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What is longest surah of the quran about

280) That is why if any individual or community among you is facing any hardship of any sort then concentrate on such a person or community compassionately in order to lead such an individual or a community to life of ease and comfort. This is how you should confirm to each other by your efforts or thoughts and actions the truth of your commitment to constitution and laws based upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah because that is what can ensure your well being as individuals of the proper human community if you could bother to learn sense of making proper sense of all this information that you are provided with.

Word USRAH is from root AIN, SEEN and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be in the natural state of existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be in simple or basic or unprocessed or unrefined or unfinished or incomplete or imperfect state of existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a raw material yet unprocessed or unrefined or not worked on, to be wild or untamed, to be uncivilised or uncultured, to be uneducated or untrained, to be partially complete or defective or faulty, to be lacking something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fall short of what is required or needed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be difficult or troublesome or problematic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause problem or trouble or hardship or poverty or difficulty, to disagree or differ or dispute in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become stuck or stagnant or stationary in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be too difficult for one another, to block each other’s way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make things hard or difficult or problematic or troublesome or impossible for each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause distress or depression or anxiety or worry or regret to each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try or test someone or something under working conditions in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer from adversity or animosity or hatred in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to oppose or be against, to prevent or restrain or hold back or be hindered, to resist or be hesitant or reluctant, to envy or be mean or miser or niggardly or stingy or covetous or jealous, to cause divide or rift or dissention or fight or war, to make it hard or impossible for each other to come to an agreement about something, to be crooked or wretched or bent or twisted or turned or wicked, to be tricky or deceptive or cunning, to be hard to trust or rely or depend upon, to grieve or be grieved or sorrowful or sad, to cry or be in tears, to be in distress or unhappy or grim or uninviting or uncomfortable or unapproachable or strict or aloof or distant or formidable or harsh or ill-tempered or fierce or ferocious or cruel or ruthless or merciless or dismal or gloomy or miserable, to lack things of need or want or livelihood, to be left-handed, to be on the wrong side of the rule of law or tradition or custom or constitution, to suffer devastation or disaster or death or destruction or calamity or catastrophe, to be ill-mannered, to have no respect for someone or something, to be ignorant or illiterate, to cheat or be cheated or feel cheated or hard done by, to be on the wrong side of the law, to be in a very narrow place to go through or get through, to be poverty stricken, to cause anger or rage, to be a person dealt a wrong hand, to be a person who is dealt with harshly, to be victim of tyranny or oppression or suppression, to come back to life or become alive again or revive or be revived or born again, to start again or anew, to begin all over again, to be or do all over again, to redo, to shoot or sprout, to come to leaf, to dance around or move about, to cry or be in tears or sad or regretful or worried, to see or observe or watch or view or imagine or think or reflect, to understand or comprehend, to surround or encompass, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over, to help or support or assist or aid or reinforce or back up, to keep or guard or preserve or defend or shield or save or rescue, to keep an eye upon or spy on someone or something, to flow or drip, to shed tears or light or blood, to spill blood, to see or perceive or have someone or something in sight or view in or in mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support or assist or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to watch or guard or keep an eye on or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be focused upon or be attracted to or pulled or dragged towards someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grieve or be sad or sorrowful or regretful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be anxious or worried or depressed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be happy or delightful or joyful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lookafter or take care of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start anew or have a new beginning or experience rebirth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take in food for mental or physical nourishment, to drink of sea or fountain or spring of knowledge, to consume something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to destroy something in some sense, to eat or devour something in some sense, to bite something in some sense, to cut or separate or isolate or sever, to hold or hang or latch or catch onto something strongly or firmly, to alter or change things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or intelligent or clever or tricky or cunning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard or keep or keep safe or preserve, to double cross each other, summit or something like summit in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, top part or section of people or things, best or worst part or section of people or things, command and control centre, central nervous system, ruling elite, chiefdom, kingship, imperialism, authoritarianism, president, head of government, administration, management, top, peak, mountaintop or hilltop, crest, crown, apex, vertex, tip, cap, ridge, brink, brow, needle, crag, tor, meeting or conference or discussion or consultation or dialogue or deliberation between top people of a human population or ruling elite, constitution, rule of law, tradition or custom, example, top part or section of an institution, a top or bottom or best or worst system or structure or procedure or practice, teething, age, year, blade, pierce, thorn, bush, shield, press, handsome face, legislation, splendour, way or method of doing things, formula, technique, guardianship, tradition, way of life, constitution, culture, ocean, spring, spring season, water well or pond, support or assistance, chief, leader, controller, something distressing, some trial or disaster, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

281) That is the way you should become consistent with guidance of Allah and with each other for bringing about the period of time when all of the mankind completely and whole heartedly turn towards guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community, it is then that all people will start getting full reward of their efforts or thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other and they will not be harmed any more by each other for personal gains at the expense of each other.

