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Don’t fight 1962 all over again

What you believe in does not matter. We call the shots here. We will open up our borders for any Hindus or Buddhists, Christians and even innocent Muslims who wanna be part of this great nation, because we are secular and tolerant. Whoever does not want India to be what it is now, are free to leave to whichever hellhole in the west (till the middle east) they want to move to. But any attempt to endanger India's integrity, will be met with brutality with no bounds. We will smash them down to the core of the earth and show no mercy :lol:
even we do call shots here.
yes.Pakistan can take thae whole of kashmir land and those among population want to move to india they are free to do.

wow stone pelting 12-13 yrs old teenage kids terrorist.:angry:

As per us, it shd be.... those who want separate land can go to Pakistan and settle there & we will re-settle Kashmiri Pundits on the land vacated by those who have left.

Why Pelting stones on Security forces???? do you expect stone in return??? It is but obvious that Security forces will control the mob. they are just performing there duty.

There are peaceful ways of protest.
There are few areas along the border where India and China have different perceptions of Line of Actual Control. Both sides patrol upto their respective perceptions of the LAC.

Due to perceived differences in alignment of the LAC some minor incidents of local nature do occur which are usually resolved amicably through established mechanisms of hot lines, flag meetings and border personnel meetings.

The faster this recurring issue is resolved, the better the relation would be in present and in the future.
India is winning the peace? Seriously?

Terrorism Risk Index - Maplecroft


Red = Extreme Risk, Yellow = Moderate Risk, Green = Low Risk

India is in the highest category of Terrorism Risk, along with Afghanistan and Somalia.

If that is not called "winning the peace", then how about this other index:

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chinese need to learn difference between Terrorism & Rebillion.....
India is more prone to terrorism .......No kidding thats news for me...and Guess which two country we have to thankful for that
Rebellion disrupts peace but don't forget ppl rebel only where there allowed to rebel not were they are bulldozed under fleet of tanks ..... If you killed all those who raise their voice .... and not even let ppl know about them (i guess u understand what i m pointing at here ) u will be most peaceful nation on the planet :devil:
Woha hold on you horses....India does not believe in peaceful coexistence with its neighbors rather india is an hegemonic.It started forward policy with china first even after 1962 war it used to do subversive activities in tibet through force made of exiled tibetians.All other neighbours of india have similar complains with it as that of china.

Mcmohan line was the international border line which was accepted by British India and Tibet. Why are you doubting forward policy of India. Forward policy of India does also include successful Integration of other princely states into India.
Ya you directly shot dead the 100+ kids in kashmir with in a month.....:angry:

Well it makes the country agressor when the top most stupid leader is pm of the country and fate of nation is tied to his stupid decision making.

Completely wrong ..!

When you have a neighbor who is filled with hatred and is implementing "death by 1000 cuts policy" against India these unfortunate things do happen.

These mass demonstrations in Kashmir are planned and executed by foreign funded organizations just to keep the Kashmir issue alive.

Regarding Nehru's forward policy, How many policies implemented by leaders of other nations are giving results, does that make them stupid also?
As per us, it shd be.... those who want separate land can go to Pakistan and settle there & we will re-settle Kashmiri Pundits on the land vacated by those who have left.

Why Pelting stones on Security forces???? do you expect stone in return??? It is but obvious that Security forces will control the mob. they are just performing there duty.

There are peaceful ways of protest.

I do not think that the Chinese would have to reincarnate another 62. The Indians are doing it unto themselves.

They have over 140 armed secessionist groups operating in India.

Their security forces have killed hundreds of thousands on innocents from their own minorities.

They have destroyed their places of worship on regular intervals.

They have not been able to provide relief provisioned even in Indian constitution to many groups of people.

Even within shouting presence of Indian security forces, the secessionist groups have formed their own independent governments, run their own judiciary, bureaucracy and even their own organized armies.

The Chinese just need to wait and let India crumble under its own weight, which it can not carry.

Normally such states either are close to becoming failed states or have become failed states but tend to just dither.
I do not think that the Chinese would have to reincarnate another 62. The Indians are doing it unto themselves.

