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What is longest surah of the quran about

143) That is why We brought you the individuals from various human populations together who now follow the Quran to form a proper human community based upon proper understanding of Our guidance in the midst of all the human populations so that you could act as an example of a proper human community based upon Our guidance for the rest of humanity about proper working of way of life advised by Us in reality as your messenger was an exemplary evidence of it for you to witness and follow. We did not raise you on the path you were born upon but to make evident those who are proper supporters of the messenger for his assigned mission as distinct from those who go after make beliefs and useless rituals blindly. To come to this much awareness about deen of Islam was indeed a matter needing very hard work by individuals but not impossible for those whom Allah granted ability of knowledge based choice and they used that ability appropriately to be steadfastly consistent with His guidance and they made efforts for it. Remember always that Allah does not make your abiding by His guidance fruitless instead He raises such people from among the mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence through His program for unity, peace, progress and prosperity.

Word VASATAA is from root WOW, SEEN and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be central in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be in the middle or midst of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be centre of attention in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be focal point in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fair or just in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be heart of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be waist of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be inside someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in between in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be the choice of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have choice to choose or elect or select someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause to be in the centre in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be average in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be the noblest kind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be most worthy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be equidistance from all sides in some sense for some reason or purpose, the rising of the sun to the middle or centre of the sky in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be properly balanced or symmetrical in some sense for some reason or purpose, to not to be at the extreme ends of a range or spectrum in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be the best among people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to join or connect or link things or people together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put someone or something in touch or contact with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or wicked or deceptive or illusive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in the middle of the road or on the right path or on the middle path in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something firmly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bite off or cut off or separate or sever someone or something from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or devour or destroy something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stick to a tradition or custom or rule of law or constitution or guidance or example or precedent or reference point in some sense for some reason or purpose, to feel pain or hurt or sorrow or regret in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be firmly in place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be infirm or weak or unstable or old or ill or doubtful or confused in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mark or brand or label someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, monument, sign, evidence, something visible or obvious or manifest, lamppost, something high and visible from a distance, guide, leader, father, founder, inventor, discoverer, explorer, point of reference, standard, yardstick, base or foundation, building or structure build on a high place or top of hill or mountain, something international or universal, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like landmark in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YAQOOB is from root AIN, QAAF and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be the end of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also the last bit or part of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to arrive at the heel or foot of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow or pursue someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come after something or someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be after something or someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to succeed someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reach or catch up with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take turns when doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in a queue in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go one after the other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to look back or behind or back into the past in some way for some reason or purpose, to look around in some sense for some reason or purpose, to run after someone or something as if to catch someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to investigate someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn back from being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to repair or mend or treat someone or something for some illness or disease or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to avenge oneself in some way for some reason or purpose, to punish or beat someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to beat or defeat someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to interlace or fit-in someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to detain or arrest or imprison someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to turn on one’s heels in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take reprisals of or retaliate against someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to have one’s turn in some way for some reason or purpose, to gain war booty or spoils of war in some way for some reason or purpose, to reward or payback one for one’s works in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone face consequences of one’s harmful or destructive thoughts or actions in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause something to happen in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or have someone or something in sight or view in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have insight or understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to spy or watch or keep an eye on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be sad or regretful or grieve or unhappy or uncomfortable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shed tears in some sense for some reason or purpose, to sprout in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump about in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hang onto to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mischievous or troublemaker in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to copy or imitate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or protect or guard or hide or cover or defend or back up or support or assist or reinforce someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with patronage or guardianship or care or refuge or home or roof over head or sanctuary or foundation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or following or clan or tribe or group or party or nation or community in some sense for some reason or purpose, sky, canopy, roof, ceiling, top, the end result of something, the outcome of an action or of a course of actions, successor, generations to come, riders on a horse back one behind the other, in case of twins one born after the other, law enforcing agents going after a law breaker, day and night that come after each other, consequences, heels, eagle, obstacle, posterity, descendents, retribution, requital, ultimate result, sequel, the end, the one whose job it is to reject or allow a decision made by another, quality controller, attendants, things or people perpetually acting in succession one after the other, water spring, ocean, pond, river, new beginning, spring season, help or support, deceptive, agile, clever, mischievous, shelter, refuge, shield, foundation, constitution or law or custom, perception, point of view, opinion, eye or something like eye in some sense for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word RAOOF is from root RAA, ALIF and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to remove dangers in way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to move out of way of someone or something difficulties or hardships or poverty or disease or problem or trouble in some sense for some reason or purpose, to remove obstacles or barriers or obstructions from the way of someone or something which prevent or stop someone or something from getting something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move harms or destructions away from something or someone in some way so that something or someone could grow or develop to its full potential, to show mercy or kindness or pity or compassion to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become kind or tender hearted or compassionate or merciful or benevolent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead in some sense for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand or encompass or surround someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to blow or expand or explain or explode or detail something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to signal someone or something to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to discuss or debate or talk or converse or gossip with someone about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or devour or destroy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause conflict or rift or dissention or division or difference between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or accuse someone or something falsely in some sense for some reason or purpose, soft or softness, tender, cushion, mercy, compassion, kindness, pity, cover, hide, to look after something, to attend to something, to ensure well being of something, to protect from impacts or disturbing effects, to absorb shocks, something that lacks hardness or toughness or strength or power, something weak or infirm, to be slack in doing something, management , administration, ruling elite, command and control centre, central nervous system, chief, top part or section of something, group, party, crew, team, regime, government, staff, organisation, association, God, power, authority, revelation of God, base, foundation, oxen, strength, gap or gulf, distance, potential between two things, difference between two things or points, to consume or use something in some way, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse tells us that as the message of the Quran was delivered by messenger of Allah and his supporters as a manifesto, some of the people belonging to different human populations in different places became interested in knowing the program and goals as well as guidelines for constitution and laws and once they became satisfied they joined the movement and so the movement came about and expanded as a new community or ummah based upon the Quran. People who already had genuine God sent scriptures and who interpreted them and represented them properly turned to the Quran as they were told in their scriptures and the rest were blind followers of traditions and customs so they carried on with their traditional books that were pushed by their rulers, money lenders and priests and other vested interest parties. Masses instead of questioning those who made fools of them spread nonsense allegations against the newly formed community and that is how rulers, money lenders and priests placed obstacles in its path to try to eliminate or to prevent it from growing and development as much as they could.

144) Many a time We observed you the knowledgeable people looking forward to establishment of the kingdom based upon Our guidance therefore We direct you towards a target that you yourselves desire. So from now on get yourselves fully involved in establishing the kingdom based upon Our guidance. No matter wherever you are from get yourselves involved fully in that set out mission. The people originally given the book who studied it properly knew this to be the set goal for mankind from their Creator and Sustainer and Allah was never negligent in bringing about the results of their benevolent and constructive thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other as explained.

Word SHATR is from root SHEEN, TWAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to distance oneself from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to split or cut or divide someone or something into halves in some sense for some reason or purpose, to aim in the direction of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move or incline towards or in the direction of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be distant or away from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move aside or at an angle in some sense for some reason or purpose, to intermingle or mix together or socialise in some sense for some reason or purpose, to attack or strike or strive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go to war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to participate or interact or partake in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to battle or combat or contend in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mark or brand or label something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be like or similar in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be visible or obvious or manifest in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over or visualise or imagine something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to set terms or conditions for an agreement in some sense for some reason or purpose, to defend or oppose someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or have someone or something in sight or view in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be clever or intelligent or sharp in some sense for some reason or purpose, a half, direction, edge, an aspect, a point of view, an opinion, a part that becomes separate from something, a part of something, stranger, immigrant, foreigner, something distant, a distant goal or destiny, a fast horse, arena, battlefield or battleground, a place where some activity takes place, spark of fire, a brand of coal or fire, source of information, management, administration, government, regime, chiefdom, leadership, guide, top part or section of something, cream of the crop, command and control centre, central nervous system, ruling elite, brain, mind, thought process, warzone or something like warzone in some sense for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like landmark in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse tells us, mankind always desired that there should be established a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah but most of the masses followed each other like sheep instead of working properly step by step for bringing about a kingdom based on guidance of Allah. People just want things to happen without they needing to do anything but the Quran makes it absolutely clear if you do not work towards an end then nothing gets done so any people who want anything must make it happen as well. Therefore if a people want a kingdom run according to guidance of Allah then they must make it happen by learning his message properly and spreading it among mankind correctly and then if people like the received message they should come together and organise into a proper human community based upon that message by working out the constitution and laws based upon the program, set goals and guidelines. As proper human community expands a stage will arrive when a kingdom will come about which should then be run according to the constitution and laws based upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah. In short first an ummah must be brought about based upon the Quran and then a kingdom and then higher goals should be concentrated or focused upon. That is how step by step humanity will rise to bliss, dignified and secure existence and fulfil its purpose of creation by its creator. In other words once there is genuine support for a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah among mankind then none will be able to stop it from coming about but while people say one thing and do another nothing much will change beyond changes that nature brings and a very large portion of humanity will continue suffering painfully throughout the world. There is difference between processes of evolution and revolution. One takes a very, very long time to bring about the needed change and the other cuts time short as explained already. One process pushes people into action for their own survival as individuals so people forced into situations and circumstances to do things and the others needs a group of people who have attained the ability to plan things in advance and then carry them out step by step in order to bring about the needed changes so that goals could be accomplished. The Quran is therefore a book that wants people be act as revolutionaries for ensuring well being of mankind, the sooner the better. In this context one should look at what rulers, money lenders, mullahs, their touts and supporters are doing to humanity. One has to ask oneself the question, are they working for humanity or against it? If they are working for humanity then support them but if they are working against humanity then oppose them and dismantle their world order and put in place the world order the Quran teaches and then give it reasonable time and see the outcome, so wake up and strive hard for quick change for the best. This is why all people whatever their origin must come to realise facts told about in these verses of the Quran and get themselves rid of wrong mindsets, attitudes and behaviours.

145) Despite that being the case then, today even if you bring every evidence from their books to convince the people of the book regarding that assigned mission, as a community they will not support your mission for establishing the kingdom based upon Our guidance here in this world because due to their ignorance and foolishness they have changed Our given concept of deen of Islam for a concept of a religion. Since they do not support Our concept of deen of Islam neither should you support their harmful and destructive religion based missions against the assigned mission of Allah. The fact is, none of the communities given the books already are supporters of each other's religion based missions due to conflicts between them because of their adaptation of ways of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other. If after all this information you people have been given you still yield to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires even if they are in the name of Allah then surely you will also become of those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains at the expense of each other just like them.

Word JAA’A is from root JEEM, YAA and ALIF. Concrete meaning of this root is to come in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to arrive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring in some sense for some reason or purpose, to get in some sense for some reason or purpose, to approach in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reach in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come to somewhere in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come to or arrive at a point or destination or conclusion in some sense for some reason or purpose, to commit to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to commit a mistake or blunder or crime in some sense for some reason or purpose, to visit someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overtake someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to offer someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come to someone or something with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to force or compel or cause someone or something to come or go in some way for some reason or purpose, to drive someone to something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have done or committed something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to travel or go on foot in some sense for some reason or purpose, to forge or invent something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come up with an idea in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have grip or grasp or authority or power or jurisdiction or control over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have reach or range in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have hand or involvement in something happening in some sense for some reason or purpose, to trick or con someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have a way for being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be creative or technical in some sense for some reason or purpose, to use a mechanism for doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to walk or travel on foot in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go on a journey in some way in some sense for some reason or purpose, a large ditch for collecting rainwater, something durable or lasting, something beautiful, something strong or solid, something that can act as foundation or base for some reason or purpose, staff, government, regime, God , revelation of God, something reliable or trustable, teacher, master, beast of burden, someone or something that can carry weight, someone who can take responsibility for something and carry it through, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

146) Those to whom We have given the scriptures already and they have studied them properly could recognize this Quran as well just as they could recognize their own family members due to resemblance or similarities between them. However the rulers, money lenders and priests from among them mask the purpose of the revelation of the scriptures due to their ignorance based arrogance and they need to be made aware of this fact.

This verse explains the reasons why some of the people of the book fail to see similarities between the Quran and their own original scriptures. They have misinterpreted and misrepresented the God sent scriptures by way of replacing deen of Islam concepts with mazhab or religious concepts. Had they not done that then all the scriptures sent by God had the same program, goals and guidelines as basis for mankind so they were not at all difficult to recognise for the experts of the scriptures. Even today the true teachings of the original God sent scriptures are so obvious from whatever remains of them in form of existing religious holy books as has been pointed out. It was easy for rulers, money lenders and mullahs etc to replace concepts of deen of Islam with religious because human language makes it possible. Words used in scriptures have so many different meanings as explained in detail already and unless a contradiction free context is aimed for all translation and interpretations of God sent scriptures will fail to produce the message intended by God. In fact mullahs use words in the Quran for their meanings to get the message they want to convey to masses and that is why their translations and interpretations of the Quran are full of contradictions. They want people to not to look at realities of the real world and just listen to their nonsense instead of looking at the text of the Quran in light of real world realities. Mullahs know that if people will try to look at the Quran in light of real world realities then mullahs tricks for misleading people about the message will be found out. Mullahs misinterpret scriptures because they themselves are ignorant about the real world realities. They have no sense of importance of logical consistency in a statement otherwise who is so stupid to mislead people about message of God deliberately? It is because they are ignorant fools that they cannot realise the consequences of what they are doing. One can lie to anyone for whatever reason but not to oneself. So people who do wrong are either ignorant about it or they are forced by circumstances or situations. Ignorance can be natural ignorance or it could be stubbornness or ignorance based arrogance. In case of rulers, money lenders and mullahs it is a case of ignorance based arrogance. These people presume something and then become stuck with it. They see no need to re-examine their stance about things because they think they know what they are doing and why. This is why they are unwilling to listen to others who may be talking sense and that is how God sent messengers and their missionaries were ignored by such people throughout human history. Masses do force changes but very little and very late after a lot of wrong has been done.

147) The purpose of the revelation of the Quran is set out clearly in the Quran by your Creator and Sustainer for you the knowledgeable people in the world therefore being knowledgeable people you should not become like those ignorant people who are in any doubt about it.

148) Be aware of the fact that in the past for each people from anywhere there was set a target/task to achieve/carry out/accomplish within their own region but in your case the knowledgeable people of this era the goal is universal so that gradually all of you move together from everywhere for establishing all that is constructive and benevolent for ensuring well being of whole of mankind. So whatever background you are from Allah will bring all of you together under one and the very same program, goals and guidelines for constitution and laws in due course because that is how Allah has set-up systems and laws to govern everything in this universe.

In this verse Allah is telling people what he expects of mankind and the role of his guidance for them. He is also telling people how he has set up this universe to work to fulfil his will according to his set out plan for his purpose. All things in this universe are working towards the very same end goal. That is their destiny.

Word ISTABAQOO is from root SEEN, BAA and QAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is to outpace someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to outstrip someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in front or ahead of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go past someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go before someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or do something before others in some sense for some reason or purpose, to outrace someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to beat someone or something in being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go beyond reach of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to win in some sense for some reason or purpose, to defeat someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to vie or race with one another in some sense for some reason or purpose, to compete with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to race to or compete for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overtake someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to precede someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to outdo or outrun someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be outstripped or overtaken or defeated or undermined in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be stopped or prevented from being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put up a prize or reward for a winner of a competition in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be better or worse than someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to compete for better or for worse in some way for some reason or purpose, to bite or bite off or cut or cut off someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to sever or separate someone or something from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or destroy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to defend or attack someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fight or go to war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump about in some sense for some reason or purpose, to copy or imitate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang onto someone or something firmly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to interact or participate or partake in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow tradition or precedent or custom or rule of law or reference point or constitution or creed or religion or way of life in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or protect or defend or hide or cover or shelter someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with tent or sanctuary or refuge or patronage or guardianship or care or back up, or reinforcement in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or following or party or group or support or backing or hiding place or foundation or base or starting point or covering or canopy or roof over head in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be unhappy or sad or in pain in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become firmly established in some sense for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

149) So from whichever background you start your journey towards Our assigned mission which is for ensuring blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind, remain focused on establishing a kingdom based upon Our guidance in this world. This is the basic goal set for you the followers of the Quran by your creator and sustainer because Allah is never unmindful of harms and destructions you people inflict upon each other by following your self- invented ways of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other.

In these verses people are told that Quran is a universal scripture so people too must take it as such and organise according to it so that baseless and useless but harmful and destructive quarrels between them could be ended in order to help them concentrate on bigger picture and its related issues than petty quarrels between them over little things. The main thing to sort out is difference between deen=way of life and mazhab=a system of make beliefs invented by mullahs along with some useless rituals to divert attention of masses away from deen of Allah. So long as people want to live by deen advised by Allah it will have to be a program that will need people to organise around a set of goals according to a set of guidelines for a constitution and laws for regulating themselves as an organised community. This is why people will need to work out an action plan to fulfil the given program. However so long as people will waste their time and energy on make beliefs and carrying out useless rituals they will remain unfulfilled because they are bound to falling behind in fulfilling their daily needs. If people fail in fulfilling their daily needs then there is very little else they can do because keeping oneself alive is the first thing and that means being able to fulfil the needs that keep one alive and in a way that keeps people united and peaceful so that they could make progress and prosper. The Quran is therefore a program that feeds people both physically and mentally ie an actions plan for food for eating as well as food for thinking. This is why nonsense promoted in the name of God in form of baseless versions of religion becomes fully exposed.

150) So whichever background you come from get yourselves fully involved in accomplishing the kingdom based upon Our guidance and whichever place you live in work towards it, so that no people of any place fight against you any more with the exception of the rulers, priests, money lenders, their touts, supporters and promoters among them who are against the very idea of existence of a proper human community based upon Our guidance therefore such people will continue their fights against Our mission to the bitter end due to their ignorance based arrogance unless they learn sense for making proper sense of things. So fear not their threats instead remain properly focused upon Our mission so that We fulfil Our promise of unity, peace, progress and prosperity to you the human beings and that is how We will prove to mankind the fact that you are properly guided by Us.

In this verse Allah makes his partnership with people very clear ie you do your part and I will do my part and in the end we all will be pleased with the outcome. All people of everywhere must come together on basis of program, goals and guidelines given in the Quran or if any people think they can come up with anything better than the Quran then they should go ahead and do it and thereby prove the Quran wrong.

151) All this because We have now sent among you this messenger from among yourselves - just as We sent Our messengers among people of the past from among themselves - who proclaims to you Our goals and guidelines for freeing you from all your self-inflicted ills by educating you about Our program for accomplishing Our set goals according to Our provided guidelines for constitution and laws for proper management of people and resources and means of production and distribution so that you are taught about things that you could never know on your own logically consistently for a very long time without suffering serious hardships painfully.

God sent his messages for mankind through his messengers from among human beings themselves because if people were left totally on their own then they could never know God’s purpose for creating the universe and things and people in it. Guidance of Allah is not a program like a computer but a set of cues with gaps for people to fill in using their God given brains by learning things through experimentation with real world realities in this universe. This is why deen of Islam is mainly some goals and some guidelines and the rest is left up to people to figure out for themselves. The reason for gaps is purpose for which God has created human beings ie so that people reach their conclusions about God with very little help from God so that it is mainly their own independent view point about God. God created things to express himself to be known for what he is worth in the eyes of independent minds of people. This is why he revealed his messages so that people could know about God through two of his acts namely creation and revelation. There is no other way for people to know about God no matter what they think or do. Since knowing God is last stage and first is existence and its continuation therefore a way of life is given importance so that people first have the kind of life that can help them reach the stage where at they can become reasonably aware of their creator and sustainer. This is why there is vital need for people to become an ummah or a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah and then they will be able to explore the entire universe for what it is worth to get the idea about abilities or capabilities of God as to how great he is and how well he has done to make show of his existence. This is why people must become literate, educated, trained, skilfully experienced and thoughtful. This is why whatever people believe and do to fulfil this objective is called IBAADAH= allegiance to God as creator and rightful ruler of this universe, not make beliefs and useless rituals. This is why Islam is a way of life that can lead mankind to the ultimate objective which God himself has set for them to achieve. This is why true Muslims are only those people who work towards forming an ummah and then creating a worldwide kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. No matter how little anyone achieves or how large all will be rewarded for their participation in this thing in this world as well as in hereafter. This struggle is called jihad.

152) Therefore you people should proclaim to the human populations throughout the world that kingdom of this universe must be ruled by rule of law of Allah alone to fulfil My program according to My guidelines so that that way I establish you as administrators and managers of My kingdom to use My provisions appropriately for ensuring well being of whole of mankind and do not misuse them.

This verse tells people clearly to establish kingdom of God with help and support of each other for proper management of people and recourses and means of production and distribution so that purpose of God for creating mankind could become fulfilled. The idea that deen of Islam has nothing at all to do with state business is totally negated by many verses in the Quran. Not only that but verse after verse the Quran tells people to establish kingdom of God in this world. It also explains what is meant by kingdom of God ie a kingdom wherein proper needs and wants of all people are met appropriately through proper organisation and regulation of human population for that very purpose according to the Quranic guidance. So one can see there is no room for make beliefs in the Quran in its proper context nor any room for useless rituals. They only confuse people and waste their time and cause insurmountable problems and difficulties. One can therefore see how wrong rulers, money lenders, mullahs, their touts and supporters are about Islam by calling it mazhab or religion.

153) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, seek with steadfastness community supportive network of humanity for ensuring well being of mankind. Surely Allah through His guidance is with those who prove steadfast in carrying out His assigned mission.

Here God is telling mankind to study the Quran thoroughly for guidance so that you come to know what to do and how to do it and then get on with the job till the mission is accomplished. It is not telling people to take out your mats and sit on them for ages and keep asking for favours of God but if nothing happens then be patient, don’t get upset with God. Seeking guidance of Allah is about reading his message and reflecting over what it says in light of real world realities till it becomes clear what the message is trying to convey. God is not going to talk to anyone directly today in order to guide them otherwise what would be the need for sending messages and messengers for this purpose?

154) Therefore you the mankind should never think of those fought against for supporting the mission assigned by Allah that they can be defeated. No, not at all rather they are the ones who will succeed in attaining unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind but you have not yet reached the stage of awareness to realise this fact.

There is no argument that intelligence is basis for all human knowledge because having sense of making sense of things is basis for everything else that man can think or do. If we think about it and question it, where does our basic, primary or foundational knowledge come from? To begin with our senses give our brains windows to the outside world. This acts as stimulus for brain to receive information and process and store it and recall it as and when need be. The brain itself needs a lot of training when it comes to learning skills. This is why a baby cannot use his senses right away but takes time by trying to use them till he becomes skilled over a long period of time. Then baby learns to use his limbs and body parts eg hands and feet etc etc. He has to learn how to sit up, how to stand and walk and talk etc etc. This is why children are only sent to schools when they have become capable of learning from schools. You do not send them right away to universities to get education. However we sent them to schools hoping one day they will have learned enough to go to universities. Likewise we do not send them out to work because they do not have skills to do that either. So it should be clear that learning takes ages before one could actually employ one's skill for the purpose one has learned them. One day a baby becomes so learned that he can do amazing things ie he can reach the moon. Allah has placed huge potential in mankind to actualise it through learning an doing things. This is how man makes Allah look great. It is because man is his masterpiece among creation ie Allah has created nothing better than man as regard his abilities. If we talk rubbish about man, we degrade Allah himself without realising it. This world is created by Allah for mankind and such verses are repeated in the Quran. Allah has given this universe under control of mankind to do with it as they like just like all the other things that man is using for his purposes eg donkeys, camels, cattle, gold, silver etc etc. However man also has been created for a set purpose and that is long way away yet from being fulfilled by mankind. All this is in the Quran if we could prepare ourselves to read the Quran and understand it properly. People can only understand information to the stage they have developed themselves biologically, psychologically and sociologically etc etc. This is why not only that we cannot understand the Quran till we learn how to do that but nothing else either. Can you build a bike or a car or a house without learning how to do it? No. Likewise all sorts of knowledge needs skills for making sense of it and using it for its purpose. So the revelation of God ie the Quran is not an exception.

So the way to understand the Quran properly is to use aqal=intelligence to make sense of the Quran but this aqal has to be aqal needed for understanding the level of the information that is found in the Quran. You see if you gave the Quran in the hands of a baby and told him it is book of God so treat it sensibly. He has no idea what you are talking about so he will take it, tear its pages and start putting them in his mouth. So you will end up with a damaged copy of the Quran. Therefore what I am saying is the level of the information given needs to wait for the recipient to grow up to the needed stage and be able to make sense of it. Otherwise it is like loading a donkey with loads of books and burying it under them alive. This is the reason Allah created the world by setting up processes, systems, mechanisms and laws etc etc and gave it time to unfold. As mankind came about from the very same tree of life as other living creatures and learned sense in time only then Allah revealed to them his guidance because by that time one of them was able to make sense of it and teach it to others. In the Quranic context there have been more than one Aadams. One from which humanity branched off as a new species, the other who became human through learning therefore he received revelation from Allah. The verses in surah Al-baqarah are not about creation of Adam but about assigning him some task to bring humanity out of bloodshed by forming a proper human community and thereby bringing about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Word malaaikah is used there for tribal chiefs at the time and word sajdah is used in context of, all of you submit to my program, goals and guidelines for constitution and law together if you want to get rid of a way of life based upon laws of nature alone. People can either live by laws of nature or by laws given to mankind for overcoming laws of nature as already explained. Laws of nature use mankind and laws given for guidance of mankind by Allah help him use laws of nature and rest of universe to his own advantage. So man has the choice to go by either of the ways he wants.

Take word SHUKR from root SHEEN, KAAF and RAA for example, we generally take it to mean thanks. We never think about things to try to understand them for their purpose. For example, Allah has given us brains and senses and bodies and told us the purpose in form of setting for us some goals to achieve according to some guidelines. What is purpose of brain? Are we using it for that purpose? What is purpose of our senses? Are we using them for that purpose? What are purposes of our bodies? Are we using them for those purposes? Allah has created this universe for us and we are told about it in the Quran repeatedly? Are we at all bothered with finding out for what purpose can we use the universe and all that is in it? Are we therefore really grateful to Allah for all this? Now make sense of word SHUKR in that context. It means to use provision for the purpose they are provided for by Allah. Now the questions, are we using our brains for the purpose they are given? Is that appreciation of gifts of Allah or not? Can we really appreciate gifts of Allah by misusing them? Now see the implications of this ie we are saying by our mouths thanks Allah but we are at the same time misusing things he gave us. Are we then not lying to ourselves and Allah? More than that are we studying the Quran for what it is given for to us as a gift. Is this gift least of gifts or most of them? So time for us all to put our thinking caps on and show that we are human beings not animals. In the Quran we read such verses which tell us we are born ignorant but with brains and senses, why? See 7/179, 16/78, 22/46, 23/78 etc. It is because we are supposed to learn through direct experiences in time. What does that tell us? That Allah has set up things to evolve from a simple state of existence to most sophisticated and complex they can be. A clear proof that evolution is the best explanation of things. Not only that but Allah also condemns those people as animals who do not use their brains and senses to learn things they are supposed to learn by using them. Again a clear proof that revelation is not the basis for human learning but just a guidance once people have learned enough to make sense of it. Both the Quran and real world realities agree perfectly that basis for human knowledge is sense of making sense of things. Revelation is secondary to intelligence. This is why Allah appeals to sensible people among mankind repeatedly for judging the truth about the Quran and not to ignorant and foolish people who are at the level of animals in their thinking level. Therefore in my view the Quran is a very special book if we study it in depth.

Why? Because in it coming to common terms is told by Allah. Why is this point of vital important? Because you can argue all you like but if you do not have a solid basis then you cannot bring others to your thinking. So to begin with find yourselves upon solid basis. Now as you will try to do that you will be looking for a common ground toward which you can invite others. If you fail to find such common ground yourself then you cannot invite others to anything instead you yourself will have to move to common ground that someone else has found for you and can explain to you how this ground a is common ground. So long as you are apart you are not together and so long as you are together you are united. This is why looking for common ground is of ultimate importance in light of intelligence and revelation both eg 3/64. The origin of primary and secondary human knowledge is also told about in the Quran. Leaving one in no doubt that without knowledge one is just an animal in human form. The emphasis on learning knowledge in the Quran is unparalleled. Not found in any book in the world with such explanations to back it up in light of real world realities. All drive in the world is for keeping people ignorant so that they can be used abusively by clever people like animals eg see 16/78, 23/78, 76/23, 25/44, 2/78, 22/3, 46, 10/36, 62/5, 7/179 and many, many more verses. The truth has come and falsehood is to perish. Anything that is not based upon intelligence is not true but false. Therefore follow only and only that interpretation of the Quran which helps understand the Quran in light of aqal and practical realities on the ground eg see 34/49, 17/81 etc. Besides verses like these there are many, many verses in the Quran which tell mankind to observe universal realities and learn lessons from them. Not only that there are also verses that keep appealing to people who have learned sense to see if this Quran is from Allah or not. In each and every place the Quran condemns those who do not use their God given brains and senses to learn and do thing for their own betterment as a proper human community. Such verses or not odd one or two but hundreds spread throughout the Quran as we shall see as we progress in our study of the Quran.

How could an ignorant, illiterate and uneducated person write such verses in the Quran and which book in the world had such verses in it that anyone let alone Muhammad the messenger of Allah could copy all this information from this way? The Quran constantly invites mankind to observe things and think. A book that wants to educate people out of their ignorance, illiteracy, lack of education and training or skills, how can it mislead people? Even if there is something that gives us some cause for concern in it still we should investigate it ourselves properly to see if it is the book that is saying it or is it because someone has masked its message for some reason by way of misinterpretation and misrepresentation. This is what the book itself tells us within itself ie for personal vested interests people have been perverting message of God throughout history. The author of the book already knew people pervert his messages and use them as a tool to use each other abusively in his name. The main point made here is that the Quran does not tell people it is me you should follow blindly instead it gives primary place to sense of making sense of things and then appeals to sensible people from among mankind to look at the information it contains and then see what conclusion they reach about it in all honesty to themselves. In other words the Quran provides mankind with intellectual basis to judge things including the Quran. If the Quran stands on intellectual basis through construction and deconstruction and reconstruction process only then it becomes authority for mankind to live by. Have we got any book that is of similar nature to the Quran in the world today? This is why no man is authority on the Quran unless one properly understands the Quran. Anyone who claims to be authority on the Quran will be found out by depth and width of his knowledge. This shows rulers, money lenders and mullahs are no authority on the Quran because they never had sufficient knowledge to interpret and present the Quran properly. To understand knowledge of God one has to have intellectual capacity and capability. Baby minded people talking about the Quran be they Muslims or nonMuslims can only look funny talking about the Quran because it is like a kid from a primary school giving lectures to Phds.

155) That is why We avail the opportunity for struggle to you the mankind to learn steadfastness and consistency for self regulation through experiencing things like fear of lack of things of need and loss of lives through results of your own thoughts and actions but good news of united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous life awaits for those who will eventually attain self regulation through consistency and persistence throughout this struggle.

Word JOO is from root JEEM, WOW and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to starve in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to yearn for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hunger for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to feel the need for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have desire or longing for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to crave for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become hungry in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go without someone or something in some sense for some treason or purpose, to go or do without some kind of food in some sense for some reason or purpose, to indicate or show the need for something in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer famine in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show lack of food in some way for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to carry burden or responsibility in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as foundation for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be durable or lasting in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lack things of need in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be properly balanced or symmetrical or beautiful or adorable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be long and strong in some sense for some reason or purpose, to walk or travel on foot in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be tall in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fast in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a beast of burden in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together in some sense to form a network of people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or connect or link things or people in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang onto someone or something firmly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring about a communication network between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to stick with or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to spy or watch or guard or keep an eye on someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in sight or view in some sense for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or imagine or visualise something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or surround or encompass or encircle someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have insight or understanding about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be sad or unhappy or sorrowful or regretful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shed tears in some sense for some reason or purpose, to assist or support or back or reinforce someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to start anew in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lack food for thought or nourishment to satisfy bodily hunger in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be deceptive or wicked or crooked in some sense for some reason or purpose, hunger or feeling of hunger, scarcity of food, lack of things of need, starvation, poverty, famine, water source or spring, ocean, river, stream, pond, lake, canal, elephant, horse, donkey, car, van, truck, lorry, ship, aeroplane, earth moving machines or equipments, craving, desire, longing, base, beginning, origin, communication network, rope, thread, sling, string, line, someone or something upon which someone or something could hanged, tree, a wooden or metal post or bar, watchtower, watchman, prison guard, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YUNQAS is from root NOON, QAAF and SWAAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to be faulty or defective in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to reduce or decrease or diminish or lessen something in some sense fro some reason or purpose, to disparage something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or use or consume something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to dismember or damage or harm someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to short change or leave short of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give or take less than due in some way for some reason ro purpose, to leave wanted in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make incomplete or cause imperfection in someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to clip edges or round off or smooth off something coarse or rough in some sense for some reason or purpose, to refine or give finishing touches to something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fall apart or break down in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become ugly or inappropriate or useless in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lack necessities of life or to be needy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be smooth or slippery in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be illusive or deceptive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast moving in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stand on a slippery slope in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mischievous or agile in some sense for some reason or purpose, to imitate or copy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump about or all over the place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have roots or branches in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fixed in place or position yet be moveable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to produce an outcome or result or fruit in some sense for some reason or purpose, to swim or float in some sense for some reason or purpose, to write or scribble or etch something on something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make ink for writing in some sense for some reason or purpose, to break or destroy something in some sense for some reason or purpose, juice, extract, essence, seed, frog, sea animals, boat, ark, ship, something that lacks something in some sense therefore it is incomplete, something that falls short of its requirement, something faulty or defective in some way, loss, weakness in the mind or body, faults or shortcomings, something that breaks off of something complete, something that can no longer serve the purpose due to becoming faulty in some way, to fall short of something needed, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose, tree or plant or something like tree or plant in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word AMWAAL is from roots MEEM, WOW/YAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to be something other than human beings that is considered by human beings useful or valuable to have or to use in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also something of need or want for which human beings make efforts or toil or work to have or use in some sense for some reason or purpose, to collect or hoard or store or preserve things of need or want in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become wealthy or rich or affluent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have sufficient or more than enough to live on in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lookafter or produce or make use of things of need or want in some sense for some reason or purpose, to manage things of need or want in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause or suffer flooding in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause or suffer death and destruction in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer calamity or disaster or catastrophe in some sense for some reason or purpose, to attack or assault or shed blood or go to war with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to inspire or motivate or urge or push or encourage or drive someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put in touch or in contact people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or deviate or lean towards or tilt or incline in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or deceptive or wicked in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mislead or misguide or misinform or disinform someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give or help maintain life in some sense for some reason or purpose, to entice or ensnare or trap someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give incentive to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be trustable or reliable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as foundation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to extend or enlarge or expand or explain or increase something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or own someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pay attention to or focus upon someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to grip or grasp someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make something happen in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved in making something happen in some way for some reason or purpose, to have reach to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have ability to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to get out of hand or control in some sense for some reason or purpose, to change hands in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move from hand to hand or person to person in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be biased towards someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to deviate from proper way of life in some sense for some reason or purpose, to inflict harm or destruction upon someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to avoid someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become indecisive or confused about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold grudge against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lean over in some sense for some reason or purpose, to swagger or waver in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in doubt about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to win over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to transgress or go over limit or beyond norm in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go astray in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show favour or act favourably towards someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show prejudice against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be poor or lack things of need or want in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer from poverty or disease or weakness or instability in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have grip or grasp over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to manage or handle someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, something eye catching, something attractive, something that draws attention for some reason or purpose, power, authority, jurisdiction, capacity, volume, capability, reach, grip, grasp, comprehension, understanding, revelation of God, things of need or want, belongings, property, possessions, wealth, treasures, gold, silver, diamonds, stones considered precious, platinum, metals considered precious, livestock, horses, animals, camels, elephants, houses, donkeys, chattels, buildings, factories, industries, roads, bridges, cars, plans, trains, ships, boats, plants or trees, coal, petrol, copper, gases considered precious, water, liquids or solids considered precious or useful or valuable, products, objects, commodities, utilities, fruits, vegetables, pieces of furniture, land and resources, means of production and distribution, food and water, anything considered useful or valuable by human beings in some sense for some reason or purpose, intellectual property of human beings, labour of human beings, things used for trading or bartering or exchange, money or something invented or used like money, finance, juice, fluid, liquid, bloodshed, products, water or something like water in some sense for some reason or purpose, hoop or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Anything and everything considered useful by mankind in some sense for some reason or purpose is labelled by word AMWAAL. Other than mankind themselves all things are AMWAAL from point of view of Allah but nothing belongs to anyone other than Allah. However, from point of view of people whatever anyone owns is called AMWAAL and this includes human beings held as slaves by other human beings. People also claim to own land and its resources, means of production and distribution. The Quran states that all these are false claims of people because all things were here before they were born and they remain here after they are gone so they cannot be rightful owners of things at all. All they can do is use things and the whole emphasis of the Quran is on proper use of provisions and the proper use of things is clearly explained in the Quran and people are repeatedly told not to misuse things or the results will be terribly sad for mankind themselves. This is why mankind are told to stop each other from doing things the wrong way because it has serious affect on whole of humanity when some people do things they should not. For example, fresh water is very important for mankind to live on but it does not fall from sky for each and every person individually. Allah has set up the rain cycle and land is designed by Allah for flow of water and people have been given brains and senses and bodies to make the best possible use of it. Now if fresh water is not allowed to flow freely by some people so that each person can make use of it then so many will die of thirst. So where is sense in allowing people to own the land as individuals? It is because if we accept ownership of land by individuals then it is up to land owner what he allows his land to be used for and by who. If water was flowing down the hill from a stream and the land was owned by a person and that person did not allow water to flow through his land then what can the rest do who need that water other than go to war over this issue? This is why it is not right way to live to accept ownership of things by people as individuals. The Quran is therefore right in telling mankind to make use of all that is available for them freely but no ownership of it. The next question is, how people should make use of available things? They should organise and regulate themselves as a proper human community based upon guidance of creator and work out their human population and what is available to them and then see how best they can plan to produce and distribute things as a human family working together by way of distributing responsibilities to individuals and ensuring all are working like components of a machine to make the whole thing work. All this needs a lot of education and training for all useful individuals by those who know better otherwise problems of life will bury humanity alive under tonnes of difficulties. Life itself is a huge burden to carry and then fighting each other creates more needless problems for mankind and the only way to sort out all this mess is free education and training for all who are capable of learning. To begin with it is damage limiting exercise because nature is dragging us along and then after humanity is on its feet and on track it is time to do more to get ahead of nature rather than let nature keep dragging humanity due to its continuous ignorance and foolishness.

156) Such as those who when faced with hardships of living their lives say, we are indeed created for hard work by Allah so to His revelation we turn for our guidance to live our lives properly.

These verses clearly explain the purpose of life for mankind and how they should deal with facing problems ie they should not give up struggling but become more determined to solve problems showing creativity and determination. Characteristics God requires of people who are one day to manage the universe and redesign it to their own liking ie mankind are to learn everything about this universe and then make changes to it to the degree that it becomes a paradise for them. Man is not just home builder but a nation builder and even the world builder and that is why one day he will have the knowhow about universe building and go ahead and manage it. That is how one day man will realise and appreciate his creator and sustainer once he sees his own potential for creativity fully unfold before his own eyes. This is how it will become obvious that God really did create man in his own image. Creativity of God could not be appreciated any other way by anyone else. MUSEEBAH coming from Allah means the forewarning given in the books of Allah that if people will not live by his guidance then troubles will result for mankind by hands of each other. Allah does not go out of his way to make life of people hell for them just for fun as ignorant and foolish or thoughtless mullahs will have us believe. This is why Allah makes clear that anything bad that happens to people is already told about it the book before it hits the people ie harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours of people will make their lives hell for them. So if people will stay away from harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other and try to be helpful to each other instead then bad things will not happen to them. It is because anything good or bad Allah tells mankind is condition based so if conditions become fulfilled then things to happen based upon those conditions will take place otherwise not. This is very important point for people to realise. For example, kingdom based upon guidance of Allah can only come about if certain conditions are fulfilled not otherwise. Likewise bloody revolutions the Quran talks about will only take place if things are allowed by mankind to go down that road not otherwise. Similarly if people instead of fighting each other focused their attention on natural disasters, they will be able to save themselves from unnecessary deaths and destructions. By fighting each other they are only getting caught up into all sorts of other troubles as well due to nature of the universe the way it is brought about and works from which they could save themselves by doing what needs to be done well in time.

157) Such are the people who benefit properly from guidance of their Creator and Sustainer for their blissful, dignified and secure existence due to blissful, dignified and life securing program of their Creator and Sustainer for them, these are the people who are guided properly by guidance of their Creator and Sustainer.

Throughout the Quran mankind are explained that support of Allah only and only comes for mankind through his guidance so people who properly understand that guidance and act upon it faithfully by planning their courses of actions properly as individuals and as an appropriately organised and regulated community they are bound to succeed against all odds.

158) Surely clarity of purpose and course of actions are the main requirements of people for working according to goals and guidelines of Allah for accomplishing His assigned mission, so that any party that strives for installing Our program, constitution and law in the land or works on building a proper human community upon it- due to that clarity of purpose and properly planned course of actions- does not find itself overwhelmed with obstacles along the way to accomplishing its goal. So any people who are constant and consistent with what ensures well being of mankind it is only because Allah has made it obvious for them through His guidance the proper use of His provisions.

Word JUNAAH is from root JEEM, NOON and HAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to lean on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to incline or tilt towards someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go over or beyond a set limit or norm in some sense for some reason or purpose, to turn or move away from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to ignore or avoid someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to deviate or stray from the proper way of being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to favour someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be biased towards or against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show prejudice against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be unfair to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold grudge against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to negatively discriminate against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take side in some sense for some reason or purpose, to look at something from a particular aspect or view point for some reason or purpose, to not to lose courage or mind during difficult times in some sense for some reason or purpose, to force or put pressure upon or bear down upon someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold people or things together in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as a link or go between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to have certain qualities or attributes or characteristics in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have certain distinctive or distinguishing traits or features or properties in some sense for some reason or purpose, to assist or help and support someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have capability or authority or ability or capacity or power to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in control of things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be charged with a task or responsibility to carry it through in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be part of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a party to something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be under care or protection of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take under care or protection or guardianship or patronage in some sense for some reason or purpose, to defend or shield or shelter or hide or cover someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go over, to be in groups of or set of , to be in formations of, to be in arrangement of, to be obliged to do something, error, crime , harm, wrong doing, problem or difficulty or hardship or trouble, flank, upper arm or armpit, sin, blame, censure, discordance, an obligation of some sort, financial obligations, disposition, something insignificant, something not worth paying attention to, to neglect or ignore, to disregard or give no importance to, to adore, to be beautiful or balanced or symmetrical, to do wrong to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, something that matters not one way or the other, arm or hand, strength or power, thread, rope, string, arms or weapons, wing or side, rank or gradation or position, an aspect, a way of looking at something, a point of view, beast of burden, something that can lift the weight or can carry out some responsibility, something beautiful or reliable or durable or lasting, something slippery or deceptive or smooth or lively, something that moves fast or quickly or is active in some sway, something that can provide with protection or shelter or refuge, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TATAWWA is from root TWAA, WOW and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to agree with someone or something wholeheartedly in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be wholeheartedly consistent with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mentally in step with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be of same mindset or attitude or behaviour with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to willing or happily or voluntarily or without coercion or force agree with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to be or do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become of the same mind as someone else in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become like minded in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become amenable or compatible with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to obey someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something obey someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become subservient to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to submit to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to volunteer or put oneself forth willingly for cooperation or participation with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to comply or make someone or something comply with wishes of someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become pliant or cause someone to be obedient to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something acceptable to or compatible with someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be obeyed or complied with in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mark or brand or label someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as a point of reference or guide or standard or leader in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be wicked or deceptive or crooked or tricky in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mislead or misguide or misinform or disinform someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as foundation or base or standard for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to spy or keep an eye on or guard or watch someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to help or support or backup or reinforce someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in sight or view or mind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or imagine or visualise someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shed tears or be sad or unhappy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show or make someone or something see someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, monument, lamppost, direction or instruction board, something high or tall that is visible from a distance, someone of high character, something ripe or ready to become functional as required, ripened dates that fall from the palm tree all by themselves ready to be eaten, a trained and skilled person, an expert in some field of knowledge or skill, watchman, watchtower, prison guard, interrelate or interconnect or interlink, conjunction, junction, a point at which things join, a place of gathering or meeting or assembly, landmark or something like landmark in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

The Quran does not teach worship of people or places in their own right but it does tell that community and its institutions as well as individuals who work for establishing and maintaining deen of Allah are of vital importance. It is for this reason they should be prepared appropriately and looked after as well as protected because they help serve community needs so that the community could fulfil its mission assigned to it by Allah for its own well being. It is in this context the Quran tells mankind to go travel throughout the world and see how people who were guided by Allah lived as well as those who did not and draw some sensible conclusions from all that information for your own future. It is very important to realise that whenever a community will be raised based upon the revelation of Allah it will need a piece of land to implement its program according to its revealed guidelines for constitution and laws in order to accomplish its God assigned mission or tasks or goals. It will need to be regulated by laws based upon guidance of Allah. This is why it will need to set up such institutions as will help it do all this. This is why people of old built what they needed to carry out program given by Allah and people of today need to build what they need to carry out mission of Allah in this era.

159) As for rival groups of advantaged people who remain ignorant themselves about Our revealed clear goals and guidelines for their guidance as well as hide them from others who are less advantaged than them after We have made them obvious for the whole of mankind in Our revealed book such are the ones whom guidance of Allah lets remain away from blissful, dignified and secure existence through each other who act to prevent each other from blissful, dignified and secure existence this way,

In this verse people who hide God sent truth from masses are groups of rulers, money lenders, religious leaders, their touts and supporters and they hide it for personal gains which are promised to them by each other. This is why they keep masses under their influence by creating confusion in the minds of masses about God sent truth through their tricks and mechanisms. It is because each person is given independent brain and senses and people are supposed to use them to see the difference between the truth and the falsehood for themselves as individuals but they do not bother therefore they remain under abusive use of others and that is why they remain away from life of bliss, dignity and security unless any of them repent and mend their ways by giving up their invented and adopted ways of life for way of life advised by God for ensuring their well being.
160) save those who turn to Our guidance and learn sense for making proper sense of things therefore reform and let people know Our goals and guidelines faithfully with clarity therefore I accept their turning to My guidance and reformation because I turn to people again and again through My blissful, dignified and life securing revealed program.

Here Allah explains why there is repetition in his revealed book ie it is deliberate so that when it is proclaimed by anyone among people it helps them come to it by catching their attention so that they follow it and this gives people more opportunities for turning to God. Repetition also emphasises the points made as to how imported they are and for reminder as well. Taubah does not mean people are forgiven their past crimes but that their future could be better than their past if they stopped criminal behaviour and starting living for ensuring well being of mankind. It is as if one puts one hand in the fire and gets burnt but then one stops doing that in future and that way does not suffer the burn again. Laws of God are not based upon forgiveness but on basis of reformation and even that within a given time. This is why at times one does not get the time even to stop doing wrong and start doing the right. If there was law of forgiveness then consequences suffered for wrong doings ought to be removed but they are not. If a person gets his arm or led cut off it stays that way no matter how many times one says to God sorry I made a mistake. Guidance of Allah is primarily about stopping people from making mistakes in the first place rather than seeking forgiveness after a mistake has been made. If a mistake has been made then all guidance tells people is to not to make mistakes in future or consequences will still be inevitable. If Allah kept forgiving people for their mistakes then human world could come to an end because all could end up making mistakes thinking they will be forgiven or saved by someone through intercession or intervention etc. It is a make belief invented by religious leadership that God is very forgiving or that such and such person is going to save people from set up laws of God for consequences, God runs his world on merit and to him truth and reality is important and he wants people to do the same. This is why he condemns corruption and favouring because in his sight such things are recipe for disaster. If merit or truth or reality did not matter to God he did not need to create human beings with limited ability to make choices. By invented and promoting false ideas about forgiveness and intercession or atonement and salvation etc religious leadership is proving it is part of corruption that is going on in the human world. By preaching false ideas religious leadership give false sense of security to masses due to which people do wrongs to each other because they think whatever they do to each other will be forgiven one way or the other. This brings people even to lower level of existence than animals in the jungle. This is why big criminals like rulers, money lender and religious leaders do bigger crimes and little criminal among masses do little crimes and being all criminals no one bothers stopping anyone because laws are made by people so criminal acts are also justified on that basis. Rulers commit political crimes and money lenders commit crimes related to finance just like religious leadership commits crimes related to religious matters. This is why if mankind truly want blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the kingdom of God based upon his guidance then they can do so only and only by giving up their ways of life which are based upon personal gains at the expense of each other whereby they end up divided and in conflicts and even terrible wars. This is why they must follow advised of God and become united, peaceful and progressive so that they could prosper as a proper human community. Saying we want unity, peace, progress and prosperity but doing things that cause divisions therefore disorder or anarchy and thereby stagnation and regression which lead to poverty and diseases of all kinds does not add up. This is why people must become totally consistent with guidance of God as well as each other. No tricks or deception or cheating each other any more.

161) However those who carry on rejecting and opposing Our rule of law therefore end up destroying each other as a people and yet continue their rejection and opposition of Our advised way of life, it is people like these whom guidance of Allah lets remain away from blissful, dignified and secure existence as explained to them by Allah through His messengers and their people who work along them.

People who oppose guidance of Allah they base their lives on ways of life founded upon personal gains at the expense of each other therefore in time through rivalries and animosities they end up destroying each other and even then they do not learn the lessons they ought to learn so they keep on going the same way despite seeing what is going on all around them throughout the world because they are not bothered with stopping and thinking as to where all this mindset, attitude and behaviour of theirs is leading them ie into their own self destruction as a people. Something about which Allah has warned them through his books via his messengers and their missionaries and the same warning has been passed down the generations of humanity. Outcomes of whatever bad people are doing to each other is a very important lesson and warning for people to learn from in all human populations in the world but most people are still not bothered with learning such important lessons. No doubt such warnings and lessons are for people with brains and senses who use them properly not for brainless or brain dead folks like animals in human forms.

162) these people will remain in agonizing painful suffering and their suffering will neither be lightened by their inflictors nor will they be given respite by them unless they stop living the way they are and adopt the proper way of life they are told.

In these verses one can clearly see there is no room for miraculous savours as far as God is concerned so it is up to people themselves to think and do what is needed for them to come out hell of their own making. If it had been up to God to save people miraculously then there was no need for God to send guidance for mankind to tell them ways to do things. The very reason for God telling people how to deal with all kinds bad situations or circumstances means that God wanted people to do things for themselves. Again all sorts of false beliefs are spread by rulers, money lenders and mullahs among masses to further their own agendas. So it is up to masses to educate themselves with help of each other and get the idea what rulers, money lenders and religious leaders are up to concerning them.

163) There is no reason for you the mankind not to live your lives the way you are advised and explained because your rightful ruler is God alone. There is no ruler in this kingdom of the universe other than Him, the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe, the provider of guidance for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind.

It is made very clear in this surah that no matter how people live their lives they will not find unity, peace, progress and prosperity unless they learn to live with each other properly for these like goals. The proper way of life is made very clear but choice is up to people to work towards it or continue their lives as they are. People think that it is responsibility of Allah to provide for each and every person all his needs individually but that is not the teaching of the Quran instead it teaches that Allah has provided for mankind all they will ever need but to produce and distribute it properly that is duty of mankind themselves. This is why God sent program for people to accomplish his set goals according to his guidelines for constitution and laws. If people will not bother to educate themselves as to how Allah wants them to live and use his provisions then there is nothing more that Allah can do for people because he is bound by his own plan for his creation for his set purpose. It is up to mankind themselves to find out why Allah created them and what he expects of them to think and do. It is because they are not bothered with finding out this vitally important information that people talk sorts of nonsense about Allah. It is because people are not organising and regulating themselves as a proper human community to get on with accomplishing the set goals according to given guidelines that they are not producing what they are supposed to produce and not distributing what they are supposed to distribute so the result is all sorts of fights among people for grabbing from each other whatever they can in any way they can just like animals in the jungle. This is why there is confusion and turn there is disorder, chaos and anarchy in the human world. Instead of thinking and planning ahead people are also driven by situations and circumstances like animals. It is for these like reasons there takes place mismanagement of people and resources, means of production and distribution. If people sorted out all this as a proper human community as explained by the Quran then there will never arise such problems among mankind ever about which people just complain but do nothing at all in hope someone else will come and do it for them. This is the hell in which rulers, money lenders and religious leaders have landed the masses as well as themselves. There is no way out of this hell unless people stop living their lives the way they live and adopt the way of life advised by God and then see where that will end them if not in paradise of their own making. Anyone who is not mentally unfit for some reason can see deen of Islam is the only way forward for humanity because it tells people things to think and do which most definitely are recipe for landing in to paradise.

164) Surely in the evolution of the heavens and the earth and in the way the night and the day are alternated as well as in the sailing of the ships through the oceans for the benefit of mankind and in the rain which Allah causes to come down from the heaven with which He revives the earth after its death by spreading in it all kinds of living things and also in the changes that occur in the atmosphere such as in the controlled formation of clouds between the heaven and the earth there are evidences for people who will bother to learn sense of making proper sense of things and live not by rule of law of any other than Allah.

Word FULK is from root FAA, LAAM and KAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become a ship in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to orbit or circle or go around something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to float or swim or travel or sale around something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cycle or frequent or travel back and forth in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bite or cut or severe or separate something from something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move or travel away from something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause difference or gap or dispute or conflict or rift between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow or enlarge or inflate or expand or explode or detail or explain something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or take in or accommodate or swallow someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to accept someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have room or space for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to discuss or debate or talk or converse with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gossip or slander or backbite or spread false rumours about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to accuse someone or something falsely in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give secret signal to someone or something about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encourage or motivate or inspire or urge or push or drive someone or something to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or tender hearted in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go between two things for easing a situation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cushion a fall in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as a shock absorber in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be shock absorbent in some sense for some reason purpose, to be easy going in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be gullible or easily fooled in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go around circle of friends or associates or enemies in some sense for some reason or purpose, to survive by riding on the back of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, waves of ocean, area of one’s expertise or work or activity or jurisdiction, something within one’s reach, area of concern, circle of associates or friends or enemies, community circle, repetition or cycle of good or bad times or happenings, institution, kingdom, sky, the heaven, firmament, sphere, fate, high, very tall structure or building, sky scrape, empyrean, heavenly divine, universal, orbits of planets or stars, area, zone, jurisdiction, zone of authority or control or reach, range or spectrum of authority or control, sea wave, sea-faring, ships, boat, ark, cosmos, boundary, edge, limit, end, round and flat hillocks, rounded breasts, buttocks, vessels, shipping in general, whirlpool, something round like sphere or circle, globe, weapon, tool, instrument or equipment, spear, sword, arrow, stick with a pointed sharp end, pen or pencil, disturbance or turbulence in the air or sea, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Cycle means repetition of things good or bad and in case of a bad cycle repeating itself it means troubles that keep coming back or a cycle of harms and destructions people inflict upon each other as a culture of revengeful tit for tat actions. This is how nations fall or rise by adopting one or the other way of life. Living for each other has good outcome for nations and living at the expense of each other brings nations down. In this verse it is made clear that mankind came to existence and survived on the backs of other things which helped and supported their existence and survival and that will continue to happen for as long as humanity exits and survives. Word FULK not only means boat but an institution or kingdom as well. The idea revolves around orbit or circle eg a circle of friends or community circle or a team. A group of people who become a group or team for fulfilling some goal or need or want etc. Since the Quran is a book about community life and its set-up therefore a people involved in same thing are all in the same boat or are workers towards the same end. Each and every messenger was sent by Allah to bring about a community based upon guidance of Allah and it is only possible if people have a kingdom of their own in which they can live freely according to guidance of Allah. Therefore Allah is Noah to set-up a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah in some other place away from the people who refused to live by guidance of Allah. However, when he goes away to do so he is followed by his opponents who keep attacking his kingdom because he is still keep taking away their people from them whom they use as their slaves or as their slave labour.

Word DAABAH is from roots DAAL, BAA and BAA. And DAAL, BAA, DAAL and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to move slowly in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to creep in some sense for some reason or purpose, to circulate in some sense for some reason or purpose, to flow in some sense for some reason or purpose, to proceed gently or quietly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move on feet in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become absorbed in some sense for some reason or purpose, to spread or expand or blow or explode or scatter or stretch or inflate or grow in size or number in some sense for some reason or purpose, to explain or detail or distinguish something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to get in from the back door in some sense for some reason or purpose, to attack from within in some way for some reason or purpose, to break-in into something in some way for some reason or purpose, to cover up or wrap up someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hide or shield or protect or preserve or guard or defend or back up or support someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or shelter or refuge or sanctuary or patronage or guardianship or foundation or care in some sense for some reason or purpose, to relax or take it easy or feel at home in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put up a barrier or obstruction or hurdle in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to limit or restrict or confound or frustrate someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause hardship or poverty or problems or difficulties or troubles for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to do something regularly day and night in some sense for some reason or purpose, something that moves slowly and quietly, members of animal kingdom, thudding sound, sound of marching of troops, down trodden people, disadvantaged people, low life, lower classes or castes, living creatures in general, creatures that move on or in the earth, a hallow wooden and animal hide mechanism built to carry fighters to reach a fort in safety during offence to get into the city, Trojan or Trojan horse, tank, a computer program intended for causing damage to a computer, a computer program used for accessing a computer illegally, noise, beating of drums, sound of drum beating, something that is very limited in its ability to think or do things, mischievous people, ways and means, a way through to something, a trick or technique or mechanism or formula, a way to be or to do something, an obstacle or obstruction or blockage or stoppage, controlled entry or exit, something that is fixed in a place in some sense but moveable in another sense like a gate, following, support, tribe, clan, household, family, something that proceeds slowly and gently but quietly, anything that moves on the earth, all crawling and walking animals and insects, slow speed, subversive group of people or device placed within enemy ranks, the hollow wooden horse, a trap intended to undermine an enemy, a group of people that supports enemies by engaging in espionage or sabotage, an enemy within, the sound of steps when walking on hard ground, noise in general, an animal that walks on two or four feet, custom, habit, persistence, way of life, tradition, rule of law, constitution, point of reference, standard, foundation, guidance, manner, program, attitude, case, situation, circumstances, time or place or both, event or happening or occurrence, something constant or consistent in some sense, diligent, something happening as usual, in the way it has been done, controlled entry or exit, to obstruct, to make constant and consistent effort, to block or stop, family or household, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose, sanctuary, constitution, rule of law, tradition, custom, example, precedent etc etc.

Word TASREEF is from root SWAAD, RAA and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to change state or condition of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to cause changes in someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to replace something with another thing, to evade or avoid someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause an arrow to move away from its intended target in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause the arrow to miss its target in some way for some reason or purpose, to escape arrest or prison in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause change in direction or goal of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move something away from something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to escape accusation or conviction in some way for some reason or purpose, to move oneself away from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose , to escape or avoid danger in some way for some reason or purpose, to escape or avoid being caught in some way for some reason or purpose, to survive an attempt on one’s life in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn back from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to return to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to return someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make a messenger go back to where he came from in some way for some reason or purpose , to cause winds to change directions in some way for some reason or purpose, to muddle up affairs in some sense for some reason or purpose, to trade or exchange or take one thing for another in some sense for some reason or purpose, to redirect winds in some sense for some reason or purpose, to explain something in various ways to help someone understand something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to explain something in different places in a treatise or in a large piece of writing in some way for some reason or purpose, to repeat something in different ways for some reasons or purpose, to have power or control or authority over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something within one’s reach or jurisdiction in some sense for some reason or purpose, to save or rescue someone or something from something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shelter or cover or protect someone or something from someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield something from something, to move some danger away from someone, to do something again and again with some alteration, to turn something over or around, to turn back, to flip over, to toss and turn, to explain something in different ways, to explain something with help of different examples, to change something itself or to replace it with something else, to change direction of something, to move something from its place using another thing to take its place, to divert or avert, to think or reflect or ponder over, to plan ahead, to be clever or intelligent or sharp, to conspire or plot, to blow, to repel, to abate, to cause to turn, to cause to shift, to change state or condition of something, to dissuade, to dismiss, to creak or grate, to exchange, to turn away, to direct towards, to divert away, to expedite, to explain, to arrange, to leave, to go away, to depart, to manipulate, to take the matter in hand, to manage, to take away, to abate, to die down, to settle down, to debate or discuss or exchange ideas, to talk, or converse, to squeeze life out of something, to demotivate, to calm down, to be fixed in place and keep growing or spreading, chief, control centre, central nervous system, ruling elite, management, administration, rumour, false accusation, gap, distance between two things or some sort of difference between two points, conflict, dispute, something to turn to, essence, extract, juice, a reference point, a place that is visited often, silver or silverware, a place where change occurs, money changer, top part or section of something, cream of the crop, leadership, administration, government, regime, fishing hook, chief, papyrus, something pure, unadulterated, pure silver, taster or tester of something to see if it is free of impurities or not, tree or plant or something like tree or plant in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word SAHAAB is from root SEEN, HAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to pull someone or something along in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to drag someone or something along in some sense for some reason or purpose, to leave clues or footmarks or trail or signs behind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be pulled or drawn along behind someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be hooked or latched on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to feel pulled or attracted towards someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang onto someone or something firmly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bite someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or devour someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut or separate or sever someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow a standard or rule of law or constitution or program or reference point or custom or precedent or example or tradition in some sense for some reason or purpose, to limit or restrict or confound or frustrate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put a wall or partition or barrier or obstacle or obstruction or blockage or stoppage in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause difficulty or hardship or poverty or disease or trouble for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut off or boycott or isolate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or protect or defend or preserve or guard or hide or cover someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to envelope or cover up or veil or wrap up someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with safety or security or home or patronage or guardianship or care or looking after or sanctuary or shelter or refuge or backing or support or reinforcement in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or following or party or group or community in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as father or mother or brother or sister or companion or colleague in some sense for some reason or purpose, to involve someone or something or become involved in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be pulled or dragged in some sense for some reason or purpose, clouds or dark or heavy rain water laden clouds, cover, canopy, sky, film, tradition, rule of law, shelter, refuge, protection, limitation, prohibition, restriction, enclosure, shield, obstacle, problem, difficulty, family, household, support, following, chamber, security, something that covers something, gloom, sadness, darkness, shame, series, stream, string, line, chain, succession, train, sequences, aftermath, tail, wake, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word MUSAKHKHAR is from root SEEN, KHAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to force someone or something in some way to be something or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to compel someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to constrain or holdback or prevent or stop someone or something from being or doing something in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something subservient in some sense for some reason or purpose, to force someone or something into service or slavery in some sense for some reason or purpose, to humble or defeat or humiliate or disgrace or dishonour someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to subject someone or something into forced labour in some way for some reason or purpose, to make fun of or ridicule someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to laugh or jest at someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make a laughingstock of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to loath or disdain or look down upon or hold someone or someone in contempt in some sense for some reason or purpose, to use someone or something as subject of forced labour in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bite someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or devour someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut or separate or sever someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow a standard or rule of law or constitution or program or reference point or custom or precedent or example or tradition in some sense for some reason or purpose, to scheme or plot or deceive or conspire in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be clever or intelligent or sharp or brainy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to imagine or perceive or have something or someone in mind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have vision about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be ambitious in some sense for some reason or purpose, to end or stop or block or seal or conclude or complete something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lag or stay behind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be low profile or debased, to be on the way to falling down, to keep safe or secret, to take something as valuable or to treasure it, to hide something for safe keeping, to intoxicate someone with something in some sense, to hit or strike or attack, to cheat or betray or breach an agreement or cause corruption, to be treacherous, to abate or die down, to calm down or settle down or become stable, to vacate, to take something by force, to use a cutting tool or weapon, to abuse or use something abusively or inappropriately, to fear or cause to fear, to show concern, to become awestruck, to create or be creative, to have vision or imagination or ambition, to stitch or sew, to prick, to choose or elect or select, to be good or best or excellent, to let fall down or let down, to deny help or support or assistance, a structure built on unstable or fragile or delicate or weak foundation or something like it in some sense, an unstable structure or something like an unstable structure in some sense. something that gives false impression about something or is like something that gives false impression about something in some sense, something misplaced upon something in some sense, something placed upon something unsoundly or unsecurely, something impure or hollow or empty or void or unstable or infirm in some sense, something that causes loss or death or destruction or injury or damage or failure or disorder or anarchy or chaos or confusion in some sense, something disgraceful or troublesome in some sense, tent, shelter, hiding place, a woollen tent or house for living in, top part or section of something, beginning or starting point, origin, chief, first, foremost, ultimate, ruling elite, management, administration, command and control centre, central nervous system, centre of power or authority, president, prime minister, leadership, think tank, something that is responsible for thinking and planning as well as decision making, brain, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, wrongly founded structure or something like wrongly founded structure in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In such like verses the Quran is telling us a few different things a) the fact that the whole universe is a single unit that works as a system according to laws of nature and nothing can fall out of place due to that, b)people must learn about the universe and see how it works smoothly due to set up of Allah and therefore they too must follow his advice for their own benefit and c)by becoming experienced and skilled through learning by means of trial and error by observing nature people must rise above it and control nature as best as they can for their own benefit. This is what will lead mankind to become managers of the creation of God one day. These evidences are stated in context of statement of God and cannot be tested beyond verification as is done in any criminal case in court of law through forensic tests to determine the truth of the testimony of a witness. Scientific method or falsification test only applies to theoretical proofs not testimonial proofs. Testimonial evidences are either true or false as they are because either the testifier is telling the truth or he is lying and there is no in between. Therefore the stated evidences are facts if nothing is found wrong with statement of the facts as stated by the witness. This is why the information in the testimony cannot be questioned outside the scope of its purpose. In case of the Quran purpose of testimony of God is guidance of mankind to a degree. So the Quran cannot be questioned as a text book of any particular subject because that is not its purpose just like testimony of a witness cannot be taken as a text book of any particular field of knowledge. It can only be questioned within setting of its own stated purpose and constructively at that due to nature of the testimony because one is judging the whole thing by oneself for oneself so any partiality can have far reaching implications for the individuals as well as humanity as a whole. One must therefore ensure that one is not misinterpreting or misrepresenting the allegedly testimony of God even by mistake or one could end up reaching the false conclusion about it. Better play it safe rather than being sorry afterwards.

165) Despite such readily available clear proofs in the universe that rule of law of Allah is the only proper rule of law for the mankind to live by there are masses of the people who ignore learning them critically and instead unquestioningly abide by rules of laws of others’ than Allah in the name of Allah and show loyalty to them to such degree as they ought to be loyal to rule of law of Allah, but those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind are staunchly loyal only to rule of law of Allah after they have properly examined His evidences. Perchance those off the proper track could realise and reform before they really end up in their self inflicted painful suffering. Surely sovereignty entirely belongs to Allah alone and Allah has set up strict systems and laws that make people face the consequences in form of severe painful suffering at the hands of each other of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

Word YUHIBBOON is from root HAA, BAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to hold someone or something in place or position in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to hold one’s ground in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stay or remain in place or in position in some sense for some reason or purpose, to rise or become visible in some sense for some reason or purpose, to help or support someone to remain in one’s place or position in some sense for some reason or purpose, to back or aid or reinforce something to remain in place or position in some sense for some reason or purpose, to prefer or favour someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to render someone or something likeable or loveable or desirable or dear in some sense for some reason or purpose, to endear someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to accept or to be accepted by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to love or be loved by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become a friend of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in basic or simple or raw form in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be the seed from which something grows in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be the starting point of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be pure or clean or clear or unadulterated or free of impurities in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be loyal to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to find someone or something pleasurable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to liaison with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to adore or worship or have goodwill or regard or respect for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or defend or guard or shelter or preserve or protect or cover or veil someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or care or guardianship or refuge or sanctuary or patronage or foundation or base or starting point or hiding place or covering in some sense for some reason or purpose, to boycott or isolate or separate or cut off or sever ties with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause divide or dispute or rift or dissention or difference between things or people in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put up walls or barriers in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause troubles or difficulties or hardships or poverty or disease or scarcity of things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or blockages or obstructions in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or following or party or group or family or clan or tribe or community or support or backing or reinforcement in some sense for some reason or purpose, to restrict or limit or confine or frustrate or imprison or constrain or arrest someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cover up or wrap up or envelope or surround or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be on guard in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be white or brilliant or spotless in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be tall or high and visible from a distance in some sense for some reason or purpose, chamber, room, department, apartment, institution, constitution, tradition, rule of law, reference point, custom, example, precedent, something that is pure or unadulterated, grain/s, seed/s, plant/s, bulb/s, core of the heart, the very being of someone or something, origin of starting of someone or something, affection, concern, romance, love, loyalty, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, loyalty, relationship, friendship, kindness, loved one, a friend, dew, liked or accepted, desirable, whiteness, cleanliness, atom, smallest part or particle of something, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

The Quran is all about mankind as a single community so it looks at its thoughts and actions as collective thoughts and actions of humans as a single family therefore consequences of its actions are also interlinked for the reason of correction of its mindset, attitude and behaviour ie by way of interaction between its individuals and groups etc the human community can move forward in time doing better for itself or worse. When human community does wrong to each other and continues down that way after some time people rise against this situation and try to pull it off this course to place it on another way that leads to something better. This situation of error and correction will continue till mankind have had enough experience and finally know what is right or wrong and so they give up living their lives the wrong way. The Quran though teaches things but it is people who need to learn things till they reach the level of learning that will help them realise what the Quran is actually teaching them. It is like a road map is their but a person to read it needs to prepare himself to be able to make use of it and that takes time and experience. No matter how much parents try to teach their child, the speed at which a baby learns is still a major factor. Since humans are created to learn like self programming robots so they will take time. Not only that but they will keep erring and they will keep on correcting themselves till they have learned enough to not to make as many mistakes as they do at the start of the learning process. In the Quran in things that happen man is only held responsible for criminal behaviour and for that intention or motive or purpose behind the action or inaction as well as the course of actions taken. Life is all about learning but learning is only possible through trial and error. When a person is born he learns to use his brain, his senses, his limbs and in fact his entire body and things available to him. In this process a person makes many, many mistakes and many a time he hurts himself or others. You try to sit but fall over and over, again and again and even get hurt, when you try to learn how to stand, the same happens etc etc. Humans learn things throughout their lives eg you learn to read and write and learn professional skills and go through countless trials and mistakes. The ultimate aim is to be able to do things without making mistakes so we practice more and more in order to be better and better at doing things if not perfect.

This is why there is no concept of sin in the Quran- because it is not a book of religion- but about stopping crime because it is about rule of law based system ie Islam. The Quran very clearly states that even if you kill someone by mistake, it is not a crime. It is because for any action to be a crime it has to be motivated by harmful and destructive intent. Any harm that results through mistakes should be compensated where possible through actions for better results ie you try your best to replace loss the best you humanly can. Only crime is to be punished but the intention for punishment of crime has to be restoration of balance in community that was disturbed by the crime so that peace returns to community after disturbance. When a crime is carried out or is allowed to be carried out or is helped to be carried out then community spirit breaks down and once motivation for being a community is gone then you are no longer a community but individuals and groups based on private and personal vested interests against the common good or interest. If you committed a crime and others helped you in various ways eg stopped authorities from catching you, charging you, putting you on trial or saved you from being convicted and even after conviction people get you forgiveness then where does all this leave the human community spirit? In the Quran intervention is good if it is motivated for the benefit of society eg someone was going to kill somebody and you changed his mind, somebody was going to shoot somebody and you took away his gun, people were fighting and you intervened and saved people from bloodshed. Someone was going to take poison and you got there in time and saved him from doing that. Somebody burnt himself and you took him to hospital or put some ointment on him. Someone was accused falsely or wrongly and you intervened and proved he was accused falsely. Someone is convicted wrongly and you intervene and get him retrial and he is found not guilty and is freed etc etc.

When a person really commits a crime, none is allowed to intervene to save him from being charged and put on trial and after conviction from his set out punishment. However, proper advice is allowed so that one does not commit crime to begin with or that one is not charged under false allegation, or put on trial and prosecuted or convicted wrongly or punished wrongly. This is why there is no forgiveness in Quran for criminal unless there is social benefit in doing that because Quran looks at criminal and the victim as members of the same family. If a family has only two brothers and one kills the other then by putting the other to death finishes off the family therefore out of necessity there could be exceptions to rules at times for the community. It is because man is not perfect and all his actions are not necessarily perfect. Therefore the need for a degree of respite or let is inevitable. From point of view of God his law is fine but from point of view of man, he needs its proper understanding and he needs to learn its proper application and wherever things fall on man the possibility of error cannot be ruled out so God had to compensate for that. God has limitations as a God and man has limitations as a man. Just as God cannot be expected to do un-Godly things so a man cannot be expected to do things beyond his natural limits as a human being. Sin is an imaginary concept and so is forgiveness and atonement etc. This is why these are religious inventions by establishment priests to give people sense of freedom from punishment of their crimes in this world by leaving everything to hereafter and then introducing the idea of forgiveness through intervention of a good guys to end the sense of punishment for crimes even in hereafter. This way you do what you like and then say certain prescribed words or do some prescribes rituals and all is well, as if you are a new born. These are not the Quranic concepts but were adopted into Islam by establishment and its clergy from different versions of religion for their own purposes but later priestly classes accepted them as they are without any due thought process and keep spreading them. By looking at Muslim societies throughout the world we can see the results of that. Islam is more about this life than hereafter. There is a saying in Urdu that duniya aakhirat ki kheti hai ie the present life is the one upon which depends future life or you reap what you sow. The end result depends upon your own thoughts and actions. It is wrong to think that if you commit crimes in this world, you can get away with that just because you believe certain things or say certain words or carry out certain rituals.

The point to remember is that if mistakes are not to be punished and crime has to be that which is motivated and intended then conviction is inevitable and once conviction is there then punishment that fits the crime is inevitable because that is the way God has set up things and no amount of nonsense beliefs and rituals invented by priests can change that. The concept the Quran puts forth is that of collective punishment rather than individual punishment and concept of punishment is based upon cause and effect or consequences of peoples' own thoughts and actions as a family ie if some members of human family do harm to others, it affects all the members of the same family and that is what prompts mankind to act to save their future generations. The Quran wants humanity to sort out its all problems according to set out goals and guidelines so nicely that one day the world is what it is supposed to be ie a blissful place called paradise to live in. So long as people keep neglecting their responsibilities as a human community, the world will remain as hell as people make it for themselves for as long as they want it. This is why people need to understand the Quranic concepts and not listen to their ignorant religious leaders or keep suffering the consequences. This is what evolution of humanity is all about and that is what revolutions are all about. The world is going through cyclic changes and will continue that way till a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah comes about that is exactly as the Quran wants it to be. It is people who are going to bring it about not God. He has sent his messenger for the final time to humanity and has said that Islam is finally to prevail ie the world will end up united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous regardless of what opponents of writ of God think or do to try and prevent it. They will lose out in the end and humanity will become the winner. So we all should be part of solutions to problems and not be part of problems. This cannot happen unless we intervene for the good of humanity by thinking and doing things that are of benefit to humanity and stop intervening for the harms and destructions of humanity by thinking and doing things that benefit none but instead cause harms and destructions to others. This is why religion is a false concept and deen is a true concept and this is why priests are wrong but learned scholars of the Quran based deen are right. The Quran tells people to find out things and if you do not know them ask those who really know them. Don't go to those who do not know them. Who knows things and who does not can become obvious from what people tell us ie knowledge speaks for itself.

166) At the time when the serious consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions will face them those who set up their own rules of laws instead of rule of law of Allah on basis of power, wealth and baseless religious beliefs and dogmas will leave those who follow them to suffer that is how the very bonds which forcibly bundled them together will break down.

167) And the followers will say, if only it were possible to go back in time and start a anew then we will break all ties with them as they have broken their ties with us today leaving us to suffer on our own. That is how Allah will show them the results of their blind following of each other like animals that they will be full of regrets therefore they will not be able to free themselves from hatred of each other unless they adopt the advised way of life by their Creator and Sustainer.

Word KARRAH is from root KAA, RAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to return someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to give or hand back something to someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to turn someone or something round in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put someone or something on a different track or in different frame of mind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to place someone or something in an advantageous or disadvantaged position in some sense for some reason or purpose, to comeback to original place or position or situation or set of circumstances in some sense for some reason or purpose, to turn or revolve or move around someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stick or stay around someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become a satellite or follower or agent or relative of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to toss or flung or throw about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to repeat something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become agitated or active or go back and forth in some in some sense for some reason or purpose, to keep doing same thing again and again in some sense for some reason or purpose, to turn or twist or bend in some sense for some reason or purpose, to emphasise something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make something look important or be or become important or of value in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gather people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to send back someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to change the situation or circumstances in some way for some reason or purpose, to assail or attack or assault someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be undecided or confused about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cough in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have another go at something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overrun an enemy in some way for some reason or purpose, to defeat or humble or humiliate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overwhelm or overpower or overcome someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make something look strong or be strong in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be compassionate or tender hearted or kind or easy going or soft in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become gullible in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to resist or absorb an attack in some way for some reason or purpose, to cushion or absorb a shock in some sense for some reason or purpose , to make someone or something feel comfortable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to manage or control or manipulate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lead or guide someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be clever or intelligent or sharp in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire in some sense for some reason or purpose, a thick rope made of multi strands, something that is repeated over and over again and again many times, day and night process or phenomenon that keeps happening again and again or repeatedly, something that happens frequently or often, a turn, another chance or opportunity, another time, shock absorber, something shock absorbent, management, administration, regime, government, ruling elite, command and control centre, central nervous system, cream of the crop, leadership, guide, front, start, beginning, top part of section of something, strong, thread, line of reasoning or inquiry, duration, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word HASARAAT is from root HAA, SEEN and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be naked in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be without headgear or clothes in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bare bones in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be poor or have nothing of need or want in some sense for some reason or purpose, to peel or strip off someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to open something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to skin someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be skint or penniless in some sense for some reason or purpose, to recede or abate or regress in some sense for some reason or purpose, to withdraw in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become tired in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have great sorrow or regret in some sense for some reason or purpose, to long or crave or have desire for someone or something in some sense form some reason or purpose, to collapse due to fatigue in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become weary in some sense for some reason or purpose, disaster or catastrophe or calamity, the sweeping brush or something like a sweeping brush in some sense, deep sorrow or anguish, wall, partition, divide, difference, dispute, home, dwelling, constitution, tradition, point for reference, guide, leader, rule of law, institution, foundation, standard, administration, management, regime, government, ruling elite, command and control centre, central nervous system, cream of the crop, top part of section of something, to think, to reflect, to ponder over, to plan ahead, to be clever or sharp or intelligent, to feel defeated, to regret failure in accomplishing something, to be stripped, to be totally poor, to have nothing at all, to be bare, to be destitute, to be regretful, falling off of feathers of a bird, to become limited or confounded, to be ashamed for saying or doing something, to become exposed, to become aware of, to become clear, to become aware of actual reality of or about something, to brush, to clean up, to sweep, to sweep clean, to sigh in sadness, to wale aloud, to do something in vain, to do something which brings no return or benefit, to raise voice or cry in regret or sadness, to cut or separate or sever, to boycott or isolate, to restrict or limit or confine, to cause trouble or difficulty or hardship or poverty or disease, to shield or defend or guard or protect or preserve or hide or cover, to cover up or veil or wrap up or envelope, to surround or encompass, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

168) For that reason O you the mankind! Participate freely in all that is constructive and beneficial for mankind in the world according to Our program for goals with guidelines for constitution and laws but never act according to suggestions of anyone who rejects and opposes Our program, goals and guidelines for constitution and law because that in due course will surely prove adverse and incompatible with your blissful, dignified and secure existence.

Word HALAAL is from root HAA, LAAM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to open the knot in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to solve a problem or difficulty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to dissolve something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to wind up or conclude or end or finish something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to unblock something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to let something continue in some sense for some reason or purpose, to let something go or flow in some sense for some reason or purpose, to remove obstacles or blockages or obstructions or barrier or limits or restrictions in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to melt down something solid in some way for some reason or purpose, to open up the bundle of woods tied together with a tie or rope in some way for some reason or purpose, to end a bond or linkage or relationship or connection or contact between things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something go free or wild in some sense for some reason or purpose, to let things happen in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop or station or camp or make a stay at a place along the way when on a journey for rest or refreshment in some sense for some reason or purpose, to untie stuff on the back of a camel to take it off the camel at the end of a journey in some way for some reason or purpose, to settle down with somebody in a place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to live with somebody in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be lawful or legal in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be neutral or balanced or unbiased or undecided or undetermined in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come down from a higher place or position or situation or set of circumstances in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reveal or let someone or something disclose something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to confine or confound or restrict or limit someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be settled in a township, to be an inhabitant of a township, to unpack, to take up residence, to terminate one’s travelling, to be or become free, to be or become permissible, to untie, to solve, to deserve, to allow, to become inevitable, to fall upon, to release, to undo, to become free after fulfilling obligations, to become free after doing what was needing doing, to alight, to ascend, to rise, to come upon, to make something lawful, to cause someone to take an abode, to provide one with residence or sanctuary or refuge or shelter or protection or hiding place or cover or patronage or guardianship or care, to guard or defend, to annul, to expiate, to violate a restriction or prohibition, to break the limit or a set limit, to part or separate or sever, to wall in or out, to partition or divide, to seek or cause or try to cause differences or disputes or rifts or dissentions or conflicts or wars, to remove obstruction in the way of something to let it carry on freely, to make something lawful to have or use, to dissolve something into something, to solve a problem, to stay within a set limit in some sense, to unload stuff from the back of camel after untying the knots of binding ropes, to kill an animal the Islamic way for food, to deserve, residing area, for a man and woman to be free with each other after becoming husband and wife, a village or a town or people or nation or tribe, a complete dress, compensation, open place or space, things lying in the open, legal duty or necessity, man and wife, something not defined or determined or identified in some sense for some reason or purpose, something legal status of which for having or using is not known or is not decided yet in terms of a legal framework, a settled down people in a place, a destination or goal or mission or task, a settled population of people in a place, a circle or an environment, a township, a dress or suit, something outside of the restricted area or zone, some kind of sanction or penalty for swearing falsely, penalty for breaking a wow, something that becomes necessary or compulsory or obligatory or duty or advantageous or beneficial to do under a certain situation or a set of circumstances, things not tied or restricted or prohibited or made unlawful, locale, residential area, stopping place, way station, spouse, a resident of place or in a place, husband or wife, the right or proper time and place or situation for being or doing something, a stick with a pointed or sharp end, a spear or an arrow, a weapon or tool, something that urges or encourages or motivates or pushes something into doing something, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word KHATUWAAT is from root KHAA, TWAA and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to write a letter or book or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to brand or label someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to identify or define someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to write down or scribble something with a pen or pencil or something else in some sense for some reason or purpose, to transcribe something in some way for some reason or purpose, to explore new avenues in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go for discovering new things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go where no one has gone before in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow an unknown path in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be new to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to not to sit idle or be active in some sense for some reason or purpose, to draw a line or set a limit in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or create roads in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come up with ways of being or doing things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to set precedents or examples or traditions or reference points or guidelines in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take a road that leads nowhere or to a dead end in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take on a projects that proves to be waste of time or energy or both in some sense for some reason or purpose, to land oneself in unchartered waters in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fall in identity crisis in some sense for some reason or purpose, tracks, roads or paths or ways, lines or markings, writings, stripes, furrows or ruts or grooves or trenches , inroads, affairs, plans, signs, symbols, marks, inscriptions, scribblings, etchings, engravings, wrinkles, hollows, sketches, guidelines, outlines, something visible from a distance in some sense, direction or instruction, limits, a piece of ground that remains dry while it rains all around it, a piece of land where no one has landed before, a piece of land which one marks for building a structure, a new experience, something high and visible from a long distance, lamppost, sign or guiding direction or instruction board, guiding pole, leadership, leading end of something in some sense for some reason or purpose, someone or something high profile in some sense, monument or building or structure on top of a hill or mountain or a high or raised place, unstable or inappropriately founded structure or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like landmark in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

169) Such a rejecter and opponents of Our guidance will urge you only to do what is harmful and destructive for mankind as well as make you attribute all that harmful and destructive participation to Allah about which you have no proof whatsoever.