These verses clearly show vital importance of learning all about constitution and laws based upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah because that way each and every person knows everything necessary about his program, goals and guidelines for achieving or accomplishing them. Each and every person is therefore aware of his responsibilities towards others as well as rights of each others. This way people who wish to be a proper human community can set up social, political and economic systems, structures, procedures and practices as well as organise and regulate themselves on basis of constitution and laws according to program, goals and guidelines of Allah,. This way everyone knows what is expected of everyone or what everyone is supposed to think and do or have or use for ensuring well being of everyone else in the proper community. Likewise everyone is aware what is not expected of everyone or what everyone is not supposed to think or do or have or use because that could bring harm or destruction upon the proper human community and that way there arise no disputes between people because all know their place and role or part they need to play as individual members of the proper human community working together as a single united family for the very same end, ensuring well being of each other. This verse also tells us that Quranic way of life will only come about once humanity has had enough life experience to understand the Quranic text properly and they have discovered sufficient ways and means which enable them to follow it faithfully. Meanwhile people will have to keep working towards that end. When a people are fully aware of things then human society has to be a great thing in itself. If a human community could be developed to the stage the Quran requires then that could also be a proof about Godly origin of the Quran as a real world reality, because a book that informs about a complete system of life for humanity that works the best for the well being of humanity when put in place faithfully or installed properly is the manifest evidence of that.

282) This is why O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community on basis of way of life advised by Allah! When you gather to decide any tasks and plans of action for yourselves regarding things that need to be done for a period of time then do that according to Our book and keep a record of it in writing. Let a person/group experienced in or responsible for keeping records and writing write down the proceedings between you the parties faithfully because it is not right or befitting for him/it to distort the information so he/it should write/record the information properly as Allah has taught him/it to write. Let him who is given the right to go ahead put forth his case but he must be consistent with guidance of Allah his creator and sustainer for ensuring well being of the proper human community and hold nothing back that is in the proposal. If the party representative that is given the right to put forth its case proves inefficient or ineffective or cannot put forth the proposal properly then let its more able representative put forth its case or proposal faithfully. Moreover let two witnesses from among your official community administration or management witness the statement, but if two of the administration witnesses are not suitable then one from the administration and two of your own choice from among the managed community may witness the document so that if a party involved in the statement moves away from its statement then the other party could remind and correct it through this attested document. The witnesses must not distort information or go against their own freely agreed statement when they are called upon to give evidence or be the witnesses. Moreover you must not be averse to writing down your constitutional and legal agreements and obligations for any future period whether the agreement is about something of least importance or of most importance. This course of action is proper for you according to guidance from Allah because it facilitates the establishment of evidence and it is the best way to remove all doubts and disputes later on. However if it is a matter that is concluded on the spot and has no future implications among yourselves then there is no blame on you if you do not put it down in writing. Regardless you should always have witnesses whenever you enter agreements regarding dealing with matters that concern future well being of yourselves as well as of your proper human community and you should not let any kind of harm come to the witnesses or the writers of the agreements by either of the parties involved in the contracts of proceedings but if you will try to inflict any harm upon them in any way then you will be guilty of contributing towards destruction of your proper human community by going against the constitution and the laws based upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah. So be consistent with the rule of law based upon guidance of Allah as well as with each other for ensuring well being of your own proper human community that is why Allah teaches you the mankind to conduct your affairs properly because Allah teaches mankind all things necessary for people to know in order to do so.

