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Drone to be struck down on orders: Air Chief

if pakistan user f-16 to strike drones,then say bye bye to spares and missiles for f-16

@indian members you'll should be happy when paf strikes any drone

so support pakistan to strike the drones
go paf go
wat if americans arm their drones with Air to air missile...
which is costlier
f 16 or reaper?
we have no technology to stop drone attacks/ suicide attacks.Only solution is final operation cross all FATA to stop both these attacks.

You don't need high tech weapons to shoot down drones, what you really need is political will to do it. Pakistanis have elected their leaders(i.e. assuming that the election was free and fair) and now it must reap the fruits of it.
if pakistan user f-16 to strike drones,then say bye bye to spares and missiles for f-16

@indian members you'll should be happy when paf strikes any drone

so support pakistan to strike the drones
go paf go

common yar they have American ground staff who maintain their new F16s in their own airbase do you think American staff allow them this action
common yar they have American ground staff who maintain their new F16s in their own airbase do you think American staff allow them this action

Any type of jet fighters and even choppers can shoot down drones, it doesn't have to be F-16s! Drones are not satellites, they are slow and low flying airframes with many limitations.
we have no technology to stop drone attacks/ suicide attacks.Only solution is final operation cross all FATA to stop both these attacks.

Pakistan does, please stop spreading false information.
Top Story Drone attacks: govt emerges as main suspect

Ansar Abbasi

Saturday, May 14, 2011

ISLAMABAD: The khakis extraordinary briefing to parliamentarians on Friday made the Gilani government conspicuous as the prime suspect for the continuation of US drone attacks as well as the post-9/11 Washington-centric policy on the so-called war on terror.

On the issue of drone attacks as raised by the parliamentarians, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) top bosses candidly told parliament that they were capable of shooting down the US Predators, but they explained that for this they required an order from the government. “Give us the order, we would shoot them down,” was the clear message from the PAF chief, but Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and almost all his cabinet ministers, who were present there, kept mum.

For a review in the post 9/11 controversial policy on the war on terror, the ISI chief and the DGMO said they would simply do what parliament would decide. But parliament had already given its policy in 2008 to the government through a unanimous resolution but it remained unimplemented as it is the executive’s responsibility to get the policies, as evolved by parliament, implemented through its different arms, including the military and ISI. The khakis subtly conveyed that the 2008 parliamentary resolution was never referred to them for execution.

The 2008 parliamentary resolution, which was adopted by the joint sitting of the two houses after several days of their in-camera deliberations and briefings, not only asked for immediate halt of drone attacks, but also sought review of Musharraf’s post 9/11 policies to evolve an independent foreign policy reflecting the will of the people and in the best interest of Pakistan. The resolution also sought for a paradigm shift in the war on terror policy by resolving the issue through dialogue with the extremists.

However, despite the clear mandate given by the top representative body of the people of Pakistan, neither the government directed the defence forces to shoot down the US Predators nor did it pursue the option of dialogue with extremists etc to bring about peace. On the contrary, military operations were launched one after the other. In the case of drone attacks, the WikiLeaks had exposed the double speak of the rulers. One of these leaks showed Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani as having told the Americans that they should continue with the drone attacks. He was even quoted as telling them that for the sake of internal public pressure, hue and cry would be raised within parliament against such drone attacks. President Zardari was also quoted to have not only allowed the drone attacks, but also the May 2-like US special forces strike to hit any high profile target.

According to a lawmaker, the DG ISI though did talk of the Raymond Davis issue, he did not explain how and on whose orders the CIA contractor was handed over to the Americans in a manner that had really hung the nation’s head in shame.
WOW! so.... Pak helped OBL....

people holding OBL pics and burning our flag on TV...

Now they going to shoot down our drones that is helping fight these terrorist..

all i can say is WOW.

You people in Pakistan better wake the up already and think what you are doing.
Well if your soldiers are witnessing militants crossing the border whats stopping your boys from stopping the militants? Why cant you guys just kill them before they cross into Pakistan instead of whining. DUH
Well if your soldiers are witnessing militants crossing the border whats stopping your boys from stopping the militants? Why cant you guys just kill them before they cross into Pakistan instead of whining. DUH

these cowards hide in caves and must have a huge network of tunnels around the region... easier said then done
WOW! so.... Pak helped OBL.... Elaborate what you are referring to!! US helped OBL too

people holding OBL pics and burning our flag on TV... Thats true! and with emotions going like they are, look forward to people doing more then that..

Now they going to shoot down our drones that is helping fight these terrorist.. Correction!!! Killing civilians, creating more terrorists..

all i can say is WOW. Expression of Amazement or Fear??

You people in Pakistan better wake the up already and think what you are doing.. Its time for US people to wake the **** up and face reality.. burying you head in the sand won't help you for long now..

Answers in Red
Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman Friday said that drones entering Pakistani air space would be struck down if such orders were issued (to the Pakistan Air Force), Geo News reported.

What is meant by if such orders were issued (to the Pakistan Air Force)?

I thought it was obvious that if any foreign warlike platform enters a nation's airspace, it is to be brought down as a matter of course.
What is meant by if such orders were issued (to the Pakistan Air Force)?

I thought it was obvious that if any foreign warlike platform enters a nation's airspace, it is to be brought down as a matter of course.

Not when you "allow" the foreign warlike platform into your airspace to do its dirty work.. since it sort of helps your cause as well.
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