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Does Israel Really Have a Thermonuclear Weapon?

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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We all know Israel has the bomb, but does it have the hydrogenbomb?

The idea that Israel’s nuclear arsenal might comprise thermonuclear weapons has long been a subject of discussion. It popped back in the popular conscience a few weeks ago when Grant Smith — who runs an organization called the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy that has some views about Israel that I find pretty awful — released a redacted version of a 1987 report published by the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA). Smith had sued to get the document, then posted it online claiming it was “confirmation of Israel’s advanced nuclear weapons” — with “advanced” meaning thermonuclear weapons.

The notion that Israel is stockpiling thermonuclear weapons wasn’t quite enough for some people. Roger Mattson, a former staffer for the old U.S. Atomic Energy Commission who has long accused Israel of stealing uranium from the United States, was quoted as saying, “I am struck by the degree of cooperation on specialized war making devices between Israel and the US.” Immediately, RT ran with the headline: “US helped Israel with H-bomb.” Iranian media gleefully followed.

At some level, I wanted to ignore all this. I don’t feel like giving free publicity to Grant Smith’s campaign, and if you are the sort who reads RT or PressTV.ir … well, I can’t talk you out of being crazy.

But now, William Greider has written a blog post for the Nation. And while I don’t normally bother with the Nation either, Tom Gross followed with abizarre piece in the Weekly Standard, positing a sinister hand behind “a pattern of carefully controlled leaking of information” presumably intended to destroy Israel and, verily, Western Civilization as we know it. Reporters are calling me. And my friends are sharing this stuff on Facebook.

And if there is one rule in life, it is this: Do not f*ck with Jeffrey’s Facebook news feed.

So, let me tell you what the document actually says, with context and explanations. Spoiler alert: It bears no resemblance to anything these people have described.

The document in question is called IDA Memorandum Report M-317,Critical Technology Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations. It is a 1987 report by Edwin S. Townsley of IDA and Clarence A. Robinson of a defense contractor called LTI. It’s not a top-secret Pentagon assessment, it’s a fucking trip report.

It is an interesting and valuable trip report, yes, one that does shed a tiny bit of light on the state of Israel’s nuclear weapons program in 1987. But it happens to say the exact opposite of what you might think. It casts doubt on the notion that Israel has thermonuclear weapons. But I am getting ahead of myself; first things first.

For starters, the document is not classified. I happen to have a copy — like, literally, a photocopy — of the section relating to Israel sitting on my shelf. This is the same portion that Grant Smith sued to get. Here is a picture of the front. Notice that there are no classification markings.

Photo credit: Jeffrey Lewis

It does not “confirm” that Israel possesses nuclear weapons nor that the United States “knows” this to be true. (For the record, I think the United States should declassify the fact that Israel possesses nuclear weapons. I think this especially since the CIA declassified Special National Intelligence Estimate 4-1-74 in 2008, which states, “We believe that Israel already has produced and stockpiled a small number of fission weapons.” But that was the subject of a previous column.) IDA Memorandum Report M-317 merely records the informed opinion of a team that visited certain Israeli facilities. But more on that in a few hundred words.

Now, I will admit the FOIA process is screwed up. And adding lawyers to a conversation rarely helps. In this case, it seems the U.S. government’s lawyers were concerned about a provision in U.S. law that would allow the foreign countries that provided information in the report, including Israel, to review the document before its release. But looking through the court papers that Smith filed (pro se, I might add), he seems like a real piece of work. I can’t approve of IDA stonewalling the public when it comes to a document like this, but let me put it this way: I’d like to express my disapproval in person to whoever told Smith to piss off. Over a beer and I’m buying.

Look, I don’t know what the rules are for using the IDA library, but I am familiar with doing research in the national security field. A polite person with a decent reason can get a copy of this report one way or another — or could have, until the lawsuit started. The document has been cited plenty of times in the literature, starting with a story in the New York Times by Michael Gordon in 1989. The report has been circulating for years. And, like I said, a copy landed on my shelf. (For those interested, I’ve posted a brief history of press mentions of the report online at ArmsControlWonk.com.)