Word YABKHAS is from root BAA, KHAA and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is peoples’ withholding of God given due rights of each other to things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to take away God given rights of someone by force or by trick, to diminish or make reduction in what is due constitutionally or legally to someone, to decrease one’s due share in something by force or by trick, to deny someone fair return or outcome, to give someone something less than rightfully due to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pay less than what is rightfully due, to undervalue or underestimate, to cause loss or injustice or unfairness to someone by denying one one’s right to something, to cause fault or damage or defect in some way to someone, to inflict someone with damage or harm or destruction, to shelter or support, to belong to a people or place, to have family or support or backing or guardianship or patronage or following or protection or constitution or sanctuary or safety and security, to cover up, to hide, to wrap up, to enclose or close something inside something, to have a chamber or limitation or restriction, to prohibit or stop or block, to put obstacle in the way, to cause trouble, to be weak or meek or infirm or shaky or old or aged, to shield, to be ready to fall or crumble down or collapse, to be ready to fall apart or break down or decompose or disintegrate or fragment, to be or become unstable or unbalanced, to lose balance or equilibrium, to have or follow a tradition or an example or a precedent or rule of law or custom, to reduce or decrease or diminish or reduce to, to deny full dues, to deny someone fair return or outcome, to pay someone less than is actually due, to treat one less than deserved, to be defective or imperfect or incomplete or faulty, to smash or shatter one’s eye, to take away one’s sense of making proper sense of things or capability of understanding things properly or sense of sound judgement, to sell someone or something for a petty personal gain or for a small price, to gain a little at the expense of someone or something, to be cruel, to damage, to take away legal rights, to enforce or receive income tax, to force or drive or push someone into some situation, to force someone into accepting or doing something, to damage one’s eye or ability to judge things properly, to bite into something, to cause or inflict loss upon someone, to sever ties with, to leave alone or abandon or desert, to bite or cut or divide or sever or separate, to consume or destroy, to be sharp or intelligent or clever or deceptive or tricky or cunning, to cut off or boycott or isolate, to lack in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch or catch onto something strongly, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, wrongly founded structure or building or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TASAMOO is from root SEEN, ALIF and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become fed up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be or become bored with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tire or be or become tired or tired of, to be or become weary or fatigued, to be averse or to disdainful, to look down upon, to hold in contempt, to be lazy or lethargic or passive or unresponsive or unenergetic or inactive or apathetic or drowsy or depressed or slow moving or stagnant or lifeless or dull or inert, to neglect or ignore or avoid, to forsake or abandon or desert or leave alone, to be slow or sluggish, to be quiet or silent or static, to be low profile or flat, to be slack or lack vigour or liveliness, to lose hope or despair or be or become hopeless or desperate, to give no importance to someone or something, to lack perspective on things, to lack sense of sound judgement, to cut off or be or become cut off or isolated, to forsake or be abandoned or left alone or on one’s own, to bite or bite into someone or something, to hold fast, to hang or hold onto someone or something firmly or strongly, to destroy, to consume, to be firm, to suffer pain, to be unstable or infirm or weak, to fall out, to break down or become broken, to be sharp or clever or intelligent or cunning or tricky or deceptive, to move about, to eat or eat away, to be strong or powerful, to be one or united, to flood or drown or irrigate or bathe or drench or submerge or dip or soak or wash, to have easy or comfortable or luxurious or affluent life, to have things of need and want in abundance or plentiful, to shed blood or tears or light, to be sad or sorrowful or regretful, to be anxious or worrisome, to cause flooding or overflow, to energise or bring to life or activate, to inspire or motivate or encourage or move, a bull or an ox or something alike in some sense, staff or crew or group or party or company or family or following or regime or governing body, management, administration, God or revelation of God, constitution or tradition or custom or precedent or example, rule of law, way of life, guidance, unity or a unit of something or oneness, calamity or devastation or destruction or catastrophe or disaster, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word SAGHEERAA is from root SWAAD, GHAIN and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become small in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to have little or no value or worth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have little or no respect or dignity or importance, to be humble or submissive or be humbled or defeated or overcome, to humiliate or disgrace or be or become humiliated or disgraced, to make something small or less or make something look small or less, to reduce in size or quantity or quality or amount, to be a slave or bondman, to have low position or rank, to bend or mould, to twist or turn or shape or form or design something, to bow down or submit or accept superiority, to force to submit, to transgress, to be slight, to shrink or contract, to retract or retrace or withdraw, to be small in the eyes of others, to be base or contemptible, to abase or suffer abasement, to be of lesser age, to be a subject or slave or servant, to be seed or leaf or branch or stalk or trunk or fruit, to be essence or juice or liquid or fluid, to branch in or out, to converge or diverge, to unite or merge or separate or disperse, to grow or spread, to increase or expand or stretch or enlarge, to open up or blow up or explode, to explain or detail or make clear or manifest, to wither away or decay or decompose or disintegrate or fragment, to scatter or broadcast, to uproot or pull out from the root, to erase or annihilate, to become extinct or go out of existence, to be firmly rooted or grounded or anchored, to be reasonable or wise or rational, to extract juice, to squeeze the life out of someone or something, to dance, to swing, to rock, to move about in the air, to fly, to be fixed in place in some sense yet be flexible in some other sense, to prop or erect, to support, to stand upright, to hold up, to be vertical, to be thin and tall, to be an obelisk or a pole or a column, to guard or be a watchman, to think or reflect or contemplate or ponder, to have brains or be intelligent or clever or sharp, to be deceptive or cunning or tricky, to plan ahead or in advance, to anticipate or expect, to plot or scheme or conspire, to understand or comprehend or grasp or surround or encompass, to perceive or imagine or visualise, to have a vision or ambition or desire, to harbour animosity or