Word FAHSHAA is from root FAA, HAA and SHEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is to live by a way of life that leads to harms and destructions in some way for some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be excessively over or beyond the set limit or norm in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be immoderate beyond a set measure in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be foul or obscene or indecent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to conduct oneself in an improper or inappropriate or illegal way in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think and act against the guidance provided by God in some way for some reason or purpose, to think and act in a way other than advised by God in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become shameless or feel no shame for being or doing things against guidance of God or set norms of humanity for ensuring well being of people, to be in a sad situation or in sad state of affairs in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in deep trouble or severe hardship or terrible difficulty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to say obscene things or use obscene language in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mix things up by pick and mix in some sense for some reason or purpose, to adulterate or muddle up or confuse things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to commit adultery or fornication in some sense for some reason or purpose, to invent and adopt a way of life in opposition to way of life advised by God in the very name of God in some sense for some reason or purpose, to change the way of life advised by God completely except its label in some sense for some reason or purpose, to invent and adopt a way of life in place of a way of life revealed by God except for its name in some sense for some reason or purpose, to adopt dogmas or make beliefs or superstition and useless rituals in the name of God as a way of life in place of a proper way of life advised by God in some sense for some reason or purpose, to replace way of life advised by God with a version of religion or make beliefs and rituals in some way for some reason or purpose, to adopt a version of religion as a revealed way of life by God in some way for some reason or purpose, to act abominably against well being of humanity in some sense for some reason or purpose, to spread rumours, to make a false claim, to have the gift of gab, to slander or backbite, to eat or use or consume or devour, to shout, to talk, to deliver a speech, to deceive, to con, to cheat, to lie, to accuse falsely, to shield or shelter or cover up or hide, to protect, to provide with refuge or patronage or support or backing or reinforcement, to guard or defend, to preserve or rescue or save, to clash or confront or oppose, to attack or strike each other, to join or mingle with each other, to be on the wrong side of something in some sense, to be on the wrong side of the law, to cause lawlessness or disorder or instability or chaos or confusion or anarchy, to divide or separate or branch out/off or scatter or spread or disperse or breakup or split, to be like or similar or resemble, to suspect or doubt, to be cold, to dispute or disagree or fragment or fight or argue or contend, to have a family or support or following, to plot or plan or scheme, to be jealous or envy, to be niggardly or miser or stingy, to grow or develop or prosper or have plenty or be affluent or fat, to bear rancour or hold grudge, to have a distinct body or reality, to organise or regulate, to be prominent or visible or high profile, to be hard or solid or tough or firm or strong, to be a troublemaker or mischievous or active or lively, to learn or take in or drink or inhale, liquid or water or juice or information, to irrigate or imbibe or absorb, to open up or expand or explain or make obvious or visible or manifest or distinct, to bolt or break loose or go astray, to shatter into pieces, to be rebellious or harmful or destructive or criminal or evil or wicked, to set conditions or terms for an agreement, to intermingle or get or come together, to meet or mix up with others, to exchange ideas or things, to socialise or interact or participate or partake, unequivocally detestable or loathsome act, thoroughly unpleasant or disagreeable or offensive or loathsome act, an act that is morally unjustifiable in light of law of God, an act that is repugnant or hateful or detestable or condemnable, a disgraceful or thoroughly lowly act or conduct or behaviour, lewdness, fornication, an act involving homosexuality in some sense for some reason or purpose, a scandalous act, an action result of which could land oneself or others in a very bad situation, gap or hole, gulf or difference or distance between two things in some sense, an opening, rift, tension, dissention, hate, conflict, fight, war, a point of interaction between things in some sense, restriction or limitation or imprisonment or prevention or blockage or obstruction or stoppage, battlefield or arena or something like battlefield or arena in some sense, battle or something like battle in some sense, the sun or sunrise, mixing two or more things in such a way that they become diluted so they end up losing their originality or recognition or purity, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, fighting or something like fighting in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Here in the Quranic context this word has meaning of adulteration and the reason is because people who were originally put on right path by their earlier God sent messengers over a period of time became distant from the right path because they became slack in following what they were told to follow so they fell victim to confusion that was created by their people in positions of power eg rulers, priests and moneylenders through misinterpretations and misrepresentations of God sent scriptures etc. Since any other way of life people live-by lands them in hell of their own making due to their mistreatment of each other for personal gains at the expense of each other this is why any other way of life which is opposite of the way of life advised by Allah for mankind is named FAAHISHAH because it is invented and adopted by people in place of the proper way of life by mixing truth and falsehood in the very name of Allah. This is what religion or different religious versions or sects are about whereupon people divide humanity to cause troubles for each other, which is called divide and rule way of making fool of masses whereby people create duality ie separate sate and religion and bring about different versions of secularism to make fools of their people. Whenever people create troubles for each other their first victim is truth and then weak people among themselves eg weaker men, women, old folks and children etc. This makes a human population weak in itself which gives invitation to their neighbouring human populations of similar mindsets, attitudes and behaviours to come and attack them and take away whatever little they have and make them slaves and use them abusively. This includes Muslims because they also adopted same thing from other human populations and that is why concept of ummah has gone down the drain. To regain that status that Allah bestowed upon mankind Muslims will have to go back to the way of life that was deen of Islam which gave humanity its respectful place Muslims will have to retrace their steps and start all over again. Ibaadah in sense pooja paat is not the way forward as explained in detail already.

Here the Quran makes it absolutely clear that people participate in their human society either as told by Allah or the way others advise them in the name of Allah. It is responsibility of each person to use his brain and senses to ensure that what one is going to do is actually as told by Allah and not against teachings of Allah. It is because people can try and fool each other into doing harmful and destructive things in the name of Allah. The question is, who are these people who try to make others do harmful and destructive things in the name of Allah? The religious leaders who claim to be working for Allah but are in actual fact agents of rulers and money lenders who twists scriptural teaching by way of misinterpretations and misrepresentations, so people need to be very careful of people who claim to act as agents of Allah for the good of mankind. This is not a difficult things to find out because if the program they put forth makes perfect sense then they are true missionaries for assigned mission of Allah otherwise they are shayaateen= the rejecters and opponents of guidance of Allah. The Quranic rule for people for participation in their human society is very simple. The Quran forbids doings things only and only on the basis of harm to human society ie one is not allowed to do anything that harms oneself or human community. This is what word KHABEES means. It is a very comprehensive word. It is used in opposition to word TAIYIB meaning beneficial that helps a society be united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous. Doing harmful and destructive things sets back community or it stops it from progress therefore it cannot prosper or grow. Law is one thing and its application another thing. Application of law depends on situations and circumstances. What is lawful under one set of circumstances or in one situation can be unlawful under another set of circumstances or in another situation. Law is all about dos and don’ts in sense of participation in community or interaction between people.

Harm can come from ideas, words or deeds. So it is not that if you say something in words it is ok but if you sing it then it is not ok. The rule derived from the Quran is very simple ie that which is not forbidden to have or to do is lawful to have or to do till the need arises to forbid it to have or to do. This need comes from changing situations and circumstances for human community. For example, driving is fine unless you are under the age limit or do not fulfil other legal requirements eg you do not have a road worthy car. That way you may kill someone or even end up dead yourself. You cannot eat foods that are declared unlawful by law unless you are in a situation or under circumstances when you think you qualify for exemption etc. Here food means things that you may eat but they could pose harm or danger for your health or life if you eat them. Allah does not forbid anything that is of benefit for mankind the way it is beneficial but to get the benefit one has to do it in a way that benefits instead of harm eg over eating is wrong. Allah does not forbid eating healthy food nor drinking healthy drinks but they must be consumed in a way they benefit and not the harmful way. Since the Quran does not forbid doing harmful things individually it does not mean doing them is not forbidden because law formation in Islam is left up to ummah itself within given guidelines. However on one hand legislators must stay within set limits of the Quran as guidelines and on the other they must be fully aware of realities on the ground ensuring the ummah is not harmed by these laws and that laws ensure that ummah is united, in peace and progressing and is prosperous. At the end of the day laws in Islam are supposed to be made for regulating a proper human community towards its goals of unity, peace, progress and prosperity so if any laws instead cause problems then they do not qualify as Islamic laws. One must remember that in Islam laws are made for proper regulation of a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous society and not for controlling people by use of force, religious indoctrination or money tricks and mechanisms. Islam forbids oppression and suppression, injustice and unfairness, cruelty and animosity, stagnation and regression and poverty of all sorts because that puts people under stress and harm. This is why so called shariah laws made by establishment clergies or imperialist mullahs on behest of kings and rulers to give them legitimacy and huge advantage over masses are anti Islam and anti humanity laws so people need to take them as such.

Music, singing and dancing is not unlawful by its very nature but there are times for doing things and there are times for not doing them. So whatever is allowed it is only allowed under certain circumstances and in certain situations or that there are conditions attached to laws as to their applications. Likewise what is made unlawful is also done the same way ie there are conditions set that must be met eg you cannot go on the street at midnight and start singing aloud when people are sleeping. You cannot sing songs to your mother which are only fit for your wife etc etc. Most people are confused about things not because they are not told clearly in the Quran but because they have not educated themselves to the level which the Quran requires for its proper understanding. The Quran is like a road map which is only useful for a person who can read or interpret the map correctly. If you give it to a child to read it who has not even been to a school then you are going to have problems. Same with religious leaders who are not aware of things they need to know that could help them understand the Quran properly. Such people are responsible for creating confusion within the ummah as well as with communities outside about the Quran and deen of Islam. The problem is not necessarily ignorance but stubbornness that they will not bother to learn things because if one is willing to learn things, then that is fine. We all are born ignorant but normally capable of learning so we should not become stubborn and lockup ourselves in boxes to isolate ourselves from each other.

170) Despite such like clear explanations when it is said to people, learn and support what Allah has revealed. They reply, no way! We will instead follow the way of our forefathers. What! Even if their forefathers learned no wisdom to examine things critically due to which they lacked sense to benefit from Our guidance?

Word ALFAEE is from roots LAAM, FAA and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to find someone or something in a particular way in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to find someone or something in a particular state or condition in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come upon someone or something when someone or something is being or is involved in a particular act or thing in some sense for some reason or purpose, to catch someone or something in a particular situation or a set of circumstances in some way for some reason or purpose, to see someone or something on a particular path or road in some sense for some reason or purpose, to compensate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pay reparations or penalty or fine to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to repair or mend someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pay for one’s crimes or mischiefs in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fulfil one’s responsibility or obligation or liability in some way for some reason or purpose, to make good something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to get what one lost in some way for some reason or purpose, to put the differences behind and start anew or let bygones be bygones in some sense for some reason or purpose, to motivate or encourage or urge or drive or push or inspire someone or something to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to blow or whistle or signal to draw attention of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to expand or blow up or explode or inflate or grow bigger or enlarge or stretch or detail or explain something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gossip or discuss or debate or converse or talk about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to dispute or disagree or fight over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or spread false rumours about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to accuse someone falsely or make a false claim about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move away or leave a gap or gulf or space between things or people in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create distance or boycott or separation or difference or divide or dissention or rift or conflict between people in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect or interlink or interconnect things or people in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put things or people in touch with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring about a network of people or tings in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be related or associated in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have reach or jurisdiction or power or authority or control or grip or grasp over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show one’s hand in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be instrumental in something happening in some sense for some reason or purpose, dust or dirt or rubbish, something useless or purposeless or worthless, someone who has no respect or grace or honour, someone debased or disgraced or dishonoured, something lying on the ground or floor, low life, someone belonging to lower classes or castes, someone or something looked down upon, someone or something loathed or disliked, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In this verse Allah is telling mankind that they are all individuals and their relationships have no meanings unless they drive meanings for their relationships on basis of guidance of Allah. If they will do that then they will have to accept the message of Allah in its entirety. It means people will have to accept rights and responsibilities regarding each other as assigned by Allah. So traditions and customs if they are based upon true values and solid foundation then they are fine but if they are invented by people themselves and attributed to Allah just to try and take undue advantage of each other then they are false as well as harmful and even destructive so they should be gotten rid of as soon as possible. Another main point to realise here is that none has anyone more loving and caring than one’s own very ancestors yet Allah is telling a human being do not trust them blindly. Now if this is what Allah is telling us about our own ancestors then how could he tell us to follow false beliefs and useless actions or those who promote such thoughts and actions ie rulers, religious leaders and money lenders etc? This shows that to Allah unity, peace, progress and prosperity of all of us individuals is of such great importance and that we ourselves must also realise it and that is why we should learn sense of making proper sense of things and not create unnecessary fights between ourselves. This is where guidance from Allah can prove highly valuable for us as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah. Word AQAL is used here as well just as it was used in 2/164.

171) The likeness of such people as reject and oppose the rule of law of Allah is like that of a herd of cattle, call out to them as one may, they hear nothing but a shout and a cry, they are deaf, dumb and blind lacking sense of making proper sense of things.

Word YANIQ is from root NOON, AIN and QAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is to scream in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to shout at herds of sheep or goats in some way for some reason or purpose, to cry out loud in some way for some reason or purpose, to make loud noises in some sense for some reason or purpose, to call or blat or bleat or croak or wheeze or gasp or bark or hack or cough or cackle or clack or cluck in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a characteristic deep hoarse sound or noise in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a weak wavering sound or noise or cry like a sheep or goals or calf in some way for some reason or purpose, to waver or slip or stray or wander off in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep deviating or move away or wandering off from the right track in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shriek or screech or squeal or squawk or roar or howl or bellow or bawl or yell or clamour or cheer or wail or squall or bay or yelp in some sense for some reason or purpose, to scribble or write or etch something on something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to spy or guard or preserve or lookafter or keep an eye on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in sight or view in some sense for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to help or assist or support or back or reinforce someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to start something new or set a precedent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be sad or unhappy or regretful or sorrowful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in tears in some sense for some reason or purpose, to copy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to imitate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow someone or something blindly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump about in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump abut all over the place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mischievous or trouble maker in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause problems or difficulties in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or hurdle in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer from or cause hardship or poverty or disease in some sense for some reason or purpose, to talk or speak to any living thing in some way for some reason or purpose, to fail to use one’s brain and senses properly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act like a dumb or deaf or blind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become involved with an ignorant or foolish or unaware or illiterate or uneducated or untrained or unskilled or unthinking person in some sense for some reason or purpose, to latch or hang or hold onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move smoothly or quickly or fast in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a political or religious leader in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a money lender in some capacity in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have something to do with politics or money or religion in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have leadership[p or following in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a leader or follower in some sense for some reason or purpose, entrance to desert rat’s burrow, a very narrow minded person, a person lacking wider life experience, a frog of the well or pond, a low life, a person of very limited knowledge or experience, new beginning, spring season, water spring or source, ocean sea, river , stream, the calling of a shepherd for handling or managing goats and sheep or other animals, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word NIDAA is from roots NOON, DAAL and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to call or call upon someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to invite someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to draw attention of someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or clever or intelligent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mislead or misinform or disinform or misguide someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have insight into something in some way for some reason or purpose, to put forth a formula for solving a problem or difficulty in some way for some reason or purpose, to come up with ways and means for some end in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have a solution for some problems or difficulty, to have a way for being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring things or people together to form a network in some sense for some reason or purpose, to connect or link or join things or people together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in contact or in touch with each other in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have reach or jurisdiction or power or authority or grip or grasp or control over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding about someone something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to trap or confound or prevent or hold back someone or something from being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to constraint someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pull or drag someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to trick or con or show one’s hand to someone in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or barriers or obstructions in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause troubles or difficulties or problems or mischiefs or hardship or poverty in some way for some reason or purpose, someone or something that brings about a crowd, a cause that causes people or things to gather, a movement or campaign for a cause, junction or conjunction, contact point or meeting place, moisture or dew or droplets of liquid that come together and flow like fluid or water, people who come together on an invitation of someone or something for some reason or purpose and move towards a goal in some way, invitation, call, reliance, support, goodness, generosity, noise or voice or voice that carries some information, council, assembly, ways and means of travelling or communication or interaction or participation, a shout or cry, preacher or crier or caller, controlled entry or exist, something motivating or inspiring, something active or lively or energetic, someone or something deceptive or cunning or slippery, ways and means to some end, a through, a way into something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to call to combat, to seek opponent for a combat, to contest, to compare two things to see which is better in some sense, to match or measure things against each other, to call or debate or discuss, to seek assistance, to call or seek assistance together, to call together or get together, to assemble or convene, assemblage, a gathering or a group of people, a place of gathering for consultation or conferring, a consultative group, to take part in gathering or consultation, to consult, to call out or hail or invoke or implore, to invite, to address, to call or rely upon one another, to call on supporters, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

It is not a crime to be born ignorant but it is criminal for mankind to neglect learning sense of making proper sense of things and that is not possible unless people become literate, educated, trained and skilled purposefully. Only and only proper education and learning can help change the world for the best. So long as people stick to their nonsense beliefs and deeds or nonsense ideologies and courses of actions things are likely to remain as they are ie on course towards harm and destruction of mankind themselves. Word AQAL is used here as well. The Quran talks about use of sense to make proper sense of things lots of time. This is a unique book that appeals to human beings repeatedly to use their brains and senses properly. Not only that but people who do not use their brains and senses for making proper sense of things they are condemned repeatedly. One can therefore see how opposite the teaching of the Quran is from teachings of mullahs who teach blind faith in baseless beliefs and useless rituals. Each and everything the Quran tells people to believe in or to do is evidence and reason based ie the why of it is told or explained in the Quran.

172) O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Take part in all that is constructive and beneficial for ensuring well being of mankind with which We have provided you, that is how you should show the rest of human world how to use things properly according to guidance of Allah if it is His program, goals and guidelines for constitution and laws you have truly committed to work for.

Here the Quran leaves people in no doubt that true followers of the leadership of the Quran are only and only those who believe and do what the Quran explains and that way show to rest of mankind how to serve will and purpose of God for creation of things and humanity. So people who claim they are believers of the message of the Quran but by their deeds they prove the opposite are not at all following the Quran faithfully instead they are only paying lip service to it and are doing what they want but using the Quran as a tool for their own harmful and destructive agendas against humanity. Such people cause divisions among people and wars in order to get what they want at the expense of rest of humanity therefore the Quran label them hypocrites and devils in disguise.
173) He has strictly forbidden for you the followers of the Quran to act as a dead people who have no influence over people for ensuring well being of mankind or to participate in anything that is harmful and destructive for mankind such as involves bloodshed and abusive use of others for personal gains at the expense of each other and all that is against the program, goals and guidelines of Allah for constitution and laws. In case one is already in or is dragged into such a chaotic situation or circumstance whereby one is forced to get involved in such things but commits to getting out of this situation and intends no harm to others nor rebellion against Our rule of law upon such people there is no blame. Allah is surely protector of mankind through His revealed guidance for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community so that they remain not or fall not back into such situations.

These verses are all about individuals bringing about a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah and in that context in these verses one is left in no doubt what is expected of him by God no matter whatever one’s background or origin or upbringing. The main emphasis is on keep changing with time by learning sense of making sense of things with help of revelation of God till one becomes what God created him for because only and only then a person will be able to fulfil his or her God set role properly in this universe. At the moment humanity is just coming out of its childhood so it needs time to grow into an adult. Food and drink is not what the Quran is talking about here because once social setup is proper then all needs of all people will be met properly including food and drink. If social setup is wrong, then no matter what people do they cannot meet their proper needs or wants properly. This is why the Quran is telling mankind to get your society based upon proper foundation first so that you could develop and grow from there onwards. So basically the Quran is all about building a proper human community based upon guidance of God ie one has to do anything and everything to build a proper human community and participation or partaking in all that goes against that is strictly forbidden. So long as community spirit is brought to life and kept alive in people they are bound to succeed in life but as soon as they move away from the idea of living for each other on basis of community life they are bound to fall victim to all sorts of rivalries and divisions based on personal gains at the expense of each other whereby they are bound to end up in abusive use of each other which is bound to lead them into a very painful existence. Because That is bound to ignite fire of jealousy and therefore hatred between people and in turn for bloodshed therefore death and destruction of many people is then inevitable or not far off. Many a time we hear Muslims saying, paradise lies under the feet of one’s mother. What it means is that community is mother of its individual members and a good community looks after its people so in a way if community is looked after by individuals as their mother then their own life is secure as well because by working hard together life could be turned into a paradise. Human beings are a big family and the universe is their home and by strictly following house rules with sense of self regulation people can do a lot better than they otherwise will. A good family does not use and abuse each other but looks after each other through being fully conscious of its responsibilities towards each other. People who use and abuse each other are like apes and pigs ie having no sense what God and humanity is all about. If there is no sense of community then you can try and look after your biological mother as much as you like but you will not get anywhere it is because coming together and working hard for the purpose of making life worthwhile for each other as a community makes life better otherwise a lot of time and energy is wasted fighting each other. The result is bound to be the very same if people decide to sit idle instead of contributing to the human society to the best of their God given abilities. This way everyone’s biological mother is exposed to all sorts of dangers from each other. So the main mother in the Quranic context is mother community or nation or ummah. So people need to learn how to build mother nation or ummah to ensure thereby their own well being with help of each other. Word MAITAH explained already. It has many meanings eg uncultivated, motiveless, idle, dead, defeated, destroyed, lifeless, humiliated, having no courage, having no motivation for making progress or to be a lively and happy people who make the world go round. A people without any program or goals and guidelines or ambitions and desires etc etc. A human population is a dead population if it is not showing signs of being a lively nation or community. The Quran is telling mankind, you are not allowed to live like a dead people wasting your lives away aimlessly so be courageous and show you are alive by accomplishing the set out tasks through your imaginative and creative minds you are given using the provided raw materials. Word DAM in context of human community means if people do not live for each other then they live against each other in rivalries and that leads to taking undue advantage of each other and that means use and abuse of each other that leads to blood sucking and blood shedding etc. The Quran is telling people here that you are not allowed to live at the expense of each other because that will lead you to bloodshed and destruction, so learn to live for each other instead of living at the expense of each other for petty personal gains and therefore inflicting harms and destruction upon each other. The same was the reason for which Adam was sent to chiefs of his time to stop the bloodshed between people by way of bringing about a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah.

Word LAHM is from roots LAAM, HAA and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this word is to cling together in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to intermingle in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become tangled or folded or pleated or plaited or wrinkled or crumpled or corrugated or interlaced in some sense for some reason or purpose, to end up fighting or in battle or war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause disorder or chaos or confusion or anarchy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to solder or weld or join or bind or tie or knot things together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become closely related or closely knit in some sense for some reason or purpose, to form into plait or plaits in some for some reason or purpose, to become deeply or closely involved with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be something made of or out of multi strands of some kind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fleshy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be after flesh in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have value or worth of use in some sense for some reason or purpose, to end up in or have a great battle with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to patch up things or make up with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to over look the past or forgive and forget things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go after someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become a relative or kith or kin of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become meat in some sense for some reason or purpose, to knit a cloth in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cook up a plot in some sense for some reason or purpose, to use cloth making tools and materials in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make cloth or fabric or something out of thread or fibre in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create something out of some kind of fibre like people make cloth out of cotton thread in some sense for some reason or purpose, to form a network of people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to knit people or things together in some way for some reason or purpose, to inter someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something inter someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become fully entangled with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to knit the net of conspiracies or cook up or hatch plans for deception or mischief for making or causing some sort of trouble or problem for someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to contend physically with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to slander or back bite or spread lies about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat the flesh of dead brother in some sense for some reason or purpose, to urge or motivate or inspire or push or encourage or drive someone or something to be something or to do something in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or use a tool or weapon or instrument in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shields or protects or defends or guards or preserves someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with leadership or patronage or care or looking after or guardianship or shelter or hiding place or roof over head or foundation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to flood or irrigate in some sense for some reason or purpose, to drip or run or flow or move in some sense for some reason or purpose, kith or kinship, relationship, cloth knitting tool, thread, rope, string, strand, cloth making or knitting tools or machine, meat or flesh, treasure, riches, gains, loot, war booty, things of value or worth, useful things, the entering of one thing into another, warp and woof, something that is used for drawing thread for weaving a fabric or hatching a plot or contriving or devising a scheme through conspiracies, woven cells and fibres, destructive thoughts and actions, a place wherein people plot or conspire, equipment, spear, arrow, gun, knife, a stick with a sharp pointed end, pen or pencil, wall, partition, divide, barrier, gate, door, obstruction, obstacle, prevention, trouble, difficulty, problem, disease or poverty, complication, revelation of God, something that gives or maintains life, tears, sadness, lahm means flesh or meat because it is lump of fibres joined together, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word KHINZEER is from root KHAA, NOON, ZAA and RAA. Concrete meanings of these root is to be or become rough in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be something very basic or in its simplest form in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be raw or in crude form or unfinished or incomplete or imperfect in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have unbalanced base or foundation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have problematic or troublesome difficult upbringing or beginning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be uncultivated or uncivilised or uncultured in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lack character or manners in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have need for further development or finalising or finishing or final processing to become an end product in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have an uneven or unbalanced or irregular or unfinished form in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bumpy or rocky or rugged or jaggy or pitted in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bad tempered or harsh or fiery or prickly or coarse or scratchy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be harmful or injurious or damaging in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be violent or brutal or vicious or aggressive or belligerent or boisterous or rowdy or disorderly or unruly or wild or undisciplined or ugly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lag or stay behind in some sense for some purpose, to make or use weapons or tools or instruments in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have bad habits in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be very greedy or selfish or jealous or covetous in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have harmful or destructive mindset, attitude or behaviour in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become a pig or swine in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be low profile or debased, to be on the way to falling down, to keep safe or secret, to take something as valuable or to treasure it, to hide something for safe keeping, to intoxicate someone with something in some sense, to hit or strike or attack, to cheat or betray or breach an agreement or cause corruption, to be treacherous, to abate or die down, to calm down or settle down or become stable, to vacate, to take something by force, to use a cutting tool or weapon, to abuse or use something abusively or inappropriately, to fear or cause to fear, to show concern, to become awestruck, to have vision or imagination or ambition, to stitch or sew, to prick, to choose or elect or select, to be good or best or excellent, to end or stop or block or seal or conclude or complete something in some sense, to let fall down or let down, to deny help or support or assistance, to think or reflect or ponder over, top plan ahead, to plot or conspire, to be clever or brainy or intelligent or sharp, to comprehend or understand, to surround or encompass, to have in sight or mind, something that is contemptible due to its ideas or works. Something that is despised due to its mindset, attitude or behaviour or something that is useless or idle, pig or swine or boar or hog, a way of life adopted by low life things, a structure built on unstable or fragile or delicate or weak foundation or something like it in some sense for some reason or purpose, an unstable structure or something like an unstable structure in some sense for some reason or purpose. something that gives false impression about something or is like something that gives false impression about something in some sense, something misplaced upon something in some sense, something placed upon something unsoundly, something impure or hollow or empty or void or unstable or infirm in some sense, something that causes loss or death or destruction or injury or damage or failure or disorder or anarchy or chaos or confusion in some sense, something disgraceful or troublesome in some sense, a woollen tent or house for living in, administration, management, ruling elite, command and control centre, central nervous system, cream of the crop, leadership, top part of section of something, unstable or wrongly founded structure or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose, tool or weapon or instrument or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In the Quranic context words LAHM AL-KHINZEER mean a scheme or setup for abusive use of people by each other in order to undercut and thereby undermine each other in rivalry so much so that life becomes unbearable for a great majority at the hands of a tiny minority in time. A relationship between people based upon pig philosophy ie a relationship purely based on rivalry for taking undue advantage of each other for profiteering from each other at the loss of each other thereby at the expense of beneficial community life. A pyramid scheme based upon mechanism of power or money or religion etc whereby masses are abusively used by rulers, money lenders and religious leaders using various tricks and mechanisms. The Quran wants people to take human family as basis for existence and work hard for its proper maintenance at all costs. This is why Islam is all about brotherly cooperation between mankind and not divisions based on greed and selfishness. It is for this very reason Muslims are not supposed to be a business community dealing with each other using money or something similar because dealing with each other on basis of money is the root of all harms and destructions in the human world because it divides people into more advantaged and less advantaged and more advantaged take undue advantage of less advantaged whereby each person ends up undercutting all others to make profit for oneself at their losses. You can have community only when you live for each other not against each other. The Quranic way of life is all about delivery of all goods and services at the point of need freely for each and every member of the community. It is because no one is paid for producing and distributing anything and all work together like a family in order to help fulfil all needs of everyone within this family as much as it is humanly possible for the highly organised and self regulated community due to being a highly self conscious community which is fully motivated by message of God. It will take some time yet for humanity to reach that level of consciousness unless people make conscious efforts on revolutionary basis to educate and train each other by making education and training their top priority throughout their world. The other point is that certain words are used in the Quran for a reason eg why lahmal khinzeer is made haraam? What does Allah mean by word khinzeer? If Allah meant pig by it then why he is using definite article with it ie AL KHINZEER not just khinzeer? Likewise is the case with word MAITAH ie it is AL-MAITAH and same goes for word DAM ie it is ALDAM. These words tell us there is something harmful or destructive for us in being like that or doing things like that. It could also mean there is something wrong in having or using these things in some respect. The question is, what harm or destruction lies for us human beings in having or using lahmal khinzeer? Does the pig kind have any serious negative character or characteristic or property or quality that we humans should not adopt or move away from? In other words for some reason people should not behave like pigs and apes etc but why not? What is wrong with behaviours of pigs and apes etc. Moreover there are different kinds of pigs and apes etc. There are beneficial as well as harmful effects in all things for us which we human beings have or use so why are pigs and apes mentioned in the Quran? A lion can harm or kill a person so can a snake. Not only that according to the Quran itself mankind themselves evolved out of other things because things came from things eg humans came from other animals and learned things from other animals that were there long before them. This means people need to have a closer look at these animals and find out about them as to what they are and why they are what they are. What is particularly wrong with them that people are told they must not be like them or behave like them or to have them or to use them in that particular sense. In short God is telling us human beings in the Quran to not be pigs and monkeys instead be proper human beings as God intended for humanity to be ie the best of his creation. Nothing is created totally useless or harmful or destructive by God so even pigs and apes cannot be all bad ie in each and every sense but until we are sure what is the problem with them for which they have been pointed out we cannot know why we are told not to be like them or to have them or to use them. We have not yet reached the stage of knowledge whereby we could pin point these wrongs so it is difficult to say anything about pigs and apes or aldam or almaita etc. The question is, do foods and drinks have affects on human mindsets, attitudes and behaviours? If they do then in what way? After all we human are what we eat in one sense but not in another otherwise vegetarian will be like vegetables and meat eaters will be like animals they eat eg chickens and sheep but are they? It is properly balanced diet that brings healthy life that matters not what people eat. Eating too little or too much could have devastating effects on human health or development and growth. So foods and drinks are an important subject but not in the sense mullahs will have us believe because they have not carried out any research work on this and they do not bother to know what real world realities have to say about things. This is why Muslim ummah is in the state that it is in. Regardless if AL DAM means blood then that is also made haraam in some sense for some reason or purpose but word haraam itself has many meanings as already explained in detail. If word AL MAITAH means the dead then that too is made haraam in some sense for some reason or purpose. The point to note however is that these words have parallel complementary meanings as well whereby they show the problems with human mindsets, attitudes and behaviours ie how people interact or deal with each other regarding their daily needs. Are they helpful or abusive? Do people play politics with lives of people or for ensuring well being of people? There is a definite relationship between ideology and social set up, politics and economics to begin with because these things bring about the culture or environment or atmosphere in which humanity has to exist and survive. If human social set up is not right then its politics cannot be right and if politics are not right then its economics cannot be right and wrong social set up gives rise to mismanagement of economy which has far reaching consequences. Politics is all about management of people and resources, means of production and distribution. This is why right politics will give rise to proper management of people and resources or the result will be the opposite. Just as politics is supposed to be all about proper management of people and resources, so economics is supposed to be all about fulfilling proper needs and wants of whole of mankind by way of proper production of things of need and want and their proper distribution. Therefore if mankind want best economic results for themselves then they better start studying the Quran in depth for its proper understanding and once they know it then they better follow it faithfully and see how fast the world becomes a paradise that God has promised in his book. If they want to continue being ignorant fools thinking they know all they need to know as to how to run their world then they can carry on and keep suffering the serious consequences for their foolishness and stupidity. Good social, political and economic set up will bring about a great culture or environment or atmosphere for mankind to live in and bad social, political and economic set up will bring about only a bad culture or environment or atmosphere for people to live in and that is what the Quran calls life in hell by making of people themselves. So each and every person must try to understand the very basic truth that if society is not properly founded upon a solid foundation then no matter what people think and do they can never get things right. This is why people must build educational and training institutions for all level of human beings to study and become educated and trained on that basis or world will always remain a hellhole if people will keep on thinking and doing things the wrong ways. There is no escape for humanity from acceptance and adopting deen of Islam so they better do that sooner rather than later. This is how we know for definite that the Quran is a book revealed by God. If we human beings had such knowledge we will not be living like animals in this world will we? Don’t forget we human beings are born knowing absolutely nothing at all about this world so how can we claim we know all we need to know already? If we do not know things then someone is telling us some things which can help us to be sensible so why don’t we follow them when we ourselves cannot know any better? Why it has to be that I must sit idle and others work for me when God has made me capable of contributing to human community the best I can? Why must I undermine others in order to dominate them in a negative way, what is really in it for me at the end of the day? What is wrong with living for ensuring well being of each other instead of living for ourselves at the expense of each other by inflicting losses upon each other as well as death and destruction? Can we imagine what kind of world will come about if we started living for each other? It will be a great world as compared to what we have right now. We must question ourselves as individuals as to what are our values for life whereby we live our lives and are they really worth having or living by. As for God forbidding things that is logically inconsistent as explained in detail already. Allah does not forbid things for people but people having them or using them wrong way. Being animals for animals is fine therefore being a pig for a pig is not wrong just as being a human for a human is fine. However for human beings to turn animals is seriously objectionable because they have been bestowed with higher brains and senses as well as revelation by God. To have something or to use it could be forbidden in one sense but not in another sense. For example even if it is forbidden for people to eat pig yet it is fine to make other uses of it. Although the Quran seems to make exception even in case of eating it as well ie when a person is desperate in order to save one’s life. If God had forbidden pig itself then there could not be any exception about it because then things will be either forbidden or allowed in their entirety. Had that been the case then things could not work out at all. So it shows very clearly why mullahs are wrong in interpreting the Quran that way. If we say a knife is forbidden then that means people cannot make or have or use knife at all. It is because God forbids or allows things by reason it means they are only forbidden or allowed in some respects and not in other ways. This is a vitally important point to understand for people who wish to understand the message of the Quran properly.

Word UHILL is from root HAA, LAAM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to start or begin a process or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to appear for the very first time in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come forth in some sense for some reason or purpose, to exalt God in some sense for some reason or purpose, to start a process for making rule of law of Allah become a worldwide established reality in some sense for some reason or purpose, to invoke name of God over an animal that is obtained and used lawfully at the time of its slaughter for use in some way for some reason or purpose, to show joy or happiness or gladness in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become tattered in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lighten up in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shout the name of God in some sense for some reason or purpose, to offer or dedicate someone or something in service of mission of God in some sense for some reason or purpose, to offer someone or something as a sacrifice to God or gods in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be dedicated or devoted or offered sacrificially in some sense for some reason or purpose, to produce or bring forth or forward someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to set up or run or manage or maintain something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come along in some sense for some reason or purpose, to declare beginning or starting of something or fighting or war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with a window of opportunities in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be an opportunist in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have way through to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pierce a hole through someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to open up a way to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make a hole into something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to intend or go for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gather or meet in some sense for some reason or purpose, to raise voice or make a loud sound or noise or cry out loud in some sense for some reason or purpose, to draw or invite attention of someone or something towards someone or something by crying out loud in some sense for some reason or purpose, to call people for a meeting or gathering in some way for some reason or purpose, to drive or motivate or urge or encourage or inspire or push someone or something to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or use weapons in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or use tools in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or use instrument or equipment in some sense for some reason or purpose, to glorify God loudly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reflect glory of God through faithful implementation of his rule of law in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make the rule of law of Allah dominant over all other rules of laws invented and adopted by people in the world in some way for some reason or purpose, to give someone or something a chance to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to proclaim that there is no God but Allah in some sense for some reason or purpose, first drop of heavy rain, brain of an elephant, something that is high or large or clear enough to see or loud and clear enough to hear, a flag or standard, symbol or sign or mark, landmark or monument, a basis or foundation or beginning or starting point or origin of something, invoking name of God when slaughtering an animal for food or use, the new moon is a symbol for beginning of a new month, the Quran is foundation or standard or symbol for beginning of a new way of life for people, the crescent moons, stages of the moon, crescent or something that is crescent shape, a sword or something like sword in some sense for some reason or purpose, a way through, a way to be or to do something, formula, ways and means, perforation, window or something like window in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

The moon crescent and a star are symbols for book of guidance from Allah and sword. The book of guidance is the Quran and sword stands for defence of the Quran and humanity according to that guidance. The book of guidance and sword if handled properly by the mankind will guaranty blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind. On the other hand misinterpreting and misrepresenting the message of Allah will lead to misuse of sword or power and the result will be nothing less than catastrophic. No wonder people blame scriptures for religious wars but not themselves for not bothering to understand the scriptures properly to understand the context in which things are supposed to make proper sense.

This verse explains a very important point which is state of existence of a person or a people ie they could be living by laws of nature or by laws of guidance revealed to mankind or in between situations and circumstances. If for a time being a person or a people are forced by a set of circumstances who accept to live by way of life advised by Allah then under those situations they are exempt from responsibilities as appropriate eg in nonMuslim countries Muslims have no power to implement Quranic way of life so they should do whatever they can in order to bring it about. It means Muslims should follow the pattern of all the messengers of Allah adopted ie have proper knowledge of the Quran and share it with all the people around them properly. It will not take very long before people realise the truth of the message and turn to it as they always did in times of the messengers of Allah. It were not the messengers of Allah who forced way of life advised by Allah on their people rather it were people themselves who decided they want to live their lives that way so implemented that way of life upon themselves as communities. Therefore wherever Muslims are they should organise and regulate themselves as a community and then expand the community by inviting rest of brethren in humanity to the message of the Quran. Mean while live among nonMuslims as a person or a people that nonMuslims look up to with respect. If we look at the lives of the messengers of Allah they lived among their people in a very nice way that their people had great respect for them. They were very knowledgeable people not ignorant fools and very active in their communities in helping their people out of problems as much as they could. They had no animosity but kindness for their people. The fights were started not by masses but their rulers, mullahs, money lenders and their supporters in order to protect their vested interests which were based upon abusive use of their own people when the messengers of Allah began their missions to free their people from abuse use by each other to turn them into a proper human brotherhood. If Muslims understood the Quran properly and taught it to others sensibly there is no way they will not get the needed support in the world by masses. Of course this is going to upset vested interest parties but people will be able to take care of them as appropriate just like the messengers of Allah and their supporters did of their enemies.

174) Surely those who ignore proper understanding and faithful following of message Allah has sent as a program for goals for people to accomplish according to His guidelines for constitution and laws for ensuring well being of mankind and instead misinterpret and misrepresent it thereby derail mankind from right way of life for petty personal gains by adopting a way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other, no doubt they prefer ignorance over knowledge for which mankind pay a terrible price in form of painful suffering over a long period of time by hands of each other, that is why such people gather nothing for their future generations save fire of hatred among their people against each other. That is how guidance of Allah leaves them without proper understanding of His message about the period of bloody uprisings as well as without freedom from their self inflicted harms and destructions therefore there is only and only painful suffering for them by hands of each other in future as well unless they repent and reform..

Word BATOON is from root BAA, TWAA and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to be invisible in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be visible or obvious or evident or manifest in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be hidden or concealed or covered up or secret in some sense for some reason or purpose, to conceal or hide or cover up in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have inside or contain or hold in someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to include or involve someone or something in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to participate or partake or take part in or be part of something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be intimate or trusted friend or a confidant in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be trustworthy or trustable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a secret or hidden friend in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or guard or protect or defend or preserve or save or rescue or cover someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with shelter or home or refuge or sanctuary or patronage or guardianship or care or looking after or roof over one’s head or backing or reinforcement or support in some sense for some reason or purpose, to wrap up or cover up or hide or veil someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lock up or imprison or confine or limit or restrict someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as a reference point or guideline or instruction or direction for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to erect a structure or building or monument in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or party or group or community or following in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be slippery or smooth or cunning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fast or active or lively or energetic or quick moving in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show one’s belly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be well fed or stomachful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be malnourished in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be pregnant or carrying weight in some sense for some reason or purpose, to swim or float in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a water animal in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be empty or vacant or free from occupation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be idle or not working or having rest or be unemployed in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have completed or finished what one was doing in some sense for some reason or purpose, something that acts as a container for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, upholstery, inner lining of garments, a body, womb or uterus, interior or internal, inner or inside of something, something not obvious or evident, something invisible or concealed or hidden, an organisation or association or committee, administration or management, a governing body, a body of people that works together as a team, family or clan or tribe or party or group or community, staff, crew, stomach, belly, the inside of something, hidden, secret, lining, lowland, lower part of something, the real situation or circumstances of someone or something, the true state or condition of someone or something, the inner or deep secrets of someone or something, the actual state of mind, entourage, inward, environment, atmosphere, culture, attendants, surrounding, intimate, confidant, blanket, an insider, someone who knows the inside story, someone who shares the secret, the one with insight about someone or something, hidden or secret part, lamppost, guide, something that is high and visible from a distance, tradition, rule of law, constitution, custom, example, precedent, institution, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like landmark in some sense for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Here the Quran clearly points out the culprits ie the mullahs. They are ignorant but that is not a crime in sight of Allah because he has created all people that way. Their crime is they are not bothered with learning things properly and due to their remaining ignorant yet claim authority for the scriptural interpretation and representation and that makes them target of Allah’s criticism and condemnation. It is because through that they mislead and misguide or misinform or disinform many people and land them all into terrible painful suffering. All this they do so that they could make some personal gains at their expense. Here Allah is exposing mullahs to their very bones. They are hiding the way of life advised by Allah so that people could carry on living by personal gains based way of life for which these people get paid by rulers and money lenders in one form or other because it leaves them free to use masses abusively without any fear of consequences for mankind.

175) Such are the people who work towards replacing Our advised way of life for mankind which can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community with a wrong way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other, which makes them inflict harms and destructions upon each other and that is like preferring death and destruction over blissful, dignifying and secure existence. How steadfast or desperate or hell bent they are for entering the life full of fire of hatred and wars between themselves!

In these verses it is explained very clearly that it is not for Allah to interfere with choices of mankind in order to force them to do things his way rather for him it is all a matter of advising people and then letting them accept the advice or go their own ways and then face the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for petty personal gains. The point to note in such like verses is that mullahs are primarily targeted in particular because it is they who temper with scriptural truth for the very same reason due to their ignorance based arrogance. Once people become confused as regard scriptural truth then it is easy for anyone to mislead them for whatever the reason. The most serious crime against humanity is crime of tempering with scriptural truth. It is because confused people fall victim to identity crisis and that is road to all the other crises for them. This is why so long as people follow mullahs blindly they can forget about their future. Likewise there is no future for masses in hands of rulers and money lenders unless they become useful for them for their ends. As such masses will compete with each other to show they are more loyal to rulers and money lenders or mullahs than each other, a time will come when many will have gone under and trampled over by the rest of them. So if people want better future then it does not lie in ignorance, illiteracy and lack of education and training or skills but particularly in lack of knowledge of the message of the Quran.

176) The reason they are bound to end up in such a state of existence is because Allah has sent His book as a proof of His revelation in form of a program for goals with guidelines for constitution and laws for people to accomplish unity, peace, progress and prosperity among mankind but those who look into the book through ignorance based arrogance misinterpret and misrepresent it thereby cause divisions among mankind instead so they are surely looking forward to hatred and wars among themselves for petty personal gains at the expense of each other which will lead them to harms and destructions by hands of each other.

These verses are telling mankind how they end up in harmful and destructive situations and circumstances ie by not putting efforts into things they are supposed to and the way they are supposed to ie in study of the real world realities and the message of their creator and sustainer for their proper understanding and faithful following. They look at things not constructively but destructively ie they just see no purpose in anything. They are happy with living aimless and useless lives for as long as they can live and that is it. It matters not for them who they hurt or destroy in the process and why and where it all is going to land them and their future generations in time to come. Here rulers, money lenders and mullahs as well as their versions of religion and secularism are targeted head on. They are told they cannot escape harms and destruction they have brought upon themselves by hands of each other just by adopting one way of life or another blindly without thinking the real issue through thoroughly ie what the human population should take for its base as a community foundation. It has to be revealed message of God in the Quran and nothing else at all because nothing else can give that foundation to people for building their community upon which they desperately need. The Quran was revealed during dark ages as a light at the end of a tunnel to guide people through focusing on a distant focal point. People were shown by example how to come out of dark mindset, attitude and behaviour. So far people have learned very little of what they were supposed to learn from real world realties or the revealed message of God or the human history itself.

177) Freedom from such ills as mentioned already in human populations is not possible for people just by you the mankind acting haphazardly following one baseless ideology and practice or the other in confusion, freedom from such ills is only possible for such people as truly commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to way of life advised by Allah for bringing about a blissful, dignified and secure future for mankind through community appointed administrators who work according to the revealed book of Allah just like the ancient prophets and their supporters in the past. For that reason use fruits of your labours in loyalty of His rule of law for people near you such as are left out on their own by their own human populations, regardless local residents or travellers as well as those who need help to secure their freedoms due to being bonded labourers or slaves. That is how you should establish a proper human community by giving away what you produce for others to grow and prosper and that way you should fulfil your pledges of loyalty to the way of life advised by Allah lovingly by fulfilling your constitutional obligations to each other as a proper human community as you promised. So be steadfast as a proper human community during the time periods of hardship and painful suffering as well as during the time periods of wars. People who will do these things are true to their declaration of commitment to guidance of Allah and they are the ones who will attain consistency with His advised way of life as well as with the mankind therefore they can end all troubles among all human populations as well.

Word RIQAAB is from root RAA, QAAF and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to keep an eye on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to guard or stand guard on someone or something in some sense so that if something goes wrong it is detected right away and action is taken to put it right, to enslave or imprison or arrest or captivate or hold someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to observe or pay attention to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stand in awe of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to keep in step or in line with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have a reference point in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put rope around the neck to take control of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a partner in a journey with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to await or wait for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to look after or take care of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have respect or regard or show deference for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something into account in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mindful of or pay attention to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to look up to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have importance or respect of someone or something in one’s mind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to expect someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be on the lookout for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be on guard of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to get up something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to rise in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be afraid of something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to strike at the neck of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to grab or take hold of someone by the neck in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put rope around the neck of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make one a slave in some way for some reason or purpose, to be the rival or contender or contestant or opponent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to observe or carry out a duty or an obligation or responsibility in some sense for some reason or purpose, to watch out for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to wait for avoiding something or someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to look about for staying safe from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to look around cautiously for avoiding danger or being caught by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be on one’s guard in some sense for some reason or purpose, to look around for avoiding being ambushed by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a keen watcher or observer in some sense for some reason or purpose, to watch or spy on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or clever or intelligent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or meditate or ponder over in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire in some sense for some reason or purpose, to slander or backbite or accuse someone or something falsely in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be troublesome or mischievous in some sense for some reason or purpose, to copy or imitate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump about or around in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or defend or protect or cover or guard or preserve or hide or isolate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with shelter or refuge or sanctuary or patronage or leadership or foundation or hiding place or space or room or chamber or fort or castle or defence or reinforcement or support or backing or care or breathing space, or roof over one’s head or looking after in some sense for some reason or purpose, to isolate or separate or cut off or sever or boycott someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cover up or wrap up or envelope or veil someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, tradition or reference point or custom or precedent or example, rule of law or constitution, base, antagonism, keeper, neck of someone or something, neck of a bottle or something like neck of a bottle, check post, slave, a person held by his neck, a person held in bond, narrow part of something through which everything passes before getting in or out of something, throat, responsibility, slave, war captive or prisoner of war, an elevated place, a watching post or watchtower or monitoring tower, something that stands in wait, ruling elite, leadership, top part or section of something, cream of the crop, best or top people among a human population, administration or management, the people who have most power or influence in a human population, command and control centre, central nervous system, brain, intelligence, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In this verse word riqaab is used for the monitoring system of the community to ensure people are producing and distributing or getting what they need as much as the state can deliver to the best of its abilities so that none is left without things of need or want by mistake of the state administration or management. This system also helps state see what else it may need to do to improve community life. It is a feedback loop based system involving various ideas to ensure the community and its management is functioning properly. For example, it uses public complaint system or demand by public. It also uses administration people as feelers who go out to find things out what else people may need or want and what the administration people need to do to meet those needs and demands of public. This verse makes it absolutely clear what is meant by deen of Islam in the context of the Quranic text. It deals with organisation and regulation of mankind into a proper human community for purpose of people and resources management to ensure production and distribution of things as well as delivery of needed services. It shows deen of Islam is not at all about pooja paat of God because God does not need that sort of flattery or sycophancy or fawning from mankind. It demeans the very being of God to look to people for make belief lip service. If anything he expects true appreciation based upon facts and that can only come from such great human beings who are highly knowledgeable and speak only what is true about God. As explained already it is very wrong on part of people who praise God falsely based on their ignorance. Mankind can truly appreciate greatness of God only when they become highly knowledgeable by observing his works in form of his creation and revelation. Therefore if people really want to show they appreciate God then proper education and training is the way which leads to fulfilment of his objective for creation and revelation. This is why when people will understand properly and implement his provided guidance faithfully and so deen of Allah will become fully established then all needs and wants of people will become properly fulfilled therefore at that time people will themselves come to adore God all by themselves wholeheartedly. This verse therefore tells us Islam is not a mazhab but a deen advised by God. As explained already in detail AAMILUSSAALIHAAT do not mean some imaginary good deeds but real works that make difference in lives of real people in this real world. That is to mend broken relationships between people so that human brotherhood becomes restored for that people complement each other thoughts and actions. The same goes for word HASNAAT ie works by people which ensure beautiful life for mankind in this very world. Deen of Islam is not about people turning their faces this way and that way in confusion haphazardly as headless chickens. That is disorder or anarchy or chaos. The very purpose of revelation of the Quran is to set people the right goals to accomplish as a program with guidelines. Make beliefs and useless rituals can do none of these things told in this verse and instead waste time of mankind and that shows how baby minded people are who are satisfied with make beliefs and useless rituals. If anything this is a comprehensive verse as to what the mission of Allah is all about to begin with ie it is about establishing such a human community in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah that is worthy of its name in sight of Allah. If not perfect at least the best possible human community at any given time in the world. This verse makes clear that the Quranic way of life does not allow division between people as masters and slaves, rich and poor, rulers and subjects, business community and its customers, mullahs and followers. To Allah humanity is one single family and that is it. Each and every person must learn to respect and support this family provided it is properly based upon guidance of its creator and sustainer and if it is not then all must try their best to put it on that solid foundation provided by its creator and sustainer. Anyone who comes along to divide it should be educated out of his nasty mindset, attitude and behaviour and if all else fails then community must be protected from such harmful and destructive people anyway community decides about it because such life and death decision are community decisions to make not for individuals on their own as explained in detail already. In a proper Quran based kingdom nothing belongs to anyone but everything belongs to each and every member of the community and together all can decide how best they can make use of provisions of Allah. This is why Islam of mullahs has no place in the Quran based way of life which tells us it is ok for a Muslim to declare oneself a king of Muslims or for a mullahs to declare oneself a representative of Allah on the earth for Muslims or for a money lender to declare himself a Muslim businessman etc. Such ideas are foreign to actual Islam because it is a family affair. A family each member of which is supposed to learn the Quran properly and self regulate oneself as a member of the community being fully conscious of one’s given responsibilities by the community for proper functioning of the community. This way of life needs no ruling class, no priesthood therefore priestly class and no business or money dealing class or elite. Muslim community is therefore supposed to be a highly motivated, highly organised and highly self regulated community and therefore it is supposed to be a community of highly educated and sophisticated people. Not dumb sheep running all over the place knowing not they are humans or animals. This is what mullahs have done to this ummah and that is why the Quran is exposing and condemning them at each and every step. There is much more to come yet about mullahs so one can see how harmful and destructive this lot is and has been throughout history of the Muslim ummah. Here in this surah Allah is telling us their long past history in ummahs of the past times.

178) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, abiding by principle of complementing each other is made obligatory for you for ending the conflicts in the human population. Only a group that is free itself from inflicting harms and destructions upon each other can work towards freeing others from this mindset, attitude and behaviour just like a law abiding group that -frees itself from taking any other group or person as a slave -can work for freeing others from taking any other person as a slave and just like a person who frees himself from weaknesses or disadvantages can work towards freeing others from weaknesses or disadvantages. So any who removes any lack or disadvantage from his brother in humanity he has followed the beautiful course of action for ensuring his well being and thereby well being of the human brotherhood. That is how your Creator and Sustainer makes things easy for you through His revelation for your blissful, dignified and secure existence. So any human population that goes against the principle of complementing each other for such is painful suffering in due course as a result of its own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

Word QASAS is from root QAAF, SWAAD and SWAAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to follow someone or something step by step in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be in step or sync with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be consistent with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to complete or make something perfect in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to complement someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reciprocate or give or deliver as good as one gets or return the favour or respond in kind or do the same as done by others to you in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move backwards and forward in a straight line in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mutually cooperate and support each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek harmony or consistency between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to uplift or raise someone or something to same level as oneself in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring someone or something down to one’s own level in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove someone’s lack or defect or weakness in some sense by compensating or repairing or improving someone in some way for some reason or purpose, to contribute extra features or things to someone or something in such a way as to improve or compensate or emphasise or uplift their being in some way for some reason or purpose, to add something to or supplement someone or something with in order to bring someone or something up to a standard or requirement in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reimburse or recoup or indemnify or atone or rectify or compensate someone for offsetting the difference for bringing someone up to a what is required as a standard for harmony in some sense for some reason or purpose, to wish for or long for or have desire for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to convey someone some piece of information or to tell someone something about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make up stories about someone or something and spread them in some sense for some reason or purpose, to spread rumours about or slander someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut or clip one’s hair with scissors in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut off or shear off or boycott or isolate or separate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to curtail or cut down to size someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to match or compare or measure someone or something with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow trail of a criminal to catch him or her and punish him or her for crime s/he has committed in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow up someone regarding something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to settle accounts on both sides in some sense for some reason or purpose, to tell or relate or mention or narrate or report something to someone in some way for some reason or purpose, to declare or announce or make known something or someone to something or someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to explain or clarify or expand or elaborate or detail something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make aware or alert or warn someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to retrace or go back or retreat in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow someone or something unobtrusively in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shadow or walk along or go or move along with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to track or trace or search for or seek someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to investigate or try to find out something about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to search or try to search out or discover someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to try to discover or uncover or unearth something about someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to get involved in false stories and leave the Quran in favour of those stories in some sense for some reason or purpose, to imitate or copy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be image of or be like or similar to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something like someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump about or all over the place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be unstable or infirm or weak in some sense for some reason or purpose, to squeeze life out of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to expand or extend or stretch or widen or enlarge something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fixed in a place or position in some sense for some reason or purpose yet be growing as well in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have ability to stand up or rise up or be on one’s feet in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fix or repair or prepare or make ready someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have roots and branches in some sense for some reason or purpose, seed, origin, fruit, outcome, result, consequences, effect, scissors, chips, cuttings or clipping, when someone tells a story about someone or something then one is as if following someone or something step by step, tracker, breastbone, history, story, narrative, tale, accountability, extract, essence, juice, retribution equal to crime, just or fair retribution, the law governing acts of retribution for killing, law of equity, retaliation, revenge, reprisal, account, report, clever, mischievous, agile, deceptive, illusive, something that hang onto something in some sense, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose, tree or plant or something like a tree or plant in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word HURR is from root HAA, RAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be hot headed in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to fight or go to war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have a heated debate or exchange of words with someone about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become hot in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become very thirsty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to intensify a situation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be volcanic or ready to erupt or blow up in some sense for some reason or purpose, to liberate or set free someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to let a prisoner go in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put or set right someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to do something that involves heat or friction or harsh words or fight or war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to write a legal document to show one is a free person or not a slave or prisoner or captive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to dedicate or consecrate or recruit a person for service or mission of God in some sense for some reason or purpose, to restrict or limit or confine or defend or lock up or isolate or cover up or veil or imprison or shelter or shield or hide or prevent or stop or hinder or reinforce or support or back up or subjugate or enslave or humiliate or defeat or disgrace someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put up a wall or barrier or put in place a partition or divide or separation or boundary line or hurdle or obstacle or obstruction or blockage between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or make ready something in advance in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire in some sense for some reason or purpose, to slander or backbite or accuse someone falsely in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be clever or intelligent or brainy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in mind or in sight or view in some sense for some reason or purpose, someone or something that is free without any strings attached or preconditions, heat, thirst, rocky land, a free person who is not a captive or salve or prisoner or subject, the best of anything, heat of the sun, intense heat, writing, scribbling, freedom, liberty, rocky land, heat of the sun, silk, silky material or situation, finer cloth like silk, utterly pure, best horse, the best piece of land, something without impurity, innocent, something not defiled or mixed with something else or used by someone else, the best part of land, calligraphy, proof reading, reading a writing for correcting its mistakes, editing, insertion or omission, inclusion or exclusion, administration, management, government or regime, ruling elite, leadership, command and control centre, central nervous system, top part or section of something, cream of the crop, the best people among a human population, chiefdom, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word UNSAA is from root ALIF, NOON and SAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be soft in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be lenient in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be accommodating or tolerant in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a soft or easy target in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be gullible in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a female or like a female in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be subordinate in some sense for some reason or purpose, to slip or go under someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to work or exist under someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be helper or assistant or supporter of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to complement or complete or make someone or something perfect in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be part of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to adore or be or become adorable or make someone or something adorable or beautiful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as a skeleton or a shaping structure or main framework in some sense for some reason or purpose, to decorate or beautify someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act or work as a team in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be master or teacher in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast acting or moving in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be illusive or imaginary or deceptive or cunning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be dependent, to be weak in mind or bodily strength, to lack confidence or courage or motivation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be submissive or obedient or slave or maid or servant in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as foundation or base or origin for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a mother or father to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be husband or wife to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lookafter or take care of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to wash or hang clothes on something in some way for some reason or purpose, to grab or protect or hate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to forge or fabricate or invent something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make clothes in some way for some reason or purpose, to cover up someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as God in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be cruel or tyrannical in some sense for some reason or purpose, to repent or reform in some sense for some reason or purpose, clothes or garments, a bony or solid structure, ladder or building, subject, governed, infrastructure, draft plan or outline, mould, something that is lower than something in some respect eg in power or authority or strength, position or order or rank etc, woman, daughter, community or party, subordinate administration, idols or carved female shapes that are worshipped as goddesses, something that is under or underneath something or below something in some sense, power, authority, God, revelation of God, rule of law of God, ox, bull, staff, government, crew, party or group, following or community, administration or management, something upon which something depends or relies or hangs or hooks on in some sense for some reason or purpose, clothe hanger, scarecrow, something that gives something its shape or appearance, something smooth or levelled or slippery, something, stick or something like stick in some sense for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose, supporting framework or something like supporting framework in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word AKHEEH is from root ALIF, KHAA and WOW. Concrete meaning of this root is to be related to each other in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be associated with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to belong to same circle or group or organisation or parents or family or clan or tribe or community or land or set of beliefs in some sense for some reason or purpose, to belong to same place or village or township or city or land or kingdom or world in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be similar or alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a brotherhood of some kind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be an ideological brotherhood in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be blood related or brothers in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a brother or friend to someone or something or alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be tied to the same stake or peg or thing in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fraternise someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something as a friend or supporter in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a sister to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a sisterhood in some sense for some reason or purpose to be brother and sister or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a fellow being in some sense for some reason or purpose, to belong to same category or class or species in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be like someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect or bring together people or things to form a network of things or people in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or wicked or deceptive or conning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be trustable or reliable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be loyal in some sense for some reason or purpose, brother, brotherhood, brethren, friend, companion, ties, knots, bands, sisterhood, foster brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother or sister, milk brother or sister, human brother or sister, power, authority, God, revelation of God, rule of law of God, ox, bull, staff, government, crew, party or group, following or community, administration or management, a structure built on unstable or fragile or delicate or weak foundation or something like it in some sense, an unstable structure or something like an unstable structure in some sense. something that gives false impression about something or is like something that gives false impression about something in some sense, something misplaced upon something in some sense, something placed upon something unsoundly, something impure or hollow or empty or void or unstable or infirm in some sense, something that causes loss or death or destruction or injury or damage or failure or disorder or anarchy or chaos or confusion in some sense, something disgraceful or troublesome in some sense, conjunction, nailing, binding, joining, linking, connecting, contacting, something bent or twisted or wicked, something harmful or destructive in some sense, something to hang something upon, and, peg, stake, nail, plus, with, addition, conjunction, network of people or things, communication network, link or connection, interconnection, interlink, keeping in touch or in contact, stick or something like stick in some sense for some reason or purpose, unstable or wrongly founded structure or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ADAA is from root ALIF, DAAL and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to bring about something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to return someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pay or pay up something to someone is some sense for some reason or purpose, to pay back or return something to someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something face the consequences of what on someone or something has done in some sense for some reason or purpose, to punish or exact retribution or revenge of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to avenge something of someone in some sense fro some reason or purpose, to ripen or be ready for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become due in some sense for some reason or purpose, to snare or entice or trap someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to prepare or make ready or educate or train someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to convey something to someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to mend or restore or recondition or repair or put right someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give or hand over someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan or plot in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reach someone or something or to make someone or something reach someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to entrust someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pay back one’s debt or whatever one has borrowed of someone in some way for some reason or purpose, to hang or hang on or hang down, to move or move on or move back and forth or to and fro, to dangle, to swing, to enter, to hang one’s head down, to be weak, to be ashamed, to be humble, to have a hand in something happening or doing, to show one’s hands, to have involvement in something either negatively or positively, to deceive, to cheat, to trick, to con, to protect, to take care of, to lookafter, power, authority, God, revelation of God, rule of law of God, ox, bull, staff, government, crew, party or group, following or community, administration or management, controlled entry or exit, blockage, obstruction, prevention, obstacle, restriction, limitation, resistance, impedance, partition, something that is fixed in a place or position etc yet flexible as well like a door, the pathway or road, a way to being or doing something, formula, a way through to something, reach, jurisdiction, grip, handle, worship, throw, work, make, control, manage, administer, stick or something like stick in some sense for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In this verse it is made clear that only such person or group of people can help others free themselves of ills as are free of ills themselves. A society that does not treat its own people properly according to a proper law can never be expected to deliver others on matters it is involved in itself. The Quran is dealing in this surah with problem of conflicts between people and their resolutions. People are told that if you really want unity, peace, progress and prosperity for mankind and if you are really committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind then start getting rid of problems from within your own family, clan, tribe and kingdom etc etc and only then you can spread the ideology of brotherhood to wider humanity. Learn to live for others because that is prerequisite for a brotherhood or community life. In other words freedom is for those who believe in freedom and slavery is for those who believe in slavery and likewise weakness is for those who themselves believe to be suffering from weakness due to lack of self confidence. So people must think positively and constructively and do what needs to be done to get to the goal rather than sitting idle and making excuses.

179) All this explanation clearly shows that abiding by principle of complementing each other ensures your survival as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah, O you people who have learned sense to make proper sense of things, so that you could attain consistency with guidance of Allah as well as with each other as a proper human community for ensuring well being of whole of mankind.

Word ALBAAB is from root LAAM, BAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become intellectual in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be the very core or essence or heart or origin or being of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become conclusive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to draw a conclusion about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reason or rationalise someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a person who has a brain or mind or intelligence in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to figure out things or be a diligent person in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be the source of kindness or compassion or benevolence or tender heartedness in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a consistent or compatible or amiable person in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have ability or sense to make proper sense of things or discerning faculty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have or have learned sense of making proper sense of things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be logically or rationally consistent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have the ability to judge properly or reach the right conclusion about people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encourage or push or urge or drive or inspire or motivate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or use spear or sword or arrow or pen or pencil in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or protect or guard or watch or defend or hide or cover or preserve or save or rescue or arrest or imprison someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with shelter or refuge or sanctuary or home or roof over head or looking after or care or patronage or backing or reinforcement or support or fort or castle or chamber or room or space or breathing space in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or community or party or group or following in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cover up or wrap up or veil someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to restrict or limit or confine or lock up or prevent or impede or stop someone from being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, Kernel, the edible inside of nuts and fruits, the essence or seed, juice or extract, heart of mind, reason, veins in the heat said to be the source of kindness, upper part of the chest, top drawer of a chest drawer, top part of human body, head, command and control centre, central nervous system, Ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Here again the Quran is appealing to people who have learned sense of making proper sense of things and reaching proper conclusion or decisions to see how the idea of living for each other is unbeatable as compared to any other way of life. No wonder the Quran challenges whole of mankind repeatedly to come with something better if they think it is not from God.

180) Therefore leaving this way of life faithfully as a legacy behind is made obligatory for you the followers of the Quran before death approaches any of you just like it was made obligatory for people before you, so leave this good advice faithfully behind you for your dependents in form of community elders and in form of community children as well as others in your circle. This is responsibility of those who want to be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other as a proper human community for ensuring well being of whole of mankind.

Good people in administration or people in community in general are supposed to leave a good advice for their successors before their departure from their office or from this world just like Abraham and his children or Jacob and his children. Moreover successors are told not to change the original message or suffering will result for people left behind and yet to come. This is again about changes in revealed message like the ones made by Jewish and Christian priesthood for the sake of rulers and money lenders. However, it is also possible that dying person or person leaving his office may advise wrongly so if that happens then listeners could make corrections to the advice in order to prevent any harm that may result from that wrong advice. However, any changes made to the legacy must be made by following proper procedures as set-up by the community. It is because if anyone has made any changes in message of God in any way before death then later people could take it as original so to correct such mistakes is important if community becomes aware of any such thing. A vitally important advice for this ummah whose mullahs have misinterpreted and misrepresented the message of the Quran to ummah for centuries by now, so people of knowledge should correct this mistake by reinterpreting the message of the Quran in its proper context otherwise the false interpretation of the Quranic message will continue spreading and that will continue hurting the ummah terribly as it has been for centuries and as a result humanity itself is in terrible state of painful suffering due to lack of proper guidance meanwhile. The more people will misinterpret and misrepresent the Quranic message the more time humanity will spend in its terrible state of existence. As explained already in detail these like verses are not about children and parents fighting over what is left behind by dying people. The Quran is clear that nothing belongs to anyone other than Allah so no one has to give away anything to anyone or to have anything but only and only as told by guidance of Allah as explained already. These are community matters so community has to decide them in light of the message of the Quran. Not a single messenger of Allah is mentioned in the Quran who has left anything behind for his children or supporters other than guidance of Allah for them to run their world according to it. This shows very clearly why rulers, money lender and mullahs work together to derail masses from the real message of God by replacing it with religious and secular nonsense ie because they do not want the human world to be the way Allah advises people to make it. They do not want to share fruits of their labour with rest of humanity and instead they want to grab other’s fruit of labour for themselves by using various tricks and mechanisms eg money system. It is very important for people to think this issue through thoroughly to see its effects on humanity throughout the human world. Inheritance laws in the books of Fiqh are clearly mullah made to suit rulers and money lenders and themselves. They are made so that rich become richer and poor become poorer and that is what has been happening in the world always save where messengers of Allah and their supporters established his rule of law. So if people who claim to be Muslims want a better life for themselves then they better study the Quran in detail by themselves and implement it faithfully or face life in hell for as long as way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other continues in existence. Deen of Allah was revealed by Allah so that people learn it properly and share it with each other correctly and then implement it faithfully in the kingdom of Allah for ensuring their own well being thereby.
181) If anyone changes the advice given after hearing it then any harm or destruction that results from that will be responsibility of those who change the advice. Allah surely makes obvious for all to see results of peoples’ harmful and destructive thoughts against each other through their own actions against each other in due course to assure mankind nothing escapes His set-up systems and laws in the universe.

182) However, there is no restriction on the recipients of the advice if they among themselves make corrections to the wrong or mistaken advice given to them instead of the original if they fear any harmful or destructive outcome for the individuals or the proper human community from acting upon it in its given form. It is because basic purpose of guidance of Allah is unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind through His blissful, dignified and secure life providing revealed program.

Although Allah has sent his message and told people to pass it on down their generations faithfully yet intentional or unintentional wrongs can happen so it is necessary that any message that is passed onto succeeding generation in the name of Allah is properly checked out for any errors or mistakes and if there occurs anything wrong for sure then that wrong should be corrected by them without any fear or favour. These verses are proof that the message of the Quran has been passed down the generations reasonably faithfully.

Word JANAFAA is from root JEEM, NOON and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be biased towards or against someone or something in some sense for some reason ro purpose. Also to be prejudiced against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to incline towards someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to deviate from the point of reference or a set standard or requirement in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go over board when being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or bent or twisted in some sense for some reason or purpose, to err or go astray or wander off in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make mistake in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become unfair or unjust in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take sides in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stray or move away or aside from the centre or norm in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go beyond what is expected or required in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go over the set limit in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fall on or for one side or the other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to not be able to stand or walk properly due to defect or fault in one’s backbone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer from hunchback in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mentally or physically impaired in some way for some reason or purpose, to be beautiful or balanced or symmetrical in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be durable or long lasting, to be reliable or trustable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as base or foundation for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be beast of burden in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to carry out responsibilities in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go over or walk towards someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to travel on foot in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be illusive or deceptive or tricky in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be on a slippery slope in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be smooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast acting or moving in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be talkative or have gift of gab in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gossip or slander or spread false rumour about or back bite someone or something in some sense fro some reason or purpose, to discuss or debate or argue or dispute or converse with someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create gap or distance or difference or separation or gulf between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to blow a horn or whistle or signal some other way to alert or make someone aware about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to blow or inflate or explode or expand or stretch or enlarge or explain or detail something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or consume or swallow something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to interface or communicate through a port or an opening with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mislead or misguide or misinform or disinform someone about something in some way for some reason or purpose, crookedness, wickedness, unfairness, straying away from the right path, to err, mistake, deformed or hunched back, rope, string, thread, an opening, a hole, something that can carry weight or burden, elephant, donkey, horse, mule, water or sea animals, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses explain how important it is that people given each other good advice even if they are on a deathbed so that by following good advice people continue living a blissful and dignified life by looking out for any problems and solving them in time before they could cause any irreparable damage. These verses in their Quranic context are not at all about distribution of parental wealth as mullahs will have us believe. It is because people in a kingdom based upon the Quranic way of life do not own anything to leave for their children. Children also belong to the community and the community is already providing for them so there is nothing that parents can provide for them other than the advice that keep living your life this way if you want to live a blissful and secure life. Even if Muslims are living in nonMuslim kingdoms they can still form community organisations and live as one people looking after each other. Only if people are forced to live as individual families that any parents will have anything to leave for their children. In that case Islamic law does not apply because law is for a community not individuals if there is no community, individuals can learn the message of the Quran and spread it in the hope of raising an Islamic community and they succeed then look at things in community sense otherwise like messengers of Allah carry on spreading the message in the hope one day people will come to realise its benefits and turn to it for guidance. This should never have been the situation of Muslims ummah in the world after the messenger of Allah because he spread the message of Allah for and wide but his followers ended up even killing each other rather than spreading the beautiful message of the Quran to other people in the world. Such a hopeless situation for a community of this size is really unimaginable but that is the way things are for the time being. This is why mullahs need to be given the lesson of their life time by the Muslim masses for what they did to this ummah if Muslims want to make a comeback to take their rightful position in the world. This cannot be done till masses educate themselves first and then put mullahs through schooling by questioning them about what they know about the real world realities and the Quran and in which context it all makes perfect sense ie in sense of brotherhood based individualism or personal gains based individualism? Mullahs are against taking aqal as basis for human knowledge and they are against brotherhood based individualism and if they correct their angle of vision in proper context then because they are already a highly knowledgeable people they can take ummah forward in no time. Taking everything from scratch in that case will not be necessary. Heads of mullahs are full of information but they do not look for a proper criterion to pick and choose from it and they do not know how to put it together properly to create a complete construct or model out of it to show what the proper full picture of way of life is according to the Quran in light of real world realities. Once they do a little work on it then mullahs can turn into great scholars of Islam. So it is only a matter of persuading them to take this plunge. This can have a knock on effect on rulers and money lenders and the world can become a totally different world due to this change in socio-political and socio-economic landscape. This is why a little bit waking up of masses can work wonders for them and the rest and can save humanity from bloody revolutions that are brought about every now and then without effecting real change because these revolutions have no worldwide objective in mind. They are just triggered by local people for local reasons which are not sufficient to bring the big changes needed throughout the world. This revolution can only be brought by people who are world focused. It better be education based rather than bloodbath based. This is why world must give priority to education and learning and become educated or bloody revolutions at a bigger and bigger scales will become a common place as the world connects together more and more and problems each and every person faces become known worldwide. This is why a guided process is better for bringing about a needed change than random outbreaks of uncontrollable violence by people that result in harm and destruction at a worldwide scale.

183) Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Abstaining from all thoughts and actions against Our program, goals and guidelines for a constitution and laws is made absolutely necessary for you as it was made necessary for those before you so that you could become consistent with program, goals and guidelines for constitution and laws of Allah as well as with each other as a proper human community for ensuring well being of mankind.

Here Allah is telling people who claim to work for establishing the rule of law based upon the Quran to stop doing wrongs to each other and start doing things to ensure well being of each other if you are truly committed to the program of the Quran as you claim. Although Allah stops people from doing wrong to each other but not doing what is right for each other is also doing wrong in the eye of the Quran as it explains things. This is very important point for people to remember. The same is true when the Quran tells people to do things as a duty ie in that case not stopping from doing something wrong is not doing one’s duty. In other words the Quranic commandments regardless positive or negative both contain within themselves the opposing implications as well.

Word SIYAAM is from root SWAD, WOW and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to stop oneself or someone or something else from being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to urge or motivate oneself or someone or something else for being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold back as well as to push oneself or someone or something else from being or doing or not being and doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abstain from being or doing something wrong as well as to be compelled for being or doing something right or appropriate in some sense for some reason or purpose, to observe a particular kind of abstinence in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fast in some sense for some reason or purpose, to empty the belly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop or hold back oneself or someone else from being or doing something in a particular way in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fast in a particular or prescribed manner in some sense for some reason or purpose, to remain silent or inactive or idle in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop someone or something from inflicting harms or destructions upon someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abstain from inflicting hardship or poverty or damage upon someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold oneself back from causing trouble or difficulty or hardship for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abstain from causing a disaster or calamity or catastrophe in some sense for some reason or purpose, to prevent or try to prevent oneself or someone or something else from going or going about something the wrong way in some way for some reason or purpose, to place some sort of obstacle or hurdle or barrier or rail or fence or wall before someone or something top stop it from going in a particular way in some sense for some reason or purpose so that someone or something does not get through, to empty one’s mind from harmful and destructive thoughts about others in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop intake of food or drink or both in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become free of anger and impatience or desire for dominance over others in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become free of harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold something back from spreading or affecting someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect or interconnected or interlink people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in contact or touch in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of some sort in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some way for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or deceptive or wicked in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to carry out responsibilities in some sense for some reason or purpose, to flood or water or irrigate in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause a disaster or calamity or catastrophe in some way for some reason or purpose, to be life giving in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be forceful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to break through the dame or defence or fence or blockade in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flood in some sense for some reason or purpose, abstention, stoppage, prevention, a dame or barrier or obstruction, something that stops happening for some reason, something that stops doing something or is made to stop doing something, stay quiet, be quiet, be silent, remain unnoticed, secret, private, not be disturbing, hunting or fishing, chasing, side, journey, fishing hook, trail, cleavage, standing out, split, family tree, constitution, diagram, trunk, origin, seed, beginning or starting point, juice, extract, essence, the very being of something, root/s, branch/es, liquid, fluid, something that flows or drops or runs, revelation of God, something that inspires or motivates or drives or pushes or encourages, tree or plant or something like tree or plant in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In the Quranic context SOWM means a training program for people to stop them from inflicting harm and destruction upon each other for personal gains at the expense of each other which is fundamental for tying people into a network of brotherhood. So long as people think it is ok to harm and destroy each other for personal gains then proper human community cannot come about nor anyone can bring it about. This is why the Quran first emphasises vital importance of intelligence and then of having information about real world realities and then about message of Allah and its spread, which in turn teaches importance of community life and then commands to bring it about by words YUQEEMOON AL-SALAAH. Since community cannot come about unless people help each other grow and prosper therefore emphasis is placed upon ZAKAAH and growth and prosperity is not possible while people commit all sorts of atrocities against each other hence the emphasis on SOWM. This whole struggle from start to establishment of kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is termed HAJJ and its performance is termed JIHAAD. It all begins with concept of TOWHEED-unity of Godhead and that moves onto unity of mankind ie one God, one book, one prophet, one people and one ultimate goal sort of thing. All this will gradually unfold in detail as we progress in our study of the Quran.

Being true to the message of Allah and mankind is absolutely necessary and is emphasised throughout the Quran this is why a person cannot be truly consistent with the message of the Quran unless one has mindset, attitude and behaviour that is according to the Quran and only that can help people live the way the Quran wants them to live. Make belief based blind faith and ritualism is condemned throughout the Quran repeatedly because such faith and practice lacks reasoning for purpose of life itself for which mankind have been bestowed with powerful brains and senses and bodies. A cow could not land on moon even if it had human brain in her head because there has to be consistency for coordination between brains, senses and bodies. This is why a human is a human and cannot be a cow therefore one should not try to be one nor act like a cow or any other animal as told by the Quran itself. Since a person is not an animal body wise, so one should not be mentally either ie people should try their best to be good people not animals. So consistency between message of Allah and humanity is impossible unless mankind learn the message of Allah properly and then act upon it faithfully in order to fulfil or accomplish its set goals for humanity.

184) For that reason there are supposed to be set apart some days to educate and train people for this purpose. However if any of you is ill or on a journey of learning or on the move for livelihood etc in that period of time in that case such people should complete their this training for a similar number of days during another session. For those who have had the training already their task is to work for satisfying the proper needs and wants of the residents of the kingdom. So whoever tries to be mentally and physically consistent with that idea of ensuring well being of others it is in fact a way of ensuring one’s own well being if you people could think about it at a wider and a deeper level.

Word SAFAR is from root SEEN, FAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to lift the cover off someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to reveal or expose or manifest or bring in the open or make something hidden obvious in some sense for some reason or purpose, to travel or move or shift or budge or make a trip or journey in some sense for some reason or purpose, to undertake a mission or task or responsibility or an obligation to fulfil in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shine through or burst open or break through or come in the open or become exposed in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be shining or bright or radiant in some sense for some reason or purpose, to expand or detail or stretch or explode or enlarge or explain or spread something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to expose or reveal oneself or someone or something else in some sense for some reason or purpose, to write or scribble or scratch or scribe or etch or mark something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to write a large or voluminous or bulky book or tome or opus or commentary or some scholarly treatise or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to tell or narrate or report about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to trail or follow someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to tell a story about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to write a biography of someone or autobiography of oneself in some sense for some reason or purpose, to undertake a journey of learning or education or training in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make the obvious more obvious or to make the hidden manifest by opening it up in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something shine or bright in some sense for some reason or purpose, to sweep or scan or look around in some sense for some reason or purpose, to sweep the floor for clearing it from the dirt or dust or rubbish in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make something dirty or spread rubbish all over the place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to open up in some sense for some reason or purpose, to break the ice in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop hesitation or resistance or become free in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop being lonely or shy or start intermingling or socialising freely in some sense for some reason or purpose, to adulterate or mix up things or add impurities into something pure in some sense for some reason or purpose, to scatter or broadcast or publicise or propagate or promote something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to undertake a mental or physical journey in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a traveller or scholar or student or learner in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be on a mental or physical journey in some sense for some reason or purpose, to brush something under the carpet in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hide or cover up someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or intelligent or clever or brainy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be tricky or cunning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut or separate or divide or distinguish or isolate or destroy something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or devour something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut or cut off or sever ties with or boycott someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to slander or gossip or spread rumours or false information about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to argue or debate or discuss or talk or converse or dispute or contend with someone about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have gift of gap in some sense for some reason or purpose, to blow a horn or whistle or signal to someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to undertake a journey or go on a an expedition for research or exploration or discovery or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be infirm or unstable in some sense for some reason or purpose, mental or physical journey, traveller, tiffin carrier, lunch box, food table, eating place, a book that makes things clear, revelation of God, the book writer or author of the book, food one carries for eating during the journey when travelling, going through an experience mentally or physically, explanation, travelling, diplomacy, tradition, rule of law, custom, reference point, guide, the one who helps mend fractured relationships between people, justification, justifier, precedent, something firmly established, something painful or regretful, ruling elite, leadership, cream of the crop, top part or section of something, administration, management, command and control centre, central nervous system, brain, senses, sense of making proper sense of things, chiefdom, kingship, throne, kingdom, government, regime, organisation, association, community, family, support, following, party or team group, a person or party that makes two opposing sides come together, negotiator, envoy, diplomat, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YUTEEQOON is from root TWAA, WOW and QAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is to encircle someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to surround or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to control or handle or management someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overwhelm or over power someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have influence or power or jurisdiction or authority or grip over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have capacity or ability or capability or strength or energy to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to bear or carry weight or responsibility or burden in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in fetters or in prison or captivity in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be stopped or prevented or disabled or held back or restraint or contained or restricted or limited or obstructed from being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or hurdles or barriers or walls or rails or guards or restrictions in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have something tied or twisted or clapped or put around the neck or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to belong to or be connected or related to some group or organisation or family or association or party or clan or tribe or community in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bear or endure or put up with something difficult or troublesome or hard in some sense for some reason or purpose, to erect a monument or building or structure on a top of a hill or mountain in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mark or sign or brand or label someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network in some sense for some reason or purpose, to join or link or interlink or connect or interconnect people or things together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact for some reason or purpose, to help people or things to communicate or interact or participate with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have gone through troubles or difficulties or problems or hardships or adversities or calamities or disasters or catastrophes in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be trapped in hardship or poverty or disease in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stay or remain firm in times of trouble or hardship in some sense for some reason or purpose, to rest or remain calm or stay put or take things easy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be expert or have mastery over or expertise in some field of knowledge in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump about or around in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mischievous or naughty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mimic or copy or imitate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be like or image of someone or something in sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or deceptive or illusive or wicked in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mislead or misguide or misinform or disinform in some sense for some reason or purpose, to do something that is very hard or difficult to do in some sense for some reason or purpose, building, structure, monument, guide, constitution or tradition, precedent, example, book, collection of things, lamppost, something high and visible from s distance, lighthouse, neck-bound, neck band, necklace, torc or torque, collar, loop, bangle, volume, container, bracelet, circle, fetters, encompass, encircle, ability, power, capacity, comprehension, the weight around the neck of an animal that hits it on its legs when it tries to run out of control to stop it from running away, landmark or something like landmark in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In the Quranic context, people who have been trained properly with knowledge become mentally bound by it so they are ready to serve community the best possible they can. The Quran is telling people that without proper education and training things cannot work out between people and for that special steps need to be taken and special efforts need to be made by people themselves on revolutionary basis. All people need to be educated and trained properly and then they need to be put to work in the best interest of the human community but the exception is made for those who are exempt for some genuine reasons eg physically or mentally incapable or occupied elsewhere already. One has to remember always that the Quran is a community building program to begin with and this community is build for a reason in order to fulfil other goals that can only be fulfilled if the human beings became a proper human community first. Since community building is impossible unless reasons for disputes and dissensions and wars are removed from among them therefore the Quran is revealed to help mankind do that and this is why this surah is named AL-BAQARAH=conflicts and resolutions etc. Here rulers, money lenders, mullahs, their touts and supporters are completely exposed by the Quran and thereby different versions or religion and secularism. For as long as people create divisions on basis of some people can have more and others less just because they can produce more is not the right basis for founding a proper human community upon. It is because those who have more advantages over others they are given to them by God and those who have less advantages compared to others they too are given to them by God and not for reason of abusive use of each other by taking undue advantages of each other but for taking care of each other by standing in for each other. This is what complementary human community means in the Quranic context when the Quran is read and understood in its proper context. This point will become much, more clear as we go through the Quran in our study of the Quran.