But I can understand why no one would share with someone who just wants to make trouble, including trouble for the nice folks at IDA who don’t need this crap over a nearly 30-year-old report that is being completely misrepresented.

There is no conspiracy at play here. Grant Smith has been suing to acquire the document because he claimed it showed “American affiliates of Israeli entities engaged in clandestine nuclear weapons research and development.” I don’t think it shows that at all. Tom Gross wonders why the sections not related to Israel are redacted. Read the court documents, genius.

Smith wanted the document as soon as possible and didn’t want to wait for the sections not relating to Israel. He’s a man on a (very weird) mission. I’ve got the full text of the summaries for the other countries. Trust me, no one is hiding anything.

Most importantly, IDA Memorandum Report M-317, Critical Technology Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations does not demonstrate, in any way, shape, or form that the United States assisted Israel in developing a thermonuclear weapon or even that Israel has such weapons. This is a completely incompetent reading of the document. It simply does not say this. Read the damn text.

The report is just a review of the technology base in Israel and NATO countries that might be relevant to what was then called the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) — you know, Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars or what we now call “missile defense.”

It’s a trip report, with Israel as the big destination.It’s a trip report, with Israel as the big destination. Hey, guess why the Pentagon dropped a bunch of cash on IDA to sample the local falafel? The United States and Israel had signed a memorandum of understanding regarding Israeli participation in the SDI program on May 6, 1986. (The contents are still secret, but Uzi Eilam has a nice memoir about U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation during that period.) The Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO), the forerunner to today’s Missile Defense Agency, would later develop the Arrow missile defense interceptor with Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI), followed by other nifty things like Rafael’s Iron Dome.

How did the Pentagon figure out whether IAI was the best partner for a missile defense interceptor? Well, how would you figure it out? You’d send a bunch of nerds to make some visits. That’s precisely what the Defense Department did — contracting with IDA and LTI to send a team to Israel (and Europe) to assess the state of Israeli (and European) technology in the then-cutting-edge area of strategic defense.

In the Nation article, Greider exoticizes the team’s report back to HQ, writing that “The language is densely technological and probably beyond anyone (like myself) who is not a physicist or engineer.” No, it’s just boring. Here is a page showing Hebrew University’s Wiggler Less Free Electron Laser. This has nothing to do with nuclear weapons, and trust me, it’s super-duper boring.

Source: IDA Memorandum, Report M-317

The document is really not about nuclear weapons at all, but rather technologies related to SDI. Below is the overall chart assessing Israel’s capabilities for strategic defense, by institution. A check mark means the Israeli capability is excellent, implicitly suggesting an interesting area to propose cooperation. There is a lot of jargon, but these are all non-nuclear capabilities — with one interesting exception that is causing all the hubbub.

Key to the acronyms: C3: Command, control, and communications; ATBM: Anti-tactical ballistic missiles; SATKA: Surveillance, acquisition, tracking, and kill assessment; DEW: Directed energy weapons; KEW: Kinetic energy weapons; BM/C3: Ballistic missile/command, control, and communications. Source: IDA Memorandum, Report M-317

See anything marked “thermonuclear bombs”? No? Exactly.

Now, look at directed energy weapons, or DEW. This is where things get a little tricky. Even as late as 1987, SDIO was still looking at a nuclear-pumped X-ray laser as a possible directed energy weapon — a nuclear explosion in space that would generate a laser to zap incoming Soviet ballistic missiles. This was a really dumb idea, but Edward Teller liked it. The nuclear-pumped X-ray laser was a fancy sort of thermonuclear bomb. Teller used to call it a “third generation” nuclear weapon. (If you are interested in reading more about the X-ray laser during this period, I really recommend Bill Broad’s Star Warriors or maybe Frances FitzGerald’s Way Out There in the Blue.)

Stay with me. In order to assess whether Israel might be able to develop a nuclear-pumped X-ray laser, the team needed to make some assessment of Israel’s technical ability to manufacture thermonuclear weapons. The answer, based on Israeli computer codes, was no.

