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Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as "worst enemy"

Whatever be the reason for his arrest ,whatever may happen to that doctor the whole episode has exposed many unpleasant truths ..isi should have acted smart ..if they wanted to punish the doctor ,there are many examples in history when death comes accidentally ..
Oh boyy....very damning, juicy report!

OK so he is under custody of security agencies -- fine. It seems a little far fetched that they kept him blind folded 8 months and handcuffed for 12, but they allowed him to call Fox news (of all outlets)...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


First of all, Afridi is no angel. He had proven links to militant groups; he's guilty of medical mal practice (running a FAKE vaccine drive) and he's guilty of treason (aiding and abbetting with the intelligence of a FOREIGN country while being a Pakistani citizen)

these are basic legal premises, any country would do the same....

Afridi was reluctant to give details about how he become involved with the CIA or the vaccination drive. Why is he reluctant if he's so innocent? Why is CIA telling him to "flee" to Afghanistan - as a citizen of Pakistan. Is that transparent?
First of all, Afridi is no angel. He had proven links to militant groups; he's guilty of medical mal practice (running a FAKE vaccine drive)
The vaccines were real. It's not his fault he was arrested before he could complete the immunizations.

and he's guilty of treason (aiding and abbetting with the intelligence of a FOREIGN country while being a Pakistani citizen)
Except he was acting to defeat terrorists in what Pakistani authorities publicly say is their goal. Is his loyalty to the nation or to a government that betrays its citizens?

any country would do the same....
Do you think Pakistan's government, in failing not only to enforce its sovereign obligations under UNSCR 1373 but to discourage its citizens from doing so, can claim the same dignity or loyalty most other nation-states' governments can?
Who is Mastankhan. Is he a holy cow here?

I am asking common sense questions. There is nothing offensive in the language used, unless pointing out a cop out as one is offensive, or calling a rat a rat is.

Where did the media bit come from? You think Indians learn about you only from news channels?

Holy cow? We don't believe in holy cows, remember.

Mastan Khan is a senior member, in both age and life experience. When he talks, better shut up and listen. If we need your garbage, we will ask for it.

The vaccines were real. It's not his fault he was arrested before he could complete the immunizations.

that is not a fact

Except he was acting to defeat terrorists in what Pakistani authorities publicly say is their goal. Is his loyalty to the nation or to a government that betrays its citizens?

yes the Pakistani authorities are stating this is their goal, because it IS our goal. We don't want this militancy to keep spreading. However, it's immaterial, Solomon, to the fact that he was working with a foreign intelligence organiation while being a Pakistani citizen. It's not allowed. If an ISI operative were in secret contact and giving instructions to US citizens then the CIA and the US Govt. would take action if they were to discover such activity ongoing on their soil - behind their backs....REGARDLESS of intention or cause.

Do you think Pakistan's government, in failing not only to enforce its sovereign obligations under UNSCR 1373 but to discourage its citizens from doing so, can claim the same dignity or loyalty most other nation-states' governments can?

i think Pakistan has paid and continue to pay a high price in this war....i also think we are in a hostile, God forsaken neighbourhood. If you succeed in Afghanistan, everything will be fine in Pakistan. If you stop allowing terrorists to slip over from Afghanistan (vice versa which you accuse us of doing) then we will have better security and have fewer threats. We are facing multi-pronged threats. Externally and internally.

NATO has expended hundreds of billions in Afghanistan and yet Afghan sovereignty and ability to function as a country is not evident. I heard that militants attacked Bagram Base in Kabul just yesterday with mortors and RPG/small arms fire. In the past month alone, several "green on blue" attacks. Terrorists from Afghanistan creating problems in Bajaur (Pakistan).

so you must also ask yourself, as the (real) Administrator in Afghanistan what have you done
Who is Mastankhan. Is he a holy cow here?

I am asking common sense questions. There is nothing offensive in the language used, unless pointing out a cop out as one is offensive, or calling a rat a rat is.

Where did the media bit come from? You think Indians learn about you only from news channels?

he's old enough to be your father and old enough to kick you on your arse if you ever talked to him or addressed him in a manner like that....

holy cows? Mastan isnt one of your gods.

as for the poll itself -- Pakistanis could care LESS about what indians think about Pakistan or Pakistanis. On one hand either they are just never spoken about due to apathy and just not caring -- for others the neighbours are at the butt end of jokes. No problem at us how they feel, I doubt the average Pakistani views india with such bonhomie either
If Pakistan does any harm to this doctor, the entire world will condemn it.

