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Does Pakistan have what it takes to be a strong nation?


May 27, 2015
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Historically speaking, all the nations which were aggressors in the Past, are powerful nations today. Does it have to do with the DNA? Maybe, but attitude is definitely the key. The character of people of Pakistan is more inclined to be parasitic rather than hunters.

By looking in the mirror of the past, can we predict that Pakistan will ever achieve any status in world affairs, I mean more than what it has now? What is our ultimate destination?

@Mentee @Irfan Baloch @others

Harsh climates and lack of fertile soil breeds men who have to look outwards to gain resources. The Arabs, Turks, all were colonialists. We had everything here and thus that drive was never within us. Harsh climates also breeds cooperation. A tribe cannot survive in the barren wastelands of the steppe if they did not work together to secure food. This is perhaps why the Arabs, despite being wealthy in oil have not fallen prey to the stuation of other resource rich nations like Africa or venesvuela where the elite currupt sells everything off and the society becomes a hell hole.
I dont see any hope. We are not adapted for cooperation. We cant even form a straight line at gas stations.
A nation that can make a straight line without external forces can go places. Here we simply cant, we have no internal cmpass for respect for hierarchey, and who came in line first. etc.
Historically speaking, all the nations which were aggressors in the Past, are powerful nations today. Does it have to do with the DNA? Maybe, but attitude is definitely the key. The character of people of Pakistan is more inclined to be parasitic rather than hunters.

By looking in the mirror of the past, can we predict that Pakistan will ever achieve any status in world affairs, I mean more than what it has now? What is our ultimate destination?

@Mentee @Irfan Baloch @others


Harsh climates and lack of fertile soil breeds men who have to look outwards to gain resources. The Arabs, Turks, all were colonialists. We had everything here and thus that drive was never within us. Harsh climates also breeds cooperation. A tribe cannot survive in the barren wastelands of the steppe if they did not work together to secure food. This is perhaps why the Arabs, despite being wealthy in oil have not fallen prey to the stuation of other resource rich nations like Africa or venesvuela where the elite currupt sells everything off and the society becomes a hell hole.
I dont see any hope. We are not adapted for cooperation. We cant even form a straight line at gas stations.
A nation that can make a straight line without external forces can go places. Here we simply cant, we have no internal cmpass for respect for hierarchey, and who came in line first. etc.
Harsh climates and lack of fertile soil?
Historically speaking, all the nations which were aggressors in the Past, are powerful nations today. Does it have to do with the DNA? Maybe, but attitude is definitely the key. The character of people of Pakistan is more inclined to be parasitic rather than hunters.

By looking in the mirror of the past, can we predict that Pakistan will ever achieve any status in world affairs, I mean more than what it has now? What is our ultimate destination?

@Mentee @Irfan Baloch @others

I see some resemblance to Lebanon - another intractable nation. I see Afghanistan in the role of Hezbollah.
Historically speaking, all the nations which were aggressors in the Past, are powerful nations today. Does it have to do with the DNA? Maybe, but attitude is definitely the key. The character of people of Pakistan is more inclined to be parasitic rather than hunters.

By looking in the mirror of the past, can we predict that Pakistan will ever achieve any status in world affairs, I mean more than what it has now? What is our ultimate destination?

@Mentee @Irfan Baloch @others

I once read an article on a UK paper about what makes a nation successful. that was long time ago while I was traveling by train and the author mentioned the economic success of east and west with the mention of middle eastern commercial success of Dubai. according to him the sudden flurry of commercial activities due to real estate and transit trade and travel of these Arab states was lacking one thing which was mainly present in Western economies (with exception of say Japan or China) and that was work ethic therefore that commercial success was like a bubble which will fizzle out since the population lacks that desire and there is nothing to sustain it forever.

so coming to your point, yes the attitude of the nation from the word go thought from homes to schools and practical life is the key. winner are successful, they don't complain and look for excuses to blame others but their entire national psyche is constant improvement and ways to avoid disasters or mishaps if and when they do happen which are uncontrollable.

the world conquest time is over. to go on invading countries to loot and plunder and wage wars without consequences is impossible. the big player is only America and it wont allow anyone even its closest allies to be even close to where it is today and even that country has its limitations.

coming to Pakistan the self loathing and cursing political dynasties, corrupt justice system and opportunist generals is a favorite past time. as long as a party is in power and is enjoying all the favors (in short called on same page) then all is well but when its no longer the case then suddenly everything is wrong in the country and blood must be spilled (figuratively) to undo the wrong. there is a recent example in our country so you know what I am on about.

I wont demean Pakistanis by calling them pests or parasitic in nature but we are reluctant to do it ourselves. we want others among us to sacrifice for us lead for us, pay our dues on our behalf, work hard and get things done on our behalf so that we can enjoy great healthcare, great infrastructure, great healthcare, efficient administration, policing, law and order etc.

as for achieving status in the world affairs is concerned, that journey starts from our own selves from home. do it ourselves what he want others to do it may take decades or centuries but if such drive starts and is picked up slowly but surely by the society then the effects will show themselves.
my response to your enquiry ends here. the last paragraph is for someone else.

following passage is dedicated for those who are so deep in their behinds that all that see is ....shxx
I HEARD YOU ALL READY. as I wrote this I can sense the whataboutism, the snide remarks on army and political parties (you oppose). and how the corrupt system wont let you do all that. and my answer is.. my friend with this mindset, rest assured you will keep the nation down as you will continue to whine complain and bleed through the collective rectum till you die but there is a silver lining to that, there is one less complaining self righteous whiner in the society.
By looking in the mirror of the past, can we predict that Pakistan will ever achieve any status in world affairs, I mean more than what it has now? What is our ultimate destination?
If you ask me, all I care about is achieving a functional society where inequality, intolerance, and unfulfillment in life is non-existent and everyone's voice is empowered and has a say. I wouldn't give a damn about world affairs or "status". In a perfect society there would be no politics or politicians to rule over us against our will, we the people would have the say in everything.
Does it have to do with the DNA?
DNA doesn't work like that, it's about how one is brought up and the surroundings around them.
Historically speaking, all the nations which were aggressors in the Past
Being a conqueror or an aggressor is not a good thing. The world shouldn't run on conquest or creating chaos in other nations.
If you ask me, all I care about is achieving a functional society where inequality, intolerance, and unfulfillment in life is non-existent and everyone's voice is empowered and has a say. I wouldn't give a damn about world affairs or "status". In a perfect society there would be no politics or politicians to rule over us against our will, we the people would have the say in everything.
That's the thing. Achieving a functional society needs again a warrior soul.

i thought pak has similar climate and land fertility as India and Bangladesh..
What I meant was Pakistan doesn't possess a harsh environment and Pakistan does have fertile lands. That makes us sissies.

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