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Don't define Muslims by their worst

Painted all Muslims with one brush , totally wrong

We know ..that Painting everyone with one brush is not what we should do....but ..no one knows whats in your heart....

People only see what you do....and here what you say.....

And for most of people around world ...the Muslims they meet is their window to Islam as a religion......

I have met some good Humans who are Muslims...so for me Islam is good...

If someone comes across a Muslim who is not a good human...for him Islam is bad.....
We know ..that Painting everyone with one brush is not what we should do....but ..no one knows whats in your heart....

People only see what you do....and here what you say.....

And for most of people around world ...the Muslims they meet is their window to Islam as a religion......

I have met some good Humans who are Muslims...so for me Islam is good...

If someone comes across a Muslim who is not a good human...for him Islam is bad.....

That true for every one , not only muslims
If I will meet a good hindu I will say all are good else not
The key reasons why muslims will always be looked as a threat to any society is because of the key perceptions that my non-muslim friends have raised...... 2. Hadiths that prohibit befriending non-muslims, doing business with non-muslims, does not do any good for a muslim in a nation state.

Your "non-Muslim friends" have raised issues with you, a non-Muslim, pertaining to the prohibition of friendship between Muslims and non-Muslims? May I ask, if this fairytale is indeed true - why are they your friends to begin with? :coffee:

You are in fact a blatant liar and deceiver; perhaps you should care to read the Qur'an before arguing against it? Ever thought about that?
EjazR has answered you, but I wish to present people with an additional example of your lies:

As for such [of the unbelievers] as do not fight against you on account of [your] faith, and neither drive you forth from your homelands, God does not forbid you to show them kindness and to behave towards them with full equity: for, verily, God loves those who act equitably.

God only forbids you to turn in friendship towards such as fight against you because of [your] faith, and drive you forth from your homelands, or aid [others] in driving you forth: and as for those [from among you] who turn towards them in friendship; it is they, they who are truly wrongdoers!

(Glorious Qur'an 60:8-9)

This ayah is both clear and logical. No sane person could argue against it.

In fact, a Muslim man can marry a Jewish or Christian lady, have children with her, love and cherish her till death. There is another ayah, from the Qur'an, that prohibits friendship with a certain category of Jews and Christians; to see the category to which these Jews and Christians belong please read this post:


Finally, there is no prohibition on trade with non-Muslims - however that trade should be enshrined in the ethical values given to us in the Qur'an and shown to us by prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) himself traded with non-Muslims on request of Hazrat Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) who later became his wife.
To re-focus on the thread. This is not a theological discussion on interpretations, or on what is actually said in Quran or Shuras.

The idea of this thread, is to understand why the world defines muslims by their worst. And my reasoning is that, there are very predatory interpretations of our scriptures by fundamentalists, who call shout on top of their voices as being true muslims, and grabbing most of the attention. Hence any moderate voice is only perceived as an exception and not a reality.
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Should we "define Muslims" by their best, then? Would anyone care to list a few examples?

Shaykh Hamzah Yusuf

Adnan Otkar (Harun Yahya)

Shaykh Imran Hosein

Abdul Sattar Edhi

Muhammed Ali

Shaykh Sayyed Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni Al-Ninowy

List of Muslim scientists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hazrat Aisha (RA)
Hazrat Khadijah (RA)
Hazrat Sumyaa (RA)
Ash shafa bint Abdullah
Shajar ad durr
fhassan, what is it about these men (are there any women?) that makes them "best" in your opinion? Also, which of these are Pakistani?
abdul sattar edhi
and don't judge car by car's driver
To re-focus on the thread. This is not to a theological discussion on interpretations, or on what is actually said in Quran or Shuras.

The idea of this thread, is to understand why the world defines muslims by their worst. And my reasoning is that, there are very predatory interpretations of our scriptures by fundamentalists, who call shout on top of their voices as being true muslims, and grabbing most of the attention. Hence any moderate voice is only perceived as an exception and not a rarity.

Talking of media. This is how the media portrays Muslims. Care to digest the truth?








You can find more here.

Let us evaluate, what media portrays

The motive and aim behind this type of representation in news is to control your sub-conscious mind and when (in future) an event occurs in relation to that news, your sub-conscious mind directs your conscious mind to a sudden conclusion which in this case (example) is Muslim as general.


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these are only few
what a said in my last post "don't judge car by car's driver"
and there are many news are fake
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fhassan, what is it about these men (are there any women?) that makes them "best" in your opinion? Also, which of these are Pakistani?

Abdul Sattar Edhi is a Pakistani:

Abdul Sattar Edhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Abdul Sattar Edhi, NI (Urdu: عبد الستار ایدھی), or Edhi, as he is often known, is one of the most active philanthropists in Pakistan. He is head of the Edhi Foundation based in Pakistan with branches all over the world[1]. His wife Begum Bilquis Edhi, heads the Bilquis Edhi Foundation. They both received 1986 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service. He is also the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize as well as the Balzan Prize. Maulana Edhi, as he is often referred to, is of the Memon community. According to the Guinness World Records, Edhi Foundation has the largest private ambulance service network in the world."

Yes, there are women on the list also.

what makes them the "best", hmm difficult to pinpoint. Most of them are great scholars who are very influential in the Islamic world, and some just have great personalties like Muhammed Ali.
Many people have an impression that Islam is the most important thing in a muslim's life and nothing is above it for them. I just want to ask all the muslims in this forum:
If you have to choose between your Country and Islam, assuming there is a clash of your country's interest and Islamic teachings, which one would you choose?
Many people have an impression that Islam is the most important thing in a muslim's life and nothing is above it for them. I just want to ask all the muslims in this forum:
If you have to choose between your Country and Islam, assuming there is a clash of your country's interest and Islamic teachings, which one would you choose?
First ask that from your 160 million Muslims and you will get the answer :coffee:
what is islam that is a important questions means defination of islam
islam is a religion of peace
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