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Drone and missile debris proves Iranian role in Aramco attack, Saudi defense ministry says

One important question here to ask is .. Pakistan always said we will defend KSA if there any attack on KSA main lands , now attack happened ,, what will Pakistan do???????

Barking **** seldom bite and yes I am saying it as a Pakistani.
Our peace'fool govt said wait for the UN meeting, they still expect world will condemn India and they will get Kashmir in plate.
i never heard of peace before a war?

cowards cant, hide from there fate... can they?
I find it also very interesting that this news is totally blacked out by Pakistani media, I already know that in "whose hand" bulk of Pakistani media lies so I am not surprised.

It's not our mess buddy. We should blackout all the sectarians mess for the betterment of our people. Let the Arabs and Persian sort their mess for final time.
There will be unnecessary unrest in country if we let our media sensationalized this i think we are waiting how things unfold before letting our people know what we will do or won't do
It's not our mess buddy. We should blackout all the sectarians mess for the betterment of our people. Let the Arabs and Persian sort their mess for final time.
There will be unnecessary unrest in country if we let our media sensationalized this i think we are waiting how things unfold before letting our people know what we will do or won't do

It's better if our people don't hear about this much. Those interested can get news from international media.

I don't give a damn about this "sectarians mess" BS, where I grew up in Gujranwala there is only one sect and that is called "Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat" and we don't give a damn about other "sects" because we don't consider them as "our people", they are for me just like hindus, sikhs, christians etc. They are NOT part of us, that is it.

By our people I mean Pakistanis of every caste and Creed especially Wahhabis and Shia, they make considerable portion of our population, Gujranwala is center of ghair Muqalideen in Punjab if I am not wrong.
They are part of "Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat" and they know it. In one country there can only be ONE boss, everyone else is a subordinate and in case of Pakistan "Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat" is the BOSS, the rest are all our subordinates. They have to change and adjust themselves to live among us, we are NOT going to change our mindset for them.

Well it should be the case from day 1 but it was never the case, we allowed some people to be infulenced by other countries and now we have to control them from blowing each other.
KSA can not do anything. If they attempt to retaliate, It will be the decleration of own destruction. Most probably, They will pour the money as bribe worth billion $ for US (as always) to form an alliance to attack Iran. At any likely scenario, KSA and UAE oil rafineries will be blown up which will cause to shrink their economy for maybe 50 years. We will see !
Saudi Arabia is not capable of defeating Iran on its own, and US won't attack Iran without Saudi money. But Saudi has no money after years of warfare in Yemen

And Europian countries prefer to stay away from a possible conflict with Iran

This ends in a humiliation for Saudi Arabia, paying the price of all those bombs on Yemeni people
The comments from some people full of hatred for Shia or Sunni here are sickening. Keyboard warriors who remind me of a quote I read somewhere 'It is easy to be brave at a safe distance'.

Iran and Saudi Arabia are both Muslim, believing in same Allah, same Prophet (S.A.W), same Quran. I don't know who is doing what but regardless of right and wrong, if there is a war, it will be Muslims who die on both ends.

We all know who the only beneficiary will be of such a war.
Question is , What will they do about it .. I disagree with Iran on many things but Iranians are bragging how Powerful they are, they attacked KSA and asking Saudi's to do something about it .. Lets see if the Blood of Saud boils enough to start a war .
I hope we are not drawn into it along with rest of Islamic world.
It was quite dumb on Iran's part IF they were involved. They r overestimating themselves if that's the case.

Whatever happens in that case...as in which country wins or loses...doesn't matter much to me. What matters is that during the hostilities Pak will have to pick a side.
- If Pak sides with KSA...as KSA and the rest of GCC will expect Pak to do...then that means having a second enemy to the west...which would be disastrous for Pak.
- If Pak sides with Iran(highly unlikely) then KSA and GCC would never give Pak the support they provide from time to time and Pak would lose these major allies.

So far Pak has been carefully balancing the alliance with GCC while avoiding any animosity with Iran...but if this situation escalates further it would be almost impossible for Pak to keep that careful balance.
isn't it fun, Pakistanis are reacting to news more than iranian and Saudis do LOL.
It's a Pakistani forum...Pakistanis are free to express their opinions here.
i assure you we are not.
I don't need an assurance from u. If a war does occur it would be Iran on one side and KSA along with other GCC countries and possibly US and even Israel(though that's less likely) on the other side.

If US gets involved...then under their command and with a coordinated effort of US/KSA/UAE...they would establish air superiority over Iran in a matter of weeks. Once air superiority is established...it will be a losing battle from there for Iran.

P.S. I'm not basing that assessment out of love for Arabs or hatred for Iran...I'm personally indifferent to both. My conclusion is based on the assets(jets, radars, AWACS, BVR and their effectiveness such as range and kill probability) and capacity of all the parties involved.
It's a Pakistani forum...Pakistanis are free to express their opinions here.

I don't need an assurance from u. If a war does occur it would be Iran on one side and KSA along with other GCC countries and possibly US and even Israel(though that's less likely) on the other side.

If US gets involved...then under their command and with a coordinated effort of US/KSA/UAE...they would establish air superiority over Iran in a matter of weeks. Once air superiority is established...it will be a losing battle from there for Iran.

P.S. I'm not basing that assessment out of love for Arabs or hatred for Iran...I'm personally indifferent to both. My conclusion is based on the assets(jets, radars, AWACS, BVR and their effectiveness such as range and kill probability) and capacity of all the parties involved.

but for now if they get to 250 km from our air space there will not be a plane in sky do you know how strong Iran Air defense is??? or our missile power? its not like we buy our missiles and Air defense systems if they manage to destroy one of our long range Air defense system and that is big IF we will simply make 2 more Air defense system to replace that 1 which was destroyed same goes for almost all of our other systems like missiles and drones.
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