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Don't define Muslims by their worst

and islam say don't leave ur house country and family for me amd don't leave me for ur house family and country
The key reasons why muslims will always be looked as a threat to any society is because of the key perceptions that my non-muslim friends have raised.
1. The concept of Ummah is contradictory to the concept of nation-states. "I shall not kill an enemy who belongs to my faith" theory has to be shunned by muslims. We need to take a leaf out of Hindus' holy book, where God persuades the protoganist to fight his cousins, who are evil.
2. Hadiths that prohibit befriending non-muslims, doing business with non-muslims, does not do any good for a muslim in a nation state.
3. Faith Islam and Political Islam is interwined. We cannot differentiate between them because, Islam is a way of life. However rest of world has effectively implemented this separation.
Non-muslims look forward to a reformation in islam to the nature of what christianity underwent under Protestantism. Till then, every society shall look at Islam as a tickling time bomb.
Today though majority of muslim population shall be moderate in thought, there is nothing that guarantees, that 3 generation later, when the muslim poulation % increase, we resort to disturbing the civil society. The intolerance and rioting by muslims in france and other parts of europe only furthers this assertion to a neutral non-muslim.
Unless there is a thorough reformation in Islam, and a revamp of Koranic interpretation applicable to nation-state secular civil society, there is little for a non-muslim to believe today silent majority shall not become violent as time progresses.

The Muslims will be looked as a threat to society till narrow minded views like those mentioned by you stay. Till you blindly believe such claims made by people ignorant of another religion. Till people continue to view others through lenses of religion. Till you keep converging to theology instead of common sense.

A couple of bad seeds do not make any religion bad or in dire need of reforms. Islam is as bad or as good as Hinduism or Christianity. Every religion offers a set of rules, good or bad are those who implement it not the rules. Such generalizations should be denounced.

Islam does not need to learn anything probably you need to learn about Islam or for that matter your own religion before you start your hollow speeches.
First ask that from your 160 million Muslims and you will get the answer :coffee:

If you can't answer or don't want to answer, dont bother to reply.:coffee:
If I were able to ask 160 million muslims in India I would have. But since I can not have posted this question here so that I can get some idea about it.
islam say don't leave ur house country and family for me amd don't leave me for ur house family and country
islam say don't leave ur house country and family for me amd don't leave me for ur house family and country
Though it did not answer my question still I thank you for not taking it negatively
I just wanted a simple answer....Country or Islam?
The reason why asked is because a lot of non-muslims in non-muslim majority countries believe that muslims will side with their co religionists in case there is a stand off between them and a Islamic nation if there is a clash of interests among the two. From what I could gather, the main article in the thread too in a way highlights this distrust.
what is islam that is a important questions means defination of islam
Why would I need definition? I am not a Muslim so from my perspective Islam is what people who claim to be Muslims do.
Why would I need definition? I am not a Muslim so from my perspective Islam is what people who claim to be Muslims do.

People who claim to be Muslim do allot of things my dear.

- You get drunk Muslims / Muslims who wouldn't dare touch beverages.
- You get the playboy type of Muslim / Muslims who strictly adhere to family values.
- You get Muslims who only pray on Friday / Muslims who pray 5 times a day.
- You get the odd one who blows himself up / the cleric who declares suicide as strictly forbidden.
- The gay Muslim / The homophobic Muslim.
- The educated Muslim, engrossed in knowledge / the stupid Muslim, enshrined in ignorance.

By jove, we are a diverse bunch! You could say we are just as diverse as you humans, Solomon.

One could formulate a similar list for any faith.

These who have a vengeful hate of Islam, whose innards recoil at the site of Muslims, whose faces turn red at hearing the call to prayer; these people will obviously ONLY pay attention to what the worst of us have to offer.

Anyhow - what you said actually makes very little sense. You said it because you do not understand the meaning of Islam and Muslim:

In the Arabic language, the prefix "Mu" is added to describe something being acted upon. for example:

Travel in Arabic is Suf'r,
Traveler in Arabic is Mu'suf'r

Likewise, if we wish to describe a person doing Islam, Living Islam, acting upon Islam, we would call him a Mu-Islam = Muslim

It is logical therefore, linguistically, to view Islam by what it says. Certainly, Judge Muslims by contrasting them with Islam, but you can't have it the other way round.

You can't blame the instruction manual if he who has it in his hand is not adhering to it.
First of all Ummah or Ummati Muhammad as mentioned in the Qurana and Hadith refers to the entire mankinf fromt eh time of prophet muhammed till the last day. It includes muslims and non-muslims. "Ummathood" if you may want to call it could be equated to humanitarianism or universal botherhood.
Can you quote any famous Islamic scholar (not modern ones,but ones like bukhari,shafi,hanafi ...etc) to corroborate your statement?
As far as I know brotherhood in Islam is only for Muslims.
Islam is as bad or as good as Hinduism or Christianity.

If Hindu religions are as good as Islam then why should any subcontinental leave it for an alien faith?
Isn't good to continue your forefathers faith ?
and there are some kind of people who want to destroy the image of islam and muslims
no like a pakistani taliban or u can say few taliban
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