When the IDA/LTI team visited Israel’s Soreq Nuclear Research Center, this is part of what they concluded about Israel’s ability to develop the nuclear-pumped X-ray lasers:

“[The Israelis] are still hampered in being able to design and produce fusion weapons or other more complicated devices utilizing fusion and fission in the same configuration. As far as nuclear technology is concerned the Israelis are roughly where the U.S. [was] in the fission weapon field in about 1955 to 1960. It should be noted that the Israelis are developing the kind of codes which will enable them to make hydrogen bombs. That is, codes which detail fission and fusion processes on a microscopic and macroscopic level.

However, it is doubtful they have the codes to completely design such devices, as they involve more exotic radiation transport and are multidimensional. The Israelis do not yet have the capability to carry out these kinds of calculations.”

To put it simply, the IDA/LTI team — including R. Norris Keeler, the team member who had run Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory — concluded that Israel would not likely be able to develop a nuclear pumped X-ray laser given the state of their computer codes. (This is elsewhere in the report, stated explicitly, though in jargon: “Lack of radiation hydro-capability and nuclear pumping limits project.”) If anything, the report notes that Israel would not be a suitable technical partner for cooperation in this area of SDI because it couldn’t make H-bombs.

Greider says the report describes a “technological marriage,” but in fact the analogy is more like a chaperoned prom date. And, at least on directed energy weapons, there was not likely to be any heavy petting. Soreq was not identified as a “Category 1” partner for cooperation on directed energy weapons. Look at the little chart again: no check mark for Soreq and DEW. The only areas where Israel had decent directed energy capabilities involved conventional lasers that didn’t use nuclear bombs, like Hebrew University’s Wiggler Less Free Electron Laser. On the other hand, IAI and Rafael are ticked for anti-tactical ballistic missile cooperation, something that later happened. Yep, the report says precisely the opposite of what Smith, Greider, and the others say — it records Keeler’s side-eye at Soreq’s sorry computer codes.

It is too bad, really, because the document is very important — it is one of a few hard-to-find data points that we have about a really interesting question: Does Israel have thermonuclear weapons? If so, what kind? Townsley and Robinson can’t answer that question, but they got to make an assessment of the computer codes that would be necessary for such a development and write down an unclassified answer.

There are some people who believe that Israel conducted a covert nuclear test in 1979, with the assistance of South Africa. I find the technical evidence unpersuasive, but Avner Cohen makes a strong circumstantial case for a test in The Worst-Kept Secret: Israel’s Bargain with the Bomb. Given the likely yield of the “flash in the South Atlantic,” the most plausible purpose of such a test would have to have been for a primary of an Israeli thermonuclear weapon.

Moreover, there is also a debate about the models of Israeli nuclear weapons that whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu released in the mid-1980s. Ted Taylor, a former U.S. nuclear weapons designer, concluded that the models showed a “layer cake” design — a primary “boosted” with layers of a thermonuclear fuel such as lithium-6 deuteride. Seymour Hersh, on the other hand, reported in his book The Samson Option that Los Alamos and Livermore concluded that the pictures showed an enhanced radiation warhead — a so-called neutron bomb that is a very fancy thermonuclear weapon with a small primary and a tricked-out secondary that throws lots and lots of neutrons.

So there are two possibilities here. One is that Israel had a simple and untested “layer cake” design that falls short of a true thermonuclear weapon; the other is that Israel developed and tested a very sophisticated thermonuclear weapon with a tailored radiation output.

So who is right? I don’t have the slightest idea! I’ve been collecting documents and images for many years, interviewing people as I can, and trying to get at this very question. The record is pretty spotty. The documents and photographs are hard to come by, less due to secrecy than because paper records get lost over the decades. I’ve only been able to find the first page of Taylor’s analysis of the Vanunu disclosures, for example, although it was summarized in Stephen Green’s Living by the Sword.

That’s what makes Townsley and Robinson’s report so interesting. It is one of these incredibly hard-to-find documents that I’ve been collecting. It is amazing, and very important in its own way. But what it tends to suggest is the opposite of what Smith, Greider, and others assert. Townsley and Robinson concluded that Israel did not, at least in 1987, have the computer codes necessary to support a successful thermonuclear weapons program. I am not sure I believe them, nor am I ready to conclude the debate is settled based on one visit to Soreq. But that’s what the document says at any rate.