It will be much worse than the Christian Girl accused of burning the Quran.

Sorry to say, but he will be used as a sacrificial lamb by your army, whose incompetence was laid bare for the entire world to see.
that is not a fact
The Guardian reports the vaccines were genuine, but the boosters were not applied according to usual procedure: link

However, it's immaterial, Solomon, to the fact that he was working with a foreign intelligence organiation while being a Pakistani citizen. It's not allowed.
The question of citizen loyalty is a judgment for the law and a representative jury to make. You've reduced it to an administrative procedure - turning citizens into subjects. What loyalty they owe the State in absence of a functioning law-and-order social contract becomes a matter of debate and can't be taken for granted. This can only fuel terror, lawlessness, and decay.

i think Pakistan has paid and continue to pay a high price in this war....
Most likely because Pakistan isn't serious about winning or because Pakistan has incompetent generals. But you can't write that, can you?

i also think we are in a hostile, God forsaken neighbourhood.
God is everywhere so it can only be you and your countrymen who have forsaken him, yes?
The Guardian reports the vaccines were genuine, but the boosters were not applied according to usual procedure: link

i have heard no such reports....

The question of citizen loyalty is a judgment for the law and a representative jury to make. You've reduced it to an administrative procedure - turning citizens into subjects. What loyalty they owe the State in absence of a functioning law-and-order social contract becomes a matter of debate and can't be taken for granted. This can only fuel terror, lawlessness, and decay.

yes, and the law prevailed

there is no debate.

you got Dr. Sayed Ghulam Nabi Fai (the American Kashmiri activist) on an "administrative" charge as well, if my memory serves me correcrly

Most likely because Pakistan isn't serious about winning or because Pakistan has incompetent generals. But you can't write that, can you?

due in a large part to your failures to secure even Kabul -- leave alone Afghanistan
i have heard no such reports....
The ISI was very quick to promote its own version, wasn't it?

you got Dr. Sayed Ghulam Nabi Fai (the American Kashmiri activist) on an "administrative" charge as well, if my memory serves me correcrly
You don't get sentenced in America without a trial and proper procedures. You know this. You are attempting to confuse the debate by mixing up a non-judicial administrative procedure with a criminal charge based on deliberate mal-administration by Fai.

due in a large part to your failures to secure even Kabul -- leave alone Afghanistan
Odd that Afghanistan isn't even part of the Afridi case yet it stands at the top of your mind, connected somehow.
The interview was a fake! The KPK government has categorically stated that Afridi has no media access in jail. So this interview was penned by some CIA guy and given to Fox.
The ISI was very quick to promote its own version, wasn't it?

i have neither read nor heard any "own version" of ISI either

though i do know that the ISI handed them many high value suspects....in fact the ISI cooperated regularly with the bin laden team @ langley....it's not even an open secret anymore, it's a known fact

you don't get sentenced in America without a trial and proper procedures.

yeah! tell those to inmates at gitmo, abu ghraib and bagram (all administered by the U.S.)

You know this. You are attempting to confuse the debate by mixing up a non-judicial administrative procedure with a criminal charge based on deliberate mal-administration by Fai.

nope.....youre just applying double standards

by the way, Afridi was tried. He was found guilty, based on admissions he himself made

Odd that Afghanistan isn't even part of the Afridi case yet it stands at the top of your mind, connected somehow.

well you talked about "winning" and all.....i was ASSUMING you were referring to the war against militancy and extremism. A fight we are fighting, but hampered by your failures in Afghanistan as they have direct impact with what happens in FATA and even other parts of the country
How the hell was Fox News able to conduct this interview in the first place?

Isn't he under ISI custody being tortured in some dungeon?
Why is he still alive after harming whole nation afridi's cast are real scumbags all over he need naswar dr riaz presently in bajur agency with support of USA and one anp leader and this previous agency surgeon shakil afridi real big time terrorists for the sake of dollar given big damage to Pakistan how the hell such worst enemy given so much facilities inside prison instead of treated like americans do inside their secret hidden torture cells GOD BLESS PAKISTAN AND PAKISTAN ARMY.
i wish ISI take him again to torture cell hahahahah:P mar mar ker saly ka dimagh kharab ker do jesy abhi pagaloon ki trah bakwaas ker raha hai :rofl: bravo my sweet ISI :D

How the hell was Fox News able to conduct this interview in the first place?

Isn't he under ISI custody being tortured in some dungeon?

yaar try to understand fox may talk with a student of Peshawar university on cell its look to me another fake interview shiiit :rofl:
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