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Documentary about India by NHK, I recommend them to Chinese members

Proves that the inferiority complex is alive and kicking and the brainwashing by the CCP works.

Actually, Speeder doesn't like the CPC.

He hates Communism, he hates Marxism, etc.

I think it is quite rare for a Chinese person to dislike the CPC, in my experience at least. They have done exceedingly well, especially in terms of developing China.
Actually, Speeder doesn't like the CPC.

He hates Communism, he hates Marxism, etc.

I think it is quite rare for a Chinese person to dislike the CPC, in my experience at least. They have done exceedingly well, in terms of developing China.

Good to know.

It doesn't really matter what his preferences are. I have formed some opinion of him and that is not changing in a hurry.

I have personally interacted and even worked with several Chinese people and my impression of them is only positive.

I have great respect and even fondness for the Chinese culture and their ancient civilization. I am definitely going to visit the country sometime.

And yes, CPC has done a good job developing China and restoring its due glory. Of course there have been issues but the achievements oveshadow them as far as I am concerned.

It is no mean task developing such a large country and most people in the world can't even begin to understand the challenges involved. Probably we are the only ones who can appreciate it.
No one was hurt but it does shed light on how you really view us.

There is no collective guilt and no collective redemption.

My pity is directed to individuals. The choice of words was not appropriate, I agree with that.
It doesn't really matter what outsiders think of the CPC.

The important thing, is what Chinese people think of the CPC. And in that exam, they are passing with flying colours. :azn:

I know but I've had enough of people using the 'I only hate the CCP' cover to insinuite racist ideas about Chinese people being brain-washed and callous towards human rights. I can't begin to count the number of times when Indians have told me that I don't understand democracy or have access to free media.

I have no more patience for these kinds of idiots.
I know but I've had enough of people using the 'I only hate the CCP' cover to insinuite racist ideas about Chinese people being brain-washed and callous towards human rights. I can't begin to count the number of times when Indians have told me that I don't understand democracy or have access to free media.

I have no more patience for this kind of idiots.

So it is you now who is generalizing? My opinion of the Chinese people and civilization are consistent.

I personally chose to think of the thousands of years of peaceful existence and cultural exchanges rather then the 1962 skirmish or the current so called rivalry to form my impressions. Also my personal experiences with them rather than the bigots on the forums.

I know there is a large community of Chinese online members that speaks negatively of India and Indians in highly derogatory and racist terms. I chose to discount that when I form my opinions.
What a pathetic low life!

I guess some brainwashed idiots can't stand anything positive about India. Even if it is just a documentary.

Proves that the inferiority complex is alive and kicking and the brainwashing by the CCP works.

Regression to the mean indeed. Their mean mindset stands exposed.

We care a damn for such low lives.

You must forget it was me, a CCP, who started this thread in the first place.
About post 178.

The constant anti-Semitic streak on this website is increasingly ugly and distasteful. This is totally incongruous in any civilised group or discussion. I am surprised that the moderators have not taken note of this before and acted with harshness against instances occurring.
@Joe... I think the moderators have a bigger issue at hand to handle on other thread given the recent developments... so the "anti-semeticism" rants are going unchecked. Frankly it doesn't affect me anymore... nirvana as they say :angel:
About post 178.

The constant anti-Semitic streak on this website is increasingly ugly and distasteful. This is totally incongruous in any civilised group or discussion. I am surprised that the moderators have not taken note of this before and acted with harshness against instances occurring.

Why is anti-semitism so much more alarming than anti-Chinese racism or anti-Indian racism or anti-Pakistani racism?

Being anti-semite means you're only against a handful of people after all. Being racist against China or India means you hate more than 1000x the people.
Why is anti-semitism so much more alarming than anti-Chinese racism or anti-Indian racism or anti-Pakistani racism?

Being anti-semite means you're only against a handful of people after all. Being racist against China or India means you hate more than 1000x the people.

Agree. Racism is what we should be concerned with.

Against any group of people.
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