Does Israel Really Have a Thermonuclear Weapon? | Foreign Policy
Research is In progress,, thats the truth
As for Hydrogen bomb
Main articles: Nuclear weapons and Israel and Vela Incident
Israel is alleged to possess thermonuclear weapons of the Teller–Ulam design,[35] but it is not known to have tested any nuclear devices, although it is widely speculated that the Vela Incident of 1979 may have been a joint Israeli-South African nuclear test.[36][37]

It is well established that American scientist, Edward Teller (father of the hydrogen bomb), advised and guided the Israeli establishment on general nuclear matters for some twenty years.[38] Between 1964 and 1967, Teller made six visits to Israel where he lectured at the Tel Aviv University on general topics in theoretical physics.[39] It took him a year to convince the CIA about Israel's capability and finally in 1976, Carl Duckett of the CIA testified in the U.S. Congress, after receiving credible information from an "American scientist" (Edward Teller), on Israel's nuclear capability.[37] Sometime in 1990, Teller came to confirm the speculations in media that it was during his visits, three decades ago, that he concluded to the CIA that Israel was in possession of nuclear weapons.[37] After he conveyed the matter to the higher level of the U.S. government, Teller reportedly said: "They [Israel] have it, and they were clever enough to trust their research and not to test, they know that to test would get them into trouble."[37]
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It is the only nuclear "state" with no nuclear tests.. oh , ok, they are the clever ones..:cheesy::big_boss::guns::blah: :cray::haha::sarcastic::suicide::):eek::laugh::lol:
Israel has all kind of weapons bombs period

They will not or no one admit they have
"They [Israel] have it, and they were clever enough to trust their research and not to test, they know that to test would get them into trouble
thats indeed clever
you see Pakistan allegedly had nukes in 1989 but they tested it officially on 1998
but Pakistan's case was different they had to announce the enemy about it
Israel does not posses the threat Pakistan do so it is more than justified to keep them an open secret if not get rid of them
Arabs clearly can not match Israeli military might in near future
the only muslims who can are either not Arabs , have befriended with them or dont want to create one more enemy
about thermonuclear weapons
just like nukes in cold war era, its up for speculation
thats indeed clever
you see Pakistan allegedly had nukes in 1989 but they tested it officially on 1998
but Pakistan's case was different they had to announce the enemy about it
Israel does not posses the threat Pakistan do so it is more than justified to keep them an open secret if not get rid of them
Arabs clearly can not match Israeli military might in near future
the only muslims who can are either not Arabs , have befriended with them or dont want to create one more enemy
about thermonuclear weapons
just like nukes in cold war era, its up for speculation
Arabs clearly can not match the US..Usrael on its own was scared shitless from Iraq alone! And there is no other Muslim countries who can face the US on their own either.. there isn't an Usrael issue for the Arabs, there is one with its protector the US.. so get your facts right before you state things you do not know much about..
Usrael has no atom bombs or rudimentary ones, in !973 they have treathened the Arabs with American Nukes that wetre sent to Usrael attached to US f-4 fanthoms painted with te Usraeli flag.. there were pictures of them on the net..
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Arabs clearly can not match Israeli military might in near future
the only muslims who can are either not Arabs , have befriended with them or dont want to create one more enemy
about thermonuclear weapons
just like nukes in cold war era, its up for speculation

Arabs or non Arabs, no Middle Eastern or Muslim country can match Israeli military might today or in near future. Simple as that.

None of you have the conventional or nonconventional military might of Israel and as sophisticated a military industry.

Even if a formidable coalition builds up against Israel, the Western world will intervene. Unless and until you can defeat the Western world, you should not think about defeating Israel. Israel is a Western oasis in the Middle East.

