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its called dicipline...which you guys cannt understand...:)

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

and in my view its because no one can than abuse jesus christ in any way....

---------- Post added at 12:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 PM ----------

u think our neibour will understand this,....?:D

Discipline??? is it called discipline. don't let us laugh about your knowledge. By your logic, US should ban Allah name also, don't be ridiculous. I have Muslim friends, They came to church along with me. Even We will discuss about similarities between Christianity and Muslim. They neva abuse Jesus Christ. For some stupid ,fools Banning Jesus Christ name is wrong.
Woman chops up husband for ‘molesting minor daughter’

Woman chops up husband for

KARACHI - A woman in Green Town of Shah Faisal Colony killed her husband for allegedly molesting her minor daughter and then hacked up the victim’s body to dispose of the evidence of her crime.
The unfortunate story began in Chishtian, the “City of Love” located in Bahawalnagar district of Punjab province, where Zainab fell in love with and got married to Ahmed Abbas some four years ago after the death of her first husband.
The couple did not inform Zainab’s family of her second marriage and moved to Karachi with Zainab’s daughter from her first marriage.
In the past four years, according to Zainab, she had stopped her husband from attempting to molest her daughter, now 17 years old, on several occasions.
Zainab said she had asked Abbas numerous times not to make sexual advances towards her underage daughter, but he was adamant.
Little did Abbas know that he had tried to molest Zainab’s daughter for the last time on Wednesday night when the infuriated mother had had enough of his lewd behaviour.

Zainab first drugged Abbas, and after he fell unconscious, stabbed him to death and then, using the same knife, cut up her husband’s body into pieces.
She then proceeded to cook parts of her deceased husband and then threw the cooked meat out, while retaining the rest of the parts in a trunk to cook them later.
Neighbours discovered blood and pieces of meat in the water being drained from Zainab’s house, so they informed the police.
However, the law enforcers said someone claiming to be Zainab’s daughter had called them up and informed them of suspicious activities taking place behind closed doors of Zainab’s house.
When the police reached the crime scene, they found two cooking pots filled with meat and a trunk that held the rest of Abbas’ body parts.
Zainab and her nephew Zaheer, who had arrived in the metropolitan a week ago, have been arrested; however, Zainab told the police that she alone was responsible for the murder and all the subsequent actions.
Police is looking for Zainab’s daughter who was missing when they raided the house to arrest Zainab and Zaheer.
Zainab told the law enforcers that she had sent her daughter to her relatives for protecting her; however, the police said the daughter’s statement is mandatory to advance the investigation.


‘Obscene’ words: PTA must rethink

THERE has been much talk about PTA’s intention to block text messages containing ‘obscene’ words. More than 1,600 words have apparently been declared obscene, indecent, vulgar and offensive by the PTA, and telecom operators would be required to filter these words out of text messages.

Among the proposed list of ‘obscene and indecent words’ I was horrified to see the name of Jesus Christ. Why does Jesus’ name need to be banned? Is it an abusive, obscene or indecent word?

Being a Catholic I not only take strong offence to this action, however it also questions my knowledge of Islam: a religion which holds Jesus Christ (Hazrat Eesa) in very high esteem, is this not against Islam?

There has also been much talk about taking legal action: challenging the ban in court, saying it violates rights to free speech
and privacy.

My question is, does this act not also fall under the ambit of blasphemy? Is this not an offence under Section 295A which, according to the Pakistan Penal Code, states: “Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs”.

Whether implemented or not, the mere fact of Jesus Christ’s name being grouped with obscene and indecent words, has outraged my religious feelings and has insulted my religious beliefs by terming the name of my Prophet ‘obscene and indecent’.

Is to be understood that Pakistan’s blasphemy laws termed as ‘divine laws’ by radical Islamic religious leaders are only to be used to victimise the vulnerable, downtrodden, marginalised, religious minorities in Pakistan?

The blasphemy laws have long been misused against religious minorities to settle personnel disputes, which have resulted in innocent victims being sentenced to death for crimes they could not even imagine committing.

Furthermore, anyone who dares to raise a voice against the misuse of these laws or who have tried to propose amendments to curb the misuse have ruthlessly been silenced. The assassinations of federal minister for minorities Shahbaz Bhatti and Punjab
governor Salmaan Taseer are two such recent examples.

We, the religious minorities, get discriminated against, and are victimised, our religious sentiments are hurt and nothing happens, no action is taken.

Although the PTA has not announced any date for the implementation of the ban, it must issue a public apology to Christian citizens of Pakistan for including Jesus Christ’s name in the list of offensive words and immediately have the name removed
from any such list.

