Alcázar of Seville etc.

Did you know that up to 50 MILLION people in Latin America have Arab ancestry and that Arab culture has played a great role in that region. Just ask the two Brazilian members here. They told themselves, Farsi. Arabs always had a good reputation whenever they went outside of the Arab world be it Latin American or South East Asia (Indonesia and Malaysia) and they were top of the society there.

Europeans were always paranoid about Muslims, Arabs and Islam but even many Arabs have great interest in Arabs and many even study Arabic. Islam is also spreading quickly there. Many Spanish people read extensively on their past (Al-Andalus) with pride. Many famous books are being written about that period in Spain that are bestsellers today.

Yes, is that why they try to act very hard as Arabs and suck up to us. Makes perfect sense. And claiming Arab ancestry. You even have Iranian members here claiming Arab ancestry.:omghaha:

Turks and Arabs are allies and sorry to damage your fantasy world but both are largely anti-Iranian and not allies with your Mullah's. Historical too.

Good luck with inventing a new language. Last time I saw then Arabic is taught in Iran (obligatory even). Can you name me one Arab country that teaches Farsi? Just one?:omghaha:

Anyway I know that there are good Iranians after all Iranian is not an ethnic group. Most Iranian members here are Persianized Azeris. They even told themselves. Rest are Baluch, some Kurds etc. Only the Farsis seem to be a problem. But even among them there are probably sane and good people. For example not all Iranian members are as deluded as you. I am just replying in the same manner as you started and putting you in your place.
these trash words does not prove that the world still does not hate arabs.actually you are the most hated people in the world.even Turk themselves dont like you at all its the reason they have deleted arabic words from their language while they have no problem with using Persian words

BTW, I am not Persian but an Iranian.

@Hyperion : a certain group of arabs always bring their wives(better to say their slaves)to discos and order them to stand in front of disco untill they finish watching dance.can you name them?LOL
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Yes, we are.:omghaha: More of your moronic Central Asian Nomad/Pagan nonsense. Turkish still has a lot of Arabic words besides they are not Arabs and can do what they want with their alphabet. While we speak your Farsis still use an Arabic based alphabet. Tells more about you than others.

Besides Arabs and Turks are allies, fellow Sunni Muslims by large and both are against your fake Wannabe-Arab Mullah's and not allies of your country. We don't need to be more than friends or fellow Muslims. We are a people of 450 million and we have enough of ourselves and our world which is HUGE in case you did not realize that.

Next time skip the Iranian heroin.

Anyway I already put you in place so no need to waste more of my time with you.
Dude, it's actually me as a Pakistani who doesn't give a crap. If I did, I would be on some "Arab" forum. You do actually care, else, why would you be here and reading what I wrote. Think about it. If you are able to. Cheers.

You don't represent Pakistan nor you own this forum, and I'm here only to follow up latest updates and practice my English writing, I read as well posts. However, that doesn't mean I give a crap about you, I only want you to wake up, just picture how long Arabs would luagh if they see a Pashtun openion of them :D And what the fvck were you doing in Arab states? Sucking up to them there and whine about them here?
Its not 1 event, its 1 of many.
UAE being flooded with immigrants has to do with the oil and economic things, not the people.

Why should laws not be equal between nationals and non nationals ?
Ok, let the nationals receive all that free money and presents, good for them, but beating up someone, threatening, killing should all equally punished, Iraq treated all expats equal in the 70s, we were also flooded with them ( millions of foreign Arabs ).

Not many will come, not cause of the security situation, that part is not a real problem its more hospitality.
Construction projects need to be finished, the image of tourism has to be repaired aswell, though this cup sucks anyway.

laws should be equal between all, but in the end its their country, i mean why should a person who doesnt own my house be treated as the same as me in my house? do you get it?

but these arabs are lowlifes, they go too far with their bs.
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