Off topic but some facts to ponder

Arabs clearly can not match the US..Usrael on its own was scared shitless from Iraq alone! And there is no other Muslim countries who can face the US on their own either.. ther isn't an Usrael issue for the Arabs there is one with its protector the US.. so get your facts right before you state things you do not know much about..
Usrael has no atom bombs or rudimentary ones, in !973 they have treathened the Arabs with American Nukes that wetre sent to Usrael attached to US f-4 fanthoms painted with te Usraeli flag.. there were pictures of them on the net..

Israel defeated Egypt, Syria and many other Arabs including Iraq in multiple wars, in 1967 it was within a record period of 6 days.

Are you joking?

Israel alone has defeated all of you repeatedly.

Even if it is true that the US is Israel's protector, that is also a shame. Arabs have more people, more natural resources, more land, greater history and heritage, greater martial history, and fighting in their backyards. If you still cannot outgun the US, that is a shame for you.
Arabs or non Arabs, no Middle Eastern or Muslim country can match Israeli military might today or in near future. Simple as that.

None of you have the conventional or nonconventional military might of Israel and as sophisticated a military industry.

Even if a formidable coalition builds up against Israel, the Western world will intervene. Unless and until you can defeat the Western world, you should not think about defeating Israel. Israel is a Western oasis in the Middle East.

Off topic but some facts to ponder

Israel defeated Egypt, Syria and many other Arabs including Iraq in multiple wars, in 1967 it was within a record period of 6 days.

Are you joking?

Israel alone has defeated all of you repeatedly.

Even if it is true that the US is Israel's protector, that is also a shame. Arabs have more people, more natural resources, more land, greater history and heritage, greater martial history, and fighting in their backyards. If you still cannot outgun the US, that is a shame for you.

Israel's military industry is no more sophisticated then Iran's or even Pakistan's Israel's good weapons are mostly copies (examples being the Galil & Jericho pistol which are copied from the Finnish valmet rifle & Czech CZ-75 respectively) while their original pieces are generally disappointments or just plain junk (examples being the Merkava line of tanks & the tavor bullpup). as for their "conventional military might" Israel was scared shitless of Iraq in the 90s which was crushed within a few weeks by the USA. they are scared shitless now of Iran & give India so much of their weapons because they are scared shitless of Pakistan & their nukes.:cheers:
as for the "western world" i don't believe your country cares about Israel anymore & neither does the UK. the only people helping Israel in the west now are us & the U.S.A (which also saved them in the 1973 war which they basically lost until operation nickelgrass)

It's easy to defeat people when you smack them in the back of the head. the Jews did this to the Arabs in 67 & we did it to you in 1939-40 :coffee: doesn't mean the enemy is weak so much as they didn't think (France thought trees would protect them while the Arabs didn't think the Israelis could blow up all of their air forces so quickly) simple as that.

But anyway yes the Israelis do have nukes & received technical aid on them from the U.S. the only thing is they just won't admit it in public out of the fear of a nuclear arms race
Israel surely has all the capabilities...be it conventional or non conventional weapons and systems. Also Israeli weapons and other systems quality is that of world quality. For eg: Phalcon awacs, Green pine, Derby-ER, Python-5, MF-STAR, Barak-8 etc.
Even if a formidable coalition builds up against Israel, the Western world will intervene. Unless and until you can defeat the Western world, you should not think about defeating Israel. Israel is a Western oasis in the Middle East.
that true

so get your facts right before you state things you do not know much about..
with all due respect no personal assaults
Arabs or non Arabs, no Middle Eastern or Muslim country can match Israeli military might today or in near future. Simple as that.

None of you have the conventional or nonconventional military might of Israel and as sophisticated a military industry.

Even if a formidable coalition builds up against Israel, the Western world will intervene. Unless and until you can defeat the Western world, you should not think about defeating Israel. Israel is a Western oasis in the Middle East.

Off topic but some facts to ponder

Israel defeated Egypt, Syria and many other Arabs including Iraq in multiple wars, in 1967 it was within a record period of 6 days.

Are you joking?

Israel alone has defeated all of you repeatedly.

Even if it is true that the US is Israel's protector, that is also a shame. Arabs have more people, more natural resources, more land, greater history and heritage, greater martial history, and fighting in their backyards. If you still cannot outgun the US, that is a shame for you.