185) The era or time period for wars for domination between people is the one during which the Quran is revealed to guide mankind out of it through clear goals and guidelines as the criterion for judging their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards each other whether they are harmful and destructive or benevolent and constructive. Therefore if any of you the human populations come across such a situation of harm and destruction or bloodshed between people then you should be well trained and properly prepared to be able to cope with it or to stop it. So you should undertake the advised training program unless one is ill or on a journey of some sort in that case one should complete the training for a similar number of days in later sessions. Allah intends your well-being therefore He does not intend to put you through unnecessary hardship so complete the training for a period of time prescribed so that you could establish His sovereignty in His kingdom and thereby make His glory properly manifest for mankind to see as he has guided you so that you could use His provisions properly as He has advised you the proper human community.

Word SHAHRU is from root SHEEN, HAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to take out or draw sword out of its sheath in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to attack or declare war on or against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become famous in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become well known or recognised in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become noticeable or evident or obvious or distinct in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become notorious in some way for some reason or purpose, to become infamous or ill-famed in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become known or famous for all the wrong reason in sense for some reason or purpose, to be honourable or noble or have good name in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become luminous or shining or bright in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become a luminary or distinguished scholar or celebrity in some sense for some reason or purpose, to work for someone or something on contract on a monthly basis in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something well known or famous in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or portray someone or something notorious in some sense for some reason or purpose, to impose war on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shed blood of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to carry out or cause bloodshed in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something manifest or evident in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer a window of opportunity to someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer a way out of a situation or a set of circumstances in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make a way into someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder, to contemplate, to conspire, to plot, to plan ahead or in advance, to be intelligent or clever or sharp, to be tricky or cunning or deceptive, to clash or confront or oppose, to attack or strike each other, to join or mingle with each other, to be on the wrong side of something in some sense, to be on the wrong side of the law, to cause lawlessness or disorder or instability or chaos or confusion or anarchy, to divide or separate or branch out/off or scatter or spread or disperse or breakup or split, to be like or similar or resemble, to suspect or doubt, to be cold, to dispute or disagree or fragment or fight or argue or contend, to have a family or support or following, to plot or plan or scheme, to be jealous or envy, to be niggardly or miser or stingy, to grow or develop or prosper or have plenty or be affluent or fat, to bear rancour or hold grudge, to have a distinct body or reality, to organise or regulate, to be prominent or visible or high profile, to be hard or solid or tough or firm or strong, to be a troublemaker or mischievous or active or lively, to learn or take in or drink or inhale, liquid or water or juice or information, source of information or knowledge or learning or teaching, to irrigate or imbibe or absorb, to open up or expand or explain or make obvious or visible or manifest or distinct, to bolt or break loose or go astray, to shatter into pieces, to be rebellious or harmful or destructive or criminal or evil or wicked, to set conditions or terms for an agreement, to rise or give light, the sun or sunrise, to distribute or share or part or party or partnership or association, to acquire or sell or buy or exchange or barter or deal, to slice or peel, to over burden, to have branches, side or riverbank, to transgress or go beyond acceptable limits, to unite or gather together, to set on fire or inflame or ignite or lit or burn, to pierce or puncture or infatuate or smite or penetrate, to engage or employ or occupy or toil or distract, to pair or double or join with, to intercede or intervene or standby or support or backup, to be compassionate or affectionate, to have desire for or seek after, to approach, to be near, to restore or cure, to dispute or fight angrily and loudly, to make intense noise, to become noticed, to make aware, to cry out loud, battlefield or arena or something like battlefield or arena in some sense, battle or something like battle in some sense, spark of fire, path or rule of law or tradition or custom or direct or instruction or way of life or constitution, tribe or clan or family or group or party, poetry, new moon, lunar month, solar month, calendar month, a known period of time, an agreed period of time, an era, a period of time, a time duration, an unspecified or an unlimited period of time as to its duration, something or anything famous, someone or anyone famous, something or someone that become obvious or known, fighting or breaking out of war, marriage, celebration, festival, meeting or gathering of people, mixing or mingling or socialising of people, declaration of something eg start of new lunar month when new moon is sighted, upheaval, commotion, drawing sword or making declaration of war or start of fighting or bloodshed, noise, wrangle, the time period of upheaval or uprising or bloody revolution or fighting or war, administration or management, government or governing body or regime, organisation or association, chiefdom, ruling elite, top part of section of something, command and control centre, central nervous system, president, heart, the very being or essence or origin, foundation or base or seed, fighting or something like fighting in some sense for some reason or purpose, window or something like window in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word RAMADAAN is from root RAA, MEEM and DWAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to make weapons for war in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to make ready or prepare weapons for war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to sharpen the cutting edge of the sword in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in state of war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be drawn into a conflict or war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fall victim to a conflict or war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to experience a period of warfare in some sense for some reason or purpose, to undergo warfare experience in some sense for some reason or purpose, to train for warfare in some sense for some for some reason or purpose, to impose some sort of warfare upon someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a warmonger in some sense for some reason or purpose, to seek war or try to cause war between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to urge or encourage or motivate people for war in some way for some reason or purpose, to have heated argument or debate with someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause friction or conflict between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to create reasons for dispute or rift or conflict or fight or war between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to raise temperature or heat or hatred between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to ignite or intensify or below fire of hatred between people in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be intelligent or clever or sharp or tricky or cunning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have sense of making proper sense of things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan things ahead or in advance for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have insight about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass or encircle someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or play a trick or conspire against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to flood or irrigate or drench or soak or dip something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or bloodshed or disaster or catastrophe or calamity in some sense for some reason or purpose, to break the barrier or dam or wall or defence line in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overwhelm someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to converge or diverge in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have plenty of sheep or goats in some sense for some reason or purpose, to over flow or over run something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run or spreads in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be life giving in some sense for some reason or purpose, to step over the battle line in some sense for some reason or purpose, to ruin or destroy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause death and destruction in some sense for some reason or purpose, to burn or scorch someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to scald or rebuke someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to inflict harm or destruction upon someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to have grip or grasp over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause chaos or disorder or anarchy or confusion in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have the ability or capacity to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, administration, management, ruling elite, leadership, chiefdom, top part or section of something, command and control centre, central nervous system, cream of the crop, revelation of God, foundation, base, something trustable or reliable in some sense, energy, heat or temperature, heat caused by friction between two stones or when grinding or rubbing sword on a stone to sharpen it, a heated situation that develops between two parties leading to war or bloodshed, wars for domination over each other or undermining each other, the hot month of the year, era or the time period full of wars for domination or bloodshed or death and destruction, month of Ramadan, a period of warfare, a hot period of the year, month of Ramadan called by this name because it used to occur during summer time when it was hottest when the months were named by Arabs long before the revelation of the Quran, something that quenches thirst or fulfils or satisfies a need of someone or something in some way eg water or bloodshed or love or knowledge etc, boundary, border line, warzone, dividing line, something that sets limit or limitation for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, partition or separation line, demarcation line, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense for some reason or purpose, battle line or something like battle line in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word QURAAN is from root QAAF, RAA and ALIF. Concrete meaning of this root is to collect something in something in some sense in some way and then pass it on or spread it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to proclaim or declare something openly in public in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to read out aloud in public something from a scroll or from a written down piece of writing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to recite something from memory or from a written piece of work in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to read or recite something for oneself or for someone else in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to read something for learning or for understanding or for teaching it to others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather something together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take in or catch in or hold in something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become pregnant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become loaded or burdened with some kind of load or weight or burden or responsibility or obligation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become with a child in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to match something in length in some sense in some way with something else in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to add something to something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to know someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or cause someone to proclaim or declare or collect or spread something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enable someone to proclaim or declare or read or recite or collect or spread something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or enable someone to recognise or become familiar with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collect a piece of information in form of writing for preservation or proclamation or declaration in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to jump about or all around in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be agile or active or lively or elusive or illusive or mischievous or cunning or clever in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to copy or imitate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collect or gather together or preserve something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let flow out or discharge or eject or emit or push out something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to publicise or broadcast or scatter or cause something to grow or blow up or explode in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to expand or explain or detail something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate or meditate over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become free of impurities or foreign material or intervention or infection or disease or illness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become clean or clear or pure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to recover from a problematic situation or a set of circumstances or be back to normal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever or sharp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a leader or guide or teacher or instructor or director in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to handle or manage someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, something collected in something and spread, something proclaimed or declared or read or recited, something learned or understood or taught, something known or familiar or recognised, The Holy Quraan or Quran or Koran or Qoran, a book in Arabic revealed by God to Muhammad his final messenger for guidance of mankind in this era, proclamation, open declaration, recitation, discourse, lecture, a collection of revealed messages of God in book form, an era or a time range or duration of time, a period of time, time span, menstruation, periods, a cycle or something cyclic that keeps repeating itself at a certain frequency, appointed time, menstrual period, pregnancy, responsibility, liability, duty or obligation, the entire text of the Quran, weight, mass, burden, load, collection of blood or sperm in the uterus of an adult female, collection of information in the mind of a person through memorising or on paper in writing or in form of some other medium mankind may discover for this purpose or purpose of information preservation, administration or management, ruling elite, leadership, cream of the crop, the best people or things, top part or section of something, chiefdom or emperorship or kingship, imperialism, authoritarianism, governing body, command and control centre, central nervous system, origin or base or foundation, something in which something is founded or rooted or anchored, God, revelation of God, bull, ox, strength, power, authority, master, in charge, staff, team, crew, organisation, circle of relations or friends or colleagues, company, companionship, fellow workers or class mates, fellow countrymen, subjects of same kingdom, citizens of same country, people belonging to same organisation or committee, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YUSR is from root YAA, SEEN and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to facilitate something for someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to ease something for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or pave the way for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to divide something into small amounts or sections for some reason or purpose, to be or become accommodating in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become available or approachable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be at ease or comfortable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become lenient in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become on the wrong side of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have wealth by wrong means in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make something easy for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to enable someone or something to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something fit or worthy for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to prepare or educate or train someone in some way for some reason or purpose, to make something possible for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be little or small in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become light in weight or responsibility or easily bearable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become generous or charitable or helpful or supporting or kind or compassionate or tender hearted or amiable or compatible or palatable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become affluent or prosperous or well off in some sense for some reason or purpose, to help someone or something relax or be comfortable or affluent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to help relax someone’s financial burden in some way for some reason or purpose, to draw lots to win or lose something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have an easy life in some sense for some reason or purpose, to open up in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in light mood in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be rich or wealthy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be soft or easy going or gullible in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be taken for a ride or made fool of in some sense for some reason or purpose, left side, left hand, butcher, game of chance, gambling, ill-gotten gains, something lost or won through gambling, something that becomes available easily without effort or much effort, to bring people or thing together to form a network of people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have reach or grip or grasp or jurisdiction or power or authority or control over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved in making something happen in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have a hand in something happening in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encircle or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or wicked or deceptive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut or bite or eat or destroy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut off or bite off or sever ties or boycott someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or join people or things together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encircle or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be firm or solid in some sense for some reason or purpose, administration, management, ruling elite, leadership, cream of the crop, wealth based pyramid scheme or structure or mechanism, chiefdom, command and control centre, central nervous system, top part of section of something, precedent, example, tradition, custom, rule of law, constitution, reference point, guide, brain, mind, sense of making sense of things, sadness, sorrow, unhappiness, regret, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TUKMILOO is from root KAAF, MEEM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to conclude something about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be or become complete or whole or perfect in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become mature in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reach perfection or completeness or wholeness or maturity or conclusion in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become full or wholesome in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something complete or perfect or whole in some sense for some reason or purpose, to finalise or end or close something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fill something up completely in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become the entire thing in some sense for some reason or purpose, to achieve or accomplish what one set out to achieve or accomplish in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overwhelm someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or tender hearted or soft or weak or easily approachable or gullible in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as shock absorber in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as cushion or punching bag in some sense for some reason or purpose, to facilitate convergence or divergence for people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as a joining point or meeting place for people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be an easy target in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be harmful or destructive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate fields in some sense for some reason or purpose, to flood a place with abundance of things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be generous in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or death or destruction or disaster or catastrophe or calamity in some sense for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or tears to flow in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give life to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to motive or drive or push or urge or encourage or inspire someone or something to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or use weapons or tools or instruments in some sense for some reason or purpose, spear, arrow, a stick with a sharp pointed end, pen or pencil, equipments, machines, mechanisms, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse tells reasons for revelation of the Quran to stop wars between people and bring them towards unity, peace, progress and prosperity. It is pointed out very clearly here that to bring anyone round to accept unity, peace, progress and prosperity ideology is not an easy task therefore each and every supporter of the Quran must work hard to train himself before inviting others to Islam. So that people are fully aware what they are invited to and what is in it for them. This training is so important that even if people are ill they must get involved in it as soon as they are free to do so. These verses show how important knowledge is when one claims to be a Muslim ie declares one’s commitment to carrying out teachings of the Quran by words where that is required and by deeds where actions need to be carried out. In the Quranic context working towards ultimate goal is absolutely important not just the declaration of commitment to the Quranic program and then sitting idle doing nothing to further the program of Allah for achieving the ultimate goal. Such people are not Muslims in sight of Allah due to lack of their commitment to his goals in deeds.

186) Therefore when My human creatures ask you – the people who are committed to My assigned mission as a proper human community to bring about My kingdom based upon My guidance – regarding coming about of My kingdom based upon My guidance tell them, coming about of My kingdom is at hand if you people will participate in My program by responding to it appropriately. I respond to call of any people who call upon Me for guidance through this Quran, so they too should heed My call through the Quran and commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind so that they too end up as a people who are guided properly.

Word UJEEB is from roots JEEM, WOW and BAA and JEEM, YAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be a beast of burden in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be able to carry out responsibilities in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be long lasting or durable or permanent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to act as base or foundation for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be beautiful or adorable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to protect or shield or cover or defend or guard or hide or veil or imprison or arrest or restrict or limit or confine or constrain or preserve or enslave or lock up someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or roof over head or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or chamber or hiding place or refuge or shelter or patronage or sanctuary or care or looking after or canopy or security in some sense for some reason or purpose, to wrap up or cover up or envelope someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be deceptive or crooked or wicked in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or thing in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or join people or things together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to form a communication network between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have reach or jurisdiction or control or power or authority or grip or grasp over people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental in being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut out, to hollow, to put something into the pocket, to pocket, to confront or deal with resolutely, to respond, to move forward, to advance through, to move across, to have something under one’s control, to pierce, to make a hole, to cut out, to split, to roam, to go about, to clear away, to reveal, to reply, to answer, to respond, to grant, to accede to a wish, to hallow out, to hew, to answer a distress call, to come to the rescue, to obey, to follow, to be replied to, to comply with, to accept, to follow the call of, to have something in one’s pocket, to have something within one’s reach or grasp or capability, to have the power to do something, to consolidate one’s power, to join in a merger or union, to store, to become united, to unite into one system or a whole, to form into a compact mass, to make firm or coherent, to make strong or secure, to strengthen, entrance, neckline of a garment, breast, bosom, an opening in the garment, pocket, heart, chest, the very being, the very self, the entity, the very essence, body, thorax, the seat of affection and emotion, the seat of intelligence, the face of a mine or tunnel, a cut made in the body or fabric or skin to make a room or hole or a cavity for some purpose, the part of a garment that covers the chest, the female mammary glands on the chest of a woman, middle region of the body, the front part of the human body enclosed by the ribs, compliance, a huge container or a reservoir, rope, string, thread, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YARSHUDOON is from root RAA, SHEEN and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to lead someone or something to the correct path in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to seek guidance of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be rightly guided in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have good sense of making proper sense of things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have good sense of judgement about people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to rationalise or reason out or figure out things for oneself in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be right or correct about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow or be consistent or in step with the right path in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have a guiding person or thing in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become enlightened about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to learn sense of making proper sense of things in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become knowledgeable or skilful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be benevolent for oneself or others in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be sensible in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a leader to the right path in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give or receive guidance or instructions or directions about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stay or remain firmly on a proper path or course of thoughts and actions in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have learned the way to solve problems properly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to perceive or comprehend or understand something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have something or someone in sight or in view in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or make things ready in advance in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to interact or participate or partake or take part in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to intermingle or mix or socialise in some sense for some reason or purpose, to ambush or attack someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fight or inter in a war with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create disorder or anarchy or chaos or confusion in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make way through to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have or come up with a formula for solving a problem in some sense for some reason or purpose, to place obstacles or barriers or obstructions or hurdles in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to remove obstacles or hurdles or barrier or obstructions in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be intelligent or clever or sharp in some sense for some reason or purpose, something that stands to reason under scrutiny, something that is right or proper or appropriate for its claimed use or purpose, guidance, direction, landmark, the correct path, gate, barrier, dam, defence line, guiding rail, support, administration, management, ruling elite, top part or section of something, cream of the crop, chiefdom, leadership, command and control centre, central nervous system, weapons or tools of war, controlled entry or exit, way through, formula, a way to be or to do something, ways and means to someone or something, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, fighting or something like fighting in some sense for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In this verse God makes it absolutely clear as to how he can be approached and how he can answer the call of people through the Quran. The Quran has the answers for all questions people will ever ask of God but to get the answers they must look in the Quran and try and understand it as it ought to be understood. So if anyone has any questions about God in his mind, he should read the Quran and look for the answers of his questions. There are only three types of questions one can have 1) related to self awareness 2) related to awareness of universal realities and 3) related to awareness of God. For self awareness and awareness about universal realities God has given mankind brains, senses and body mechanisms to find out for themselves by experimenting with things by way of interacting with them. So the Quran repeatedly tells us there is lesson in this thing or that thing for you which means observe things and try making sense of them and through that learn about things eg what they are made of and how they work etc etc and then copy them and invent things for your own use. The only question that mankind cannot answer just by doing that is purpose question and that is answered by the Quran for them but they must still experiment and discover things to see whether the Quran and their findings agree or not. This verse also makes it absolutely clear that kingdom based upon guidance of Allah will not come about unless people bring it about and the Quran provides guidance for mankind towards achieving that objective. So it is up to people to work for the kingdom of God on the basis of the Quran or leave things as they are and suffer the consequences in form of wars for domination over each other for undermining each other. Given the limited free will, God cannot intervene when it is up to people to play their part in the grand scheme of things. God only needed to guide people about which way of life they should adopt for living their lives properly but if people are not interested in finding out about it properly and adopting it faithfully then they are bound for suffering the consequences of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other by hands of each other right here in this life. So if people really want a beautiful word for themselves from God then they must answer his call and the beautiful world they want will be delivered to them soon after otherwise they can wait for it for as long as they like but paradise they are waiting for will not arrive. This verse makes it absolutely clear the Quran is a book for education based revolution. If people will not start that revolution then things will keep on happening evolutionary way because that is the way world is set up by God to work. You want proper education based proper decisions then educate people properly otherwise they cannot make proper education based proper decisions and ignorance based decisions only and only lead to outcomes we human beings have been facing always. Here in this verse the main point made is, kingdom of God is near or at hand ie it is ready to become a reality because the Quran is in the hands of people themselves which is a program for bringing about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. This is why it is not a holy book of religion rather it is about an ideological kingdom which is to be brought about and managed by a team of highly educated and trained people in all fields of knowledge necessary for this purpose. This is why it is useless to read the Quran for collecting imaginary reward for hereafter. It is for building this world beautifully and if people will strive for that then whatever part they will play for that it will be rewarded in hereafter. Baseless beliefs and useless rituals are not deen of Islam at all so people should not waste their lives for imaginary things that have no basis in the text of the Quran when it is read in its proper context.

187) Therefore it is made advantageous for you the leading knowledgeable rightly guided people in the human populations to set-up a period of intense training for your human populations to prepare them for abstention from all harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. They are supposed to be means for ensuring your blissful, dignified and secure existence just as you are supposed to be means for ensuring their well being or blissful, dignified and secure existence as a properly human community based upon Our guidance. Allah has already made obvious to you people the results of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other whereby you people used to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains at the expense of each other therefore you ended up in a disgraceful state of existence yet He turned to you through His guidance to avail you opportunity to rescue yourselves from your harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours for blissful, dignified and secure existence. So as of now you should furnish these human populations of yours with glad tidings about this program and seek mutual complementary cooperation of each other as Allah has explained for you in His book. Therefore actively participate and learn what is explained until the rule of law of Allah based upon light of His knowledge becomes fully distinct in your minds from the rule of law based upon darkness of ignorance and the new dawn breaks out through its implementation and that is how you should complete your period of intense training and then take the same message to other human populations still living in darkness of ignorance for freeing them from harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other also as a brotherhood of humanity. However do not give them invitation for the training just as yet the while you yourselves are still learning and working out the instructions in light of Our guidance for their implementation in your own institutions in the land. These are the limits set by Allah therefore do not approach them yet. That is how Allah makes His goals and guidelines clear for mankind so that they could become consistent with them as well as each other as a proper human community.

This verse tells followers of the Quran to not to spread message of the Quran in a haphazard or wrong way among mankind otherwise things instead of getting better could get worse because commandments of Allah need to be approached for their implementation with proper understanding for proper implementation and propagation to prevent harmful or destructive outcomes due to misunderstanding and their misrepresentation. After the messenger of Allah the main problem Muslims created for themselves was to flung open the door of the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah which brought in far too many people with whom they could not cope and the kingdom that was brought about by the final messenger ended up destroyed. A properly organised and regulated community if it lets in ignorant people in a huge number then it does not take very long for it to disappear because it takes years to educate and train a people up to standard set by the Quran. The Quran itself explains how human population should be managed by humanity properly.

Word RAFAS is from root RAA, FAA and SAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to exploit someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to make use of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abuse someone or something verbally or physically in some way for some reason or purpose, to have sexual intercourse with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to explore or discover or find out something about someone or something in some sense by interacting or participating with someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to cultivate or till or groom or prepare or educate or train or make ready someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become cultured or civilised in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or speak or behave inappropriately or vulgarly or obscenely or indecently in some way for some reason or purpose, to swear or throw abuse or use foul language at someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make use of something in an abusive manner for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something work more than someone or something is capable of doing normally in some way for some reason or purpose, to make life difficult or hard or problematic for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put someone or something through hardship or poverty or disease in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shy away or hesitate or hold back from or resist something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or contemplate or ponder over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be clever or tricky or sharp or intelligent or deceptive or cunning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encircle or comprehend or surround or encompass or overwhelm someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to blow a horn or whistle or trumpet in some sense for some reason or purpose, to signal or give signal to someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow up or inflate or expand or make bigger or increase in size or enlarge or stretch or explain or spread or detail or explode or open up something in some way for some reason or purpose, to below or blow at fire to make it burn more fiercely in some sense for some reason or purpose, to slander or backbite or spread false rumours about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to accuse someone or something falsely about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create distance or gap or gulf or difference or dispute or divide or rift or conflict or separation or isolation between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to talk or discuss or debate or gossip or converse about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to outline or sketch something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to adorn or decorate or make someone or something beautiful or eye catching or attractive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with basic structure or framework for adding things onto to it in some way for some reason or purpose, to wash or hang clothes on something in some way for some reason or purpose, clothe hanger, ladder, ways and means, garments, administration, management, ruling elite, leadership, president, precedent, example, tradition, rule of law, custom, power, authority, government, command and control centre, centre of power, central nervous system, top part of section of something, interface, part, entry and exit point, an opening, hole or making a hole, window, an opportunity, way through, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose, skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TAKHTAANOON is from root KHAA, WOW and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to let someone or something down in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be disloyal to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to commit treachery or treason in some way for some reason or purpose, to betray someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause anarchy or chaos or confusion or disorder in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give false or incorrect or misleading advice to someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fail to be true to one’s word or undertaking in some way for some reason or purpose, to short-change something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to glance furtively at someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lookafter someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fall on hard times or in poverty or disease in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fail to fulfil one’s trust or pledge in some sense for some reason or purpose, to break a pledge or promise in some sense for some reason or purpose, to breach or violate an agreement or contract in some way for some reason or purpose, to deceive or defraud or cheat someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to prove to be dishonest in some sense for some reason or purpose, to divide or cause separation or rift or dispute or dissention between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some way for some reason or purpose, to put a wall or barrier or fence or obstruction between people or things to stop them from coming together in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate things or people from each other in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause troubles or problems between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or join people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have a relationship of some kind with something or someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some way for some reason or purpose, to move smoothly and quietly or act fast or quickly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fall in identity crisis in some sense for some reason or purpose, to form a network of people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or join people or things together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create communication network between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or be based upon unsound or unstable or infirm or weak foundation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stand upon shaky ground or unsound reasoning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mentally or physically shaky or unstable or unbalanced or weak in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be useless or unfit for use in some sense for some reason or purpose, breaking of a covenant, a deceiver or a cheat, one given to treachery, a vicious traitor, a slippery slope, one given to treachery, unbalanced or wrongly founded structure or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word KHAEET is from root KHAA, YAA and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to join or link or connect people or things together in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to sew or stitch things together in some way for some reason or purpose, to patch up or stitch up or make up or repair or mend or fix people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to relate people or things to each other in some way for some reason or purpose, to adorn or beautify or decorate people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to attach or hook up someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to engage someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pair someone or something with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to tie or bind or fasten someone or something with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to seam or hem or clout or darn something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to adorn or beautify or decorate someone or something with embroidery work in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or jurisdiction or grip or handle or grasp over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental in something happening in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some way for some reason or purpose, to expand or stretch or extend something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to or have the capability or capacity or strength to reach or approach someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or wicked or deceptive or cunning or clever or intelligent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encircle or encompass or surround or overwhelm someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be influential or affluent or a person with ways and means to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mark or brand or label someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be master or skilled or expert in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to carry out some needle work in some sense for some reason or purpose, something that links or joins or connects something to something in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or be based upon unsound or unstable or infirm or weak foundation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stand upon shaky ground or unsound reasoning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mentally or physically shaky or unstable or unbalanced or weak in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be useless or unfit for use in some sense for some reason or purpose, breaking of a covenant, a deceiver or a cheat, one given to treachery, a vicious traitor, a slippery slope, one given to treachery, thread, wire, string, rope, chain, needle, tailor, tailoring, streak, line , thick rope, colour, party, a line or mark or smear or brand differentiated by colour of texture from its surroundings, an inherent contrasting quality, a stretch, an unbroken series, to rush, to run naked in public, a trace, a flash leaving a visible line or after effect, to do something rapidly or suddenly or quickly, sign, symbol, monument, guide, reference point, standard, lamppost, direction or instruction board, leader, tradition, custom, example, precedent, rule of law, constitution, something that helps go about daily life in some sense, something high and visible from a great distance, clue, cue, lighthouse, beacon, unbalanced or wrongly founded structure or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like landmark in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ABYAD is from root BAA, YAA and DWAAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to honour someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to whiten something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to whitewash someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become white in some sense for some reason or purpose, to paint someone or something in white colour in some sense for some reason or purpose, to grace or raise in honour or uplift someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or guard or preserve or defend or reinforce or support or hide or cover or imprison or protect or shelter or restrict or limit or confine or lock up or arrest or restrain someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with patronage or guardianship, or foundation or care or looking after, or roof over head, or breathing space or refuge or sanctuary or chamber or space or room for manoeuvre or hiding place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to wrap up or cover up or envelope or veil in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overwhelm or overpower or encircle or surround or encompass someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or party or group or community or following or support or backing or reinforcement in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or interlink or interconnect or join or attach people or things together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or wicked or deceptive or cunning or clever in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or grasp or handle or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to extend or stretch or enlarge or empower or spread or scatter or expand or increase something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a divided household or population in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in battle with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer from internal disputes or disagreements or rifts or divisions or dissentions or conflicts or wars in some way for some reason or purpose, to be at each other’s throats in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a civilised or cultured person in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be affluent or prosperous or a person of influence or ways and means in some sense for some reason or purpose, egg-white, white colour, innocence, blamelessness, purity, a gathering or meeting place, combined or collective force or power, situation or place or environment, egg/s, origin, foundation or base, seed, starting point, beginning, spread or scatter or influence, proof, clear evidence, the best or brilliant explanation about something, pride, benevolence, well being, affluency, abundance, brilliant white light, light of knowledge, tent, something that provides protection or safety and security, sanctuary or shelter or refuge, reach, grasp, jurisdiction, understanding comprehension, power or authority, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, battle line or something like battle line in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ASWAD is from root SEEN, WOW and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is guide or someone or something like guide in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also leader or someone or something like leader in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, master or someone or something like master in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, teacher or someone or something like teacher in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, instructor or director or someone or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, chief or ruler or lord or lady or someone or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, famous or notable or honourable or honest or respectable person or someone alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, lord, dark or darkness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, darkness of ignorance or lack of knowledge or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, black or blackness or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a lot of people, a largest party of people, a largest community, masses, general public in great number, numerous people, treasure, wealth, abundance of things, prosperity, villages around the main city, a leader with a huge following or supporting people, the largest part or section of a community, a respectable or influential person of a community, trouble or difficulty or hardship or poverty or sadness or sorrow or grief, something or someone dark or darkened, dark days, period of hardship or difficulty, troublesome time, sad or dark future, failure, disgrace, humiliation, darkness, lack of knowledge or ignorance, black colour, something black or blackened, worry, anxiety, regret, abasement, general public, masses, a large amount or quantity of, the majority of a human population, husband, keeper, manager, handler, leadership, guidance, revelation of God, the elder of a tribe or community, the oldest among a people, the one stricken by grief or sorrow, to lead or guide or instruct or direct, to be a chief or lord or master or teacher, to be a lady or a leading woman, controlled entry or exit, way to or through, formula, ways and means, entrance or gate or doorway, to be a king or monarch or emperor, to be noble or famous or a person of high importance, to be a people of high importance or highly valuable, to be a leading person or party or family or clan or tribe or community, to have plenty of useful things, to be sharp, to consume, to waste, to devour, to blacken, to become black or dark, to feel ashamed, to put to shame, to disgrace, to deceive, to be cunning or tricky, to be tactful, to lock on, to catch on, to join with, to gather, to bring in fold, to make a way through, to put an obstacle in the way, to prevent, to block, controlled entry or exist, to bite, to cut, to be sharp or clever or intelligent or tricky or cunning or deceptive, to destroy, to dispute or cause rift or dissention or bloodshed or fight or war, to be firm or solid or fixed in place or position, to be righteous, to be fair or just, to join or link or connect or put in touch or in contact, to form a network, to combine, to bring or gather together, to bring about a communication or community network, to add or increase or expand or inflate or enlarge or stretch or extend, to blow up or explode, to be or become dark or black in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand or grasp or grip or overcome or overwhelm or overpower or embrace or encompass or surround, to be bent or turned or twisted or crooked or wicked, to wind, to turn or go round or revolve, to make rounds or move in circles or in circular manner, to stop or block or seal, to hinder or resist or prevent, to protect or defend or shield, to lock up or imprison, to be fixed in place or position yet be flexible, to act as a barrier or obstacle or obstruction, teeth or something like teeth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word HUDOOD is from root HAA, DAAL and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to set limit for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to determine boundaries for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to demarcate a point beyond which someone or something is not allowed to go in some sense for some reason or purpose, to define a level beyond which someone or something is not to go in some sense for some reason or purpose, to delimit a ceiling which is not to be transgressed by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to establish a maximum or cap the limit that is not to be surpassed by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fix a mark which is not to be passed by someone or something in some for some reason or purpose, to sharpen tools or weapons or instruments or make someone or something clever or intelligent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have good eyesight or sharp vision in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hone or carve something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to define someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to distinguish or differentiate or make distinction about someone or something from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become angry in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in mourning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act contrary to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to contradict someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in conflict or dispute with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to oppose or go against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop or restrict or prevent or holdback or constrain or curb or fetter someone or something from being or doing or having or using something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to barricade or blockade someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass or envelope or hide or defend or shield, or shelter or cover or veil or imprison, or arrest confine or bridle or control someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or barriers or problems or difficulties or troubles in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, iron or something like iron in some sense for some reason or purpose, something solid or strong or tough, something that is lasting or durable, edge of something, prescribed limits, ordinance, decrees or laws, making or using swords or weapons, fighting a war with weapons, controlled entry or exit, way through, formula, trick or technique or a way for being or doing or having or using something, ways and means, obstacles, obstructions, barriers, dams, guards, wall, partition, isolation, separation, division, rift, dissention, conflict, surrounding, environment, atmosphere, mood, ladder, sword, something that goes through something, strength, power, force, rage, be able to see through things, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.
188) Therefore you should not use whatever fruits of your labour you have among yourselves as a proper human community based upon Our guidance according to way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other so that in that way an elite group from among you could deliberately access through bribery law makers and law enforcers in order to take away unduly what belongs to whole of humanity to use others abusively and you people are already made aware of results of living your lives by that way of life.

Word TUDLOO is from roots DAAL, LAAM and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to reach someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to demand what one is looking for from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make a request for what one needs or wants to someone in some way for some reason or purpose, to bribe someone to get something done by an official in some way for some reason or purpose, to look deeper into things to try to understand them in their proper context in some way for some reason or purpose, to get to know a situation or a set of circumstances more closely or in more detail in some way for some reason or purpose, to wonder about or find someone or something strange in some sense for some reason or purpose, to find or discover something new or odd or strange in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hang down from somewhere in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come near to someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to lead on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to tempt or entice or lure someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to deceive or cheat someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to submit a proof for a claim or an allegation about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to offer money or something as a bribe to someone to get something or get something done in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer some kind of bribe to someone for getting something or getting something done in some way for some reason or purpose, to use one’s good offices for getting something or getting something done properly or improperly for some reason or purpose, to trap someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to let down a bucket into a well to get or fetch water in some way for some reason or purpose, to draw near or bring closer or get near to someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to lay down the weapon in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come closer or approach closely or get nearer to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to ease or facilitate or pave the way to someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to make something easier for someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to use ways or means to get someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to become submerged or bathed in something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become a low life or fall from place or position of grace or honour in some way for some reason or purpose, to fall down from a height or become disgraced or dishonoured in some way for some reason or purpose, to dig deeper and wider to reach or discover truth about someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to fall in abyss or end up in identity crisis or confusion or doubt about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or facilitate or ease the way for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to remove blockages or obstructions or barrier or hardships or problems or difficulties in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to motivate or encourage or drive or urge or push or inspire someone or something to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or use weapons or tools or instruments or equipment or machines or mechanisms in some sense for some reason or purpose, to join or connect or link people or thing to form a network of some sort in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or control or handle or grip or grasp or authority or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be twisted or turned or bent in some way for some reason or purpose, to be wicked or evil or harmful or destructive or deceptive or cunning or clever or crooked in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encircle or overwhelm or encompass or surround someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, the easy way or mean to reach someone or something in some sense for some purpose, a way to get to something, ladder, a pale or bucket lowered into a well to reach water to get water, pail or bucket or container or vessel, controlled entry or exit, way through, ways and means, obstacle or obstruction or fence or barrier or dam or blockage, hardship, poverty or disease, spear, arrow, a stick with a sharp or pointed end, pen or pencil, centre punch, knife, gate, barrier, poverty or disease, weakness, instability, confusion, doubt, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In this verse people are told, do not try to live the harmful and destructive way instead adopt beneficial and constructive way of life. Which way is proper and which is not is obvious from where it is going to land people in the future as a people. If a way of life can be seen to land people in trouble then it is not the right way for mankind to live by. This verse leaves one in no doubt that whatever people have is for community use and not for any clever individuals to take control of it and start abusing the rest of community at will. A binding duty on followers of the Quran to ensure none of the people succeed in doing that because if any did then that is start of dark days for mankind where might is right not proper law or such rule of law. This is why the Quran repeatedly tells mankind, put in place proper law and then ensure that the proper law is implemented and enforced faithfully. Nothing less than that is acceptable for Allah for ensuring well being of mankind and it should be the will of mankind as well therefore if mankind will not wake up and educate and train themselves properly to enable themselves to do all this then they will be eliminated by laws of nature and replaced by people who will do better than those eliminated. It is very strange to see that people talk about western values and eastern values when the Quran is1400 years old and other scriptures are even older and all of them show all these values upon which human civilisation is based are very, very old. They are not from people but creator and sustainer of mankind and he does not take sides instead he decides matter on basis of truth and justice according to his set-up systems and laws in the universe or as per his guidance he provided for mankind. Everything wrong we see in the universe is all due to people not learning sense and doing what they need to do to put things right. However, if people will not learn sense then things will get so bad for them that they themselves will cry out loud for guidance from on high one day. That is when they will be forced to turn to guidance of Allah by circumstances they will have created for themselves and the situations they will have put themselves in. In other words if we the mankind will not learn the easy way by educating ourselves then time is going to come that will force us to learn things the hard way.

189) After knowing all this people will soon request you for setting up proper community institutions based upon this guidance. Tell them, for doing that people will need to be appointed to work in them therefore there are being set standards and training institutions for recruitment and selection of people for the community institutions through scrutiny because otherwise it does not free people from harms and destructions if you bring about community institutions for wrong reasons or make entry in them the wrong way because freedom from all ills in the proper human community lies in consistency between the set out goals and the courses of actions for accomplishing them therefore enter your community institutions through their proper doors and that way be consistent with guidance of Allah and with each other for ensuring well being of mankind so that you could end up united in peace to progress for prosperity.

Here the Quran makes it absolutely clear that logical consistency is of vital importance for mankind if they decide to take aboard the program the Quran puts forth for setting up and running a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. It is because the program for setting up a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is a complete program and therefore it requires a complete plan of action to fulfil the process. Half measures are not going to work therefore before people start anything it is necessary for them to work out each and every step of the process and then go for its implementation. It is then bound to be a successful struggle or movement for mankind not otherwise. This shows what the messengers of Allah did during their lives. They did not adopt some baseless beliefs or dogmas on basis of blind faith and carry out some useless rituals and thought they have been saved by God. All such ideas mean nothing at all in the sight of the Quran. The Quran tells mankind what Allah has created them for and how they can work towards that end step by step eg learn the message in the Quran properly then spread it and then if enough people agree with it and accept it then become a properly organised and regulated human community. After that struggle for establishing a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and after that go for accomplishing higher goals set by Allah for mankind in the Quran. A very straight forward over all picture of deen of Islam. This should help mankind see what is true in the Hadis books and history books or book of Fiqh etc. This is how the Quran proves a perfect criterion for sifting true information from the false one about the final messenger of Allah and past Muslims who truly submitted to message of Allah. This is how the Quran fully exposes rulers, money lenders, religious leaders, their touts and supports. A clear proof what mullahs are preaching is not deen of Islam at all but a set of make beliefs and useless rituals in order to take people away from deen of Islam and keep them away from it. This is why people who read translations and interpretations of the Quran by mullahs cannot find the way to deen of Islam unless they question mullahs’ understanding of the Quran and deen of Islam and start looking for answers they need if they are truly looking for deen of Islam to follow it.

Word MAWAAQEET is from root WOW, QAAF and TAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to fix a time or a place for an action or fix both time and place for an action or event in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to set a standard or criterion for some action or event at a time in a place for some reason or purpose, to put in place symbols or markers in some sense for some reason or serving some purpose, to set up monuments or landmarks or institutions in some sense for some reason or purpose, to specify an amount of time in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or be given an appointment in some sense for some reason or purpose, to set or appoint a time or place for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to point out a time and place for an action or event in some way for some reason or purpose, a place and time for meeting or gathering, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be deceptive or crooked or wicked in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or thing in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or join people or things together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to form a communication network between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have reach or jurisdiction or control or power or authority or grip or grasp over people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental in being or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump about or around in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mischievous or naughty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be agile or active or lively in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mimic or copy or imitate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be like or image of someone or something in sense for some reason or purpose, to keep alive a legacy in some way for some reason or purpose, to have children to carry on family name in some sense for some reason or purpose, to maintain the good name of someone in some way for some reason or purpose, to render someone or something from one state of existence to another in some sense for some reason or purpose, womb, container, basket, coffin, box, chest, secret chamber, room, secret or hidden place, space, time, an appointed time, a fixed time, someone or something for which is time specified, a duration or period of time, timespan, a range of time, spectrum or scope or limitation of someone or something, someone or something for which time is specified, time bound events or happenings or occurrences, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose, womb or something like womb in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

190) This is how you the supporters of the message of the Quran should campaign for bringing humanity to the way of life advised by Allah for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community against those who struggle for the way of life opposite to that which is founded upon personal gains at the expense of each other that leads people to divisions and hatred and wars between themselves but do not transgress the limits set by Allah when doing so. Surely through His guidance Allah supports not those who cause divisions and hatred or wars between mankind for establishing way of life based upon personal gains at the expense each other.

In a way this verse is telling the true Quran followers that when you will try to set-up kingdoms and institutions based upon guidance of Allah for solving problems of humanity as a proper human community according to teachings of Allah, there could be people who could be very unhappy and they could try attacking you in different ways from within and from outside to render your struggle ineffective, so be well prepared for them in order to contain them. Such people from within could pretend to be supporters of the Quran and that way they could try and get into high offices through deceptions and then misuse them and that way they could cause serious problems for the proper human community itself. Outsiders could campaign against the mission of Allah openly and try their best to derail the mission by confusing people about the mission through psychological warfare and if all else fails they could attack you to force you to change your minds, attitudes and behaviours so that you become like them. What should the Muslim response be against such people is explained throughout the Quran. The main thing is that if people who claim to be representing God in the world are challenged then they must have sufficient knowledge and strength to answer any challenge that is thrown at them by opponents of God and humanity. Muslims must come to know that opponents of message of Allah are full of deceptions in form of rulers, mullahs, money lenders, their touts and supporters which is very much obvious from their tricks and mechanisms they set up for trapping and using masses abusively for their own personal gains at their expense as well as they try their best to further their these harmful and destructive ambitions and desires anyway they can. I am using word Muslim in the Quranic context and not in context of people who claim to be Muslims and hardly know a word of the Quran let alone proper message of the Quran. Most of such people are make belief blind faith mullah followers and they know this themselves yet they are not bothered with making any effort to change their this state of ignorance and foolishness about their knowledge of the Quran. Ignorant they were born and ignorant they die without any worthwhile contributions to well being of humanity. The Quran is all about motivating and inspiring people into actions through thoughts worthy of humanity, it is not a book for killing worthy ambitions and desires in people to turn them into idle worshippers who think they have conquered the world by believing in their whimsical god/s and carrying out some useless rituals for their imaginary god/s. That is not Islam the Quran teaches and that is why there is no objection to this sort of Islam by those who promote and fund it ie rulers and money lenders, because so long as people are running after god/s to please him/them by their bags of ritualistic tricks or goodies these people are free to have everything to themselves the while they run to their religious and so called spiritual guides like slaves looking for their these masters to provide them with livelihood. This is why so called graves or tombs of saints as those people call them are filled with these like people making demands of them for worldly things they are told are not good for them and that is why they should not have them yet they turn to these religious and spirituals guides for those very same things. Is it then any wonder that rulers and money lenders are willing to spend huge amounts of money on religious institutions but not on the institutions that are needed by people? For example, one will see huge mandirs, masjids, churches, synagogues, gurudawaras, temples and religious schools etc but not schools, colleges and universities or hospitals and other welfare institutions of reputation that provide people with proper education and livelihood. What kind of stupidity is this? Enemies of humanity can never be friend of God and this is it shows who are enemies of God and humanity. This does not mean building community institutions is wrong but that they should be built as a work of community with community spirit by the community for the proper use of community for fulfilling its needs as told in the Quran in these verses and many others. People who are divided into masters and slave or rich and poor or powerful and destitute are not a proper human community to begin with and they can never be unless they change their way of life from personal gains based way of life at the expense of each other to way of life advised by God and that is not possible unless people develop community spirit in themselves. The institutions built by rulers and money lenders are used for indoctrinating masses with their doctored brain washing materials. The main belief instilled in minds of people from the day they turn to God is that God wants their pooja paat and the more they do that the more righteous they become. People do not realise that word righteous itself means it has something to do with rights of people regarding each other. The Quran is a book about rights of people and that is why those who fulfil those rights stated in the Quran become a righteous people not otherwise. Those who carry out useless rituals in the name of God they are ritualists not righteous.

So places built by rulers and money lenders for ritualistic purposes to make fools of people worked as mass media in times gone by and they still do. Those same people are now using other ways and means as well to get even better results eg through use of mass media of today. The Quran tells us about people who used to build great monuments to be remembered as great rulers etc. Yet their grip on the necks of their masses was such that they sucked the last drop of their blood. This is how the Quran reminds people about them. In the Quranic context the idea that rulers, mullahs and money lenders are a good people is not acceptable with exceptions for individuals who cross the dividing line and turn to deen of Islam as they should. This is why charities are an anti Quran concept which is blessed by mullahs just like rule of people over people is anti Quran concept but it is sanctioned by mullahs and just like business for profit at each other’s expense or loss is labelled deen of Islam and sanctioned by mullahs. So one can see how different are the Quranic concept of deen of Islam and the mullah based concepts of religion Islam and that is why there are so many sects and so much fighting and bloodshed between them. All this will continue till people educate themselves out of all sorts of false ideologies and stop their practices based upon them. Since people were already divided and fighting over lots of things the Quran was sent to show them the way to unity, peace, progress and prosperity. However, instead of listening and heeding the message they started attacking it so they are now totally trapped by their own foolishness and stupidity. This is why people must repent ie stop and retreat and reform if they want to start afresh for another try or keep falling in hell of their own making and keep blaming God and his message for it but not their own stupidity. However that is not going to change anything or is it?

191) So keep campaigning or struggling or striving against such people wherever you come across them so that you get them out of their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against humanity because thereby they drive you the masses out of your places and possessions by inventing and adopting as well as imposing the way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other. Also because their way of life is based upon conspiracies for wars between mankind for their personal gains at the expense of well being mankind which is worst than slaughter as they cut off your lifeline or livelihood by their tricks and mechanisms inducing a slow and painful death in you the masses. Even then you should not go for killing them in the name of the kingdom based upon Our guidance unless they attack you first because of it but if they do attack you then fight them back and defeat them completely and kill them if that has to be done as a last resort. That is the reaction deserved by such harmful and destructive people as oppose and campaign or fight against installation of Our rule of law based upon Our guidance in Our own kingdom of this world.

Word SAQIFTUMOO is from root SAA, QAAF and FAA. Concrete meaning of this word is to straighten someone or something crooked in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to put someone or something in correct shape in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to catch someone or something being or doing or having or using something in some way for some reason or purpose, to come upon or ambush someone or something suddenly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to catch someone or something in the act in some way for some reason or purpose, to gain mastery or control over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to counter or confront someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to teach a lesson to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to respond to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to meet or come across someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to decide a response about something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to struggle or fight or do battle with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overpower or overcome or dominate or defeat or undermine someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gain advantage over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to subdue or humiliate or disgrace someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to catch or capture or arrest or captivate or restrict or limit or confine or constrain someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become aware of, to become aware or alert about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to find out something about someone or something in time in some way for some reason or purpose, to find out something about someone or something through expertise in some way for some reason or purpose, to declare war on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fight someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to outline or sketch something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to adorn or decorate or make someone or something beautiful or eye catching or attractive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with basic structure or framework for adding things onto to it in some way for some reason or purpose, to wash or hang clothes on something in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone with infrastructure or framework for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump about or around in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be mischievous or naughty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be agile or active or lively in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mimic or copy or imitate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be like or image of someone or something in sense for some reason or purpose, to blow a horn or whistle or trumpet in some sense for some reason or purpose, to signal or give signal to someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow up or inflate or expand or make bigger or increase in size or enlarge or stretch or explain or spread or detail or explode or open up something in some way for some reason or purpose, to below or blow at fire to make it burn more fiercely in some sense for some reason or purpose, to slander or backbite or spread false rumours about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to accuse someone or something falsely about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create distance or gap or gulf or difference or dispute or divide or rift or conflict or separation or isolation between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to talk or discuss or debate or gossip or converse about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to locate, to dispute, to overtake, to gain the upper hand, to be found, to be overcome, to be caught in the act, clothe hanger, ladder, ways and means, garments, infrastructure, frame or framework, blueprint, chassis, plan, map, diagram, a capable person, skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses make it absolutely clear that there is an on-going permanent struggle between mankind for establishing a way of life which they want to establish or which they are told to establish by God. This struggle will run its course till way of life advised by Allah becomes the only way of life whereby humanity decides to live. One way of life is invented by rulers, money lenders and their mullahs and its supported and promoted by their touts and supporters and the other way of life is introduced by Allah through his revealed books via his messengers. The human beings who exist today were originally a single family but as this family grew in numbers there arose many divisions between people because original human beings were only human beings by their physical appearances but had little awareness of themselves or their environment but gradually they became more and more aware of themselves and their needs and wants as well as their environment and when they reached the stage of thinking beyond themselves and their environment they started looking for their creator and sustainer and that is when a person from among them was chosen for their guidance namely Aadam the very first messenger of God. As people did not grow food for themselves in those times and they looked for whatever was already there as food, fights broke out between them over mates and resources. This led to much bloodshed over a very long time and as a result people tried to make sense of life and so arose awareness of God in minds of some people and when they sought guidance it was provided to them by God. This is what is explained in the Quran in the story of Adam in different places in the Quran. Aadam brought about the very first kingdom based upon guidance of Allah for mankind to live in and prosper as a proper human community but people like Iblees and his people were not happy with it because they did not want to live like other people as a brotherhood of humanity instead they wanted domination over each other through undermining each other as the rule was between animals till that time. This is how struggle started between those who wanted to continue living like animals and those who wanted to live as told by their creator and sustainer. That struggle continues and will continue yet for a very long time because most people in the world are still like animals in their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours. To bring change in the minds of so billions of people is not an easy task at all but the Quran tells us some people always managed to bring about kingdoms of God at a small scale here and there throughout the human word. The precedents were set by messengers of God. The final example was set by the final messenger of God from Arabia more than 1400 years ago. This explains how things have been going on and how they will continue for quite some time yet. It is in this context the message of the Quran makes perfect sense. Allah does not blame people for what they have been doing to each other because he created them ignorant and incapable of knowing better for a very long time but once they have become aware and should know better if they will still continue living like animals then he does not like that. This is why the Quran mainly tries to educate people out of their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other and tells them about the purpose for which he has created them and wants them to fulfil that purpose. This is what the whole message of the Quran is all about. Humanity has not reached that stage of realisation yet but in time it will as our human history shows us. The purpose for which God created mankind required that mankind should be created with limited freewill as well as brains and senses and bodies knowing nothing at all but capable of finding things out for themselves at their own pace as already explained in detail. God only helped them here and there by giving them clues about things or setting up cues for them about things to make sense of them and move along like travellers on a road to somewhere. This is why the Quran contains only purpose based limited information for mankind and it is not a complete information book about everything thing in every possible sense. Had God given mankind that sort of book they will not be able to cope with that as already explained. Deen of Islam is not about how powerful God is and what he can be or do or have or use but about what his objective is for creation of this world. This is why God is limited by setting up a goal for himself and he does not do anything that may mess up his whole plan for things. This is why what most of mankind believe and do about God is contrary to what God wants them to believe and do. The Quran is the only book that explains everything in all necessary detail perfectly for mankind to know properly and follow faithfully. This is the proper context of the text of the Quran for mankind for understanding the message of the Quran if they wish to do so for ensuring their own well being as a proper human community. Otherwise they can carry on thinking and doing what they have been and keep on facing the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other far as long as they want till they get tired of killing each other and the fun is over. God has plenty of time to wait for them to be what he wants them to be by their own efforts. He is not in any great hurry to see people come to him by being forced by him. It is left entirely up to people themselves to drive each other towards fulfilment of his plan and purpose as they think and do best for and against each other. All this explains why something is not found in the Quran as well as why something is found in the Quran ie because things either serve the purpose of God or they do not. This is why people first need to read the Quran right through and understand it properly and then ask questions related to its context.

192) However if they cease hostilities the while they can then you too should stop your reaction against them because Allah is protector of whole of mankind through His blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance.

Word INTAHAU is from root NOON, HAA and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to the very extent or limit of something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to the very extent of the range or spectrum of something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to the ultimate or the extreme end of something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to the utmost strength or power or capability of something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to end or terminate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to restrain or prevent or holdback or stop someone or something from being or doing or having or using something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to forbid or prohibit someone to be or to do or to have or use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abstain or refrain or desist from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reason things out in some sense for some reason or purpose, to use one’s mind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to inform or make someone or something aware about something in some way for some reason or purpose, to relate to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to narrate or report something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cease or tie down someone or something firmly in some way for some reason or purpose, to set limits or restrictions or prohibition in some way for some reason or purpose, to observe or abide by set limits in some way for some reason or purpose, to be forbidden or prohibited or stopped or prevented from or held back from being or doing or having or using something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to warn someone against being or doing or having or using something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or surround or encompass or encircle or understand something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have insight into something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come to end or destination or terminus in some sense for some reason or purpose, to denounce being or doing or having or using something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fight off or ward off or warn against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suppress someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to declare being or doing or having or using someone or something unlawful or illegal in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be smooth or slippery in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast acting or moving in some sense for some reason or purpose, to swim or float in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in the air or water moving about or unfounded or wavering or oscillating not standing firmly in one place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be unstable or doubtful about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to avail opportunities or chances for something to people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have insight into something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pierce or drill or make a hole into or through something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to open up something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or join or relate people or things to each other in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form some sort of network in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some way for some reason or purpose, to set up a communication network between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or wicked or deceptive or cunning or clever or mischievous or tricky in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or jurisdiction or control or grip or handle over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encircle or surround or encompass or overwhelm someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have reach or ability or capacity to approach someone or something in some sense for some reason purpose, place where a journey ends, as far as one can go regarding something, terminus or limit or extent, the time at which or when the journey ends, the place where one ends up ultimately at the end of a journey, the one who admonishes against being or doing or having or using something, ultimate limit ie a set point beyond which something cannot go or cannot be allowed to go, goal, end, termination, something forbidden, the limit of human intellect, the circle or boundary or boarder line, termination, power of reason, discernment or discerning power or ability to reason or figure out things, reasoning faculty, a term or a fixed term, intelligence, the very edge of something, the one who desist or restrains or abstains from being or doing or having or using something, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose, window or something like window in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

193) But if they stop not then keep the campaign or struggle or fight against them going till the strength in their campaign or struggle or fight is gone and they are no longer able to oppress and suppress people or cause troubles so that program, goals and guidelines for a constitution and laws of Allah could become established. As soon as they give up fighting against you let there be no more hostilities against them, for this campaign or fight is only and only against those who have invented and adopted a way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains at the expense of each other instead of following the way of life that leads them to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community.

Here it is made clear to supporters of the Quranic way of life there should be no animosity therefore any hostility by you against anyone ever because all human beings are people of God and a brotherhood of humanity. However if any party or group of mankind does anything wrong to each other then stop it even if by use of force but after things are back to normal then one party or group is not to hold any grudges against any other party or group.

194) The naked aggression against any people is forbidden for you people the supporters of the Quranic way of life save in response to the naked aggression by people who support the opposite way of life but even that on the basis of reciprocity or law of equity. Therefore if any party transgresses against you then you may also take action against it likewise as it took against you but you must remain consistent with program, goals and guidelines for a constitution and laws or guidance of Allah and be aware of the fact that guidance of Allah supports only and only those who think and do things according to it for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community.

195) For that reason show open mindedness and generosity towards each other by sharing fully fruits of your labours to the best of your God given abilities for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community as required by way of life advised by Allah and do not bring upon yourselves harms and destructions by hands of each other by being cruel to each other instead for personal gains at the expense of each other. Therefore make life beautiful for each other because set-up systems and laws of Allah only and only support those who think and do things to make life of each other beautiful.

Word TAHLUKAH is from root HAA, LAAM and KAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is to fall or fall down in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to break down in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer a defeat or down fall or decline or humiliation or disgrace in some sense for some reason or purpose, to change from one state of existence to another in some sense for some reason or purpose, to change from a properly functioning state to non-functional state in some sense for some reason or purpose, to change from a useful person or thing to a useless person or thing in some sense for some reason or purpose, to change from a fully working state to a nonworking state in some sense for some reason or purpose, to knock down someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause someone or something to breakdown in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop working in some sense for some reason or purpose, to die or become dead or perish in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come to an end or expire in some sense for some reason or purpose, to ruin or destroy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to annihilate or obliterate or delete or erase someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to harm or damage someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to use or eat or devour or consume or spend something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lose one’s way or err or stray in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move or shift or depart or run away fast in some sense for some reason or purpose, to vanish or disappear or become invisible or low profile or hidden in some sense for some reason or purpose, to use or apply oneself properly or sincerely or in earnest in some way for some reason or purpose, to do one’s utmost in some sense for some reason or purpose, to change from a living thing to a dead thing in some way for some reason or purpose, to become lost in some sense for some reason or purpose, to squander or waste or misuse something in some way for some reason or purpose, to put someone or something in danger or at serious risk of harm destruction in some sense for some reason or purpose, to meet death or destruction in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become disorganised or deregulated in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become irregular or bumpy or rocky or jumpy or unstable in some way fro some reason or purpose, to fall or decline , to be unsuccessful or a failure in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fall short of or be defective or faulty or incomplete or imperfect in some sense for some reason or purpose, to develop a fault or defect in some sense for some reason or purpose, to rot or go bad or decompose or disintegrate or breakdown become worn or worn out or eroded in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become undermined or defeated or subdued or humiliated or disgraced or dishonoured or disrespected in some sense for some reason or purpose, to yield or submit or accept defeat or surrender or give up in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lose or give up hope or fall in desperation in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become desperate or needy or poor or weak or suffer hardship or difficulty or poverty or disease in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer disgraced or humiliation in some way for some reason or purpose, to be humbled or cut down to size in some way for some reason or purpose, to strangle or smother someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold back from or not to let someone or something have its due growth or development or prosperity in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lose freedom or prestige or honour or respect in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give or avail opportunity or chance to someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to see beyond what is before the eyes in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to see into the future or from a great distance in some sense for some reason or purpose, to push or drive or urge or encourage or motivate or inspire someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or use or have weapons or tools or instruments or equipments or machines in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as shock absorber in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be shock absorbent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to ease or facilitate or pave the way or for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cushion the effect of fall in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or tender hearted or generous or helpful or benevolent in some sense for some reason or purpose, place or time of death or destruction, a destructive situation or a set of circumstances, tumult, panic, chaos, confusion, disorder or anarchy, fear, terror, horror, upheaval, catastrophe, disaster, affliction, calamity, rumbling, commotion, something that takes by surprise, something that overwhelms, instability, break down of law and order, breakage, disintegration, decomposition, disintegration, punishment, poor or needy people, hardship, trouble, difficulty, greedy or selfish people, something that is perishable or changeable in some sense, something that is not permanent or lasting, something that keeps changing with time in some sense, something that brings about new opportunities due to changing situations or circumstances, something that does not have permanent state of existence, God or revelation or message or guidance from God, knives or swords or spears, arrows, axes, picks or sticks with pointed or sharp ends, pens or pencils, cars and plans and ships or mechanised vehicles, cushions, pillows, sponges, mattresses, beddings, seats, ways and means that make things easy to have or to do or to use, window or something like window in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

196) For this reason strive hard to the best of your bestowed abilities to complete the task of bringing about the advised kingdom by building a proper human community according to guidance of Allah. However if you are held back or become restricted in your capacity or capability in some way then use whatever guidelines or information you have about this mission and do whatever you can to help accomplish the set out task. So never sit idle around your missionary leadership till the course of actions relating the mission has reached its completion. However if any of you the missionaries parties becomes ill or is stopped from carrying out the course of actions due to some problem spotted by the mission leadership then that party may compensate this through holding itself back for an alternative program or fulfil another course of actions to prove its alternative capability or it may do some other beneficial work for ensuring well being of the proper human community. Moreover when you are not on any mission reflect upon the advantages the person with full education and training has for striving for the set goal of building a proper human community for establishing the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah as compared to the person who becomes limited due to lack of such guidance. But if any cannot hold back oneself to complete the education and training for period of three sessions for striving for establishing the kingdom based on guidance of Allah then one may go for it as many times as and when one can refer to it. This is how you can enable yourselves to build a proper human community to bring about the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. That is the alternative program for anyone who for genuine reasons cannot abide by the strict sacred program. However you people should be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other always for ensuring well being of each other as well as of wider humanity because you are made known the fact that set-up systems and laws of Allah are strict in holding people to account regarding their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards each other.

Word UHSIR is from root HAA, SWAAD and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to restrict or besiege or surround or imprison or arrest or encircle or encompass or envelope or overwhelm or cover up or wrap up or veil or confine or constrict or holdback or hide or constrain or contain or limit or disable or incapacitate or prevent or blockade or barricade or lock up or shrink or contract or stop or straiten someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to protect or shield or preserve or guard or defend or cover or shelter or secure or isolate or rescue or save or back up or support or reinforce someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put someone or something into a mould or straitjacket or in a fixed position or place or situation or set of circumstances in some way for some reason or purpose, to prohibit or forbid or make unlawful or illegal for someone to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a poor or weak or timid or ill or door mat of poor quality like or down trodden or lying on the ground or down to earth or abstemious or celibate or ascetic or chaste or miserly or greedy or selfish person in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a person who lacks grace or honour or respect or power or strength or authority or foundation or base in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abhor or disdain or loathe or dislike or hate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to avoid or ignore or neglect or pay no attention to or shrink from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be made destitute or poor or weak by someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be offered or sacrificed for some cause or movement or mission or task in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become fully engaged or involved or devoted or dedicated or overwhelmed or overtaken by a cause or task or mission or movement in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in a wall or fortified wall or fort or castle or fortified building or a strong community in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have roots or branches or family or clan or tribe in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have origin or foundation or based or beginning in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be the seed or fruit of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have leaves or pages in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a plant or book in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be clever or intelligent or brainy or tricky or cunning in some sense for some reason or purpose, reed mat, door mat, trampoline, down to earth, down trodden, low class or caste, outcast, people neglected by their own human populations, people who are at the bottom of the pile in a human society, abandoned people or things, lawless, disorderly, deserted, forsaken ,stranded, stuck, unrestrained, unruly, idle, useless, worthless, wanton, impulsive, explosive, free, reckless, administration or management, ruling elite or leadership, chief or chiefdom, command and control centre, central nervous system, cream of the crop, top part or section of something, king or head or a department, an expert or a master in a field of knowledge, an experience or skilful person, and influential or affluent person, a person who has ways and means to be or to do or to have or to use something, a strongly defended or protected person or thing, seed, extract, juice, essence, the very being or heart of something, fragrance, scent or perfume, fruit, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, tree or something like tree in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TAHLIQOO is from roots HAA, LAAM and QAAF and HAA, LAAM, QAAF and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to hover in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to fly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encircle or encompass or surround or overwhelm or wall in someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to circle in the air over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move around someone or something in order to surround someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to peel off or strip off or pull off something from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shave or shave off hair of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut off one’s throat in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take away one’s livelihood or lifeline or means of survival in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause poverty or disease in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or guard or protect or preserve or hide or defend or save or rescue or secure or imprison or confine or arrest or constrain or restrain or holdback or lock up or isolate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put up a wall or barrier or dam or barricade or blockade or defence in some sense for some reason or purpose, to divide or separate or cut off or boycott or sever ties or break off relationship with in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encourage or inspire or motivate or urge or push or drive someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or use or have weapons or instruments or tools or equipments or machines in some sense for some reason or purpose, to jump up and down or jump about or jump all over the place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hang or hold or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to copy or imitate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to preserve or collect things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be clever or agile or active or energetic or mischievous or cunning or troublesome in some sense for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run in some sense for some reason for purpose, to water or irrigate or flood with in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause harm or bloodshed or death or destruction in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer calamity or disaster or catastrophe in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be ruined or drowned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bathed in water or blood or tears or light or colour or beauty or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be sad or regretful or sorrowful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be happy or affluent or prosperous in some sense for some reason or purpose, to diverge or converge in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gather or meet or socialise or intermingle or interact with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be surrounded by greenery or vegetation or flowers or happiness or sense of security in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make a study circle around a teacher in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather around a teacher or trainer in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shave off or cut off head of someone something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut throat of someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to put rope around the neck or enslave someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut off something from its livelihood or lifeline in some sense for some reason or purpose, to disconnect or delink someone from his circle of relatives or associates in some way for some reason or purpose, throat, gullet, windpipe, lifeline, livelihood, extreme ends, dates ripe at one end, circle, something circular or round, cycle, fetter, chain, ornaments, jewellery, entourage, something that happens repeatedly or frequently, changing seasons, changing fortunes, famine, drought or flooding, scarcity or abundance, poverty or prosperity, circle of family or friends or associates or relations, constituency, related area or people, God or revelation of God, origin or foundation, seed or roots or branches, something round or made in shape of a circle or sphere, bracelet, bangle, necklace, a rope or piece of string, group or band, ball, crystal ball, bead, protective armour, weapon, a circle of people among whom a person lives or moves about eg a social circle or sphere, environment, atmosphere, surroundings, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word RU’OOS is from root RAA, ALIF and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is to be top part or section of something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to be cream of the crop in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be the best in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be chief of a party or group or organisation or family or clan or tribe or department or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gather together or meet or unite in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be intelligent or brainy or clever or deceptive or cunning or shrewd in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire or plan secretly against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to use staff or authority to keep people or things together in some sense for some reason or purpose, to guide people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or devour or destroy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut or bite something in some way for some reason or purpose, to sever ties between or separate or divide people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to be firmly fixed in place or position in some sense for some reason or purpose, to build or base or anchor something on a solid or firm foundation in some way for some reason or purpose, to be high or lofty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be honoured or respected in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be over or above someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gain at the expense of others by inflicting loss on them in some way for some reason or purpose, to exact interest or usury or profit of someone by inflicting loss upon him in some way for some reason or purpose, leadership or chiefdom, administration or management, ruling elite, command and control centre, central nervous system, governing body of an organisation, government or regime, cabinet, executive, legislature, law makers, law enforcers, people who run an organisation or a piece of land or state or country or kingdom, staff, bar, log, branch, crew, ox, bull, strength, power, authority, God, revelation of God, foundation, base, origin, custom, tradition, rule of law, precedent, example, reference point, constitution, standard, uppermost part or section of someone or something, first day of the month or the year, leading horse in a race, a domestic animal, scalp, capital, principle city or main place, metropolis, main city, over and above principal, interest, usury, profit made at loss of others, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word BALAGHA is from root BAA, LAAM and GHAIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to reach or arrive at some point or conclusion in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to go to extreme end or the farthest one can go in some sense for some reason or purpose, to grow up fully or mature in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reach puberty or become adult or grown up in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reach the full ability of understanding things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come of age that is right for being or doing or having or using something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to arrive at a destination or goal or end of journey in some sense for some reason or purpose, to exhaust a possibility or opportunity for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take full advantage of a place or an idea or a situation or a set of circumstances or a chance or an opportunity in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be eloquent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to grow to full potential in some sense for some reason or purpose, to attain a high degree in education or training in some sense for some reason or purpose, to exaggerate something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to do one’s utmost for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give or pass on or deliver a piece of news or message to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to attain a high degree or rank in some sense for some reason or purpose, to announce or declare something openly or in public in some way for some reason or purpose, to tell or notify or convey something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reach the top of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go to utmost or full length or end of journey point or destination or terminal in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reach a state of existence in some way for some reason or purpose, to come to an end or conclusion in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have something within one’s grip or grasp or reach or control or jurisdiction or authority or power or strength or capacity or capability in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or shelter or defend or protect or imprison or hide or arrest or contain or constrain or holdback someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone with refuge or home or care or looking after or patronage or support or reinforcement or backing or roof over head or breathing space or hiding place or room for manoeuvring or umbrella or canopy or base or foundation or staring point in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or tribe or clan or following or party or group or community in some sense for some reason or purpose, to encourage or drive or urge or motivate or inspire or push someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instrument or equipments or machines or mechanised things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to get through to someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, source of guidance, a long and strong rope, something thin and very long like a rope, a twist or turned or bent rope or string, road or path or way to something, trick or technique, formula, ways of solving problems, pole or something like a pole in some sense for some reason or purpose, to approach, to be about to reach a set target, to create or be about to create or bring about an environment or atmosphere or surrounding to one’s liking or what one aims for, to overtake, to catch up with someone or something, to measure up to a set standard, to come up to the level or requirement, to match or match up with, to reach what one aims for, to achieve, to accomplish, to establish, to give or deliver a message or news to someone, to announce, to declare or pronounce, to broadcast or publicise or spread or scatter or distribute, to inform, to help or assist someone or something to reach a place or point or position or destination or goal, to satisfy, to comfort, to make things easy for, to fulfil, to meet, to penetrate, to be insightful, to warn against, cloud of dust or mist or steam, haziness, dustiness, something far-reaching, the message that is delivered, the messenger, diplomat, envoy, missionary, enough or sufficient ways and means to fulfill an objective or goal, anything that helps reach the goals, ways and means to reach someone or something, extent or range or spectrum, total depth and width or capacity or ability of something, the Quran because it helps mankind to reach or fulfil the purpose of their creation, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goal in some sense for some reason or purpose, tall and narrow column or something like tall and narrow column in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word AZAA is from root ALIF, ZAAL and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to injure someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to wound someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to hurt someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to inflict harm or damage upon someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to wrong someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to offend or provoke or make someone angry or unhappy or sad in some sense for some reason or purpose, to malign or trouble or molest or harass or persecute or ill-treat or insult or attack or inconvenience someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be accosted or solicited in some way by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be afflicted with disease or affliction or ailment in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer hardship or poverty or difficulty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to experience a trifling damage or a minor hurt by someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to end up with impurity or soiling in some way for some reason or purpose, to experience a painful condition or state of existence in some way for some reason or purpose, to be an affront to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to experience a bumpy ride or high tumultuous waves or ups and downs in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have jurisdiction or grip or control or handle over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to punish or take to task or hold accountable or liable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental or have a hand in something happening in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have craving or thirst or need or desire for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to thirst for water or knowledge or guidance in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have longing for enlightenment or insight in to something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to try to achieve or accomplish something in some way in some sense for some reason or purpose, to try to overcome obstacles or difficulties and problems or confusion or doubt in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to free oneself or others from some kind of restrictions or constraints in some way for some reason or purpose, to put hurdles in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to realise or become aware of need for guidance of God in some way for some reason or purpose, God, revelation of God, foundation, power, authority, ox, strength, staff, crew, government, regime, administration, management, team, cabinet, executive, legislature, capacity, endurance, instruction or direction, something disliked or loathed or hated, something ignored or neglected or avoided, stick or something like stick in some sense for some reason or purpose, barrier or something like barrier in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word SALAASAH is from root SAA, LAAM and SAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to render someone or something ineffective or useless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to undermine or try to undermine or subdue someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn or try to turn an idea in to a confusion by mixing foreign things in it in some way for some reason or purpose, to adulterate an ideology to render it ineffective in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to add impurities in something pure to make it useless or ineffective in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to interpret or present falsehood in such a way that it appears as truth in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cover truth with falsehood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gossip or talk or spread rumours about someone or something in some way for some sense or purpose, to wash clothes or someone’s dirty clothes in public in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hang clothes on a cloth hanger in some way in some sense for some reason or purpose, to adorn or beautify or decorate someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to put on jewellery in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become educated or trained or experienced or skilled in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become a beautiful person in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn an event into a mudslinging match in some sense for some reason or purpose, an account by a third person, hearsay, backbiting, whispering campaign, love triangle, in counting it means number three, a set of three things or third of the three things, unreliable information, hot air, whisper, conspiracy, an idea or thing with three, thirty or multi facets or sides or aspects, thirty or three or third or thirtieth, a situation that involves three parties or sides or points of views, triangle, a set or group of three or thirty things, hyped up or inflated situation, something excessive, third party involvement in something, a confusing or chaotic or disorderly situation, instability, false reputation, pretence, pretext, troublesome or difficult or awkward situation, situation involving hardships or struggles, third party account, conspiracy, forces of darkness, hidden hands, third force, adulteration of ideas or things, neutralisation of an idea or thing, affliction, painful suffering, impurity or something impure or contaminated, something that is connected in three ways or many ways to a thing or things, threesome, snake or something like a snake in some sense for some reason or purpose, a long and winding road or path, a long wrapped rope or piece of string, something to hang something upon, frame or framework, infrastructure, outline, sketch, plan or map, action plan, clothe hanger, something not worth anything, something of no value, something useless or baseless or dangerous, something risky or threatening, to conspire or plot or scheme for something in secret, lion, a brave or courageous person, mud, skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses set a very powerful education and training program for the people who claim to follow message of Allah ie to learn it properly and spread it faithfully far and wide as much as within one’s power. The idea is to make people alert that they should change their societies themselves as explained in the revelations by God. Each and every human population must become a caring and sharing community or a brotherhood of humanity. All other ways of living should be given up so that humanity could live in unity and peace as well as make progress and become prosperous by working together to this end. People who carry this message to others must train very hard till they know what they are talking about and are able to make others understand so that all join together in this struggle to take humanity to new heights of prosperity and dignity as well as security of existence. The idea is to get a group of dedicated people together establish a proper Quran based Islamic community then gradually try and expand it throughout the world by educating and giving training to others who then in turn do the same for yet others. Any resistance through ways of life based upon falsehood must be removed and humanity must be freed from alternative harmful and destructive social, political and economic ideologies, systems, structures, procedures and practices that disgrace and humiliate mankind through using each other abusively by way of oppression and suppression.

197) The reasons for struggle for establishing a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah have been made clear for you people to learn and know, so anyone who undertakes appropriate education and training program as a duty for establishing the kingdom for these reasons must not abuse anyone nor cause disunity among people sharing the cause because there should not be any infighting among yourselves for establishing the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. So whatever you will think and do properly for making this struggle a success Allah will make it known to mankind through your own actions. Moreover take with you all you need for making this struggle a success but the best thing you should have is consistency with guidance of Allah and with each other as a proper human community for ensuring well being of mankind, so be consistent with My program, goals and guidelines for a constitution and laws as well as each other as a proper human community, O you the people who have learned sense for proper understanding of things.

Word JIDAAL is from root JEEM, DAAL and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to braid leather strips or jute fibres into a strong rope in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to twist tightly strands or fibres or threads of jute or cotton or leather into a thick string or rope in some way for some reason or purpose, to be tough or solid in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be something well built in some sense for some reason or purpose, to knock down someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose , to dispute with someone or something about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to argue or discuss or debate or plead with someone about someone or something in a contentious manner for some reason or purpose, to fight or go to war with someone about something in some way for some reason or purpose, to disagree with someone about something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be incompatible with someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be strong or powerful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to argue the case of someone with someone in some way for some reason or purpose, to urge or push or motivate or drive or encourage or inspire someone to be or to do or to have or to use something in some way for some reason or purpose, to rival or compete or oppose or contend or go against someone in some way for some reason or purpose, to wrestle down each other in some way for some reason or purpose, to decide a matter through mutual consultation or discussion in some sense for some reason or purpose, to outwit or outdo or outrun each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop or block or obstruct or prevent or holdback or restrain or constrain someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to keep on making things better or worse in some way for some reason or purpose, to insist upon someone thing in some way for some reason or purpose, to extend or prolong or extend or stretch or lengthen a matter or an issue in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a way or technique to be or to do or to have or to use something in some way for some reason or purpose, to have trick or formula to solve a problem in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or obstructions or barriers or walls in the way of someone or something in some way or sense for some reason or purpose, to remove problems or difficulties or hurdles or restrictions or limitations or constraints in the way of someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to build or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or equipments or machines in some sense way some reason or purpose, to be long lasting or durable or permanent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be adorable or beautiful or attractive or pleasing or well balanced in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a beast of burden or a load carrier in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as foundation or base or origin for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be capable of carrying out burdens of responsibilities or duties or obligations in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be trustable or reliable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to walk or travel on foot in some sense for some reason or purpose, the rein of a horse, something hard or tough, hard or rocky piece of land, something stable or trustworthy, cord or cording, yarn, weaving, ribbon, cordon, torsade, entwine, knitting, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses should leave none in doubt as to what Quran based Islam is all about. It is about learning and teaching what is true and useful for living a good life for mankind in this universe. In this struggle some ignorant and arrogant people will be cause of troubles but they should be handled sensibly in order to contain troubles and not to start new ones or add to them. The Quran puts first and highest emphasis on education and training for conditioning minds, attitudes and behaviours of people for a proper human community life so that people have proper thoughts, attitudes and behaviours towards each other and life itself so that they behave in a way that leads them to a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community. So no person with a mindset, attitude and behaviour of a ruler, mullah or money lender has any place in the Quran based Islam is the clear message of the Quran. A human being cannot be a good person who is enemy of way of life advised by Allah or humanity that brought him into the world therefore the Quran sets the standard for humanity as to how they should deal with each other for the good of all human beings. If we go back to the beginning of this surah, Aadam was sent as the first messenger of Allah with guidance to end the bloodshed between people at the time and since then many messengers were sent by Allah with the very same message till the last messenger was sent with this message in form of the Quran. Looking at the state of the world today, it seems humanity has not worked hard enough to get the proper sense of this message so far otherwise the world could not be in the state that it is in so a lot more needs to be done for getting this message through to mankind. If this message is not paid the attention it needs to be paid then our world will not change for the best it can any time soon.

There is no point in asking when the kingdom based on guidance of Allah will become a reality if people are not working for it. It is because it is people themselves who are supposed to bring it about just like the exemplary kingdoms that were established by the messengers of Allah at smaller scale. They showed mankind by their examples how to do it yet we are waiting for supernatural interventions by Allah through people with supernatural powers from Allah. There are no such saviours these are mullahs’ tricks to buy time by making fools out of people. The Quran keeps telling us Allah did not send anything but his messages for mankind in order to educate them out of their ignorance so that after knowing things they make efforts to accomplish the goals set for them by themselves instead of waiting for someone from God with supernatural powers. Can we not see that from morning till night mankind do each and everything for themselves by themselves using things provided by Allah? This world is evolved in a natural way and everything in it happens naturally save origin of universe and origin of revelation. So there are no signs of unnecessary supernatural interventions by God anywhere in the world. It is therefore better for mankind that people learn to reason things outs and not fall for cheap tricks of mullahs due to their ignorance and stupidity which mullahs have invented to use for fooling uneducated masses. If Allah did things by so called magic or miraculously then where is sense in he telling us to learn to be sensible? Why would he then create cause and effect based world if we are supposed to be believers in magic and miracles etc? If people were shown miracles to believe in Allah instead of using reason then that means reason does not work but in that case where are miracles for people of today and why there are so many arguments in the Quran to prove that it is reason that is required not magic or miracles to prove a claim or point? Why all human knowledge is dependent upon intelligence or reasoning? Why Allah asks for human judgement on the Quran if reason is not supreme in Allah’s scheme of things? Information and its proper understanding is emphasised throughout the Quran and then acting upon properly planned course of actions for any set purpose. All this is reasoning based process teaching nothing at all magical or miraculous.

198) There should not be put any unnecessary restriction in your way by each other when you undertake learning about the revelation from your Creator and Sustainer however when you return from a place of education and training after completion then strive hard for making manifest glory of Allah through establishing the kingdom based upon His revealed solid foundations as it ought to be the way He has instructed you. No doubt before education and training about this knowledge you were a people who lived your lives in ignorance based confusion and chaos due to which you inflicted harms and destructions upon each other.

Word AFADTUM is from root FAA, YAA and DWAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to actively engage in something in some sense for some reason or purpose. Also to campaign or struggle or strive or make effort for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to gather a large mass or body of water or something and distribute it among those who come to get it in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather a large number of people or things and move or shift them to wherever they are supposed to go all at once in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak at length in some sense for some reason purpose, to move people or things en masse in some way for some reason or purpose, to pour down from somewhere in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bestow or grant someone something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surge or move forward en masse from somewhere in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overflow from somewhere in some sense for some reason or purpose, to achieve or accomplish or complete something successfully in some sense for some reason or purpose, to benefit from someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to comeback or return to origin or place or position or idea one departs from in some sense for some reason or purpose, to return from somewhere in some sense for some reason or purpose, to revert back to original ideology or place or position or status or condition or state of existence en masse in some sense for some reason or purpose, to flow or move or travel or shift easily or calmly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be affluent or well off or have easy or luxurious life in some sense for some reason or purpose, to debate or discuss or talk or converse or gossip with someone about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or spread false rumours about someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to accuse someone falsely about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create gap or gulf or distance or separation or difference or rift or dispute or breaking of ties between people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to blow whistle or trumpet to inform or alert or warn someone or something about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or devour something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to inflate or blow up or explode or expand or stretch or enlarge or explain or detail something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have reach or approach to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have power or capacity or authority or control or grip or grasp or handle or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved or have hand in something happening or masking it happen in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be deceptive or crooked or cunning or clever or wicked in some sense for some reason or purpose, to intermingle or interact or participate or partake or socialise in some sense for some reason or purpose, to get together for friendship or animosity or peace or war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become divided or involved in internal rift or strife in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become involved in wasting time or gossip or spreading rumours or talking nonsense in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shed tears or blood in some sense for some reason or purpose, moving of people or things in great numbers, sea of water, overflowing tears from eyes out of happiness or unhappiness or sadness, somewhere where water collects in large quantity and begins to overflow, a completely full container or vessel, a pond or pool completely filled with water to its brim, wild sea waves which hit the shore and splash water over the shore, river or stream, a stream completely full of water, having too much stuff, having things in abundance, moving about of people in great numbers, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, battle line or something like battle line in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

The places which help people with their education and training give people awareness of things about which people who do not go through some sort of schooling could not be aware. Here the Quran tells mankind such institutions are to be built and maintained if mankind want to ensure their own well being as a proper human community. This is why all such communities will be on top of the world which take education and training of minds of their people seriously. The Quran here also defines education ie learning that is for ensuring well being of mankind. Looking at the education that is taken on by the human world it is divided into secular and religious but neither is good without the proper education about the deen of Islam. When it comes to education it is incomplete unless it is first about universal realities and then about God inspired scripture. It is because mere advances in knowing universal realities only makes life more and more difficult for mankind because people use this knowledge for harming and destroying each other more easily instead of ensuring well being of each other. It is like thieves knowing better ways for stealing things.

