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Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as "worst enemy"

Mastankhan, maybe it would help if long time Pakistani Americans like you who understand both sides would come to the fore and do the talking and listening between the two sides.

Rather than being an ineffectual crusader on the net.

Of course that would then put you in a tight spot with US Pakistan relations at their nadir.

Who do you speak for?

Do you speak for the Pakistanis and bring attention to yourself in the US.

Or do you speak for the US and get labeled a sell-out by the country and countrymen you left behind.

Easier to lecture on the net in such a case I guess.

Much tougher to do what the Indian lobby in the US does.

Maybe you could learn a trick or two?


Thank you for your post---. I am a pakistan by birth---that is my motherland---even though I reside in the u s---

I speak for pakistan---because nobody has come out and spoken for pakistan in front of the u s media---I speak for the u s---because no pakistani has honestly come out and spoken for the u s---. All this problem that pakistan and the u s are having----because pakistanis don't have the courage to say openly what the u s has not done---or pakistanis simply don't have the tact to say what needs to be said---or they don't even know what to say---and they keep the bitterness inside of them expecting the americans to understand what is eating the paks from inside---it don't work that way.

The u s needs to be confronted openly where it has screwed up---because the u s comes every time on the top by claiming that it is right all the time---but some one needs to say that no one is right all the time----let me start and show you where you went wrong.

I have written to multiple news papers since the early 90's---. Pakistani brethren have a tunnel vision---they want to stay within---it is their secured area---. Pakistani papers don't print what I write---on a personal note I have communicated a few times with Cowasjee---I seeked his help to refer to his editor friends in pak---but he refused---I have tried other venues too.

You see---it needs a lots of courage to stand next to me in the open in front of the people and be ready for the flack---a little push from this board right after the death of Osama last year---would have possibly propelled me in front of the media---being a Think Tank chairman of a close to 50000 strong membership pakistani defence web-site would have had some takers on LA times--NY times---washington post---maybe a local tv channel or two---for starters. What was all that for---it was for pakistan---.

The leadership of this board is made up of cowards----me a 56 year old man with 3 young kids and nothing to show otherwise---was ready to take the plunge for pakistan and these cowards did not even have the courage to push me over the cliff---. I wanted to fight for pakistan's cause tooth and nail---I was putting my self on the line---this board---did not even have the ballz to put me on the launchpad.

Indian lobby learnt first hand from the jews a long time ago that the u s president and the u s senator and the u s congressman has ABSOLUTELY NO POWERS AT ALL---the power is centered amongst the public all the time---.

And the pakistani neither want to accept that fact and neither they want to believe how ignorant they have been all thru these years banging their heads on the wrong doors----. Just like this board----it is a miniature pakistan---.

Pakistanis have yet to learn to LOOK BEYOND their personal dislikes----that is their national heritage---that is why they always have a KNEE JERK REACTION to issues like Prophet Mohammad cartoons / Prophet Mohammad movies---creating strikes and burning and destroying their own properties over something that happened maybe in india, uk, sweden, norway, holland or the u s---.

Pakistanis---the moment they dislike the person---or dislike what the person is saying----they stop listening to what is being said---so they miss the most important part of the conversation---.

It truly is a tragedy---the owners and leaders of this board had no clue what an asset they had in the form of this web-site and what they could do to make it happen for pakistan---they could have excelled with me at the helm---sadly they chose to stay ordinary and kept I kept walking right along with them---.

no the author is Richard Miniter , an investigative journalist.
its he who wrote a book about Obama's presidency and suggests that Mr president is in fact confused and indecisive.

that book is called "Leading from Behind"

while there is one interesting reference of ISI Colonel walking over to CIA with leads about OBL on the other hand there is a hilarious claim that Osama's house was built over a land specially carved out of the PMA's boundary. the significance and meaning of that is lost to me, if he was to be kept in a secret place then why give him a place to live that will show out as a mole on the face?

I have been to Abbotabad recently and seen the place, he actually lived in a residential area and his house was in the middle of many houses.
PMA just happens to be the biggest landmark of Abbotabad and every resident, Church, Mosque and petrol station can claim to be its neighbour to it.


Thank you---why would the ISI directror not say no comment and in the same sentence state---you now we ccommunicate with your side all the times thru different ways.

Thank you---why would the ISI directror not say no comment and in the same sentence state---you now we ccommunicate with your side all the times thru different ways.

my guess is good as yours and the answer is in the first part of the post from yourself.

lack of comprehension
lack of acknowledgement about the power of media
lack of will to change and adapt
lack of will to pull the thumb out of the arse
lack of will to give up hoping that everything will sort itself out itself
By the way, now this doctor really HAS committed treason. First the argument was his cooperation with CIA was in no way jeopardizing Pak security and that in no way he revealed state secrets or was told to spy on Pak govt.

But this time he has revealed state secrets to a foreign new agency. Undermined state efforts in combating terrorism and mentioned plans of state secret agency to outsiders. This is a text book definition of treason.

At this point, using fox news as basis and whatever proof they have, Pak state should file another case of treason on this doctor. And punish him in accordance with the state law.
By the way, now this doctor really HAS committed treason. First the argument was his cooperation with CIA was in no way jeopardizing Pak security and that in no way he revealed state secrets or was told to spy on Pak govt.

But this time he has revealed state secrets to a foreign new agency.
What secrets? In no way has Dr. A. committed espionage; he had no access to classified documents of any sort.

Undermined state efforts in combating terrorism and mentioned plans of state secret agency to outsiders.
He swore no oath of loyalty to the ISI.

This is a text book definition of treason.
Treason to WHOM? You can't say he's guilty of treason to the state since he never swore loyalty to it. And if you say he committed treason to the people of Pakistan then that can only be decided through a jury trial.

...using fox news as basis and whatever proof they have, Pak state should file another case of treason on this doctor. And punish him in accordance with the state law.
I don't think they could convict him under the law but I do think that he could press the prosecution to prove that how it knew the interview was real and not a figment of Fox News' imagination.
american came over border,and no one know,i think interior ministery involed,like earlier they help cia,agent to exit when he killed two pakistanies
I remembered after osama killed many Pakistanis claimed that it was ISI-USA jint operation (they felt flat on their face after Obama's speech though). I am seeing same Pakistani members are hellbent on declaring Dr. Afridi is traitor. Gosh.
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