hatred, youth or being youthful, little, slight, to shrink, to be small in eyes of others, to be base, to be contemptible, to be disdainful, to be less or less than, abasement, the very essence of something, the juice or extract of something, outcome, result, consequences, twisted rope, chain, linkage, connection, extract, watchtower, lamppost, command and control centre, central nervous system, administration, management, governing body or something that governs something, government, chiefdom, kingship, ruling elite, top or bottom part of section of something, the best or worst part or section of something, constitution, rule of law, tradition or custom, way of life, plant or tree or something like plant or tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tall and narrow structure or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word AQSAT is from root QAAF, SEEN and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to apportion or distribute weight in such a way that no carrier of weight feels overly burdened by weight in any sense in any way for any reason or purpose. Also to allocate or allot or assign responsibilities in such a way that no person made responsible for things feels under extra pressure in any sense in any way for any reason or purpose, to split or dispense obligations in such a way that none of the executers of the obligations feel under extra stress in any sense in any way for any reason or purpose, to ration things in such a way that none of the people needing things feel left out or given less than their needs in any sense in any way for any reason or purpose, to do whatever is needed to recreate state of equilibrium or balance between things once it has been disturbed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do justice or to deny justice, to retaliate or take action for equity or to bring back state of equilibrium after it has been disturbed, to do or have or use things in easy or manageable bits or parts or affordable instalments, to do something in bits or pieces one can easily handle, to carry out something in episodes or instalments, to act justly or unjustly, to take something extra from one thing by force and give it to another that lacks it in order to bring a sort of equality between things, to support one thing and oppose another to bring them to equilibrium or create a balance between them, to raise one thing and lower another to bring them to level, to take all necessary measures for some end goal or objective, to measure things against each other or against a set standard or a specific reference point, to compare things to each other and make needed adjustments to bring them to harmony or balance or coordinate them for some reason or purpose, to make things complement each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to share the burden between things in such a way that each element in the group has its part of the shared burden that is right for its natural ability to cope with it, to deviate from the reference point or a set standard or to stick with the reference point or set standard, to act fairly or unfairly, to share things equally or unequally according to need or provision, to deny justice, to pay by instalments, to act justly or unjustly, to deviate from what is proper or appropriate or right with respect to a point of reference or program or goal or guideline or constitution or law or mission or standard or manifesto, to be even handed, to jump about, to swing or swing from branch to branch, to fall off, to make mischief or be troublesome or difficult, to deceive, to be clever, to be quick acting or fast moving or agile, to hang or hold or latch or catch onto something in some sense in some way for some purpose, to imitate, to copy, to make an image of, to be active or lively or energetic, to cut or sever or separate or divide, to bite or bite in, to eat or devour or consume or use or destroy, to be unstable or waver or deviate, to shudder or jitter or tremble or shiver or be shaky, to move about, to be painful, to fall out, to break off, to cut off ties or relationships with or boycott, to be solid or firm, way of life, culture, tradition, custom, rule of law, precedent, example, constitution, shelter, refuge, protection, guide, leader, reference point, signpost, lamppost, something high and visible from a distance, something important or of value, a monument or an important building or structure or institution, equal or proportional distribution of weight between all involved in carrying the weight, scale, a measuring instrument or device, standard, criterion, foundation, yardstick, justice, equality, fairness, measurement, standard weight, equal or proper or appropriate distribution of responsibilities or weights, just decision or judgement, inflict harm and destruction, instalments, share, balance, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In this verse a major lesson is put forth for mankind after telling them get ready for implementation of program, goals and guidelines of Allah in the verses before this. It is one thing to set up the kingdom and another to work out how it should be run on daily basis the best possible way for ensuring well being of its people. The idea is that people involved should get together and with help of each other create short programs and actions plans and implement them as it suits proper human community according to the ground realities in light of guidance of Allah. Some things may need to be done every day but others on weekly or monthly or yearly or for yet longer period basis. If it is all worked out fully then all relevant people are handed over the instructions then they will know what to do, how to do, when to do and for how long or in what amount or quantity etc. This verse is talking about AL-MAJLIS AL-SHOORAA told about in the Quran in other surahs. It is about gathering and meeting of people at local, district, provincial, regional or national or community level to discuss issues to be decided as a community. There are no parties but individuals with agendas, proposals and opinions about them to decide matters for a set period of time in light of guidance of Allah and ground realities facing the people. This is why there is no dictatorship or authoritarianism in deen of Islam based upon the Quran. However once all things have been decided by the community as a community with agreement of all concerned then those decision are authority and each and every person or institution that is supposed to carry them out is distributed task lists with all necessary instructions to fulfil them as required by God and people themselves. It is a case of handing over to people in the house the house rules and tasks to carry out as decided by all members of the house together. After that the given tasks can only be questioned if anyone has found any mistakes in them otherwise all must carry out things as told by the community according to their individually assigned duties. Monitoring Institutions are supposed to be set up that look out for any irregularities or errors or problems which take appropriate corrective measures right away so that problems do not get out of hand. All this is not easy to set up or to run in the beginning but as people get used to ideas and practices through proper education and training, things will gradually settle down and become an easy routine work. So far it should be very clear to people that the Quran based way of life is not what mullahs claim it to be ie some make beliefs and some useless rituals that cannot solve