It is not a shame at all, those were direct consequences of colonialism, Arabs had to get rid of that first.. Even the creation of Usrael is a consequence of the same colonial powers that put the whole planet to the divide and rule policy...and especially the middle east//
One can say that Egypt has defeated Usrael in 6 hours (a tiny period of time compared to six days),, While the protector was deceived to look somewhere else.. that is proof enough that Usrael can /could not defeat the Arabs without the colonial powers active assistance..or The US's..
Israel's military industry is no more sophisticated then Iran's or even Pakistan's Israel's good weapons are mostly copies (examples being the Galil & Jericho pistol which are copied from the Finnish valmet rifle & Czech CZ-75 respectively) while their original pieces are generally disappointments or just plain junk (examples being the Merkava line of tanks & the tavor bullpup). as for their "conventional military might" Israel was scared shitless of Iraq in the 90s which was crushed within a few weeks by the USA. they are scared shitless now of Iran & give India so much of their weapons because they are scared shitless of Pakistan & their nukes.:cheers:
as for the "western world" i don't believe your country cares about Israel anymore & neither does the UK. the only people helping Israel in the west now are us & the U.S.A (which also saved them in the 1973 war which they basically lost until operation nickelgrass)

It's easy to defeat people when you smack them in the back of the head. the Jews did this to the Arabs in 67 & we did it to you in 1939-40 :coffee: doesn't mean the enemy is weak so much as they didn't think (France thought trees would protect them while the Arabs didn't think the Israelis could blow up all of their air forces so quickly) simple as that.

But anyway yes the Israelis do have nukes & received technical aid on them from the U.S. the only thing is they just won't admit it in public out of the fear of a nuclear arms race

1. You are an Iranian pretending to be German

2. I know you third world Iranians, Turks, Pakistanis have a fetish for everything German, although history says, Germany lost both world wars and was occupied by France at the end of World War II. France also defeated Germany numerous times, as it did the same to UK, other European powers and Asian, African and American powers.

3. Israel's military industry is far and away the more sophisticated example than Pakistan's.

You know that Israel is one of biggest weapons supplier to Pakistan's enemy India?

And you know that Pakistan has not even once got India to surrender unconditionally but India has done the reverse? That is despite Hindus poor warrior martial spirit, innovative spirit, economic experience and technological progress.

3. Military industry - Are you joking again? Maybe its your third world syndrome rearing its ugly head and no more.

Let's see - what exactly did Israel defence industry design and/or produce?

Merkava Main battle tanks I-IV
Trophy APS (neither Pakistan nor Iran has any equivalent)
Namer APC
Achzarit APC
NLOS missile
LORA missile
Barak 1
Barak 8
Arrow 2
Arrow 3
David's Sling
Iron Dome
Popeye Turbo
LITENING targeting POD
Sky Shield
and all the variants of the above, and more, from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Elbit, Elta, Soltam, IAI, IMI, Tadiran and the list goes on.

Not for no reason can Israel sell weapons in bulk to Pakistan's greater enemy that has all Pakistanis scared and frightened.

Not for no reason can Israel have all the American aligned Arab puppet states dance to its tune. Not for no reason can the Jews control the US, Europe and Russia's policy making or substantially influence them to its favour.

4. Israel is scared of no Middle eastern Sand farm, rest assured. They were supposedly 'scared shitless' of Iraq yet they went ahead and attacked Iraqi reactor whereas Iraq did nothing to counter the attack. Israel went ahead and bombed as far away as Tunisia, beat all the Arab militaries to pulp single handedly and to this day have all the Muslims of the world under siege by manipulating the American military machine to its own end, whereas you dumb lot can not design and build simple 60 year old deterrence that even the most isolated tiny despotic regimes like North Korea by all accounts has either mastered or is about to master within the next dozen or so months.


