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Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as "worst enemy"

Why would US be worst enemy. Till the time they were giving money, weapons, aid for civil projects unaccounted they were the best of people. Specially invited in Pakistan as long as they were giving all the above mentioned which will help fight India.

Today when they ask for accountability for the money and ask for ending sponsored terrorism by Pakistan, they are the worst enemy?
I think Pakistani establishment has an entitlement complex. They think they are entitled to a lot of things without changing themselves.

Accountability is a dirty 14-letter word, is it not?
Don't you think Pakistan needs more fools like Dr. Afridi? Fools willing to combat terrorism regardless of whether they can be assured of their safety or any personal benefit?
I'm pretty certain for the same money he would have bombed American forces too :P You shouldn't say this, but once a person does something wrong FOR MONEY, there really is no limit to what he would stoop to.

Or should the Army and ISI should apologize to the nation?
Americans want to unify two very distinct cases.

ISI chief offered to resign for having Osama found in Pak. He didn't go around defending himself...

The second case is of helping CIA conduct operations in Pak.

Let's say if CIA had an op to sell flowers in Pak - and if I knowingly work with them, without state approval - Then I am guilty of treason.

Is it better to sell yourself to terror-enablers like the ISI or terror-killers like the Americans?
It's not been established ISI enabled any terrorism but its ESTABLISHED Americans have killed men, women and children innocent of any crime proven in a court of law with full head of state sanction.

Who says he's pretending?

Track record. He had corruption cases dating as far back as 2002. He had been kicked out of government service in 2002 for corrupt practices. He was described by colleagues as a guy who wanted to make an easy buck.
There is a born again christian group of fundamentalists in the u s military that want a conflict with pakistan---seemingly, some of those people were incharge at that time---started the engagement and kept it on.

You need to read up on them---these people call themselves "christians"----now you would say whaaaat---they are all christians---well guess what----.

This group is just like the al qaeda / taliban jaish mohammad etc of christians----they don't consider eg catholics as christians---or any other bible toting group as christians---they are a radical fundamentalist group---not as violent as the their muslim counter parts at this time---but may change in the future---.

Quoted for truth.

I disagree with that last part: these Christian/Jewish fundamentalists are just as rabid and bloodthirsty as their Muslim counterparts. The difference is that, unlike the Muslims, these Western fundamentalists are polished and suave, and are experts at public relations. They manipulate the political levers in their country and use their official military to conduct their holy war against the Muslims. By the self-serving Western definition of "terrorism", their holy war does not get labelled as terrorism.

All of you who are hailing that clown as a hero, make sure u have ur excuses ready for all the children who will not get their polio vaccination because some jack@$$ decided to fake one. As if we were not having a hard time doing it before, he just made it more easier on us.

Bingo! This bastard should be fried just for endangering these children's life.

Surely ignorance that leads to reduced vaccination rates can, and should, be countered with proper education to protect the children. All of that ignorance cannot be blamed on Dr. Afridi.

I wonder if you would be so cavalier to dismiss this doctor's actions if the children he falsely vaccinated happened to be American children.

There is a time to be contrarian, and then there's a time to be principled. This doctor is the worst scum for what he did to those children, regardless of whatever else he did.
Look at it this way:

AQ Khan, who was caught as a proliferator of nuclear technology for private gain, lives in luxury and now has a political party, while the doctor who helped catch OBL is being tortured in jail.

Does that sound right to you? At the very least, Pakistan has one hell of a PR problem.

What has AQ Khan got to do with this?

This Dr was colluding with a foreign agency in exchange for money and other gains, and helped them in a operation inside Pakistani territory, that is a crime, anyway you see it. Now what did that lead to or what not, is another story IMO. Not to mention the severe blow this guy landed on governments polio campaign.

You're so pride-blind you didn't read the article!

I read the whole article and posted a post outlining all the absurd statements in it as well.

I wonder if you would be so cavalier to dismiss this doctor's actions if the children he falsely vaccinated happened to be American children.

There is a time to be contrarian, and then there's a time to be principled. This doctor is the worst scum for what he did to those children, regardless of whatever else he did.