problems that face humanity world over. This is why deen of Islam is a way of life that is all inclusive or comprehensive for ensuring plan and purpose of God for his creation is served. The very basic point for people to realise is that unless people can manage their human population and available resources to it and means of production and distribution properly they cannot become free of their problems related to their daily living to begin with. Therefore people at very basic level must learn and realise the intrinsic nature of relationship between overall ideology, human society, its politics, its culture and economics. It is because ideology gives human society its social, political and economic basis, systems, structures, procedures and practices. This is why deen of Islam proposes concept of ummah in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah so that well being of humanity as a whole could be ensured. This is why the Quran is for individuals to learn and teach to each other to adopt its message for turning it into real world reality. For so long as people will remain entrapped in their make beliefs and useless practices they will not be able to accomplish what the Quran requires of them to accomplish. Mullahs tell people to sit and pray to God for things to happen but the Quran tells people the world is setup by God to work in a certain way and it is doing that and the rest is up to people to do it for themselves as guided by message of God. This universe is cause and effect based universe therefore if you do not cause something it does not happen. Moreover this world is based upon principle of physical causes and effects and people must learn to reason things out and be rational not stupid fools. If a baby does not cry his mother does not feed him. Moreover if mother herself is hungry how can she have a milk to feed her baby? If people do not have fresh air to breathe or clean fresh water to drink or healthy food to eat in order to be healthy and fit then can they live? No, not at all. If God has created people for his plan and purpose then that plan and purpose cannot be just eat to live and live to eat. If God has plan and purpose for creating humanity then it has to be something more than living for sake of living. If it is more than living for sake of living then living becomes necessity for that purpose and that is what living is supposed to be for. Unless people find a way to live properly in this world first so that they could fulfil purpose of God then people ought to solve their daily living related problems first. This is why God gave people concept of ummah in the kingdom based upon his guidance as the starting point so that once people have learned to live properly in this world then they could concentrate on other higher goals set for them by God. This is why people must come out of nonsense of mullahs and start learning sense of making proper sense of things. Mullahs who tell us we do not need to learn deen of Islam in detail rather we only need to hold on to some baseless beliefs and useless practices themselves claim to have spent years in studying the Quran and deen of Islam. They have written so many books about it and have built so many religious schools that one cannot count. Why did they need to do all that if deen of Islam is so simple and easy that anyone can understand it? According to them the Quran was revealed to an illiterate and uneducated man etc etc. Do we not know that an illiterate and uneducated man cannot even understand things of this world how can he do so in case of message of God which is so hard to make sense of even for most educated people in the world even today? Sensible people have been doing a lot of things for furthering process of learning and teaching knowledge eg they have been building schools, colleges, universities as well as various kinds of training centres. Even though they have done a lot of work on this but if it has not been hindered or prevented by some short sighted people with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires at the expense of others they could have done a lot better. The very existence of idea of importance of learning knowledge is proof in itself that learning knowledge for sake of knowledge is a huge achievement in itself because if one understands things then at least one is not ignorant about things or confused about them as to what they are, why they are what they are and how they work and why or what purpose they serve or what function they have in grand scheme of things etc etc. So anyone who thinks remaining ignorant, illiterate, uneducated and untrained is a virtue is nothing less than a complete fool, a person who is only human in shape but just another animal of the jungle. Had ignorance and illiteracy been a virtue how could God be so foolish that he gave people his books? Moreover why people have been furthering process of learning knowledge always throughout history of humanity? If deen of Islam was just a simple and easy thing then why did God end up giving people such books of high level of knowledge which deal with all sorts of things that people must come to know in order to fulfil plan and purpose of God? If one reads the Quran right through, one will see many verses in the Quran which tell people they should learn sense of making proper sense of things as well as of revelation of God. So if mullahs tell us it is fine to be ignorant and illiterate about this world and revelation of God then they must have other reasons for keeping people foolish and that reason is ignorance makes people become slaves and masters of each other for personal agendas that are harmful and destructive for humanity as a whole. Ignorant people are easily brainwashed to make use of by others. Such people are no use for themselves and instead they create problems for themselves and rest of humanity. The Quran educates people to be masters of their own destiny in its light. This is why more people learn sense to make proper sense of this world and revelation of God the better this world can become but more people remain entrapped in nonsense of rulers, money lenders and mullahs the worse this world become for existence of humanity. The Quran is basically a collection of intellectually challenging lectures and not a jumble of mullahs’ stupidity. The Quran provides mankind with a solid foundation for basing their human society upon, its politics, its culture as well as its economics. If any of them is not consistent with the rest of them then all fall apart and humanity falls into chaos and confusion or anarchy and disorder because only a proper set up and working of an idea can ensure that all needs and wants of people are met properly so if a set up or its working falls apart then needs and wants of people cannot be met due to disturbance or interruption in the production and distribution of things and people cannot survive without their needs and wants being met so each and every person then tries to get what one needs or wants and a chaotic situation develops that could end up destroying many lives. This is why mankind must set up things properly and make them work properly if they want a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous world for themselves. This is why if anyone is caught thinking or doing or having or using anything which could cause break up of proper human community deliberately then such a person must be caught and dealt with appropriately. It is better to get rid of such a person than let the whole proper human community fall apart.

