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Dont Forget Gujrat Massacre

Gujarat is one of the most unfortunate incident happened in India..... Several innocent lives were lost and religious madness was demonstrated....... Those pictures of that tragedy is still in our mind...... But we Indians have moved on .....Yes this incident has been politically used by several parties.......and this has been regularly discussed to keep the issue alive in the minds of Indians....... Yes there are 1000's innocents lost their lives.......

Yes we have people who hate each other religiously..... They are there in both communities....... We all know what caused godra riots..... Yes some brain washed muslims thought they can kill few Hindu's and get away...... Aftermath???? Several innocent muslims lost their life in the response and some more Hindu's lost their life..... What is the out come???? Deaths and hatred.......

I am Happy that such incidents were not repeated since then..... There were attempts, but was handled locally and never allowed to escalate......

There is no religion which teaches to kill each other......

@Indians..... Do not defend this incident..... and this incident should be a lesson for all of us, so that we always work to avoid such a riot...... Those who want to blame (for their satisfaction) can continue to do that......We should not repeat their mistake....
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Not interested in finding the causes, the dead don't have preferences. You made a comment about Indian Muslims choosing their fate & I reminded you of the thousands who have met a terrible fate in Pakistan & are still meeting it on a daily basis unlike a 13 year old tragedy in India that Pakistanis feel the need to bring up.

I made the comment based on their condition ... look at Chutyape like Ghar wapsi , and love jihad ...
Nice try but you won't succeed in dividing the Muslims, the reason only a Muslim knows ask them
@jamahir @Aamna Ali @Razia Sultana @Khalid Newazi @al-Hasani

They may not like me for being a Pakistani but ...............................
Why would I not like you for being a Pakistani? The only way I am to not like you is by your posts. Also if someone tries to bring 1971 for it, they are just deluded, yes, Pakistanis armed forces killed a lot of Bangladeshis but they have no interest whatsoever in Bangladesh or uniting East and West Pakistan and neither do they have the ability. The only enemy Bangladesh right now has is Hasina and India, since the later meddled into Bangladesh' affair to set up the former.
Why would I not like you for being a Pakistani? The only way I am to not like you is by your posts. Also if someone tries to bring 1971 for it, they are just deluded, yes, Pakistanis armed forces killed a lot of Bangladeshis but they have no interest whatsoever in Bangladesh or uniting East and West Pakistan and neither do they have the ability. The only enemy Bangladesh right now has is Hasina and India, since the later meddled into Bangladesh' affair to set up the former.

You have good inside knowledge of Bangladesh
A few other snippets from the media. These relate to the events in Godhra before the train was attacked.

1. A group of outsiders from the extremist Deobandi Tableeghi Muslim sect had taken over the mosques in Godhra and deliberately inflamed passions (India Today, March 18, 2002)
2. 500 cows were slaughtered illegally in Bharuch in February. Cow slaughter is prohibited in Gujarat, and Hindus consider this a deliberate provocation by Muslims (Outlook, April 1, 2002)
3. Firefighters testified that when their tenders rushed to the scene of train fire, they were prevented from reaching the scene by a mob led by Haji Bilal, one of the main accused (India Today, date unknown, and The Hindustan Times, March 18, 2002)
4. The original plan was to torch the entire Sabarmati Express at a place called Chanchlav, near Godhra. This was revealed by a SIMI militant named Hasim, alias Syed Raza. The plot was foiled because the train was late by five hours (The Pioneer, April 18, 2002 and Gujarat Samachar, date unknown).
5. The intent was to create massive communal disturbances all over the country (The Pioneer, April 18, 2002 and Gujarat Samachar, date unknown).
its not about Muslims in Pakistan , right now our country is at war , whole Pakistan is effected by it , besides taliban all Muslims and non muslims live peacefully in Pakistan ... but In India , they were massacred like animals , and you make the butcher your PM , not just Muslims but other minorities are in bad situation in India as well , Muslims cant even openly practice their religion in India .. and discrimination is there ... once we are done with this TTP bastards , all other minorities in Pakistan will feel safe inshallah ... we will protect them ..

Lol, seriously?? Dude, you kidnap and convert underage minority girls and you're sitting in judgement of us?? Shias get slaughtered every other day. A Christian couple was burnt to death on blasphemy allegations. When it comes to the treatment of minorities, India is no prize but it is nowhere near as bad as Pakistan.
Lol, seriously?? Dude, you kidnap and convert underage minority girls and you're sitting in judgement of us?? Shias get slaughtered every other day. A Christian couple was burnt to death on blasphemy allegations. When it comes to the treatment of minorities, India is no prize but it is nowhere near as bad as Pakistan.

Because conversion or killing of minories one by one over 68 years period does not comes under mass killings you moron ;)
Well than why dont you enlighten us with your Truth ????
In your post you said 800 innocent muslims were killed. That's just half the truth because around 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed, 2500 people were injured, and 223 more were reported missing.
And just by quoting the number of muslims killed you prove that you consider the lives of hindus to be worthless and worthy of being massacred.

And the culprit became the PM and is now 'worshipped'. The Muslims of India must thank Abul Kalam Azaad and others of his stock. RIP
Tipu Sultan who killed countless number of hindus, is still 'worshipped'. What do you've to say about that?

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