They have over 140 armed secessionist groups operating in India.

Their security forces have killed hundreds of thousands on innocents from their own minorities.

They have destroyed their places of worship on regular intervals.

They have not been able to provide relief provisioned even in Indian constitution to many groups of people.

Even within shouting presence of Indian security forces, the secessionist groups have formed their own independent governments, run their own judiciary, bureaucracy and even their own organized armies.

The Chinese just need to wait and let India crumble under its own weight, which it can not carry.

Normally such states either are close to becoming failed states or have become failed states but tend to just dither.

Methinks you are mistakening India with Pakistan in your post :undecided:
I do not think that the Chinese would have to reincarnate another 62. The Indians are doing it unto themselves.

They have over 140 armed secessionist groups operating in India.

Their security forces have killed hundreds of thousands on innocents from their own minorities.

They have destroyed their places of worship on regular intervals.

They have not been able to provide relief provisioned even in Indian constitution to many groups of people.

Even within shouting presence of Indian security forces, the secessionist groups have formed their own independent governments, run their own judiciary, bureaucracy and even their own organized armies.

The Chinese just need to wait and let India crumble under its own weight, which it can not carry.

Normally such states either are close to becoming failed states or have become failed states but tend to just dither.

This has been the mantra from across the border for the last six decades or so. Even external attempts to make the Khalistan movement a success turned out to be a disastrous failure with the Sikhs being some of the most productive and patriotic people we have been lucky to have.

But instead, please look back at your own history and see who split who? :lol: I know your butt is sore, but its time for some vaseline for your butt and some hookah for your mental peace.:rofl:
I do not think that the Chinese would have to reincarnate another 62. The Indians are doing it unto themselves.

They have over 140 armed secessionist groups operating in India.


they are in existence in India from very long time nothing happened still , Pakistan should worry about Baluchistan , the already have huge experience to lose land and war.:lol:
I do not think that the Chinese would have to reincarnate another 62. The Indians are doing it unto themselves.

They have over 140 armed secessionist groups operating in India.

Their security forces have killed hundreds of thousands on innocents from their own minorities.

They have destroyed their places of worship on regular intervals.

They have not been able to provide relief provisioned even in Indian constitution to many groups of people.

Even within shouting presence of Indian security forces, the secessionist groups have formed their own independent governments, run their own judiciary, bureaucracy and even their own organized armies.

The Chinese just need to wait and let India crumble under its own weight, which it can not carry.

Normally such states either are close to becoming failed states or have become failed states but tend to just dither.

Good idea; do we congratulate you? Is this the first one you have come up with?

The social niceties apart, please act on this understanding.

Please wait. Please wait at a considerable distance. Please restrict your interaction, and the interaction of those with your somewhat perverted bent of mind, to wise observations on a friendly forum, and wise exchanges on your TV channels. Please do not send hundreds of tourists who melt into the countryside; you may have noticed that in the teeth of the terrible state of the minorities that you have brought to public notice, the traffic is uniformly in one direction, with pole vaults by one nationality, with friendship rail or bus tickets by the other. The other use marine passage only when they wish to lighten the Indian burden of an excessive population, in the interests of India, of course.

If you have nothing to do because of this unwonted idleness, you might like to write about the IVC. It might interest others with similar, long stretches of time on their hands to learn that miraculously, that civilisation, which the world thought to have disappeared without trace, has been resurrected in the pages of PDF. The world will be delighted to welcome back those wise, peace loving people interested in trade and commerce, and without any traces of war-mongering, with no weapons found, or instruments of war, back into its midst as the people of Pakistan. A great step remains to be taken; it is clear that participating in the taking of this step will mark out the ideologues responsible for eternal glory and at least 36 grapes if not 72.

Perhaps it is premature, but they are giving the Nobel Peace Prize to the most singular candidates nowadays. Would it not be sweet vindication to have it around your neck, and to prove to the world that Pakistan is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize? Even the Chinese would envy you; it has not yet been possible to introduce turtle blood into the competition for a Nobel gold.
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