283) However while you are on a journey working towards change of way of life from the way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other to the way of life advised by Allah and you do not have the constitutional and legal framework in place yet in the land to implement program, goals and guidelines of Allah then provide security for each other through whatever means you have as a proper human community in an organised and regulated manner. So that when some of you entrust others with responsibilities as a proper human community then the ones entrusted with the community responsibilities discharge their responsibilities fully and properly to the community that is how the community as a whole should prove its consistency with program, goals and guidelines of Allah its creator and sustainer as well as with each other. So whatever you people as a proper human community agree upon do not deliberately conceal the evidence for it in order to inflict harms and destructions upon each other and whoever hides or distorts evidences deliberately to inflict harms and destructions upon others his mind is surely set upon hindering coming about and maintenance kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. However Allah is aware of all that you think and do and will make your motives obvious for people who want to be a proper human community to see in due course through results of your own related thoughts and actions.

Word RIHAAN is from root RAA, HAA and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is a promise or something like a promise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also an undertaking or assurance or a guarantee something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a commitment or wow or a word or a word under oath or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, an agreement or covenant or bond or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a warrant or surety or deposit or collateral or pawn or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that is given as a security for the fulfilment of the contract, a solemn promise or undertaking, a dangerous or difficult or unfortunate situation, hostage, something binding or necessary or essential or compulsory or obligatory, something given in bondage or control of another or pledged to another, something given as surety to gain trust or confidence of another, something whereby someone tries to prove trustable or dependable or reliable for another, something whereby one tries to gain trust or confidence of another, command and control centre, central nervous system, brains, mind, intelligence, administration, management, ruling elite, leadership, top or bottom part or section of something, best or worst part or section of something, chiefdom, kingship, monarchy, imperialism, authoritarianism, rule of law, constitution, tradition, custom, precedent, example, guide, director, instructor, a hole or a hole in the wall, ways and means, opportunities, chances, ladder, rope, a way though, a way into or through something, a way to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a formula, a trick or technique, ink or inkpot, to cite previous experience of dealing with someone to gain someone’s trust or confidence, to cite one’s general character to show one can be trusted or relied or depended upon, to find oneself in a sorry or unfavourable state or situation, to suffer from a plight or misfortune, to place as security, to give as hostage, to venture, to risk, to wager, to be subject to, to make constant or consistent, to prove or be proven reliable or trustable or dependable on basis of available evidences, to be firm or stable or properly grounded or rooted or anchored, to be ready, to be perfect or complete or whole, to be in existence, to be real, to remain intact or solid, to prove true or remain true to one’s word or promise or pledge or declaration or commitment, to be permanent, to bet or bet on a racing horse, to remain in the same state or condition, to last or endure or be lasting, to have a foot tied up, to infer or imply or deduce, to be held in ransom for something, to be bound to face consequences of one’s harmful or destructive thoughts or actions, to be bound to have an outcome or result or effect for one’s thoughts or actions, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to understand or comprehend or grasp or overpower or overcome or surround or encompass or embrace, to imagine or visualise or bring in sight or view, to be ambitious or visionary or have vision, to plan ahead or in advance or plot or scheme or conspire, to have brains or be intelligent or clever or brainy or tricky or cunning or deceptive, to slander or accuse falsely, to talk or give speech or deliver a lecture, to make a hole or pierce, to drill, to bore, to dig a hole, to write or scribble or draw, to write a letter or book, to be long, to be smooth or level or regular or even or free of roughness or unevenness, to be flat, to be tapered, to swim or float or glide or fly, to be elusive or illusive, to be slippery or deceptive or tricky, to be lively or active or energetic, to act quickly or move fast, to be in water or under water, to be in the air, to be in space, to be agile or flexible, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, window or something like window in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