Well, let's be clear about a few things before accusing anyone of being unprincipled, shall we?

The vaccinations were correct, and that can be easily proven by drawing antibody levels compared to the timing of the vaccination schedules. Dr. Afridi obtained additional cheek swab samples (which are totally harmless) from the kids for running DNA profiles, a fact that was extraneous to the vaccination program, and was not disclosed to the parents of the children for their consent. That is what the doctor did, no more, and no less. This represents medical malpractice, a fact that I have consistently pointed out.

Further, please note that as a pawn, he himself would not have been aware as to the purpose of the additional cheek swab samples, and hence knowing collusion is not necessarily applicable in this case.

I hope you understand my position logically without being blinded by knee-jerk emotionalism.

What has AQ Khan got to do with this?...........

I mentioned AQ Khan as part of Pakistan's overall PR problems.
He dis-informed miss-guided to all the world he should be hanged till death by americans because its not only ISI its Pakistani nation aswell who hates USA more than anything
Well, let's be clear about a few things before accusing anyone of being unprincipled, shall we?

The vaccinations were correct, and that can be easily proven by drawing antibody levels compared to the timing of the vaccination schedules. Dr. Afridi obtained additional cheek swab samples (which are totally harmless) from the kids for running DNA profiles, a fact that was extraneous to the vaccination program, and was not disclosed to the parents of the children for their consent. That is what the doctor did, no more, and no less. This represents medical malpractice, a fact that I have consistently pointed out.

Further, please note that as a pawn, he himself would not have been aware as to the purpose of the additional cheek swab samples, and hence knowing collusion is not necessarily applicable in this case.

But he was receiving money, he acknowledged that he had a contact, he also acknowledged that he knew there was some terrorist living there. So, he was perfectly aware of what he was doing.

The harm was that the already paranoid people of the region became more thoughtful about the next guy who came to their door to give the child free polio drops and get samples.
But he was receiving money, he acknowledged that he had a contact, he also acknowledged that he knew there was some terrorist living there. So, he was perfectly aware of what he was doing.

The harm was that the already paranoid people of the region became more thoughtful about the next guy who came to their door to give the child free polio drops and get samples.

The potential for harm caused to children by poor vaccination rates is there, and I was first to point that out when he was apprehended. This should be countered with a vigorous education program to prevent the innocent children from paying the price of their parent's paranoia. What he has contributed to this situation is clearly wrong, but to allow it to persist for political gain would be a tragedy for sure.

I will also tell you clearly that if USA can make China let Cheng Guangcheng go, getting Dr. Afridi out would have been no problem at all. He has been left behind to allow Pakistan to paint itself into the proverbial corner with yet another issue that tarnishes its international reputation.

Insisting on his prolonged incarceration jeopardizes the wider picture, and just like blocking the NATO supply routes, it will come to naught for Pakistan, only after besmirching itself further.
ISLAMABAD, Sept 11: The ISI rubbished as `fiction` on Tuesday a reported interview by a US TV channel of jailed Dr Shakeel Afridi, allegedly involved in tracing Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

`There is no evidence to suggest that Fox News correspondent had interviewed Dr Afridi,` a senior security official said after preliminary investigations.

`It is all concocted and baseless,` he said as he laughed off the claims made in the interview. `It`s amusing how well he (as reported in the interview) learnt about ISI operations from the cell in which he was kept blindfolded for eight months, as claimed by him,` he added.

The jail in which he has been lodged has `jammers` that block cellphone signals, another official said.

An ISPR official said the move had been made to undermine the prospects of resumption of the PakistanUS Strategic Dialogue.

The dialogue is expected to resume following improvement in ties between the two countries since July 3 when US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said sorry for the death of Pakistani troops in an attack on Salala border posts last November.

In his supposed interview, Dr Afridi had spoken about his detention in an ISI facility in Islamabad during which he got a chance to interact with other militants who were also being interrogated there.

Dr Afridi supposedly also told the interviewer how much the ISI was hostile to the US.

However, Fox News correspondent Dominic Di-Natale in a tweet posting said: `We asked key questions for ID purposes based on a track record of details. Then I directly spoke for 40 mins w/him on Saturday.` He refused to speak to Dawn and instead suggested contacting the Fox News public relations department.