I would also like to commend the action taken by Saleem Khurshid Khokhar, a Christian MPA of the Sindh Assembly and Senior Executive Member of The All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, on this issue.


1) The ban has been reversed.
2) That was probably a mistake or an attempt to end the "Jesus *swear word* Christ!" expression.
3) How can you even possibly relate that to Christians not having equal rights ? Your just looking for an argument, regardless of where it stems from, taking a non-issue and over-inflating it like that is a sad example of trolling.


‘Obscene’ words: PTA must rethink

THERE has been much talk about PTA’s intention to block text messages containing ‘obscene’ words. More than 1,600 words have apparently been declared obscene, indecent, vulgar and offensive by the PTA, and telecom operators would be required to filter these words out of text messages.

Among the proposed list of ‘obscene and indecent words’ I was horrified to see the name of Jesus Christ. Why does Jesus’ name need to be banned? Is it an abusive, obscene or indecent word?

Being a Catholic I not only take strong offence to this action, however it also questions my knowledge of Islam: a religion which holds Jesus Christ (Hazrat Eesa) in very high esteem, is this not against Islam?

There has also been much talk about taking legal action: challenging the ban in court, saying it violates rights to free speech
and privacy.

My question is, does this act not also fall under the ambit of blasphemy? Is this not an offence under Section 295A which, according to the Pakistan Penal Code, states: “Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs”.

Whether implemented or not, the mere fact of Jesus Christ’s name being grouped with obscene and indecent words, has outraged my religious feelings and has insulted my religious beliefs by terming the name of my Prophet ‘obscene and indecent’.

Is to be understood that Pakistan’s blasphemy laws termed as ‘divine laws’ by radical Islamic religious leaders are only to be used to victimise the vulnerable, downtrodden, marginalised, religious minorities in Pakistan?

The blasphemy laws have long been misused against religious minorities to settle personnel disputes, which have resulted in innocent victims being sentenced to death for crimes they could not even imagine committing.

Furthermore, anyone who dares to raise a voice against the misuse of these laws or who have tried to propose amendments to curb the misuse have ruthlessly been silenced. The assassinations of federal minister for minorities Shahbaz Bhatti and Punjab
governor Salmaan Taseer are two such recent examples.

We, the religious minorities, get discriminated against, and are victimised, our religious sentiments are hurt and nothing happens, no action is taken.

Although the PTA has not announced any date for the implementation of the ban, it must issue a public apology to Christian citizens of Pakistan for including Jesus Christ’s name in the list of offensive words and immediately have the name removed
from any such list.

I would also like to commend the action taken by Saleem Khurshid Khokhar, a Christian MPA of the Sindh Assembly and Senior Executive Member of The All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, on this issue.


This has nothing to do with christians or their religion.

It is used as an obscene word often.

The ban has been delayed and a review is being taken by PTA. The words like 'get on' 'pick me' are also banned, so is it against human rights as well.

Take a break.
No, no-one enjoy equal rights in pakistan as muslims do. However christianity, being a religion of book, faces less discrimination.
I heard of a case where a Christian girl was expelled from School because she wrote the wrong Spelling of Naat while writing school assignment and her mother who was a nurse was transferred to other city. Really a small Child who is learning, writing wrong spelling, it this a crime enough to expel her from School. And read the story of another Christian Child who was beaten by her teacher because he/she said,"I am a Pakistani and I am also a Christian."
No, no-one enjoy equal rights in pakistan as muslims do. However christianity, being a religion of book, faces less discrimination.
not agree where muslims have full rights ? there is shia and sunny cases , balochi,sindhi,punjabi case ..where some groups have fearfull time there..Pakistan needs a strong govt ,education and peace....
not agree where muslims have full rights ? there is shia and sunny cases , balochi,sindhi,punjabi case ..where some groups have fearfull time there..Pakistan needs a strong govt ,education and peace....

Balochi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Sunni and Shia are not religions professor.
They cant become president or prime minister or services cheif

otherwise they have the same rights
Balochi, Sindhi, Punjabi, Sunni and Shia are not religions professor.
I don't want to go in detail ..Im just saying every country have issues if im Hindu i would say Pakistanies are not treating well with hindus there , if im Punjabi i would say u guys don't like Punjabi (seen here),if im shia i would say sunni don't like us..it just a pretext to raise issues of any kind..
Bad attitude... Pakistan was previously a hindu land and as minorities became majority it became muslim land and then came pakistan..and now after 60 years how can one forget history and say others get out..remember israel's story is similar to that of pakistan's minority became majority so do u mean to say that muslims should get out of israel if they r not happy there??

And befoe Hindus............it was muslims land.....coz you are also forgetting .............the relgion of Adam and Eve was Islam.
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