When there is no kingdom based upon guidance of Allah the primary duty of those who claim to be committed to working for deen of Islam is to join together and work as a united organised and regulated community so that it does not fall victim to opposing forces. In the outside community in which such people live they must participate like those people but within the community they must participate as told in the Quran. However they must keep spreading the message of the Quran in the best possible way as told in the Quran till they have the support of the majority of the wider community to changeover from harmful and destructive way of life humanity is based upon as rivals to the way of life advised by Allah for ensuring well being of mankind with help of each other. The idea is to educate more and more people more and more till they become widely aware of rights and responsibilities so that they themselves could see where their ways of life are causing them problems which the Quranic way of life can help them solve. If Muslim ummah itself became aware of the Quranic message properly then it will not take long for the world to take the message of the Quran as it should be taken if Muslims educated them properly about the message of the Quran.

284) Remember always that to Allah alone belongs sovereignty of all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth regardless you people reveal to each other your intensions or motives in your minds behind your thoughts and actions for or against each other through your thoughts and actions or you hide them because universal set-up systems and laws of Allah deliver to you results of your thoughts and actions about each other. That is how He protects from harms and destructions any human population that desires to be protected through acting upon His program, goals and guidelines and likewise He lets a human population destroy themselves who refuse to accept and act according to His advice because Allah has set-up systems and laws to govern all affairs concerning everyone and everything.

285) This is why this messenger committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to program, goals and guidelines revealed to him from his Creator and Sustainer along with all others who have committed themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. All unity, peace, progress and prosperity loving people always committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind to be consistent with guidance of Allah and to be consistent with His missionaries, His books and His messengers, and moreover such people always confirmed Our message saying, we saw no difference or conflict in the message of any of His messengers and they also said, we hear Your advice loud and clear and we commit ourselves to it for turning it into a reality so that thereby You our creator and sustainer save us from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for our personal gains at the expense of each other, therefore towards Your program, goals and guidelines in form of Your revealed message for our guidance is end of our journey.

Here Allah explains what has been happening throughout times and places ie all Godly people always thought and acted in a similar way because they understood message of God in a similar way. The reason they were able to do so was because they took sense of learning proper sense of things as foundation upon which they built their understanding of the real world and message of God. Any people who will do that will always reach the similar conclusion about deen of Islam. People who will not bother to anchor their thoughts upon this solid foundation will always remain confused and lost. This is why such people cannot benefit from provisions and messages of God.

286) We further confirm that Allah burdens not any human population with any task but to help it grow and prosper because for each human population is only that sort of outcome towards which it works. So our Creator and Sustainer! Leave us not entrapped in our limited understanding of things or our actions based upon our incomplete thoughts. Our Creator and Sustainer! Do not let us fall under heavy burden of our self created problems as You let happen to those before us as a consequence of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for personal gains at each other’s expense. Our Creator and Sustainer! Help us see the proper way of living our lives so that we do not fall under terribly harmful and destructive problems beyond our capability of solving them. Through our following of that way of life relieve us from our self created ills and protect us and that way make for us Your blissful, dignified and secure existence providing way of life a blessing. You are our supporter through Your guidance so through that help us win over the people who reject and oppose rule of law based upon Your guidance due to their ignorance about it.