He told a friend that he had exchanged a number of messages with Dr Afridi through an intermediary for weeks before his telephonic conversation with him last weekend.

-Staff Reporter

`Dr Afridi`s interview concocted` | ePaper | DAWN.COM


PESHAWAR, Sept 11: Prison authorities in Peshawar have vehemently denied that the convicted physician alleged to have helped the CIA to knock out Osama bin Laden gave an interview to an American news channel.

`No such interview has taken place,` Khalid Abbas, Inspector General of Prison in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, told Dawn on Tuesday. His comments were sought on a purported interview given by Dr Shakil Afridi to Fox News.

A tribal court has sentenced Dr Afridi to 33 years in prison on charges of helping and colluding with militants.

But no formal charges were brought against him on his alleged spying for the CIA despite recommendations made by a judicial commission.

Fox News claimed that itscorrespondenthad conducted the interview in the Peshawar Centre Jail.

In the purported interview, which was also carried by a section of the media in Pakistan, Dr Afridi spoke of an underground detention facility at the ISPs headquarters in Aabpara, Islamabad, and how the intelligence agency`s officers deceived their American counterparts.

Khalid Abbas, who also oversees the Peshawar Central Jail, said two local journalists had visited him a couple of months ago and wanted to interview Dr Afridi.

But, he said, he had turned down their request on the grounds that no-one was allowed to meet the undertrial prisoner.

He said that on the orders of the government, Afridi`s elder brother Jamil Khan Afridi, two sisters and his two lawyers had beenallowed to meet him on August 28 in the office of the prison`s deputy superintendent after a thorough search at the main gate.

`There is no question of any one meeting the prisoner without prior approval of the government,` he said, adding that there was no question of allowing either a video or audio recorder inside the prison and that all visitors were body-searched to ensure that no gadgets went through.

Khalid Abbas challenged Fox News to come out with any audio or video material it had of Afridi`s purported interview.

An official said Afridi was being kept in a secluded lockup and no-one was allowed to meet him inside the prison.

Only Afridi`s immediate family members and lawyers were allowed to meet him once a month and records of their visits were diligently kept, he said.

Jail authorities deny interview | ePaper | DAWN.COM
ISLAMABAD, Sept 11: The ISI rubbished as `fiction` on Tuesday a reported interview by a US TV channel of jailed Dr Shakeel Afridi, allegedly involved in tracing Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.......................

However, Fox News correspondent Dominic Di-Natale in a tweet posting said: `We asked key questions for ID purposes based on a track record of details. Then I directly spoke for 40 mins w/him on Saturday.` He refused to speak to Dawn and instead suggested contacting the Fox News public relations department.

He told a friend that he had exchanged a number of messages with Dr Afridi through an intermediary for weeks before his telephonic conversation with him last weekend.


`No such interview has taken place,` Khalid Abbas, Inspector General of Prison in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, told Dawn on Tuesday. His comments were sought on a purported interview given by Dr Shakil Afridi to Fox News.


One needs to be careful here. Denying something vehemently and then having verifiable recordings surface would be a PR disaster.
I read the whole article and posted a post outlining all the absurd statements in it as well.
I see that now that I've gone back through the thread. But you ignore the bits about how the conduct of the ISI and prison guards constitute a threat to all Pakistanis.
its mean ISI is on right path :partay: love you my sweet ISI :smitten: yummmmmmmh

ISI has already rubbished this interview claim
lot of imagination at work with inspiration from the 70s movies where super villains think loud and state all their plans in detail to the captured hero who buys time to free himself and make the villain eat dirt.

even if that interview has happened despite the presence of jammers and restriction to who brings what to the doctor and who visits him, its laughable to accept that ISI had put the doctor in the control room and were discussing its regional plans and conspiracies in front of him.

One needs to be careful here. Denying something vehemently and then having verifiable recordings surface would be a PR disaster.

you are very funny

what worse PR disaster can happen? Al Zoahiri ruling Pakistan in the guise of Zardari? now that will be a story ;)
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