199) Moreover you should help others to learn from you just like you have been helped by other people you have learned from and that way seek blissful, dignified and secure existence from guidance of Allah, for Allah provides blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind through His revealed guidance.

In the Quran it is repeated many times in various ways that Allah protects mankind. It needs to be understood in the context how Allah protects mankind. There is no any magic solution to any problem or any magical protection. The message of the Quran is simple, educating oneself about the universe and the revelation helps one plan one’s life properly so one saves oneself from falling into all sorts of problems and troubles in the first place. Since all troubles and problems people have come from natural set-up of the universe by Allah and due to not dealing with each other the proper way so the solutions are told by the Quran in form of emphasis on education and training about each and everything that causes people the problems or troubles. As explained already, people can only solve the problems that face them by tackling them head on by studying them and finding solutions for them. Knowledge is just one part of solving problems but faithful action based upon proper knowhow is the actual solver of the problem. If you know how to make a table that is good but this knowing is no use till you get up and start making the table according to it. So having the Quran and knowing what is actually written in it is good but not good enough to solve the problems till people get up and they start doing what they are told to do. This is the major point which exposes stupidity of mullahs because they tell people all sorts of nonsense beliefs to hold and then totally useless rituals to carry out so people end up without any problems beings solved that way. In fact they end up with a lot more problems than they already had. When any odd person finds courage to complains about it, mullah tell him, your faith is not strong enough or that you did not carry out the rituals you were told properly that is the reason your problem is not solved or may be Allah wants you to remain in this terrible state of existence so that he could reward you more in hereafter. However the Quran sets clear goals and gives clear guidelines and tells people what will happen if they will understand them properly and act upon them faithfully eg when people will work towards establishing a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah as told then it will come about no ifs and buts. It is like you are hungry so you eat food and that way your hunger is satisfied. No need for any rituals for trying to flatter God so that then he throws some food from the sky. All because the universe works according to set up systems and laws of God and not on basis of list of things people want of God. It is because if God followed choices of people then he will still panning what to do and what not to do because there are plenty of contradictions and conflicts in what people want. Can a father please all his children all the time? Not at all if they are in conflict with each other and each is looking for something opposite of the rest.

One has to ask such ignorant mullahs, could Allah really do such stupid things to people ie tell them to do things which have no visible outcomes when the whole emphasis of the Quran is betterment of mankind by their own efforts according to the Quranic program in this very life? Hereafter is supposed to be awarding place not for outcome of actions. Let me try and explain it. In the Quranic context mankind are told that they should try their best to build a great life for themselves in this world so that they are awarded for it in hereafter. It is like you go to school and do your best to get education and you get education as well as the award for doing that. No one gets anything for doing nothing at all. In fact those who are living useless and even destructive lives will be pointed out for their stupidities and they will live to regret them. Nobody rewards with awards those who do nothing or do harmful and destructive things instead. Criminals are not awarded but are made to face the consequences of what they have done. There is no such thing as forgiveness for criminals or all will be better off being criminals. Again and again in the Quran Allah says, people who do good and those who do bad are not treated the same. So people need to be very careful as to what mullahs are feeding them in the name of Allah. No wonder mullah followers are in a terrible situation ie they cannot leave mullahs and they cannot get out of their self created problems.

200) So when you have completed your education and training program as required then strive hard - as a proper human community for making manifest glory of Allah through bringing about a kingdom based upon His guidance for the rest of humanity to see - as you used to strive hard for making manifest glory of your own direct forefathers or with yet stronger motivation and courage. Despite all this explanation there are still such people among you who say, our Creator and Sustainer! Allow us to have all we can have for ourselves individually to the exclusion of all others that is why there is no future for such people in the proper human community.

In this verse mankind are warned that they must make themselves aware of such people among themselves who never learn. They have certain mindsets, attitudes and behaviours that are very damaging and destructive for humanity as a whole so people should not give them any chances to ruin humanity. They are opponents of guidance of Allah ie rulers, mullahs, money lender, their supporters and promoters who want to set mankind on a collision course with each other through alternative ways of life that are personal gains or vested interest based that give rise to rivalries leading to animosities and wars between people to pave the way for their policy of divide and rule. It is because they have some advantages over others which they want to benefit from at the expense of all others rather than using them for ensuring well being of mankind. They always proved so whenever they had their chance and they will continue doing that therefore people are warned to not to lower their guards against such people because they will always carry out whatever is in their minds given the chance.
201) However there are also people among you who say, our Creator and Sustainer! Guide us to have all we can have as a proper human community in a beautiful way from the very beginning to the very end and that way save us from the fire of hatred among us which results from following a way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other which lead to divisions, rivalries, animosities, hatred and wars because of selfishness, greed and envy.

202) Therefore for each of these people is outcome according to their thoughts and actions based upon the way of life they have chosen and adopted and that is the way Allah has set-up His systems and laws in His kingdom of the universe to deliver outcomes to people for their thoughts and actions on basis of cause and effect.

Word NASEEB is from root NOON, SWAAD and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to make something stand vertically on a high place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to make something stand on the pedestal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plant a tree in the ground upright in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to erect a flag in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to erect a statue or some kind of idol in a place in some way in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put or fix an idol in a place upright or right way up in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to root or anchor or firmly fix something into something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reach or approach someone or something in some sense in way for some reason or purpose, to provide basis or foundation for something to stand upon in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to erect a building or landmark or a signpost in some way for some reason or purpose, to set up a measure or a standard for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to setup a criterion or standard in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become tired or worn out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remain unfulfilled or incomplete or unsuccessful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not be able to move forward or make progress in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become still or stagnant in some sense for some reason or purpose, to offer or sacrifice or devote or dedicate someone or something for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set up a monument somewhere in some sense for some reason or purpose, to irritate someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to trap someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be laborious in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be installed or put in place or set up in some sense for some reason or purpose, to idolise or idealise or adore or worship someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to work hard in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be deceptive or illusive or imaginary or slippery in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be smooth or fast moving or active or energetic or lively in some sense for some reason or purpose, to grow or spread or expand in some sense for some reason or purpose, to converge or diverge in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shield or shelter or protect or rescue or defend or guard or hide or cover or imprison or capture or arrest or holdback or preserve or lock up or isolate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or care or looking after or refuge or sanctuary or patronage or roof over head or umbrella or canopy or space for breathing or room for manoeuvre or hiding place or backing or support or reinforcement in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or community or party or group in some sense for some reason or purpose, to wrap up or cover up or veil someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stand in for or take the place of or cover for someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, a specially set up place or thing for some reason or purpose, to be concerned about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, a stage or an altar, something set apart for some purpose, something dedicated for some purpose, someone or something already committed or dedicated or offered for some service or task or goal or mission or objective, a place where sacrifices are made or are offered, a trap, a handle, part, share, in front of, opposite or in opposition of or against, exert oneself, be constant, weariness, fatigue, tiredness, exhaustion, idol, gradation, ranking, something fixed in a position or a place in some sense for some reason or purpose, portion, seed, root, branch, fruit, origin, juice, extract, essence, flowering, sprouting, growing, expanding, spreading, multiplying, increasing, developing, tradition, custom, rule of law, constitution, reference point, guiding line, revelation of God, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose, tree or something like tree in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word SAREE is from root SEEN, RAA and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to be quick in being or having or doing or using something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be fast or speedy or swift or in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in hurry in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hurry up or speed up or do something in haste in some sense for some reason or purpose, to happen or take place quickly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hasten or make something happen fast or quickly or promptly or speedily in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or clever or intelligent or shrewd or cunning or deceptive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to try to outdo each other negatively or positively in some way for some reason or purpose, to be at the top of things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be the foremost or at the forefront in some sense for some reason or purpose, to consume or destroy or cut or bite something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to sever or cut off or bite off or separate or divide something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be clever or intelligent or brainy or cunning or shrewd or deceptive or have keen or sharp eye for something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be firmly in place or position in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or prepare in advance for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to spy or keep an eye on or guard or keep a watch over someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to look after or take care of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to renew or become renewed or revitalised or reenergised or rejuvenated in some sense for some reason or purpose, to start again or have a new beginning or be born again in some sense for some reason or purpose, to assist or support or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or imagine or visualise or understand or comprehend or have insight about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in view or sight in some sense or in some way for some reason or purpose, to administrate or manage or lead someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, fast blowing wind, fastness or quickness, fast or leading horses in a race, the effect of a cause, the result of an action, consequence, quick reaction to an action, fast or quick thinker, command and control centre, central nervous system, ruling elite, leadership, chiefdom, kingship, cream of the crop, best people or things, top part or section of something, watchtower, repetition or recycling, water spring or ocean or sea, river or stream, water well or source of water, pond, canal, lake, spring season, new start or new beginning, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word HISAAB is from root HAA, SEEN and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to have a good lineage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to have great ancestry in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffice or be enough or sufficient in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be noble or honourable or respectable or glorious in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to submit or yield or give in to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reckon with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to compute or calculate or work out something mathematically or logically in some sense for some reason or purpose, to work out or make an account for or about someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to call or hold to account or take to task someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or consider or assume or presume something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to investigate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fancy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something for someone or something else by mistake or to mistake someone or something for someone or something else in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deem someone as someone else by mistake in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to misjudge someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to expect or anticipate or foresee something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to surmise or conjecture or imagine or guess or judge or suspect or deduce or infer or theorise or speculate or suppose or opine or consider about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to work according to someone or something as a reference point in some sense for some reason or purpose, to follow a give program or guidance in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fit or right or plenty in reference to something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a meticulous reckoner in some sense for some reason or purpose, to include someone or something among the list of people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pay attention to or show concern for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be sufficient according to some need or for serving some purpose in some sense, to seek account from someone or something about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to guard or shield or protect or hide or cover or defend or preserve or imprison or constrain or constrict or lock up or restrict or limit or barricade or arrest or holdback someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put a wall or barrier or hurdle or obstruction or obstacle, or difficulty or hardship in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to partition or isolate or sever ties with or boycott or create a rift or divide or separation or dispute or dissention between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or bite or cut off or bite off someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or destroy someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or clever or cunning or deceptive or intelligent or quick thinking in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone with refuge or sanctuary or patronage or backing or support or reinforcement or care or looking after or home or a breathing space or room for manoeuvre or place to hide or umbrella or canopy or roof over head in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or community or party or group or organisation or association in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring things together to work as a unit or in harmony in some sense for some reason or purpose, something that links start of something to its finish eg a process that turns something through a definite course of actions to an end product, diagram or family tree, linkage, algorithm, flow chart, a program or a process or a roadmap, accumulation, computation, counting, reckoning, honour, glory, sufficiency, investigation, assumption, presumption, estimation, an outcome, result, goal, destination, terminal, used as an interjection, reward or retribution, calamity or disaster or catastrophe, the way things work or should work according to a worked out idea or path or program. projectile, an estimate or forecast, thunderbolt, force of or for destruction, railing, guideline, tradition, rule of law, custom, reference point, constitution, building, monument, landmark, precedent, example, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

The Quran uses phrase SAREE-UL-HISAAB here which means the way Allah has set up systems and laws to work in this universe. When any action takes place anywhere in this universe a response is set up to take place in the manner decided by God because this universe is based upon cause and effect principle. Causes therefore produce some results without delays but others after some delays. Some delays are very short others very long. For example, you put your hand in fire it burns right away but if you put your hand in fire with something on it then it delays burning of hand depending upon how long it takes fire to reach the hand. Likewise when people do wrongs to each other it takes time for these wrong to spread in human population and after that has happened reaction begins till it is complete and that changes things in human population in one sense or the other. Likewise some human thoughts and actions find their outcomes in this world the while others are delayed till the life after death. Since causes produce effects all the time in this world so they give clue or insight into what is going to happen in the next world or in the future yet long way away. Since all things in this universe work in harmony save mankind so mankind are told to live in harmony or face the consequences in time to come. When a seed is planted it takes time to grow into a fully gown tree. A human also takes a long time to grow up after he becomes a fertilised egg in the womb of his mother. So not all things happen right away some things take ages to happen. This verse is telling people whatever you think and do results of that will prove you right or wrong when they appear before you and the rest of human populations to see. So think and do what is right, the right way so that you do not have to regret it. The results of thoughts and actions happen as they are set to happen as if the whole thing is computerised or automated. You put in the data and it is processed bit by bit and the results are out for people to see. It takes time for a people to become aware of actual outcomes of their thoughts and actions because small things happening in a society are not that clear till things are monitored over a period of time. It is a bit like looking at a plant growth. One cannot see it growing second by second but it grows and after some days and months the difference becomes very obvious. Likewise direction a people take and the works they do take time to become visible as outcomes for people to see. The Quran has very scientific approach to things and that is what proves it word of God by way of indirect evidences that pile up for humanity to examine and accept. It is for reasons like these it was never possible for a human being to produce a book like the book of God which is the Quran for people of this era.

203) Therefore set apart periods of time for education and training for striving hard for manifestation of glory of Allah. If any people hasten to complete education and training within a couple of sessions let there be no obstacle in such people’s way and if any people stay on longer to complete let there be no difficulty in such peoples’ way either so long as the learning group has achieved consistency with the mutually set standard for carrying out the set task. That is how you the people should be consistent with program of Allah and His set goals and provided guidelines for a constitution and laws and be aware that all of you the mankind will be gathered as a proper human community on the basis of His guidance in form of a program for goals with guidelines for constitution and laws.

Word TUHSHAROON is from root HAA, SHEEN and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to gather people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to assemble people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rally or marshal or muster or array people or things around someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring together or round up people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to ruin or destroy people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to call or call up or summon people for meeting or gathering in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sharpen up or grind or file or groom or acuminate or make someone or something clever or intelligent or smart in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hone or carve or shape or form someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to raise from the dead in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be on the move or migrate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to evacuate or forsake a place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to assemble people or things together in some sense and then take them somewhere in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand up in some sense and go in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather together in some sense for waging a war in some way for some reason or purpose, to hunt someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to sharpen the edge of sword or prepare people or things eg weapons for war in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring about a sudden or slow change in human society through revolution or evolution in some sense for some reason or purpose, to guard or shield or protect or hide or cover or defend or preserve or imprison or constrain or constrict or lock up or restrict or limit or barricade or arrest or holdback someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put a wall or barrier or hurdle or obstruction or obstacle, or difficulty or hardship in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to partition or isolate or sever ties with or boycott or create a rift or divide or separation or dispute or dissention between people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to intermingle or interact or participate or partake in a social gathering in some sense for some reason or purpose, to attack or ambush someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to inflict harms and destructions upon each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become entangled or involved with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be intelligent or brainy or clever or sharp in some sense for some reason or purpose, to debate or discuss or dispute about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan thing ahead or in advance in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, Insects or creepy or crawly things, yield of the land, the gathering of people before God for the final judgement, the caller or summoner for assembly, the ones gather together, the meeting or gathering place, assembly, such a gathering of people or things which makes things difficult or hard for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, dried up grass or pasture, ear drum or canal, rising of a human population, rebirth of a community or nation, uprising or agitation, bloody revolution, administration or management, ruling elite or leadership, command and control centre, central nervous system, chiefdom, power, authority, fence or something like fence in some sense for some reason or purpose, fighting or something like fighting in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse explains the necessity of proper education and training and its objectives. Whether the education and training is as good as told by Allah should be constantly observed by seeing how people are fitting in the society in order to fulfil its set objectives. Education therefore is not about wasting time and resources but having a clear objective and ensuring that it is being achieved. Things set-up and efforts put in must be kept under constant observations and adjustments should be made accordingly till correct results or outcome is achieved. So long as proper objectives are achieved properly, it could be assumed all is working fine. The Quran based Islam is not about words but deeds as well and that both must be consistent with each other ie one should not just talk the talk but walk the walk as well. The Quran not only explains the difference between knowledge and actions but also between words and action as well. Knowledge is no use on its own without it being followed by actions based on it to turn ideas into realities and likewise words are just words if they too are not followed with actions to turn them into realities. If we look at people who claim to be believers in human brotherhood yet they hide what they have from each other so one has to ask, what kind of brotherhood is that? if we look at people they talk about human rights but they lack proper sense of what actual human rights mean and they are happy to live by a way of life whereby people use each other abusively ie people live on basis of abusive use of each other yet talk about human rights, so one has to ask, what is this human rights business about? Double talk and double standards are order of the day yet we dare claim to be a very civilised human society. Are we human beings not a bunch of funny people who say something then do exactly opposite of that?

204) However be alert because among the mankind there is such a person or party or group of people whose speech will fascinate you the masses regarding how life in this world should be set up and run and he or it may even call upon Allah to be witness about what is in his or its mind even though he or it will prove by his or its very own actions in due course that he or it is your (the mankind’s) staunch opponent when it comes to installation and maintenance of constitution and laws based upon guidance of Allah.

Word YUJIB is from root AIN, JEEM and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to admire someone or something for outstanding character or performance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to like someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deem someone or something strange or extraordinary or improbable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surprise or be surprised by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to please or be pleased with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to impress or be impressed by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make a great impression on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to satisfy or be satisfied with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to see or have someone or something in sight or view in some sense for some reason or purpose, to perceive or understand or comprehend something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have insight about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to spy or keep an eye on or guard or take care of or lookafter someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be born again or start something anew in some sense for some reason or purpose, to assist or support or back up or reinforce or defend someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to walk on foot in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be balanced or beautiful or adorable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be durable or permanent or lasting in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to take on burden or responsibility in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to act as base or foundation for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or shelter or refuge or sanctuary or roof over head or space for breathing or room for manoeuvre or patronage or guardianship or umbrella or canopy or cover in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or party or group or following in some sense for some reason or purpose, something that is distinctively different from the rest, something strange, something that causes one to wonder at it for some reason or purpose, a wonder or a wondrous thing, conceit, conceited person, amazing, incredible, most peculiar, a puzzle, something that puzzles or causes someone to fall into confusion about it, something unreasonable, something that cannot be explained by reason, something unimaginable or unexpected or not anticipated, something that happens or occurs suddenly, something peculiar, spring season, new beginning, beast of burden, donkey or elephant or mule, origin, tradition, custom, rule of law, constitution, something that happens the cause of which remains hidden or unknown, something never seen or heard before, awe that strikes one when one deems a task one is faced with huge or something impossible to accomplish, something unusual or not ordinary or normal experience, eye or something like eye in some sense for some reason or purpose, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ALAD is from root LAAM, DAAL and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to be fierce or stubborn or confused in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, Also to cause chaos or disorder or anarchy through mischief in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to look around or about in confusion in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be perplexed in some way for some reason or purpose, to be grim in some sense for some reason or purpose, to defend or stand guard for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be quarrelsome or most contentious or mortal enemy of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire for troubles and wars in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put barriers or barricades or obstacles or obstructions or difficulties or problems in the way of someone or something for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use weapons or tools or instruments or equipment or machines in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fixed in place or position in some sense yet be flexible in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or invent or have or use a way for being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to remove problems or difficulties or troubles in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be living on the edge or borderline in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be marginalised or isolated or neglected or ignored or boycotted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be ignorant or arrogant in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be courageous or brave or daring in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hold one’s ground or do not budge from one’s standpoint in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be stable and firm or solid in some sense for some reason or purpose, someone mostly looking for fights and wars, a person given to creating disputes and fights the most,, most vicious, people at throat of each other most of the time, two opposing sides of the very same people, two opposite sides of a valley, something that inspires or motivates or encourages or drives or urges or pushes someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, the motivational cause beyond some action, people who open doors to disputes and problems and fights, controlled entry and exist system, things that lead to other things good or bad, formula, trick or technique, a way into or through someone or something, ladder, ways and means, someone who listens to none and does what he decides to do, someone unreasonable or highly irrational, dumb and deaf, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word KHISAAM is from root KHA, SWAD and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to argue over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, Also to dispute with someone or something about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to defeat someone in an argument in some sense for some reason or purpose, to quarrel or fight with someone over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or launch a claim or litigation about something against someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to disagree with someone about or over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to recriminate or make a counter claim or accusation or allegation against someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to contend with someone about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be low profile or debased in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be on the way to falling down in some sense for some reason or purpose, to keep someone or something safe or secret in some way for some reason or purpose, to take something as valuable or useful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to treasure something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hide something for safe keeping in some way for some reason or purpose, to intoxicate someone with something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hit or strike or attack someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cheat or betray or breach an agreement or cause corruption in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be treacherous or traitor in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abate or die down or calm down or settle down or become stable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to vacate or exit or empty something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take something by force in some way for some reason or purpose, to use a cutting tool or weapon or equipment or instrument in some way for some reason or purpose, to abuse or use someone or something abusively or inappropriately in some sense way for some reason or purpose, to fear or cause to fear or worry in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show concern or regard for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become awestruck by someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to discuss or debate or argue from opposite sides or positions in some sense for some reason or purpose, to overcome or defeat the opponent in some way for some reason or purpose, to triumph or be victorious over someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be locked or involved in power struggle with someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be unstable or infirm or unbalanced in some sense for some reason or purpose, to not be symmetrical in some sense for some reason or purpose, to converge or diverge in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be rooted deeply or properly or be stable or firmly rooted in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or bloodshed or death and destruction in some way for some reason or purpose, to irrigate or water a piece of land for good crops or yield in some sense for some reason or purpose, struggling, fighting, disagreeing, differing, disputing, striving, campaigning, calamity or disaster or catastrophe, opposite side of a cloud, opposite corners or sides or edges of a sack or bag or an envelope, opposite side handles of a pot for carrying it, opposition or opponent, opposing individuals or parties, defendant, antagonists, mutual recrimination, disputants, litigants, adversaries, a contumacious or contentious person, a troublesome person, a trouble maker, a person given to trouble making, advocate, promoter of an issue or cause, the one given to antagonism, a person given to animosity or rivalry, edge of something, mouth of a valley, a region or an area, an aspect of something, a point of view, an angle of looking at something, a structure built on unstable or fragile or delicate or weak foundation or something like it in some sense, an unstable structure or something like an unstable structure in some sense. something that gives false impression about something or is like something that gives false impression about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, something misplaced or placed upon something wrongly in some sense for some reason or purpose, something placed upon something unsoundly or infirmly, something impure or hollow or empty or void or unstable or infirm in some sense, something that causes loss or death or destruction or injury or damage or failure or disorder or anarchy or chaos or confusion in some sense, something disgraceful or troublesome in some sense, seeds, roots, branches, fruits, outcomes or results, adversaries, animosity, rivalry, unbalanced or wrongly founded structure or something like it in some sense for some reason or purpose, plant or tree or something like plant or tree in some sense for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse warns masses about such people who see personal gains based way of life as the best way of life and they paint a very rosy picture about this way of life for the masses and they also promote this way of life in the very name of Allah. The question is, who are these people? The rulers, the mullahs, the money lender and their supporters because these are the only people due to whom the world we live in is in the state that it is in ie a hell hole. Rulers are waging wars to destroy people for their control on land and resources, means of production and distribution. Mullahs are busy trying to create hatred between mankind by telling them all sorts of big fat lies in the name of Allah whereby sectarianism thrives which wastes energies of mankind fighting each other over a lot of nonsense one above the other. Money lenders are destroying lives by turning human beings into slaves of each other though setting up a way of life based on dealing with each other for money sake instead of dealing on basis of family ties in wider context as a human brotherhood, therefore education and training is all about how to make fools of each other on basis of politics, religion and money so no wonder the world is the way it is because there are no education and training centres that educate and train people for being good human beings to be good members of a human brotherhood. The good human being is not the one who is slave of money lenders through rulers and mullahs that runs to church or masjid or mandir etc etc to serve their objectives but the one defined by the scriptures if the scriptures are interpreted as they should be. A human being who learns all that he needs to learn in order to serve mankind the best possible way in the name of God as explained in the Quran. A person who can plan the way the world should be organised and regulated and who can help educate people as to how they are supposed to live as a proper human community.

205) Because whenever such a person or party or group of people turns against Our guidance for the human world his or their whole effort is put in creating divisions or hatred and wars between mankind in order to destroy people and their civilisations. However Allah does not approve of people who plot and conspire for dissentions and wars between people for satisfaction of their greed for personal gains at the expense of humanity.

Word NASL is from root NOON, SEEN and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to throw out someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to catch or collect someone or something into something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to run fast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring something out of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become disconnected or separated from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come or bring forth someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come out or come out fast or be ejected or thrown out in some sense for some reason or purpose, to come out running fast in waves or waves upon waves in some way for some reason or purpose, to storm out of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to push out or eject someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to beget someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose , to give birth to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pull out or fall out in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move quickly in some way for some reason or purpose, to pour or ooze or rush out in some way for some reason or purpose, to move swiftly or walk briskly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to speed up a process or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to swarm out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring out something from something easily in some way for some reason or purpose, to be lively or active or energetic in some way for some reason or purpose, to be smooth or slippery or deceptive or illusive or imaginary in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be long or long and winding or turning and twisting or tossing in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be thin and long in some sense for some reason or purpose, to scribble or write or etch something on something in some way for some reason or purpose, to stroke something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to leave someone or something or leave alone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to depart or go away in some sense for some reason or purpose, to float in the air or gas or swim in the water or liquid in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast acting in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cut or bite or cut off or bite off or sever something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or consume or destroy something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be firmly fixed or properly planted or anchored in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or cunning or intelligent or clever in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be courageous or motivated or inspired or drive or pushed or urged to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use weapons or tools or instruments or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be regretful or unhappy or sad or sorrowful or in pain or suffering in some sense for some reason or purpose, something that comes forth from something in some sense but separates from it for some reason or purpose, something that comes out of something easily, something that is pulled out of something, the separation of something from something, camel hair that fall off a camel, feathers that fall off a bird, the coming off of a shirt from a person’s body, wool that falls off an animal, fast flowing wind, the next generation of a people, progeny, descendents, off spring, creatures, people, children, a human population, ejaculation or ejaculation of sperm into uterus during sexual intercourse, fibrous waste, the future generation/s, generation after generation, a winding path or road, something that continues in some way, time or world or things in it, tradition, custom, rule of law, example, precedent, reference point, standard, constitution, base or foundation, arrow, spear, a stick with a sharp pointed end, fish or ink or something like fish or ink in some sense for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

206) This is why when it is said to the person or party of such category of people, abide by guidance of Allah, his or its dominance based arrogance carries him or it off to crimes against humanity instead. Only making the world a hellhole can satisfy him or it and what a terrible place that will be to live in for mankind if they will let such a person or people have things his or their way.

Word MIHAAD is from root MEEM, HAA and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to make something even and soft in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to balance or smooth out someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prepare or make ready someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to adorn or decorate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cultivate or groom or educate or train someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pave the way or make things easy for or facilitate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something even or level or smooth in some way for some reason or purpose, to smooth out or straighten things up in some sense for some reason or purpose, to introduce someone or something to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make sufficient or reasonable or good provisions for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something agreeable or compatible or palatable or amiable with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to remove all obstacles or troubles or difficulties or problems or hurdle or barriers or blockages in the way of someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove hardship or poverty or disease from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to spread out or become scattered or sprinkled in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make something plane or flat or horizontal or regular or uniform or level or even in some way which is rough or bumpy or rocky or uneven or not level or properly balanced in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make a place habitable in some way for some reason or purpose, to harmonise people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate a place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or disaster or calamity or catastrophe in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shed blood or tears in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause death and destruction in some sense for some reason or purpose, to avail opportunities or chances to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to foresee or be able to see far ahead of time some sense for some reason or purpose, to see thought things in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to see beyond horizon in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or hurdles or blockages or barrier or difficulties or problems in the way of someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to make life hard or impossible for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drip or run or flow in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think and do what ensures well being of mankind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be well of or affluent or prosperous or having an easy or luxurious life in some sense for some reason or purpose, sleeping place, resting place, cradle or cradle of beginning of civilisation, abode, lodging, residence, dwelling, home or homely, baby cart, bed and bedding, something well prepared, widely spread out, widely stretched, an expanse, open space or place, open minded person, a person with extensive knowledge of things or with extensive ability to learn things, energy or something life giving or inspiring or motivational, God or revelation of God, window of opportunities, a window to outside world, senses, ways and means to an end, ladder, formula, trick or technique, controlled entry or exist, a way into or through someone or something, ways and means to an end or goal, someone or something simple or ordinary or undecorated or uneducated or untrained or unskilled or unadorned or basic or unsophisticated or modest or inexperienced in some sense for some reason or purpose, someone or something obvious or manifest or evident or visible or clear or apparent or patent or discernible or perceptible or transparent or palpable or distinct or observable or striking or marked in some sense for some reason or purpose, Something conspicuous or self evident or indisputable in some sense for some reason or purpose, someone or something well or properly prepared in some sense for some reason or purpose, something widely or wildly or freely spreading out in some sense for some reason or purpose, a starting point or where something is or whereof something begins in some sense for some reason or purpose, a temporary place for living at the start to prepare for going elsewhere, a short stop during a long journey, learning and training place where from one gets education and training or skills for living a better life, infancy, childhood or young age, tender, local place as compared to a remote place or a place at a distance from the local place where one lives or is from, water or something like water in some sense for some reason or purpose, window or something like a window in some sense for some reason or purpose, door or something like a door in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

207) However among the mankind there is also a person or party of people of such a category that commits itself to establishing the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah because that is how Allah will shows glory of His guidance to mankind through his or its blissful, dignified and secure existence.

208) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, implement Our guidance for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind fully and abide not by rule of law of any opponent of it because such a rule of law will prove harmful and destructive for you the mankind in due course.

209) Yet if you will falter or mask and derail Our guidance after receiving the clear goals and guidelines from Us then be warned that you will end up in serious self created harms and destructions by hands of each other because only wisdom based logically consistent rule of law of Allah has the solid foundation to bring you to blissful, dignified and secure existence as it is made obvious to you by the harmoniously working of the universe.

210) So if masses of mankind are not looking for a blissful, dignified and secure existence then what are they looking for other than that which set-up systems and laws of Allah bring about in forms of clouds of painful suffering through people who take over the world as kings or rulers fulfilling Our warnings to mankind in actual fact because upon set-up systems and laws of Allah alone rests disposal of all affairs?

The Quranic concepts are very different from religious concepts and the terminology used in the Quran needs special attention. God of the Quran and the universe is not a human being. He is beyond anything mankind can imagine because he is unlike anything mankind can know about directly. All we can do is try our best to make proper sense of his message. So thinking God can come and go is a very wrong concept about God in the context of the Quran. This verse is not about God going or coming but about how he reaches people ie deals with them or manages all affairs regarding mankind in this universe. For that purpose he has set up systems and laws so all things in the real world happen on basis of physical chain of cause and effect. God ensures his set up systems and laws work according to his plan and never fail. The way God deals with people is explained in the Quran through verses like these. All that is said in these verses is, if people will not live by way of life advised by God then humanity will suffer in various ways by hands of each other and it will keep on suffering till it moves from all other paths onto the path advised by God for them to live by. One of the main reasons for human suffering is forced takeover of humanity by some of its people to rule mankind by iron fist. Since such tyrants will inflict terrible pain and suffering upon mankind so people are foretold to become better aware of this fact and do what needs to be done in order to avoid such situations. Even after such situations take place people are explained how to get out of such situations. That is how children of Israel were saved after they were taken over by Pharaoh and his cronies. As for use of word MALAAIKAH it does not mean necessarily supernatural beings as imagined by mankind. Root MEEM, LAAM and KAAF has been explained in detail already. It is used for God as well as people. Since God is not same as people therefore meaning of this root become obvious from the context of use of this root. Here this root is translated as kings or rulers from among people. Since the Quran condemns rule of people over people so these kings are bound to be those who reject and oppose rule of law of Allah and when such people take over human world they only and only use physical force not reason that is logically consistent and ensures well being of all because they live for personal gains at the expense of all others. Therefore they make and enforce laws which suit only and only their personal interests rather than the people they rule. This is why people who take over the world to rule it by force are called MALAAIKAH as well as the people who take on the mission of Allah as missionaries to bring about or maintain rule of law of Allah in this world. Although the administrators and the managers of the proper human community affairs in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah are also called MALAAIKAH but they are put in place by ummah to serve it according to guidance of Allah not rule it. The difference in use of word MALAAIKAH for various people or things is in its purpose of use of this label ie whether MAKLAAIKAH live by rule of Allah or live by rejecting or opposing it. Kings and their cronies take over kingdoms by force and rule people as angels of death and angels of hell ie they make life of people hell as opposed to managing the kingdom of Allah according to his provided guidance that ensures well being of mankind and therefore leads people to blissful, dignified and secure existence. This is why malaaikah who live by rule of law of Allah are consistent with guidance of Allah and rest of mankind but malaakiah who do what they like do not. Another point that people need to think about is that verses in the Quran use certain words in arguments against people to explain certain things. For example, people use word jinn in a very different sense than what it is supposed to be used for therefore Allah uses the same word in their sense to refute the point they are making as has been explained already. These are limitations of human languages. Likewise word MALAAIKAH is also used by Allah for imaginary beings that people take to be real due to their make beliefs based upon their ignorance. The same problem is with use of word ILAAH. The Quran claims, there is only one God and defines that God in a different way than people. People use word ILAAH for more than one God because due to their make beliefs based upon their own ignorance they assume there are many Gods. In order to refute their claims Allah also uses word ILAAHEEN=GODS. So the words used in the Quran need to be understood in the Quranic context by people to avoid getting confused. People say, Allah should send MALAAIKAH to them as messengers instead of human messengers. This is because people imagine some supernatural beings with supernatural powers that do thing for Allah and that is why they claim sons and daughters for Allah. This does not mean that there really are such beings but that Allah is refuting them by saying that if MALAAIKAH are such powerful being as you assume them to be then you have no chance if they were sent and you did not do what they told you to do. People are made to reflect on their make beliefs to make them realise that they are not thinking in a consistent way when they try to use logic. It is because when they argue their points they try to use logic but if they could take their logic to its proper conclusion then their arguments will become clear to themselves how wrong they are. They appeal to intelligence yet do not go through with it in a consistent way and start appealing to superstition in the middle of their arguments and do not even realise they are contradicting themselves therefore they are self refuting their own points they are trying to make by doing this.

211) Ask the children of Israel how many times We gave them clear goals and guidelines? However people who falter or derail and mask the blissful, dignified and life securing guidance of Allah after it has come to them to live by are then made to face severe consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other by hands of each other through according to set-up systems and laws of Allah.

A clear warning for those who have heard the message of Allah that if they will not work for establishing and maintaining the kingdom based upon it then in time they are going to be turned upside down all by themselves. They will live to regret it themselves and curse their past generations for putting them on this wrong path that leads them in due course to the dead end through consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. So people must not get overly involved in the life of this world for greed for personal gains at the expense of each other without having any time to themselves to reflect on their thoughts and actions and their results or long term consequences. Over involvement in the worldly life for personal gains at the expense of each other is very dangerous for mankind because it leaves people no time to reflect over what is going on in the human world and why and whether it is good or bad for humanity as a whole. Such thoughtless involvement of people with each other on basis of rivalry undermines and kills human community spirit in people therefore tears apart fabric of proper human community or brotherhood. This is why the Quran tells people repeatedly to mend or repair fracture human community or relationships between mankind and calls it righteous deeds, not make beliefs and useless rituals as mullahs have made us believe. If people took out time as individuals for thinking and questioned validity of mullahs’ interpretation of the Quran they will soon come to realise how badly they have been misled by mullahs regarding the Quran and deen of Islam.

212) Due to their ignorance based arrogance the way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other becomes attractive or alluring to live by in this world for those dominant and advantaged people who reject and oppose rule of law based upon guidance of Allah and make wars against it so they take those people for a laugh who commit to striving for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in this world. However those who are consistent with rule of law based upon guidance of Allah as well as with each other as a proper human community will be seen at a far higher level of existence in this world than them during the time period when the way of life advised by Allah will become an established reality in this world. It is because Allah delivers His provisions properly for mankind that way through those who work according to His guidance as exemplified by His messengers and their supporters in the past already.

Word ZUYYIN is from root ZAA, YAA and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to deem someone or something highly useful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to judge someone or something highly valuable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use or say or do something beautiful or pleasant in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be highly creative in a constructive or beneficial way or in a highly harmful or destructive way for some reason or purpose, to make use of things in such ways through expression of personal creativity that draws only praises and admiration from those who look at them, to look adorable or beautiful in some sense for some reason or purpose, to appear highly useful in being or in action or both for some reason or purpose, to make something look good or useful or beautiful in some way for some reason or purpose, to present oneself or something else in a beautiful way for some reason or purpose, to make things look good or useful or beautiful in some way for some reason or purpose, to rank or reckon someone or something high in some sense for some reason or purpose, to grace or dignify someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to arrange things beautifully or in an adorable or proper or appropriate way for some reason or purpose, to set-up or do things that make world look beautiful or adorable in some way for some reason or purpose, to set-up or do things in a way that makes them look beautiful or adorable for some reason or purpose, to make oneself or others alluring in some way for some reason or purpose, to adorn or decorate or beautify or ornament oneself in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something seemingly fair in the eyes of beholder in some way for some reason or purpose, to be deceptive or illusive in some sense for some reason or purpose, to entice or lure or ensnare or con or cheat or trap someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create or have or use weapons or instrument or tools or equipment or machines or mechanisms in some sense for some reason or purpose, in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have reach or be able to approach someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have power or control or authority or grip or grasp or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or crooked or twisted or turned or cunning or deceptive or clever or wicked or slippery in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental in something happening or making it happen in some way for some reason or purpose, to have understanding or comprehension or insight about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to restrain or holdback or prevent someone or something from being or having or using or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be even or smooth or regular or normal in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast acting or moving in some sense for some reason or purpose, to extend or expand or enlarge or stretch or make something bigger or larger in quantity or number in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reach or catch or catch up with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, ornaments, jewellery, decorations, festival, celebration, treasures, bows and arrows, swords, guns, pens or pencils or computers or flutes or drums, valuables, something that makes life blissful or dignified or secure, something that unites mankind and helps them to be peaceful, something that helps mankind progress and be prosperous, something that takes away attention of people from other things to itself, something that draws or attracts attention, the world, the personal gains, vested interests, religion, a beautiful way of life, something that gives some value to something in some way for some reason or purpose, affluency, ease or pleasures of life, adornment, prosperity, decoration, luxury or pomp, entourage, weapon or tool or instrument or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Here it is told that it is up to set-up systems and laws of Allah to let such a party have control over land and resources, means of production and distribution as is able to take over. The lesson for people of God is to prepare for that so that when the control is handed to them they do not misuse and abuse it otherwise the control will be keep going back to the people who deserve it better according to set up systems and laws of Allah. The idea is that there are two laws for mankind at work a) laws of nature the way the world naturally is and b) the way man should rise above nature to make the world a better place as explained by Allah in the Quran. If man fails to rise to challenges to become a decision maker then nature will make its own decisions as it sees fit and man will have to live by that till he learns to do better and takes control of things from nature. So it is either rule of law of Allah that mankind must live by or they will be left on their own to live as they wish and in that case only dominant people among them will make decisions for all the rest of them. This control of dominant people will remain in place till there comes about a community of wise people which is able to take control back from such people for ensuring well being of mankind and that is what has been happening always as is made clear through examples of messengers of Allah and their communities.

213) Mankind once upon a time were a single family when they became a separate species in their own right along the tree of life and lived by laws of nature but at length as they increased in their number and developed awareness they became divided so Allah raised prophets from among them who told them about the way of life which could lead them to blissful, dignified and secure existence and who warned them against living by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other which could lead them to their own death and destruction by hands of each other because He sent with His messengers His book for proof and guidance so that all affairs between people in which they differed or disputed could be settled according to that guidance. However none differed and disputed about the provided guidance save those who were delivered Our guidance after there came to them clear program for goals and guidelines for constitution and laws from Us due to rivalries and animosities based upon vested personal interests between themselves. So guidance of Allah guided about His plan and purpose for creation of mankind such people who learned it properly and committed themselves faithfully to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity regarding which their opponents differed. All because guidance of Allah guides only such a people who take necessary steps or actions to be guided by it to the way of life that is proper founded for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind.

This verse explains evolution of human beings from tree of life in a nutshell. It is made clear that all people used to live by laws of nature till they became sufficiently aware to be able to benefit from revelation from Allah in form of books through prophets. This shows that man was not created with sense of what is right and what is wrong and it is revelation of Allah through his messengers that gave mankind information as to what is right and why and what is wrong and why. Had people already known right and wrong then they could not be so different from each other in liking and disliking of things. This verse also tells mankind that prophets and messengers from Allah never come without a book or a group of people to whom they are sent. The idea that a messenger or prophet from Allah can come without a book or a people is totally absurd. What people need to realise however is the fact that not all uses of words NABI and RASOOL are for those prophets and messengers. Once this distinction is realised then there will not be any more problems in this regard. The easy thing to realise is use of word KITAAB=book. It does not mean every book is a book sent by God. Words are used in various ways in the Quran for serving different purposes which becomes obvious if one studies the Quran for knowing what is in it. The main confusion is caused by ignorant mullahs and their senseless followers who just go by their make beliefs on basis of their blind faith. This verse also makes it quite clear that it is up to people to learn and educate themselves as well as each other and become a guided people. It is not the case of Allah guiding and misguiding people that is sufficient to show stupidity of mullahs who misinterpreted the Quran that way due to their foolishness. Allah is provider of means for people to use them to do whatever they like by their own choices within his set limits.

214) So do you the people of this era think that you will end up in a kingdom based upon Our guidance that will give you blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community without you striving for it properly or when you have not been put through necessary education, training and needed work by each other like people who passed away before you who brought about such kingdoms with blissful, dignified and secure existence in them for themselves? They were afflicted with wars, torture and adversity to such degree by each other that they were shaken to their very cores till their missionary and those who along with him declared commitment to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in the land cried out, when will help of Allah arrive? They were told, help of Allah is always close to you in form of His revelation for establishing His rule of law but you will have to undergo an education and training program first to prepare yourselves for its installation and maintenance only then you will reach your set goal.

It is always the case that people ignore education and training as well as hard work based upon guidance of Allah yet complain about all sorts of problems that come their way as a result of their ignorance and inaction or harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other. These verses are telling mankind there is no solution of problems outside guidance of Allah so there is no sense in splitting people up into groups based upon different versions of religion or secularism. Such divides only create more and more problems for humanity rather than solving any of its real problems. In fact these divisions are founded upon personal vested interests of a few people ie rulers, mullahs and money lenders etc. There is no sense in blaming Allah for problems if mankind are not prepared to study and implement his message as it ought to be studied and implemented. This verse is questioning people for holding onto their nonsense make beliefs and useless time wasting rituals. People think declaring faith in some make beliefs blindly and carrying out some useless rituals without use of their brains is fine to get good life in hereafter not realising the proper plan and purpose for revelation of God and the role they themselves ought to be playing in getting what they are told they can get in the book. This is the falsehood that is found widespread among human beings throughout the world but Muslims who have the Quran in their hands are worse than many others in such things. In this verse the Quran is explaining that no matter how much people pray and cry to God for help, it is all useless because it is the book they are supposed to be reading for its proper understanding to be guided properly by it. Not only that but after making proper sense of the message of God they are supposed to follow it faithfully so that they could then end up with promised good results as the outcome of their proper thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community. The book of God tells everything people need to know to get out of all sorts of troubling things. The Quran is a very complex and sophisticated book like alphabet set from which come all the words in a language. Leaving the guidance from Allah aside and crying to Allah is nothing more than stupidity so carry on if that is all you can think of instead of reading the provided book for getting guidance and following it. The Quran leaves one in no doubt that education and training is absolutely necessary for people to succeed and there is no other way. This is the way the world is set up by Allah to work. In fact when Allah tells people I am near you and can hear you or help you that is what it means ie his guidance is in hands of people which gives answers to all their questions provided people prepare themselves to find the answers for themselves from the book with help of each other. Deen of Islam is not about pooja paat of God as already explained in detail but about carrying out tasks set by God which are basically for ensuring well being of mankind. Pooja paat does not benefit God nor ensures well being of mankind it only and only wastes time of people which causes loss to human beings because while people get busy with learning make beliefs and how to carry out useless rituals and then act out those rituals a lot of useful time has been wasted in an unproductive way. Religious people can only take religious extremism further and further and doing that means more of doing the same and more waste of time and being more and more unproductive therefore a huge loss for mankind instead of any worthwhile gain. If we take this in term of mullah version of Islam here is what it will mean. According to mullahs three pillars of Islam are keep chattering words like there is no God but God and Muhammad is his messenger, keep praying to God as much as one can and keep fasting as much as one can. If one takes these rituals to their extreme how useful a person can be to human society? Deen of Islam is very different because it puts God and humanity both at the centre of its attention. People are supposed to do all they can for ensuring well being of mankind and that is exactly what God wants people to do. The more extreme people become in this regard, it only and only ensures more and more productive human society which in turn uplifts humanity by making it more capable. This is why if end goal is good then extreme in that direction only makes things better but if end goal is bad then extreme in that direction only makes things worse. The Quran not only wants people to believe what is right and do what is good but it also tells people to do things properly or the right way, so harmful and destructive extremism is therefore not allowed. Even if a goal in itself is good yet going about it in the harmful or destructive way is not allowed. It is because that way one can end up destroying what one is trying to save or secure. Most of the time people are faced with situations where they have to make choices between what is better or worse so one has to do what one thinks is better in that case. In case of bigger loss or smaller loss it is better to suffer less rather than more. It is also possible that due to lack of proper knowledge about things what seems to be loss to a person or people may be gain and what seems to be gain may be loss. There is always possibility of error on part of human beings because they are not Gods and they should not try to be where they should not. So people should always have best intentions for each other and try their best to do good to each other or for each other. This should be adopted as the best policy to be on the safe side of things. It is better to let a criminal go free than punish an innocent person in doubt or confusion.

215) Behold! After all this explanation they will now ask you what they should think and do to accomplish or achieve the set out goal? Say, think and do all you need to do for ensuring well being of each other but do all this for dependents in form of elderly and children due to community based relationships as individuals and settled people or people who are on the journey towards community life. Whatever you will do for ensuring well being of each other Allah will make evident its results for you in due course.

Once the Quran makes it clear for people that make beliefs and useless rituals are no use for getting people out of difficulties and troubles and people realise this point then people are bound to ask, if makes beliefs and useless rituals are not helpful then what else can help? This is the context of this verse. In this verse word YUNFIQOON is not about giving alms to poor but in the context of the Quran it is about using all ways and means at the disposal of individuals for the betterment of all the people within the proper human community. It is because Quran does not allow divisions on basis of power or wealth or religions and sects etc so there is no question of alms for poor in the Quranic context. This is about spending, using or doing all in one’s power to make the human community succeed ie achieve its objectives for sake of all involved as a community. This spending is about using all one has for struggle for setting up a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah so that all needs of human beings could be fulfilled properly. It should be noted that message of the Quran is for people and people only have their brains, senses and bodies to use and make something out of whatever is available to them in form of raw materials. If people have not produced anything then they have nothing to distribute so they must start from somewhere and then move ahead from there on. When people are born there already exists a human society or population so they must be living some way so all one can do is convince people to work for certain goals according to certain guidelines in order to gain support of others. That is how messengers from Allah worked their way through. This is why without some basis to convince others for support no movement can succeed. This in itself is a very hard work because learning guidance of Allah properly and then teaching it to others faithfully is not an easy task at all and that is why it is called jihad ie a struggle or campaign. Although jihad is all about trying to educate and train human beings for the best standard of life at any given time in a given place but due to personal vested interest based opposition it could also turn into actual battles in the battlefields. This is why the Quran teaches its followers to be well prepared for all eventualities and not be caught in the middle by lack of proper preparation, planning or execution. One things need to be understood clearly that it is not actual Muslims who need to go to war with any people because they have perfect rational explanation on their side and all they need to do is convince rest of humanity by educating it about deen of Islam. However way of life based upon the Quran is not acceptable to ignorant or arrogant or stubborn advantaged or dominant people so it they who are bound to try to stop it from spreading by all means at their disposal. This is why there is a lot of negative and false propaganda about deen of Islam. This has been the case always as the Quran itself explains. It is for this reason Muslims must work for spreading message of peace and harmony and brotherhood but must also prepare for wars so that if it comes to that then they do have upper hand in wars as well. These verses are also making another vitally important point that organisation and regulation of people is fundamental for success of a cause or movement or campaign or struggle. It means make beliefs and useless rituals are of no help when it comes to dealing with real world realities or real situations or circumstances. If anything they hinder people from carrying out what the Quran demands of people as its followers.

216) Striving hard is necessary for you as a group of people for bringing about a blissful, dignified and secure human community even though you may dislike working hard for each other due to your ignorance about benefits or advantages for doing so. But it so happens that you may dislike doing something for each other as individuals yet it is beneficial and advantageous for all of you as a proper human community while on the other hand you may love doing something as individuals for your personal vested interests or gains yet it could prove harmful and destructive for all of you as a proper human community. That is how Allah makes obvious for you that which you do not know or realise in order to educate you or to equip you with information.

Word KURH is from root KAAF, RAA and HAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to oppose someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reject someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disdain or loathe or dislike or look down upon someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to suffer or make someone or something suffer calamity or disaster or catastrophe or harm or destruction or hardship or difficulty or trouble or poverty or disease in some sense for some reason or purpose, to force or compel or push someone or something in some sense to be or to do or to have or to use something in some way for some reason or purpose, to be averse or hateful towards someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be forced or compelled to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to impose someone or something upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be loathsome or hated or disliked or rejected in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make something difficult or troublesome or hard for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to compel someone in some way against one’s will in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or tender hearted in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be easy ride or gullible or easily fooled or deceived in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be soft or fluffy or spongy in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be shock absorbent or shock proof or not easily disturbed in some sense for some reason or purpose, to act as cushion or shock absorber in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lead or guide or manage or handle or use someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to avail opportunities to people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to foresee things or be able to see intro distance future for some reason or purpose, to see into or through people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or clever or intelligent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, something disliked or hated or loathsome, disaster, something that should be opposed or forced upon, calamity, antipathy, something unhelpful, something undesirable, something that causes inconvenience or bother in some way, administration, ruling elite, chiefdom, leadership, cream of the crop, the best people or things, top part or section of something, command and control centre, central nervous system, tradition, constitution, rule of law, foundation, custom, reference point or standard, ways and means to some end, way into or through something, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, window or something like window in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ASAA is from root AIN, SEEN and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to expect something to happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to anticipate or look forward to something happening in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hope for something happening in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be apprehensive about something happening in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fearful or worried about something happening in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think possibly something can happen in some way for some reason or purpose, to think something may or could happen or come to pass in some sense for some reason or purpose, to assume perhaps something can happen in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think something could happen as a consequence of something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to assume something is ordained to happen in some sense for some reason or purpose, to deem it may have been already decided that something should happen in some way for some reason or purpose, water well, ocean, sea, river, tears from the eyes, spring season, new beginning or start, tradition or custom or rule of law, example or precedent, something firmly rooted or fixed or anchored in something, something bent or twisted or crooked or deceptive or wicked, something that can take responsibility or weight in some sense, something connected to doubt or suspicion or uncertainty or infirmness, something that has something to do with grasp or reach or approach in some way, something that has something to do with help or support or backing in some sense, link or connection or contact, something related to power or authority or control in some way for some reason or purpose, something linked to comprehension or understanding or perception or imagination in some way, something that is about getting involved in or with something in some way for some reason or purpose, something that has something to do with speculation or expectation or conjecturing or assumption or anxiety or worry, something that has something to do with chance or opportunity or coincidence in some way fro some reason or purpose, something that has something to do with keeping an eye or looking after or guardianship or spying or taking care, eye or something like eye in some sense for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like a hook in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like a hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In a society with mindset, attitude and behaviour based on personal vested interests, rivalry, animosity, hatred and war is inevitable because each person in such a society works for himself at the expense of all others so a bit of convincing and persuasion is needed therefore people are explained how a new society based upon the Quranic set up will benefit them as a proper human community. However, when masses will go for that then rulers, money lenders and priests etc who are going to lose their slave labour are going to be very upset so the point is made clear that people who become committed to movement for unity, peace, progress and prosperity must understand the ideology and what will be the consequences for pushing it on to rest of the people ie they will have to prepare for wars as well because people with vested interests are not going to sit idle instead they are going to react to this movement by attacking it for its ideology in every way they can by all means at their disposal. Here again the Quran makes a point absolutely clear that rule of man over man or using each other abusively through various tricks and mechanisms to take undue advantage of each other is anti deen of Islam. This means rulers, money lenders, mullahs, their touts and supports or those who do businesses for profit etc and yet claim to be Muslims and true followers of the Quran where do they stand in light of the Quranic guidance? As we will see in the Quran in surahs yet to come it declares such people outside the fold of deen of Islam who do not live by rule of law of Allah. Therefore mere claim that I am a Muslims does not fit with demands of Allah unless such a declaration is backed by works that make this claim a reality.
217) Time is coming when they will seek your advice in situation of open aggression as to how to respond to that situation. Let them know, fighting against open aggression is a matter of great importance so it should not be taken lightly therefore be well prepared for dealing with that situation. Moreover even more serious matter in sight of Allah is some people stopping others from living by way of life advised by Allah due to their rejection and opposition to it because of which they stop others from bringing about the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and they try to force them out of the land which is a matter of yet greater concern in sight of Allah. Be warned, conspiring for fights and wars between mankind for way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other is worse than actual fighting and slaughter. However your opponents will cease not fighting you people until they succeed in stopping you if they could from installing Our rule of law in the kingdom of the universe, nonetheless if any of you the parties is defeated in this struggle and it is forced to accept the old way of life then whole of its struggle will come to nothing from the start to the finish and any people that will become of those in painful suffering therein they will remain for as long as they live, so prepare well in every way to succeed in bringing about the kingdom based upon Our guidance to avoid this situation of failure.

Word SADDUN is from roots SWAAD, DAAL and DAAL and SWAA DAAL and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to avoid something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to move away from something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to evade something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop or bar or prevent or hinder or holdback or restrain or block or avert or resist or impede from being or having or using or doing something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make noise in some way for some reason or purpose, to agitate or campaign or struggle or raise voice against someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to rise up against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prevent or put a stop to something from happening in some way for some reason or purpose, to take a side turn from the right path in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take a side road or path from the main road in some sense for some reason or purpose, to turn away from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shun or disapprove or loathe or dislike or disdain or reject someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be averse or against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show disdain or rejection for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose , to cause someone to turn away from someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to go back or return to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to clap with hands in some sense for some reason or purpose, to soothe or calm or quieten or subdue or settle down or comfort or lull or tranquilise or relieve or temper someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to palliate or diminish or decrease or appease or conciliate or mollify or ease someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to coax or persuade or wheedle or tempt or entice or beguile or flatter or seduce or lure someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to endeavour or make effort or strive or struggle to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to confront or come face to face with someone or something often in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give or pay full attention to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to speak the truth or say the right thing to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to accost or echo or reflect or back up someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to produce Doppler effect or bounce back effect after hitting someone or something in some sense form some reason or purpose, to be after someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become or cause someone or something to become very thirsty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become or cause to become very hungry in some sense for some reason or purpose, to converge or diverge in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have way to or through someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have a trick or technique or formula or way to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to remove obstacles or difficulties or problems or troubles in the way of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be fixed in a place or position yet be able to move or grow or expand in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or jurisdiction or grip or handle over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or deceptive or crooked or wicked in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be involved or included in something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be in the hands of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a puppet in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be working for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, prevention, boiling hot water, puss, dripping water or liquid, very hot or freezing water poured over living things to burn or kill them, dripping water that contains blood from a wound, blockage, hindrance, obstacle, obstruction or barrier, hardship, poverty, disease, difficulty or problem, trouble, impeding or impedance, resistance, intense thirst, echo, human corpse, a dead human body, skull, just a sound or noise, a sound reflected back of the mountain as an echo, a meaningless sound, thunderclap, thirst for knowledge, hunger for food for thought, seed, roots, fruit, branch/es, something firmly or deeply rooted or fixed or anchored into something in some way for some reason or purpose, controlled entry or exit, tree or plant something alike in some sense for some reason ro purpose, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YAZALOON is from roots ZAA, WOW and LAAM and ZAA, YAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to stop doing something one is doing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to cease an activity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go away in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go silent or quiet in some sense for some reason or purpose, to disappear or vanish or become invisible or low profile or key in some sense for some reason or purpose, to collapse or fall or fall apart or demise or abate or subside or become ruined or destroyed in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abate or calm down or cool down or settle down or become silent or quiet in some sense for some reason or purpose, to end or end up dead or expire or become extinct in some sense for some reason or purpose, to practice something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to change in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move aside from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give way to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go far away or become distant from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to separate from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to desist or resist or holdback from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to decline or fall in some sense for some reason or purpose, to slide away someone or something from his/its place in some sense for some reason or purpose, to distinguish or sort out or classify or separate or isolate someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to remain still or not continue in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stop being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make something obvious or visible or manifest or evident in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause or suffer loss of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become dissolved in some sense for some reason or purpose, to divide or distribute shares in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have a separate identity or classification or category in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be instrumental in being or doing something or making something to happen in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a doctor or engineer or musician or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a soldier or warrior in some sense for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or contact with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring about a community network of people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction or grasp over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to urge or encourage or push or dive or motivate or inspire someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, the loss of something, tool or weapon or instrument or something like a tool or a weapon or an instrument or equipment or mechanism or machine in some sense, patronage or support or backing, someone or something crooked or twisted or bent or turned, someone or something reliable or trustable, someone or something capable of carrying weight or responsibility, something that motivates or inspires, tool or weapon or instrument or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, hand or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something alike in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

It is made very clear in these verses that people should do all they can to ensure their movement achieves its goal because in case of failure consequences are going to be very serious to live with. The main point for people to remember is, their reason for starting a struggle. If the struggle is worth it only then go through with it and there is no sense in starting a struggle and then in the middle of the struggle giving it up. Think things through thoroughly before doing anything and never look back once you have initiated things till the goal is accomplished. The main step is not fighting by sword ie armed struggle but understanding the message in the Quran properly and then spreading it properly as far and wide as possible and that will bring masses together and when that happens, some people with vested interest may cause wars so be prepared for all eventualities to ensure victory because defeat will prove very damaging and destructive. War for ensuring well being of mankind is allowed here but not war for personal power and wealth at the expense of others ie to loot and plunder other human populations in order to enslave them and rob them of their possessions and dignity and security is condemned right through the Quran repeatedly.

218) Surely those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and those who migrate ideologically and physically and struggle for installing the rule of law based upon guidance of Allah in the world they are the ones who can look forward fulfilment to promise of Allah regarding blissful, dignified and secure existence. It is because Allah provides blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind through His blissful, dignified and secure life providing guidance.

Here the Quran is telling people that if they are looking for a life worth living then they will have to make real effort for it and if they will do that then they will get what Allah has promised them not otherwise. In other words unless mankind adopt a way of life that can lead them to blissful, dignified and secure life they cannot get it. No amount of praying to God can help them in this regard because Allah has answered praying of people in form of his revelation for them so now it is up to people what to do with the message Allah has sent for them for guiding them to the kind of life he has promised them. This way of life is a brotherhood based way of life and if people do not want to live for each other then they can live as they want but they are not going to get a good life that way and instead they are going to get themselves in to troubles with each other and that is not going to be good for mankind. The question is why people do not want to live for each other? The only answer possible for this question is, because they want to live for themselves. However people cannot live for themselves because they did not come into this world all by themselves. Since people come from each other and they fully depend upon each other for most of their lives then how can anyone come into existence or survive as individual? This question has no answer other than what is told by the Quran ie live as an ummah or a proper human community. So we are back to where were that we have no choice but to accept the way of life explained by the Quran because any other way of life is not going to let us live let alone in peace and prosper. Only an ignorant fool will challenge the message in the Quran and we have plenty of them among ourselves.

Word HAAJAROO is from root HAA, JEEM and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to separate someone or something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to isolate or cut off or move or move away or shift or remove someone or something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shift or migrate mentally or physically from an idea or a place or position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ignore or neglect or leave alone or cut off or break ties with or abandon or boycott or forsake or part company with or desert or abstain from or depart or go away from in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give up on someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to tie down someone or something tightly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shun or rebuke or detest someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to evade or avoid someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak ill of or slander or insult or abuse someone in some sense for some reason or purpose, to emigrate or migrate somewhere in some sense for some reason or purpose, to use bad or obscene language in some sense for some reason or purpose, to restrict or limit or imprison or confine or tie or bind someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to move away or to distance oneself from someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to talk nonsense or act senselessly or recklessly in some sense for some reason or purpose, to string up an animal in such a way that the pace at which it walks is controlled by the length of strings attached to it or it is tied with, to bootstrap someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to create a feedback loop of some sort in some sense for some reason or purpose, to shift ideologically or physically in some sense for some reason or purpose, to oppress or suppress someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to try to render or make someone or something ineffective or useless in some sense for some reason or purpose, to drown a voice in the noise in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep on moving towards a goal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep on making effort or endeavouring or struggling or striving for establishing or accomplishing something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep on moving in the direction of someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep the goal in focus in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep eyes on the goal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to change one’s mind in some sense for some reason or purpose, to manage or handle someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to control someone or something in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or act harmfully or destructively in some sense for some reason or purpose, to tie the head of a four legged animal to its front leg with a rope so that it does not run wild out of control in some sense for some reason or purpose, to avail opportunities to people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pierce a hole into or through something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to see into or through people or things in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a hole through a wall in some sense for some reason or purpose, to walk on foot in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be deceptive or cunning or shrewd in some sense for some reason or purpose, to perceive or have in sight or view someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have foresight or insight into something in some sense for some reason or purpose, a window of opportunity, someone or something reliable or trustable in some way for some reason or purpose, way through to something, ways and means, a way towards knowing or understanding something, a way of being or doing or having or using something, a formula or a technique or trick, mechanism, something beautiful or durable or long, something long lasting, beast of burden, something which can provide foundation for something, something not irritated easily, leadership, headache, something painful or requiring hard work, ways and means to some end, opportunity, a way to something, understanding or comprehension, something that can carry weight or responsibility, something beautiful or lasting or long like a rope or thread, leadership, controlling element or management, tradition or rule of law, summer midday heat, custom, habit, tradition, rule of law, constitution, precedent, example, command and control centre, central nervous system, the best people or things, top part of section of something, cream of the crop, ruling elite, chiefdom, administration or management, window or something like window in some sense for some reason or purpose, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc. The Quran is a book for guidance of humanity that is why Allah is telling his messenger what people are going to ask him and why. So he is given the answers in advance to deal with situations as they arrive. This is also a very important point to remember. God wants people to organise and regulate themselves and be ready in advance for things that are to come or are to happen. If people will think ahead or plan things in advance then they will be able to cope with problems of life and living in a much better way than being caught lagging behind trying to catch up with natural world. For example if people can know things well in advance which could harm or destroy them in their unawareness about them then they can stay safe. If we know well in advance it is going to be heavy rain and there is going to be flood then we can get ready for surviving it one way or the other. However if we were lagging behind nature then we will be caught unaware and may not survive or suffer heavily damage unnecessarily or needlessly. So organisation and regulation is basic part of survival strategy because it helps us prepare better in advance for things. Moreover if we already know dos and don’ts in advance for certain situations or circumstances then it helps us to do better in times of those situations or circumstances. So when the Quran says they will ask you about this or that it is telling the messenger of God how to prepare for things in advance. It also means people must also follow messenger of God in a similar way ie they too should prepare for things in advance and be ready for all that life throws at humanity.

Word JAAHADOO is from root JEEM, HAA and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to strive hard in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to make utmost effort in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to endeavour to the best of one’s ability in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exert oneself in some sense to the maximum capability in some way for some reason or purpose, to become emaciated or thin or skinny or bony or skeleton or weak or tired or exhausted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be as if malnourished or underfed or half starved or anorexic or underweight in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go through hard exercise or hard work or training in some sense for some reason or purpose, to tire oneself out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fight or struggle very hard in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dispute or argue with someone or something contentiously or vigorously in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put someone or something under severe pressure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to urge or encourage or drive or motivate or push or inspire someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to leave no stone unturned in trying to be or to do something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to go to any length in order to achieve or accomplish something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use one’s full power to achieve or accomplish one’s objective in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accomplish something by working very; very hard for it in some sense for some reason or purpose, to campaign vigorously for accomplishing or achieving something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to work very hard for establishing deen of Islam in the world in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be wide awake in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be a missionary for deen of Allah in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to undertake education or training for missionary work for deen of Islam in some sense for some reason or purpose, to educate or train people for missionary work for deen of Islam in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be beast of burden or fit for donkey work in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to fulfil responsibility or obligation or duty in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be beautiful or adorable or symmetrical or properly balanced in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand tall or high in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be graceful or honourable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to walk on foot to some destination in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be lasting or durable or permanent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to act as base or foundation or origin for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to avail people or things opportunities or chances to be or so to do or to have or to use something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have insight or be able to foresee things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be able to see through people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to see into the distance or beyond horizon in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to place or remove obstacles or obstructions or hurdles or barrier or difficulties or problems in the way of people or things in some sense for some reason or purpose, to open or close the ways and means for people or things to things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be firmly fixed in place or position yet be flexible in some sense for some reason or purpose, o hold or hang or latch onto something in some sense for some reason or purpose, barren land, desert land, hardship, difficulty, discomfort, ability, capacity, power, strength, energy, exertion, people who work for deen of Islam in any way, ladder, formula, trick or technique, the ways and means to do things, controlled entry and exist, interface, buffer zone between things to interact, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, window or something like window in some sense for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YARJOON is from roots RAA, JEEM and ALIF and RAA, JEEM and WOW. Concrete meaning of this root is to anticipate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be apprehensive about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to expect or look forward to something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hope for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fear or be concerned or worried or anxious about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to believe something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be concerned about or show concern for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a concern or interest in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be concerned with someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to pay attention to or take into consideration or have regard or respect for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to believe in or put one’s trust in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have certain reservations about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to postpone or delay or put back or off or put on hold or put aside or cause something to wait in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do something later on in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever or sharp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form some sort of network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or contact with each other in some sense for some reason or purpose, to teach someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be teacher or guide or master care taker or guardian of someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, areas covered or occupied by things, quarters, areas covered by cities or houses or people or water or kingdoms etc in some sense for some reason or purpose, areas under jurisdictions of, directions or instructions, guidelines, sides, aspects, limits, borderlines, boundaries, the object/s of hope, leadership, ruling elite, command and control centre, central nervous system, chiefdom or kingship, emperor, administration or management, top part or section of something, the best person or people or thing/s, cream of the crop, power or authority, control or strength, God or revelation of God, base or foundation, origin or beginning or starting point of something, root, something in which some thing is anchored or rooted, something lasting or permanent or durable, something adorable or beautiful or symmetrical or properly balanced, something that can act as foundation, something that can carry burden, beast of burden someone or something trustable or reliable, something upon which something is founded or relies or hangs, something or someone towards which one turns in time of need, someone or something to whom one refers in time of need, someone who can carry out or fulfil responsibilities, object of attention or adoration, the focal point or thing, constitution, tradition, rule of law, custom, ox, bull, staff, crew, regime, team, organisation, association, committee, company, companionship, circle, surrounding, environment, atmosphere, family, tribe, community, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose, camel or something like camel in some sense for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

219) Soon they will ask you about fighting for power and wealth. Let them know, there is great harm in fighting for both of these ends because such fighting benefits only a tiny minority of people for a short time at the expense of a huge majority so benefits for going to wars for these like reasons are very limited for a tiny minority but there is much greater harm in it for the rest of human population. They will also ask you about how hard they should work for ensuring well being of each other. Tell them, at least as hard as is sufficient for fulfilling the assigned mission of Allah. That is the reason Allah makes His set goals and guidelines obvious for you so that you may reflect upon the end results of your thoughts and courses of actions before you actually start doing things

Word KHAMR is from root KHAA, MEEM and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to cover up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to hide someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deceive or cheat someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pull wool over eyes of someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to falter or fall back or be slack or lazy or careless or held back or feel tired or fatigued in some sense for some reason or purpose, to mix or socialise or intermingle or interact or participate in a gathering of some sort in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to infect someone or something with something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause confusion or chaos or anarchy or disorder or trouble or instability or fight or war in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to show signs of hangover in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be still holding onto previous ideology or practice in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inebriate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enslave someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become anxious or depress or worried in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become weak or stagnant or regressive or retarded in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fail to develop or grow to one’s full potential in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fail to prosper or become poorer or infirm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be low profile or debased in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be on the way to falling down in some sense for some reason or purpose, to bear a grudge against someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to ferment something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to leaven something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have power or influence over something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to keep someone or something safe or secret in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take something as valuable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to treasure something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hide something for safe keeping in some sense for some reason or purpose, to intoxicate someone with something or become intoxicated in some sense in some sense for some reason or purpose, to hit or strike or attack someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose , to cheat or betray or breach an agreement or cause corruption in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be treacherous in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abate or die down in some sense for some reason or purpose, to calm down or settle down or become stable in some sense for some reason or purpose, to vacate or disengage someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to empty something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to take something by force in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cover the head or face or both in some sense for some reason or purpose, to drink or offer drinks to others in some sense for some reason or purpose, to use a cutting tool or weapon in some sense for some reason or purpose, to raise someone or something to heights in some sense for some reason or purpose, to abuse or use something abusively or inappropriately in some sense for some reason or purpose, to fear or cause someone or something to fear in some sense for some reason or purpose, to show concern or regard or respect or consideration for someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to become awestruck in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have vision or imagination or ambition in some sense for some reason or purpose, to stitch or sew something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to prick or jab someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to choose or elect or select someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose , to be good or best or excellent in some sense for some reason or purpose, to end or stop or block or seal or conclude or complete something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to lag or stay behind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let fall down or let down someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to deny help or support or assistance to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to irrigate or water something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or disaster or calamity or catastrophe in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or death and destruction in some sense for some reason or purpose, to cause tears or unhappiness or sadness or sorrow in some sense for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run in some sense for some reason or purpose, to quench or satisfy some kind of thirst of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to satisfy someone’s thirst for knowledge in some sense for some reason or purpose, to give life or livelihood to someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or sin advance about someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to be or become drunk with having or getting power or authority in some sense for some reason or purpose, influence, vintner, wine merchant, something that takes control of or over powers something or covers something, intoxication or something that arouses something or motivates something to do something, anger or alcoholic drinks can undermine one’s ability to think properly so in a way they take over one’s mind or confuse a person, anaesthesia or anaesthetics, drugs used for putting people or things to sleep, scarf that is used for covering head, a structure built on unstable or fragile or delicate or weak foundation or something like it in some sense, an unstable structure or something like an unstable structure in some sense. something that gives false impression about something or is like something that gives false impression about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, something misplaced upon something in some sense for some reason or purpose, something placed upon something unsoundly or infirmly, something impure or hollow or empty or void or unstable or infirm in some sense, something that causes loss or death or destruction or injury or damage or failure or disorder or anarchy or chaos or confusion in some sense, something disgraceful or troublesome in some sense, tent, shelter, hiding place, liquor, drinks or spirits, shawl, scarf, deeply drunk, power, authority, jurisdiction, control, administration, leadership, regime, management, command and control centre, central nervous system, ruling elite, top people or things, top part or section of something, power based pyramid scheme or ruling structure or mechanism, chiefdom, organisation, association, company, companionship, government or governing body, family, tribe, support, following, headache, unbalanced or wrongly founded structure or something like it in some sense for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YATAFAKKAROON is from root FAA, KAAF and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to remove gaps between ideas or things by connecting them together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to show consistency or inconsistency between people or things or both in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer justification or excuse or reason for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or meditate or ponder or contemplate over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to make proper sense of things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bridge the gap/s in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever or sharp or cunning or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gossip or talk or converse or exchange ideas or discuss or debate or argue or dispute with someone about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or spread false rumours about someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to expand or blow or inflate or whistle or bellow or explain or detail or stretch or enlarge or explode something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to uncover or discover or try to uncover or discover someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to explore or try to find out something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to undertake some sort of search or research or investigative task or work in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create gap or distance or difference or dispute or separation or isolation or boycott or distinction or differentiation or discrimination between people or things or both in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accuse someone falsely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or benevolent or tender hearted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be soft or cuddly or easy going or not easily disturbed or perturbed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be taken for a ride or made fool of or beguiled or easily cheated or deceived by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be shock absorbent or shock proof or not easily shocked in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as cushion or shock absorber in some sense for some reason or purpose, to reason out things systematically and methodically in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rationalise someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create a consistent explanation about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to connect claim with evidence in such a way that it proves the claim in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , to bring things together in such a way that they end up making a complete or a whole thing that works in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reach a conclusion after carefully considering someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring things together in such a way that they end up making a complete sense in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , to remind or remember someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to satisfy some need or condition for something to happen or not to happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make things fit in their proper places in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to look at something in a particular way or from a specific angle in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think out or work out a way to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to solve a problem or answer a question in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use one’s intelligence to figure out something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reason things out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suppose or imagine things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to judge or estimate or try to value someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to formulate something in the mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to imagine or visualise or conceptualise something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to scheme about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hope or expect or call something to mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to devise or improvise something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to intend to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collect one’s thoughts or concentrate on one’s thoughts in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to focus on something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to look at something attentively or thoughtfully or seriously in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to consider someone or something with care in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or consume or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to branch into or out of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, thought process, an idea, a point of view, an opinion or a well thought out or considered opinion, food or food for thought, a converging or diverging point or place, a hole, a cave, administration, management, ruling elite, command and control centre, central nervous system, chiefdom, kingship, emperorship, best people or things, top people or things, top part of section of something, cream of the crop, leadership, power, authority, control, jurisdiction, grip, grasp, chief of department/s, mouth or something like mouth in some sense for some reason or purpose, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse is not about blanket ban on alcohol or gambling etc but struggling or fighting for having and using power and wealth in order to control or enslave others. It is because a person becomes a slave to anyone or anything that controls his food and drink or other things of his need so one cannot live his life properly as a fully productive member of a proper human community as the Quran or deen of Islam requires a person to be or to do. A governing system founded upon power and wealth based pyramid structure or mechanism is therefore worst enemy of the way of life advised by God as well as of humanity whereby only strong and wealthy people in human populations decide the rules of the game and therefore the right to rule the rest. Deen of Islam is not a personal power or wealth based structure or mechanism because it is based upon ummah concept therefore people cannot become rulers over each other nor can they gamble with each other or do any kind of business for profit because making a gain at loss of any other person is not allowed in the ummah. Such things are not allowed in the ummah because they cause divisions and rivalries and therefore hatred and animosity and break down of community spirit. In fact it is things like these which lead people to fights and wars with each other. Destroying or killing community spirit in human being is greatest crime a human being can commit against God and humanity and that is why Allah calls sectarianism SHIRK.=polytheism. Deen of Islam strictly forbids divisions in the ummah because they can harm or destroy ummah therefore it also forbids being or doing or having or using people or things which lead to same harmful or destructive end result. A person is not necessarily drunk just because he drank alcohol but because one has power over others ie one is intoxicated with power or wealth. Ambition or desire for domination or having power over others is worst than having become drunk. A drunk person cannot inflict such harms and destructions upon mankind as a person mad with power or sense of domination or arrogance. This however does not mean there is no law for drinking in Islam but that is up to the Muslim SHOORA how it regulates a proper human community or the ummah. Nothing is forbidden just because it is a thing but because of its effects on a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah for having something or using something. In deen of Islam one can be and do or have or use anyone or anything but only and only for ensuring well being of each and every human being in the proper human community therefore one is not allowed to be nor one can do or have or use anyone or anything which causes harm or destruction in the proper human community or ummah. This is why it is forbidden in deen of Islam to have or use people or things the wrong way. If use causes harm to society then community has to forbid things on those grounds that cause harm in the way they cause harm and not blanket ban. This also means alcohol is not forbidden totally in Islam under all circumstances in every way but only the way it proves harmful or destructive. The rule is very simple, where use of things proves beneficial for society that cannot be forbidden and where it proves harmful that cannot be allowed or declared lawful. Anything other than that is taking law of God into one’s own hands and that is living by rule of other than Allah, which is termed shirk in the Quranic context. That is taken as a major crime against God and humanity in law of Allah. In short, having a gun is unlawful in certain ways, administering poisons in certain ways is unlawful, having sex is unlawful in certain ways and likewise having a drink or using drugs in certain ways is also unlawful.

The Quran does not allow anyone to use and abuse anyone by having any kind of power over any other person be it muscle power, mind power or wealth power. There is no imperialism, priesthood or capitalism in Islam therefore no money lending whereby people exploit each other unduly or abusively. Islam is basically a proper rule of law from God for the good of humanity as a whole. Islam has no room for laws made by rulers, priests and money lenders to give advantage to themselves against masses in the name of God, religion, secularism, family, race, colour or country etc. This verse is about people setting up a mechanism to use and abuse each other eg loot and plunder weaker communities in the name of God which cannot defend themselves. Here the Quran is telling its followers before they set out on a missionary work what is expected of them ie no attacking weaker people for sake of looting and plundering or enslaving them. Islam does not guide its followers towards getting their hands on wealth the wrong way instead it wants all to work as hard as they can to the best of their God given abilities as a brotherhood of humanity to ensure the proper human community as a whole is doing really well for itself along with all its members. They are supposed to present themselves as an exemplary people for others to follow and not to be focus of hate of the rest of the world. This is why there is no need for Muslims to gamble with each other because whatever they have it is for all of them anyway. One has to question why one needs to gamble in the first place? They can only compete with each other in a positive way to up lift themselves as individuals within a proper human community in order to uplift the whole community thereby. It is because if individuals are doing great then community will also be doing great. As explained already deen of Islam is basically about all for one and one for all.

220) from the start of the process to the end. Moreover they will need to know from you how to deal with individuals and groups who come to join them. Tell them, it is best that you remove obstacles in their ways so that they could become united with you people as a part of your brotherhood. However if you have any reservations or concerns about them, Allah will make them obvious through their own thoughts and actions in due course as to who intends to create divisions and fights among you by thinking and doing what is harmful and destructive for the proper human community and who intends to ensure harmony between you by thinking and doing what ensures your well being as a proper human community. Had Allah not intended your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a proper human community, He could have left you on your own in your conflicts with each other and painful suffering but Allah is mighty wise as a ruler of this kingdom of the universe, so follow His advice if you want to bring about the kingdom based upon His guidance for yourselves as a proper human community.

Here the Quran is guiding people of proper human community regarding other people who wish to join this community. If wrong people are let in they could damage or destroy what is already built and if right people are allowed into brotherhood then they could take the community forward. However it cannot be known right away who is a good bad addition into community and who is a good addition to the community. For a period of time such individuals or groups should be kept separate but with full help and support and meanwhile they should be set tasks and monitored for their progress and if found satisfactory then the temporary separation should be removed. If such people are found to be joining the community only for damaging or destroying it then they should be barred from joining the community but not on permanent basis because people can always change their minds but each time such people must be tested even more to see if it is not another trick by them for attacking the proper human community from inside. However such trials should not be used for using them abusively to punish them for their ill thoughts and actions of the past unless they actually try to carry out their bad intentions. If they do then they could be punished appropriately for whatever damage or destruction they tried to inflict upon proper human community.

Word TUKHAALITOO is from root KHAA, LAAM and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become ideological or physical supporters of each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to mix or blend someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mingle or intermingle or socialise or associate or participate or interact or work with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to know or recognise or be familiar with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to confuse or make someone or something doubtful about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause anarchy or chaos or disorder or trouble or mischief or dispute or argument or fight or war between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to combine or join or link or connect someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become mixed with or diluted with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become joined with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become ideological or physical associates or companions or friends or relatives in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become of similar mindset or attitude or behaviour in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have verbal or sexual intercourse in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a child of parents who are not married to each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mixed up deen of Islam with baseless religious or secular ideas or useless rituals in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mix up constructive and benevolent ideas or actions that can ensure well being of mankind with useless or harmful and destructive ideas and actions in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give life to something by mixing something with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dissolve something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or urge or motivate or inspire or drive or push someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mark or sign or etch or write or brand or label someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as guide or leader or director or instructor or referee in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or equipments or machine or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a relationship not based upon solid foundation, an association based upon wrong or unstable or infirm or weak or shaky foundation, a component of a system, a mixture of things, something impure or unclean or unclear, masses, common people, base people, down to earth people, public at large, down trodden, dregs, sediments, remains, residues, sludge, scum, debris, refuse, vermin, rabble, trash, rubbish, deposit rejects of society, lower caste or class, partnership, partners, party or partisan, husband, cousin, neighbour, the four humours (ie blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm and their influence on human body and its emotions) , a component of a machine or something in some sense, a part of a larger group, an associate, kinsfolk, business associates, a colleague, a work mate, a fellow worker, unbalanced or wrongly founded structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ANAT is from root AIN, NOON and TAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to make someone or something to encounter great hardship in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to cause someone or something to face great difficulty or trouble or poverty or disease in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make one undergo great number of difficulties or problems or troubles in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something fight off or solve problems and difficulties or troubles in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause hardship or difficulty or trouble or poverty or disease or pain or suffering harm or destruction to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause or fight corruption in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to commit or fight crimes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be overbearing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fastidious or finicky or scrupulous or punctilious or meticulous or perfectionist or fussy or over or hyper critical or hair splitting or exacting demanding or nitpicking or pedantic or precise or exact or in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make things hard or difficult or troublesome for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support someone or something overcome hardship or difficulty or trouble or poverty or disease or harm or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something be or do or have or use someone or something what is beyond capability of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become trapped oneself or make someone or something else become trapped in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard or watch or keep an eye on or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to aid or assist or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start anew or begin again in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or have insight into or have someone or something in view or sight in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sad or unhappy or tearful or regretful or sorrowful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast moving or acting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be smooth or even or levelled in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be illusive or imaginary or deceptive or cunning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to contain or constrict or restrict or limit or inhibit or restrain or prevent or stop or block or holdback someone or something from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become coffin or womb or chest or box or room or chamber or basket in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to float in the air or swim in the water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a mountain that is very hard to climb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water source, ocean, well or spring, river or stream, spring season, recycling of things, watchman, watchtower, prison guard, aid worker, assistant or supporter, ink or writing, scribbling, etching or marking, something long and thin, column, pole, beam, rope or string or thread, water or air animal or insect or living thing, hiding place, dungeon, secret chamber, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, womb or something like womb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Even at time of war people switch sides for various reasons but it is possible that some people from opposite side may come to cause trouble so people should be sensible enough to accept people into the community but remain on guard till such time that new members of the community become well settled within the community after proper education and training to be proper member of the proper human community. It is never a good idea to accept more people in the community than the community can properly lookafter otherwise host community will become swamped with people and due to lack of proper looking after they could bring down the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. That is what ignorant people do and that is why their own kingdoms are in such state that they need to join other people by leaving their own people and places. So opening flood gates into the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is not the answer to human problems rather those people if they are so interested in their own well being then they too should be helped in their own places through sending educational teams. This issue was not paid enough attention by the followers of the final messenger and the result was end of the Quran based kingdom that was brought about by the final messenger of Allah. As ignorant people swamped the kingdom the opportunists took over and dismantled the ummah and misinterpreted and misrepresented the Quran in order to destroy ummah concept as well, so today Muslims are Muslim just by name and have very little idea what actual deen of Islam based upon the proper understanding of the Quran was. That is how Islam became just another religion instead of a proper way of life as told in the Quran. Muslims are exploited by each other like there is no tomorrow by rulers, mullahs and money lenders etc. It is not possible to reverse this situation unless Muslims start reading the Quran themselves again for its proper understanding and faithful following. Mullahs have turned deen of Islam into a set of dogmatic make beliefs and some useless rituals. Something completely useless and very harmful and destructive for people who claim to be Muslims and that is why ummah is in the state that it is in today. This situation has lasted for centuries and will last for many more centuries if people did nothing to change it. Nothing can change unless people come out of nonsense labelled deen of Islam and adopt proper deen of Islam like the people in the times of messengers of God. So masses will have to take on rulers, money lenders, mullahs, their touts and supporters who use them abusively on daily basis due to their own ignorance and foolishness.
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221) However do not enter in brotherhood or partnership with any rival parties that fight for power and wealth unless they give up this way of life and commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, because a community that commits to striving for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind is better than that which is founded upon personal gains based rivalry no matter how attractive its proposal for contract and its way of life may appear to you the people. So do not enter in brotherhood or partnership with any rival groups that fight for personal power and wealth unless they give up this way of life and commit themselves to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. That is because any group that works for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity is better than that which is founded upon personal gains based rivalry that goes for wars and corruption in the land even though its proposed contract and its way of life may seem attractive to you. Such people invite you to the life full of fire of hatred between yourselves while Allah invites you towards establishing a kingdom based upon His guidance for your blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community. That is why He makes His program for goals with guidelines obvious for mankind so that they could become thoughtful and follow an appropriate course of actions for bringing about a beautiful world for themselves.