Word ISRAA is from root ALIF, SWAAD and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is weight or something like weight in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also a load or burden or something like a load or burden in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a responsibility or something like a responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a liability or something like a liability in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a rope or something like a rope in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a link or connection or relationship or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, an undertaking or promise or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a pledge or assurance or declaration under oath or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a vow or solemn agreement or pact or covenant or something alike in some sense, a tie or bond or something alike in some sense, God, ox or bull, strength, power, authority, unity, oneness, solid foundation, constitution, rule of law, tradition, revelation of God, guidance, seed, root, origin, stalk, trunk, branches, leaves, fruit, essence, juice, extract, energy, leader or guide, director or instructor, leadership, to be united, to be a whole or complete or perfect, to stop or retain or arrest, to take by force, to take captive or hostage, to firmly root or ground or be firmly grounded or rooted or anchored, to come to leaf, to sprout, to grow shoots, to be heavy with fruit, to be pregnant, to be carrying a baby, to be suffering from problems or difficulties or hardship, to become buried under burden or load, to squeeze life out of someone or something, to be alive, to inspire or motivate or bring to life or give life to, to branch in or out, to converge or diverge, to come together or scatter away or disperse, to tie down, to bind together, to join or combine, to add, to increase or grow, to have authority or control or jurisdiction over, to be brainy or have brains, to be intelligent or clever or sharp or cunning or deceptive or tricky, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to imagine or visualise, to have ambition or desire or wish, to perceive or view or see or observe or analyse, to understand or comprehend or grasp or surround or encompass or overpower or overwhelm or embrace, to plan ahead or in advance or scheme or plot or conspire, to examine or scrutinize or inspect, to talk or make a speech or deliver a lecture, to discuss or argue or debate, to slander or accuse falsely, to spread false rumours, to dispute or cause dissention or rift or divide, to beat or strike or hit, to beat the ground with feet or march or travel on foot, to undertake a mental or physical journey, to go on an expedition, to undertake a journey of discovery, to travel for learning knowledge, to teach or help learning, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tree or something like tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

A decisively important point is made here at the conclusion of the surah that Allah does not set a standard or limit just for sake of it but for the reason that people could develop and prosper properly. Setting limits becomes a requirement if anyone sets any goals because goals cannot be achieved unless people are set guidelines to help them move in the direction that leads them to the goal. A clear proof of the fact that the Quran based deen of Islam is not a set of make beliefs and useless practices as invented and promoted by mullahs in the name of deen of Islam. It is a way of life based upon goals for humanity to accomplish according to provided guidelines as a program to be executed faithfully by mankind. Let us use an example for understanding the reason for setting the limits. Suppose we have a garden and we need to water the garden. To take water from source we must guide the water to reach the garden and not let it spread freely in every direction and not reach the garden. We can use water channels or pipe work to do so. Likewise if humanity must develop and prosper then limits must be set to help it do that otherwise manpower will be lost or dissipated and the task set for humanity to accomplish will remain unaccomplished. So limits are supposed to be set for a purpose not just for sake of it because that way set limits themselves could act as hindrance or resistance against the very purpose of something. I am not going into detail of it but interpreters of the Quran have made a mess of the text of the Quran and for that one only has to see their interpretations of these verses themselves. It clearly shows limits of their reasoning capability.
I really was interested in reading this.. started reading it.. after the first paragraph I realised.. this whole write up is more than some of the books I read.. request to give a TL;DR mate..
I really was interested in reading this.. started reading it.. after the first paragraph I realised.. this whole write up is more than some of the books I read.. request to give a TL;DR mate..

I second that notion.
@Mughal1 Thank you and May ALLAH reward you for this effort. One request keep it short (or post it in parts with gaps in posting like after few days) so that its not cumbersome for the readers, try to engage the audience first, win their attention and then build on that. It may require more time and effort but the aim is to share knowledge with people and not bombard them with lengthy writings to make them feel bored. Second help people shed their preconceived ideas and beliefs ............ that is necessary otherwise its a futile exercise. Third the thread title can be amended to "The Last Hope", because we in our times have tried almost all possible solutions except Message of Quran.

So when rulers, mullahs and money lenders

Quran calls them Pharaoh, Haman and Qaroon (Croesus). This is very important for us Muslims to understand how this trio works, their motives, their interests and how they serve each other.......... I would recommend reading "Shahkar E Risalat". This trio invented terms like "Zil e Elahi" meaning shadow of God and made people believe that their sufferings are not because of the king or the ruler but the predetermined fate (Taqdeer), so that people won't question the injustice, subjugation and exploitation by this trio.

For example, take word jinn, how did people come to know there are such and such invisible beings if they were never able to see them in the first place?

So far what I have learnt is that "Naas" is used for people living in civilisation or the civilised people and Jinn is used for people who live away from civilisation in form of tribes etc.


I have read that Lohe Qurani (what we are accustomed to call these words of Quran) are short other names by which Quran addresses Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him), or we can say these are names of Messenger (Peace be upon himself) this may or may not to be true and may be humans in future would be able to understand the real meaning of these words.

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