North Korea’s subamarine-launched ballistic missile a total success

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un celebrates the successful launch of a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) off North Korea’s coast into the East Sea off of Sinpo, North Hamgyong Province, Aug. 24. (Yonhap News)

Test launch confirms a number of technical advances, including high angle launch and cold launch
North Korea claimed that it had “completely achieved its operational goals on its key technological indicators” in its test launch of the Bukgeukseong (meaning “north star”, a KN-11 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM).
The material that North Korea made public on Aug. 25 shows that the missile was launched successfully without any major technical hitches, as North Korea claimed.
In a 1-minute, 47-second video of the missile launch shown on Korean Central Television, the missile emerges from the surface of the water with a roar trailed by a plume of flame once the countdown is complete.
Photos published by the Korea Central News Agency (KCNA) and the Rodong Sinmun newspaper also show a red plume of flame behind the missile during its launch.
Through this test, North Korea claimed that it had confirmed a number of capabilities: a high-angle launch from the greatest launch depth, the safety of the ballistic missile cold launch system, the operational characteristics of a solid-fuel engine, the aerodynamic characteristics per each stage of the ballistic missile during its flight after emerging from the water, the reliability of the stage separation system and the flight and guidance systems, and the accuracy of the warhead upon atmospheric reentry.


24 photos of the submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that was test launched on Aug. 24 by North Korea, appeared on pages 1-2 in the Aug. 25 edition of the Rodong Sinmun newspaper. These two photos compare the Aug. 24 launch with the previous launch on Apr. 23. On the more recent photo, there are grid fins (circled), which were not used in April. (Yonhap News)

These claims basically confirm speculation about the missile’s capabilities that appeared in the South Korean media on the day after the launch.
A high-angle launch means that the missile was fired at a higher angle than normal. Experts said that the SLBM traced a trajectory that climbed higher than 400 km and that if the missile had been fired at a normal maximum trajectory of 300 or 400 km, its range would have been 1,000 km, twice the 500 km that the missile traveled.
A cold launch is a method of firing a missile while a submarine is submerged. The missile is shot to the surface with highly compressed air, at which point the missile’s engines ignite to begin launch. North Korea also successfully implemented this procedure during its test in April.
The atmospheric reentry of the warhead also appeared to have taken place successfully.
North Korea did not provide any specific figures related to this. During atmospheric reentry, however, it is presumed that the missile fell from a height of about 50km at a maximum speed of around Mach 10 until its speed was abruptly reduced by atmospheric resistance.
“North Korea claims that it succeeded at atmospheric reentry, but since intercontinental ballistic missiles have a maximum falling speed of more than Mach 20, that is an entirely different issue,” said a South Korean military official who downplayed the significance of the claims.
North Korea’s use of a solid-fuel engine was also as expected. The large blaze of fire emitted from the rocket in the pictures and videos that North Korea released on Aug. 25 are being taken as the typical signs of a solid-fuel engine. “With a liquid-fuel engine, the nozzle means that the red plume is narrower and does not spread out as much. The difference is apparent to the naked eye,” said a South Korean military officer.


North Korea initially had conducted SLBM test launches with a liquid-fuel engine. The liquid-fuel missile was presumed to be an adjustment of the R-27 missile developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s.
During the test launch in April, North Korea switched to a solid-fuel engine, and the missile flew for just over 30 km.
In April, John Schilling, an American expert on missiles, discussed the change in an article published on North Korea-affairs website 38 North. “If the North is switching from liquid to solid propellant, the missile is pretty entirely new,” Schilling said. “Therefore, much of the progress the North has made so far will have been wasted effort.”
Schilling predicted that the new design of the missile could delay a successful test, but North Korea pulled off a successful launch of a solid-fuel missile within just four months.
The main fuel of North Korea’s ballistic missile program all use solid-fuel propellant: the Scud (with a range of 300-700 km), the Rodong (1,200km) and the Musudan (3,000km). North Korea’s only liquid-fuel ballistic missile is the KN-02 (120km).
Though North Korea released images of solid-fuel engine development in March, its actual technological level had been uncertain. Through this successful launch, North Korea has shown that it has reached a considerable level of expertise with solid-fuel missiles.
A change that was evident in the video footage released by North Korea was the attachment of grid fins to the bottom half of the SLBM. No such fins were to be seen in previous test launches.
A picture of a Musudan missile that ran in the Rodong Sinmun in June 23 also showed eight grid fins attached to the bottom half of the missile.
The grid fins are assumed to be supplemental wings that help the missile fly properly by balancing its center of mass.