Word TANKIHOO is from root NOON, KAAF and HAA, Concrete meaning of this root is to request or appeal to someone to join or become united in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to connect or link or join or bring things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give someone in matrimony or marriage to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accept someone in marriage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fornicate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , to irrigate or drench the land or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be overcome by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to soak or wet or drench something thoroughly in liquid or water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take over someone or something through consent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to convince someone or something about joining someone or something by reason or by threat of use of force in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with something in abundance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to saturate by immersion or bathing something in a liquid or water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause someone or something to drink something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , to agree to wed or marry someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to counteract someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to override someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to conquer or triumph or overcome or overwhelm or prevail or win over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to declare something null and void in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to oppose or go against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to copulate with or have intercourse with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to marry off someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to facilitate a marriage or agreement between the parties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come oneself or bring someone else under control of an authority by consent or by force in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek to wed or marry or enter an agreement in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or connect or link with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to add something with or to something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to merge or combine or integrate someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dissolve something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to absorb someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or become part of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to coordinate people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to manage people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mix or become mixed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become one or unite in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become absorbed like water becomes absorbed in ground in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to complement someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , to come together to make an idea or thing work in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be smooth or even or harmonious or level in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be illusive or imaginary or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be quick acting or fast moving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to float or swim in the air or space or water or liquid in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or easy going or helpful or tender hearted or gullible or soft or cuddly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be shock absorbent or shock proof or not easily disturbed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as cushion or shock absorber or intermediary or go between in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be easily fooled or taken for a ride in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or defend or protect or guard or cover or hide or preserve or prevent or limit or confine or constrict or restrict or resist or keep an eye upon or watch over or stand in for or reinforce or support or patronise or adopt or offer hospitality or care to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to separate or isolate or boycott or divide or partition or put a wall or barrier or hurdle in between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, marriage is a contract between people who wish to become a married couple, an agreement or contract or pact between two or more involved parties for joining or connecting or combining with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, constitution is also a marriage between people because it too is a contract between them to live by it just like marriage, employment contract is also a contract, a contract can be between individuals as well as between groups or parties or communities, agreement, covenant, support, alliance, something soft or tender, something that lacks strength or roughness or ruggedness, something that is slack or loose, restriction or limitation, shield or refuge or sanctuary, something that offers resistance or protection or impedance or prevention in some sense, something that provides a sense of security, an agreement, an arrangement, a settlement, a set up for some purpose, covenant, support, alliance, cost of marriage or agreement, a joining or combining of things together that makes them complete, a complementary union of things for some purpose, something that helps smooth things or paves the way or makes things easy or facilitates, something that helps ensure better future, soft, tender, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, palm of hand or something like palm of a hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something like a fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word AMAH is from root ALIF, MEEM and WOW. Concrete meaning of this root is to tie someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to bind or bond or connect or link or join or fasten or fix or attach or stick or cement or fuse or weld or solder or engage or commit or secure someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold someone or something in bondage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to promise or assure someone about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a pledge or an accord or agreement or contract or covenant or pact with someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to declare something under oath in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take a female slave or maid or servant for oneself in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have an agreement or understanding or a commitment or settlement or obligation or a deal or treaty with someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to haggle or bargain to reach an agreement of some sort in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or have an assurance or guaranty of someone for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a transaction or exchange agreed things or go through with a deal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be woman of or belonging to someone or a circle or a group or party or tribe or clan or family or community or country or kingdom or organisation or association or company in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring affluence or abundance or prosperity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or disaster or calamity or catastrophe or death or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or fight or war in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause sadness or sorrow or grief or unhappiness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or join people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring together people or things to form a community network in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a communication network between them in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked or deceptive or cunning or tricky or clever or sharp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in fetters or chains in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, top drip or flow or run in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, top go about one’s business quietly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be low profile in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, bond woman, female slave or maid or servant, female subject of a kingdom, a woman working for someone or something, a female living with someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a woman serving someone or something in some sense or capacity, a community or party, power, authority, jurisdiction, God, king, ruler, rule of law, tradition, custom, motivation, inspiration, energy, drive, something that quenches thirst or fulfils some need in some sense, knowledge, revelation of God, bull or ox, strength, staff, unity, oneness, something that gives or maintain life, liquid, fluid, something that holds or hangs or latches onto something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, necklace or band around the neck, something upon which something can be hanged, something upon which something can rely, something deceptive or tricky or cunning or clever, stick or something like a stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like a hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

222) They will seek information of you about bloodshed and corruption. Let them know, it is damaging and destructive for mankind therefore stay away from such parties that are suffering from internal strife and bloodshed through corruption so you should not join them until they become free of bloodshed and corruption. When they have freed themselves then you could join them according to terms and conditions Allah has advised you with. Surely Allah supports those who turn to His guidance and keep themselves free from what is harmful and destructive for mankind.

This verse does not mean have nothing at all to do with people who wish to join proper human community rather it is a precautionary measure that if any people wish to join the ummah then they must meet a certain criterion or terms and conditions. If they do so straight away then they should be welcomed but if they do not then they should be helped towards meeting the criterion and once they meet the standard then they should be welcomed in the proper human community as a part of it. Blind approval is not allowed because that could mean end of ummah itself.

Word MAHEED is from root HAA, YAA and DWAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to over flow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to drip or run or spread in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flood or become flooded in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overrun the defence line or system of the opposition or enemy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or war or death or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overrun or break through a barrier or obstruction or obstacle or dam or wall or barricade or blockage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather or collect in one place then overrun or pour out of it and spread in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to menstruate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ooze or seep or discharge or trickle or dribble or escape or leak or drain or empty or bleed or sweat or emit or gush or percolate or excrete in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to display or exhibit or demonstrate or manifest or show something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to breathe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pour down from someplace in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or protect or preserve or cover or hide or guard or restrict or constrict or limit or holdback or prevent or keep an eye on or take care of or patronise or offer hospitality to someone or something to pour down from someplace in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put up a dam or barrier or wall or barricade or blockage or partition to pour down from someplace in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to separate or divide or divorce or cut off or sever ties with or boycott someone or something to pour down from someplace in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause or create gap or gulf or difference or dispute or rift or dissention or fight or war between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pour down from someplace in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ability or capacity to reach or approach someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or jurisdiction or grip or grasp over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reinforce or support or back up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a hand or be instrumental or involved in something happening or making something happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to show one’s tricks or techniques for being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attack or injure someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, overflow of fluid or liquid but in particular blood or water due to bloodshed or flooding, tears oozing out of the eyes for some reason or purpose, water oozing out of the ground in form of a water spring, human female menses or periodic flow of blood and debris from the uterus, a plant from which flows red colour liquid, menstruation, monthly cycle of a human female, repeated or frequent warfare between people ending up in bloodshed or loss of life, mud, slime, silt, bog, slush, dirt, deposit, muck, the place from where a woman menstruates, the place where an activity takes place, battlefield, arena, warzone, a training camp for warfare, a school or college or university, an institution or government office, a place where-in an administration or a management is based, a place wherein people gather for socialising or interacting or participating or taking part in some activity, a place or container wherein gathers water and then starts overflowing after the place or container becomes too full, a place wherein start gathering people or things and they begin pouring out of it when it becomes over crowded, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, battle line or something like battle line in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ATAZILOO is from root AIN, ZAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to separate someone or something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to isolate or cut off someone or something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move away or keep away or part from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to abandon or boycott or avoid or ignore or neglect or leave alone someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not to be part of someone or something any more in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a loner in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut off ties of relationship with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , to move aside or let people or things have their way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move out of someone’s way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove or shift or move someone or something out of way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set someone or something apart from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand apart from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to distance oneself from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to force one to leave his place or office in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to abdicate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be secluded or excluded or barred from something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disarm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to render someone or something incapable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take away someone or something’s right of being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sack someone from his official position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lay off or release an official from his official duty or position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to render someone or something powerless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone’s position away from him in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to withdraw one’s official right in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop someone from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop someone or something from interfering in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put a stop to something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to separate oneself from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shut off or bar someone or something from in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to budge or dislodge or shift someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deviate from a point of reference or reference point in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or have someone or something in sight or view in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep an eye on or look after or guard or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in mind or imagination or vision in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start something new or have a new beginning or be born again in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cry or be in tears or sad or regretful or unhappy or sorrowful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to back up or reinforce or support or assist someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding or insight about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or instrument or weapons or equipment or machines or mechanism in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to motive or encourage or urge or drive or inspire or push someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to imprison, to be in sad state of affairs, to defer, to put or leave aside for next time, to withdraw, to pull out, to shift or be shifted, to become separated or distant, to stop or be stopped from participation or dealing with, to stop from eavesdropping or spying, to remove from a position or place, to sack, to kick out from a circle or organisation or task, to isolate or become isolated from something in some sense, to separate or become separated or remain aloof, to not to allow someone or something to be near or close by, unarmed person, segregation, shut off or barred, water well, new beginning or starting anew, something that is instrumental in some sense in accomplishing or doing something, a person who has no right to be or to do or to have or to use something, a secluded place, a place far removed from the rest, water well, spring season, new beginning, an instrument or equipment, something that helps be or do something, something instrumental in being or doing something, ways and means, tools or instruments or weapons needed for doing the job or carrying out some task, a stick with a pointed end to jab oxen to make them go faster, something that urges or pushes or motives or drives or inspires something to be something or to do something, something that turns aside, someone who takes a side, biased, prejudiced, partial, loneliness, weak or weakness, a faraway or distant place or people, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tool or weapon or instrument or something like in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

223) As for parties that approach you people to become part of your communities, they are for you to educate and train or civilise and cultivate so approach your field of task as you people deem appropriate in light of Our guidance and that is how you should ensure bright future for your human kind. So be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as each other and be aware that a standard is set for you people by Allah to meet it. Therefore give good news of great future to those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

224) Moreover you should never use guidance of Allah for avoiding your constitutional or legally binding contractual obligations to each other so that thereby you could free yourselves from ensuring well being of each other or being consistent with each other or bringing peace and harmony among yourselves by removing rifts between the rest of mankind. It is because guidance of Allah is based upon comprehensive knowledge of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind as a proper human community.

Word AIMAAN is from root YAA, MEEM and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to be legally right about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be on the right side of the law about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a law abiding person in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a self regulated person in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or to abide by the law that is right or appropriate or proper for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be legally in possession or control of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be the legal owner of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be legally responsible or accountable or answerable or liable for someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a legally binding declaration or proclamation under oath before someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enter a legally binding agreement or contract or pact or covenant with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or use right hand for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or use power or authority or ability or capacity or capability according to law in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to promise or declare under oath to have and use power or authority or ability or capacity or capability legally or appropriately or properly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give pledge or make a promise under oath to uphold the truth and justice in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to incline to the right or have tendency to live by the right law rightly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be generous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be auspicious in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go right or towards the right direction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go towards Yemen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a right turn or become righteous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to choose the right or proper or appropriate way of life for living one’s life, to be capable of reaching or approaching someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to or have the capability to achieve or attain or accomplish or fulfil an undertaking or a goal or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or control or grip or grasp or control or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a hand or be instrumental or involved in something happening or making it happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have an insight or understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or disaster or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or death or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause sadness or sorrow or grief or unhappiness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ruin or drown or choke or strangle someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring abundant or plentiful things of need and want to or in a place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause or have plenty of rain for bringing about greenery or prosperity or affluency all around in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or maintain life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inspire or motivate or encourage someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be illusive or deceptive or cunning or clever or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bound by law or tradition or custom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast moving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be smooth or even or level or harmonious or complementary or united or not rough or coarse or uneven or divided in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to write or etch or mark or brand or label something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in good books of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have good or constructive or benevolent or beneficial opinion about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to float or swim in the air or water or space in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go on an imaginary flight or wander off or drown in one’s own imaginations in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a law abiding citizen of a state or kingdom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that is right or proper or appropriate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something legally binding or legally right, legal right, a contract or agreement, a declaration under oath, a pledge, an undertaking, right hand/s, right hand side/s, someone or something that is on the right hand side of someone or something, oath/s, swearing under oath, promises, covenants or pacts, declaration or proclamation, swearing by or in the name of God or someone or something, power, truth, generosity, a good omen, an auspicious sign, slave or maid, someone or something working or living under one’s authority or guardianship, someone or something under care of someone or something, someone or something managed or looked after by someone or something, obligations , undertakings, responsibilities, duties, terms and conditions of a contract or an agreement, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

225) Allah does not approve anything harmful or destructive in your constitutional or legally binding contracts between yourselves instead He holds you responsible for your contracts so that you enter your contracts with full presence of your minds with understanding of involved responsibilities, because thereby Allah out of His kindness desires to expand and secure you the proper human community.

In this verse Allah is telling us because he wants people to build relationships and communities based upon proper foundation he has provided therefore anything that goes against that spirit is considered nonsense or useless or baseless or harmful or destructive by Allah. In other words people are told to fulfil their responsibilities to each other as told with full awareness of what it is all about or face the consequences for trying to be deceptive or tricky with each other. Here one has to remember that Allah is talking about parties that wish to join the proper human community. If they are sincere then there should not be any problem but if they are trying to trick people of the proper human community then they are made aware that they will be taken to task for that so they better think twice before doing anything of that sort because there are going to be very serious consequences for them.

Word LAGHW is from root LAAM, GHAIN and WOW. Concrete meaning of this root is to make baseless claims or assertions about someone or something constantly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to constantly accuse or blame someone or something about someone or something without any evidence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make meaningless sounds in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak or talk or utter something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to communicate using a language in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to utter meaningless sounds or noises in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to talk nonsense in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak aimlessly or for no reason at all in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to talk provocatively or outrageously or aggressively in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak against the norm or tradition or rule of law or constitution or precedent or example or custom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak unlawfully or illegally about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use abusive or obscene language against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tarnish or try to tarnish or ruin good reputation of someone or something through spreading falsehood about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to chatter away nonstop in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak unintendedly or unintentionally or for sake of speaking in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be very poor at choosing words or putting them together for communicating something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be confused or in doubt about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create or try to create anarchy or chaos or disorder in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be void or deprived of proper use of language or communication skill in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to digress into talking nonsense or using abusive language in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cancel out one thing with another things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep talking about the same thing over and over again and again in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a mistake when saying something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to motivate or inspire or drive or push or encourage or urge someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or make or use tools or weapons or instruments or equipments or machines or mechanism in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental in something happening or making something happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a teacher or doctor or farmer or judge or an engineer or artist etc in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or deceptive or cunning or sharp or clever in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or connect or join people or things together to form a network of some kind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or contact in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to form a communication network between people and things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be trustable or reliable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have the sense of duty or responsibility or obligation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to carry out a duty or responsibility or obligation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be doubtful or confused about someone or something cloud of dust or something like cloud of dust in some sense, smoke or mist or steam, poverty or famine or devastation, to be foolish or inexperienced, illusion, to scoop water up, to drown or submerge, to be in debt, fondness, to glue or stick, to tempt or incite or rouse, to spin, to wash or clear dirt, to conceal or hide, to fall unconscious or lose awareness or attention or faint, to be overcome or overwhelm, to take by force or extort, to be angry, to frown, to be affluent, to be young, to be tender, to veil, to be dark or cause to be dark, to become full, to be full of branches, to be thick and long, to defeat or triumph over, to be gross or strong or thick, to be firm, to seal, to close or shut, to confiscate or defraud, to be excessive, to grudge, to squeeze, to be indifferent or make no difference, to have no affect or be ineffective, to examine, to probe for defects, to be obscure, to acquire, to be able to do something without others, to call for help or to go for help, to disappear, to dive under water, to dig, to kill by stealth, to deprive or intoxicate, to go where no one has gone before, to travel through unchartered land, to examine carefully, to be incomprehensible, to be a strange character, to take away by force, to impose upon, to control, to be on one’s own, to not to need anyone for one’s existence, to be independent, to be self reliant or self sufficient, to call for assistance or go to the aid of, to sink in or sink in the ground, to disappear or vanish, to under water, to dive into the sea of knowledge, to talk to pass time, to kill by deception or stealth, to intoxicate with something in some sense, to be mad with power, language, something that continues or keeps going on and on, something that is useless or worthless for giving in compensation for something, something that has no worth or value, sounds of birds, something said or uttered in error, sounds used as words and meaning by people for purpose of communication with each other or other things, concepts expressed through meaningful words, utterance, sound, speech, things said without thinking or realising what they may mean to listener/s, dialect, idiom, useless idle talk, chatter, nonsense, void, unintended utterance, something vain or frivolous, idle talk, something intoxicating, something mind corrupting, something motivating or inspiring, something abusive or offensive or provocative, obscenity, something contrary to set out purpose, something aimless or useless, some aimless or useless idea or action, something counter or contrary to what is required or needed, something harmful or destructive that prevents achievement or accomplishment of an objective or a goal, arrows, spears, swords, guns, cars, tractors, earth moving equipments, planes, rockets, musical instruments, a twisted long rope long, a pole, bamboo, lamppost, monument, a tall and narrow structure or building or something like a tall and narrow structure or building in some sense for some reason or purpose, cloud of dust or something like cloud of dust in some sense, smoke or mist or steam, poverty or famine or devastation, confusion, chaos, anarchy, disorder, gazelle or sheep or goat or something alike or similar in some sense, spindle or yarn, to strive or seek or invade, evening dusk or haziness, extreme cold, darkness of the night, puss or fluid, extreme thirst, lack things of need, distress or anguish or sadness or grief or anxiety, spoils of war or war booty or loot or plunder, robbery, depth or bottom or valley or lowlands or abyss, gulf or gap or cave, expression of thoughts by way of controlled sounds for communication purpose between people, language, diction, dictionary, vocabulary, meaningless or purposeless conversation, nonsense, chatter, outrageous talk, void, to distress, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tall and narrow column or something like tall narrow column in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word HALEEM is from root HAA, LAAM and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to become mature in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to become adult in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a grown up person in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to distinguish between right and wrong or real and unreal or truth and falsehood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be calm or sincere in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to think things through properly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take time or not to be in a hurry about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not come into rage all of sudden over something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dream or imagine or visualise something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gain wisdom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make up or dream up things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be intelligent or rational or reasonable or sensible or prudent or wise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do things according to some sort of rule or law in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do things in an organised or regulated way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be patient or forbearing or steadfast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be enduring or tough in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to put up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to match the set standard or requirement in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in full control when doing things so that nothing can go wrong in any way or in any sense for whatever reason or purpose, to do things properly despite having the choice and ability to do them improperly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to behave in a dignified manner in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have wet dreams in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attain puberty in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gain experience or wisdom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not to be easily disturbed or moved off course by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or shelter or preserve or guard or care for or imprison or limit or restrict or constrict or hide or cover or keep an eye on or spy on or defend or support or reinforce or back up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create gap or separation or partition or divide or rift or dissention or tension or difference between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put a wall or barricade or obstacle or obstruction or barrier or dam or defence system in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to push or urge or encourage or motivate or drive or inspire someone or something to be or to have or to do or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or make or use tools or instruments and weapons or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a doctor or teacher or trainer or engineer or farmer etc in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause a fight or war or bloodshed or harm or damage or death or destruction or calamity or disaster or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to being about prosperity or things of need and want in abundance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flood or water or irrigation something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drown or submerge or drench or dip or bathe or wet or soak someone or something in water or liquid or fluid in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or maintain life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, nipple, fully grown breasts of a young woman for feeding a child, a young goat that is ready for having kids, rationality, intelligence, reasoning, rationality, mind, limit or something that sets a limit, something that drives something into doing something, motivation or motivating factor, energy, force, power, authority, something inspiring, revelation of God, a time when a beast of burden is grown up enough to be used for carrying loads, clemency, arrow, spear, drum, flute, musical instruments, engineering tools, fighting tools, tools for art works, tools or implements for farming or horticulture, defence line, warfare related equipments, heavy rain, easy or affluent or luxurious existence, greenery, blossoming of flowers, spring season, a time for new beginning or rebirth or recycling, revelation of God, stability due to consistency and balance, dream, vision, thought, a person not disturbed or angered by small things going wrong, courageous, a person capable of planning ahead, sincere, a person who keeps oneself under control even when angry, a person who does not jump into things without thinking about the consequences, a healthy and strong person both physically and mentally, a person who always works according to rules and regulations, soft, tender hearted, a person kind or compassionate when dealing with others, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

226) For those contracted as administrators or managers or teachers and trainers for their assigned communities they should be placed on trial basis for a few months to see how they fair. However if they are found to be consistent with their responsibilities then they should be kept on till the contract is complete, that is how Allah protects mankind against harms and destructions through His guidance which can lead people to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community.

Word YULOONA is from roots ALIF, LAAM and LAAM and ALIF, LAAM and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to fall short of what is required or needed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to suffer from or experience a shortcoming or shortfall or a lack in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be remiss or become neglectful or negligent or thoughtless or heedless or irresponsible or careless or unmindful or inattentive or forgetful or slack or sloppy or delinquent or lazy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to swear or swear solemnly or under oath in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enter a covenant or make a promise or an agreement or pact or pledge under oath about someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shine in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become noticeable or notable or noble or respectable or honourable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fall short of being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to vow to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to favour or bless or bestow someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become sharp or excited or agitated about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to crave or long or yearn for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flag or mark or brand or show or label or tick or tab or define or point out or identify someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inform or indicate or tell or explain something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something lighten up or illuminate or brighten up in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reduce weight or burden or responsibility or liability or accountability or intensity of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or do or have or use someone or something only for a short term in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ties or links or connections or relationships with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have rights or responsibilities or obligations in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to motivate or urge or encourage or push or inspire or drive someone or something to be or to do or so have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or instruments or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked or deceptive or sharp or cunning or clever or intelligent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or grip or control or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ability or capability or capacity or power or strength to reach or approach or catch up or arrest or hold someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental in something happening or making it happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to trick or con or fool or cheat someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something self evident, something in the open, someone or something obvious to everyone, something that is public information or known to public, something that cannot be denied, something that is bright or shining, something that is lit or bright as well as moving, something clear or distinct or pure or without any kind of adulteration or confusion or doubt, a fact or truth or reality, something commonly accepted as true or real, a solid base or ground or foundation, family ties, friendship bonds, relationships based upon kith or kin or association or organisation or location or land or language or race or ideology or appearance, God, power, authority, staff, crew, organisation, circle or association, membership, classmate or work colleague, fellow countrymen, administration or management or committee, party or group or support or following, family or clan or tribe, arrows or spears or guns or ships or aeroplanes or rockets, communication equipments, pens or pencils, instruments for engineering or building works or music or art works, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc.

Word TARABBAS is from root RAA, BAA and SWAAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to lie in wait for an opportunity to avail itself in order to act and grab what one wants in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to sit in wait or anticipation of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bide one’s time in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lurk or waylay in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ambush someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wait for something to befall someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to await a chance for something to happen to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be on the lookout for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bide or play for time or for killing or wasting time in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not to get involved or sit on the fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put up or bear with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give time for a possible outcome in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to refrain from certain thoughts or actions for a set period of time in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to get ready or in a position to do something when certain condition/s fulfil/s in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wait till something good or bad happens to someone or something to take action in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do nothing at all for a time in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to refrain from marriage for a time till a woman is sure she is not carrying a child of her previous husband after her being divorce or being a widow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wait for some decision by somebody about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wait outcome of a trial in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate or meditate over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or wise or clever or sharp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass or envelope or comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in view or in sight in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a stand point or point of view or an opinion about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or protect or look after or cover or hide or preserve or rescue or save or defend or support or reinforce or cover up or wrap up or isolate or separate or restrict or constrict or restrain or holdback or arrest or confine or imprison someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or abode or lodging or care or guardianship or patronage or roof over head or room for manoeuvre or breathing space or refuge or sanctuary or shelter or canopy or umbrella or fort or castle or backing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut off or boycott or move away or depart from or leave alone or break ties with or sever relationships with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or barriers or barricades or blockages or obstructions or fences or walls or troubles or hardships or difficulties in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through the barrier or obstacles or difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fixed in a place yet be flexible in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have seeds or roots or branches or fruits in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have base or foundation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to converge or diverge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to originate or be firmly rooted or anchored in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grow or spread or expand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, wait for prices to go up or down for buying or selling merchandise, sit back in expectation of something, assessment period, probation period, administration, management, ruling elite, leadership, guidance, command and control centre, central nervous system, chiefdom or kingship or emperorship, power or authority, tradition or custom or rule of law or constitution, precedent or example, family tree, diagram, technical drawing, plan or map, juice, essence, extract, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tree or something like tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word FAAOO is from root FAA, YAA and ALIF. Concrete meaning of this root is to recover from something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to take shelter in the shade in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to return to original state of being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to recover from anger or provocation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cast shadow from one side to the other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to concede or yield or surrender or submit or accept or acknowledge defeat in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a concession or facilitate or ease or pave the way for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exact or pay tribute or tax or poll tax or protection money in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make something return or come back or circulate or go round in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to return or come back or go back to original idea or place or position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give back something to its original possessor in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grant someone something as spoils of war in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to subside or calm down or settle down or become low profile in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to assign or allocate or appoint something for someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to raise suspicion or doubt or confusion or chaos in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make something cause for concern for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to slander or backbite or spread rumours or false accusations about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to misinform or disinform, to gossip or talk or converse or discuss or debate or dispute or fight about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause gap or gulf or distance or separation or difference between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put up barriers or barricades or obstacles or obstructions or difficulties or troubles or hardships in the way of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow horn or whistle or shout or give signal or information to someone about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to expand or inflate or enlarge or stretch or detail or explain or blow up or explode something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or use or devour or destroy or ruin someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ability or capability or capacity or strength or power or authority to reach or catch up with or arrest or approach or hold someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or grip or control or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have hand or be involved or instrumental in something happening or making it happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to trick or con or cheat or deceive someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to circulate or make someone or something go round or around in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surround or overwhelm or encompass or overpower or overcome someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have influence or affect over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be expert or master or trained or skilled or experienced or educated in a field of knowledge or action in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that returns, wealth that is gained without any effort that belongs to no one, natural wealth or things of value, found tribute, treasure, spoils of war that are gained without a battle, circulation of wealth or things of need, necessities for living or living a good or happy life, something that is assigned or dedicated or allocated or granted or bestowed or given or provided or furnish with for some purpose, poll tax, protection money, war booty, something to refer to for some reason, a reference point, a goal or a focal point, a base or foundation for some purpose, a point for convergence or unity, the shadow of something from the time of declining of the sun in the forenoon till sunset, the turning round of the shadow of something due to rising and falling of the sun, the returning of a provision over and above need or wealth or goods back to its centre, shade, the movement of shade, spoils from battle, taxation, flock of birds, company of people, the casting of shadow of something from one side to the other, strength, authority, God, grip, control, to spread falsehood, gap or gulf or difference between two point or things, grip, control, staff, members of an organisation, crew, to continue, carry on or resume, recover, return, take shelter in the shade, movement of shade, taxation, flock of birds, company of people, spoils of war, potential difference between two points, extension, expansion, increase or growth in some sense in some way, God, revelation of God, ox, bull, staff, crowd, group, crew, team, governing body of an organisation or association or company, collection of people or things, organisation or association members or colleagues, classmates or fellow workers, people sharing same ideology or goal or objective or mission, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses are about setting up institutions and administrations for organising and regulating people into a community therefore attention is drawn to procedures and practices. Mankind are advised not to make sudden changes in things instead first get education and training and then do things on trial basis for a short period of time and monitor the outcome and if it all works out then carry on but if things do not work out then make changes as and when necessary but things that need advance notice must be done that way otherwise sudden changes will cause problems. The basic idea is first properly know what needs to be done then work out a proper plan for doing things then carry it out smoothly. Although people dedicated to serving God and humanity will love to serve community whole heartedly but each and every person has limitations and some are better at doing some things than others so the idea is that people put themselves forward and then let community decide who can serve them best in doing what. All this is to be done through community consultation ie community works are not one man job so opinions of each and every person of responsible age in the community count but all decisions about community related issues will be collective within guidelines provided by Allah in light of real world realities ie whatever opinion community as a whole supports in light of Quranic guidance and realities on the ground about some affair will be carried through. For example, how long people need to be educated and trained for a particular task is up to community to decide. What should be the age of children to start attending schools and what they should study in school and for how long etc etc. All these things will be done on basis of pilot projects and trial and error basis and once an idea works fine in reality then it could be taken up for wider use. Not only that but as time changes things will change so all institutions and structures, procedures and practices will constantly need updating to keep things going smoothly with changing times and places or circumstances. For example, community may need less or more children so things can be up sized or down sized as the community decides and plans. Likewise there could be brought about more and more departments in educational institutions or they can reduced in numbers if they become too many. Not only that but each and every department could be given new procedures and practices to adapt to suit community needs and wants.

227) But if they fall short of coping with their given tasks or assigned responsibilities and communities decide to change them yet they should refer to guidance of Allah because Allah advises mankind by taking into account wider concerns of all involved.

Word AZAMOO is from root AIN, ZAA and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to be determined to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to decide or intend to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to urge or push or drive or inspire or encourage someone to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be resolute or stalwart or loyal or faithful or committed or devoted or dedicated or vigorous or dependable or steadfast or unswerving or unwavering or constant or trustable or reliable or steady or stable or unfaltering or unhesitating in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stay firm or remain solid or tough or strong in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become serious or earnest or hard working in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to solemnise or conclude or confirm something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have willpower in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be constantly consistent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep going straight in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to decide upon something about someone or something and carry it through in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be courageous or brave in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or have in view or sight or imagination or vision or mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support or assist or back up or reinforce or guard or look after someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something into care or under guardianship or patronage or protection in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone cry or be in tears or sad or sorrowful or regretful or unhappy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use weapons or tools or instruments or machines or equipments or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ruin or destroy or inflict disaster or harm or death or catastrophe or calamity or devastation upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have abundance of things of need and luxury or riches or treasures or easy or comfortable life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to submerge or dip or soak or bathe or wet or drown or drench or wash someone or something in water or liquid or fluid in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to irrigate a piece of land or farmland in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water animals in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flood or deluge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through barriers or fences or barricades or difficulties or troubles or dams or hurdles in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overflow or cause someone or something to overflow or pour down or cause someone or something to pour down from somewhere in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come waves upon waves for attacking or defending someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, lion, ocean, river, stream, pond, lake, water well or spring, sea or fountain of knowledge, a stick with a sharp pointed end, arrow, appear, sword, gun, tractor, bus, aeroplane, rocket, pen or pencil, tools for building or engineering or medical operations or art works, musical instrument or weapons for campaigning or fighting or warfare, something life giving, something that maintains life, something to drink, something to satisfy some kind of thirst, something to learn or teach, something upon which life depends, God, revelation of God, something to satisfy thirst for knowledge, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, weapon or something like weapon in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose,

Word TALAAQ is from root TWAA, LAAM and QAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is to break the bond between people or things and free people or things from each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to separate or cut off or boycott, divorce or distance or disconnect or move apart or shift away or depart from or leave alone or go away from or sever ties with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start a journey in some sense in some way for some purpose, to die or pass away in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to break up in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to find something difficult to do or be hesitant to do it or have problem with doing it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let go someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set off something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring forth shoots or sprout in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be generous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take off or fly away or move off or move on or be successful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to function freely or be free of restrictions or obstacles in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lose touch or break contact with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to end a relationship with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to free or be free from a bond in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove limits or boundaries or restrictions or constraints in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let something go wild or become lawless or carefree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have no rules for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do as one likes or pleases in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to organise into separate groups or ranks in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have one’s freedom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to free a prisoner from prison or a captive from captivity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to free a married man or woman from marriage bond in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to free a slave from slavery in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to save one’s life by freeing one from some danger in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deflower or break or take away virginity of someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move quickly or fast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to feel free to say or do something or anything in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to save or rescue someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to end the marriage or agreement or contract in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to free someone or something from an obligation or contract or agreement or pledge or liability or responsibility or accountability in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make mischief or monkey around in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to swing or move on branch to branch or from one thing to another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to copy or imitate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tear up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut off someone or something or bring to an end or let expire or die in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be generous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to trigger or set off an explosive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set out on a journey or an adventure or expedition or exploration trip or discovery trip in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something go or leave alone or be free in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as guide or leader or a point of reference in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a free she-camel that has no string or rope attached to it to keep it under control, a wild dear, a sharp tongue or a sharp tongue person, a person who uses abusive or obscene language, a divorced person, something unlimited, indefinite, undefined, unidentified, nothing specific or in particular, something that concerns all or applies to all without any exceptions, something high that is noticeable or visible from a distance, something that can help one guide oneself, a reference point, a monument, a sign or direction, a stick with a sharp or pointed end or something like it in some sense in some way, a spear or lance or an arrow or rocket, pencil or punch, something that pushes or urges or motivates something into doing something, something agile or mischievous or clever, something fast moving or deceptive or illusive or elusive, something that can hold or hang or latch or catch onto something, something that can move or jump about freely, mimicry, separation between two or more parties involved in a contract or relationship, landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some purpose, ox-goad or something like an ox-goad in some sense in some way for some purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some purpose etc etc.

These verses of the Quran show very clearly that not each and everything is told about in the Quran in its full detail but instead a basic framework is given as a starting point so that people themselves use their brains and senses to work out the needed detail themselves after knowing the context of deen of Islam. So the Quran gives mankind the program for goals with guidelines as a manifesto of deen of Islam and lets people carry on as they see fit. For example, there is nothing in the Quran about how many people exactly should there be in the world at any given time or in a given place. However, it does tell that do not have more human population than you can lookafter. What will happen if people go overboard regarding their human population? It will not be possible for human community to lookafter it properly and the result will be a lot of unnecessary painful suffering for a lot of people. This does not means the universe is not capable of providing mankind with things they need but that it is up to human community itself to make use of those provisions and since mankind can only make a limited use of universal provisions at any given point in time therefore if they over reproduced then it will be acting like animals. This is why it is not individual decision but primarily a community decision to make and then decision of individuals who pair up as married couples or partners. Some will be able to reproduce more but others less or even none so community will have to average out a number. This is necessary so that community could plan things well in advance for needed provisions eg schools, teachers, doctors, builders etc etc. As explained already the Quran based human community has to be a highly organised and a properly self regulated community. It is because otherwise the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah the Quran talks about cannot be brought about by mankind. The main thing one must realise is that it is people who are supposed to explore the universe and produce things and distribute them and not God. God has given people the universe and all that it contains along with his guidance for mankind therefore unless people learn to be human beings God wants them to be they are nothing more than animals in human shapes. It should be remembered always that legal contracts cannot be dismissed by individuals on their own without involving all the parties involved in the contracts or agreements. Anyone who does anything all by oneself without being authorised by rest of the involved parties will be breaching the contract or agreement and that will have consequences for the individual or the party that does so. This includes marriage contract between two people. It is not up to married man or woman to divorce one’s wife or husband without due legal process or proceedings unless one is a widower or a widow or if the other partner cannot be traced with in a reason able time period. Even if a husband or wife is traced after a given legal time period has ended yet legal divorce will stand and people will have to draw a new contract for marriage unless they are already married to new partners. Marriage or divorce matters between individuals are up to individuals in some respects as well as up to proper human community in other respects. So community and individuals will have to decide how they want to deal with this matter in a proper way in light of guidance of Allah as well as ground realities that face individuals and the proper human community. The idea of mullahs that one can divorce his wife at will is nothing more than nonsense of mullahs who also say one can divorce his wife more times than one marries her eg if one marries a woman once he can divorce her three times. It is like killing a person three times which is nothing less than impossibility. This is how mullahs turn the Quran and deen of Islam into nonsense through their misinterpretations and misrepresentations.

228) As for the outgoing administration or management or teacher and trainer teams, they should keep themselves in place for three months at the end of their contract period so that replacement administrations or managements or teacher and trainer teams could be found to take over smoothly as they leave. It is not lawful or fitting for the outgoing teams that they should hide anything from the new administrations or communities which Allah has brought about through them to keep beneficial projects going and to prevent any harm if they are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the program, goals and guidelines of Allah for the brilliant future of the proper human community. In case of good administration or management or teaching and training teams their communities have the right to reinstate them if they too desire reinstatement to carry on the good works. Although for the administrations or the contracted parties there are similar rights to those exercised against them in an equitable manner yet for the communities or administrations in them is an advantage as well because they have seen the results of their works already, that is the reason why Allah shows superiority of His advice and wisdom as the rational therefore wise ruler of this kingdom of the universe for ensuring well being of mankind.

Word BUOOL is from root BAA, AIN and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become awestruck by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to marry someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enter in a contract or covenant with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to find someone or something wondrous or adorable or inspiring or delightful or marvellous or beyond expectation or anticipation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to honour someone or something greatly or have huge respect for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to terrorise or instil fear in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to assist or aid or support or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wonder about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be friendly with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accompany or be of accompany to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or watch or have in sight or view or mind or keep an eye on or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard or care for or lookafter or protect someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to worship someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attract someone or something greatly to oneself or itself or be unusually attractive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to find someone or something fascinating or captivating in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or shelter or imprison or confine or cover or cover up or wrap up or veil or preserve or holdback or prevent or hide or restrict or constrict or limit or arrest someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with roof over head or umbrella or canopy or patronage or guardianship or refuge or sanctuary or room for manoeuvring or space for breathing or home in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or party or company or association or organisation or backing or following or support in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something cry or shed tears or sad or sorrowful or regretful or unhappy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or drive or motivate or urge or push or inspire or move or exhort someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a piece of land that cannot be watered due to its distance from the source of water or due to its height, a piece of land that is above the level of surrounding land, someone at a distance in relationship or superior or higher in rank or authority, someone more liable or responsible or accountable for something, a tree or plant that can suck-in water or can reach source of water by way of its very long roots, a relative or friend or companion or supporter or follower, someone responsible for looking after someone or something or for its upkeep, terror or something terrifying, something strange or awesome or wondrous, something overpowering or overwhelming in some sense, something irresistible, idols used for worship by people as Gods because they take them as honourable and worthy of worship or obedience, load or weight or burden or responsibility, someone or something based or founded upon or relies upon someone or something for its existence or maintenance or dependent, name of an idol made of gold that was worshipped by people of prophet Ilyaas, unirrigated palm trees, a male palm free, courtship, deity, sun god, any deity other than God, an entire or a whole family or clan or tribe, tradition, custom, precedent, example, rule of law, following or support, party or group or circle, organisation or association or company, bed fellows or countrymen, people belong to same ideology or place or circle, household, way of life, to guard, water spring, spring season, something that motivates or drives something, a person who is or act as a guardian or master or chief or husband or lord or wife or owner or slave, courtship, deity, manager of affairs, administrator, name of an idol worshipped as a god, an old woman, staff, crew, administration, management, highland area where flooding water cannot reach, any plant or tree that can seep water by its roots without being watered, father, protector, something that has overwhelming power, load or weight or burden, name of an idol but it must be remembered that all idols were named after something or someone due to personality cults, an idol of gold, house or tent or something like house or tent in being or behaviour or action or use or function or purpose, eye or something like eye in being or behaviour or action or function or use or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in being or behaviour or function or action or use or purpose etc etc.

Word RIJAAL is from root RAA, JEEM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to be a warrior in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be courageous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be daring in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brave in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a man in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move or travel or walk or go on foot in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to improvise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think and do things on the feet or as one goes along in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to talk or give improvised speech or deliver an improvised lecture in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to invent or compose or perform with little or no preparation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make do with whatever materials are at hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to swarm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to show laziness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dismount in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to comb one’s hair in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to improvise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate or meditate over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to envisage or imagine or perceive or deem or judge or estimate something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or comprehend or understand or surround or overcome or overwhelm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be symmetrical or properly balanced or properly proportioned or beautiful or adorable or attractive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be permanent or long lasting or durable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be an experienced or expert or a skilled or trained person in some field in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be master of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to motivate or encourage or inspire or drive or push or urge or move or exhort someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be beast of burden in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a reliable or trustable or responsible person in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be someone or something that can act as a base or foundation for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, feet or foundation or base or ground or landscape or root or origin or starting or beginning point, something upon which something stands in some sense, something in which something is rooted, an unfinished product, an illiterate or uneducated or untrained or unskilled person, an uncultivated or uncivilised or uncultured person, something in its simple or basic or original form, something needing grooming or preparation or processing, something from which something rises or comes forth, something that produces something, ancestors, predecessors, a reliable person, an administrator, manager, warrior, a warmonger, manhood, a manly or brave or courageous or strong person, a foot-soldier, poverty, a man of his word, a foot or leg, a rocky land difficult to walk on, tribe or clan or a human population or community, troops, walking, a human being, man or woman, strength, warrior, marching of troops, a brave person, a person who has power or strength or authority, a person in position of power, a person in a leading position, leader or chief, an official or office holder, a brave man or woman, a courageous person, a whole leg or a part of leg, central nervous system, command and control centre, chiefdom, kingship or emperorship, ruling elite, top part or section of something, leadership, management, something beautiful or lasting or strong, beast of burden, something that plays a pivotal role in something in some sense, someone who can carry out heavy responsibilities placed upon him/her, a pointed stick or spear or pen, something that urges or motivates or drives something, something that encourages something in some way, a person who stands his ground in battle or battlefield, an influential person, a person who stands tall, an experienced or expert or a trained or skilled person, masculinity, a lazy person, a man, a human being, a person male or female, a brave person male or female, foot-soldiers, troops, infantry, people who stand their ground, people who stand on their own feet, warriors, men of battlefield, fighters, courageous or brave or daring people, people capable of looking after themselves and others, brave men and women of a society or community, the best among a people, people who take lead or manage things, foot soldiers, troops, army, commanders, people in-charge of things, managers, administrators, group of men, band of people, Word RIJAAL is complementary to word NISAA as well as its opposite. A long piece of rope or string or thread, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word DARAJAH is from root DAAL, RAA and JEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to ascend in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to descend in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to walk slowly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do something gradually in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wrap or wrap up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wind or wind up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fold or fold up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cover or cover up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to entice or lure or tempt or lead on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or barriers or hurdles or obstructions or troubles or difficulties or problems in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through obstructions or difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grow or spread or scatter in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to open or close the door to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to avail or remove an opportunity or a chance for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something rise or fall in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to trap someone or something or become trapped in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drag oneself along someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something gradually appear or disappear in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to honour or disgrace someone or something slowly or gradually or in steps in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grade or rank someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever or sharp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass or overwhelm or comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to perceive or have someone or something in mind or in sight or in view or imagination or in vision in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cheat or deceive or be tricky or cunning or conning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be symmetrical or properly balanced or proportioned or adorable or attractive or beautiful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be long lasting or permanent or durable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be strong or tough or solid or trustable or valid or reliable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or act like a base or foundation or origin of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a beast of burden in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to carry out obligations or responsibilities in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, gradations, ranks, degrees, positions, divisions, levels, layers, stories of a building, floors of a building, steps or steps of the staircase, stations or destinations, load carriers or shifters or movers, lifting equipments or cranes, flood channel, a sheet for writing on, a rung or rungs of a ladder, widest part of the road or path, a path that is clearly visible or obvious or manifest, controlled entry or exit, the gradual rise or fall of a people, a way into or through someone or something, trick, technique, formula, a way to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something fixed in some sense in some way as well as moveable in some other sense in some other way, administration or management or governing body of a kingdom or country or organisation or association or company, ruling elite, chiefdom or kingship or emperorship, command and control centre, central nervous system, top part of section of something, top people or things, cream of the crop, the best among people or things, power, authority, tradition, precedent, example, custom, rule of law, constitution, building or institution, monument, rope or string or thread, elephant or mule or donkey, truck or lorry or cargo carrying aeroplane, earth moving machines or equipments, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses explain procedure for installing or changing administrations or managements at the beginning or end of their time periods in the relevant offices. More details will come in other surahs yet to come. The main thing to remember is that the Quranic program cannot be fulfilled unless there is an ummah and then that ummah brings about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and that is why the first thing to do for any person who is interested in kingdom of God is to learn the Quranic message properly so that one becomes fully aware as to what the actual mission is about and how it could be brought to a successful completion. Once a person is fully aware of the message of the Quran then that person is to teach this message to others properly and that way the message should be kept on spreading till there are enough people to form an ummah. Once an ummah comes about then that ummah should keep on working for its expansion till there becomes sufficient land available to it so that people could bring about the kingdom the Quran is talking about wherein the already properly worked out Quranic constitution and laws could be implemented so that from then on the higher goals stated in the Quran could be accomplished. All other concepts have nothing at all to do with deen of Islam based upon the Quran and they do not and cannot work in an unIslamic environment. This is why the Quran repeatedly tells us that the way advised by Allah is clearly distinct from all other ways of life that mankind decide to adopt and that all other ways of life sooner or later will land them in life of hell created by people themselves through divisions, rivalries and animosities based upon personal gains at the expense of proper human community life. This is why people who claim to follow the Quran must concentrate on bringing about the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and nothing else. This is proper Islam for the time being till kingdom comes about. All the rest of things will only follow when the kingdom is in place. Fighting over nonsense beliefs and useless rituals is not Islam at all if we could understand things in the Quranic context properly. This verse also makes another very important point which is who has power or priority and why ie the community or the administration. In the proper Quranic context power rests with God but God is not in direct contact with people so his power rests with his program, goals and guidelines he has given to mankind in form of the Quran. All people who claim to be followers of the Quran need to do is understand goals set by the Quran and make a constitution and laws which ensure fulfilment of those goals by mankind the way God wants. After people have a fully worked out constitution and laws to go with it, it is then only a matter of abiding by that constitution and its related laws and all will be fine as already has been explained in detail. So one can see according to the Quran the power rests with constitution and laws and not with proper human community nor with its administrations. All people can do is ensure all follow the constitution and its laws faithfully as individuals or as part of groups or teams or institutions etc. If anyone fails to follow constitution or law then ummah has to decide appropriate penalty or punishment etc in light of the Quranic guidance and the ground realities. This should make clear who has priority over who and why or when or how ie ummah or its administration or the Quran or ground realities. To understand this point one has to begin with asking a question ie what has priority and why in relation to sense of making sense of things and the revelation? Just as sense of making proper sense of things has priority over alleged revelation of God when it comes to deciding whether the revelation claim about the revelation of God is true or not and once it proves that it is true then the relation of God becomes the foundation for all else to be judged by it likewise priority of things changes for obvious reasons which give things their priority order. Likewise when it comes to working out all the details about things then it is the community that has priority and once community has agreed in all details about things then individuals and institutions all must follow the instructions handed to them by the community to the dot and this is where comes in self regulation or living by the law of God. The institutions and administrations must play their part as told and individuals must play their parts as told. If all live this way then there is not going to be any real problem or trouble however all things should be kept under constant close observation so that as soon as something seems to be causing problems it is taken care off well within time before it causes any real damage at a bigger scale. Another thing to remember is that to put in place an administration or to remove it is right of the ummah or proper human community according to the Quran but ummah cannot put in place or remove an administration unconstitutionally or illegally. When it comes to running of affairs of the ummah then it is administration that has priority and ummah cannot interfere in its business unconstitutionally or illegally. If any people have any problems with their administration or management then legal action can be taken against the administration or management by the community as explained in the constitution related procedures. Any constitutional or legal dispute between ummah and administration can be decided by the independent judiciary put in place by the ummah just like the administration. All are supposed to work according their constitutional and legal obligations and responsibilities ie no one is above the law of God according to the Quran, not even a messenger of Allah. Basically law of God is all about ensuring well being all people regardless of who they are or to which institution they belong or in what capacity etc etc. The interest things is even Allah himself has bound himself to his own laws which he has given to people or has implemented in the universe. According to Allah he can be asked by people for any promise that fails to materialise. So law of God is supreme and all must abide by it if all is to work out fine in the end for God and mankind both.

229) After completion or end of the contractual period there are two ways open for you the communities, either reinstate the same administrations for managing the communities for another term or period of time due to fulfilling their obligations and responsibilities faithfully or allow them the speedy exist in a beautiful way by replacing them. It is not lawful for you the community to take rights or responsibilities away from outgoing or incoming administrations after you have assigned them the rights and the responsibilities unless both the parties show concern that they may not be able to stick to the limits set by Allah. However if you the community also deem that they will not be able to keep the set limits of Allah then there is no restriction upon them both that they gain freedom from their obligations by way of a proper mutual arrangement about it. These are the set limits of Allah so do not transgress them because those who transgress the set limits of Allah they are the ones who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains at the expense of each other and thereby they destroy proper human community by killing community spirit in minds of people.

Word MARRATAAN is from roots RAA, WOW and MEEM; MEEM, RAA and ALIF; MEEM, RAA and RAA; MEEM, RAA and WOW; and MEEM, RAA and YAA which has been explained already.

Word IMSAAK is from root MEEM, SEEN and KAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is to wrap up someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to hide someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put a condition on someone or something to meet in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to place an obstacle or obstruction or barrier or hurdle or difficulty in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to place something between two things to stop one thing from having access to the other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to place an obstacle before something to stop it from going or moving forward in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop or try to stop someone or something from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop something from happening or taking place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to holdback something or someone from being or doing something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to imprison or contain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stick or firmly or strongly adhere to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold water in a water skin and stop it from escaping in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be niggardly or miser or greedy or selfish or envious or jealous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold wife back from divorce in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remain or hold someone or something firmly in place or position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to catch or seize or grab or arrest or get hold of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to prevent disclosure or recognition or exposure of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop someone or something becoming famous or well known in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be guided by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be impregnable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to scent or make someone or something smell nice or repugnant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch onto someone or something fast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be resolute or firm about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be tight fisted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to beat or flog or give good hidings to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to withhold someone or something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cease to be in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep or retain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand guard over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sustain or maintain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to spare or save or rescue or let off someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take firm hold of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have things in abundance or plentiful or make life of someone easy or affluent or luxurious or comfortable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause someone pain or grief or sorrow or sadness or unhappiness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inflict someone or something with flooding or catastrophe or calamity or disaster or devastation or death or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or fights or wars in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put hardships or difficulties or problems or hurdles or barrier or fences or barricades or obstructions in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or overthrow or break through dams or hurdles or difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or separate or sever or consume or destroy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be clever or sharp or wise or cunning or shrewd or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to break ties or sever relationships with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in alignment or consistent with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drink from the fountain or sea of knowledge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to learn sense of making proper sense of things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as go between or cushion or shock absorbent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or tender hearted or gullible or easy going in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be someone who can be easily fooled or conned or cheated in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hide in which flesh and bones are enclosed, hide used for making water skin for carrying or holding or storing water, musk, scent, perfume, bracelet, anklet, a catch, brain, deposit, water reservoir or a large storage for something, ocean, river, sea or fountain of knowledge, drink, liquid or fluid, tradition, custom, rule of law, constitution, precedent, example, God or revelation or guidance of God, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, palm of the hand or something like the palm of the hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TASREEH is from root SEEN, RAA and HAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to set someone or something free in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to leave animals in the open land for grazing freely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to open up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start a new life or journey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go out to pasture in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let go or release someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grant someone or something freedom from an obligation or responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to free partner from marriage bond in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to separate or divorce a marriage partner in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove or dislodge head or chief or centre of command in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove fence or obstruction or restriction or difficulty in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove guard or protection in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to free someone or something from harm and destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take cattle or domestic animals for pasturing in the morning and let them freely graze in a pasturing place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something be free to continue with what someone or something is being or doing or having or using in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or sever or separate or eat or destroy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to end a contract or agreement or covenant or pledge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to end a bond or tie or relationship or limitation or restriction or term or condition in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or clever or brainy or intelligent or wise or cunning or conning or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or guard or preserve or hide or defend or back up or reinforce or cover or cover up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to care for or lookafter or limit or shelter or imprison or confine or constrict or holdback someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or difficulties or barriers or dams or barricades in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to depart or boycott or separate or move away from or break ties with or sever relationships with in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plain ahead or in advance for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, open space, freedom, separation, isolation, loneliness, tradition or custom, precedent or rule of law or example, constitution, base or foundation, something firmly founded or fixed in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, administration or management, command and control centre, central nervous system, ruling elite, chiefdom, rulership, kingship, emperorship, power, authority, God or guidance or revelation of God, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In this verse a procedure is made clear as to how to change administrations at the end of their contracts. It is made clear that you can reinstate the old administration for a second term or if you decide to terminate its contract then elect or select new administration and replace the old one with a new one. However a situation could arise whereby old administration is not going to be reinstated but new one soon after starting falls into troubles ie it cannot cope with its obligations so another administration needs to be brought in and that means repeat of the same process and procedure so an arrangement needs to be agreed upon whereby changeover could be as smooth and trouble free as possible. It is because all appointments are on trial basis to begin with to see if right people have volunteered themselves and that right people have been elected and selected for the job. If any mistake has occurred then it needs to be corrected as soon as possible but not abruptly or haphazardly. This is why cooperation of all involved parties becomes necessary to tackle the matter sensibly so that community or the kingdom does not get damaged or falls apart. This means old administration may be reinstated temporarily till proper new administration is found for replacement. Such problems will occur at the beginning but once the kingdom becomes well established and its institutions become developed sufficiently then such troubles will become very limited as education and training gets better and better with time and hard work by the members of the community. However the failed administration cannot be reinstated right away till it gains more education and training and become suitable but once it has then there is no obstacle in its re-election or selection if that is what the people involved and community wants. In other surahs we will see more detail about these matters.

230) However once you the communities have freed the parties from their contractual responsibilities and obligations, it is not lawful for you the communities to put obstacle in the path of the freed parties for stopping them from entering other contracts with other parties for which they are suitable but there is no harm if those parties also end their contracts with them after expiry of the contracts and then these parties become free to enter in contracts with previous parties once again provided this time they are sure enough about each other that they can work together and that way keep the set limits of Allah. Such are the limits of Allah which He makes clear for the people who have learned sense how to make proper sense of things.

This verse is not about stopping people completely from participation in community life if they fail in a trial or test but about stopping people from participation in matters they are not able to handle properly because it could cause problems for all people involved. For example, a person volunteers for an engineering post and he is selected for it but when he takes on the job he is not able to meet set standard, so he needs to be taken off this job but that does not mean he cannot take on some other job with which he can cope or he can go back and take a refresher course in engineering and once he is up to standard he is free to volunteer again for that post. The idea is to fill the posts with people who are capable of meeting the set standard so that community is served properly. This is why the Quran advises to put people in places on a short trial basis and keep them on if they prove to be fit for the task otherwise replace till right people are found for the right task. Here one should also note that the Quranic verses have various complementary lessons for mankind as well. For example, these like verses can be used for forming laws about various things on basis of analogy ie there is a good lesson in these like verses for marriage. People who want to get married must have needed education and training about it and then they should look for suitable partners and once they find such people then they should get married but must not start family till both are happy with each other and ready to raise children properly. So once a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah is brought about then same lessons can be used about setting up people individually but emphasis remains on the first things first. Individuals cannot do much if the whole society is based upon harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other. In fact no human society can succeed fully without first tackling these problems head on. This is why each and everything start with true knowledge that can provide solid foundation for humanity to build its proper human community upon. Education and training based upon that knowledge has to be the secondary step and that will make people think properly and that in turn will help mankind bring about a proper human community. This is why children need to be raised as serious thinkers so that they could see problems that face mankind so that they could then look for their proper solutions the right way. Proper education and training is of such importance for mankind that even God had to give people brains and senses for it as well as his book otherwise why people have such powerful brains and why God had to give them his guidance in form his book? Brains and senses help mankind learn sense of making proper sense of things through direct interaction with real world realities and book of God takes them to higher level of thinking and doing things which further opens up their minds by drawing attentions to wider issues for a wider human community and that is how it helps people become open minded by filling them with essential information by pointing out things to them to draw their attention to different things about which people could not think themselves unless they spent ages generation of generation. If people were left totally on their own they will have been like animals for a very, very long time and that is where guidance from Allah made a huge difference by drawing attention of people to very, very important things very, very early in human life about which people take ages to learn because they are not aware about them. It is because wider awareness does not affect people individually that much directly that is why it remains a hidden thing for a very, very long time. This is why the world is the way it is because people are not looking at wider interests of humanity as a whole so they are busy trying to do what is in their personal best interest only at the expense of each other as per their limited awareness of things. This is why humanity needs to become aware of vital importance of proper education and training for itself and ensure it is doing all it needs to do for achieving this goal because all the rest depends up on it. It is not proper education if people are taught more of the same nonsense which ruins them yet more and yet quicker by teaching them more tricks about cheating each other out of each other’s rights to life and livelihood. This is why the Quran is highly critical of rulers, mullahs and money lenders etc because they are number one enemies of God and humanity. They have bags full of tricks and mechanisms whereby they are turning this world into a hellhole for all by their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires or thoughts and actions for humanity. This is why this surah is named AL-BAQARAH and throughout it only and only discusses conflicts and conflict resolutions. It is in this context this surah is telling us how important proper education and training is and how important proper organisation and regulation is to be a proper human community. One should also see why this surah is the very first one in detailing things for mankind and why it is of such great length as compared to rest of the Quranic surahs. It is because conflicts and resolutions are the fundamental issue for humanity to solve. It is because unless human beings succeed in building their human society on a solid foundation they cannot become free of social problems no matter what else they try to do about it. This is why deen of Islam is bound to become adopted by all people in time to come because this is the only way of life that can lead mankind to blissful, dignified and secure existence which people need if they wish to have a worthwhile life for themselves.
231) So when you the communities have reached the decisions about the contracted parties at the ending of their contract periods then either renew their contracts allowing them to stay on with honour or let them go gracefully with kindness but in no way the parties should be kept bound to the contracts to inflict hardship or harm upon them or to take undue advantage of them, if any community will do that then that community will destroy its consistency with guidance of Allah as well as with each other by inflicting harms and destructions upon its own people as a proper human community. So never take constitutional or legal obligations set by Allah as if they are of no importance or serious consequences. Keep in mind always the blissful, dignified and secure life providing guidance of Allah bestowed upon you the mankind in form of His program for goals with guidelines for a constitution and laws and the fact that He sent the book to make you wise through reasoning things out properly by advising you thereby to keep you consistent with each other. So be consistent with guidance of Allah as well as with each other as a proper human community and become aware of the fact that Allah being aware of all thing explains all things for you for ensuring your well being.

Word AJAL is from root ALIF, JEEM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to set a period or duration of time for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to set terms or conditions for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fix a date or time and place for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to agree with or give consent to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause something to happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collect water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to appoint or fix a time for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let something happen because of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to appoint someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to designate or assign some task or goal or assignment or mission or responsibility or duty to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to define or identify or point out someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to advise or point out a way to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to equip or furnish or prepare someone or something for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to teach someone something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be beast of burden in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to carry weight or burden or responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable or dependable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or act as base or foundation for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or urge or motivate or drive or push or move or exhort or inspire someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suspend someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to postpone or delay or put back or place behind or push back something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a large ditch for collecting water, an appointed time, an advised or appointed way of life, a fix time, a fixed term, a time of respite, a waiting period for something before it happens or can take place, a period of time between a cause and its effect/s, a fixed period of time, a precondition for something to happen or take place, something preordained ie way of life or a period of time, for sake of, for purpose of, because of or for the reason of or therefore or why, motive, welfare, personal benefit or advantage or interest, on account of, the reason for having or doing something, the cause or reason or purpose behind a thought or an action or accomplishment or achievement, death, time of death, term of life, hour of death, destiny, stated time or time period, doom, over taken by fate, a time period for rise or fall of a people according to set up universal systems and laws, someone or something glorious or honourable or noble or dignified, God, revelation of God, guidance of God, staff, crew, administration or management of a kingdom or country or a company or an organisation or association, ox, bull, power, authority, strength, base or foundation, something in which something is rooted or anchored, something from which something originates or comes from, elephant or mule or donkey, something permanent or long lasting or durable or tough, something adorable or attractive or properly balanced or symmetrical or beautiful, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

232) Therefore when you the communities have decided to decommission or release or let go parties from their offices because they have reached the end of their period of contracts then let them be free and do not prevent them from entering new contracts with other parties if they have come to a mutual agreement for ensuring well being of the proper humanity community. This is an advice for everyone amongst you the mankind who claims to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the guidance of Allah for the brilliant future of the mankind. This way of conflict resolution gets rid of troubles for you and helps you grow and increase in strength as a proper human community because it is a clear way of dealing with problems. That is why Allah makes things obvious for the mankind because He knows things properly whereas you the mankind know them not till you come to know them.

Word TADULOO is from root AIN, DWAAD and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to make a show of strength in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be muscular in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hinder or prevent or holdback or constrain or restrain someone or something from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to compel or force or push someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have the muscle power in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flex one’s muscle power in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to impede or oppose or resist someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to treat or deal with someone or something harshly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or difficulties in the way someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop or try to stop or prevent someone or something from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create problems for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see clearly or have sharp vision in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in sight or view or in mind or imagination in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to judge or deem or evaluate or estimate or guess or perceive someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep an eye on or spy on or guard or protect or preserve or watch or lookafter or take care of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to push one into doing something against one’s will in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ambition or vision about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something cry or sad or sorrowful or regretful or unhappy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to divide a united family into two in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause dispute or dissention or separation or rift or difference or gap or gulf or fight or war between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mix or intermingle or interact or participate or socialise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to unite or separate or converge or diverge or branch in or out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to draw a battle line in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attack or defend someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to meet one’s match in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be coward or spineless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to scorch or roast someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rebuke someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring forth plants or flowers or greenery or prosperity or happiness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be straitened or confined in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to humble or humiliate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to treasure or consider someone or something valuable or useful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to neglect or ignore or avoid someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be narrow or cramped in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be twisted or bent or turned or wicked or crooked or deceptive or cunning or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be weak or poor in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stray or deviate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be simple or basic or ignorant or illiterate or uneducated or uncivilised or uncultured or untrained or not groomed or processed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lag or remain behind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be stagnant or regressive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be lazy or crazy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to light up or shine in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to crease or wrinkle or shrink or contract or become short or small in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flatten or harmonise or level up or expand or stretch or grow or inflate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hassle or trouble someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or motivate or move or exhort or inspire or drive or push or urge someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to learn sense for making proper sense of things or to figure out or reason out things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a problem or difficulty, hardship or poverty, a puzzle, something puzzling or chaotic which makes no sense, something highly complex or sophisticated, someone or something very much trapped or entangled, chaos or confusion, something that causes anarchy or havoc, something acute or sharp or pointed or concentrated or highly complex or sophisticated or entangled, something extremely serious or dangerous or fragile, something needing extreme care or attention or response or action or full presence of mind, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, bloodshed, devastation, bloody revolution, agitation, uprising, upheaval, tumult, muscle, strength, brawn, physical power, a band, a bundle of fibrous tissue in the body of an animal, a lumps of muscles in the upper arms and lower legs of a human being, beef, flesh, thew, muscles and tendons, ocean, river or stream or lake or pond, sea or fountain of knowledge or power, battleground or battlefield or warzone, panting of horses, call of birds or animals, cinders or ashes, raw material, something original or natural or in its natural or original state of existence, innocent, blameless, wretched, destitute, enlightened, wisdom, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, battlefield or something like battlefield in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

It should be kept in mind that the Quranic use of words is unique because the same word root carries different concepts within it. For example, word NISAA is used for many different reasons so one has to figure out oneself why it is used in a verse or a surah. The root of this word carries concept of authority as well as subject or subordinate, strength as well as weakness, remembrance as well as forgetfulness, attentiveness as well as negligence etc etc. This is why the very same word can be interpreted as a community where that makes proper sense and as an administration appointed by the community where that better suits context and even an institution as well where that fits the context of the text better. By community the Quran means people related to what the Quran is talking about ie a people in an area or field ideologically or physically. In Arabic there are many words that have concepts which give rise not just to many different meanings but to conflicting meanings. The reason for this situation is switching around of things due to their interdependent nature. For example, the relationship between brain and revelation is such that in one sense it is the aqal (meaning intelligence ie sense of making proper sense of things) that is the authority but in the other sense it is the revelation that is the authority after aqal has made proper sense of it, so when people do not understand things properly they question, which is the actual authority aqal or revelation? Likewise sometimes it is community that is authority and sometimes the administration depending upon what is being discussed and how it is supposed to work as a complete idea or actual mechanism. If one does not try to make sense of things in their proper context then they seem conflicting. The word TALAAQ used in these verses is not necessarily talking about divorce between two parties eg the communities and their administrations but also between administrations and their institutions as well or even between two married people or between parents and children or community and its individuals. So use of all words in the Quran depends upon what is being discussed and why. All this is for people to figure it out for themselves and that is why the Quran tells people to ponder over verses of the Quran and the information told in it in order to make proper sense of it. This is why the Quranic text is organised that way to help people use their brains in order to interact with it. It is a living book that is for people who are mentally alive not dead. It shows clearly one cannot be a proper follower of the Quran unless one does his/her best to make proper sense of the text of the Quran in its own proper context and then follows it as required. Only then an interpretation of the Quran can be proven valid otherwise all interpretations of the Quranic text are invalid because they are bound to introduce ample contradictions wherein there are none. Since any text that is contradictory it cannot be followed because one cannot do two opposite things at the same time therefore it clearly proves such interpretations false and misleading. For example, one cannot go in two opposite directions at the same time from a place. Likewise one cannot be a follower of deen of Islam as well as its rejecter or opponent. Similarly one cannot be a person who is committed to following of deen of Islam as well as religion or secularism ie people cannot choose between keeping God as well as leaving him by being a bit of this and a bit of that. That can only and only lead people to confusion and chaos or anarchy.

233) Therefore the communities that desire to fulfil or meet their livelihood responsibilities should nurture their constitution based communal contractual relationships to the full in every way and they should do so in both cases regardless parties remain in office or not. Nonetheless responsibility for ensuring well being of community individuals is of administration that is put in place for this purpose so it should meet its obligation to the best of its abilities. No party in the contract should be charged with more responsibilities than it can truly handle and deliver and no valid obligation should be placed upon any party but to help it develop and grow. None of the communities or groups should be made to suffer on account of their individual members, nor any individual members on account of their groups or communities. The inheritors of this arrangement are under the same obligation but if by mutual agreement both parties decide to terminate or change arrangement then there is no blame on either of the parties involved. However if you decide to have alternative arrangements for maintenance of your individuals there is no blame on you provided you maintain the standard that you have agreed to uphold or to make it available in an honourable way, so be consistent with guidance of Allah and with each other and become aware of the fact that Allah makes obvious for you all that you need to do to help you grow and prosper as a proper human community.

Word YURDIN is from root RAA, DWAAD and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to benefit from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to benefit someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give nourishment or care to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to receive nourishment or care from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give someone or something motherly care and attention in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to receive of someone or something motherly care and attention in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a wet-nurse or foster or adopted or step mother in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a foster or adopted or step child in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with things of need and want in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to receive things of need and want of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help someone or something grow and develop to someone or something’s full potential in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring up or raise a child in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brought up and raised by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to foster or nurture or cherish a child in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cultivate or civilise or groom or prepare a child for a particular kind of adult life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to scatter or spread people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to support or promote development and growth of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ensure welfare of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring up a child in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek a foster mother in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide parental care in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take care of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as guardian or patron or carer of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have responsibility towards someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become debased or humiliated or disgraced or dishonoured in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over something or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or wise or clever or cunning or tricky or sharp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rely or depend upon each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to interact or participate or socialise or mix together or intermingle in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause rift or dispute or difference or dissention or fight or war between a united people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause bloodshed or death or destruction or calamity or disaster or devastation or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause disorder or chaos or confusion or anarchy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep an eye on or spy on or guard or preserve or lookafter or take care of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help and support or reinforce or back up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or watch or have someone or something in sight or in view or in mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to imagine or have a dream or vision about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to experience recycling or rebirth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, top part of section of something, best people or things, cream of the crop, leadership, ruling elite, manager, administrator, director, instructor, teacher, guide, chief, king or emperor, command and control centre, central nervous system, power or authority, well or water spring, sea or fountain of knowledge, ocean, river, stream, spring season, new beginning, watchman, watchtower, eyesight, vision, sense of sight, ability to judge or estimate or see or visualise or imagine or think, help or support, breasts of a mother giving suck to her baby, a suckling baby, a mother giving her baby a suck, breast feeding, suckling, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, battle line or something like battle line in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word KISWAH is from root KAAF, SEEN and WOW. Concrete meaning of this root is to clothe someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to cover or hide truth with falsehood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to protect or guard or shield someone or something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wear something to protect or shield or shelter oneself from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wear armour suit or something alike to protect oneself from attacks by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be garbed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cover up or veil or wrap up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cover or adorn or ornament or decorate or prepare or make ready someone or something for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prepare or arm someone or something with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to train or educate someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wrap up someone in the garb of knowledge or wisdom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encase or cover or arm someone with information in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grow or put on a shell or outer cover in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enclose someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surround or envelop or encompass someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to confine or imprison someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to frame or implicate someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be shock absorbent or a shock absorber in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as a cushion or go between in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or tender hearted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be gullible or easily taken for a ride or made fool of in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be easy going or not easily disturbed by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to soft or cuddly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or sever or eat or consume or destroy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to separate or divide or cause difference or dispute or rift or dissention or fight or war between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be firmly founded or rooted or anchored in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have softly, softly approach to something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or connect or link people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put someone or something in touch or in contact with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or biased or crooked or wicked or prejudiced in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become persuaded by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to incline towards or deviate from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be intelligent or clever or cunning or deceptive or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch or catch onto someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, clothes, attire, encasement or in-casement, shrink-wrap, tradition or custom, rule of law or constitution, precedent or example, pain or sorrow or sadness, conjunction, converging or diverging point, junction, juncture, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TUKALLAF is from root KAAF, LAAM and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to narrow down something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to restrict flow of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fond of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take the trouble or make the effort for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be keen for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in charge of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to feign or fake or pretend or simulate or bluff or act or playact about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be insincere or superfluous or phoney or put on an act about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to burden someone with some weight or load or obligation or responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold one liable or accountable or answerable for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone be or do or have or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create difficulty or trouble or hardship or barrier or hurdle for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make life difficult or troublesome or hard for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to charge someone with a task or mission or goal or responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause or make something happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bear or put up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something be or do something against someone’s or something’s will or for which one feels burdened or pressured in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something be or do something that helps it develop and grow and become more capable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to educate or train someone or something to help one develop to one’s full potential in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop someone or something going all over the place and direct someone or something to where someone or something ought to be going in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something stop straying or wandering off in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop someone or something from remaining or becoming useless or worthless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be an imposter or pretender in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make one look elegant or civilised or well mannered or fully able to deal with a situation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be too willing or eager or anxious or impatient or determined or ardent or passionate or ambitious or enthusiastic or earnest or committed to be or to do or to have or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be conscientious or dedicated or fervent or impassioned or assiduous or intent or diligent or zealous for or about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be shock absorbent or kind or compassionate or tender hearted or soft or cuddly or gullible or easy going in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as shock absorber or cushion or a go between in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not be easily disturbed by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be easily fooled or taken for a ride in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or push or urge or move or exhort or motivate or inspire in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or equipment or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gossip or talk or converse or discuss or debate or dispute about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to slander or spread false rumours or accuse someone or something falsely about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to whistle or blow horn or signal something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to explain or expand or detail or blow up or explode or spread or inflate or puff up or publicise or broadcast or enlarge or stretch something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow something out with puff of air from the mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or consume or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to streamline or create jet effect to speed up things by redirecting them and making them move faster in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, freckles or discoloured patches on the skin or surface of something, vitiligo or a skin condition resulting in white patches on the skin, cost, task, a skin disorder that leaves white patches on various parts of body, dark red colour, hardship, something that is done under duress or pressure, distance or gap, motivating source, someone or something soft or tender, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like an ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like a mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word WAARIS is from root WOW, RAA and SAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to cause someone or something to acquire or inherit something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to come into the possession of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inherit someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to revive or bring someone or something to life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring the kingdom or land to life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause someone or something to come into possession of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to belong to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to originate from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to handle or take charge or responsibility or control of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to own or manage someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pass on a legacy to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to receive or inherit a legacy of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inherit one’s characteristics or qualities or attributes from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inherit land or resources or means of production or distribution of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gain something as a God given right without any effort or hard work in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gift something to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pass on or inherit information or knowledge or skill or experience in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to benefit from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or interlink or join or connect or interconnect people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or thing in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or sharp or clever or cunning or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or overwhelm or comprehend or understand or have grasp or power or control or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in mind or in view or in thought in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hang something upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to adorn or decorate or equip or prepare someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to base or anchor someone or something upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to trust or rely upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wash clothes or hang clothes upon a hanger in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or present a sketch or plan or program or diagram or an outline of or about someone or something to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, legacy, something that is or fresh new, something that passes on from one person to another or one thing to another automatically as a natural process for owning or managing, heirloom, inheritance, an inheritor, rain that causes natural world to blossom, heir, the one to whom something belongs ultimately, heritage, ultimate possession, something that can take on weight or responsibility, leader, chief, caretaker, clothe hanger, scarecrow, framework, infrastructure, blueprint, something that gives shape or form to something, something upon which something is modelled, a precedent, an example, something original, family tree, something according to which something is moulded or bent, a set standard or specification, something that acts as a reference or guide, something that gives life or brings to existence and preserves life or existence or ensures survival, administration or management or ruling elite, command and control centre, central nervous system, top part or section of someone or something, best people or things or cream of the crop, chiefdom, kingship, emperorship, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word FISAALAA is from root FAA, SWAAD and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to distinguish between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to place a hurdle or barrier or obstacle or difficulty between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to apart or push apart or disjoin or separate or move away or create distance or gulf or dispute or difference between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to partition or isolate or cut off or boycott someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to discriminate or cause differences or rifts or fights or wars between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as judge or adjudicator or arbitrator or referee between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set out on a journey or set someone or something apart or depart or leave from somewhere or leave someone or something behind or alone or go away from some place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to judge or decide on a matter in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow up or explode or inflate or expand or expound or detail or elucidate or interpret or explain or spread or enlarge or stretch or increase or cause or make someone or something grow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow or whistle or blow horn or bellow fire to cause it to heat up in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enlighten or educate or inform or make aware someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or gossip or slander or spread rumours about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to talk or converse or discuss or debate or dispute about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to translate or interpret or explain what one means by what one says or writes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to clarify or make something distinct or understandable for someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut someone or something into pieces in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or use or devour someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to base or anchor or ground or root or found someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have roots or origin or beginning or starting point in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have seed or fruit or outcome or effect in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to converge or diverge or branch in or branch out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or motive or inspire or urge or push or drive someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, nuts and bolts, sundries, leaves or pages, something that grows or expand or spreads or increases in number or quantity, things that work or go together as a unity or system, family or clan or tribe, party or group, support or following, judgement, decision, verdict, decisive, final, decision maker, weaning, subtribe, one’ s kinfolk, successive or succession, one after the other, something that happens over a period of time, spear or arrow, gun, medical or musical instruments, tools for art works, weapons for wars, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tree or something like tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TASHAAWUR is from root SHEEN, WOW and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to consult with someone or something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to converse or talk or discuss or debate or dispute or try to solve differences or come to common terms with someone about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to extract or bring something out of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather or collect something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exhibit or point out or show or expose or display or reveal or make obvious or evident or manifest or clear or demonstrate or disclose or indicate or express or present or beckon someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to point to or make a gesture or sign towards someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take out honey from honeycombs or hives in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather or collect opinions of people about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to assemble people or have a meeting or gathering for a mutual consultation about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give or take advice about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to extract marrow or juice or essence or substance or nucleus or core or heart or crux or pith or gist of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to get to the very bottom or heart or being of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to get the sense or drift or direction or instruction or guidance or thrust or meaning of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to squeeze something out of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer someone something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to intermingle or interact or participate or take part in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become entangled or involved in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attack or defend or fight or go to war with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to contend or enter a combat or battle with someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to reach a conclusion by way of mutual consultation with all involved in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to end up in chaos or confusion or anarchy or disorder or lawlessness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to create order or organise and regulate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be like honey bees in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to adorn or ornament or decorate or prepare or make ready someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to equip or arm someone or something with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to educate or train someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put on beautiful clothes or jewellery or show in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put a horse on show for its various qualities in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to show off someone something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to train a horse in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about a constitution or laws based upon guidance of Allah through mutual consultation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link or join or connect people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or cunning or clever or intelligent or tricky or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to add something to something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch or catch onto someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or overwhelm or overcome or comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, honey, juice, extract, essence, heart, meat, flesh, being, seed, core, honey extracting tools, the person who untangles cotton, a tool with which cotton is untangled, ideas or thoughts or opinions of people gathered together, adornment, decoration, jewellery, entourage, preparation, fighting, tumult, upheaval, uprising, anarchy, chaos or confusion, administration, management, command and control centre, central nervous system, leadership, ruling elite, top part or section of something, best people or things, cream of the crop, conjunction, addition, fighting or something like fighting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses explain the solid rules for rights and responsibilities of individuals, groups, parties, communities and organisations. The main thing is that people should not be forced by each other to do more than they reasonably can. One person should only be given work of one person and not of ten people. It is up to individuals to do more than what they are given to do. If people are sincere with God and humanity then there is no way they will even think of doing less than what they can do to the best of their God given abilities. It is because such people will become mentally programmed to do their best for themselves and each other as a community. In a personal gains based way of life at the expense of each other, each person is for himself therefore none can trust any other but in a way of life based upon solid foundation provided by God for the well being of humanity a person is working for the good of all and proud of it therefore expectations will rise along with motivation. This verse should leave one in no doubt that the Quran is all for community based way of life that is based upon guidance of Allah, which is a clear proof that Islam is anti capitalism, anti authoritarianism, anti fascism or nationalism etc. It is a very different kind of communism from the communism that people know of ie a communism that defines itself on basis of properly founded ideology based upon the idea of proper education and training and all living by the book ie individuals, institutions and communities at large. Not only that but a program with goals and guidelines for a constitution and laws that only and only favours community based life and individualism within the community with real freedom that helps people develop and grow to their full potentials. Each and every person knows one’s rights and responsibilities therefore one person cannot be used abusively by any other person or even an administration or community. When all rights and responsibilities are clearly worked out and taught to each and every person then the only room for differences is what people do and how much. So there is little room left for people to disagree about things. It is a clear lesson for ummah to stay away from wars based on capitalism, communism, secularism and religion etc and instead get involved in educating people involved in these things out of these worthless ideas and practices. This verse also clarified why God has placed obligations upon people ie so that they stop them from going all over the place in order to direct them towards the proper goal or destination that is set by God for mankind for which he has created them. In other words no obligation placed upon people by God is for merely burdening mankind. This is why the Quran is called AL-HAKEEM ie it gives reasons for making people think and do things. It does not give authoritarian commandments like tyrants. Just because God is God he does not use his authority improperly. This is why he is also called the ruler who is wise.

234) So those of your administrations or parties who want to fulfil their constitutional and legal obligations to their communities and want to further develop their people by bringing prosperity to them to bring about a yet better human society even after their contract has expired there should not be placed any obstacle in their way by you the communities so that they could voluntarily do whatever good they think they can do to ensure well being of the proper human community in their own capacity and keep in mind Allah is aware of all that you people do and need to do to be and to remain a proper human community.

Word YAZAROON is from root WOW, ZAAL and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to cut someone or something into small pieces in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to let one deal with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave one alone to deal with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave someone or something behind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to forgo or let go someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave someone or something alone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to avoid or stay away from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave one up to someone or something to deal with in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not let something or someone worry you or to become your concern in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to forsake or abandon or neglect or not to bother with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not to deal with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cease or halt or stop or terminate or conclude or end or finish or suspend or discontinue or pause or quit or abate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave as someone or something is in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave someone or something in his/its place or position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave someone or something in someone or something’s state of being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave someone or something to someone or something to deal with in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not to disturb something or someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to allow something for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make allowance for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something have his/its way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give up or renounce something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something be or do or have or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something stay out or be excludes or left out from something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to spare someone or something from something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let go one thing for another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave something on its own in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let something happen to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone do something, to let someone deal with something or someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let one put up with something on his own in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support not a weak person or thing to deal with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to connect or link or join people or thing together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about a communication network between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or deceptive or tricky or clever or intelligent or sharp or cunning or wicked or crooked in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or grip or control or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in mind or sight in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or imagine or visualise something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or envelope or overwhelm or overcome or surround or comprehend or understand or grasp or cover someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or hurdles or barriers or difficulties or problems in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put limits or restrictions or prohibition on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through barriers or difficulties or hurdles in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a small piece of boneless meat, a person or people without backbone, a weak person or people, a person or people without support or backing, a lonely person, an isolated person or a thing, something left alone or on its own to cope with whatever the situation or circumstances face it, a human population that has no warriors among its people or battle harden people, a people who cannot take a stand against oppression on their own, useless bunch of people, underprivileged or disadvantaged people, social rejects, people rejected by the strong or dominant section of their societies, underdogs of a society, dregs, people who depend upon help and support of others to survive, infirm or old age people, incapacitated or defective or disabled people, children who cannot fend for themselves, a people limited by their means of survival, marginalised people, people excluded from their societies by their dominant section, linkage, mechanism that connects or attaches or links something to something, something that hangs or holds or latches or catches onto someone or something, something upon which something can hang or rely, way through to something, something that provides or brings one opportunity or chance for being or doing something, ways and means, controlled entry or exist, something that is fixed in some sense but moveable like a door, something that acts as go between- between two things but acts in its own interest by taking advantages of both sides by putting obstacles in their paths or by removing obstacles from their paths, something that causes divides between things or helps them unite in some ways, something that traps someone or something in some sense in some way, something that makes things hard or difficult or troublesome, ruling elite, leadership, management, administration, governing body, government, authority, power, cream of the crop, command and control centre, central nervous system, brain, intelligence, scheming or plotting or planning, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, barrier or something like barrier in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

The Quran based proper human society is a fully organised and regulated community so all essential positions are properly fulfilled in it but what should be done with people who are not required to serve community for various reasons. This is same situation as allocating certain time for people during a day ie sleeping time, work time and time for people to do as they want. It is a matter like setting up a yearly routine for people eg holidays and working days etc. Just as time is left over after allocation to certain tasks so people are left over after all positions for work are filled as required by community planning. In such situations people are told they can do whatever they like including continue doing some work in some capacity that could help community in some way. They can act along with reserves who are kept on the side in case they are needed if some people become ill or other tragedies strike in work places etc. So a back up is always needed and such people could be part of contingency plan because emergencies always happen and without back up plans things could come to halt. One can see how the Quran guides mankind in order to have a great life experience in this world. Of course all is left to people to figure out and do it for themselves. It means there is no room in deen of Islam for people who despite having all they need to be great human beings yet think and do crazy things which bring harms and destructions upon human kind. The same is true for people who sit idle and waste their time instead of making worthwhile contribution to community life. This is why following religion is also not right because it leads people to harmful and destructive end results for humanity. The Quran wants people to organise into a self regulated human society but to do that one has to be highly self conscious and self aware and that is going to take time as people not there yet but they will get there because that is what they are created for. This could happen sooner rather than later if people could take revolutionary measures for education and training rather than only doing what they are forced to do by naturally changing situations and circumstances. Planning ahead is very different from being forced into situations and circumstances to respond to them as if one is prompted to take actions. This is why the teaching by the Quran is far, far ahead of human thinking and doing things. Nonetheless people are doing all sorts of things independent of the Quran and one day they will have learned enough to realise the teachings of the Quran and follow it. Just now people are doing a lot of great things but they are done in an unrelated way because people cannot see the over all picture yet which the Quran tries to show them. It is a case of people doing things related to building a building but without being aware of it but one day they will come to realise that what they have done so far could come together as a beautiful building. That is when a beautiful human community will arise out of what humanity has done so far.

