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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

Point being.. that as long as people on this forum and all over Pakistan allow themselves to be blinded by ethnic views, this country's integrity is under threat.

I'm not blinded in ethnic views or any bs, but when people throw MQM in terrorist list of BLA or TTP etc than it is un acceptable because thousands of MQM supporters also comes under that category than. My point is that MQM is political party & should be treated & talked that way. Recently in august we all saw people openly criticizing MQM, when it was PPP & ANP who started violence, i don't want to start another debate here & i hope you understand my point.
yeah! but if a man committed such a crime....then the reactions would have been different.......people would be saying...hang him immediately........

I am amazed by the no. of people joking about the incident.........

A man kills his wife after she tries to rape his son? Sorry but I don't see that happening.
A man kills his wife after she tries to rape his son? Sorry but I don't see that happening.
Why are you specifying a particular crime......Do wives kill their husbands only when they try to rape their daughter.??

Our mindset has become such that, It has become very easy for the wife to get away with such crimes by blaming the husband.
Why cook the husband? Just dump his body on the street and say ha got attacked by hooligans.
Why are you specifying a particular crime......Do wives kill their husbands only when they try to rape their daughter.??

Our mindset has become such that, It has become very easy for the wife to get away with such crimes by blaming the husband.

You're off topic. This thread is not about wives who kill their husbands in general. This thread is about a particular incident where a woman killed her husband for trying to rape her daughter.
Agreed! But she needn't have gone to the extreme of attempting to cook his body parts! This really sucks! :tdown:

Arrey bhai adam khor biwi hai.... ab dusra koi adami to kha nahi saki to apne ko khane wali thi.... any problem???:devil:


‘Obscene’ words: PTA must rethink

THERE has been much talk about PTA’s intention to block text messages containing ‘obscene’ words. More than 1,600 words have apparently been declared obscene, indecent, vulgar and offensive by the PTA, and telecom operators would be required to filter these words out of text messages.

Among the proposed list of ‘obscene and indecent words’ I was horrified to see the name of Jesus Christ. Why does Jesus’ name need to be banned? Is it an abusive, obscene or indecent word?

Being a Catholic I not only take strong offence to this action, however it also questions my knowledge of Islam: a religion which holds Jesus Christ (Hazrat Eesa) in very high esteem, is this not against Islam?

There has also been much talk about taking legal action: challenging the ban in court, saying it violates rights to free speech
and privacy.

My question is, does this act not also fall under the ambit of blasphemy? Is this not an offence under Section 295A which, according to the Pakistan Penal Code, states: “Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs”.

Whether implemented or not, the mere fact of Jesus Christ’s name being grouped with obscene and indecent words, has outraged my religious feelings and has insulted my religious beliefs by terming the name of my Prophet ‘obscene and indecent’.

Is to be understood that Pakistan’s blasphemy laws termed as ‘divine laws’ by radical Islamic religious leaders are only to be used to victimise the vulnerable, downtrodden, marginalised, religious minorities in Pakistan?

The blasphemy laws have long been misused against religious minorities to settle personnel disputes, which have resulted in innocent victims being sentenced to death for crimes they could not even imagine committing.

Furthermore, anyone who dares to raise a voice against the misuse of these laws or who have tried to propose amendments to curb the misuse have ruthlessly been silenced. The assassinations of federal minister for minorities Shahbaz Bhatti and Punjab
governor Salmaan Taseer are two such recent examples.

We, the religious minorities, get discriminated against, and are victimised, our religious sentiments are hurt and nothing happens, no action is taken.

Although the PTA has not announced any date for the implementation of the ban, it must issue a public apology to Christian citizens of Pakistan for including Jesus Christ’s name in the list of offensive words and immediately have the name removed
from any such list.

I would also like to commend the action taken by Saleem Khurshid Khokhar, a Christian MPA of the Sindh Assembly and Senior Executive Member of The All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, on this issue.

Case Closed :D

Case is NOT closed....the damage has been done and the people in PTA who made this list should be punished according to the law of Pakistan known as Blasphemy Law. They disrespected Jesus Christ and they deserves to be punished according to section 295-A.
What kinda crap that PTA did.

its called dicipline...which you guys cannt understand...:)

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

and in my view its because no one can than abuse jesus christ in any way....

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------

PTA has already decided to withdraw it's order of SMS filtering.

PTA Decides to Withdraw SMS Filtration Orders

So all you drama queens should keep this minority persecution rant for some other thread.

u think our neibour will understand this,....?:D
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