It is not a shame at all, those were direct consequences of colonialism, Arabs had to get rid of that first.. Even the creation of Usrael is a consequence of the same colonial powers that put the whole planet to the divide and rule policy...and especially the middle east//
One can say that Egypt has defeated Usrael in 6 hours (a tiny period of time compared to six days),, While the protector was deceived to look somewhere else.. that is proof enough that Usrael can /could not defeat the Arabs without the colonial powers active assistance..or The US's..

There we disagree.

You should never have been colonized.

You were colonized because you were weak, and you are still colonized under neocolonial framework, and that is also because you are weak. You will remain weak even if China supplants the US as world's superpower.

Arabs, Kurds, Turks, Berbers have little brains comparing with Jews. This fact needs to be understood and appreciated. Then all the difficulties faced by your brothers of faith will appear a logical outcome of nature's law.

When did Egypt defeat Israel in 6 hours? ?


You are not probably living on Earth or ....nvm. no point discussing facts with him who thinks Egypt defeated Israel in 6 hours.
1. You are an Iranian pretending to be German

2. I know you third world Iranians, Turks, Pakistanis have a fetish for everything German, although history says, Germany lost both world wars and was occupied by France at the end of World War II. France also defeated Germany numerous times, as it did the same to UK, other European powers and Asian, African and American powers.

3. Israel's military industry is far and away the more sophisticated example than Pakistan's.

You know that Israel is one of biggest weapons supplier to Pakistan's enemy India?

And you know that Pakistan has not even once got India to surrender unconditionally but India has done the reverse? That is despite Hindus poor warrior martial spirit, innovative spirit, economic experience and technological progress.

3. Military industry - Are you joking again? Maybe its your third world syndrome rearing its ugly head and no more.

Let's see - what exactly did Israel defence industry design and/or produce?

Merkava Main battle tanks I-IV
Trophy APS (neither Pakistan nor Iran has any equivalent)
Namer APC
Achzarit APC
NLOS missile
LORA missile
Barak 1
Barak 8
Arrow 2
Arrow 3
David's Sling
Iron Dome
Popeye Turbo
LITENING targeting POD
Sky Shield
and all the variants of the above, and more, from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Elbit, Elta, Soltam, IAI, IMI, Tadiran and the list goes on.

Not for no reason can Israel sell weapons in bulk to Pakistan's greater enemy that has all Pakistanis scared and frightened.

Not for no reason can Israel have all the American aligned Arab puppet states dance to its tune. Not for no reason can the Jews control the US, Europe and Russia's policy making or substantially influence them to its favour.

4. Israel is scared of no Middle eastern Sand farm, rest assured. They were supposedly 'scared shitless' of Iraq yet they went ahead and attacked Iraqi reactor whereas Iraq did nothing to counter the attack. Israel went ahead and bombed as far away as Tunisia, beat all the Arab militaries to pulp single handedly and to this day have all the Muslims of the world under siege by manipulating the American military machine to its own end, whereas you dumb lot can not design and build simple 60 year old deterrence that even the most isolated tiny despotic regimes like North Korea by all accounts has either mastered or is about to master within the next dozen or so months.


There we disagree.

You should never have been colonized.

You were colonized because you were weak, and you are still colonized under neocolonial framework, and that is also because you are weak. You will remain weak even if China supplants the US as world's superpower.

Arabs, Kurds, Turks, Berbers have little brains comparing with Jews. This fact needs to be understood and appreciated. Then all the difficulties faced by your brothers of faith will appear a logical outcome of nature's law.

When did Egypt defeat Israel in 6 hours? ?


You are not probably living on Earth or ....nvm. no point discussing facts with him who thinks Egypt defeated Israel in 6 hours.

Oh look at this wonderful person I sincerely hope you pulled all the facts out from your rear best regards you poor thing
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