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Donald Trump's 2020 American Elections win will be great for Pakistan!

Will a Trump 2020 win be good for Pakistan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 67.9%
  • No

    Votes: 9 32.1%

  • Total voters
Presuming Trump survives impeachment and re-election...

I agree. Only Pakistan can deliver the deal. If a peace deal is reached, it will open up doors for Pakistan, including the release of CSF, military sales, getting out of FATF, and economic and trade deals.

What can Imran Khan do about Iran? He couldn't even convince the Gulf states about Kashmir. As far as the Gulf states are concerned: we are keeping your economy afloat with loans and remittances, so stop playing mediator.

How is it a fake stance? For India, it's genuinely a bilateral issue. Not that it matters. Yes, Trump may want to resolve the issue but he won't go beyond offering mediation, which India has repeatedly refused in the past, now, and the future.

Imran Khan and Modi are of the same race. Trump probably likes Imran Khan better on personality. In a way, they are like bros.

Nevertheless, you are essentially calling Trump a racist, which might be true, but it doesn't stop him from holding Modi's hands while on stage in Houston.

It's the same IT workers he's seeking votes from. Still, he does have outstanding trade issues with India, including H-1B, but he's presently busy with China, at the moment. No doubt he'll be addressing India after China is settled and the election is over. Modi knows this.

Hindutva, like most religious nutters, are delusional to begin with.
Overall a good post... Thx
A few months ago Pakistanis were rooting for Modi to be India's PM. And what did he do? Within 100 days he abolished article 370 and now all Pakistanis are looking for a war which is actually not going to happen.
A few months ago Pakistanis were rooting for Modi to be India's PM. And what did he do? Within 100 days he abolished article 370 and now all Pakistanis are looking for a war which is actually not going to happen.

and what did that do?
it put the worlds spot light on Kashmir
before this, no one was taking about Kashmir, now almost every other day a NYT article comes out not only about Kashmir, but also India, rss, modi etc.

Modi has been great for us and helped us highlight Kashmir to the world.
A few months ago Pakistanis were rooting for Modi to be India's PM. And what did he do? Within 100 days he abolished article 370 and now all Pakistanis are looking for a war which is actually not going to happen.

A few months ago Pakistanis were rooting for Modi to be India's PM. And what did he do? Within 100 days he abolished article 370 and now all Pakistanis are looking for a war which is actually not going to happen.

You’ve seem to have forgotten the reason why....
He’s been better than many of recent years. Imran has a synergy with him.
he is good bcoz he wants us to help him struck a deal with Talibans..... no one knows what awaits after that milestone is reached....
and what did that do?
it put the worlds spot light on Kashmir
before this, no one was taking about Kashmir, now almost every other day a NYT article comes out not only about Kashmir, but also India, rss, modi etc.

Modi has been great for us and helped us highlight Kashmir to the world.
A few NYT articles is not going to change anything on the ground. Do you really think that India is so weak that an article in NYT is going to affect us. Hey NYT couldnt even prevent Donald Trump from being elected. And you can check NYT archives. For years now there have been articles against Modi. Not only did they fail to make any dent but Modi increased his majority.

Next you will be saying about UN. Your PMs, Presidents, Military Dictators have all addressed UN for 72 years and one consistent theme has been Kashmir. You may even get a few members of Oh I See to raise it but what is the end result? Kashmir Today is much more integrated into India then it was on 4th of August.

I dont think that Pakistanis fully understand the significance of what happened on 5th August. You people are agitated about Article 370 which was a temporary provision of the constitution. Let me tell you. The real news is NOT Article 370. The real news is that the state of Jammu Kashmir is split and Kashmir is now a Union Territory. It means that it is goint to be effectively ruled directly by the Centre. It doesnt matter if some local politicians have sympathy towards Pakistan or Separatists. they now have zero power- Nil, Nada. The whole law and order and security apparatus will directly operate under Delhi. Srinagar can pass any laws but Delhi will have the final Veto.
Already separatists who are detained are not being detained in Srinagar but instead are shifted to UP and other Indian states. So whatever preferential treatment they used to get in Srinagar jail will stop.

All this is the real change. But we are very happy that Pakistan is focussing on Article 370.
How are any of you actually thinking that one party will be better than the other? Trumps admin is full of rabid neocons who are consumed by animosity to any and all Muslim states that don't adopt the slave role of Egypt and Saudia.

Be it a democrat or republican, US policy regarding Pakistan will be colored by its larger policy objective to contain China at all costs using India and gain further access to the Indian market. Furthermore, no matter who is in charge the domestic lobby groups such as AIPAC, USINPAC and the Congressional Caucus on India (which btw is the largest bipartisan congressional caucus).

In short, Pakistan needs to just placate the US. Keep them at arms length and dont ever think you can rely on them for anything other than a shank in the back. We need to go all in with China, use the fat khaleejis in whatever way we can and develop our economy such that in 30/40 years like Turkey we can say F u to America and actually live to fight the next day.
US relations with Pakistan were,are and will always be limited. They don't depends upon who is in power. At this moment our relations are regarding to Afghanistan. US wants out and we want them out too. So win win for us.

At the moment US' main objective is to contain China. We are an ally of China. India is a competitor of China. So their relation will increase. All Pakistan do is get maximum economic benefits from US. Other than that there in nothing we can get from US. We are firmly into Chinese camp.
A few months ago Pakistanis were rooting for Modi to be India's PM. And what did he do? Within 100 days he abolished article 370 and now all Pakistanis are looking for a war which is actually not going to happen.

I was one of those proponents of Modi and Hindutvaism in India.

I still am.

It is because Indias descent into extremist Hindutvaism is good for Pakistan as it will further segregate us and allows the true face of India to be exposed to the world. If war is part of that divide... So be it.
I was one of those proponents of Modi and Hindutvaism in India.

I still am.

It is because Indias descent into extremist Hindutvaism is good for Pakistan as it will further segregate us and allows the true face of India to be exposed to the world. If war is part of that divide... So be it.
But that's the thing. No war is going to happen. And your so-called "exposing Modi" is not going to give you any benefit whatsoever.


Pakistan is passing through 5 stages of grief.

Denial - Modi can't do anything in Kashmir. This order will be reversed by the Supreme Court.
Anger - How dare Modi remove Article 370. We will nuke India.
Depression - Something needs to be done. The poor Kashmiris are suffering.
Bargaining - Well we can't do anything right now but the world will put pressure on India. Maybe once the FATF is resolved IK will launch an attack on India and free the Kashmiris.
Acceptance - Well nothing is going to happen. The Kashmiris will accept their fate. The Pakistani govt and army will not be able to do anything about it.

If I just consider the PDF Pakistanis I will say
Stage 1 - 0%
Stage 2 - 10%
Stage 3 - 30%
Stage 4 - 50%
Stage 5 - 10%
I was one of those proponents of Modi and Hindutvaism in India.

I still am.

Modi is a patent scoundrel, rascal, murderer and criminal; but he is good for Pakistan; as one likes, if servant or wife of an enemy is criminal.
Dude what? Imran Khan is Iranic...What next Modi and a Nordic blond are the same race?
Punjabis and gujus have significant racial differences let alone Pashtuns.

is ''Punjabi'' the same race by the way?
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