Here the Quran leaves it up to individuals for how long they wish to serve their proper human community. As explained already it is ultimately all up to proper human community what it decides for its members by itself when it defines its constitution and legislates laws because each and everything has to fit in with each other for the set purpose of ummah and its proper maintenance. No matter what abilities of people or resources must not be allowed to go to waste. All work done by each person must be properly appreciated so that the proper human community keeps going from strength to strength and leaves all the rest of people who oppose its existence far, far behind.

235) Moreover there should not be any obstacles in your path if any parties among you make any proposals known to any other parties in the community for a new contract the while the other parties are still engaged but are waiting for expiry of their existing contracts or meanwhile keep your worthy intensions to yourselves till the other parties are free. Allah will make it known to them in due course that you meant to strive for their well being but never enter any contracts regarding community matters in private or in secret instead speak to the other parties openly in the manner that is proper. No matter what do not confirm contracts until the engaged parties are free to enter the new contracts at the end of their contractual period. However be alert that set up universal systems and laws of Allah can make obvious what is within yourselves or in your hearts and minds about each other as a community, so be consistent with His program, goals and guidelines and do become aware of the fact that Allah is consistent in providing mankind with blissful, dignified and secure existence through His guidance.

Going by the book from Allah is constantly emphasised by the Quran throughout for the mankind and it is all done so that mankind could live a blissful, dignified and secure life. It should be very clear to people what kind of human society the Quran is promoting ie an open or fully transparent human society because family if it is true to each other it has nothing to hide from each other. It is because any weakness in this society in any person is taken very seriously and given full support to help the person become a strong person upon whom community could rely. In other words a community is as strong as its weakest member. The more weak members in a community the weaker the community and the more strong members in a community the stronger the community. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. People in a community want to serve community in different ways in different fields so children need to wait to replace their parents and should get whatever education and training is needed so that when opportunity comes their way they are ready for grabbing it so that their ambitions and desires prove true rather than wishful thinking. The Quran condemns people who just talk the talk but are not ready for walking the walk.

Word KHITBAH is from root KHAA, TWAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to relate or disclose something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to tell or inform or narrate or report to someone or something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to address or speak or talk to or converse or discuss or argue with someone or something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attribute something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to refer some matter to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a clear distinction between two or more things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to explain things clearly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to address or approach someone regarding someone or something or a situation or a set of circumstances in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to include or involve someone in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to address or lecture a group or party about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak or make or deliver a speech or discourse in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to propose to a woman for marriage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to talk to someone about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak to someone or something on behalf of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to intervene or intercede on behalf of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plead with or to someone or something on behalf of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a request on behalf of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to propose something to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer resistance or show hesitation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put restriction or limitation on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a clear distinction between two or more things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to explain things clearly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer an argument or an explanation or excuse or justification about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mark or brand or label someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to protect or shield or preserve or defend or restrict or limit or constrain or constrict or imprison or confine or arrest or holdback or prevent or guard or cover or hide someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or patronage or guardianship or refuge or shelter or sanctuary or reinforcement or backing or support or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or canopy or surrounding or environment or enclosure or container or umbrella or looking after or care in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or relative or community or party or group or following or colleagues or associates or co-workers or fellow countrymen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut off or break connections or relationships or sever ties or boycott with or separate or isolate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be low profile or debased in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be on the way to falling down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep someone or something safe or secret in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something as valuable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to treasure someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to intoxicate someone with something in some sense, to hit or strike or attack, to cheat or betray or breach an agreement or cause corruption, to be treacherous, to abate or die down, to calm down or settle down or become stable, to vacate, to take something by force, to use a cutting tool or weapon, to abuse or use something abusively or inappropriately, to propose for marriage to a woman, to advocate, to fear or cause to fear, to show concern for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become awestruck, to create or be creative, to have vision or imagination or ambition, to stitch or sew, to prick, to choose or elect or select, to decide an issue clearly, to give clear verdict in a case, to judge a matter wisely, to have two different or distinct colours, to be good or best or excellent, to end or stop or block or seal or conclude or complete something in some sense, to lag or stay behind in some sense for some purpose, to let fall down or let down, to deny help or support or assistance, an issue or a problem, a matter of concern or interest, an affair or some business or situation or set of circumstances, a matter or a dealing an undertaking, a state of affairs, a business of some sort, something of importance, an engagement of some sort, a public address or speech or sermon, an ailment or a trouble, a discourse or lecture, an argument or proposal or conversation, two different colours, two different points of views, two different opinions, a decisive argument, rule of law, tradition or custom, refuge or shelter or sanctuary, limitation or restriction, shield, guide or leader, someone at the forefront of something, something high and very obvious from a long distance, something that draws attention to itself, lamppost, direction or instruction board, lighthouse, a guiding sign, a monument or symbol, a tag or label, a building or structure, constitution or rule of law, tradition or custom, precedent or example, a people belonging to same organisation or team or group or party or circle, buildings or institutions, schools or colleges or universities or hospitals or government offices, something that gives false impression about something or is like something that gives false impression about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, a marriage proposal, something that is cause of concern, hardship or difficulty, an argument or dispute, some sort of barrier, family or support or following, tradition or custom, a reference point or point of reference, something misplaced upon something in some sense for some reason or purpose, something placed upon something unsoundly or infirmly, something impure or hollow or empty or void or unstable or infirm in some sense, something that causes loss or death or destruction or injury or damage or failure or disorder or anarchy or chaos or confusion in some sense, something disgraceful or troublesome in some sense, Improperly founded structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word UQDAH is from root AIN, QAAF and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to tie someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to tangle or become tangled in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tie a knot in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to complicate things for oneself or someone or something else in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make things difficult for oneself or someone or something else in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enter in a contract or pact or agreement or covenant with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or take a pledge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to thicken a rope or make something stronger or tougher in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to solidify or stiffen or condense or coagulate or harden or curdle or cause something to set or clot or congeal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or cause something to become denser or more concentrated in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to swear an oath in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to form an alliance with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a promise or an agreement stronger in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to marry someone or marry someone with someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to speak without hesitation or stutter in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to strengthen one’s will to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to agree to form a government in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to agree to be loyal to government in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to solemnise something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reach an agreement in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to conclude a solemn agreement or oath in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to limit or restrict or put a stop to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to constrain or constrict someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make something binding upon or obligatory for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make something a responsibility or a duty for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become more determined or act more decisively in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create problems or hurdles or obstacles in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or have someone or something in sight or view in or in mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support or assist or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to watch or guard or keep an eye on or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be focused upon or be attracted to or pulled or dragged towards someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cry or grieve or be in tears or sad or sorrowful or regretful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be anxious or worried or depressed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be happy or delightful or joyful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lookafter or take care of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start anew or have a new beginning or experience rebirth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to copy or imitate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or catch or latch onto someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to jump about or jump all over the place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be clever or mischievous or agile or active or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wander about or move from tree to tree or place to place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be unstable or infirm or doubtful about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have way with people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ways and means for being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a way into or through someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a formula or trick or technique to solve a problem in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put a hurdle or barrier or difficulty or obstruction or blockage in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove a problem or hurdle or difficulty from the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that binds someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a goal, a rope, string, an agreement or treaty or constitution or law, something that creates some sort of link or connection or relationship or association between people or things, a puzzle, a chaos or confusion, disorder or anarchy, people who cause chaos and confusion, tangle, problems, necklace, fetter, chain, sand dune, stoppage, watchman, watchtower, spy, secret agent, prison guard, water well or spring, sea or fountain of knowledge, ocean or river or stream, spring season, wall or partition or gate or barrier, controlled entry or exit, buffer zone, interface, port of entry or exit, a place wherein people or things interact or participate, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In the Quranic context a role is assigned to each party in its program to make it succeed. This is why unless each participant fulfils its assigned role things will not work out. This is why this surah starts with contractual, constitutional and legal obligations to make participants realise how important it is for them to understand things and do what is required as it is required so that the set out objectives are satisfied or fulfilled. Unless people fulfil their community instructed obligations that are issued after mutual consultation of community as already explained, the rights of people will not become available to them. It is because unless people produce things, the question of distribution of things does not arise. One should remember these verses are talking about proper human community and individuals and groups that wish to join them but they are not allowed to join fully till they go through a trial period to ensure all is ok.

Word AHZAROOH is from root HAA, ZAAL and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to take all necessary safety measures against someone or something that poses danger in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to take all necessary precautions against an expected threat that poses danger or harm or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deal with fears or worries effectively in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be cautious or careful or alert or aware when being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take effective defensive measures against a threat of an attack of some sort by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move or stay away from someone or something that may cause harm or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something for some reason or purpose, to be on one’s guard against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be aware or alert or cautious about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to warn or caution someone or something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to serve as a warning sign about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fear or worry or be anxious about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , to be concerned about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in or stand in awe of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be mindful or conscious about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something alert or aware of or about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to avoid or neglect or ignore someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be vigilant or attentive or careful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be reckoned with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to save oneself or someone or something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bear or put up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or shelter or reinforce or support or back up or cover or wrap up or veil or preserve or guard or defend or hide or confine or imprison or limit or restrict or constrict or arrest or hold still or constrain or holdback or prevent or take care of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or boycott or break relationships with or sever links or ties with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put obstacles or barrier or distances or separations or gaps or gulfs or disputes or rifts or differences or dissentions or harms or destructions in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or break through blockages or hurdles or difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove barrier or barricades or obstructions or troubles or problems in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or use ways and means for being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or embrace or surround or envelope or overwhelm or overcome or comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or sharp or clever or cunning or shrewd or deceptive or crooked or wicked in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to slander or backbite or spread false rumours about or accuse someone or something falsely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, rough, stony, difficult-going land, caution, alertness, precaution, something to be respected or feared or taken into account or paid attention to, limit, prohibition, hesitation, shelter, cover, refuge, protection, sanctuary, way through to someone or something, controlled entry or exist, brain, intelligence, leadership, administration, management, command and control centre, central nervous system, top part or section of something, best people or things, top people or things, cream of the crop, tools, weapons, instruments, ways and means to something, ladder, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, barrier or hurdle or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.
236) There should be no restriction in your way if you the community decide to terminate contracts with contracted parties even before engaging them but do fulfil their rights to them as a duty regarding their livelihood. This duty is binding according to the state of existence of the community so a community that is prosperous should fulfil its duty according to its state of existence and a community that is limited in its state of existence should fulfil its duty according to its state of existence. In any case livelihood rights should be delivered faithfully and in an honourable way. This is right of people upon each other who sincerely desire to make their existence beautiful with help of each other as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah.

Word MUQTIR is from root QAAF, TAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to narrow down something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to restrict or limit someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be poor or niggardly or stingy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act like a miser or to be miserable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be depressed or sad or regretful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to smell in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to live in misery in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer or experience hardship or difficulty in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to group people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to organise or regulate people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hoard up things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a collector of things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a hoarder in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a junk or rubbish collector in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a treasure or bounty hunter in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accumulate miseries in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to feel dejected or rejected or excluded in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to feel useless or worthless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be gloomy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in state of distress or depression in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in trouble or difficulty in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be mean or very grudging or covetous or envious or jealous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be poor or needy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in a dire situation or a set of circumstances in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to live from hand to mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have limited livelihood or means of livelihood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be confused or in doubt about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer disgrace or humiliation or debasement or defeat in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to experience intimidation or slavery or be timid or submissive or tame in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to imitate or copy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be mischievous or agile or active or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be clever or fast moving or quick acting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to jump about or jump all over the place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to organise or regulate people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to form a company or a community or an organisation or association in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be confused or doubtful about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fall victim to identity crises in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lose or be lost or have no sense of belonging in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lack in self confidence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hang or holds or latches or catches onto someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to limit or restrict or contain or captivate or imprison someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to save or secure or preserve or guard or collect someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or envelope or overwhelm or overpower or comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or sharp or clever or cunning or tricky or crooked or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to refuse altogether or limit to a bare minimum helping or supporting others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become consistent with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or spread false rumours about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be greedy or selfish or live for oneself at the expense of others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, smell of roasting meat, black smoke, cloud of dust or mist or steam or confusion, haziness, chaos or disorder or lawlessness, darkness, black ink or colour or blackness, sadness, an opening in a wall, a hole in something, a window, a see through hole in something, melancholy, the edges of armour, an old man, an infirm or unstable person, agile, fast moving, basket, coffin, chest, ribcage, body, skeleton, framework, infrastructure, organisation, structure, container, box, chamber, room, space, capacity, capability, volume, book, pages with written information on them, command and control centre, central nervous system, management, ruling elite, leadership, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, womb or something like womb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse is making a very important point ie the state of existence of the community. It is because community may not even be there to begin with and if it is brought about then it is going to have many teething problems and will lack in each and everything and will have to be built gradually, so people will have to learn to live within their means as a community but they must carry on working hard to get worthwhile life for themselves. However if community is doing good then people must be delivered that goodness faithfully. The other point made here is that the community can decide anything it deems proper under its circumstances including hiring and firing people but the main things is livelihood responsibility remains the same way for the community for its individual members. Community decision can over rules each and everything but not the goals and guidelines set by Allah for it as the limits for it. Any individual can bring any point to attention of community at any time and each member must contribute his/her input at general public meetings that should be held at all levels eg local and national level. The state of existence of an existing community can also go through changes due to performance of its members. Sometime they work very, very hard and at other times they may fall victim to laziness and other problems due to negligence ie communities can rise as well as fall for reasons that will be made yet more clear in other surahs. The other main point explained in these verses is personal dignity of people as individuals. None has the right to disgrace any member of a proper human community. This is why there is no concept of giving charity to poor in Islam properly based upon the Quran. It is because in Islam all sorts of harmful and destructive divisions are not allowed and strictly made unlawful and people who try to create such divisions are condemned in strongest words. This is why there are no cast and class etc based division in Islam. This however does not mean people who claim to be Muslims do not do things the Quran forbids. Just because people who claim to be Muslims do wrong things does not mean these are teachings of the Quran. As already explained the standard is aqal and aqal based interpretation of the Quran and not ignorant, illiterate and uneducated people who claim to be Muslims. This is why the Quran told us Abraham and his faithful followers are stand only if they follow the divine guidance faithfully. Moreover the Quran makes it clear that people are created in the simplest form and will make loads of mistakes along the way till they become fully learned, so there should be no any confusion as to what the proper standard is ie the Quran or the Muslims? From all this explanation it is not difficult to see how ignorant mullahs have proved themselves to be about the actual text of the Quran as regard its context. This is why they justified personal ownership of things and therefore personal gains based way of life and that is why ummah suffered at hands of kings, mullahs and money lenders and still there is no end in sight for its troubles because mullahs have spread so many false beliefs and useless rituals as true teachings of the Quran. So long as ummah does not wake up from its deep sleep that is induced by mullahs there is no end to its problems. The Quran itself warned this ummah against trick and mechanism employed by mullahs but somehow it still fell victim to their traps. In the Quranic teaching there is no concept of using money or trading in sense of business for profit etc. Had the Quran promoted that way of life it would have been proven false in no time because God could never send any guidance that could lead humanity into hell of its own making. Moreover in that case Allah did not even need to guide humanity because it was capable enough to turn its own life hell all by itself and that is why Adam was raised to help it come out of that kind of existence. If we look at it, so called rich states help poor states with strings attached but in reality they are making money on backs of poor states and reinvesting some back in those states in the name of charity and aid to make yet more profits by doing that. Moreover people even in rich states are divided on various grounds having no idea what is really going on within their own countries and even less about rest of the world.

237) Therefore if you the people of proper human community terminate contracts due to some unforeseen situations or circumstances before the completion of the contracts with the contracted parties even before engaging with them in practice, it is necessary that you fulfil your agreed obligations to the parties involved so that you keep yourselves right regarding any responsibilities that you may have towards them unless you are let off by the parties or the party in whose hands rest the decision about the contract. To let go is more fitting in such unforeseen situations or circumstances because you should not forget to show goodwill towards each other to have and to keep a good social relationship for the future. Surely Allah advises you to act in light of insightfulness rather than being foolish in dealing with each other.

In this verse people of proper human community are told something very important regarding people who wish to join the proper human community in case there has to come about a break between the two due to unforeseen situations or circumstances. Should that happen then contracts between the two should be ended in such a way that keeps the door open for future dealings so that when situation and circumstances allow the same could be carried through to the full. If a people were promised any help and support for joining the proper human community then they should be compensated in full if situation and circumstances allow otherwise at least a reasonable part of that should be handed over as gift to such people unless they let go, which they should if they really meant to be part of this community and their situation and circumstances allow them. Otherwise both can renegotiate terms and conditions for mutual benefits. This verse brings to attention of people the fact that even the proper human community is not protected against things going wrong at times due to factors outside its control eg it could be attacked by the enemies or it could suffer setbacks due to natural disasters or something could go wrong internally within the community. Such things can force proper human community to pay attention to itself to get back on the track rather than take on further responsibility with which it cannot cope. When a community fails to cope well with itself and takes on further responsibilities for other people then it is sure to suffer harms and even destructions. So at such times it is importance that proper human community curtails its extra activities or even shuts down itself to the outside world and takes drastic measures to recover from this situation as soon as possible before it is too late otherwise nothing can save the community from destruction. This is something which was not paid sufficient attention by the followers of the guidance of Allah and that is how kingdoms brought about by messengers of Allah ended up destroyed including the one that was brought about by the final messenger of Allah. So one can see how important it is not to take on extra load or burden with which one cannot cope because that could bring about collapse of the person. This is the reason formation of ummah and its proper maintenance is of vital importance to keep things going properly. Neglecting or ignoring or avoiding things could have serious consequences for mankind so people must stand up to their responsibilities if they want to have a life worth living.

Word NISF is from root NOON, SWAD and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to ensure each of the components in a unit or system fits properly with the rest so that a unit or system becomes complete and works properly for fulfilling its purpose for which it is brought about. Also to balance or harmonise things in a system or unit in such a way that they work together as a unit properly so that the unit or system works properly and fulfils its purpose, to halve someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be of good countenance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be of good mindset or attitude or behaviour or character or conduct or appearance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be good looking or have good front or face or personality or features or characteristics or qualities or attributes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a good impression or express oneself nicely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a good profile or recognition or good name in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be beautiful or properly proportioned or symmetrical or properly balanced in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or separate or divide or sever something into two exact halves in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give someone or something as good as one receives from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to balance rights against responsibilities in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to balance or trade one thing with or for or against the other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exchange or give one thing for taking another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to complete or complement or level up or out or harmonise or even out or smooth someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove wrinkles or peaks and troughs or dunes and ditches or roughness or rashness or harshness in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be lively or active or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be quick or fast or speedy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be deceptive or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to converge or diverge or branch in or branch out or come together or disperse in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to anchor or ground or found or root someone or something firmly in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be just or fair in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to distribute or divide something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about or have seed or fruit in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to extract or bring out juice or essence or heart or being of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow or whistle or bellow or blow horn in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give signal to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow up or inflate or expand or explode or explain or detail or open up or extent or stretch or enlarge something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or spread gossip or rumours or talk about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to discuss or debate or dispute about or cause rifts or divisions or dissentions or gaps or distances or differences between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move apart or away or depart or leave or pass away or expire or end in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or use or devour someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that is properly balanced in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a weight that is distributed in such a way among the weight carriers that all can move with it smoothly without feeling awkward or troubled or uncomfortable, a part of the two parts of something but not necessarily exact or identical, social or communal responsibilities or duties or rights that are distributed in such a way between members of community or its institutions that the community runs smoothly free of troubles, cutting something into exactly two halves and then taking one half of it, balancing something in sense of its length or weight or value etc, justice, fairness, river, spring, brook, middle, veil, rivulet leading into a valley, appearance, the face or facial features, reputation, a person who delivers justice, something that flows or runs smoothly or consistently or constantly or continuously, family tree, diagram, sketch, outline, plan, constitution, code of conduct or way of life, tradition, rule of law, custom, fighting, chaos or disorder or anarchy, disturbance, tumult, uprising, bloody revolution, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tree or something like tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

238) That is how you should handle and keep an eye over all the proper human community related matters particularly the ones of central importance to the proper existence of the proper human community and that is how you should work towards establishing and maintaining the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah with full commitment.

This verse covers all aspects for people for establishing and maintaining the proper human community for living their lives properly according to the given program, goals and guidelines of Allah. In these verses it is made absolutely clear that proper human community based life is not possible unless it is based upon guidance of Allah and that people have a piece of land where in they could live that way and be an example for the rest of mankind. The problem is that as soon as people will go for that way of life they will face opposition because it is going to hurt people with vested personal interests. So confrontation at some point between the parties is inevitable unless people with vested personal interest come to their senses. So one can see why rulers and money lenders employed mullahs to help them pervert the message of God and it also shows why they backed them throughout human history. However as people become educated and trained in thinking things through properly generation after generation knowledge of deen of Islam is bound to keep on expanding and a tipping point is bound to reach when things will switch to the right track for humanity.

Word HAAFIZOO is from root HAA, FAA and ZWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to learn something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to teach something about in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to entrust or pledge someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something responsibility of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remember or commit someone or something to memory in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to internalise someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become custodian or guardian of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collect or gather people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not to let people or things disintegrate or decompose or disperse or scatter in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wish or desire to preserve someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be attentive or alert or aware or mindful or diligent or heedful or watchful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to record or write down or save or rescue something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be steadfast or consistent or constant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provoke or anger or make someone or something angry in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold grudge against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause rancour between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or guard or preserve or secure or surround or envelope or wrap up or cover up or comprehend or understand or overwhelm or overpower or keep an eye on or watch or hide or cover or protect or defend or take care of or keep or maintain or imprison or confine or arrest or constrict or restrict or limit or constrain or holdback or prevent or save or rescue someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow or whistle or bellow or blow horn in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give signal to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow up or inflate or expand or explode or explain or detail or open up or extent or stretch or enlarge something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or spread gossip or rumours or talk about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to discuss or debate or dispute about or cause rifts or divisions or dissentions or gaps or distances or differences between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move apart or away or depart or leave or pass away or expire or end in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or use or devour someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be innocent or gentle or simple or blameless or pure or uncultivated or uncivilised or uncultured or illiterate or ignorant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a sheep or something like sheep in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have sheepish mindset or attitude or behaviour in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a sacrificial lamb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be offered or sacrificed or dedicated or devoted to some cause or mission or goal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to commit or submit or dedicate oneself to some cause or mission or goal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something improperly or inappropriately or illegally or unlawfully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to kill or be killed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ram in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to force or drive or thrust or stab or plunge or push or sink or cram or stuff or pack or compress or hammer or press or pound or jam or wedge someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be soft or kind or compassionate or tender hearted or gullible in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be easily fooled or taken for a ride in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have good memory or presence of mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be reconciliatory or friendly or easy to get on with or approachable or reachable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to remember or recall protect or secure or reflect over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rest or wait or lie in wait for or anticipate or give time or respite to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grace or honour or uplift or elevate or raise someone or something high in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or seek or try to be on the right or straight or appropriate path or way for a destination in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be on a self evident or an obvious path in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, lamb or something like lamb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

239) So if you the mankind are truly concerned about well being of man then set up a proper administration or organise and regulate people into an exemplary ummah and when you have done that and are satisfied with it then strive hard to spread the message of Allah yet wider as He has taught you which you knew not before.

The Quran wants people who claim to be Muslims to form a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah for people of the world to see so that they too have a worthy model to copy and become part of the ummah. This is why random preaching or preaching religion instead of deen of Allah is not going to do much good for humanity. The mission assigned by Allah for Muslims needs to be taken as a mission and supported fully by them if it is to succeed otherwise people are only wasting their time and resources without much in return. Muslims are supposed to stand out as evidence for the truth of deen of Islam before the human population in the world. They cannot do so without bringing about an ummah and a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. This is why Muslims need to be consistent with the book of Allah as well as with each other on the basis of the book on basis of its correct interpretation which is proper in its own textual context in light of real world realities. So long as Muslims fail to do that they will remain a shattered people living in isolation from each other as various religious sects who only claim to be Muslim by word of mouth and that is how far their Islam goes. Such a people in no way can stand out as an example of Muslim ummah before people of the world.

Word RUKBAANAA is from root RAA, KAAF and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to organise and regulate people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to work hard on or at someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do one’s best for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep doing or keep working on something till it is complete in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to arrange people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to combine people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or to serve some purpose, to mount someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ride someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to board something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accumulate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stack up people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to commit or dedicate oneself to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to commit a good or bad act in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to injure one’s knee in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to progress or develop or grow or prosper in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move on in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rise or move upwards in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to compose or combine or put people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stack up people or things on top of one another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cluster or group or bundle or collect or gather or bunch or clump or crowd or band or gang or assemble or congregate or huddle or knot or bind or tie or swarm or pack or flock or mass or troupe or throng people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in rows in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be carried or conveyed as in a vehicle or on a horseback in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to travel over a surface in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move or be moved by way of an intangible force or impetus in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seem to float or swim or glide in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be contingent or continuous or connected or linked or joined in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to depend upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be supported by or carried by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tease or ridicule or provoke or offend someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have social or sexual intercourse with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mate or copulate with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sure or confident about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be successful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deceive or swindle someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put or stack one thing on top of another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make one thing rely or depend or on another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ride on or take for a ride someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use someone or something in a particular way to get something done in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rely or depend upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ride on the back of someone or something for some kind of journey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have levels or stories or be in layers or ranks or gradations in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to board on something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accumulate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in rows in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or sharp or clever or cunning or tricky or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or overwhelm or overpower someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand or have someone or something in sight or in view or mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ability to reach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or imagine or perceive or visualise something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be shock absorbent or soft or cuddly or easy going or kind or compassionate or tender hearted or gullible or easily misled or fooled or take for a ride in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as a go between or be a cushion or shock absorber in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to intervene or get involved or become entangled in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shelter or protect or cover or hide or defend or take care of or save or rescue or secure or preserve or guard or watch over or spy on or confine or imprison or restrict or constrict or limit someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or patronage or backing or reinforcement or care or guardianship or refuge or sanctuary or breathing space or room or manoeuvre or canopy or umbrella or atmosphere or covering or environment or surrounding or safety or security in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or community or party or organisation or association or circle of friends or colleagues or company or following in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or boycott or sever or break ties or relationships or links with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put barriers or hurdles or barricades or blockages or difficulties or problems in the way of someone o something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or remove or break through hurdles or difficulties or problems in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to divide or partition or put up walls or cause disputes or differences or rifts or dissentions or fight or wars between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set up or establish or accomplish something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that goes in between things, the ways and means used to arrive where one is required or has to be, mount, a travelling group, caravan, boat, something complex or sophisticated or difficult to understand or to untangle or disconnect, knee, a travelling party, a group of travelling camel riders, something upon which depends one’s survival, ways and means of survival, ways and means used to survive, things that helped mankind to come to existence and carry on living, human beings rode on backs of many things to be in existence and survive to date, a means of transportation, a system of transportation, an evolutionary mechanisms whereby mankind evolved in stages biologically and psychologically and sociologically, human origin and survival depended upon many things so in a way humanity rode on many things to come into existence and survive, a particular combination of people or things which play their assigned parts to get the intended task or mission or goal accomplished, stages of evolution or some other process, joint, ride, a cluster, a mount or riding animals or things eg horses or camels or elephants or mules or donkeys or cars or aeroplanes or trains etc, administration or management, command and control centre, central nervous system, ruling elite, leadership, cream of the crop, top part of section of someone or something, best people or things, chiefdom, emperorship or kingship, imperialism, authoritarianism, tyranny, tradition or custom, precedent or example, constitution or rule of law, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

240) For that reason those who are charged with fulfilment of missionary duties from among you so that they lead fellow communities to peace, progress and prosperity they should assist their communities to better their environment without causing them to leave their settlements, but if any of them leave on their own decision then there is no blame on you for what they choose to do for themselves in a way that is appropriate for them but not detrimental to others. That is how Allah demonstrates strength of His wisdom as the rational ruler of this universe for ensuring well being of the mankind.

241) Reasonable provisions must also be made in a dignified way for communities settled at a distance. That is an obligation upon those who want to be consistent with program, goals and guidelines of Allah as well as with fellow human beings.

242) That is how Allah makes clear His goals and guidelines for you the mankind so that you may learn sense of making proper sense of things and follow what is proper.

In these verses people are advised that if they like the program from Allah then they should come together and form organisations and regulate themselves as communities ensuring all is going well and then concentrate on spreading the same message for the benefit of other human populations in the world. People are told to choose individuals for administrations very carefully and even after choosing them set up for them a probationary period to ensure they can deliver all community needs. If they cannot then replace them otherwise let them continue for the full term. There is no harm in letting them continue for a second term if they are found to be functioning fine. However third term should not be allowed for various reasons eg this could make community dependent on particular people which kills ambitions in others or that although people have functioned fine so far but they could become slack and so corruption could enter the system. The advantage in changing administrations is that if old administration did something wrong then the new administrations could find out so there are various advantages in keep changing administrations. There are also advantages in keeping same administrations because you are already aware of people and you know they are capable because they have delivered the goods and services for fulfilling needs of the communities. This is why the whole thing is left to people themselves to do as they see fit but all must be ready to take over at any time if need be. People must be properly educated and trained for administration work so that community is never without very capable people who can take communities forward. The Quran does not allow idleness or slackness or laziness in people instead at all times it expects them to be up to set standard by keeping educational and training programs in place and telling all to be fully educated and trained and ready for all eventualities. It is because no community can be peaceful unless it makes progress and there is no progress unless a community is prosperous ie it has all it needs and more. This is how people ought to manage manpower and resources provided by Allah. So one can see it is not easy to be a follower of the Quranic program. Islam is not at all about make beliefs and useless rituals or baseless laws that debase humanity, it is a program well put together to serve a definite purpose from start to its completion.

243) Why don’t you people reflect upon mindsets, attitudes and behaviours of a people who claimed to be Israelites you have been told about who numbered in thousands yet left their homes fearing death and destruction by hands of each other? So Allah said to them, destroy yourselves if you will despite having guidance from Me as to how to live properly so they decided to reform themselves through tough education and training program and that is how Allah revived them as an ummah by way of revelation based organised and regulated education and training. Surely it is Allah who bestows upon mankind ways and means for acquiring knowledge and experience yet most of the people do not bother to learn and act upon that knowledge for using Our provisions properly to ensure well being of each other.

This verse tells people to look at what happens to a people who lose sight of proper way of life for living in this world ie they become useless having no sense of purpose so they become lazy and crazy lacking community spirit. Eventually there comes a time when life for such people becomes a burden and gradually they are trapped into more and more problems and become overwhelmed by them because of their wrong mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards acquiring and using knowledge for creativity that keeps a community alive and kicking. If a people want to live on in a way worth living they have no choice but to learn how to stay alive in a best possible way. Unless a people have what it takes to survive they do not survive. A community only lives on if it enables itself to be able to take care of its needs and wants. Failing that it is only a matter of time when death and destruction takes over them by hands of each other. When people do not produce they have nothing to distribute and whatever little is there people fight over it like dogs and so death and destruction sets in on such people by hands of each other. People may also leave homes to look for living elsewhere where they can find food and water or shelter etc. However sometimes people may wake up in time and start making right efforts that may help them make a comeback as a living community just like these people who were brought back to life from the brink of total destruction.

244) Therefore strive like those Israelites did for the rule of law based upon guidance of Allah and be aware that Allah advises you by looking at the harmful and destructive results of your thoughts and actions.

The advice of Allah is not like the advice of one blind person to another blind person but that Allah has in his mind the end result of peoples’ thoughts and actions. If they fail to act upon advice of Allah then results of their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions are harmful and destructive for them by hands of each other but if they receive guidance of Allah properly and act upon it faithfully then things turn out to be great for them. In that case they start seeing the fruit of their labour along the way which give them more and more confidence in thinking and doing things that way. It is same with a person who plans a business and then turns it into reality and gradually he begins to see whether his idea is working or not. If working then fine otherwise see what is wrong and keep readjusting till the result is what one expects. Dead people and communities don’t think and don’t plan so they have nothing to work towards to turn anything into a great reality. This is how Muslims became a useless people over centuries when they gave up study of real world realities and the revelation of God. This will remain the situation of Muslim until they change and change is not possible unless something happens to Muslims that forces them out of their situation and set of circumstances. The isolation of Muslims in the word and terrible atrocities of nonMuslims upon Muslims may force Muslims to make a move in the right direction. It is because interaction between people makes them move each other in a direction that Allah has set for them be it bit by bit.

245) So which of the people feel indebted with advice of Allah and will act upon it properly to benefit from it so that Allah rewards their effort by many folds? That is how Allah controls and distributes things according to His set up systems and laws therefore to His program, goals and guidelines you all should refer for your guidance.

Word YUQRID is from root QAAF, RAA and DWAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to trust someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to deal with or do business with someone or something in a proper or appropriate or nice or beautiful way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something have or use someone or something on the basis that one will return someone or something after having or using someone or something as agreed beforehand or in advance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rely or depend upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or clip or sever or break or boycott or isolate or separate or tear or bite or gnaw or chew or nibble or munch or crunch someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to no longer exist or become extinct in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to torment or torture or trouble or disturb or worry or distress or haunt or nag or oppress or suppress or depress or fret or treated or frighten or fester someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to loan someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to borrow someone or something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone have or use someone or something on basis of some understanding of outcome or result in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone constantly or persistently or continuously anxious or worried in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or spread false rumours about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to skirt or girdle or surround someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to avoid or neglect or ignore someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make poetry about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to distance or turn or move away from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pass away or expire or come to an end in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lend someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pull a fast one in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to incline or fall towards left or right when walking straight in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give something to someone in the hope that one will get it back in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to trade one thing for another or give something to someone in exchange for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take something from someone by giving something to someone in exchange for it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to compensate someone for something by giving someone something else in its place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cud or ruminate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to jump about or jump all over the place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to imitate or copy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be image or likeness or picture of someone or something original in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hang or hold or latch or catch onto someone or something firmly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move from branch to branch or place to place or position to position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or control or grip or authority or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have reach or ability to approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or pause or contemplate or ponder over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or sharp or clever or cunning or deceptive or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to interact or participate or partake or intermingle or socialise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become entangled or involved in fight or war with each other or one another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become mixed up or confused with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer or experience chaos or confusion or anarchy or disorder or lawlessness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to experience growth or prosperity or increment in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, someone or something clever or agile or active or energetic or fast acting or quick moving, someone or something mischievous, someone or something flexible, someone or something deceptive or tricky, mimicry, imitation, copying, chief or manager, cud, lump of food a camel brings back from its stomach for chewing and then returns it to its stomach once it has been chewed properly so that it provides nourishment for its growth and development, the maximum help and support each and every person gives to the best of one’s abilities to each other for bringing about a proper human community and kingdom based upon guidance of Allah and maintaining them so that the proper human community could come into being and continue having blissful, dignified and secure existence through growth and prosperity, loan, deposit, trust, cutting, clipping, shavings, sawdust, iron filings, bits or pieces of someone or something in some sense for some reason or purpose, poetry or verses of poetry, someone or something entrusted to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, people appointed and entrusted by ummah for its proper administration and management to ensure its growth and prosperity as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah, things entrusted by the ummah to proper administration or management of the ummah to ensure its blissful, dignified and secure existence, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, battle line or something like battle line in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In the Quranic context word QARD is used in the sense of trust in the outcome of the program of Allah if people decided to examine it and accept it and act upon it after careful examination whether it is likely to work or not. Allah is telling people how they should live their lives and what will be the outcome if they went ahead and did that. It is like someone tells someone, this is how you build a house. If you will do this, that and the other then you will end up with a nice house. But before one starts following one’s advice one has to understand it and see if it makes proper sense. If it does then one is bound to trust the given advice and then when one will act upon it as told then one will end up with a house as told. In fact this is how the Quran proves that it is word of Allah and not of any human being. It is because the Quranic program for goals and guidelines for a constitution and laws are fully testable by people on the paper as well as in actual practice. However the gap between acceptance of guidance of Allah and turning it into a reality needs a lot of trust in the program and based on that trust all efforts made by people and actions taken by them are a debt on Allah according to Allah himself till people get the promised outcome. This is a very important point for people to understand and it is a very strong rebuke for ignorant mullahs and their supporters who tell people to have blind faith in the Quran in order to hide their own stupidity.

Word YUDAAIFAH is from root DWAD, AIN and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to test someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to probe or examine or assess or evaluate or investigate or check or inspect or explore or discover or scrutinise or study or analyse or try out or consider someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put someone or something through trial or demonstration or experimentation or working conditions in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set up a pilot project in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to appraise or persecute or prosecute or judge or estimate or review or gauge or survey or value or rate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become or cause to be weak or infirm or unstable or confused or doubtful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become insignificant or worthless or useless or unproductive or idle or unhelpful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become or cause to be ineffective or uninfluential or inconsequential in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fold or cause to become doubled or multi folds or manifolds or multiples or multiple layers or multiple decks or levels or stories or floors in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to increase or grow or expand or stretch several or many times in number or quality or quantity or amount or size or weight or mass or significance or value or effectiveness or influence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become overwhelmed or overcome by emotions in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deem or consider someone or something useless or of no value in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take undue advantage of the weak in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to double or increase something many times in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer a worthless or weak evidence or opinion in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to add something to something or compound something with something or multiply something with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take away something from something or to take away half of something or to take away something from something multiple times in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be under age in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be too young to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be feeble or helpless or weak or incapacitated or unable to fend for oneself in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be timid or faint hearted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to conduct oneself or behave timidly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be given to temptations or lack determination or willpower or resolution or decisiveness in decision making in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have little or no standing or influential position in community in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be of little or small or slight or no effect in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become submissive or humble or subjugated or overwhelmed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a weak body or government or organisation or company or association or circle or family or party or tribe or clan in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to entangle or complicate things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to participate or interact or intermingle or mix or socialise or take part in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attack or fight or battle or go to war with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to watch or see or spy on or guard or take care of or defend or secure or preserve or save or rescue someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to assist or support or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in sight or in mind or in view or perception or imagination or vision or dream in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have comprehension or understanding of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have insight in someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ambition or desire or wish or longing or fancy or vision or dream in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a slave or servant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to comply or be consistent with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to talk or gossip or backbite or slander or spread false rumours about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to converse or discuss or debate about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow or bellow or blow whistle or horn or give signal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow up or inflate or expand or explode or stretch or enlarge or explain or detail something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave or go or move away or depart or pass away or die or expire in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to distance or cause gap or gulf or dispute or rift or dissention or difference or division or fight or war between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or consume or use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, lack of something in something, weakness, lack of strength or power, lack of concern, lack of sense for offering a good opinion, compound, multi fold, many times of something in size or quantity etc, watchman, watchtower, ocean or fountain of knowledge, sea, river or stream, water well or spring, tears, crying, sadness, grief, regret, happiness, shining eyes, uplifting mood, new beginning, rebirth, spring season, oppressed, suppressed, compelled, forced, someone or something made to follow someone or something by force, someone overcome by emotions, battle line or something like battle line in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YAQBID is from root QAAF, BAA and DWAAD. Concrete meaning of this root is to take possession or hold of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to grasp or get hang of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to get something under one’s full control or power or authority or jurisdiction or grip in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority over something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take a handful of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to own or possess someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to contract or shrink or reduce or diminish or lessen or shorten or dwindle or narrow down or compress or deflate or abbreviate or condense or concentrate or shrivel or wither or squeeze or decrease or make something slim or smaller in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to retract or quail or flinch or recoil or retreat or cringe or draw back or decline or recant or renounce or reverse or rescind or revoke or annul or cancel or disown or disclaim or repudiate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tremble or shake or quake or cower or shiver in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cover or cover up or scabbard or encase or case or sleeve or sheath or wrap up or envelope or put away something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to retrieve or extract or salvage or recover or recoup or repossess or reclaim or redeem or rescue or save or secure or recuperate or fetch or obtain or get or attain or regain something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to limit the damage or recover from loss or damage or harm or ill health or a situation or set of circumstances in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seize or catch or grab someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to handle or control or manage or look after someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to depress or push or press or compel or force or urge or encourage or move someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fold up or conclude or end or wind up or wrap up or close or finish or stop something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drive fast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to draw in or attract something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to adopt or embrace or acquire or espouse or assume or approve or sanction or accept or support or back up or endorse or validate or ratify something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to straiten or narrow down or downsize something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold back or prevent or stop or constrain or contain or restrain or restrict or limit someone or something from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to withhold something from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something in hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overwhelm or surround or encompass or envelope or overcome or cover up or influence someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to protect or shelter or save or rescue or secure or guard or hide or care for or imprison or confine or constrict or restrict or limit someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with refuge or sanctuary or guardianship or patronage or space to breathe or room to manoeuvre or canopy or umbrella or enclosure or care or reinforcement or backing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something under one’s care in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become preoccupied or engaged or busy with a task or job or mission or assignment or occupation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to branch in or branch out or converge or diverge or come together or disperse or scatter or spread or grow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to jump about or jump all over the place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch or catch onto someone or something firmly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fast or quick in being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or household or support or following or party or tribe or circle or community or organisation or company or country or place or dwelling or home or abode in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to interact or participate or socialise or intermingle or mix or take part in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fight or go to war with one another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause rift or divide or dissention or difference or conflict between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pull or drag or attract or stretch something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather together or compose or combine or become harmonised or organised or regulated in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move from branch to branch or place to place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give up one thing and take up another thing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to gain exclusive control or ownership or possession of or seek monopoly or influence over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become possessive or controlling freak in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek or try to expand one’s influence or control in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to manipulate or handle or utilize or exploit or choreograph or engineer or direct or guide someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, claws, fast running stead or horse, folding and stretching of wings by a bird in flight, taking handful of something, drawing in, folding up something, withholding something from something, tradition or custom, constitution or rule of law, precedent or example, institution or building or monument, government offices, educational institutions, paces wherein people teach and learn, administration or management, team or crew, staff, body of something, a governing body of a company or organisation or country, a hierarchy, a management structure, possessions, belongings, properties, qualities, attributes, characteristics, securities, pledges, alliances, contracts, agreements, treaties, promises, declarations, proclamations, handhold, handle, handful, grip, grasp, imitation, image, likeness, impression, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, battle line or something like battle line in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word YABSUT is from roots BAA, SEEN and TWAA and BAA, SWAD and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to broadcast something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to publicise or spread or scatter something widely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support or reach out to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rescue or save or give relief or respite to someone or something from something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to unfold or open up or expose or uncover someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to expand or blow up or explode or inflate or stretch or extend or enlarge or increase something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to raise or uplift or elevate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stretch out or spread out something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set or place someone or something upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attack or ambush or assault or offend someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome or overwhelm or overpower someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to live for others or help others to increase in their capacity or capabilities or grow and prosper in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or shelter or guard or cover or defend or take care of or look after or preserve or confine or imprison or restrict or limit or arrest or restrain or lock up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or patronage or guardianship or breathing space or room for manoeuvring or roof over head or canopy or environment or surrounding or atmosphere in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or tribe or party or team or group or organisation or company or circle or country or place or dwelling or abode in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or separate or boycott or break ties or sever relationships with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or destroy or bite someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or intelligent or cunning or deceptive or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be consistent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch or catch onto someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to brand or mark or label someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a symbol or guide or model in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to erect a building or monument or an institution in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be tall or high in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be visible from a distance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be influential or expert in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be radiant or bright spreading light or light of knowledge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that is vast in some sense eg a person with a large body stature, a wide body of knowledge, a wide expanse or open space, a large body of people, a large crowd of people, a capable person who has capacity to do something as it is supposed to be done, the face of the earth, carpet or something like carpet in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, abundance of something, vastness of something, wide expanse, open outstretched land, something wide or vast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, one who spreads out or stretches something, the act of spreading out or stretching out or broadcasting or publicising, that which is spread or scattered or expanded, magnification of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something outstretched, the widening or enlarging of something, constitution or rule of law, tradition or custom, precedent or example, administration or management, to mark or label or brand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, lighthouse, lamppost, road sign, direction or instruction board, milestone, road traffic signs, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tree or something like tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

246) Why don’t you people reflect upon the chiefs of children of Israel after Moses to learn some lessons? They said to their NABI or prophet, appoint for us a leader to strive for installation of rule of law based upon guidance of Allah. The NABI replied, what if you refuse to strive when you are told to do so? They replied, how can we refuse to strive for the installation of the rule of law of Allah when we have been deprived of our homes and our fundamental human needs and wants? Yet when they were commanded to strive they all refused except a minority of them. That is how Allah makes obvious for the people to see those who contravene His commandments by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

This verse explains the situation of people of Moses after he had passed away ie his people went back to way of life they had adopted before Moses. Why they did that has been explained ie they became lazy regarding maintenance of rule of law of Allah and gradually they lost proper understanding of his book which he sent to Moses. The way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other became their way of life just like Muslims of today and as a result infighting began and some people were driven out of their dwelling places and their possessions were taken away by others of their community. This is how an ummah based upon guidance of Allah breaks down and scatters or disperses or ends up totally destroyed by hands of each other as well as outsiders who are always looking for a chance to get at weaker populations to take them over to rule them. This story is not any different from what has happened to Muslims in this era. However all is not lost because after losing everything some people came to their senses and thought if they could go back to way of life advised by Allah through Moses then they can bring back that sort of life which Moses gave them in his time. Therefore they ask their prophet to appoint a leader for us who could deliver us what we need. However seeing the kind of people most of them were he confronted them saying you are not going to accept my advice so carry on doing what you have been doing and keep facing the consequences. Upon insistence by some sincere people the prophet appoints a leader and as the prophet thought most of them started objecting to the advised leadership. However ultimately they had no choice but to go along with the advice because no other person was as capable as the one that was capable of carrying out the task. This also tells people what kind of leadership people need to go for implementing rule of law of Allah. First quality of a leader is being highly knowledgeable person not a dumb and senseless mullah. However knowledge is not everything rather one should be strong mentally and physically as well so that one could not be undermined by enemy false propaganda against deen of Islam or the Muslim community which is based upon proper guidance of Allah faithfully. If a person is confused that person cannot lead others and likewise a weak person cannot stand pressure which leadership has to face all the time from within the community as well as from the outside. It sho9uld be understood that in deen of Islam no one is ruler other than God himself who rules by means of his revealed guidance. Therefore leadership does not mean rulership over people instead all people are bound by the constitution based upon guidance of Allah into a brotherhood. However all people in the brotherhood are not identical rather they are different from each other because some have some qualities better developed in them than others therefore they are better suited for the tasks involved as already explained in detail. So the ummah is supposed to put in administration or management the best people it has available to it at any given time in any given place. Administration is appointed by the ummah through mutual consultation and once administration is in place it has to carry out the agenda of the ummah and not agenda of its own members in order to control the ummah. It is ummah that is supposed to be in control of things within ummah always in light of the Quran and ground realities. Deen of Islam based ruling system is bottom up not top down whereby human populations are controlled by establishments to fulfil agendas of ruling elite or money lenders or mullahs. The main difference between an Islamic government and nonIslamic government is the constitution and the laws that are based upon guidelines of Allah for fulfilling mission of Allah using his program for his set goals. This is why it matters not whether people live in tribal societies or any other societies because foundation is goals and guidelines of Allah not just people and real world realities, so each and every one of them has to be fully consistent with all the rest of them to be accepted as a valid rule of law of Allah. This is why rule of law of Allah cannot be used abusively by mankind against each other unless there take place some human errors which are impossible to eliminate. Anyhow the purpose of administration in deen of Islam is to manage people and resources as well as means of production and distribution to ensure well being of the proper human community as explained already. The purpose of administration is not to rule people by iron fist so that people could be used abusively to fulfil agenda of a human ruler. This verse is talking about chiefs of Bani Israel because it is these chiefs who changed the way of life of their people from deen of Islam to their self invented way of life. Now these chiefs do not want to work as a part of brotherhood as bothers of rest of people rather they still want to be chiefs but they are rebuked or told off. As the saying goes, bad habits die hard. Nonetheless sincere people support the mission of Allah and rest are left to themselves to do as they see fit for themselves. It is because people who are not sincere they walk out the minute they need to make sacrifices for the mission of assigned by Allah to make it a success. These people simply want to dominate others by undermining them and that is why they look for positions of power whereby they proves they are not true to the mission assigned by Allah. A person who is truly sincere to mission of Allah never believes in dominating others or in undermining them because it is his mission to live for others and not to manipulate others for personal agendas at the expense of others. So one can clearly see how clear cut is message of God for mankind as to how they should live in this world ie as a brotherhood of humanity based upon guidance of Allah.

Word MALAI is from root MEEM, LAAM and ALIF. Concrete meaning of this root is to be powerful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be rich or wealthy or affluent or comfortable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be noble or honourable or respectable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fill or fill up something to its full capacity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or wealth or honour or respect or nobility or influence or leadership or capacity or life of ease or luxury or comfort in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to connive or plot or conspire or scheme or plan or trick or deceive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collude or collaborate or cabal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disregard or overlook or pardon or forgive or ignore or avoid or excuse in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be crafty or artful or manipulative or devious or cunning or treacherous or duplicitous or foxy or unprincipled or disingenuous or unscrupulous or Machiavellian in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to support or back up or reinforce or assist someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become full or filled or filled up in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become enough or sufficient in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fill a ditch or gap or space or vacuum with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gang up on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surfeit or over feed or overfill or stuff or satiate or gorge or cram someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer from overconsumption or overindulgence or overdose in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to oversupply or supply in abundance or in excess in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause avalanche or deluge or flooding or overflow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sicken or nauseate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a stomachful or bellyful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be of good character in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fill something with something fully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause damage or harm or death or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause sorrow or sadness or unhappiness or regret or grief in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shed tears or blood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give life to someone or something or be life giving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wet or drench or soak or bathe or wash someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drive or urge or push or move or encourage or motivate or inspire someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to approach or reach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to govern or rule someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, leadership of a human population, consultation, mutual consultation or mutual consultation between a group of leading people, an amount or quantity of something that is sufficient to fill up something or a requirement in some sense, something that fills a gap or serves some purpose, a party or group, cream of the crop, top people or things, ruling elite, wealthy people, people who have much more than what they need, affluent people, people who control land and resources or means of production and distribution, administrators or managers, chiefs, heads of various departments, secular or religious leadership or following as opposed to proper human community based upon guidance of Allah, kings or emperors, powerful people who are taken as rulers or authority, ability, volume, nobles or notables, noticeable or high profile people or things, groups of people, pleasing sight, good quality or attribute or character, outer garments, the filling capacity of something, something sufficient in dimension to fill something, the elite, elders of a community, assembly, gathering, council, courtiers, counsellors, a fluid situation or changing circumstances, something that flows or runs or drips or causes floods, bloodshed, war, something that destroys something in some sense, prosperity or abundance, energy, something life giving or inspiring or motivating, spear or dot or arrow, God, revelation of God, authority, jurisdiction, staff, bull, ox head, something that has capacity or ability for some purpose, guide, leader, commander, community, leader of a community, the potential in something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something, the elite, people in positions of power, people who have all that they need, rulers, money lenders, priests or mullahs, chiefs, surfeit, capacity, groups of people, the filling capacity of something, sufficient in quantity or dimension to fill something, the ruling elite, the elders, assembly, gathering, council, fluid, flowing, something inspiring or motivating, bull or something like a bull in some sense, staff, crew, team, governing body of a unit or company or organisation or a country, administration or management, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

When a community goes to sleep and goes downhill sometimes some people in it wake up and start looking for ways to reverse the situation. The first thing they need to reverse situation is community spirit which needs to be rekindled. The divine revelation is the only thing that can do that because it gives a people proper goals and guidelines for unity and encouragement and confidence to work together through trusting each other and helping each other. But not all have sense to see this so people need to be educated to this level and once they become aware then there is nothing to stop them from striving for united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous life.
247) Yet controversy between them began when their prophet told them Allah has appointed Taaloot to be your leader. The chiefs replied, how can he be fit for position of leadership when some of us are more deserving than him to be in position of leadership because he does not have abundance of things of need? The NABI said, Allah has chosen him instead of you because He has found him blessed with sense of proper understanding of His guidance and a wide range of issues relating state affairs and due to being solid in character because he acts on what he promises. That is how Allah grants His kingdom to whoever thinks and acts to take it, for Allah decides matters according to results of peoples’ thoughts and actions.

Here the Quran completely negates the idea of separation between rule of law of God and running of the business of the state or kingdom. It is because kingdom is given under control of any people who work towards it and not in control of those who do not work for having a kingdom for themselves to administer or manage their own affairs according to their own wishes. The case is same for people who claim to be followers of guidance from Allah ie kingdom is also given to them only if they work towards it. This means mullahs talk nonsense when they take deen of Islam for a religious nonsense. The Quran wants Muslims to bring about an ummah and maintain it in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. This is why if Muslims are not working for ummah or kingdom then they are not following deen of Islam as they should therefore they are Muslims only in the name.

A very important note about root BAA, SEEN and TWAA is that it also uses root BAA, SWAAD and TWAA eg words like YABSUT or BASTATAN are used as markers in the Quranic text which tells us the Quranic text was copied of written copies and was not dictated out of memory of those who memorised the Quran. It is because these words are written with two different letters ie SEEN and SWAD. In each place in all copies of the Quran SEEN is written in the same place and SWAD is written in the same place eg see 2/245 and 13/26 or 2/247 and 7/169 etc. Just like ALIF is missing in ISM of BISMILLAH in the first verse of the Quran but it is present in other place eg in surah 96/1. Just like BISMILLAH verse is missing in surah 9. If the Quran was collected after the death of the messenger of Allah then it had to be left to people to collect and due to all that was going on at the time a lot could have gone wrong with it. A clear evidence of the fact that the Quran has been preserved in all its essential aspects eg reading, writing, words, concepts and meanings etc etc. No book has been preserved this carefully as the Quran despite lack of means at the time to do it.

Word JISM is from root JEEM, SEEN and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become large in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be or become great in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to select or elect or choose someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to undertake something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be adorable or attractive or beautiful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be permanent or durable or tough or strong in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be tall or high in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to walk on foot in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to carry weight or responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be hard working or be a beast of burden in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or bite or consume or destroy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or intelligent or cunning or tricky or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be consistent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be white or bright or shining in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be life giving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shed tears or blood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding or disaster or calamity or catastrophe or death and destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause abundant rain or prosperity or bring forth greenery in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have comfortable or easy or luxurious life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, body, bulk, stature, structure, skeleton, elephant, donkey, mule, horse, lorry, ship, aeroplane, something that can carry weight or burden, framework, infrastructure, organs, limbs, strength, exaggeration, intention, body of information or knowledge or wisdom, governing body, physical body, ideological body, a body of people or water, a solid thing, something in liquid form, a shape or form, a statue, an idol, a group of people or animals, physical constitution of something, wise people, something that exists in reality, difficulties or problems or hardships, constitution of a company or an organisation or association or a country or kingdom, constitutional or legal framework, constituent parts of something, parts of which something is made or comprised of, tradition or custom, constitution or rule of law, precedent or example, revelation of God, guidance of God, energy or force, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses are explaining what leadership is all about in the Quranic context and what people need to be like who are supposed to be supporters of the leadership so that the set out objectives could be achieved. Again mullahs are under serious criticism because they have turned ummah into useless people. This is why it lacks qualities of leadership in its people as well as qualities of supporters of proper leadership. All because mullahs have taken ummah away from the lessons of the Quran.

248) Furthermore their prophet told them the proof of his proper appointment as a leader is that he will bring forth of you such a group of people in which will be the ability to carry out commandments of your Creator and Sustainer with confidence, thus will be restored that which the people of Moses and the people of Aaron left behind a duty to be carried out by the people charged with carrying out the mission. Surely therein is an advice for you if you are truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.

This verse is explaining the quality of a proper leadership which is taking all people along who believe in the mission properly and faithfully and the reason is fulfilment of mission is not possible without all people involved supporting the mission fully. This is why ummah cannot afford to be controversial regarding the God assigned mission. This is why proper understanding of the message of God is a first and foremost thing and then carrying out the mission with full support of each other. This is why carrying out mission of Allah is an individual task when there is no ummah as well as a team work for the ummah when the ummah comes about ie it is matter of individuals doing individual related tasks and teams doing team related works. This is why the leader appointed in this verse chooses a team to carry out a team work.

Word TAABOOT is from roots TAA, BAA and TAA; TAA, BAA and HAA; TAA, WOW and BAA; SAA, WOW and BAA: TAA, ALIF, BAA, WOW and TAA. This root has been explained already.

Word BAQIYYAH is from root BAA, QAAF and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to continue in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose Also to survive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stay or remain behind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to last or endure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to spare someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to survive someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lag behind someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be the remainder or residue of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wait in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or guard or preserve or defend or cover or cover up or wrap up or confine or imprison or restrict or limit or constrict or arrest or rescue or save or secure or take care of or support or reinforce or back up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or refuge or sanctuary or patronage or guardianship or care or hospitality or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or roof over head or canopy or umbrella in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or following or party or group or circle or company or organisation or association or country or kingdom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or separate or sever ties with or break relationship with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to partition or create differences or disputes or rifts or dissentions or divisions or fights or wars between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to copy or imitate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be image of likeness of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to jump about or all over the place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move from one thing to another one place to another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hang or latch or catch onto someone something firmly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collect or gather or assemble people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to compose or harmonise people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to organise or regulate people in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ability to reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or grip or control or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a hand or be instrumental or involved in something happening in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bend or twist or turn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or envelope or overpower or overcome or overwhelm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have grasp over or understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, that which outlasts, that which endures, that which continues, endurance, continuance, trace, clue, evidence, sign, relic, memento, remnant, something left behind, legacy, inheritance, results or outcomes of works that ensure well being of mankind, whatever is left behind, the rest of whatever is gone which is still around, to remain the same as something originally was, to not to undergo any change or alteration, permanent values, laws of nature, monument, symbol, institution, building, community or society, social structure or structuring, constitution or rule of law, tradition or custom, precedent or example, something that moves from branch to branch, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TAHMILUH is from root HAA, MEEM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to sustain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to bear or put up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to refuse to give up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to carry or carry off something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shoulder responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take up something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to refuse to take on responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to depart in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deviate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move away from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to break something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to breach something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fracture something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to violate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to transgress or go overboard in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stray in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go off the track in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to upset or caused to be upset in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dispute with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to contravene something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tear something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rupture something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to puncture something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or become pregnant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or carry a baby in the womb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fail to carry out a duty or responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to terminate pregnancy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fail or refuse to become pregnant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to conceive something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attack someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to charge someone with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drive away someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard or preserve or defend or rescue or save or contain or support or back up or reinforce or assist or imprison or confine or arrest or constrict or restrict or limit or take care of or watch or holdback or prevent or hide or cover or wrap up or cover up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put up wall or partition or hurdle or barrier or difficulty or trouble or hardship in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or boycott someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause divide or dispute or rift or dissention or difference or fight or war between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to forebear endure something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be foolish or stupid or dumb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lack in intelligence or sense of making proper sense of things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to resist someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to impede someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to incur something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to commit something or to something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to assume responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to undertake something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide a mount for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to load something upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lay something upon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to burden someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to store something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be borne or lifted up in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be uplifted up or raised high in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be alleviated in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be lifted off in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be charge with responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bear along something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to conspire to cause rift or divide in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to spread false information about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move or shift someone from one’s place or position in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lift one from one’s place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather stuff for opposition in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to destroy or annihilate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to breach the trust of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gather livelihood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hoard things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to urge or push or encourage or move or motivate or inspire or drive or pressurise or compel or force someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rebuke someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to force someone to run away or flee, in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fruit or bear fruit in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to produce an outcome or effect in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become or get angry in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have an easy or comfortable or luxurious life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a life full of excitement or happiness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shed tears or blood or cause death and destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause plenty or heavy rain or flooding or disaster or calamity or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run or overflow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to break through or overcome barriers or troubles or difficulties or hurdles in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, monthly period of women, load, rift, gap, discrepancy, conflict, miscarriage, abortion, a lamb, a camel’s litter, child during pregnancy, period of pregnancy, professional carrier, weight or load one carries in some sense, burden or responsibility, liability, duty, obligation, pregnancy, having sense of responsibility, being aware of responsibility, shelter, limitation, something that gives life to something in some way or maintains it, constitution or rule of law that helps prolong life, something that fulfils some need or purpose, drives or motivating force, moving or travelling, keeping up with a set standard, a donkey or camel or elephant or mule or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like an ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse tells us when a divine messenger comes to a people and puts them on the proper course of actions called ADDEEN, sometime after him his people become slack and lose track and sense of purpose of things so things start going wrong till they reach a point where at it is for people themselves to do or die. However, if they do instead of die then first thing they do is work on their unity to be a proper community and then work together to restore divine rule that gives them a dignified life once more till they repeat the mistakes. The verse also explains how leadership selects its team for the set out task. So leader has to be highly knowledgeable person.

249) So when TaaLoot began to gather his forces to educate and train them, he lectured his forces saying, Allah will guide you safely through sea of fire of hatred and bloodshed among yourselves for personal gains at the expense of each other, so anyone who will take part in hatred and bloodshed among us for personal gains at the expense of each other in future will cease to be part of my forces but anyone who will not participate in hatred and bloodshed among ourselves for personal gains at the expense of each other will be part of my forces but exception is made for anyone from among us who may use his influence to persuade people in opposing groups away from way of life based upon hatred and bloodshed for personal gains at the expense of each other. However despite all this explaining when it came to class and creed based sectarian infighting for personal gains at the expense of each other all participated therein save a minority of them. For this reason when he and those who claimed to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind with him crossed this river of fire of hatred and bloodshed safely some of them said that we have no strength left by this day to fight against Goliath and his warriors but those who were more knowledgeable and more committed to working along with him for mission of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind who knew they will have to match the standard set by Allah replied, it has often happened that a small group through support of guidance of Allah has overcome a mighty army. That is how Allah inspires with ideas those who educate and train themselves to be steadfast.

Word JUNOOD is from JEEM, NOON and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is to be tough in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be solid in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be strong in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enlist a fighting force in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to muster a force in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be tall or high or large in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be permanent or durable or lasting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be trustable or reliable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be adorable or attractive or symmetrical or properly balanced or beautiful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to carry out an obligation or discharge a responsibility in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a beast of burden in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or energetic or lively in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be smooth or regular or even or harmonious or consistent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be illusive or elusive or tricky or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be quick acting or fast moving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put barriers or hurdles or difficulties or problems in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove hurdles or difficulties in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ways and means to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create ways and means for being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be poor or lack things of need in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have tough time in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to face adverse situation or a set of circumstances in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to walk on foot in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to swim or float in water or air or space in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, troop/s, force/s, host/s, army, helper/s, supporter/s, thick rocky land, companions or supporters or helpers, colleagues, members of the team, crew, staff, a body of people, a people belonging to same circle or organisation or association or family or tribe or party or group, soldier/s, fighting force, muddy or mud coloured or mud stones, gathered or assembled people or crowd, gathered or assembled things, forces of nature, laws of nature, set up systems or structures, procedures or practices, organised and regulated people or things, thoughts or actions, ideas or practices, forces of universal nature, permanent or long lasting values or principles or precepts, controlled entry or exit, way through to someone or something, formula, way/s of life, trick/s or technique/s, something uneven or irregular or rough or coarse, blockages, hardships, poverty, something that exists or survives in water or air or in space, horse, mule or donkey, elephant, earth moving equipments or machines, load carrying machines, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word IGHTARAF is from root GHAIN, RAA and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to scoop something with hand or scoop in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to stop or end something by force in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bend or twist or turn something by force in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bend or turn or twist people or things round in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to persuade someone or something to not to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to convince or bring someone or something round to accepting or rejecting an idea or action or practice in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prevent someone from carrying out one’s plot or plan or scheme in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn away or prevent someone from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dip and convey or pass on something with or in ladle or as if with ladle in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use something bent or curved to take something out of a container in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take something out of something using a purpose made hooked spoon or some sort of mechanical linkage or leverage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use some way to get out of a troubling situation which is considered inappropriate under normal circumstances, to break out of the house to get out of it instead of using the proper door for some reason, to take special measures under special circumstances in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or break someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to break hair on the forehead in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to draw water from a container using hand by curving it like a scoop, to improvise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be caught unprepared in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to contrive or devise or concoct something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make do something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be tall and thin in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep going in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep running or working in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep going or moving forward with time in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep modifying people or things or keep making improvements in people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or grip or control or jurisdiction or influence over people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have ability to reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gossip or talk or spread rumours about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or accuse someone or something falsely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow or whistle or blow horn or warn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow up or explode or expand or inflate or enlarge or explain or detail or extend or stretch something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause disputes or dissentions or rifts or differences or fights or wars between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause gaps or gulfs or distances or holes or breaks or intervals or boycotts or isolations between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or use or consume someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rule or administer or manage or handle or lead or guide or instruct someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or bend or twist or turn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand guard over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a false claim or allegation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to talk nonsense in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deceive or cheat someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to debate or discuss about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to combat or contend with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or contemplate or ponder over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever or sharp or deceptive or tricky or cunning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or overwhelm or comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to perceive or imagine or visualise or dream about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deviate or stray or transgress, to be criminal or wicked, to inflict harm or destruction or damage, to rebel or go against or beyond limits, to be lacking in judgement, to make fool of, to forget or ignore or avoid or neglect, to drown or submerge, to be in debt, to glue or stick, to tempt or incite or rouse, to spin, to be young, to be tender, to veil, to be dark or cause to be dark, to become full, to be deep and narrow, a well with its water level in level with its mouth, a room above ground level, places of honour, fast moving camel/s, elevated places or positions, mansions, palaces, multi story buildings, high rise flats, heights, evolutionary steps, standard or stage or platform, a running stream full of fresh and pleasant water, something plentiful or in abundance, prosperity, ease of livelihood, water well, help and support, a pleasant sight, command and control centre, administration, management, leadership, ruling elite, mouth or something like a mouth in some sense, gap, distance between two things or points, something drawn from something using hand or scoop, a stream that has plenty of water, something unplanned or unrehearsed or unscripted or spontaneous, something not premeditated or studied or arranged, makeshift, an emergency or an emergency measure, something ad hoc or temporary or short term, a very small measure or amount or quantity, interim, interval, interlude, meanwhile or meantime or for the time being, just now, administration or management, constitution or rule of law, tradition or custom, precedent or example, model, way of life, leadership, command and control centre, central nervous system, ruling elite, chiefdom, kingship or emperorship, top or best people or things, cream of the crop, cloud of dust or something like cloud of dust in some sense, smoke or mist or steam, poverty or famine or devastation, something twisted or bent or deceptive, wrapper or covering or shelter or protection, scum or debris, puddle of rainwater, heavy rain, time between breaking of dawn and rising of the sun, the setting of the sun or evening, the future, west, to be foolish or inexperienced, illusion, gazelle or sheep or goat or something alike or similar in some sense, spindle or yarn, tall and narrow structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word JAAWAZAH is from root JEEM, WOW and ZAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to cross a river in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to land across a river safely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to solve problems successfully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to journey beyond a reference point in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, the new beginning, to progress beyond a point on a journey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go further from a point in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave something behind when on a journey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move on in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to separate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to depart in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to forgive one’s wrong doings in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or boycott someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to over look one’s mistakes or wrong doings in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut something in the middle in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut one way with another in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cross someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to traverse in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to allow or approve something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pass off something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help someone or something cross something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pardon someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disregard someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to reward or award someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pass by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to leave someone or something behind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go further in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pass over something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pass over someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cross a sea of problems in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to solve or overcome a huge problem or a huge number of problems in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to offer a huge number of solutions for some problem in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cross a bridge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put something behind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to resolve the differences or disputes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mend rifts or broken relationships or severed ties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to repair fractures in people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go through middle or centre of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be adorable or symmetrical or properly balanced or beautiful or properly proportioned in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be tough or strong or solid or durable or lasting or permanent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be trustable or reliable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a beast of burden in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to shoulder a responsibility or carry out an obligation or discharge a duty in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to act as a base or foundation for someone something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach or catch up or link up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring together people or things to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create a communication network between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked or cunning or tricky or cunning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, the middle or centre of something, the high way, donation, gift, present, things needed for the journey, crossroads, beam, crossing, prize, conjunction, and, or, plus, add on, additional, addendum, addition, increase, arrows, guns, spears, fighter jets, rocket launchers, musical instruments, artistic tools, atomic bombs, weapons of war, donkeys, mules, horses, elephants, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tool or weapon or instrument or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word FIH is from root FAA, ALIF and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to split open someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to cause cleavage to appear in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause a sharp division or difference or rift or difference or gap or gulf or distance to appear or become exposed between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to open up or share one’s life experience with others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become confident or trusting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brave or courageous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cooperate or work together as a team in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to share opinions with each other or consult each other over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to expose someone or something or become exposed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a hollow between breasts of a woman, a gap or gulf or distance between dunes or hills or mountains or towers, party, company, faction, portion, group of people, host, family, clan, tribe, community, team or crew, staff, governing body, organisation or association or circle, army, fighting force or company, reinforcement, a fighting force that is used as a back up or as a second line of defence in case front line fighting force is forced to retreat by the enemy, a people who assemble to discuss and debate things for a united front about someone or something, to gossip or talk or spread rumours about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or accuse someone or something falsely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow or whistle or blow horn or warn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow up or explode or expand or inflate or enlarge or explain or detail or extend or stretch something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause disputes or dissentions or rifts or differences or fights or wars between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause gaps or gulfs or distances or holes or breaks or intervals or boycotts or isolations between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or use or consume someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach or catch up or link up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring together people or things to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create a communication network between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked or cunning or tricky or cunning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a hand or be instrumental or involved in something occurring happening in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bend or twist or turn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or envelope or overpower or overcome or overwhelm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have grasp over or understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to govern or rule someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to learn or teach something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a priest or rabbi or mullah or guru or a religious leader, to be a teacher or a student in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to organise and regulate people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act or work as one or as a unit in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, God, ox, bull, staff, governing body of an organisation or country or company or a group of people or things, revelation or revealed guidance of God, power, strength, unity, cooperation, coordination, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word GHALABAT is from root GHAIN, LAAM and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to grab someone or something with thick and long neck by the neck very strongly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to overwhelm or overpower or overcome someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to defeat or humble or humiliate or disgrace someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to undermine or bring down someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dominate or influence someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become undermined or influenced or defeated by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shadow or be shadowed by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to win or triumph or prevail over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to subdue or vanquish or defeat someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be victorious over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be leafy and full of branches in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make progress and be prosperous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to control or occupy something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to oppress or suppress someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome problems or difficulties or obstacles or hurdles or barriers in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or urge or push or move or drive or motivate or inspire or exhort someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or equipment or implements or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard or hide or cover or preserve or defend or imprison or take care of or watch or rescue or save or restrict or confine or limit or shelter or house someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with patronage or guardianship or care or hospitality or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or roof over head or canopy or umbrella or refuge or sanctuary or protection or support or backing or reinforcement in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or boycott or break ties with or sever relationships with or cut off links or connections with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or party or circle or association or organisation or group or place or following or company or companionship in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put up barriers or hurdles or walls or obstacles or difficulties or problems in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be thin and lofty, to deviate or stray or transgress, to be criminal or wicked, to inflict harm or destruction or damage, to rebel or go against or beyond limits, to be lacking in judgement, to deceive or cheat or make fool of, to forget or ignore or avoid or neglect, to be foolish or inexperienced, to scoop water up, to drown or submerge, to be in debt, to glue or stick, to tempt or incite or rouse, to spin, to strive or seek or invade, to wash or clear dirt, to conceal or hide, to fall unconscious or lose awareness or attention or faint, to be overcome or overwhelm, to take by force or extort, to be angry, to frown, to be affluent, to be young, to be tender, to veil, to be dark or cause to be dark, to become full, to forgive, to be full of branches, to be thick and long, to defeat or triumph over, to be gross or strong or thick, to be firm, to seal, to close or shut, to shackle, to confiscate or defraud, to be excessive, to grudge, to squeeze, to examine, to probe for defects, to be obscure, to acquire, to be able to do something without others, to call for help or to go for help, to disappear, to dive under water, to dig, to kill by stealth, to deprive or intoxicate, to go where no one has gone before, to travel through unchartered land, to examine carefully, to be incomprehensible, to be a strange character, to take away by force, to impose upon, to control, to be on one’s own, to not to need anyone for one’s existence, to be independent, to be self reliant or self sufficient, to call for assistance or go to the aid of, to disappear or vanish, to go under water, to dive into the sea of knowledge, to kill by deception or stealth, to intoxicate with something in some sense, to be mad with power, to dig a ditch or hole in some sense for some purpose, to lure or mislead or seduce or err or stray, to vanish or disappear, to rain, to relieve or ease, to modify or change or interchange or replace or alter, to envy or be jealous or zealous, to be without, to exclude, to do without, thicket or bush, to abate or dwindle or recede or diminish or shrink, to fail or fall short of, to fail to grow or prosper, to rage or enrage or infuriate or incense or vex or be angry or furious. to search or reach for something, to visit frequently, to suffer an overwhelming calamity or disaster or catastrophe, to wrap up, to hide, to keep secret, to deceive, to cheat, to bend round something, to mould or shape, to trick, to entangle or trap, something luscious, something highly pleasing to taste or smell, something richly satisfying or appealing to the mind or senses, good poetry, delicious food or drink, luscious fruit, luscious woman, a person with strong sexual appeal, a piece of land full of thick trees with abounding leaves and thick branches, thick and long neck, a strong tree full of leaves and branches, a garden full of thick trees, a person with hunchback, someone who cannot stand tall rather falls to one side, a tree full of fruit whose branches bend downwards due to weight, a person who is biased or inclines to one side, prejudice, discrimination, cloud of dust or something like cloud of dust in some sense, smoke or mist or steam, poverty or famine or devastation, something twisted or bent or deceptive, wrapper or covering or shelter or protection, chaos or confusion or lawlessness or disorder or anarchy, scum or debris, puddle of rainwater, heavy rain, time between breaking of dawn and rising of the sun, the setting of the sun or evening, the future, west, illusion, gazelle or sheep or goat or something alike or similar in some sense, spindle or yarn, evening dusk or haziness, extreme cold, darkness of the night, puss or fluid, treachery or animosity, lowlands, valley, institutions, monuments, buildings, structures, constitution, rule of law, tradition, custom, precedent, example, administration, management, governing body, government, tall and narrow structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In this verse it is made very clear that for a people to be a proper human community and to defend itself against inside and outside enemies, it has to be first united within and that means all divisions within itself must be given up and that is impossible without revelation of God and its proper understanding and faithful following. However once the unity is achieved then fighting outside enemies is not a problem because confident people who are fighting for a cause that is worth it cannot be defeated no matter what. A great lesson for those who claim to follow the Quran that first they must unite among themselves with help of proper understanding of the Quran and its faithful following. This also shows what the basic purpose of guidance from God is ie to unite mankind and unity between people cannot come about unless needs and wants of people are met and needs and wants of people cannot be met unless they organise and regulate themselves into a proper human community and work together as one people for producing and distributing sufficient amount of goods and services that are able to satisfy proper needs and wants of all people in the community. When a people are driven out of their lands or places then such people need to put together whatever they can any way they can in order to get back whatever they can in order to survive. If they do not succeed in doing that then they will not survive. This is why such people are not restricted to play the game by rules because rules only apply where opposing people agree on some rules of some game and the rules suit both of them for their survival. Rules that are totally biased in favour of one party but are totally against the other they are no rules at all because they need to be enforced by force by one party upon the other which ensures dominance of one party over the other at least. Therefore all rules or rules of law by anyone are false that oppose human brotherhood and impose master slave relationship between mankind. This is why people should question their understanding of the Quran and see if it works when they deliver the message to those who have not yet received it as such. The whole struggle for the kingdom based upon the Quran is based on learning knowledge and spreading that knowledge so if Muslims will be successful in proper understanding of the Quran then it will not take long to convince sensible people in the opposite camp. It is because either you have a solid common base or you do not. If you have it then others will be forced by reason to come and join you and if you do not have it then see who has it and go and join him because that is the only sensible thing one can do for the good of oneself and others. It is because there is no sense whatsoever in anyone holding onto falsehood and causing problems for rest of human populations. This is why the Quran tells Muslims to tell others let us come to common terms. As people will argue what common goals and guidelines should be for all human beings to live by, the Quran will become alive and prove its worth because this is the only book that teaches people to be and to do and to have and to use people and things systematically and methodically in a way that ensures well being of mankind as a whole.

250) So it happened that when they advanced to face Goliath and his warriors they said, our Creator and sustainer! Fill our hearts with courage thereby make our steps firm and that way help us against the people who reject and oppose living by Your program, goals and guidelines and declare wars against it.

