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Drafting PDF policy on Syria.

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May 3, 2009
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It has been one year since Syrian tyrant , Bashar al assad started to brutalize his people. We all know he has bombed civilian cities and forced many to seek refuge in Turkey.

Since we have high regard for human rights on this board , i would strongly request the Administration [Webmaster , Asim Aquil , Agnosticmuslim] to draft a policy about our stance on Syria.

Its been enough long time since we have been seeing a bunch of Tyrant supporting Syrians spreading lies about the uprising. I strongly recommend that referring to the rebelling Syrians and defected military officers as terrorists should attract a ban on such members and should result in closure of such a thread.

I would like to see us Pakistanis and our wider audience to be standing on the right side of history on this board.

Regards: Aeronaut
I personally prefer non-involvement, these are so complicated matters and almost everyone involved has a myriad of agendas working in the background.

For example you can support the resistance, but can you guarantee the resistance is not being aided by the CIA like the Libyan one was?

Assad Al Bashar must be dealt with the Syrians themselves and they need to uproot them. If we support foreign meddling in Syria what is to prevent foreigners to meddle in our country if we one day decide to topple the government?

Something as serious as regime change should be done by the nation itself.

You are naive, just like you were naive about the Kony 2012 money scam. You don't know about the complexities of the Syrian situation and you see it as black and white. Def.Pk doesn't need to draft a policy on this.
I personally prefer non-involvement, these are so complicated matters and almost everyone involved has a myriad of agendas working in the background.

For example you can support the resistance, but can you guarantee the resistance is not being aided by the CIA like the Libyan one was?

Assad Al Bashar must be dealt with the Syrians themselves and they need to uproot them. If we support foreign meddling in Syria what is to prevent foreigners to meddle in our country if we one day decide to topple the government?

Something as serious as regime change should be done by the nation itself.

I am not calling for supporting the FSA for now , neither we should. All i have suggested is that civilians being tagged as "terrorists" should be banned from the forum. As calling any uniformed soldier of any nation even India is banned on PDF.

We do have a moral responsibility to at least support the civilians , who are NOT being aided by anyone.


You are naive, just like you were naive about the Kony 2012 money scam. You don't know about the complexities of the Syrian situation and you see it as black and white. Def.Pk doesn't need to draft a policy on this.

Your thoughts are appreciated , i had previous knowledge and study about LRA way before the Kony drive, there is nothing that proves it a scam.

I think we should be supporting Syrians suffering for their freedom.
I am not calling for supporting the FSA for now , neither we should. All i have suggested is that civilians being tagged as "terrorists" should be banned from the forum. As calling any uniformed soldier of any nation even India is banned on PDF.

We do have a moral responsibility to at least support the civilians , who are NOT being aided by anyone.

Are people really calling the victims of Bashar's attack as terrorists? Of course Assad Al Bashar is calling them that, but not the regular people on this forum?

We had devised a policy on the forum to get the debates beyond the level of "You're a terrorist", "No you're a terrorist". Our intent in that particular case was not supportive of one side over the other but a means to get a debate going beyond juvenile attacks. A technical hurdle was overcome and not a judgment passed over anyone's status as a terrorist or not.

Is the wording of "terrorist" the only thing you were concerned about a Syria policy or are you talking about something much larger?
i think our stance should be neutral because we dont know the ground realities exactly and the condition is much complicated . We even cant say anything with assurance that CIA and other agencies are not supporting anti government activities . Libya is the prime example of US and West involvement and their support to terrorists .
Are people really calling the victims of Bashar's attack as terrorists? Of course Assad Al Bashar is calling them that, but not the regular people on this forum?

We had devised a policy on the forum to get the debates beyond the level of "You're a terrorist", "No you're a terrorist". Our intent in that particular case was not supportive of one side over the other but a means to get a debate going beyond juvenile attacks. A technical hurdle was overcome and not a judgment passed over anyone's status as a terrorist or not.

Is the wording of "terrorist" the only thing you were concerned about a Syria policy or are you talking about something much larger?

Asim the innocent people who get killed by the Bashar Al Asad are getting called "wahabis" "Terrorists" by the forum members {i can show proofs} specially , the "Syrian" members , who would come and report "So many terrorists were killed in Homs etc" , this is totally wrong representation of people's rightful revolt.

Apart from this i wanted to see a collective PDF response at least at a team level , more positive towards the civilians of Syria. I want it to be more discussed , which would help shape opinions and differentiate black & white in the Syrian conflict.

All i am concerned about is that people are dying out there and here we are after 1 years of bloodshed and 8000+ deaths - totally undecided on what side to choose or at least morally support !
You are simply asking admins to protect free speech without getting abused and attacked. I guess they are already doing that. You should remember that the other side also should be afforded the same protection.

Btw I like your designation OPINIONATOR. :)
A light hearted quote: 'Opinions are like a**holes. Everyone has one.'
It has been one year since Syrian tyrant , Bashar al assad started to brutalize his people. We all know he has bombed civilian cities and forced many to seek refuge in Turkey.

Since we have high regard for human rights on this board , i would strongly request the Administration [Webmaster , Asim Aquil , Agnosticmuslim] to draft a policy about our stance on Syria.

Its been enough long time since we have been seeing a bunch of Tyrant supporting Syrians spreading lies about the uprising. I strongly recommend that referring to the rebelling Syrians and defected military officers as terrorists should attract a ban on such members and should result in closure of such a thread.

I would like to see us Pakistanis and our wider audience to be standing on the right side of history on this board.

Regards: Aeronaut
Thats exactly what I was looking for... Support from Pakistanis to their oppressed brothers and sisters. I was disappointed with the limited support from our Pakistani brothers. I will post this thread in Syrian pages and forums and they will appreciate it so much. A supporting word could heal a wounded Syrian injury, your support is very important. And for Syrian lion, I don't think he should be banned.
It has been one year since Syrian tyrant , Bashar al assad started to brutalize his people. We all know he has bombed civilian cities and forced many to seek refuge in Turkey.

Since we have high regard for human rights on this board , i would strongly request the Administration [Webmaster , Asim Aquil , Agnosticmuslim] to draft a policy about our stance on Syria.

Its been enough long time since we have been seeing a bunch of Tyrant supporting Syrians spreading lies about the uprising. I strongly recommend that referring to the rebelling Syrians and defected military officers as terrorists should attract a ban on such members and should result in closure of such a thread.

I would like to see us Pakistanis and our wider audience to be standing on the right side of history on this board.

Regards: Aeronaut

I respect you Aeronaut, but that bold part really deserves lols :lol:
why is world silence on Kashmir but so vocal on syrian issue?
Who said we don't care about Kashmir? Have you visited Arab forums?
I remember when I was about 14 years old in 2000 following up Pak-India artillery shelling with deep concern and with full sympathy with your cause. I know that Arabs media support Kashmir cause aswell. But you should remember that Arabs have Allot of problems themselves.
Non interference! Syria needs to solve this mess themselves, taking into account what happened in Libya with foreign involvement. Encouraging negotiations between the rebels and government should be the main goal of all foreign powers and inshallah peace will return to Syria again soon...
Why should alternative views be suppressed? Aeronaut, why do you think your view is correct and everyone else's is wrong?
my view on the subject regarding the forums policy on Syria is that PDF should be "neutral"
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