Word BARAZOO is from root BAA, RAA and ZAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to go out in the open in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to defecate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use a place as a toilet in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to evacuate or empty ones’ bowels in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to piss or urinate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to appear or be or become visible or obvious in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become a reality in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become clearly manifest in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become separated or isolated from the alike people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to contend for someone or something with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek or ask or demand or request for a contender in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to discuss or debate or dispute or argue about someone or something with someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fight or go to war with someone over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek out a rival in a contest in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rise above others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to beat others in a contest of some sort in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become influential or effective in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be noticeable or high profile in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be prominent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to outdo others in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enter in duel with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to demonstrate or show or make something obvious to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help someone make sense of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be shown something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone understand something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become bare or naked or stripped in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bare bones in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be totally stripped of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be skint in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be naked in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be as something is or original in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in raw or natural state of existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to discharge something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or guard or protect or shelter or watch or back up or reinforce or save or rescue or confine or imprison or restrict or limit or isolate or separate or hide or veil or cover up or wrap up or cover or stand in place of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with house or care or looking after or guardianship or patronage or refuge or sanctuary or room to manoeuvre or space to breathe or roof over head or canopy or environment or atmosphere or surrounding or umbrella in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or party or group or company or circle or association or organisation or society or community or following in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to boycott or sever ties or relationships with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever or sharp or cunning or tricky or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or grip or jurisdiction or control over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand or encompass or envelope someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or implements or equipment or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, raw material, a levelled plain area with nothing to cover its surface, an open land, the one who stands out, the one who is totally obvious or visible completely, the one who is completely in view or sight, family, following, support, assistance, constitution, rule of law, tradition, custom, sanctuary, protection, shelter, cover, leadership, ruling elite, top part or section of something, command and control centre, central nervous system, management, administration, an instrument or something instrumental in some sense, something useful or valuable in some way, a vast open space where there are no trees or obstacles, urine, faeces, rejects, a place to dump or throw refuse in, a place to throw rejects in, oppressed people who rise up against their oppressors, the outcome of thoughts and actions, consequences, arrows, spears guns, fighter jets, rockets, musical instruments, agricultural implements, earth moving or building equipments, war machines, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tool or weapon or instrument or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word AFRIGH is from root FAA, RAA and GHAIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to be vacant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be empty in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be free of or from any engagement in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be at the very bottom of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disengage from everything to pay attention to something in particular or specifically in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let something flow or continue in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be free of concern in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become devoid of patience in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become bewildered in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn a container upside down in order to empty it out fully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pour out something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become impatient or troubled or agitated in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be unemployed or idle or unoccupied or disengaged in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be free in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to finish something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be devoted or dedicated to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take leisure or rest in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to complete an assignment in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become free of tasks in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to free oneself of all duties or engagements or responsibilities in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grant or bestow something to or upon someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to vouchsafe someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to spread rumours or slander or backbite someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accuse someone or something falsely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to raise false claim or allegation against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deceive or cheat or mislead someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to conspire or plot or scheme against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to destroy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deal with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn a bucket upside down to empty it of water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give maximum needed help and support to someone or something to do something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become fully involved or agitated or active in doing something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have maximum patience or endurance in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fully steadfast in being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have full courage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand up fully to do something or decide on doing something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold nothing back in giving help or support to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take a stand and deliver someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take on a responsibility and fulfil it completely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to defend against someone or something with full force and courage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to resist and endure the hardship and difficulty fully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fight or attack resistance with full effort or force to overcome it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to concentrate or be fully focused on an issue or a task or goal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pay attention to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to focus on doing something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be deserted or desolate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be unoccupied in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be thin and lofty, to deviate or stray or transgress, to be criminal or wicked, to inflict harm or destruction or damage, to rebel or go against or beyond limits, to be lacking in judgement, to deceive or cheat or make fool of, to forget or ignore or avoid or neglect, to be foolish or inexperienced, to scoop water up, to drown or submerge, to be in debt, to glue or stick, to tempt or incite or rouse, to spin, to strive or seek or invade, to wash or clear dirt, to conceal or hide, to fall unconscious or lose awareness or attention or faint, to be overcome or overwhelm, to take by force or extort, to be angry, to frown, to be affluent, to be young, to be tender, to veil, to be dark or cause to be dark, to become full, to forgive, to be full of branches, to be thick and long, to defeat or triumph over, to be gross or strong or thick, to be firm, to seal, to close or shut, to shackle, to confiscate or defraud, to be excessive, to grudge, to squeeze, to examine, to probe for defects, to be obscure, to acquire, to be able to do something without others, to call for help or to go for help, to disappear, to dive under water, to dig, to kill by stealth, to deprive or intoxicate, to go where no one has gone before, to travel through unchartered land, to examine carefully, to be incomprehensible, to be a strange character, to take away by force, to impose upon, to control, to be on one’s own, to not to need anyone for one’s existence, to be independent, to be self reliant or self sufficient, to call for assistance or go to the aid of, to disappear or vanish, to go under water, to dive into the sea of knowledge, to kill by deception or stealth, to intoxicate with something in some sense, to be mad with power, to dig a ditch or hole in some sense for some purpose, to lure or mislead or seduce or err or stray, to vanish or disappear, to rain, to relieve or ease, to modify or change or interchange or replace or alter, to envy or be jealous or zealous, to be without, to exclude, to do without, thicket or bush, to abate or dwindle or recede or diminish or shrink, to fail or fall short of, to fail to grow or prosper, to rage or enrage or infuriate or incense or vex or be angry or furious. to search or reach for something, to visit frequently, to suffer an overwhelming calamity or disaster or catastrophe, to wrap up, to hide, to keep secret, to deceive, to cheat, to bend round something, to mould or shape, to trick, to entangle or trap, something luscious, something highly pleasing to taste or smell, something richly satisfying or appealing to the mind or senses, good poetry, delicious food or drink, luscious fruit, luscious woman, a person with strong sexual appeal, a piece of land full of thick trees with abounding leaves and thick branches, thick and long neck, a strong tree full of leaves and branches, a garden full of thick trees, a person with hunchback, someone who cannot stand tall rather falls to one side, a tree full of fruit whose branches bend downwards due to weight, a person who is biased or inclines to one side, prejudice, discrimination, cloud of dust or something like cloud of dust in some sense, smoke or mist or steam, poverty or famine or devastation, something twisted or bent or deceptive, wrapper or covering or shelter or protection, chaos or confusion or lawlessness or disorder or anarchy, scum or debris, puddle of rainwater, heavy rain, time between breaking of dawn and rising of the sun, the setting of the sun or evening, the future, west, illusion, gazelle or sheep or goat or something alike or similar in some sense, spindle or yarn, evening dusk or haziness, extreme cold, darkness of the night, puss or fluid, treachery or animosity, lowlands, valley, the opening end of a container from which it is emptied, the bottom end of something, a large pond or pool or container made of animal hide or skin, wasteland, space, emptiness, width, deserted, desolate, unused, useless, gap, gulf, distance, difference between two points or things in some sense, central nervous system, brain, command and control centre, intelligence, leadership, administration, management, top part of section of something, wasteland, space, emptiness, width, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense , tall and narrow structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word SABBIT is from root SAA, BAA and TAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to remain in the same state of existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to remain perfect or original in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be permanent or lasting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to establish someone or something firmly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to immobilise someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to captivate or imprison someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stand firm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be fixed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something fast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to anchor or ground someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tie something tightly to stop it from moving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prove something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to transfix someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be constant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be consistent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to set something fast or firmly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make someone or something firm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give firmness to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bolster someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to strengthen someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to confirm or verify something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be steadfast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be free of doubt in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be logical and consistent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold fast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to restrain or restrict or limit someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tie up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take someone or something as captive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be firm or solid in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be stable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sure about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sketch or outline or map out or plan something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a framework or structure or infrastructure about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wash clothes in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hang clothes on a frame or a clothe hanger in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to adorn or equip or prepare or beautify or arm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mould or give shape or form to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard or watch or secure or save or rescue or defend or support or reinforce or back up or shelter or cover or stand in for or cover up or wrap up or veil or constrict or arrest someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prevent or hold someone or something back from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or patronage or guardianship or looking after or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or roof over head or canopy or umbrella or refuge or sanctuary in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or boycott or sever ties with or break of relationships or links with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause divisions or rifts or disputes or differences or separations or gaps or gulfs or distances or fights or wars between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to place barriers or walls or hurdles or obstacles or difficulties or troubles or hardships in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or party or group or team or company or circle or association or organisation or society or following in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to belong to same people or place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or envelope someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be outside or inside someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that lasts till its purpose is served, something permanent or lasting, something complete or solid, something free of imperfection or defect, something free of any hole or perforation, a tree or something that is deeply rooted, something that does not crumble or fade away, something that is complete or perfect for its purpose, proof, evidence, solid or best explanation, something that does not move from its place, something that holds its ground, courage, something positive, something that does not bend or break or disintegrate or decompose, something that does not buckle or collapse under pressure, something that does not budge or dislodge from its place or position, an illness that hinders a human being from moving, something that lacks instability, affirmation, an explanation of facts that is logically consistent, something used as evidence that proves a claim, an explanation that stands scrutiny, something that stands the test of time and endures, something that moves or travels at a constant speed, the tie with which camel litter is tied, the tie or belt with which saddle is tied on the back of the horse, a cause that definitely produces an effect, an act that definitely produces a result or an outcome, a thought or an actions that has consequences, something anchored or grounded firmly in something, something that does not fall, something that does not decline or incline in any direction, something properly balanced, something beautiful or adorable or attractive, something unbiased, a bony or rigged structure that gives something its shape, something that makes something what it is, blueprint, scarecrow, constitution or rule of law, tradition or custom, precedent or example, administration or management, power or authority, box, room, chamber, space, volume, capacity or ability, chest, coffin, building, institution, government offices, departments, learning and teaching centre, skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, womb or something like womb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses make it absolutely clear that people based on guidance of Allah are given a mission to accomplish and due to that mission some people with vested personal interests attack them in various ways including declaring actual wars on them. It is for this reason these people are told to prepare well for dealing with all kinds of problems these people may create in response to invitation to way of life taught by Allah. If such reaction was not made necessary then world could have become a jungle and remained that way full of animals in human shapes. So there is need for defending goals and guidelines that are truly beneficial for mankind. This is why missionary struggle is called jihad because it requires very hard work by missionaries of God and it involves loss of human life as well. It is important for people to realise that divide is not only between good and bad or constructive and destructive participation of people with each other but how good or how bad it is, is also of importance. At times it becomes necessary to take steps that are damaging in order to prevent greater loss or damage. It is in a way damage limiting exercise. This is why we may have to kill a person who is hell bent on killing a lot of innocent people in order to save them. The Quran is therefore a book that teaches a practical way of life for mankind rather than nice talk but no substance.
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251) That is how they defeated them by going through education and training program of Allah and David humbled or killed Goliath so Allah gave David the kingdom due to his ability of reasoning things out and taught him all that he wanted to learn to establish the kingdom based upon His guidance. So take note of the fact that if Allah had not kept one people in check through another people then there would have come about total destruction in the world through all sorts of troubles and wars all the time. Such destruction did not happen because Allah has protected nations throughout the world against total destruction by way of this mechanism.

Word HAZAMOO is from root HAA, ZAA and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to use or apply force on something brittle or tough to such degree that it crumbles under pressure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to collapse or disintegrate or decompose or break down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to injure or wound or damage or harm or destroy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to kick in or become operative at some stage in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to etch something in or on something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to write something into or onto something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dig into something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to search or look for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to kill someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fall or fall down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to defeat or humble or vanquish or overcome or overpower someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rob someone of his rights in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disperse or scatter or spread or broadcast something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let something spread or scatter or break down or decompose or disintegrate or collapse in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become broken or decomposed or disintegrated or scattered in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put someone or something to flight in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collapse under pressure or force in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause to break down or collapse in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rob someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to emaciate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see through someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pierce or make a hole into or through someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to perforate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create a gap or gulf or dispute of rift or difference between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to see beyond horizon or into the distant future in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with chances or opportunities for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have window into or through someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a window into real world realities in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or be able to make or have or use tools or weapons or instruments or implements or equipments or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shed tears or blood or cause death and destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ruin someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about prosperity or greenery or something in abundance or plentiful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drench or dip or soak or wash or bathe or drown or submerge something under water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have affluent existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, depression, roll of thunder, disaster, catastrophe, calamity, lowland, a defeated army, breaking down of relationship or friendship, breaking down or collapsing of talks between two opposing groups, lowland, crevice, dent, groove, crack, emaciated animals, roll or rumbling of thunder, disaster or calamity or catastrophe or devastation or destruction, breaking down of a bow, a defeated or humbled army or a group of people, luxuries of life, life of ease or comfort, window or something like window in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, weapon or tool or instrument or something like weapon or tool or instrument in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word DAFU is from root DAAL, FAA and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to push or move away someone or something forcefully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to defend or guard or protect against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to save or rescue someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gush forth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to run fast in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rush about in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stall in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pay up something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to handover someone or something to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to respond to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to retaliate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to repel someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to defend oneself against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drive back someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to avert or avoid or deflect an attack or catastrophe or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to place hurdles or barriers or obstacles or difficulties or problems or hardships in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove hurdles or barriers or obstacles or difficulties or problems or hardships in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome barriers or difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to break through barriers or overcome difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gossip or talk or spread rumours about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or accuse someone or something falsely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow or whistle or blow horn or warn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow up or explode or expand or inflate or enlarge or explain or detail or extend or stretch something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause disputes or dissentions or rifts or differences or fights or wars between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause gaps or gulfs or distances or holes or breaks or intervals or boycotts or isolations between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or devour or use or consume someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or have someone or something in sight or view in or in mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support or assist or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to watch or guard or keep an eye on or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be focused upon or be attracted to or pulled or dragged towards someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cry or grieve or be in tears or sad or sorrowful or regretful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be anxious or worried or depressed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be happy or delightful or joyful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lookafter or take care of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start anew or have a new beginning or experience rebirth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a forceful person, some kind of defence, a great flood, the one who avoids or averts or deflects something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, controlled entry or exit, a way into or through something, a way to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, trick or technique, ladder, formula, watchtower, watchman, new beginning, sea or fountain of knowledge, spring season, source of water, water well or spring, sense of sight, discerning faculty, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses explain how Allah has set up his system in this world to work regarding mankind. That is if people learn sense of making proper sense of things and thereby make proper sense of guidance of Allah and then they live by it faithfully all will be fine but if they refuse to live by his guidance then they are bound to end up in fights with each other and that sort of interaction between people will also force them to move in the right direction be it in tiny little steps and over a very long time which is full of painful suffering for them by hands of each other. Allah does not want people to fight with each other but that is only possible if people take guidance of Allah seriously to live by otherwise nothing can stop people from harming and destroying each other for their individual personal gains. Since mankind want to live the way they want and that means giving each other troubles therefore actions and reactions between them could cause a lot of trouble for themselves. However it is part of the plan of Allah that even if people will not take guidance of Allah seriously they will still end up going in the same direction and reaching the very same destination but after a lot of painful suffering over a very long time. So it is better for people they become aware of all these things and stop living like fools in this world. The universe Allah has created it is for human beings to live in so they should work towards that and not fight over inches of piece of land here on the earth. The universe is full of galaxies and stars and planets far beyond population of humanity here on this earth. If people were sensible instead of being foolish then they will have opened up learning for all so that all people could become useful for helping humanity move forward and progress at a much greater speed instead of standing in each other’s way and thereby holding humanity back from that sort of progress. So many brains are deliberately wasted in the world by some people for their personal gains at their expense. If each and every person was allowed and helped to do his best in this world then this world could have become a very different place than what is before our eyes. So people better start thinking what they are doing to each other against the advice of God and why and what they are supposed to be doing for each other according to God and why. That is the only way for humanity to get out of all sorts of problems it has created for itself. It is therefore of vital importance that people start learning sense of making proper sense of things and that they learn message of God as they ought to. Once they have done that they should then follow it through faithfully so that they could fulfil plan and purpose of God as well as have a blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in the kingdom of God. This is what jihad or struggle or striving is all about. Random beliefs and deeds or thoughts and actions or ideologies or practices cannot produce such results. One has to have one’s eyes on the over all picture of message of the Quran so that one could see the purpose and plan whereby all details are related or interconnected to each other and so that one could then play one’s part in grand scheme of things.

252) These are the goals and guidelines of Allah which We have revealed to you for a set purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind because you are indeed of Our messengers.

Verses like these explain clearly why Allah sent his messengers and what they did in this world among their people. Not only that but they also explain what their true supporter did for establishment of deen of Islam ie supporters of messengers of God supported their messengers for their God assigned mission. They gave up make beliefs or harmful and destructive beliefs as well as useless or harmful and destructive works and instead adopted beliefs and practices that ensured well being of human beings as a proper humanity community. Today one has to look at people who claim to be Muslims how much of these things they have adopted in the name of deen of Islam. One will see a huge majority of such people who have nothing at all to do with deen of Islam. In fact most of them have no idea what is contained in the pages of the Quran.

253) These like were Our messengers whom We sent for the guidance of mankind but some of them We found excelled above others in mindset, attitude and behaviour. Among these messengers is any to whom Allah revealed His program, goals and guidelines yet some of them He found degrees above others in faithful following of His guidance. To Jesus the unifier of community of Mary We also gave clear program, goals and guidelines that is how We supported him with Our purposeful revelation. Had Allah found people willingly following His plan for them after these messengers had come to them, they will not have divided and fought each other after clear goals and guidelines were received by them but they disputed instead because Allah gave them the ability to choose to learn and do as they please therefore some of them committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind properly the while others opposed His message and caused wars. So had Allah not endowed them with the ability to choose then they will not have fought each other on basis of personal gains based divisions at the expense of each other but Allah does things only according to His planned purpose for creation.

In this verse it is explained what kind of people are chosen from mankind as God sent messengers and why and that they too are not alike rather some of them excelled more than others. It is also explained that God created humanity with ability to choose to do as it pleases rather than make them as programmed robots. Moreover the whole purpose of human creation is explained in a nutshell. In this verse a prophet is mentions with name Jesus and he is called EESABNA MARIAMA. This Mariam may well be the community that is known by name of sister of Moses and Aaron. It is because children of Israel became divided into many tribes and one of them may be descendent of Mariam. Jesus therefore could be called by name of Mariam not because he had no father but because he belonged in some sense to that community which descends from Mariam. It is usually the case that people become known to others through the person best known to a people and sister of Moses would be a well known name amongst children of Israel. Or because Jesus became successor of this community or that he unified it. The idea that Jesus was born without a father is a false story when looked at in the context of the Quran because the Quran does not accept idea of miracles, magic, mysteries or superstition etc. He is called son of God because he worked for God for the good of humanity and not because he was begotten son of God because God needs no son to succeed him like people. It is possible to prove this Biblic claim seriously mistaken or deliberately distorted by rulers, priests of Christianity and money lenders to pervert the actual message of Allah.

The question that people need to ask themselves is, how can a miracle prove existence of God when it contradicts real world realities that are life experience of mankind? Moreover if God cannot be proven by word alone then what is point of holy books? If books need miracles to prove their origin from God then where are miracles for people of today? If miracles are not there today why were they there in the past for earlier people? So it all comes down to books to prove their Godly origin on their own without any need for external miraculous events. The idea of miracles depends on breach in universal laws in nature and God has given law books so that mankind live by his laws and not break them. If God found himself stuck and needed to break his own set up laws then how can man be expected to live by his laws and are laws in that case sensible? Unless such questions could be answered satisfactorily, those who believe in miracles etc need to think about these claims seriously to see why miracles are necessary. So long as miracles remain unnecessary there is no way to prove them true. This is why thinking Jesus was born miraculously is utterly a wrong idea till there is some reasonable justification for it which is impossible. In case of miraculous birth, saving or death and rising again of Jesus one has to establish one’s claims by substantiating them with a clear purpose to all this. That is simply impossible. This does not mean odd things do not happen in the world but they are not miracles they are natural events but we may not have any reasonable explanation for them at a given time in a given place. For a miracle to be a miracle it is absolutely necessary to prove its need. No sensible explanation for need of a miracle means no miracle. We cannot even suppose family for God because God is supposed to be ever existing not born out of wedlock. If we suppose family for a God then there cannot be any limit to number of Gods so we can keep going round in circles, so there is no sense in falling for all sorts of silly ideas.

254) So O you who claim to be committed to striving for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Fight to keep open for the benefit of mankind the sustenance which We have provided for you all as a proper human community before the arrival of such a social environment in due course during which such way of production and distribution of provision will no longer be possible, because there will not be any brotherhood based human community as none of the human populations will be working for establishing and maintaining a proper human community, for those who oppose and fight against rule based upon Our guidance will have regressed to such degree through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

Word BAEE is from root BAA, YAA and AIN. Concrete meaning of this root is to acknowledge someone or something as ruler in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to swear or pledge fealty or loyalty or allegiance to someone or something in power or authority in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to declare oneself a loyal subject of a ruler or a vessel of a landlord or a rule of law or constitution or tradition or custom in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to trade or exchange with one another ideas or practices or goods or services in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to buy things from or sell things to each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a deal with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to practice a profession in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a tradesman in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to labour or work for someone or something in exchange for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a businessman in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a professional in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or protect or defend or guard or watch or keep an eye on or spy on or take care of or lookafter or preserve or save or rescue or confine or restrict or limit or cover or cover up or wrap up or wind up or conclude or hide or envelope or stand in for or in place of or arrest or captivate or imprison or constrict or constrain or holdback someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with home or patronage or guardianship or room for manoeuvre or space to breathe or place to rest or roof over head or canopy or umbrella or place to hide or shelter or refuge or sanctuary in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have family or clan or tribe or company or party or group or circle or organisation or association or society or backing or support or reinforcement in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to belong to same people or place or class or category in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be involve or have a hand in something occurring or happening in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or overwhelm or overpower someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grasp or comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or hooked or crooked or wicked or cunning or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be intelligent or sharp or cunning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be linked or joined or connected with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in touch or in contact with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start anew or have a new beginning or rebirth or undergo recycling in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cry or shed tears or be sad or unhappy or sorrowful or regretful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be happy or lively or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to assist or aid someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a place wherein takes place exchange of ideas or practices or goods or services, a place wherein people come together to discuss matters that are importance to them and come to some sort of agreement between themselves, an educational institution, building, structure, system, framework, infrastructure, skeleton, blueprint, outline, guidelines, instructions, buying and selling, exchange of goods or ideas or practices or services, a place where people come to pledge their loyalty or fealty or allegiance to someone or something, place of trading or a market place, a place where-in some sort of business is carried out, a place where state affairs are dealt with, merchandise, deals, trade or commerce, business for profit, contracts, agreement/s, covenant/s, pact, a place of worship, church/es, rule of law, constitution, tradition, custom, a building wherein community administration or management is based to carry out community related tasks or works, power, grip, reach, authority, control, management, aid, assistance, support, watchtower, watchman, care taker, genitor, sea or fountain of knowledge, water well or spring, spring season, ocean, river, stream, lake, pond, sense of sight, seeing, imagining, vision, dream, perception, viewpoint, opinion, ambition, house or something like a house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word KHULLAH is from root KHAA, LAAM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is to be empty in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be hollow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be void or unfilled or vacant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be meaningless or worthless or useless or fruitless or purposeless or pointless or profitless or valueless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be unavailing or futile in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a hole through into something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go in between two people or thing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to persuade someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be poor or needy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go right through someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be victim of doubt or instability or identity crisis in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become doubtful or confused in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause chaos or confusion or disorder or lawlessness or anarchy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be low profile or unrecognised or unfamiliar in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be debased in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be on the way to falling down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to keep someone or something safe or secret in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take something as valuable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to treasure or regard someone or something highly valuable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hide something for safe keeping in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to intoxicate someone or something with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hit or strike or attack someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cheat or betray someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to breach an agreement or cause corruption in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be treacherous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to abate or die down or calm down or settle down or become stable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to vacate or disengage something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take something by force in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use a cutting tool or weapon in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to abuse or use something abusively or inappropriately or incorrectly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fear or cause someone or something to fear in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go deep inside someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to show concern for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become awestruck by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create something or be creative in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be old or aged or infirm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have vision or imagination or ambition in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stitch or sew someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prick or stab or jab someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to choose or elect or select someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be good or best or excellent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to end or stop or block or seal or conclude or complete something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go into something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lag or remain or stay behind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become calm after reaching someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something fall down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to let someone or something down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to deny help or support or assistance to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to urge or motivate or push or drive or inspire or exhort or encourage someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, gap or gulf or space distance or difference between people or things, a way through, a hole or space or an opening between people or things, distance between two points, potential difference between two points, the difference of level between two things, the gap between two houses, the space between or around houses, the space between any two fingers in a hand, friendship, mutual friendship, vinegar, opening, breach, break, flaw, disconnection, lacking linkage or bridging, remote, distant, aperture, a close confidant, character, trait, attribute, lover, loved person, wife, wine, a tattered garment, anklets, small gaps or breaches or breaks, break through, solution, agreement, amongst, between, within, desert or sandy tract, a path that goes into the desert lands, deep inside of something, intimate or very close friend, friendly, something due to which one feels secure, limitation, restriction, a pointed tool or spear or arrow, a structure built on unstable or fragile or delicate or weak foundation, something that gives false impression about something or is like something that gives false impression about something in some sense for some reason or purpose, something misplaced upon something in some sense for some reason or purpose, something placed upon something unsoundly or infirmly, something impure or hollow or empty or void or unstable or infirm in some sense, something that causes loss or death or destruction or injury or damage or failure or disorder or anarchy or chaos or confusion in some sense, something disgraceful or troublesome in some sense, tent, shelter, hiding place, a woollen tent or house for living in, pit, cavity, crater, trough, cave or cavern, depression, indentation, dent, dip, dimple, dish, basin, niche, nook, cranny, recess, improperly founded structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This like warning are repeated in the Quran to wake people up to a reality that can happen if people do not wake up in time and sleep walk into a situation which they will regret in a big way for a very long time to come. If human society deteriorates at a time and people do not bother to put it back into its proper shape then time will come that people will only be able to regret their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours unable to turn back the clock. This is why missionaries of God sent messengers must put their foot down and work as hard as they can to ensure an excellent future for the mankind by trying their best to make this world a beautiful place it deserves to be. The Quran is mainly interested in people spending all their energies in doing what needs to be done for ensuring well being of mankind instead of wasting their time and effort in doing harmful and destructive or useless time wasting things. Such verses are not about using and abusing each other and then giving an odd person a little help to feel good. It is like going to the river to fetch water with a bucket that is full of holes. If people want to participate in doing something constructive for humanity then they must become free of slavery inflicted by rulers, mullahs and money lenders etc by way of their various tricks and mechanisms. The Quranic teaching is all about proper management of human population and available resources, which means doing things in a way that helps humanity grow and prosper as a community and not about being ready to cut throats of each other for individual personal gains at the expense of community life.

255) Therefore remember always that it is guidance of Allah by which you all should live because there is no ruler in this universe other than Him, the ever existing sustainer of all the creation. He is neither prone to negligence nor can be over powered. To Him belongs, all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Who is there who can interfere in His kingdom unless one participates therein according to His plan? He made known to people what has already happened according to His plan before them and what is yet to happen according to His plan after them. However they cannot access any bit of His knowledge unless they make effort for knowing it. His kingdom stretches over all the heavens as well as the earth yet preservation of all this vast kingdom fatigues Him not because He is supreme in His power.

Word NOWM is from root NOON, WOW and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to lie down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to sleep in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dream in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to imagine in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rest in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become calm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to settle down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become motionless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take it easy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be lazy in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be insignificant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be of no consequence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be useless or worthless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to abate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop moving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to die or become dead in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pretend to be dead in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to play dead in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go quiet in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lack awareness or become unaware about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to neglects one’s needs in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to neglect or avoid or ignore one’s woman in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ignore or neglect or avoid someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become immoveable or jammed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop growing in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to write something in or on something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to draw something in or on something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sketch something in or on something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to etch something in or on something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bend or twist or turn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shed tears or blood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause sadness or unhappiness in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be affluent or rich or wealthy or have easy or comfortable or luxurious life or existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have things in abundance or plentiful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause or suffer devastation or disaster or calamity or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drown or drench or dip or soak or wet or wash or bathe or submerge someone or something in liquid or fluid or water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water plants or animals or irrigate a piece of land in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to urinate or pass water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move fast or act quickly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be even or balanced or harmonious or smooth or consistent or fine or symmetrical or regular in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be unknown or not well known or unfamiliar or unrecognised or not famous or noticeable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be low profile in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be debased or infamous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, sleep, rest, calm, tranquillity, quietness, dead quiet, the act of sleeping, one who sleeps, the place where one sleeps, the eye, the sense of sight, the stopping of the wind, lack of liveliness, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word KURSIYUH is from root KAAF, RAA and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is to join people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose Also to stick together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become matted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sit down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take a seat in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to settle down on a seat in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seat in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause to sit down or settle down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stabilise someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become stable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become in charge of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become a king or ruler or chief or manager or administrator or owner or controller of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to organise people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose or objective, to regulate things or people for some end or goal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be kind or compassionate or tender hearted or soft in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be gullible or easy going or easily fooled or taken for a ride in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cushion or absorb shock or bounce or go between things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to act as a shock absorber or like a shock absorber in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever or sharp or cunning or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or grip or control or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surround or encompass or envelope or overpower or overcome or overwhelm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have grasp over or understanding or comprehension about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to perceive or visualise or imagine something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut or sever or separate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to boycott or break off link or relationship with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to destroy or consume or use something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be firm or firmly anchored or grounded or rooted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be painful or hurting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be cause of pain or sorrow or sadness or suffering for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, seat, chair, seat of power, throne or throne of a king or queen, a mass of animal droppings, something that has multi layers, layers of something above or below each other that go together or are firmly stuck together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, layers of earth or clothes or skin or atmosphere or clouds or light or darkness, layers of sheets of wood or metal or glass or ice or something, layers of truth or falsehood, layers of onion, of something original, group, root, origin, foundation, base, a place where one sits, a place of residence, a place where one stays or resides or rests, dwelling, abode, house, pages that contain written information, book or a notebook, knowledge, power, reign, sovereignty, rulership, governorship, management, administration, tradition, custom, precedent or example, constitution, rule of law, control, grip, grasp, the loose pages that are bound together, someone clever or intellectually sharp, a place or thing upon which one sits or settles down, surroundings or environment or atmosphere, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, teeth or something like teeth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ALIYUN is from root AIN, LAAM and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to rise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be high in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exalt someone or something or be exalted by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to honour or be honoured in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sublime or supreme in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be ultimate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be honourable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be noble in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be noticeable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be recognised in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be famous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be well known in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be high class or caste in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be civilised in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be cultured or groomed or prepared or trained in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mount up someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ascend in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tower above someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be proud in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overpower someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to undermine someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to humble someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to dominate someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be dominant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be arrogant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gain control of or over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in control of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take charge of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take on responsibility or liability about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to conquer someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overrun someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rise far above someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be exalted far above someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be distant from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be far removed from someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not to be associated or related with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to arrive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to link with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to enter in alliance with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to unite with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gain supremacy over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prevail over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to triumph over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to win over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be all over the place in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not be certain about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be covering someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be clothing someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be great in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be of special merit in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be despotic in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be haughty in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have the upper hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have superiority in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have eminence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be pre-eminent in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be predominant in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be aggressive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to transgress in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go beyond set or expected limit or norm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be oppressive or suppressive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard or watch or keep an eye upon or spy on, to support or back up or reinforce or assist someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have someone or something in sight or view in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have insight into something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encourage or urge or push or drive or exhort or motivate or move or shift or inspire someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or implements or equipment or machines or mechanisms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect people or things to each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people and things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or overwhelm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be instrumental or involved or have hand in something occurring or happening in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have grasp over or understanding of or comprehension about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, height, exaltation, honour, loftiness, grandeur, pride, notables, tops and extras, top or uppermost part of someone or something, watchtower, watchman, guardianship, patronage, looking after, taking care, such thoughts and actions as help one rise to heights of excellence, record, book, written pages, highly ranked, the ultimate point in progression beyond which none can go, ultimate height, on, above, over and above, beyond, upon, aboard, either, by, at the side of, beside/s, with, towards, rank, degree, responsibility, in return for, on the condition that, against, in opposition to, despite, in spite of, for, on account of, out of, at a point in time, from, off, about, concerning, regarding, in accordance to or with, in conformity with, in adherence to, be responsible for, keep to, sea or fountain of knowledge, ocean, river stream, water well or spring, new beginning, spring season, rebirth, recycling, sense of sight, vision, imagination, dream, ambition, wish, desire, arrow, spear, a stick with a pointed end, peg, stake, root, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse explains limits of God and limits of mankind, each has to work within its own sphere. People are told that they should not act like Gods because they are not Gods but dependent upon God for each and everything therefore they will be doing fine if they followed the guidance given to them. This verse also tells people there is no point in arguing against the Quran because one cannot defeat the arguments based explanation provided within the Quran. However, one is free to try one’s hand just to be sure that that is the case in actual fact. Mankind have been around for thousands of generations yet no book exists in the world like the Quran. Even after the Quran has been around there is still no book that could match the Quran. In this verse in actual Arabic text there is a strange combination of words if we look at the start and finish phrases. For example, the verse start with Allah alone is God who is ever living and gives life to all the other things and the end part is he is the supreme authority. The next phrase in the beginning is, he does not get drowsy nor goes to sleep and the second end phrase is he does not get tired looking after things. The next starting phrase tells us, he owns heavens and the earth and the 3rd end phrase tells us his rule stretches over heavens and the earth. Here he is telling mankind, he is the owner as well as the ruler of this vast empire. Then we are told none can interfere with his plan and his plan is on course as it was and as it will be and people can know about it if they wish by learning the Quran. There are verses in the Quran which read the same way back and forth eg see 74/3 if letters are arranged in reverse. There are various letters that have been used in the Quran as exact multiples of nineteen which is number of letter used in the first verse of the Quran eg letter QAAF is used in surah 50, 57 times etc etc. Certain words related to certain things have been used in the Quran a certain number of times. So there are things in the Quran people can look into and see what they find in there. This ummah is not used to carrying out research on the Quran from various angles and this needs to change because the Quran tells us in it that as times goes on many things will be discovered within the Quranic text and the universe by mankind.

256) So let none attribute deliberately what is harmful and destructive for humanity to My advised way of life for mankind. Surely that which can ensure well being of mankind has been made clearly distinct from that which can cause harm and destruction to mankind. Therefore whoever opposes the harmful and destructive way of life based upon tyranny for personal gains at the expense of each other and instead commits to working for unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to program, goals and guidelines of Allah has grasped such a firmly founded hand-hold that will never prove harmful and destructive for mankind because Allah advises mankind on basis of His comprehensive observation and understanding of all things.

Word GHAEE is from roots GHAIN, WOW and YAA as well as GHAIN, YAA and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to dig a hole in the ground and cover it up with things to hide it to trap or catch unaware people or things or wild animals in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to lure or seduce or entice or ensnare or trap someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to confuse or mislead or misguide someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , to err or be misled by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stray or cause someone or something to deviate or move away from the right path in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become bloated due to over consumption of things, to swell or become puffed up or inflated in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think big of oneself or suffer from narcissism in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become puffed up or inflated with conceit or narcissism or self love or self admiration or self adoration or self adulation or egotism or egoism or self satisfaction or arrogance or pride or self importance or vainglory or self grandeur in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to wrap up oneself in false reputation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pretend to be big or an important person with intention to deceive someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become swollen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be deceived by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become ruined or destroyed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become limited in means of livelihood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have no guidance about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in the dark about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to live one’s life the harmful and destructive way for some reason or purpose, to do things the wrong way or to do them in a way that ruins oneself or someone or something else in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to tempt someone or something into doing something that is harmful or destructive or wrong in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer from stomach troubles in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to miss the target or mark or standard or path in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to declare someone wrong or in error or on the wrong path in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become bloated from drinking too much milk in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to delude or be deluded in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek or search or look for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in search of guidance for or about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be faced with confrontation or conflict or opposition or contradiction or dispute or difference in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go beyond norm in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take extra or special measures for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be harmful or destructive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to harm or destroy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have wish or desire or longing for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become attracted to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to over feed or feed someone or something too much which causes someone or something a lot of bother in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to under nourish someone or something which causes someone or something to become weak and infirm or unstable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to incline or fall to one side in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be biased in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold grudges or have prejudices against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be ignorant or inexperienced about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lack education or training in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bend or twist or turn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be crooked or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or connect or link people or things with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or grip or control or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be instrumental or involved or have a hand in making something happen in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to convince or persuade someone or something to be or not to be or to do or not to do or to have or not to have or to use or not to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lack experience or expertise about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to spin someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to conceal or hide or cover or veil someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn people or things round in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a person who thinks at a higher level than other people, a person who is in search of truth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, the last resort, the final refuge, food or drink that does not give one nourishment but instead causes one trouble or health problems, over eating, having no food to eat, poverty of thoughts or actions or things of need, label, famine, canopy, roof over head, a sign of unity, something that unites a people, people who are driven by their emotions instead of well thought out actions, people who act first and think later, people whose desires never become satisfied so they run about upset and disturbed, hazy or dusty atmosphere, smoke, steam, mist, locust swarm, thirst or thirst for knowledge, greed or greed for wealth, hunger or hunger for power, chaotic or confusing environment, goal, flag, objective, destination, consequences of one’s thoughts and actions, end result, outcome, anarchy, anxiety, upset stomach due to over eating or drinking, delusion, misguidance, something or someone evil or harmful or destructive, punishment, darkness or darkness of ignorance, deception, destruction, pain or suffering, something that does not work as told or fulfil its claimed purpose, image, imagery, witticism, metaphor, figure of speech, pun, quip, complacency, hubris, tall and narrow structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word URWAH is from roots AIN, RAA and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to seize someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to befall or afflict someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to desert or abandon or neglect or leave someone or something alone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to break trust of or let someone or something down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to destroy someone’s confidence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prove unreliable or untrustable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to visit someone with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome someone or something with in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to possess or have in possession or occupy something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to engage someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use or employ someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be naked or bare in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be stripped of clothes or covering in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be stripped of flesh or meat or belonging in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become emaciated or thin or bare bones or skeleton in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to strip off someone of one’s rank or position or reputation or honour or influence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to strip meat off bones in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to evacuate or vacate or empty something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to defecate or empty one’s bowel or stomach in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disengage someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to sack or lay someone off one’s work in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stick with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become welded or solidified with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become strong or firm due to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to manage someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold a cup or mug by its handle in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to inflict someone or something with a disaster or devastation or calamity or catastrophe or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or control or grip or grasp or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or sharp or witty or cunning or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or turned or twisted or crooked or deceptive in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plot or conspire against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to encompass or surround or overwhelm or envelop or veil someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to guard or watch or spy on or lookafter or take care of or preserve or save or rescue or support or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start anew in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause sorrow or regret or sadness or unhappiness to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring someone to tears in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause a river or stream to flow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect or relate people or things to each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, buttonhole or something like a buttonhole in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a loop or circle or something circular or like circle in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that goes round and round, something that keeps happening again and again or repeatedly, something that takes place frequently, something comprehensive or inclusive or encircling or encompassing, something that surrounds something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, some sort of protective covering, a wrapper, something that guards something in some sense for some purpose, to overcome someone or something with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to possess or take over someone something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to appear or come face to face or become visible or obvious or evident in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become exposed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come into light in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become unveiled or uncovered or unwrapped in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have no barriers or obstructions or obstacle or difficulties or troubles in the way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something upon which someone or something could survive or due to which someone or something could stay alive or in existence, laws of nature, revealed guidance of God for mankind to help them have a blissful and dignified as well as secure existence in this world, handle, handhold, grip, grasp, berries, thorny bushes or trees, deeply rooted trees clump or cluster of, evergreen trees, something upon which one could rely, a very strong rope from which one could hand down safely, understanding, comprehension, something that provides basis or foundation for something, reason or ground, something to grip or hold onto, extreme coldness, forlorn camels, link or bond or relationship, base or foundation, remote open expanse of land, treeless area, nakedness, wide and open, barren, a place free of any obstacles, an even piece of land, an even and smooth road that is free of bumps or ditches, a place full of such thorny or fruitful trees or bushes which have very long roots and remain green all year round, something that can be relied upon in all situation and in all circumstances, something one holds onto when hanging down to not to fall down, a safety or security measure of some sort, something fully trustable or reliable, a way of life that leads to a definite end or outcome, something or someone that never breaks one’s trust, something that does not fall short of its requirement, something that always fulfils its intended purpose, someone or something that comes face to face with someone or something, watchman, watchtower, spring season, new beginning, recycling, rebirth, sea or fountain or spring of knowledge, ocean, river, stream, lake or pond, water well spring, administration or management, ruling elite, cream of the crop, top or best people or things, chiefdom, kingship, imperialism, authoritarianism, emperorship, command and control centre, central nervous system, constitution or rule of law, tradition or custom, precedent or example, something to grip something by eg a door by door handle, chain, bond, something that acts like a handle for something physically or conceptually, remote open expanse of land, treeless area, nakedness, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word FISAAM is from root FAA, SWAD and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to develop a hairline crack in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to crack in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to subside or settle down or calm down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be low profile in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to collapse in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give way in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to give up in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop being purposeful or become useless or unreliable or untrustable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to crumble down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become ruined or destroyed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lose shape or form in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to undergo some change in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to abate in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to with draw or become withdrawn in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to split without separating completely in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to blow air or whistle or trumpet in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grow or cause to grow or blow up or inflate or explode or expand or stretch or enlarge or explain or detail something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to talk or gossip or backbite or spread false rumours about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to discuss or debate or dispute about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause gap or gulf or distance or separation or difference or dispute of rift or dissention or fight or war between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to eat or consume or devour someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to isolate or boycott or break off ties or links with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have roots or grounds or foundation or basis or origin or branches or fruits in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about outcome or consequence or fruit or result in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to branch in or branch out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have grow or shed leaves in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have pages that are bound together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to extract juice or essence out of something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to squeeze the life out of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flood someone or something with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause death or destruction or devastation or calamity or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shed tears or blood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause sadness or regret or worry or sorrow or unhappiness to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about greenery or abundant rain or prosperity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to soak or bathe or wet or submerge or dip or drench or wash or drown someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate plants or farms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to quench thirst or thirst for knowledge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fulfil needs or wants of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a comfortable or affluent or easy or luxurious existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to over flow or transgress limits in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become detached or unstuck with or come off someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to breaks off something with which something is attached or stuck in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become cut off or isolated in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tree or something like tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This like verses in the Quran do not mean that people should not bother with keeping each other from inflicting harm and destruction upon each other. That will completely negate the very purpose for the revelation of the Quran by Allah for human guidance. Moreover the Quran told us in verses just before these verses how Allah has planned for mankind to keep each other in check so that they do not end up destroyed by wrong doings of each other. If a child is going to put his hand into the fire and you run and grab him before he does that and save him and he starts crying it does not mean you have done anything wrong by upsetting the child by preventing him from doing what he wanted to do. So the actual point that is made clear here is that way of life people adopt has to be such which is proper for mankind to live by so that they progress and prosper instead of ending up destroyed by hands of each other. Therefore anyone forcing upon people such a way of life which makes life hell for mankind is not the proper way to live even if people wrongly attribute it to God ie Allah does not want people to make fools of each other in his name. In short if people want to do their own things instead of following guidance of Allah then they can do that but in their own name. So mullahs are the primary target of this criticism by Allah because it is they who sell to masses harmful and destructive ideas and practices in the name of Allah. The point made here is that it is people who compel each other into ways of life that are harmful and destructive for mankind because due to personal gains some people use others abusively whereby they make life of a vast majority of people in the world hell. If such a small number of such people in the world are allowed to carry on this way unhindered then soon the whole mankind will end up fighting each other over land and resources and means of production and distribution to such degree that a lot of people will end up dead and the rest will end up in hell of their own making by allowing such things to carry on this far. This is why the Quran tells mankind to prepare themselves through education and training in order to not to let world go in the wrong direction. This is why the first thing is to learn what the proper goals should be for unity of people so that they could come together to work together for those goals and if they agree on those goals then they will need to agree on some guidelines as well that can help them achieve those goals the best way possible. This is why the need for the Quranic program, goals and guidelines as well as a constitution and laws for organising humanity and regulating it properly for its own well being based upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah. This surah is named AL-BAQARAH=conflicts and resolutions. This verse does not and cannot mean there is no compulsion in adopting any religion people want to adopt because the way of life based upon the Quran is not a religion, it is instead anti religion. As already explained, Islam based on the Quran in the Quranic context is AL-DEEN not AL-MAZHAB. The Quran very clearly states in it that mankind are created for IBAADAH of Allah and that means for living by the book of Allah, which means Allah is owner and ruler of all this creation and all things are his property and subject so it is up to him to dictate for them the goals and guidelines or program for a constitution and laws for them. Since he has, so people are told to do what they are told to do. If they will not do that and do their own things then consequences will follow. If one group of people takes over the world then the other groups also have the same right on the very same grounds. If Muslims take over the world on the basis of program, goals and guidelines of Allah as it is explained in the Quran so do all other people in the world on the very same grounds. Imagine what kind of world will come about if all people accepted to live by these grounds in comparison to the world we can see before our eyes. On the other hand if Muslims decided to take over the world on the same grounds as the nonMuslims then imagine what kind of world will come about in comparison to whatever is there already. So the compulsion is not the issue here because compulsion is part of life itself. After all what is inspiration and motivation about? It is a way of compelling people to move them into action. The real issue is whether people have the proper program, goals and guidelines and therefore a proper constitution and laws to go by or not. We have seen in the verses just past wherein the Quran puts emphasis on education and training, is that not a case of compulsion? But it is an acceptable compulsion because it is for the good of the mankind themselves. On the other hand if a few people acting tyrannically start forcing people to work for their gains at their own loss then that compulsion is unacceptable, because in that case some people are trying to gain at the expense of others. That way you only cause conflicts based upon personal interests at the expense of humanity. The Quran is full of verses telling mankind the Quran is here to take mankind out of all sorts of darknesses and into the light and bright future. How can it if people who take over the world by force are just allowed to carry on or are allowed to get away with their harm and destruction they cause to mankind? This is why people need to know things to be able to see what is right and why and what wrong and why, so that then they could support that which is right and proper and oppose that which is wrong and harmful or even destructive.

257) Guidance of Allah is protector and supporter of those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in the world because thereby He brings them out of the depths of all kinds of darknesses and leads them towards the bright future. On the contrary those who reject and oppose the way of life based upon His guidance their protectors and supporters are people with harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours who lead them away from the way of life that offers them bright future into ways of life that are full of all kinds of darknesses, confusions and chaos. Such are the people who end up in life of hell of their own making wherein they stay till they change their way of life to that which is advised by Him or perish.

This verses tells mankind everything in a nutshell and it is explaining the fact that DEEN is not a system of make beliefs and useless rituals rather it is a way of life and deen of Allah is a way of life based upon his guidance. People who oppose that way of life are rulers, mullahs and money lenders etc who do all that is in their power to keep the deen of Allah hidden from masses. Rulers use their tricks and mechanisms that help them gain rule over people and to maintain it. Mullahs use tricks and mechanisms that help them fool masses to use and abuse them for their own personal gains in the name of God and scriptures at the expense of masses. Money lenders use their tricks and mechanisms to trap humanity into money problems in the name of economics and businesses for profits whereby each and every person uses and abuses all others one deal with. This is why the Quran explains that rule by using any ways and means is harmful and destructive for mankind unless it is rule by Allah according to his book. This is why to explain things yet more the Quran brings in stories of past people as to how they fared. The stories in this surah began with story of Adam and Iblees and tribal chiefs of the time.

258) Why don’t you the mankind consider the case of the person who argued with Abraham over the rule in the land based upon guidance of his Creator and Sustainer because Allah saw that person taking control of a piece of land and declaring himself a ruler over its people? At the time Abraham said to him, it is the set-up systems and laws of my Creator and Sustainer that decide whether people survive or perish because He alone is the rightful owner and ruler of this kingdom. He replied, it is my set-up systems and laws in this kingdom that decide whether people live or die. Seeing lack of awareness on his part about wider implications of this exchange Abraham explained to him, Allah brings mankind with brilliant light of His knowledge unity, peace, progress and prosperity whereas you due to lack of needed knowledge bring them by your way of doing things harm and destruction. That is how the one who opposed the rule based upon guidance of Allah was confounded. However guidance of Allah does not guide such people as ignore studying and examining it with care because such people adopt the way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other whereby they end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.

Word SHAMS is from root SHEEN, MEEM and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is to keep moving in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be or become agitated or disturbed or unstable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be on the move in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer from unrest or agitation in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start a movement or campaign or struggle for something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become bright or sunny in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to disobey someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to refuse to let ride or be mounted by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to refuse to be a slave to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to feel like vomiting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become sick or ill in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer from high temperature or fever in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have or be of multi colours in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a rainbow of colours in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be a mixture of many colours in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or mix or intermingle or interact or participate or take part in some social activity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to attack or ambush or fight or go to war with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to flood someone or something with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause death or destruction or devastation or calamity or catastrophe in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shed tears or blood in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause sadness or regret or worry or sorrow or unhappiness to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about greenery or abundant rain or prosperity in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to soak or bathe or wet or submerge or dip or drench or wash or drown someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate plants or farms in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to quench thirst or thirst for knowledge in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fulfil needs or wants of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a comfortable or affluent or easy or luxurious existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to over flow or transgress limits in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to consume something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to destroy something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to devour something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bite something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cut something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to hold or hand or latch or catch onto something strongly or firmly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to alter or change things in quality in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be sharp or intelligent or clever or tricky or cunning in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that burns brilliantly bright therefore radiates or gives off heat and light, the sun, the celebrity, the star, the leadership, the nation, the brilliant light of guidance from Allah which gives people the heat in form of motivation they need to act upon it to survive just like the sun in the sky provides people with actual heat and light to exist and survive, the sun in the sky or something like the sun in the sky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that is hot and lit and gives light and heat or warmth to other things, a blazing lamp or a huge fire or a giant fireball, something that helps other things warm up or burn or shine brightly, something that is focus of attention for other things for some reason or purpose, a learned scholar who teaches others, a luminary, someone or something famous for some reason, something that is alive and gives life to other things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that is active and activates other things thereby causes chain reaction, something that is agitated or motivated and agitates or motivates other things, something that shines through in the open space for all to see, something that cannot be hidden but is visible for all to see, intense heat, glaring light, scorching heat, someone or something unstable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, the places from which the sun becomes visible as it rises or the places from which the sun become invisible as it sets, orients, directions of sunrise and sunset, flag of ancient Iran or Persia, name of a spring, name of an idol that was worshipped by people in Arabia, teething, age, year, blade, pierce, thorn, bush, shield, two, press, eat, sharp, handsome face, legislation, splendour, way or method of doing things, formula, prosperity, abundance, tradition, custom, rule of law, constitution, precedent, modes of manners, practice, season, passing of time, a period of time, an era, fighting or something like fighting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word BUHIT is from root BAA, HAA and TAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be taken aback by some strange happening in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be taken by a surprise or become surprised by some wondrous or strange happening in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ambush or attack someone or something suddenly or unexpectedly in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suddenly get someone with element of surprise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to accuse someone falsely about something that one is left wondering about it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be confounded or dumbfounded in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be taken by surprise in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be argued down someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become perplexed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stupefy someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stun someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to surprise someone in such a way to leave one unable to react in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to render someone or something stunned or motionless or dumbfounded or flabbergasted in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to say or do something that cannot be verified or confirmed or justified or excused in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to catch someone off guard in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to shield or guard or defend or confront or come face to face with or meet or combat or preserve or rescue or save or cover or hide or wrap up or cover up or veil or shelter or lookafter or care for or arrest or imprison or captivate or confine or restrict or limit or constrict or lock up or envelope or overwhelm or surround or encompass or overcome or overpower or contain someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to provide someone or something with refuge or sanctuary or guardianship or patronage or backing or reinforcement or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or roof over head or canopy or environment or atmosphere or umbrella or constitution or rule of law or tradition or custom or precedent or example in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to belong to or have family or clan or tribe or party or group or circle or organisation or association or company or companionship or place or household or home or homeland or country in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to separate or isolate or boycott or break ties or links with or sever or cut off relationships with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to partition or divide or put walls or barriers or obstacles or obstructions or hurdles or blockages or difficulties or troubles or hardships in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to avail chances or opportunities to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have a way into or through something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to see into or through something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to make a hole or piece or break into something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to use one’s senses to be aware about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, falsehood, slander, fabrication, forgery, trickery, magic, something invented, something untrue, something not original, perjury, calumny, malicious slander, deception, something beyond one’s imagination in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, sudden uprising, bloody revolution that starts suddenly or unexpectedly, chest, box, room, space, coffin, body, container, chamber or secret chamber, dungeon, chance, opportunity, insight, ways and means to or for something, ladder, formula, trick, technique, way to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, window or something like window in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, womb or something like womb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse talks about people who try to take control of the world and the people in it and try to use them abusively at will to fulfil their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires. They do this by disregarding the guidance of Allah.

259) Or why don’t you people consider the case of a person who passed by a township which was torn apart by its own people through harmful and destructive divisions between themselves based upon personal gains at the expense of each other? He said in his mind, how is Allah going to bring this township back to blissful, dignified and secure existence after it has collapsed due to rifts among its people because they lived by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other? He thought that because set-up systems and laws of Allah let it remain in its state of failure over a long period of time due to continued harmful and destructive actions of its people against each other but at length He restored it when they changed their way of living to the way of life advised by Him and became a proper human community as they were already explained? So out of curiosity he inquired of its people, how long have you been in this new state of existence? The replier said, just for a period of a generation a bit less. He said, yes but you had been in the state of existence that you were in for a period of some generations, however all this change has come about due to change in your way of life so let us look at your way of life based properly upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah and your faithful learning and adopting of it as your way of life is no longer based upon traditional harmful and destructive beliefs and practices that were promoted by your secular and religious leadership. This is why We told these people, you should keep an eye out for secular and religious leadership so that it does not rise among your people because it is first form of attack on the way of life advised by Us for ensuring well being of mankind and that is why We will make case of you people a lesson for the mankind to learn from. Therefore observe carefully the social structuring as to how We put it together and in due course implement it to fulfil thereby its set out purpose. Then when all this was made clear to him by the replier he said, now I know that Allah indeed has set-up systems and laws for making everything work properly.

Word KHAAVIYAH is from root KHAA, WOW and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to abandon or be abandoned by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to neglect or avoid or be ignored by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to desert or leave alone or be deserted or left alone by someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be empty or vacant or void or useless or purposeless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become idle or unemployed or disengaged or unoccupied in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be derelict or wasteland in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be crumbling or falling apart or disintegrating or decomposing or breaking up or collapsing or fragmenting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become ruined or destroyed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become infirm or unstable or weak in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become uprooted or unfounded or baseless or useless in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suffer from lack of nourishment or hunger in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be hollow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lack stability or firmness or strength in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have no backbone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to not to have what it takes to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lack proper proportioning or symmetry or balance or equality or equilibrium or beauty or durability in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to empty a place or vacate a position or create room or space or vacuum in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be superfluous in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect people or things to each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked or deceptive or cunning or tricky or intelligent or sharp in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be reliable or trustable in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to provide solid base or foundation or ground for someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have power or authority or grip or control or jurisdiction over someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be able to reach or approach or catch up with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be involved or instrumental or have a hand in something happening in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have grasp or understanding or comprehension about something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overpower or overcome or overwhelm someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to relate or attribute something to someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, space, an opening, emptiness, something fallen down or devastated, a ruin, barren land, a fallen or defeated or devastated people, a harmful and destructive way of life that ruins a people, something turned upside down, something reversed or turned back to front or inside out, improperly founded structure or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word UROOSH is from root AIN, RAA and SHEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is to build something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to construct something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to erect something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to roof something or roof something with something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to erect a trellis in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to see or perceive or view or watch or keep an eye on or spy on or imagine or visualise or guard or protect or defend or save or rescue or lookafter or preserve or have someone or something in sight or in mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to aid or assist or help or support or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to comprehend or understand or encompass or envelop or overwhelm or overcome or cover up or veil someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be brainy or intelligent or clever or cunning or deceptive or tricky in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to handle or manage someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join in or mix or intermingle or interact or participate or take part in social gathering in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to argue or dispute or ambush or attack or assault or fight or go to war with someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause someone or something to rise up in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take a stand against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that points something to something higher for focus of attention, trellis, roof, ceiling, pole, column, thatching, seat of the king or ruler, kingdom of the ruler, jurisdiction, control, grip or grasp, understanding or comprehension, couch, throne, dais, mechanism on top of a well for drawing water, a group of stars, turrets, spring season, new beginning, rebirth, recycling, tower or watchtower, watchman, guardian, protector, care taker or the one who takes care of someone or something, chief or chiefdom, king or kingship, emperor or emperorship or imperialism, authoritarianism, stake or peg driven into the ground, higher thought or ambition, cream of the crop, top or best people or things, top part or section of something, leadership, anything that has roof or ceiling, canopy, umbrella, sky, surrounding, environment, atmosphere, something higher to dwell upon or rest upon, authority, power, administration, management, ruling elite, footstool, pillar upon which something rests, supporting beam, girder, backbone, essential part of something, throne of a kingdom, roof of a house, the ultimate authority upon which rests building of a community or kingdom, tent, government, something that is high in some sense, command and control centre, a structure of some sort, developed people, established people, sea or fountain of knowledge, ocean, river or stream, water well or spring, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fighting or something like fighting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word MIAH is from root MEEM, ALIF and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to grow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to find strength in number in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to create tensions or disputes or dissentions or rifts or differences or gaps or gulfs or distances or divides or fights or wars between people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to exaggerate something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause something to change in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to gain trust of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to spread or expand or inflate or stretch or enlarge something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to scatter or publicise or broadcast something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to come into leaf in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to persuade or convince or bring someone round to accept something about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to convince someone about something using evidences and powerful arguments in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to generate trust or reliability in someone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to backbite or slander or spread false rumours about someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to mow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become enlarged in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grow to full potential in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. to increase in size in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grow in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to build a reputation, to be strong in numbers, to spread the hide or skin, to cause differences or dissentions or disputes or divisions among people, to cause bloodshed, to shed tears, to be sad or regretful, to have comfortable or easy life, to flood, to drown, to submerge, to dip, to bathe, to drench, to run or flow or drip, to bind or keep together or be together, to be one or united, to be a single people or community, to exaggerate, to inflate, to build false reputation around, to blow, to detail, to explain, to boast or be boastful, to cause to be big, to link or connect or put in touch, to form a network of people or things, to be involved in something, to be part of something, to have a hand in something, to belong to something, to be related, to be interdependent, expansion, disputation, argumentation, persuasion, fighting, agitation, campaign, a large number, one hundred, a big number or the highest number, something that is worth most, something vast or widespread, something very strong, something life giving in some sense, something inspiring or motivational, energy or drive, authority, power, foundation, God, bull, something powerful or strong in some sense, reach, jurisdiction, capability, grip, grasp, control, understanding, comprehension, something abundant or plentiful, liquid, fluid, juice, essence, the very being, the very heart, a period of time, generational gap, a time gap or duration, a time gap of a generation of people, a time gap of some generations of people, a century, one hundred years, many years, a long time span or duration, something that flows or moves or changes with time, time, world, universe, something that fulfils or satisfies some need or purpose in some sense in some way, staff, crew, government, management, administration, regime, organisation, association, family, tribe, deception, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word AAM is from root AIN, WOW and MEEM. Concrete meaning of this root is to swim in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to float in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to swim or float in air or water or space in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move in the water or air or space in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move about in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to take part in an activity of some kind in some context in some way for some reason or purpose, to move about or participate in some circle in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be part of or belong to or work for an organisation or association in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bath in something in sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to move, to act, to dive, to dip, to plunge, to be immersed, to be covered with liquid, to be soaked or saturated or drenched or steeped or covered in, to be full of, to be able to swim skilfully in the sea, to be a fully trained swimmer in the sea, to hire on a yearly basis, to establish, to float, to run fast, to flood, to cause flooding, to submerge under water, to be in abundance or plentiful, to link, to guard, to pass time, to water, to irrigate, to enrich, to link or join or connect or tie or bind together, to form a network, to put in touch, to latch or hold or hang onto, to hold in, to trap, to remain in a place or position or situation in some sense, to guard, to defend, to preserve, to shield, to shelter or provide with refuge or sanctuary, to save or rescue, to be affluent, to be poor, to be in hardship or difficulty or trouble, to see or watch or observe or keep in sight or view, to keep an eye on, to spy or spy on, to help or support or back up or reinforce, to perceive, to understand, to comprehend, to visualise, to imagine, to think, to reflect, to be sensible or intelligent, to have easy or comfortable life, top have things of need in abundance, to cause bloodshed or death or destruction, to cause disaster or calamity or catastrophe or devastation, to cry or shed tears, to be sad or sorrowful or regretful, a trained diver in the pond or sea, a river boat for crossing a river or sea, a trained racing horse that runs very fast, a time period during which the earth complete its round around the sun by swimming or floating around it in the space in its own orbit, a year of abundance or prosperity, year or a year, a lunar year, a solar year, a brilliant period of time or an era, yearly seasons, a way of life, tradition, watchman, watchtower or post, masses, people, general public, a duration or span or section of time, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word LABISTU is from root LAAM, BAA and SAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be motionless or lack movement in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be inactive or dead, to be or become stagnant, to stay, to remain, to reside, to anchor, to ground, to provide someone or something with firm foundation, to remain permanently, to settle down, to stay put, to stop, to be stationary, to remain still or remain as one is or in the state or condition something is, to stopover, to abide, to dwell, to inhabit, to linger on, to wait, to delay, to postpone, to put back, to suspend, to move further away, to distance, to create a gap or cause a break in something, to be low profile, to go unnoticed, to lack life and vigour or noticeable movement, to tarry, to spend time in same state or place, to hesitate, to be reluctant, to be slow, to be late in coming, to urge or encourage or motivate or push or inspire or drive or move or exhort, to hesitate, to be reluctant, to seek to tarry, to try to stop, to try to move, to provide with shelter or refuge or sanctuary or roof over head or care or patronage or guardianship or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing, to confine or arrest or imprison or restrict or limit or hold back, to prevent, to constrain or constrict, to save or rescue, to have home or family or tribe or clan, to belong to a place or people or an organisation or association or circle, to have help or support or following, to outline or sketch, to have or show an overall or the whole picture of something, to wash clothes, to hang clothes on a hanger, to put clothes on a dummy to show how clothes will look on a real person, dummy of a person or something, blue print of or about something, an overall plan or plot, something that gives something its shape or form or features whereby it is recognised as something, a structure or frame or framework, a journey that involves a lot of starts and stops, a cross-section of various things or people, mixture, a gradual movement that takes time to build up, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc

Word HIMAAR is from root HAA, MEEM and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to be a donkey or something like donkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to dye or colour red, to be fair in colour, to be difficult, to scrape off, to flay, to confuse or be confused, to beat, to strip, to take the skin off a corpse or carcass, to excoriate, to whip someone or something harshly to remove skin off someone or something, to speak or make noise like donkey, to act like donkey, to behave like donkey, to cause differences disputes or rifts or dissentions, to put barriers or obstacles or difficulties or restrictions in the way of someone or something, to stop or block, to confine or limit someone or something, to shield or guard or defend or save or rescue or preserve or shelter, to be red or of red colour, to be hard to manage or handle, to shed blood, to cry or shed tears or be sad or sorrowful or regretful, to flow or drip or run, to have an easy or comfortable life, to have things of need and want in abundance or plentiful, to be affluent, to flood, to drown or submerge under water, to water, to irrigate, to drench or dip or bathe or soak in something or in liquid or as if in liquid, to overcome barriers or difficulties or obstacles or hurdles or problems, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to plan or plot or scheme, to understand or comprehend, to be intelligent or sharp or have brains, to cause disaster or destruction or devastation or calamity or catastrophe, to plan ahead or in advance, to prepare or make ready, a member of religious or ruling elite who works against the way of life advised by God out of ignorance based arrogance, a beast of burden, a senseless or stupid person or people, an ignorant or a stubborn person or human population, a person set in his ways and is not open to change, a person who does not respond to changes around him appropriately, a stagnant person who does not move with time, a boulder or large rock or stone or gibber, a person or people who are stuck in a state of existence, something that is neither totally dark nor completely bright, something grey, something doubtful, something that gives rise to concern or worry or suspicion, a foolish person or people who do not learn sense of making proper sense of things, something that is white or red in colour or has such stripes or streaks, greyscale or spectrum or range, something that runs away after getting a fright, skin, command and control centre, central nervous system, ruler or ruling elite, top or best or worst people or things, top part or section of something, chiefdom, kingship, *** or zebra or something alike in some sense, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word NUNSHIZU is from root NOON, SHEEN and ZAA. Concrete meaning of this root is high ground or something like high ground in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to stand out in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to protrude or extend or expand or stretch, to be discordant, to be rebellious, to pervert or be perverted, to raise or uplift or hoist or elevate, to retrieve, to reassemble, to bring back to life, to distort or be distorted, to rise up, to give up one’s place or seat, to make room or space for someone or something, to cause uprising to bring about a revolution or bloody revolution, to start a movement or a campaign for or against someone or something, to revive or try to revive someone or something, to be active or lively or energetic, to be quick or fast moving, to agitate or be agitated, to be anxious or worried or depressed, to suffer oppression or suppression, to move smoothly, to be a smooth operator, to be deceptive, to be even or regular or level, to be normal, to have no irregularities or wrinkles or unevenness, to intermingle or mix or participate or socialise, to get into fight with, to go to war with, to be contrary or antagonistic in dealing with a spouse or an opponent, to show discordant behaviour towards a spouse, to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or equipments or machines or mechanism, a stick with sharp end, a spear, an arrow, gun, rocket, aeroplane, train, car, ship, truck, lorry, trumpet, drum, accordion, hammer, chisel,

fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fighting or something like fighting in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tool or weapon or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word NAKSOO is from root NOON, KAAF and SEEN. Concrete meaning of this root is to turn something upside down in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to turn something on its head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to empty something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to turn down something, to reverse a decision, to go back to the original thing or idea after changing one’s mind about it, to go back on something, to reverse or go backwards, to regress, to be weak, to relapse, to degenerate, to disintegrate, to break down, to lose composure or original state, to revert or come back to the original position or place, to take the opposite view of something, to change one’s mind to an opposite idea, to turn round on one’s feet, to about turn, to hang one’s head down in shame, to accept defeat, to yield or be submissive or become humbled or defeated, to fall on one’s head instead of landing on one’s feet, to change one’s mind about something but then come back to the same view about the same thing, to bend something downwards, to show reluctance or hesitation or resistance, to impede or be a drag, to be weak, to be turned upside down, to be ruined or destroyed, to cause to revert or reverse, to be soft or tender hearted, to be kind or compassionate, to be gullible, to be easily taken for a ride, to be easily made fool of, to act as a cushion or shock absorber, to absorb shock, to be active or lively or energetic, to be quick in acting or fast in moving, to be smooth or even or level or regular, to be free of irregularities, to cut or separate or sever, to bit or take a bite, to be firm or firmly in place, to destroy, to consume, to be sharp or intelligent or cunning or deceptive, to be in simple state of existence, to be unrefined or unprocessed, to be in natural state of existence, to be in raw or crude form, to be uncultured or uncivilised, to be untrained or inexperienced or unskilled, to be illiterate, to be or become defective or faulty, to be or become imperfect or incomplete, to lack in something necessary or essential, to bend or hang down, to decline, to fall down, to collapse or crumble, to become lower in some sense, to become limited in some sense, to rise and then fall back to original level in some sense, to grow in strength to the full but then start declining in strength due to old age, to grow in knowledge to the full but then start forgetting things due to old age and loss of memory, to write, to scribble, to draw, to agree, to bring about a tradition or custom, to set a precedent or example, to become old or infirm or unstable, Ink or something like ink, rise and fall of nations, a horse that lags behind other horses during a race, a horse that lowers its neck and head when walking due to becoming weak or tired, something that suffers from some defect or fault, tradition, custom, law, constitution, rule of law, something that has something to do with fish or ink in some way, something that has something to do with the palm of the hand in some way, something that has something to do with a tooth in some way, fish or ink or something like fish or ink in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, palm of hand or something like palm of hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

In these verses Allah is making clear to mankind that there are two laws at work in this world. a) Laws of nature ie the way universe is set up to work naturally and b) laws given to mankind to live by and overcome the universe by understanding and using the laws of nature. Limits are set by Allah for mankind so when they do not follow his laws then after a while effects of self serving rules whereby people live give many of them serious troubles so they look for ways to change things and that is how some people end up reviving their own communities even after they are in terrible state of existence. If troubles fail to wake up communities then they perish. The main point made in this verse is religious and secular leadership and what it does to its people if it comes about among a people. Mankind are advised by Allah to keep an eye out for such people who mask his message by perverting the actual message and turn it into a mumbo jumbo by telling people they do not need knowledge of the scripture but blind faith in God and his message. They promote ignorance in the name of Allah among mankind which leads mankind into all sorts of troubles with each other. Mullahs’ are first way of attacking the God sent scripture because by misinterpreting and misrepresenting scripture they can then lead people anywhere they want. Mullahs are put in place by rulers and money lenders to make way for them by taking people away from the guidance of Allah. The only way to fight against these people is proper education and training of masses which is not an easy task to carry out for individuals but it was done by all the messengers who were sent by Allah for guiding people as an example for people to follow. So if any people want to change the world for the better then they need to understand the message of Allah in its proper context and then share it with masses as much as they can and in time things will become better and better as more and more people become aware of what they need to know and do and how to do it. It is because it is mullahs who spearhead the campaign for rulers and money lenders therefore the Quran equates their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours with monkeys, donkeys and pigs in various respects and calls them worse than animals. The lesson of these verses is very clear for mankind to consider that so long as people will continue accepting ways of life imposed upon them by rulers, mullahs and money lenders they are never going to be united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a proper human community because the primary objective of these people is to divide and rule people using various tricks and mechanism to keep mankind confused. These people suffered for a very long time only because they kept on believing their rulers, mullahs and money lenders when they kept on promising them great life while having a great time themselves at their expense. No wonder these people have a good laugh at stupidity of masses who listen and accept their nonsense and keep waiting for better life. However, one day someone really wakes up and turns the table and then such people have no place to hide but sometimes that times is generations away depending upon how far people have been taken down the stupidity lane.

260) And consider also story of Abraham that once upon a time he said, my Creator and Sustainer! Explain to me how You plan to raise to heights of excellence the human populations that are devastated by divisions between themselves based upon personal gains at the expense of each other due to their ignorance of Your guidance. He said, are you not already committed to a course or plan of action for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of human populations? Abraham said, yes! But I ask this to reassure my mind for the upcoming tasks as my mission. He said, take some highly insightful and courageous people under your supervision and educate and train them well to follow your set out objectives then separate them into individuals and place them upon each of the people of influence among the human populations to educate and train them and then invite them to rule of law according to program, goals and guidelines of Allah, they will accept your invitation and start working on it right away. That is how it will become obvious to you the human beings that rule of law of Allah is firmly based upon power of His wisdom in actual fact.

Word YUTMA-INNA is from root TWAA, MEEM and NOON. Concrete meaning of this root is to be or become firmly founded in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to rest firmly upon something solid in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become firmly anchored or grounded or rooted in some something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be at rest in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be in an inactive state, to be in or at peace, to experience tranquillity, to be in a stable state of mind gained by going through a learning process which involves learning sense of making proper sense of real world realities as well as revelation of God, to be in state of satisfaction gained through fulfilment of one’s mental and physical needs, to be in state of feeling secure both mentally and physically, to settled down, to be calm, to have peace of mind by having one’s mental and physical needs met, to feel secure from internal and external threats, to soothe, to rest, to be or become peacefully quiet, to stoop, to fall, to be at ease, to feel at home, to be familiar with surroundings, to be aware of one’s environment, to know what is going on all around and why or how, to be or become at peace with, to settle disputes or disagreements, to have no disputes or disagreements, to be consistent, to be continuous, to be well connected with one’s surroundings or environment, to have beneficial interaction with things within an environment, to participate or interact within one’s environment in such a way that ensures well being of oneself as well as of the environment, to be reassured, to have one’s heart at rest, to be in a stable state of mind or body or both, to be the one who is certain or sure about something in some sense in some way, to feel secure from an enemy, to be the one who is sure of or about something in some way, peaceful, to be at ease, to be safe or secure, to have dignity, to be intact, to be graceful, to be stable or firm, to be or become convinced, to be or become persuaded, to be sure about something through rationality or due to logically consistent explanation, to accept or believe something due to a convincing explanation of available evidences, to be or become mentally and physically satisfied about something, to do something perfectly smoothly and quietly, to flood, to shed blood, to cry or shed tears or be sad or sorrowful, to submerge under water or drown, to sink, to drench or soak or dip or bathe someone or something in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate, to quench the thirst of, to fulfil the need of, to run or flow or drip, to give life or revive, to have easy or comfortable or luxurious life, to have things of need in abundance or plentiful, to flood the market, to overflow or cause to overflow, to write or scribe or draw, to use ink, to be active or lively or energetic, to be quick acting or fast moving, to be smooth or level or even or regular, to be clever or sharp or deceptive, to be elusive, to be imaginary, to cause death and destruction or disaster or catastrophe, a guide or sign that helps people know things in some sense, a point of reference, a levelled surface, a piece of land without bumps or ups and downs, a monument, a building, an institution, constitution, rule of law, revelation of God, something smooth or quiet, lowland, foundation, base, the lowest possible point or level of something at which something is or rests, the starting point from which something makes progress or develops or evolves, the natural state of existence of someone or something, raw material, unprocessed or unrefined thing, a simple minded person who is yet unaware of ups and downs in life, an uncivilised or uncultured person, a wild person or an animal, an ignorant or uneducated or untrained person, a person who lacks in experience about something, untamed, energy, force, power, landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or ink or inkpot or something like fish or ink or inkpot in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TAAIR is from root TWAA, YAA and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is bird or something like bird in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to go after someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to pursue or follow someone or something, to take something as one’s goal or destiny and work towards it, to fly or fly away, to snatch away, to be light, to be weightless, to be insignificant or unimportant, to collapse or crumble or fall down, to fly to one’s destination, to move through air quickly or fast with help of wings or something like wings, to travel or move or run very fast, to have wings for flying, to have power to accomplish or achieve something highly valuable, to make something fly high, to take someone on a flight or journey, to move fast and smoothly, to fly very high or very fast, to soar, to hasten or hurry, to rejoice, to spread or scatter or sprinkle or distribute or disperse, to disintegrate or become fragmented, to fall apart, to blow up or explode or expand or inflate, to spread quickly, to rise high in the air and scatter fast, to have sharp brain, to be able to quickly figure out things, to be mischievous, to be clever, to be an evil genius, to be deceptive, to think at a higher level, to be highly creative or imaginative, to talk ill about something or someone, to influence or be or become influenced, to slander or spread rumours about someone or something, to predict terrible future for someone or something, to take someone or something as harmful or destructive for the future, to augur something or someone as harmful or destructive, to hasten, to rejoice, to spread out, to lead, to be at the forefront of, to link or join or connect, to form a network, to put in touch or in contact with, to bend or twist or turn, to be crooked, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to make sense, to understand or comprehend, to figure out, to plan or plot or scheme, to surround or encompass, to overpower or overcome or overwhelm, to have a hand or be involved in something happening, to be included in something, to show one’s hand or show one’s hand in something happening, to trick, to deceive or cheat, to mislead or misguide, something that flies or flies very high, a soaring bird or something, a high achiever, a fast moving or flying horse, a very fast racing horse, a highly trained horse for battlefield, a cavalry of highly trained and well prepared fast moving steeds and men for battlefield, something made ready for a purpose, brain, a high flying person, a bird or an insect, a deed, bad omen, something that can fly high, guide, reference point, something high that is visible from a distance, a monument, a building, a signpost, a lamppost, mark, label, constitution, institution, tradition, custom, rule of law, organisation, governing body, grip, control, reach, jurisdiction, control, management or administration, cream of the crop, top part or section of something, best or worst things or people in a population, leadership, ruling elite, chiefdom, kingship, command and control centre, central nervous system, something that is high flying or fast moving, bird or soaring bird, plane, fast moving horse or camel, a bright and courageous person, an insightful and a quick witted person, an influential or famous person, an expert or skilled person, a warrior or noble warrior, augur, omen, bad news, news of bad future, cream of the crop, someone who understands and does things quickly, something that rises or climbs swiftly and powerfully, destination, goal, objective, mission, landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word JABAL is from root JEEM, BAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is mountain or something like mountain in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also something massive in amount or quantity or size or weight or importance or influence or strength, a hill or mound or pile, a crowd, a nation, a society or community, a huge multitude of people, a very large human population, the people living in or around mountain area, the people in a valley, leaders of people, chiefs, ruling elite, a highly learned person, a scholar, religious or secular leadership of a people, habit, nature, the way something naturally is, the natural ability of something, instinct, natural disposition, instinctive inner nature, something that stands tall or high in some sense, honourable or noble or graceful people, people who have high standing in a human population or community, warrior, a brave and courageous person, a daring person, intrinsic nature, idiosyncrasy, population, a peg or stake, signpost, guide, something that holds something firmly in place or position, something beautiful or durable or lasting, something reliable or trustable, someone who can carry out responsibilities, something capable of providing foundation for something, beast of burden, rope or thread, shelter, chamber, refuge, protection, sanctuary, family, following, support, institution, constitution, rule of law, tradition, custom, a stick with a pointed end to jab an animal to drive it faster, spear, arrow, dot, pen or sharp pencil, something that gives courage to someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use something, something that drives or motivates or inspires or moves or urges or pushes something to do something, to anchor or ground or root, to base, to form or shape, to carve or mould, to create with firm natural disposition, to hide, to cover up, to veil, to wrap up, to provide someone with shelter or refuge or sanctuary or home or roof over head or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or safety and security or place for hiding, to imprison or confine or restrict or limit someone or something, to be strong or powerful, to be an authority, to be in charge, to be responsible or answerable or accountable for, to have firm foundation, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word JUZAA is from root JEEM, ZAA and ALIF. Concrete meaning of this root is a part of a whole or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to divide, to cut or cut off, to sever, to separate, to isolate, to boycott, to break of ties with, to partition, to portion, to share, to distribute, to scatter, to sprinkle, to disperse, to broadcast, to publicise, to declare to announce, to make do with, to group, to classify, to categorise, to organise and regulate, to associate, to attribute, to ascribe, to connect, to join, to link, to form a network, to trust, to rely or depend upon, to part, to portion, to break up, to fragment, to disintegrate, to decompose, to break up into parts or bits, to be part of, to belong to, to fill in, to become parties or sections or groups, to fall into bits and pieces, to be part or portion of, to be a party to, to participate, to take part, to interact, to be a member of, to be an element of, to be able to carry out a responsibility or duty, to be beautiful or durable or lasting, to be able to make or have or use weapons or tools or instruments or equipments or machines or mechanisms or gadgets, to be head or chief of, to be tough, to be powerful or strong, to be firm or solid, to be able to act as foundation or base or be able to provide with foundation or base, to succeed or be a successor, to inherit, to bequeath, offspring, daughters or sons, descendants, children, composition, combination, mixture, compound, participant, dependant, follower, supporter, God, revelation of God, power, authority, staff, crowd, regime, organisation, governing body, institution, constitution, administration, management, bull, strength, oxen, community, company, ruler, sovereign, king, camel or something like camel in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tool or weapon or instrument or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, stick or something like stick in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse explains for people how they should spread message of Allah. The idea is to know purposefully what needs to be conveyed to others and then target the people who are insightful and courageous because it is not possible to explain each and everything to each and every person individually because different people are at different stages of learning in their lives. So people who are more likely to accept message of Allah and pass it on are those who are capable of understanding what is being explained and are able to face people to tell them the truth. Spending time with a child to teach him is going to take ages and that will be waste of a lot of time and energy therefore the need for seeing if such people could be found who could get the message across quickly so that proper way of life could become a reality sooner rather than later. As more and more people get involved over a period of time more and more people will benefit. To begin with it is a matter of cooperation of the willing till others also become willing by being influenced by more and more people turning in the right direction. This is why Moses did not go to Pharaoh but his own people first and from among them to those whom he considered sensible and so his support grew till it was time for passing on the same message to Pharaoh and his chiefs. So planning for carrying out the mission is very important and ensuring the plan is right for action is even more important. People who work for mission of Allah do not rely on miracles instead they do their homework before they set out to do things in actual reality or in real world. This is why they set examples for others how they too should do things. By doing wrong things or doing what is right the wrong way could have serious consequences or repercussions. It is because mullahs have been learning the wrong things and have been teaching the wrong things over a long time the ummah has ended up the we see it ie in a terrible state of existence.

261) The likeness of those who use whatever they have gathered of His provisions with their hard works for the success of mission of Allah is like that of a grain that sprouts into many ears, each bearing hundreds of grains. That is how Allah gives manifold increase to whoever desires as well as works for it because Allah has comprehensive knowledge of things because of which He is able to guide mankind properly.

As explained already, there are extra benefits for mankind in uniting and working together as a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah instead of working against each other as individuals for personal gains at the expense of each other. One way there is more to gain than lose for everyone and the other way there is much more loss for a great majority of people than some gains for a tiny minority of people. As for gains they are many folds like crops. Planting one tree of fruit can bring much more fruit because in any one season a tree can bring plenty of fruit and in more seasons it can keep bringing about more and more for fruit as long as tree is looked after and kept alive. A single wheat plant can yield many grains of wheat. One pomegranate has many grains in it and the whole tree bears many pomegranates in one season and keeps bringing more and more as seasons return. The similar is true for grape plant. So there is no limit to what mankind can achieve by working together as a proper human community. On the other hand by fighting with each other over petty personal gains people lose God given lives and they prevent each other from doing what they need to do for ensuring well being of each other and themselves and thereby setback humanity as a whole. By fighting with each other people not only fail to plant crops on time but they even end up destroying crops and lands of each other whereby they cause shortage of food for each other and rest of human population. This is why there is no comparison between life that is lived according to way of life advised by God and the life that is lived on basis of living for oneself at the expense of everyone else. This verse clearly shows how ignorant and foolish are such human beings who do not bother to understand message of God properly or act upon it faithfully. Such people are worst losers themselves as well as they are the ones who cause huge losses to humanity as a whole. This is why thoughts and actions of such people are condemned by God and they are told to stop living like that and start living faithfully according to the message of God. This will not only prevent their losses in future but will bring them gains beyond their wildest imaginations. This is why guidance of Allah is a blessing for mankind. This is why Allah is merciful for mankind because he has provided mankind with his guidance for living in this world properly. This is why deen of Islam is about living in this world properly so that future of mankind brings for people yet greater life to come. When people use word blessing of God they fail to think what this blessing is about. It is about growth of humanity and its prosperity. Allah has made this universe full of galaxies which are full of stars and planets because he wants human beings to spread throughout his universe to see power of God in action and see how great God is through his power of creativity by being creative themselves. This is why people need to stop fighting with each other over inches of land here on the earth and think about taking over the universe for which the human population is not yet sufficient in numbers. This is why it is nothing less stupidity of humanity to let go a lot of human population or manpower to waste out of ignorance based arrogance. This is why all negative competitions must come to a halt among people if people want a brilliant future for themselves. This is why all people need to be literate, educated and trained to the highest possible degree so that we have people who could carry out the mission assigned by Allah successfully so that plan and purpose of Allah could become fulfilled as well as life of mankind could become a great blessing rather than remaining a worst nightmare for most of human population. This is why change for the betterment must be welcomed and adopted always rather than accepting stagnation or regression.

Word SANAABIL is from roots SEEN, BAA and LAAM and SEEN, NOON, BAA and LAAM. Root SEEN, BAA and LAAM has been explained already but in addition it also means an ear of cereal in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a spike of grain, ear of corn or something alike, path or road or way, cause or movement or campaign, to elongate or prolong or increase something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be active or lively or energetic, to be smooth or even or regular or free of irregularities, to be deceptive or elusive, to write or scribble or draw, to be quick acting or fast, to misguide or be misleading, to be sharp or intelligent or clever or mischievous, tooth or something like tooth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.
262) Those who use whatever they have of His provisions due to their hard work for the success of mission of Allah and they do not use thereafter whatever they have for harming and destroying or undermining the proper human community based upon His guidance, to deliver the promised outcome to them of their thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of the proper human community is binding upon the set-up, systems and laws of their Creator and Sustainer in due course in form of a kingdom that will ensure their blissful, dignified and secure existence wherein they will neither be anxious or worried about their future nor regret their thoughts and actions for bringing about such a kingdom later.

These verses explain to mankind the fact that when there is no kingdom based upon guidance of Allah in the world then life is tough for mankind because all individuals are on their own to fight their own battles individually so people form alliances as it suits them on basis of personal vested interests. This creates social divisions and weaker people end up at the bottom of the pile. Their only choice is to unite and fight back or perish. The problem is these people neither have knowledge nor strength and that is why they are at the bottom of the pile in the first place. To raise such people is a huge struggle for anyone but whoever takes on this cause must have good knowledge and be courageous because this cause takes a lot of beatings before it takes off as a popular cause. In other words one has to give it his all to make it a success. This is what the Quran is talking about here and not about little bit charity by rich people for the poor. It is because it is the rulers, money lenders and mullahs who are primarily responsible for such way of life in the world. Moreover these people will never spend any money to help any cause which could become strong enough to overturn their way of life. Stupidity of mullahs and masses is alike in trying to see how this charity mechanism actually works in favour of the rulers, money lenders and mullahs. It is because people in position of power take rest of people as their slaves so if they do not lookafter them like work horses then they are not going to live for another day to serve them therefore it is a business venture for these people to set up charities for the poor. Charities can also turn people into worthless and useless people because they get use to getting food for not doing much. This is how some countries ruin other countries by making their people idle by flooding them with their things at a cheap rate. It is a way of knocking out the competitors and once they are knocked out then winner ends up with monopoly of the market. This is why personal gain based way of life is not a good way for humanity to live by because the whole society becomes a battle ground between people, each person being worried about one thing or the other. If poor people are worried for daily food then rich cannot come to the market without body guards because poor people turn robbers, kidnappers, hostage takers, terrorists and what not. It is because in a world full of people who live for themselves there is no security of any sort for anyone, so all must look over their shoulders and behind their backs. You reap what you sow though it takes time for the situation to get to that stage. What goes round comes round but when it does then things become very difficult to handle. All smiles are totally wiped off faces in no time. These are the situations the Quran warned against and tells its followers to make humanity understand before it is too late. To begin with it is people in position of power who do not respect fair and just law from Allah and then over a period of time poor also stop respect any laws by the rich and powerful and that is how social environment heats up ie becomes hell by making of people themselves. At that point there is only and only rule of law of Allah or death and destruction of humanity by hands of each other. The road-roller of laws of nature thus evens out all ups and downs in human populations in one go. This is the uprising and upheaval or bloody revolution the Quran warns people about repeatedly. The people who support the mission assigned by God for mankind if they succeed then they are rewarded well ie they end up in blissful, dignified and secure existence due to establishment of a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah just like the exemplary kingdoms that were brought about by the earlier prophets of Allah and their people. This is why the Quran tells their stories in order to educate people how to do it. This is the actual sunnah or the way of the messengers of Allah. In deen of Islam the very first step is to understand the message of Allah properly and then teach it to other people in order to bring about a proper human community and once there comes about a proper human community then the next step is for community to take which is to bring about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Once the proper human community has brought about the kingdom of God then the next step is to run it properly and maintain it as told by God and then gradually expand it by educating the rest of humanity about deen of Islam so that people come and join the community for sake of their own well being. This is the proper Quranic context for use of word JIHAAD meaning struggle or making effort for success of deen of Islam and humanity. In this context if any people stop missionaries of God from spreading his message then that opposition to message must be dealt with appropriately even if it means going to war in order to defeat that opposition. War is a last option as a threat and it is there to ensure people do not take the situation to that end. The war in deen of Islam is not the first option because deen of Islam is not about harming or destroying humanity but to save it from any harm or destruction that inflicted upon some people by others for personal gains at their expense. This is why oppression or tyranny or cruelty or injustice or unfairness is not allowed in deen of Islam. Deen of Islam wants freedom for all human beings from each other this is why it is about living under a proper rule of law that could ensure well being of all human beings. This is why there is no concept of rulers, money lenders or mullahs in deen of Islam. All individuals are to live for making program, goals and guidelines of Allah supreme for ensuring well being of mankind. This is why the ummah must bring about a constitution and legislate laws based upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah. This is called Islamic law or shariah. Shariah does not mean baseless imperialism based laws legislated by mullahs of emperors or rulers which are brought about to oppress and suppress people and to rob them of their God given rights.

263) Advising each other to be or to do or to have or to use whatever ensures well being of proper human community is the proper choice of thoughts and actions for the members of the proper human community to remove all ills from the community and to continuously protect and maintain it than declaring commitment by words and following it by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains at each other’s expense. Even though Allah is free of dependence upon mankind for His existence yet He puts up with foolishness of mankind who do things against what he advises.

In verses like this Allah is making people realise the contradiction or conflict between what they say and what they do. It is a very serious matter if people declare their commitment to deen of Islam yet carry on living by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other. Living like this brings no benefits for people as promised by God but instead losses as mankind are warned by him repeatedly. People say they are Muslims but a great majority of them has no idea what the message of the Quran is because they never read the Quran for making sense of its message. However they complain far too much that God does not listen to their requests. They have no idea whatsoever that all their requests are already answered in the Quran by God and there are no more messages to come from God for mankind. So if people want to know what God has to say about things they request for then they have no choice but to study the Quran in depth and find out. The main thing for people to realise is that there cannot come about a proper human community unless all its members agree to live by way of life advised by God for ensuring well being of each other. If some people try to live by way of life based upon guidance of God and others continue living by way of life based upon personal gains then conflict between them cannot be eliminated so fights and wars cannot be ended between them and so long as fights and wars continue between a people there cannot come about unity between them. Even if a people are already united as a proper human community but some of them decide to adopt personal gains based way of life, the proper human community based upon way of life advised by God is bound to break up or disintegrate. This is why humanity has become very divided and keeps on dividing more and more as time goes on rather than becoming more and more united because people have failed to realise plan and purpose of guidance of God for them. This is why unless they turn to message of God sincerely they cannot find unity, peace, progress and prosperity for themselves and they will keep on killing and destroying each other for their personal gains at each other’s expense.

264) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Do not make your contributions towards struggle for establishment of the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah invalid by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other like a people who only pretend they are participating in the struggle just for showing to people to make fools of them because in actual fact they are not at all committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to program, goals and guidelines of Allah for ensuring the brilliant future for mankind. Their example is like that of a hard barren rock covered with a thin layer of soil wherein nothing can grow because as rain falls upon it, it washes the soil off it leaving it just a bare stone. Such people do not enable themselves to gain anything useful for mankind out of what they do. That is why advice of Allah benefits not such people as reject and fight against His guidance.

In these verses Allah is emphasising how important unity is for mankind because without it people cannot have peaceful existence. Without peace between people humanity cannot make as much progress as it ought to make therefore it cannot have the prosperity which it can have if people worked hard as one people by organising and regulating themselves properly for managing human population and resources, means of production and distribution to ensure well being of mankind.

Word TURAAB is from root TAA, RAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is dust or something like dust in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be needy or poor in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be hungry, to be dusty or lying in dust, to be in trouble or difficulty or hardship, to be suffering from disaster or devastation or catastrophe or calamity or famine or destruction, to be obedient, to be tame or become tamed, to be timid, to be mate or companion or colleague or friend or supporter or wife or husband or spouse or consort or fellow worker, to be equals, to be peers, to be or become of equal or similar age, to be confidants, to be a beloved, to be or become touched or covered by dust, to be of similar mindset or attitude or behaviour, to have similar habits, to be of similar beliefs, to have similar practices, to belong to same era or generation, to become wealthy, to be or become docile, to be compliant, to be dutiful, to be unassertive, to be mild, to be persuadable, to be accommodating, to be manageable, to be passive, to be meek, to be unresisting, to be cooperative, to be controllable, to be or become disciplined, to be easily taught or educated or trained, to be cultivated or cultured or civilised, to be willing to be taught, to be easy to mould or bend or twisted or turned or modelled, to be easy to modify or alter or change, to be a slave, to be submissive or overly submissive, to be yielding, to be humble, to be weak, to be fair, to be just, to be properly balanced, to be symmetrical, to be properly proportioned, to provide someone with home or shelter or hiding place or roof over head or breathing space or room for manoeuvre or patronage or guardianship or care or looking after or cover or refuge or sanctuary or backing or support or reinforcement or defence or safety and security or protection or preservation, to confine or imprison or catch or arrest or restrict or limit or constrict someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prevent or hold someone or something back from being or doing or having or using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to save or rescue someone or something, to have family or following or tribe or clan or children or offspring or sons and daughters or descendants, to belong to a place or people or circle or organisation or association or society or community, to be related or linked or connected to someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to think or reflect or contemplate or ponder over, to have brains or be intelligent or clever or sharp, to understand or comprehend, to be able to see something for what it actually is, to be able to plan ahead or in advance of someone or something, to plot or scheme or conspire, to make up stories about someone or something, to slander or spread false rumours about someone or something, to be deceptive, to provide with necessities of life or livelihood, to sustain, to keep alive, to be down trodden, to be down to earth, some specific particles of dust that are useful for a particular purpose, a set of chemicals that work together as a unit, a set of things that work as a complete unit or a system, earth, dust, pile or mound of dust, grave, tomb, poverty, hunger or thirst, the one suffering, chest bones, ribs, skeleton, something that gives something its shape or form or structure or framework or features or appearance or character, playmates, the base of the neck, the area between breasts and collar bone, upper chest, ovum, sperm, seed, specific parts that make a specific whole, life support system, reproductive organs that work as a unit, container, coffin, room, chamber, ditch, pit, chest, box, command and control centre, central nervous system, administration, management, ruling elite, top part or section of something, leadership, the best or the worst people or things, tradition, custom, rule of law, constitution, womb or something like womb in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word WAABIL is from root WOW, BAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is heavy rain in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be ill or sick or unhealthy or unwell in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be or become polluted or impure or unclean or unclear or muddled up or confused or puzzled, to crush, to deform, to quash or squash, to squeeze, to overpower or overcome, to press, to repress or suppress, to compress, to vanquish or defeat or humble, to extinguish, to break, to subdue, to pulverise, to dislike or loathe or disdain or hate, to be hard or tough or solid, to be strong, to gather or gather together, to wrinkle up or become wrinkled up, to fold up, to crease, to cause division or dispute or rift or dissention or fight, to be unsuitable or incompatible or inconsistent, to link or join or connect people or things, to put in touch or in contact people or things, to form a network of people or things, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked, to be deceptive, to provide someone with home or guardianship or patronage or shelter or sanctuary or protection or backing or reinforcement or support or safety and security or place for hiding or cover, to save or rescue or preserve, to confine or imprison or arrest or catch or hold back or restrict or constrict or constrain or limit, to hold in, to lock up, to capture, to take as a captive or hostage, to guard or keep an eye upon or watch over, to encourage or urge or motivate or inspire or drive or move or exhort or push someone to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to belong to a place or people or an organisation or a company or community or circle or society or party or group or family, a large thick stick, a stick with a sharp or pointed end, a spear or something alike, an arrow or something alike, a sharp pencil or something alike, a bundle of firewood or something alike, harmful or destructive consequences of one’s thoughts or actions, disasters, calamities, catastrophes, devastations, destructions, torrential rain, heavy beating, beating of clothes by clothe washer in order to get the dirt out of the clothes during the washing process, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word SALDAA is form root SWAAD, LAAM and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is hard smooth thick rock or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to be hard and smooth, to be niggardly or miserly or mean or covetous, to envy or be jealous, to be a hard or solid stone or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have root or origin, to have stalk or trunk, to have branches, to have leaves, to have seeds, to have fruit, to come to fruition, to be rooted or grounded or anchored, to branch in or out, to divide or separate, to extract juice, to squeeze the life out of, to contain water or liquid, to be alive, to move about, to be fixed in a place or position, to be fixed in a place yet be able to move, to swing or dance, to blossom, to come to leaf, to grow, to spread, to urge or encourage or move or drive or push or motivate or inspire, to block or stop or seal, to put up a barrier, to put a hurdle or obstacle or difficulty in the way of, to cause problem or difficulty, to control entry or exit or both, to open or shut the door, to open or shut the way, to have or make a way through, to have ways and means, to know the formula or a way to be or to do or have or to use someone or something, to be tough or strong, to be weak or powerless, to break away or separate, to converge or diverge, to come in or go out, to arrive or depart, to pull out or uproot, to be brave or courageous, to die or expire, to be abandoned or forsaken or left alone, to be neglected or ignored, to rot away or decompose or decay or disintegrate, to be unproductive or useless person or people, to become extinct or go out of existence, a solid stone which if hit upon another alike stone sparks fly, a hard or rocky land where in no vegetation can grow, a rocky barren land, a jealous or miserly person, a head which does not have any hair at all, root, seed, branch, leaves, fruit, essence, juice, a women who cannot have any children at all, a people who have no descendants or successors, tree or something like tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose , door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

265) On the contrary the likeness of those who spend their energy or whatever fruit of their labour they have seeking full implementation of the program, goals and guidelines of Allah through strengthening their human brotherhood is like that of a garden on a higher fertile ground which if more rain falls on it yields manifolds its normal produce and if no rain falls on it even a light moisture is sufficient for it to bring forth normal produce. That is how Allah helps you the members of proper human community see through the outcome of what you think and do for ensuring well being of each other.

Here it is made very clear to mankind that they should keep their eyes on the outcome of thoughts and actions about each other. If the outcome of their thoughts and actions about each other is such that it ensures well being of a people then they are in proper frame of mind and have correct attitude and right behaviour otherwise not. If a people can see clearly that they are losing more and more as times goes on then they should become alarmed that something definitely wrong with their mindset or attitude or behaviour so they must start troubleshooting right away and find and correct fault as soon as possible otherwise they will end up destroyed by continue living the very same way. In fact this is exactly what people do when it comes to their personal gains at the expense of each other then why not do that for ensuring well being of the proper human community to ensure success of community as a whole which in turn will ensure well being of each and every person in the community? The benefit of knowing guidance of Allah properly is that one can see the end result of one’s thoughts and actions before it materialises in the real world. Not only that one can also see what others are going to end up with and when or where and how or why. If one acts faithfully upon advice of Allah then outcome is going to be purposeful otherwise useless or harmful and destructive. Full knowledge about things helps one see deeper and wider into things which ignorant and short sighted people cannot. Unity between people has huge benefits for mankind if it is based upon solid grounds where as division and rivalry leaves all involved confused or puzzled and in chaos because at the end of the day they do not have any real foundation to stand upon or any real purpose in life due to constantly suffering from identity crisis due to lack of purposeful knowledge that gives humanity its firm foundation.

Word RABWAH is from root RAA, BAA and WOW. Concrete meaning of this word is steep hill or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also a quick or sudden rise in a piece of land as compared to its surrounding pieces of land, the unevenness in a landscape, peaks and troughs in the land, lowlands and highlands, hill, elevated part of land, growth, progress, development, prosperity, usury or use of something or someone to rise in status or power or wealth at the expense of the used, a group of ten thousand people, interest paid or received on the sum borrowed or loaned, more, greater, height, a power or wealth pyramid scheme whereby people use each other abusively to rise to the top, raising or upbringing someone or something, command and control centre, central nervous system, top part of section of something, ruling elite, leadership, chiefdom, kingship, best or worst people or things, administration, management, constitution, rule of law, tradition, custom, example, to be a ruler or sovereign or emperor, to handle or manage, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to have brains or be intelligent or clever or sharp, to be cunning or tricky or deceptive, to plan ahead or in advance, to plot or scheme or conspire for or against, to understand or comprehend or surround or encompass, to prevail or overwhelm or overcome or overpower, to undermine or humble or bring down or cause to collapse or crumble or fall down, to backbite or slander, to spread false rumours about, to try to dominate others by undermining them, to increase something by using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go on top of a hill, to grow under someone’s care or supervision, to be out of breath, to have asthma, to raise someone or something, to educate or train or cultivate or civilise, to groom or prepare, to increase, to become more, to swell, to inflate, to expand, to detail or explain, to blow or blow up or explode, to put under pressure or pressurise, to build up pressure, to differentiate, to distinguish or make distinct, to extend or enlarge, to stretch, to come to life or become alive, to bring up, to raise, to elevate, to rear, to nurture, to be high, to mount up, to be severe or harsh, to be ever-tightening, to grip or grasp, to strangle, to set a precedent, to provide with home or hospitality or shelter or refuge or sanctuary or guardianship or patronage or cover or roof over head or breathing space or room for manoeuvre or care or looking after or place for hiding, safety and security, to confine or imprison or restrict or limit or constrict or prevent or hold back or arrest or take as captive or hostage, to belong to a place or people or an organisation or association or a society or party or group or circle or community or family or tribe or clan, to have following or backing or reinforcement or defence or protection or support, to link or join or connect, to put in touch or in contact, to for a network of people or things, to bring or put people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to being about a community or communication network, to hold or catch or hang or latch onto, to hook along, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked, to be reliable or trustable, to be something upon which something could be hanged, to be something upon which could be relied, to be something dependable, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

When it comes to understanding of word RIBAA in the context of the Quran people need to realise that deen of Islam is basically about formation of a proper human community and purpose of formation of the community is to bring about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. This is deen of Islam in a nutshell. The basic purpose of bringing about a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah is to ensure well being of mankind. The question is what is deen of Islam? It is way of life advised by God for mankind so that people could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community in this world. This throws any way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other out of the window therefore anyone who has mindset, attitude or behaviour based upon any such way of life cannot be truly committed to deen of Islam. In other words deen of Islam is basically all about living for ensuring well of others to the best of one’s God given abilities. Since a person committed to deen of Islam is supposed to live for ensuring well being of others therefore one does not need any tricks or mechanisms whereby one could abuse or manipulate or use others abusively. In deen of Islam one is not supposed to take undue advantage of anyone which could undermine proper human community. Moreover deen of Islam is all about living by rule of law of God and not about people trying to become rulers over each other. Anyone who tried to rule over others is committing SHIRK ie polytheism because in a way one is trying to take place of God or is trying to be equal to God. This is why living by any other way of than deen of Islam is same as committing shirk. Committing shirk is an unforgiveable crime against God and humanity because it is most harmful and destructive for mankind. According to the Quran all things and people belong to God because he alone is their creator and sustainer. Since all belongs to God therefore none has the ownership of anything at all. This being the case none has anything to sell and because none owns anything to be able to sell it therefore there cannot be any buyer. This is why money or anything used as buying and selling mechanism is anti deen of Islam. This is why like rulers money mechanism users are also condemned because they too are playing God with each other through power of money mechanism. Money mechanism helps or enables or facilitates people to live for themselves at the expense of each other. At the very root of money mechanism is way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other. People use money to profit from each other at each other’s expense or loss. This is why when some people gain others lose. Depending up-on how much some have gained that is how much others lose and ultimately some people become super rich and wealthy while others die of hunger and thirst and no clothes on their backs. Allah created people with more or less advantages with respect to each other for his plan and purpose and that plan and purpose could only become fulfilled if people lived as a complementary community which took care of all its members or ensured their well being. Abusive use of people by each other can only make things worse for a human population and could ultimately destroy it if people do not learn sense and come to rescue of each other. Deen of Islam for the very same reason condemns mullaism because mullaism or religious leadership legalises what is unlawful to do or to have or to use according to law of God. Mullahs have power over minds of people because people are ignorant about deen of Islam and ignorant people have been turned into mullah worshippers through personality cults because they have been kept ignorant by rulers and money lenders who do not build schools and colleges and universities to educate people but place of worship in the name of God to fool people through brainwashing them into religious fanatics. Intellectual properties have been copyrighted to stop wider humanity from benefiting from knowledge of each other to help mankind move forward full speed ahead. All this has a serious negative influence on things to the detriment of humanity as a whole.

The Quran does not forbid RIBAA as interest or usury on capital but dealing with each other abusively or use and abuse of people by each other to take undue advantage of each other which results in harm and destruction of community through destruction of community spirit. Once community spirit is destroyed then community also ends up destroyed and thereafter individuals have no basis any more for their secure future. It is because then each and every person is for himself and therefore each person is out to make a kill for oneself so none is safe from any other person. This results in complete breakdown of trust in each other so one can imagine the consequences for going down that lane. This is why it has to be proper Islam as way of life or destruction of humanity is a foregone conclusion because rivalry based abusive use of people by each other has no future for humanity as a way of life. This should help people know how mullahs have legalised use of money as a way of dealing with each other. They have divided money into capital and interest and say dealing in capital is fine but not in interest on the capital or principle sum. The question is why did Allah forbid RIBAAH? He forbade it in order to stop people from manipulating each other or using each other abusively. The question is, can people not use each other abusively through investing their capitals? Of course they can because otherwise why must a people who must live for each other and must help each other to ensure well being of each other use money mechanism? If a person is fully committed to ensuring well being of another person then why should money come in to it because you either genuinely help or you do not otherwise there has to be hypocrisy at the root of all this declaration of commitment to deen of Islam whereby people are saying one thing and doing another or the opposite. One therefore cannot justify use of any mechanism whereby people could use each other abusively. However while there is no kingdom based upon deen of Islam in the world people are forced to live by whatever system has been invented and enforced by people in position of power till masses become educated enough to realise what is wrong with the way people are forced to live by and overthrow it and replace it with deen of Islam. The Quran explain all this in detail as to how it is going to happen and when people can expect it to happen or why. Until and unless people realise how rulers, money lender and mullahs are using them abusively they cannot be expected to react to it. This is why rulers and money lenders fully back up mullahs to keep people confused so that they are unable to think for themselves. Only people who can think freely for themselves could become aware of tricks and mechanism of rulers, money lenders and mullahs whereby they trick and manipulate masses to use them abusively. So any revolution to change present way of life with the way of life advised by God has to take its time. Mistranslations and misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the Quranic message are keeping a lid on the actual message of deen of Islam for humanity.

Word TALL is from root TWAA, LAAM and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is dew or something like dew in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to moisten, to sprinkle, to shower, to drizzle, to come into sight or view, to look down upon, to disdain or loathe or dislike, to hold in contempt, to have easy or comfortable or luxurious life, to have things of need and want in abundance or plentiful, to ruin, to destroy, to be compassionate, to look out of a window, to peep or look at, to prove something false or invalid, to turn or consider someone or something useless or worthless, to devalue someone or something, to ground, to anchor, to root, to base, to guide, to lead, to brand or label, to mark, to urge or exhort or move or push or encourage or drive or motivate or inspire someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ruins, abandoned dwellings, fallen buildings or structures, an uninhabited building or city, a very light shower or rain, joy or happiness, beauty, liveliness, freshness, tenderness, softness, kindness, building, institution, constitution, rule of law, tradition, custom, example, foundation, something that acts as guide or point of reference, leadership, revelation of God, lamppost, direction or instruction board, road sign, label, something high and visible from a distance, monument, obelisk, gravestone, milestone, road sign or marking, lighthouse, beacon, a hooked stick, a walking stick, a hooked stick to pick fruit from the trees, a shepherd’s staff, a stick with a pointed or sharp end, a spear or something alike, an arrow or something alike, a tool or an instrument or weapon, a roadmap, landmark or something like landmark in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

266) Will any of you like that his garden for which one has worked hard all his life to maintain it for his blissful, dignified and secure existence that is full of palm trees and grape vines that is watered by running streams of fresh water and in which are all kinds of fruits be ruined by lack of care and maintenance at the time when one has become too old to work in it and his children are too young and unable to work therein to maintain it for their survival? That is how Allah makes His set rights and responsibilities for mankind towards each other clear for you so that you may think deeply over them.

Word NAKHEEL is from root NOON, KHAA and LAAM. Concrete meaning of this root is palm tree or something like palm tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to sift, to sieve out, to choose, to select, to elect, to rice, to puree, to strain, to separate course from fine, to direct something towards its destination so that it reaches its intended destination quickly, to urge or motivate or encourage or inspire, or move or drive or push or exhort, to be agile or lively or active or fast moving or smooth or slippery or deceptive or elusive, to write or scribble or draw, to spread or expand or grow, to branch out, to be sweet, to be pleasant, to be palatable or suitable for or consistent with, to bar or leave out or exclude or cast out or throw out, to forsake or abandon or ignore or avoid, to stop or let through, to save or rescue, to be truly well wisher of someone or something, a utensil or tool or instrument or device used for sifting or sieving or straining, a strainer, a tool with which something is meshed or strained, the dregs, the rejects, rejected people in a human population or society, outcasts, underdogs, debris, rubbish, waste, useless people, clusters of low hanging dates, date palms, palm trees, the select, the chosen ones, the accepted ones, the liked ones, the preferred ones, the favoured ones, the approved ones, something that stands tall, a fruit tree with trunk that grows very tall, someone influential in society, someone looked up to, a very high standard that is thought highly valuable due to results it can produce if adopted faithfully, an obstacle, a limit, a prohibition, an inhibitor, something that prevents or stops something from happening, protection, a stick with a pointed end to jab an ox to make it move faster, a spear or an arrow, a pencil or something alike, things that form a bunch or unit, dates, residue, sediment, the least desirable part of something, a small amount or quantity of something, a sweet fruit, a desired outcome, something desired or loved, cluster, group, party, something that helps choosing or sifting something, a tree that bears sweet edible fruit, something that helps straining or separating things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something chosen or selected for some purpose, the dregs of society or human community, the solid particles that settle at the bottom of a container, a group of people in society who you consider to be immoral and of no value, off-scouring of society, one-percenters, rabble, riffraff, rubbish, scum of the earth, swinish multitude, trash, undesirables, vermin, something smooth and lively, something deceptive, a smooth operator, coconut trees, fish or ink or inkpot or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, wrongly founded structure or something like wrongly founded structure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like ox-goad in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ANAAB is from root AIN, NOON and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is grapevine or something like grapevine in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also grape or something like grape in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, wine or grape wine or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, types of grapes or vines or grape wines, a bunch or bunches of grapes, ocean or sea or river or stream or lake or pond or well or water spring, spring season, new beginning, rebirth, ink or inkpot or something alike in some sense, something that fits in well with something, a boat or ship or vessel that floats in water or air or space, building, institution, monument, structure, dwelling, abode, constitution, rule of law, tradition, custom, a reference point, a standard, a guide, eyesight, to see, to look, to view, to observe, to examine, to look at something or someone carefully, to perceive, to have insight, to have in view or sight, to visualise, to imagine, to think, to reflect, to understand, to comprehend, to help or aid or assist or support or back up or reinforce or succour, to guard or keep an eye upon, to watch or spy on, to drink from the fountain or spring or sea of knowledge, to grieve or be sad or sorrowful, to cry or shed tears, to take in water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to recycle or be or become recycled, to start anew, to revive, to become alive again, to be born again, to write or scribble or draw, to be smooth or even or level or regular, to be consistent or suitable or compatible or palatable, to be slippery or deceptive or elusive or illusive or tricky, to be active or lively or quick acting or fast moving, to swim or dive or go into or under water, to float in water or air or space, to belong to a place or people, to provide someone with shelter or refuge or sanctuary or housing or guardianship or patronage or protection or safety and security or care or looking after or roof over head or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or canopy or umbrella or cover, to stand in for someone, to take the place of, to cover up or wrap up or enclose or envelope or overwhelm or veil or hide or rescue or save or shield or preserve or defend, to have family or clan or circle or group or party or organisation or society or association or company or companionship or fellowship or following or support, to live or abide by, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like fish in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ISAAR is from root AIN, SWAAD and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is rain clouds or something like rain clouds in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also rain bearing clouds, time or something like time in some sense, age or something like age in some sense, era or something alike, period or a period of time or a duration or span of or section of time, day or night or morning, the afternoon, evening time till the setting of the sun, a long time that covers some generations of people, time without any limits, the world, the universe, the mankind, people, history or history of mankind or humanity, hurricane or something alike in some sense in some way, whirlwind or something alike, storm or something alike, strong wind or something alike, dust storm, bundles of problems, clouds of terrible situations, dark or gloomy future, cyclone or something like cyclone in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, family, tribe, clan, organisation, association, society, company, circle, winds that raise or bring about clouds or rain, clouds that bring rain, eyesight, watchman, watchtower or post, command and control centre, central nervous system, top part of section of something, ruling elite, leadership, chiefdom, kingship, best or worst people or things, administration, management, to see, to look, to view, to observe, to examine, to look at something or someone carefully, to perceive, to have insight, to have in view or sight, to visualise, to imagine, to think, to reflect, to understand, to comprehend, to help or aid or assist or support or back up or reinforce or succour, to guard or keep an eye upon, to watch or spy on, to drink from the fountain or spring or sea of knowledge, to grieve or be sad or sorrowful, to cry or shed tears, to take in water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to recycle or be or become recycled, to start anew, to revive, to become alive again, to be born again, to have root or origin, to have stalk or trunk, to have branches, to have leaves, to have seeds, to have fruit, to come to fruition, to be rooted or grounded or anchored, to branch in or out, to divide or separate, to extract juice, to squeeze the life out of, to contain water or liquid, to be alive, to move about, to be fixed in a place or position, to be fixed in a place yet be able to move, to swing or dance, to blossom, to come to leaf, to grow, to spread, to be a contemporary, to be of age, to squeeze, to wring, to press, to juice, to stick or stick with, to adhere or adhere with, to squeeze grapes or something, to stop, to shut, to cease, to end, to belong to a place or people or company or organisation or circle, to be part of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to become enraged, to be all fired up, to be in rage or anger or angry, to be a ruler or sovereign or emperor, to handle or manage, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to have brains or be intelligent or clever or sharp, to be cunning or tricky or deceptive, to plan ahead or in advance, to plot or scheme or conspire for or against, to understand or comprehend or surround or encompass, to prevail or overwhelm or overcome or overpower, to undermine or humble or bring down or cause to collapse or crumble or fall down, to backbite or slander, to spread false rumours about, to try to dominate others by undermining them, to increase something by using someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go on top of a hill, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, tree or something like tree in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word IHTARAQAT is from root HAA, RAA and QAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is fire or something like fire in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to burn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to rub, to provoke, to try to bring about reaction by agitating or disturbing something, to rub a piece of iron with a file, to rub one’s nose, to cause friction or tension, to smoke or cause to smoke, to generate smoke, to cause trouble or rage or anger, to ignite or create fire, to cause fight or war through igniting fire of hatred, to try and burn someone by putting one in the fire, to make someone become angry in order to make one start a fight or cause a war, to bring on death and destruction due to fire of hatred, to burn or destroy, to set on fire, to ignite, to torture, to scorch, to eradicate or eliminate or annihilate, to erode, to file away, to wear down by filing away, to be bad tempered or revengeful, to abrade, to wear down by running, to scrape away, to rub away into powder, to burn or burn away, to be tortured in someone’s love, to wish or long or crave for, to have burning desire for, to burn away, to inflict harm or destruction, to spread hatred against someone in order to destroy one’s reputation or person or property, to be ill tempered or angry, to be hard or tough or solid, to be powerful or strong, to be severe, to be extreme, to bar or limit or restrict or barricader, to put up a wall or barrier or hurdle, to partition or separate or isolate, to obstruct or stop or put an end to, to block or seal, to shield or defend or reinforce, to save or rescue or preserve or guard, to imprison or hinder or prevent or arrest, to constrict or confine, to cause dispute or difference or rift or dissention or fight, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to have brains or be intelligent or clever or sharp or cunning or tricky or deceptive, to understand or perceive or imagine or visualise or understand or comprehend, to surround or encompass, to plan ahead or in advance, to plot or scheme or conspire, to jump about or around or all over the place, to be mischievous, to imitate, to copy, to be image of, to be like alike, to be similar or equal or identical, to be substitute or equivalent, to hold or catch or hang or latch on to, to adhere to , to stick with, to fool around, to gather or collect, to mimic, to be agile or active or lively or energetic, to be troublemaker, to be leader or guide or chief or ruler, something that ruins everything, palm tree pollen, fire, flame or flame of fire, a cloud that is full of lightning and thunder, gloomy or dark or problematic future, limit, restriction, authority, management, administration, ruling elite, top part or section of a community, best or worst part of something, command and control centre, central nervous system, kingship, emperorship, chiefdom, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This verse is explaining the point that if people do not become an ummah and bring about a kingdom that is based upon guidance of Allah or do not maintain it if it is there then results are not going to be good for individuals as already explained because each is for himself so people will be looking for a chance that someone from among them becomes weaker so that they could rob him of his livelihood and leave him to die. Moreover end life will be terrible just like a child whose parents cannot lookafter him or have died. Without a human friendly society individuals have very little security to rely upon or to look forward to a better future because if one cannot lookafter oneself then one is not fit to live and whoever is not fit to live dies away after suffering a lot. This is why human beings need a worthy human community upon which they could rely when they are unable to lookafter themselves eg during childhood or old age or during any time when they become ill or disabled etc. Only and only a proper human community based upon guidance of God could avail them such a blissful, dignified and secure existence. This is why any human population that lives on basis of a way of life that is founded upon personal gains at the expense of each other is condemned by God and humanity because such a human population is an enemy of God as well as humanity or each other. Anyone who has sense of making proper sense of things should have no problem in realising from these verses why it is absolutely necessary for humanity to bring about a proper human community and maintain it at any cost because once such a community becomes established then humanity could have a great life otherwise humanity will keep paying terrible price by moving away from guidance of God in form of its own painful suffering by hands of each other with no end in sight so people will keep on living like animals in a jungle tearing each other apart constantly throughout the world. All this will hinder or prevent people from maximum possible progress, growth, development and prosperity because a lot of manpower will be lost through fighting each other needlessly.

267) Therefore O you who claim to be committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a proper human community, use out of that for which you have worked hard faithfully according to His guidance as well as that which comes out of the land for you naturally for ensuring well being of each other and do not even think of using things to cause harm or destruction to others when you yourselves will not like to receive the same treatment by others without having tears flowing down your eyes due to painful suffering. So be well aware of the fact that Allah enriches mankind so that they use His ample provisions according to His guidance.

In these verses Allah is talking about a golden rule ie treat others very nicely as told by Allah because that is how you will like to be treated by others. Failing that a people cannot have unity, peace, progress and prosperity as they ought to have if they lived as a proper human community based faithfully upon guidance of Allah for ensuring well being of each other.

Word TAYAMAMOO is from roots ALIF, MEEM and MEEM as well as YAA, MEEM and MEEM already explained.

Word KHABEES is from root KHAA, BAA and SAA. Concrete meaning of this root is something that can cause harm or destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also something imperfect or defective or damaged in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that can corrupt or distort or cause perversion in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that lacks purity or clarity or can cause impurity or confusion or anarchy or disorder or chaos in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that crumbles or corrodes or decomposes or perishes or causes rot or decay or disintegration, something that taints or goes mouldy, cancer, canker, the process of decaying, abominations, obscenities, something that cannot grow or prosper or can hold back from growth or prosperity, froth, a fruit tree that does not or cannot bear fruit due to some problem with it, something doubtful or suspicious in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ribcage, frame or framework of a structure, something that gives something its shape or form or features or appearance, dry or barren land, a land that is damaged by nitre, unproductive land or people or things, scum, rubbish, dirt, something unhealthy or damaging, a woman or a female that cannot be made or become pregnant, a belief or practice that brings harm or destruction upon people, an ideology or conduct that is useless or worthless, makes beliefs or useless actions, to think or do something that brings no return for ensuring well being of people in this world, a useless or worthless effort or struggle or labour, something void or empty, an empty egg shell, a seed that does not sprout, useless or purposeless or aimless thoughts or actions, a people who fail to grow or prosper, a plant or tree that is not deeply or properly rooted or grounded, unstable or confused mind, to be sterile, to mortify, to wound fatally, to spoil, to fester, to putrefy, to tease, to make fun of, to deteriorate, to decline, to be impure, to be mixed or be a mixture, to adulterate or be adulterated, to commit adultery or fornication, to inflict harm or destruction or be harmful or destructive, to be bad or wicked or crooked or evil, to be bent or twisted or turned, to misshape or deform or be misshaped or deformed, to be or become corrupt, to be or become criminal, to be or become a law breaker, to be or become a rebel, to act above or outside or against the law, to take law into one’s own hands, to do something unconstitutional, to do something extra judicial, to be vicious, to be nauseated, to be or do wrong, to have or use something wrongfully or unlawfully or illegally, to cause rifts or divisions or differences or dissentions, to cause break up or separation, to cause fights or wars, to conspire, to provide with home or roof over head or canopy or covering or room for manoeuvre or space for breathing or guardianship or patronage or support or backing or reinforcement or defence or place for hiding or refuge or sanctuary or protection or safety and security, to confine or imprison or limit or restrict or constrict or tie down or take into custody or arrest, to belong to a people or place or organisation or family or circle or company, to have clan or tribe or society or community or party or group or following, to structure or outline or sketch or map out, to have or give or make a blueprint, to hang clothes on a clothe hanger, to wash clothes, to fabricate, to make clothes, to hatch conspiracies, top plan or plot, to fall down or collapse, to suffer a down fall, to fall into poverty or difficulty or hardship or poverty or trouble, to be or become unstable or weak or infirm, to be or become worried or regretful, to envy or be miserly or niggardly or mean or jealous or covetous, to cause animosity or show animosity, to be disdainful or loathsome or dislike or hated or held in contempt, to be looked down upon, to be ready to fall down or look as if going to fall down, to be at the brink of falling down or losing control, to deceive or cheat or con, to trick, to be slippery or cause to slip or slide, to budge, to shift, to move, to be useless or worthless, to be fake, to be forge, to be false, improperly balanced structure or something like improperly balanced structure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, skeleton or something like skeleton in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word TUGHMIDOO is from root GHAIN, MEEM and DWAAD. Concrete meaning of this root is lowland or something like lowland in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to travel through unchartered land in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go through an experience that none has gone through before in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go where no one has gone before in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to explore new avenues in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to seek out new ways and means in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try to discover or uncover new things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to examine or scrutinise or analyse or look at or see or observe something in depth or carefully in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to experience or go through ups and downs in life in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go deep inside something, to sleep, to close one’s eyes, to let go, to over look, to set free, to abandon, to leave alone, to forsake, to ignore, to avoid, to neglect, to desert, to be or become obscure or hidden or covered up, to lower the price of goods because of their inferior quality, to devalue or seek devaluation, to devolve, to decentralise, to fragment, to distribute, to share, to give correct or right or proper or appropriate or best advice, to go deep into something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to fall asleep for a very short while during an ongoing activity, to snooze or doze off, to experience drowsiness or feel drowsy, to nap or catnap, to nod, to rest, to let loose, to be soft or tender hearted or easy going, to be kind or compassionate, to be easily taken for a ride or be made fool of, to be gullible, to be neglectful or negligent, to let off the hook, to forgive or pardon, to ask for lowering of value of something due to some problem or defect with it, to negotiate, to compromise, to come to common terms or ground, to arrive at the same place or position or conclusion as someone else, to agree with someone else about something, to shed blood, to cry or shed tears, to destroy or ruin or devastate, to drown, to submerge under water, to water or irrigate, to dip or bathe or soak or drench or wet in liquid or fluid or something alike in some sense, to flow or run or drip, to overflow, to maintain life or be life giving, to motivate or inspire of exhort or encourage or push or move or drive or urge, to flood or cause flooding, to fill something with something, to have comfortable or easy life, to have abundant or plentiful livelihood or things of need, to have luxurious life, to draw a battle line, to divide a household or cause a rift or dissention between a people, to fight or go to war with each other, declivity or acclivity, ups or downs of life, vicissitudes of life, intricacies, low-lying areas, slopes, twisted rope, strong link or chain, column, pyramid, a tall and narrow building, obelisk, a monument, a memorial, a lamppost, something tall or high that is visible from a distance, a guide or reference point, a standard or tradition or custom, rule of law, constitution, example, precedent, revelation of God, altar, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, civil war, civil strife, goat or sheep or something alike in some sense, wealth or treasure, something highly valuable in some sense, tall and narrow structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, water or something like water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, battle line or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word GHANEE is from root GHAIN, NOON and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is wealth or something like wealth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also treasure or something like treasure in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, riches, wealth, goats or sheep, cattle or camel, horses or mules or donkeys, land or property, children or offspring, ink or inkpot, a long and wide road or path, a winding road, something smooth or even or level or without ups and downs or wrinkles or creases, something regular, a column or pillar or post or pole or support, something upright or vertical, baluster, pier, pile, pilaster, standard, flag, prop, rod, shaft, leg, mast, pylon, obelisk, monolith, buttress, tower, herm, to link or join or connect or put in touch or in contact, to bring about a network of people or things, to bring about a communication network between people or things, to be involved in something happening or making it happen, to be part of, to be a party to, to be included in, to add or accumulate, to collect or gather, to have hand in something, to have grip or control or authority or jurisdiction or power over, to have a grasp over, to understand or comprehend, to surround or encompass, to overcome or overpower or overwhelm, to be deceptive or slippery or elusive or illusive, to be active or lively or energetic, to be quick acting or fast moving, to write or scribble or draw, to write a book, to mark, to be rich, to be powerful, to be independent or not dependent upon anyone else for one’s existence or sustenance, to be or be able to be or do or have or use something without help of others, to be free from flaws or defects or faults, to be free of any want for self existence, to be beautiful without any makeup, to sing, to be happy or contend or satisfied, to flourish, to grow, to blossom, to be or become prosperous, to be stable or firmly established or rooted or grounded or anchored, to stabilise or establish or accomplish, to be free of needing or wanting help or support of anyone to be or to do or to have or use something, to be full of flowering trees, to enrich or make someone self sufficient or be rich, to free someone from need or want by fulfilling or satisfying one’s need, to be in existence, to dwell or dwell upon, to depend or rely upon or be depended or relied upon, to trust or be trusted, to inhabit or be inhabited, to abide by or be abided by, to enable someone or something to be or become self sufficient, to avail, to be of use, to be valuable or worthy, to suffice in the place of something else, to protect from or defend against, to occupy the attention of, to do without or have no need for, to show interest or concern, to be person of ways and means, to humble or be humbled, to have what one needs or wants, to have affluent or comfortable or easy life, to have thing of need or want in abundance or plentiful, to have luxurious or blissful or dignified or secure existence, to be enough or sufficient, to cover or stand in for, to replace or substitute or change or alter, to be as useful as something else, to benefit, to ensure well being or welfare of, to be true or prove true or real, to stay in a place for a long or very long time, to remain in a state or condition over a long period of time, to be or do same as someone else, to be able to be or do same as someone else, to swim or float or glide, to fly, to move in water or air or space, tall and narrow structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fish or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

268) The harmful and destructive ruling elite invites you the masses to a way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other which can lead you to terrible poverty because through that way of life as a mechanism they can compel you to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for their personal gains at your expense that can turn your future into a terrible shameful existence. However Allah invites you to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a proper human community through His advised way of life based on His wisdom. That is how Allah shows you the mankind that His knowledge of things is vastly comprehensive.

By setting up for masses a personal gains based way of life at the expense of each other rulers, priests and money lenders cause hatred in society because it divides the human population into haves and have-nots, that way one part of the population becomes abusive user of the other and so community spirit breaks down leading to civil wars if remains unchecked. This way of life cannot be changed by individuals unless they turn to guidance from God and understand it properly and help each other do the same and then come together and start living by way of life advised by God. This needs an education based revolution and it is a very hard work. In the past this work was carried out by messengers of God but since there are no more messenger to come from God it now up to individuals themselves to do that work. The harder people work at it the sooner they can get rid of harmful and destructive way of life because as more and more people join the missionary struggle the quicker they achieve their goal. The lesser the number of people that participates in this struggle the more time this goal takes to become accomplished. Allah kept its time as a secret because it serves his plan and purpose that way this is why when people ask when the way of life advised by him will become a reality they are told only Allah knows and instead mechanism is explained because it depends upon what people will do and how they will do it. It will happen for definite but when it will happen depends upon what people will do about it and how many of them will be involved in the struggle. Till people accomplish way of life advised by God they cannot get rid of hatred and wars from between them and poverty cannot be eliminated either for as long as people remain divided and they keep fighting with each other for their personal gains.

Word FAQRA is from root FAA, QAAF and RAA. Concrete meaning of this root is broken back or broken vertebra or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also breaking down of community relations or supportive network in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a devastating calamity, a person who has a broken back or backbone, a fractured human society wherein people do not help and support each other therefore the society cannot function properly, a ditch or hole in the ground in which a date palm is planted, a well or ditch where in there is water, poverty of ideas or knowledge or actions or material things, a human society that lacks resources or manpower for meeting its needs, a human society that lacks ways and means for production or distribution of things it needs, a person who despite hard work cannot meet his daily needs and wants or needs help and support of others to live a dignified life, a person unfit to make a living for himself, gap or gulf or difference between what is needed and what is there, breaking down of community supportive network, social or societal fracture, a human population with fractured relationships, a human population in which people hate each other or fight with each other over things they have instead of getting on with each other by caring for each other through sharing things with each other, a tamed or domesticated camel, a terrible or devastating calamity that breaks one’s back, an opening, an opening to take in food or drink, an opening for talking or communicating, ruling elite, chiefdom, kingship, emperorship, monarch, command and control centre, central nervous system, top part or section of something, top people or things, best or worst people or things, to dig a ditch or hole, to suffer a disaster or calamity or catastrophe, poverty, hardship, to lack things of need or something, to lack necessities of life, to have a need or want, to lack something, to dig a ditch or well, to make hole in beads, to make a hole in the nostril of a camel for putting a ring through it for tying a rope to it to keep the camel under control, to depend upon help and support of others for survival and growth, to juggle things to make the ends meet, to be poor or needy, to be a person devoid of something, to be destitute, to be a person who qualifies for help and support of others, to be a person who needs or desires help of others, to be a person who owns nothing at all or very little, to be a person who cannot fulfil his own needs, to be a person who is in need yet does not go for begging, to blow or blow up, to inflate, to whistle, to expand or explode, to stretch or enlarge or extend, to explain or detail, to elaborate, to clarify or make manifest or clear, to distinguish, to gossip, to slander, to spread rumours, to accuse someone or something falsely, to discuss or debate or argue, to talk or speak or have a conversation, to dispute or differ, to distance or move away or separate, to create gulf or gap or distance or break or fracture, to depart or go away or pass away or expire or die, to contend, to combat, to eat or devour, to destroy or consume, to gulp down, to name call or abuse, to make sound or noise, to jump or jump up and down, to jump about or all over, to hang or latch or catch or hold onto, to imitate, to do alike, to mimic, to be a copy or image of, to read or recite or read aloud, to lecture or give a talk, to collect or gather, to preserve by gathering, to be mischievous or troublemaker, to monkey around, to hang down from, to move from branch to branch, to move from tree to tree, to see or observe or watch, to be agile, or active or lively or energetic, to be quick acting or fast moving, to think or reflect or contemplate or ponder over, to have brains or be intelligent or clever or sharp, to be cunning or deceptive or elusive or illusive, to plan ahead or in advance, to plot or scheme or conspire, to mange or handle or control, to organise or coordinate or regulate, to administrate, to oversee, to keep an eye on, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like monkey in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

269) He grants wisdom for bringing about and running the kingdom based upon His guidance successfully to whichever people work towards it, and any people who are granted that wisdom for bringing about and running the kingdom based upon His guidance successfully are indeed given the key to the abundance of all that is good for ensuring well being of mankind, yet none reflect properly and act upon His guidance faithfully save individuals who have learned sense to make proper sense of things.

This verse is very clear about bringing about the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah because all goodness then rests upon that for mankind. These verses tell supporters of the Quranic ideology that you cannot do what you are told without having a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. So the first thing people who want to implement the Quranic program need to do is learn the message of the Quran properly and spread it among people throughout the world faithfully and then people should organise as a proper human community throughout the world and regulate themselves and finally when there are enough people in a piece of land they can declare it the kingdom based upon Quranic guidance and then implement the Quranic program, goals and guidelines based constitution and laws. Once an exemplary kingdom is put before people as a showcase others will follow. These verses challenge those who think the Quran is just a religious holy book for make beliefs and useless rituals which has nothing to do with politics and economics or running a kingdom. They are so foolish or stupid they do not even realise the simple point that how can human beings become a proper human community or an ummah based upon the Quranic way of life unless they can fulfil needs and wants of each other to ensure well being of each other. How can they do so without having control over land and resources and doing what the Quran says ie manage people and resources properly as well as means of production and distribution? This is why deen of Islam is basically all about bringing about an ummah and with help of ummah bringing a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. It has nothing to do with what mullahs say what deen of Islam is. This is how through learning the message of the Quran properly we can come to know that mullahs are talking nonsense. You cannot bring about an ummah or a kingdom by practicing ritualism ever. To bring about an ummah and a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah people must think and do things that help them bring about an ummah and a kingdom not waste their time in learning and practicing baseless rituals. This proves beyond a shadow of doubt Islam is not a mazhab=a set of make beliefs and rituals but addeen=a way of life advised by God for humanity for fulfilling his plan and purpose.

270) So you produce and distribute nothing of your provided things for ensuring well being of each other out of His provisions and you fulfil not a constitutional or legal obligation based upon His program, goals and guidelines towards each other but Allah makes its results obvious for you people to see in form of a proper human community in a kingdom based upon His guidance, whereas those who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for personal gains at the expense of each other they have nothing to found themselves upon or to rely upon to help them live a blissful, dignified and secure life.

This verse is emphasising the vital importance of having a properly founded human community that works for the good of each other and wider human society and people who have no such sense are like animals who cannot trust anyone or anything because of rivalries and animosities they create with each other for personal gains at each other’s expense. It is human need to be loved by other human beings and be respected by each other and by making enemies out of other human beings one is left with nothing to be happy about in his life. It is because having a place in hearts and minds of others is very different from filling hearts and minds of others with hatred against oneself by treating others in a harmful and destructive way. So when people work hard to make each other happy that gives rise to community spirit and out of that mindset, attitude and behaviour comes security because each person knows that all are there for him/her as and when one needs help. This is not personal favour but a binding duty by way of pact or covenant to which all declare their commitment. Since all declare their commitment to constitution and laws of Allah based upon his program, goals and guidelines for ensuring well being of each other therefore so long as each and every person upholds this commitment in actual reality the security of community is a foregone conclusion. This is the advantage which is not possible by adopting any other way of life for mankind. So one should be able to see why such community or kingdom cannot come about if people decide to dominate each other by undermining each other to rule each other or in other words try to become masters of each other instead of becoming helpful brethren. It is a very strong slap on faces of mullahs who pervert message of the Quran either through ignorance or due to their crooked mindedness for petty personal gains.

271) Your case is different from them because you have message of Allah to rely upon for your guidance that brings you support through mutual cooperation as a proper human community based upon His guidance therefore if you will prove true your constitutional and legal obligations to each other as the proper human community by fulfilling them publicly that will ensure your well being and likewise it will ensure your well being if you will fulfil your constitutional and legal obligations to each other as the proper human community in private as well because that will help you reach a stronger communal bonding or cohesion and that is how harms and destructions which you people could have inflicted upon each other for your personal gains at each other’s expense are kept away from you people due to being a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah. This is how Allah makes obvious to you the mankind that He is aware of what you people ought to be thinking and doing for ensuring well being of each other.

Word TUKHFOO is from root KHAA, FAA and YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is something visible as well as invisible in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also something hidden or evident, something secret or known, something open or shut, something soft or hard, something obvious or obscure, something that is hidden yet obvious in some way, something private or public, something restricted or confined or free, something unknown or unseen or absent, something about which one is not aware, digging up, finding out or discovering or excavating or exploring or searching, a grave robber or grave robbing, secondary or hidden feathers in a bird’s wings, jinn, unknown, not noticeable, well hidden, silent, unspoken, inaudible, private, something in the mind or thoughts, shelter, refuge, protection, gap, difference, dispute, distance, power or authority or control or capacity or capability or ability or grasp or jurisdiction or reach, to catch up with, to be unaware, to know or let know or make aware, to let hide, to appear or disappear, to be perceived or unperceived, to hide or be hidden or manifest, to remove that which conceals, to make explicit, to bring out into the open, to expose or bring to light, to show or demonstrate, to seek or endeavour or make effort to hide, to excavate, to explore, to discover or uncover, to cover or cover up, to participate or take part or partake, to say something, to experience something or go through an experiment, to consume or eat or devour, to conceal or reveal, to make clear or explicit, to explain, to be silent or noisy, to be in the mind or thoughts, to be apparent, to have power or reach, to be able to accommodate, to talk or speak or deliver lecture or speech, to discuss or converse, to debate or argue, to dispute or differ, to distance, to create gap or gulf, to separate or divide, to cut off or sever, to boycott, to gossip, to slander, to backbite, to accuse falsely, to spread false rumours, to blow, to expand, to explode, to inflate, to grow, to increase, to enlarge or stretch, to whistle, to give indication or signal, to raise flag, to raise alarm, to link or join or connect or put in touch or contact, to form a network of people or things, to catch or hold or hang onto, to have power or control over, to have understanding of or comprehension about, to surround or encompass, to overcome or overpower or overwhelm, to cover up, to put top over something to cover it up, to tend to decline, to be ready to fall down or crumble or collapse, to decay or decompose or disintegrate or fragment or fall into pieces or fall apart or break down, to be involved in something, to have a hand in something happening, to show one’s hand, to trick or cheat or deceive or make fool someone, to be cunning or a con, to be unstable or infirm or fragile, to be about to fall down or fall apart, to blow bellow or trumpet, to blow trumpet for war, to be in charge or responsible, wrongly founded structure or building or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

272) It was not possible for you the mankind to guide each other properly because you had no such deep and wide awareness and understanding whereby you could do so, however Allah does have such capability so Allah guides all people properly who show by their hard works they want to be guided by learning His guidance properly and acting upon it faithfully. Therefore whatever fruits of your labour you use for ensuring well being of each other it is for ensuring well being of your own proper human community. However you should never use fruits of your labour or your efforts but only and only for accomplishing your assigned goals by Allah. Anyhow you will not use any fruits of your labour for ensuring well being of each other as a proper human community based upon His guidance but its outcome will be delivered to you in full and you will not be inflicted with harms and destructions by each other for personal gains at the expense of each other.

These verses are making a major point of importance that if you live on basis of caring and sharing as told by Allah then you remove from between you as a society any danger of stabbing each other in the back. This verse also makes clear why people cannot guide themselves due to which they need help of Allah through his guidance. It is because people do not have the knowledge needed for this purpose. Such awareness and knowledge only and only rests with Allah. If Allah had not provided mankind with his guidance then humanity will have been in yet worse state of existence than it is. It is because Godly people are busy trying to educate others out of their ignorance throughout the world. This is gradually making this world a better place but this learning and teaching process is very slow and will take its time.

273) As for the needs of the stuck individuals who are engaged so much in furthering the mission of Allah the while there is no properly functioning community or kingdom based upon guidance of Allah they need to be taken care of by those who can because they cannot move about in the land to work for their livelihood . Those unaware of this situation regarding such people think that these like people in need of support of others are self-sufficient on account of their behaviour because they do not ask for help but you can recognize them by the way they live yet they do not request people for help. However you do not ensure well being of anyone of such people with anything but Allah makes it manifest through its results.

Word TAAFUF is from root AIN, FAA and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is something that holds itself back from something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to stop from going ahead with something, to lack qualifications for acceptability, to lack qualities needed for reaching a standard that prevent one from joining an organisation or company or group, to hold back oneself from breaking a rule or custom or tradition or law, to not to breach the set standard or limitation, to hold back or restrain oneself from doing something harmful or destructive or shameful, to overcome sexual desire, to keep oneself under control regarding sexual desire, to become content with whatever little is available, to stay away from having or doing something, to take extra care, to be cautious or careful, to be alert, to refrain from doing something, to keep oneself in check against temptations, to guard oneself, to take appropriate measures to protect oneself against something, to lack something in some sense due to which one fails to meet some set standard, to not to be up to requirement due to some lack which stops one from getting something or doing something, to hold oneself back from worldly pleasures, to not to have what it takes to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to suckle little bit or a small amount or quantity of milk, to refrain from committing an harmful or destructive act, to hold oneself back from being rebellious or disloyal or unfaithful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to stop oneself from doing or having or using something against someone or something, to refrain from breaking the law or doing something unconstitutional, to stop oneself from having or doing something that could make one’s future bleak or grim or dark or regretful or sorrowful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to prevent oneself from having or doing something which could have terrible painful consequences in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to check oneself against temptation or stop oneself from succumbing to a temptation, to avoid being enticed or allured or entrapped, to guard one’s dignity or self respect, to become temptation free or temptation proof, to not to be or do or have or use something that causes losses of self respect or dignity or honour, to stop or be or become stopped, to prevent or be prevented, to restrain or be restraint, to hold back or be held back, to be shy or hesitant, to resist, to be reluctant, to not to do something that could lead one to be shameful later or bring shame upon oneself or cover one in shame, to not to beg despite being needy or poor or needing help with livelihood, to come back to life or become alive again or revive or be born again, to start again or anew, to begin all over again, to be or do all over again, to redo, to shoot or sprout, to come to leaf, to dance around or move about, to cry or be in tears or sad or regretful or worried, to see or observe or watch or view or imagine or think or reflect, to understand or comprehend, to surround or encompass, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over, to help or support or assist or aid or reinforce or back up, to keep or guard or preserve or defend or shield or save or rescue, to keep an eye upon or spy on someone or something, to be at a distance from, to keep or move or stay away from, to create gap or gulf or distance between, to depart or pass away or leave or leave behind or abandon or desert or forsake or neglect or avoid, to divide or separate or cut or cut off or sever or break off or isolate, to partition or put up a barrier or wall or hurdle or barricade or obstruction, to cause hardship or difficulty or problem or trouble or poverty, to flow or drip, to shed tears or spill blood, to cause difference or rift or dissention or dispute or fight or war, to shed light upon, to blow or blow up or expand or explode or explain or detail or elaborate, to extend or enlarge or stretch or open up, to grow or increase, to be remote, to consume or use or destroy, to eat or devour, to blow a whistle or horn or trumpet, to make noise, to inform or let know or make aware or alert, to talk or speak or deliver a speech or lecture, to discuss or debate or argue, to slander, to spread rumours, to accuse falsely, to blow out something by blowing at it, to bellow a fire to make it fierce or hotter, picking up of the dried grass with its tongue by a camel while dusting it, not to spread one’s hand before anyone for help or support, little bit milk that is left in udders of a she-camel after it has fed its young, meagre quantity, austerity, modesty, chastity, self restraint, water source, sea or river or stream or water spring or well or pond or ditch, spring season, new beginning, rebirth, recycling, revival, something springy that jumps about or dances around, branches of trees full of leaves that move about in the wind, watchman, watchtower, guarding post, security zone or area, jurisdiction, reach, extent of one’s reach, potential difference between two points or things, distance or difference between two points or things in some sense which keeps them separate, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like mouth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word ILHAAFAA is from root LAAM, HAA and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is bedcover or something like bedcover in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also outer garment or something like outer garment in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, quilt or something alike in some sense, blanket or something alike in some sense, overcoat, overall, covering or wrapper, someone or something that does not leave someone or something alone or on one’s own, a stick with a pointed or sharp end or something alike, a spear or something alike, an arrow or something alike, a tool or weapon or an instrument, to put up a wall or barricade or barrier or partition, to separate or divide or shield or defend or preserve or guard or save or rescue, to cut or cut off or isolate or break off relationships with or sever ties with or boycott with, to back up or reinforce or support, to fight or fight off, to repel or repulse, to be repelling or repulsive, to push back or away, to stand in the way of, to put hurdle or difficulty or trouble or hardship or problem in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to limit or restrict or confine someone or something in some sense, to take in or keep out someone or something in some sense, to include or exclude someone in some sense, to engage or disengage someone or something, to be instrumental in something, to be involved in or with something, to be part of something, to be taken over by something, to be overwhelmed by something, to be or become fully engaged in something, to wrap up or become wrapped up in something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to engulf or become engulfed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to veil or cover or cover up, to stick or become stuck with, to stay or be with, to adhere to, to be staunch supporter or loyal follower, to embrace, to bestow a favour, to request or ask persistently, to demand urgently, to persist or be persistent or importunate, to keep secret or undercover or hidden or concealed or invisible or low profile, to become fully involved with someone or something in some sense, to become fully occupied with something in some sense, to not be free or disengaged or vacant, to be busy with being or doing or having or using something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to try harder to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense, to cause difference or rift or dissention or dispute or fight or war, to blow or blow up or expand or explode or explain or detail or elaborate, to extend or enlarge or stretch or open up, to grow or increase, to be remote, to consume or use or destroy, to eat or devour, to blow a whistle or horn or trumpet, to make noise, to inform or let know or make aware or alert, to talk or speak or deliver a speech or lecture, to discuss or debate or argue, to slander, to spread rumours, to accuse falsely, to blow out something by blowing at it, to bellow a fire to make it fierce or hotter, to urge or encourage or exhort or move or drive or inspire or push or motivate someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something like it n some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

These verses make a few points but the main thing is formation of alliance between individuals who take the Quranic message as true. It is told in these verses that as people join hands from a single person to two people and four and eight and so on and so forth, it is better that they work together in such a way that first they take care of their needs at least to a minimum and then use rest of their time in spreading the message to other people who are most likely to join them. As the number increases the organised and regulated group should act as a community and keep expanding, reviewing and readjusting and keep going till the kingdom based upon this brotherhood comes about. In the beginning it is going to be tough for individuals but as the group expands some things will ease up but other difficulties will arise both from inside as well as outside. From inside because as group gets bigger it becomes difficult to handle it and from outside because opponents will not sit idle and cause troubles for this group ie ideological and logistical warfare could begin between the two groups which is not going to end till one group takes over the other either through convincing each other by shear use of force. All this is explained in the other surahs in detail. This surah gives an over all picture of what the Quranic message is all about in human terms. The points raised in this surah are dealt with in more detail in other surahs. Reading this surah and understanding it should leave one in no doubt how consistent the Quran is in its message. One should also be able to see why this surah is placed in the second place in the Quran. Not due to its length but due to importance of its contents which turned it into the longest surah in the Quran. It is strange that people who are said to be the excellent scholars of the Quran failed to realise such fundamentally important facts about the Quran that have been put forth in this explanation of the Quranic message.

274) Those who use fruits of their labours out of Our provisions to help others by night and by day, privately and publicly individually and collectively they will have their reward according to set-up systems and laws of their Creator and Sustainer in form of a blissful, dignified and secure life giving kingdom based upon guidance of Allah wherein they will neither be anxious or worried about their future nor will they regret their past efforts they made for bringing it about.

These verses tell community that it is not necessary that one should raise alarm when one is not doing well rather it is necessary that people remain in touch with each other on permanent basis in order to remain aware of community members as to how they are getting on with their lives on daily basis as well as how the God assigned mission is progressing towards its set goals according to his guidelines. If there appears any sign that anyone may not be doing well then such a person must be attended to at once till one is back on his feet or that reasonable provision must be made to ensure support for them for as long as they may need it. It is not right that any person may go without necessities of his life in the community. Moreover these verses tell Muslims to live as well organised and regulated communities the while there is no kingdom based upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah. The while there is no such kingdom the constitution and laws based upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah apply only to organisations according to their capacity rather than state or kingdom. The while Muslims are living without a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah they must carry on working for creating one by spreading proper message of Allah faithfully so that people among which they live turn to Islam as their way of life and turn the place into a Quran based beautiful kingdom for themselves. The Quran tells us ultimate purpose of human creation and that is, man is created to know God through his creation and revelation but before mankind could do that the two primary goals set for mankind are to bring about the ummah and then the kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. Unless these two basic steps are completed first the struggle for accomplishing the ultimate goal is impossible for mankind because that needs a lot of help from people as a proper human community that is well established in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. The ultimate goal for mankind involves their travelling throughout the universe and that cannot be undertaken by mankind till people find ways and means for that and that is not a one man job therefore not a task for people who are busy fighting each other for petty personal gains at the expense of each other rather that needs a proper human community that is well established in a kingdom based upon guidance of Allah. The creation is based upon plan and purpose of Allah so humanity cannot accomplish its God set goals unless it adopts way of life advised by Allah faithfully with full understanding of it.

275) Those who participate with each other on basis of way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other they have no solid foundation to build their future upon as a proper human community because their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours are like those inspired by the leadership that opposes way of life based upon guidance of Allah. For that reason they take the idea of production and distribution and means of production and distribution of things of need for serving a proper human community based upon guidance of Allah the same as the idea of production and distribution of things of need for personal gains at the expense of each other despite the fact that Allah has approved the idea of production and distribution and means of production and distribution of things of need for serving the proper human community to ensure its well being but He has declared the idea of production and distribution and means of production and distribution of things of need for personal gains at the expense of each other unlawful because it harms and destroys community spirit and thereby the concept of proper human community. So any people who have received advice from their Creator and Sustainer and have stopped going against His constitution and laws based upon His program, goals and guidelines for such there is no accountability for their past conduct of affairs but such a peoples’ future mindsets, attitudes and behaviours have to be according to the guidance of Allah for ensuring the well being of the proper human community. If any people will yet turn their backs on guidance of Allah then such a people deserve to be among those who will be consumed by fire of hatred against each other in due course that is how they will go through severe anxiety and worries for their future and terrible regrets for their such like decisions of the past. That sort of people will remain in that state of existence constantly for as long as they will live their lives by their adopted way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other.

Word YATAKHABBATUH is from root KHAA, BAA and TWAA. Concrete meaning of this root is to brand someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also to beat someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to strike someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to label or stamp, to identify or define, to stamp the ground with feet, to march, to travel, to go about or go on one’s way or go away, to leave or depart or move away, to distance oneself from, to sign, to create a symbol, to build a monument, to beat about, to walk about, to beat about the bush, to not to come to the point, to confuse or be confused or puzzled or witless, to lack intelligence, to lack sense of making proper sense of things, to be insane or mad, to be senseless or foolish, to be simple, to be ignorant or illiterate or uneducated or untrained, to be uncivilised or uncultured, to lack manners, to not to know how to go about things, to not to know how to handle or manage someone or something, to not to know one’s objective or purpose for being or doing or having or using something, to go about aimlessly, to wander about, to beat off leaves of trees or plants for animals, to strike someone or something with both feet, to confound, to drive insane or push to insanity, to craze, to madden, to beat someone or something strongly or severely, to trample under the feet, to trample over someone or something, to walk over someone or something, to travel during the darkness of the night without having sense of direction or destination, to be old or aged, to be infirm or unstable, to be weak or meek, to not be able to fend for oneself, to be suspicious or in doubt about someone or something, to be cruel, to be a tyrant, to be an oppressor or suppressor, to compel or force or push someone or something to be or to do or to have or to use something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be an abusive user of people or things at will, to be boastful about one’s strength or wealth or influence, to be ready or about to crumble or collapse or fall down, to be fragile, to be sensitive, to be delicate, to be easily dominated or undermined, to be soft or kind or compassionate, to jitter or shake or tremble or shiver or move about, to provide with shelter or refuge or home or sanctuary or dwelling or a bode or place to live or space to breathe or room for manoeuvre or roof over head or guardianship or patronage or protection or preservation or safety and security or care or looking after or umbrella or canopy or safety net against poverty or disease or danger or defence or support or backing or reinforcement, to confine or limit or restrict or constrict or arrest or imprison or restrain or constrain or hold back or prevent, to belong to a people or place or an organisation or association or company or circle or society or community or kingdom, to adhere to a tradition or custom or rule of law or constitution, to have a family or wife and children or offspring or descendants or successors or predecessors or ancestors or party or group or following, to be a guide or leader, to be a reference point, to be centre of attention, to be symbol of importance or vital importance, to give clue or indication about something, to be clue or indication for something, to mark, to make a sign, to be a standard, to be a flag for something, to stand for something, to be high and visible from a distance, to be watchtower or post, to be a lamppost, improperly balanced structure or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, landmark or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word SALAF is from root SEEN, LAAM and FAA. Concrete meaning of this root is precedent or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also tradition or custom or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, rule of law or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, constitution or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, base or foundation or ground or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, earth or starting point or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a thing of the past or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something already committed or done or achieved or attained or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, previous or past generations or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to go past, to precede, to come to an end, to complete, to expire, to have already finished, to have already gone, to level up, to arrive at or come to same level, to give an advance, to be dead, to have died, to happen in the past, to have previously acted, to plough the land, to cultivate, to till the ground, to dig the ground, to teach, to train, to prepare, to civilise, to culturize, to teach mannerisms, to show the way or technique or formula or trick to be or do or have or use something, to even out the landscape, to remove unevenness in the landing or human society, to remove differences or discriminations or biases or prejudices or divisions or disputes or conflicts between people or things, to go before, to front, to lead, to guide, to instruct, to set an example or precedent, to lay down a foundation or tradition, to originate or bring about something, to originate or come from, to send ahead or before, to spy, to collect or gather information about someone or something in advance, to front the war, to lead the troop or soldiers in the battlefield, to command, to encourage or urge or push or move or motivate or inspire or exhort or drive, to be brave or have courage, to be a warrior, to have passed already, to take the lead, to outdo, to be the former, to have been taken already, to have been given already, to have been sent earlier, to have arrived or reached already, to bite, to grip, to hold or catch or hang onto someone or something firmly, to cut, to sever, to separate, to divide, to set criterion for inclusion or exclusion, to break of links or ties or relationships with, to isolate, to boycott, to leave alone or abandon or forsake, to let go or free, to leave someone on one’s own, to not to trouble or bother with someone or something, to ignore or neglect or avoid, to move a side or deviate, to go off the path, to lose the way, to vanish or disappear or become invisible, to become distant, to hide, to cover up, to subside, to have low profile, to settle down, to calm down, to become quiet or silent, to gossip, to debate, to deliver a lecture, to make a speech, to slander, to backbite, to cause conflict or fight or war, to spread rumours, to accuse falsely, to create gap or distance between people or things, to blow or blow up or explode or expand or inflate or enlarge or make bigger or cause to grow or increase, to add or add up or put together, to bring together, to unite, to make one, to cause to become one or united, to declare war, top beat the drums, to blow the trumpet or whistle, to bellow, to fan or fan the fire or fire of hatred, to devastate or destroy, to consume, to eat or devour, to swallow, to be firm or solid or tough or strong, to make or have or use tools or instruments or weapons or equipment or machines or mechanisms, to explain or detail, tooth or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, ox-goad or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, mouth or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

Word AAD is from root AIN, WOW and DAAL. Concrete meaning of this root is pole or something like pole in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also destination or aim or goal or objective or direction or target or terminus, place of origin or return or both, outcome, result, effect, consequence, the end of a journey, graveyard, death, country of origin or destination, birthplace, a place or situation more suitable for someone or something, someone well experienced or trained or skilled in planning and executing something, stick or something alike in some sense, branch of tree, habits, appointed time or place, to make a comeback, to put something through various changes to help it develop or progress stage by stage or step by step, to keep coming back to something, to revisit an idea or place, to revise, to renew the effort, to start something or to have another go at it, to make something reach its intended target or destination in some sense by putting it through a journey of some sort, to have capability to do something repeatedly, to rescind, to accrue, to be accustomed, to repeat or be repeated, appointed time or place, to change to, to change or be or become changed, to visit, to turn into, to become, to restore or be restored, to recover, to send back, to bring back or be brought back, to go back to someone or something, to be experienced, to visit, to return, to go back or go back to previous or earlier mental or physical state or condition, to become, to turn into, to send back, to reproduce, an anniversary, a feast or festival or celebration day a people celebrate each year of their lives in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to do something or to do something all over again, to manage to fulfil or accomplish one’s goal or task or mission, to complete one’s journey by reaching or arriving at intended or designated end destination, to be soft or tender hearted or kind or compassionate, to be benevolent, to ensure or try to ensure well being of others, to be an experienced or skilled or expert or trained person, to be master in one’s field of knowledge or skill, to come back to life or become alive again or revive or be revived or born again, to start again or anew, to begin all over again, to be or do all over again, to redo, to shoot or sprout, to come to leaf, to dance around or move about, to cry or be in tears or sad or regretful or worried, to see or observe or watch or view or imagine or think or reflect, to understand or comprehend, to surround or encompass, to have power or authority or control or grip or jurisdiction over, to help or support or assist or aid or reinforce or back up, to keep or guard or preserve or defend or shield or save or rescue, to keep an eye upon or spy on someone or something, to flow or drip, to shed tears or light or blood, to spill blood, to see or perceive or have someone or something in sight or view in or in mind in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to help or support or assist or back up or reinforce someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to watch or guard or keep an eye on or spy on someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be focused upon or be attracted to or pulled or dragged towards someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to grieve or be sad or sorrowful or regretful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be anxious or worried or depressed in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be happy or delightful or joyful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to lookafter or take care of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to start anew or have a new beginning or experience rebirth in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to join or link or connect people or things together in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to put people or things in touch or in contact with each other in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring people or things together to form a network of people or things in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bend or twist or turn someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked or wicked in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to harmonise, to coordinate, to bring together or unite, to add, to attach or stick, to hold or hand or catch or latch onto, to tie or bind together, to repel someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to defend oneself against someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drive back someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to avert or avoid or deflect an attack or catastrophe or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to place hurdles or barriers or obstacles or difficulties or problems or hardships in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to remove hurdles or barriers or obstacles or difficulties or problems or hardships in the way of someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to overcome barriers or difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to break through barriers or overcome difficulties in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, eye or something like eye in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that has something to do with eye in some way in some way, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that has something to do with hook in some sense in some way, door or something like door in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, something that has something to do with door in some sense in some way etc etc.

It is very important that these verses are understood in their proper context. The context which is very obvious from this surah is unity of human population by removing all obstacles in its way. This mean all ideas and actions or mindsets, attitudes and behaviours that lead to harm and destruction of mankind through discriminations or negative divisions that harm and destroy community spirit are unlawful according to the Quran. It is not hoarding of things by the community that is unlawful but the reasons for hoarding them (eg personal gains by individuals at the expense of others) that bring harm and destruction upon human population. The Quran requires that people work together as a single family as hard as they can according to their God given abilities and produce things as much as they can and then distribute them between themselves so that all needs of all people are reasonably satisfied at least. There is no top limit as to how much the community can produce and distribute between themselves. However, the whole community is condemned if any of its individual is not looked after for his all needs by it with dignity and self respect intact. This is why begging is unlawful in the kingdom based upon the Quranic guidance. It is because the Quran based community is not a business for personal gains based human population at all but a proper human community based upon idea of brotherhood, where in human dignity is the basis not owning things by destroying lives of each other for profit. A family is beneficial if it lives by house rules that ensure its well being as a proper human family that is united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous otherwise it is worst than animals in the jungle.

276) Because set up systems and laws of Allah in this universe are set up in such a way that they deprive any people of blissful, dignified and secure existence who live by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other however due to that set up through way of life based upon His guidance He promises blissful, dignified and secure future to those people who use fruits of their labour for making sure well being or each other as a proper human community. So O mankind, be well aware that set up systems and laws of Allah do not work for ensuring well being of a any people who reject and oppose His advised way of life for mankind because by doing so they slow down the process of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a whole.

Word YAMHAQ is from root MEEM, HAA and QAAF. Concrete meaning of this root is waning of the moon or something like waning of the moon in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also moonless nights or something like moonless nights in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, a sharp blade or something alike in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, depression, roll of thunder, disaster, catastrophe, calamity, a defeated army, breaking down of relationship or friendship, breaking down or collapsing of talks between two opposing groups, lowland, crevice, dent, groove, crack, emaciated animals, roll or rumbling of thunder, disaster or calamity or catastrophe or devastation or destruction, breaking down of a bow, a defeated or humbled army or a group of people, luxuries of life, life of ease or comfort, a member of religious or ruling elite who works against the way of life advised by God out of ignorance based arrogance, a beast of burden, a senseless or stupid person or people, an ignorant or a stubborn person or human population, a person set in his ways and is not open to change, a person who does not respond to changes around him appropriately, a stagnant person who does not move with time, a boulder or large rock or stone or gibber, a person or people who are stuck in a state of existence, something that is neither totally dark nor completely bright, something grey, something doubtful, something that gives rise to concern or worry or suspicion, a foolish person or people who do not learn sense of making proper sense of things, something that is white or red in colour or has such stripes or streaks, greyscale or spectrum or range, something that runs away after getting a fright, skin, to cause differences disputes or rifts or dissentions, to put barriers or obstacles or difficulties or restrictions in the way of someone or something, to stop or block, to confine or limit someone or something, to shield or guard or defend or save or rescue or preserve or shelter, to be red or of red colour, to be hard to manage or handle, to shed blood, to gradually or slowly or progressively disappear or go in hiding or undercover or vanish or become obliterated or annihilated or erased or worn out or eroded, to diminish or decrease or dwindle, to slowly decline or fall or shrink or contract or collapse or crumble or decay or disintegrate or dissolve or withdraw or move away or depart or die or expire or lessen or abate or subside or recede or slump or evaporate or wither or degenerate or decompose or remit or deteriorate, to blot out, to uproot, to blight, to humble or defeat or vanquish or undermine, to force to submit or surrender or yield, to overcome or overtake or overwhelm or overpower or take control over or win over or be victorious or triumph, to be humble or submissive or subordinate or under control, to go to waste or end up being wasted, to go out of existence or become extinct, to dry up or dry up due to heat, to lack livelihood due to ongoing fighting or war between people, to be in the dark or confused or puzzled about someone or something, to be unaware or uninformed about someone or something, to have doubt or suspicion about someone or something, to lack certainty about someone or something, to be unstable or inform or shaky, to tremble or shudder or shake or shiver or jitter, to fall apart or break down, to be weak or meek or frivolous, to be or become useless or purposeless or aimless, to be idle or unproductive, to hinder or prevent or stop growth or development and prosperity, to cause disintegration or breakdown or decline, to shed tears or blood or cause death and destruction in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to ruin someone or something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to cause flooding in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to water or irrigate something in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to bring about prosperity or greenery or something in abundance or plentiful in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drip or flow or run in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to drench or dip or soak or wash or bathe or drown or submerge something under water in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to have affluent existence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, to jump about or around or all over the place, to be mischievous, to imitate, to copy, to be image of, to be like alike, to be similar or equal or identical, to be substitute or equivalent, to hold or catch or hang or latch on to, to adhere to, to stick with, to fool around, to gather or collect, to mimic, to be agile or active or lively or energetic, to be troublemaker, to read or recite, to gather or gather together, to preserve, to contain, to write, to bring together, water or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, monkey or something like it in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

277) Surely those who commit to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in this world and think and take appropriate actions to remove rifts and mend fractured relationships between people in order to establish a proper human community network based upon guidance of Allah and give their full support to the community to help its growth and develop to its full potential, to them will be delivered the promised outcome by universal set-up systems and laws of their Creator and Sustainer in due course in form of a kingdom based upon His guidance wherein they will have blissful, dignified and secure existence, so they will neither be anxious or worried in there for their future nor will they have any regrets for what they will have done in the past for bringing about such a kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence.

278) So O you who claim to be committed to working for unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind! Be consistent with constitution and laws based upon program, goals and guidelines of Allah by being consistent with each other as a proper human community therefore get yourselves rid of even a tiny thought about living by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other if you have truly committed to working for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of each other as a proper human community and the rest of human population.

Word ZAROO is from root ZAAL, RAA and WOW/YAA. Concrete meaning of this root is summit or something like summit in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also top part or section of people or things, best or worst part or section of people or things, command and control centre, central nervous system, ruling elite, chiefdom, kingship, imperialism, authoritarianism, president, head of government, administration, management, top, peak, mountaintop or hilltop, crest, crown, apex, vertex, tip, cap, ridge, brink, brow, needle, crag, tor, meeting or conference or discussion or consultation or dialogue or deliberation between top people of a human population or ruling elite, constitution, rule of law, tradition or custom, example, top part or section of an institution, a top or bottom or best or worst system or structure or procedure or practice, to handle or manage or look after or take care, to act as guardian or patron or protector or supporter or backer, to reinforce or defend or guard or shield or preserve or save or rescue or shelter or provide refuge or sanctuary or roof over head or a hiding place or home or room for manoeuvre or space to breathe or rest, to restrict or limit or confine or imprison or lock up, to obstruct or stop or block, to put a wall or hurdle or difficulty or obstacle in the way of someone or something, to cause hardship or poverty or trouble or problem, to think or reflect or ponder or contemplate, to have brains or be intelligent or clever or sharp, to be tricky or cunning or deceptive, to be bent or twisted or turned or crooked, to be reliable or trustable or dependable, to plan ahead or in advance or scheme or plot or conspire, to understand or comprehend or grasp, to surround or encompass, to imagine or visualise or perceive or observe or see or view or know, to have insight into, to overpower or overcome or overwhelm, to come with ideas or thoughts, to be involved or have hand in, to be part of, to belong to, to cause to multiply or grow or increase, to create or design or fashion, to scatter or disperse or sprinkle or spread or broadcast or announce or proclaim or declare in public or openly to publicise or communicate, to tell or inform or make aware or let know, to blow or blow away or blow up, to inflate or expand or explode, to explain or elaborate or make clear or manifest or detail, to blow horn or trumpet, to bellow, to whistle, to be a whistleblower, to be a secret agent or spy, to be a mole, to make noise, to winnow, to use the power of wind to separate grain from the chaff, to thresh, to snatch away, to wither away, to fly away or be carried away by the wind, to bring together or unite or join or combine or link or connect or put in touch or contact, to form a network of people or things, to put people or thing in touch with each other, to form a community or communication network, to tie or bind together, to have reach or jurisdiction or control or power or authority or grip over, to stretch or extend or enlarge, to protrude or grow bigger or increase in number or quantity or amount or size or weight or importance, to take control of, barrier or something like barrier in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hook or something like hook in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, hand or something like hand in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

279) However if you will not give up the idea of living by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other then you are hereby informed by Allah loudly and clearly through His messenger that fighting and wars between you the mankind will never come to an end. However if you will stop even thinking about living by way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other and reform according to way of life advised by Allah then for you is whatever of the provision is assign to you out of Our sustenance by the proper human community according to constitutionally and legally set limits as individual members of the proper human community. Therefore do not adopt way of life based upon personal gains at the expense of each other in order to inflicting harms and destructions upon others so that you are not inflicted with harms and destruction by others in return on the very same basis.

Word HARB is from root HAA, RAA and BAA. Concrete meaning of this root is war or something like war in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose. Also anything that has something to do with some sort of war, to be in a state of hostility or rivalry, weapons of war or places of war or training camps for war, a state of open armed often prolonged conflict carried on between human populations or parties, preparation for an open armed conflict, techniques and procedures of warfare, condition of active antagonism or contention, a war of words, a price war, a concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious or dangerous or damaging or harmful or destructive, a state or period of active military operations, active hostility or contention or conflict, aggressive competition in dealing with people or things, a struggle to achieve a particular goal or outcome eg a war against poverty or crime, spear, arrow, weapon or tool or instrument or equipment or machinery or mechanism, lion’s den, palace or fort or temple, prayer niche, place of honour, studs in an armour coat, private quarters, sanctuary or refuge or foundation or protection, tradition or custom or rule of law or constitution, chief, controller, manager, leader or commander, family or community or nation, household, shelter, something that secures or protects, damage or destruction, hardship, difficulty or trouble, ruin, rebellion, watchtower, fort, governing centre of a kingdom, the battle field or war zone, the training camp for war or practice of war, war weapons or forts, to defend against an attack or aggression, watchtower to keep an eye on enemy activities, the place of offerings, the place wherein war plans are made or discussed or strategies or tactics are worked out, a place in a masjid or mosque where in an imam stands to lead ummah for reaffirmation of declaration of covenant with Allah, a place wherein lectures are delivered for encouraging or educating Muslims how to live in this world properly or to exhort or motivate them for war, a place where weapons of war are made, lion’s den, palace, temple, prayer niche, place of honour, studs in a coat of armour, armed personnel quarters, private quarters, sanctuary, a very wide path, tradition, custom, family, support, command and control centre, following, rule of law, to wage war, to become angry, to make an arch, to be an archer, to make an arch or bow for throwing arrows, to do something on a war footing or to act like a solder in a war situation, to decide to deal with something as a matter of urgency with full force available to accomplish the end, to take on a situation on an emergency footing to deal with it decisively, to take on a cause on a revolutionary basis, to train for war, to extort, to take something from another by force or by trick or deception, to take something away from someone by use of force, to loot or plunder, to rob, to attack, to declare war on, to fight, to fight a war, to battle, to combat, to ruin or destroy, to rake havoc, to raise to ground, to suffer or inflict hardship or difficulty, to trouble, to be tough or to show toughness or bravery or courage, to transgress, to be spacious, to be wide, to be ample, to welcome, to think deeply, to have widely open mind, to put up a wide fence, to put a vast obstacle in the way of something, to build a large house or building or structure, to have a large family, to have vast or spacious courtyard, to open up many or a single vast flood channel/s in a valley, to have vast piece of fertile land, to have plenty of something, to have an open or generous heart, to be highly cordial, to treat someone generously, to be highly insightful, to hold nothing back from someone, to desire or love someone or something whole heartedly, to shield or protect, to provide with refuge or shelter or foundation, to be in control, to manage, to be a chief or leader, head or something like head in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, fence or something like fence in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose, house or something like house in some sense in some way for some reason or purpose etc etc.

This surah is named AL-BAQARAH ie conflict and resolutions. Can one therefore see how it is coming to an end? In these closing verses emphasis is placed on two distinct ways of life a)way of life advised by Allah and b)way of life invented and adopted by people themselves. The advantages and disadvantages are made absolutely clear as well as the outcomes in each case. It is then left up to people to choose whichever way of life they wish to go by and where they will end up as a consequence of their own choice and actions. One way of life leads to permanent state of conflicts and wars between people and the other to permanent unity and peace. One way of life leads mankind to stagnation, regression and poverty of all sorts and the other to a lively and happy life through progress and prosperity of all sorts. So if people will not adopt the Quranic way of life then they will always end up harming and destroying themselves by hands of each other through fighting and wars with each other. Allah has not created man to pick a fight with him but for the reason that man becomes learned and creative and thus appreciates his glory. This is just a warning from Allah that don’t go down the way you are going because I can see where you are going to end up if you will continue going along that path instead take the path I am explaining about and have a blissful, dignified and secure existence in this universe so that you the mankind could fulfil my plan and purpose for your creation as a proper human community. This is why God tells mankind in many verses of the Quran to be sensible by learning sense of making proper sense of things and therefore help each other learn things properly and not hide knowledge from each other as copyrighted intellectual property. This is why proper education for humanity is absolutely necessary and that is why the Quran is book for humanity to start an education based revolution throughout the human world. This is why if anyone claims one is working for ensuring well being of humanity, one has to see what the claimant is actually doing for humanity. If one is making fool of people then one is clearly lying and one is trying to clarify things for humanity then one is contributing towards development of mankind.

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