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Documentary about India by NHK, I recommend them to Chinese members

Now BigTree. CN.

Do you realise that you are doing a great de-service , by helping brainwashing your fellow countrymen in China with these almost laughable clips ?

I havn't watched your clips yet and I don't need to watch, because the mistake you are making is huge !

1. Do you have any clue of who is NHK?

NHK to Japan is what BBC is to the UK. almost identical twins !

Guess what, you will NEVER find a leading ariticle, a clip or a report that is neutral on India reporting from BBC, i can tell you. Most are positively-biased and shush on any potential negative side of their "shining India" And I will bet my bottom $$$ that neither NHK will ever do!

2 . Why?

It is because both, BBC and NHK, are stated-controlled ( funded by obligatory TV licence fee), more specificly Lefty-Elite-ONLY - controlled, entities.

It's like what FOX is to GOP in America, like what Xinhua is to CPC... get the picture, Bigtree, CN?

3. That's why the prinicple Lefties' ideals of Political Correntness, Multiculturalism, Democracy, etc. are carried throughout both BBC and NHK programming at ALL COSTS, by which I mean even, and frequently in fact, use lies and deliberate heavy bias , which I believe that Chinese mainlanders tasted a bit of what BBC's reporting on China's 2008 pre-Olympics Rally. Still remember that taste well , BIGTREE, CN ? :Angry:

4 . NHK , alongiwth BBC, might be world-class in making some Nature / Adventure documnetaries ( not even Science as they lie heavily on many sicence issues for the sake of PC) , yet on anything else, their vomitting lefty ideologies will be so prevail, that would make CPC's XinHua look like a saint.

To give you a taste of it : BBC just shut down the entire production of a hugely popular English TV series called Midzomer last week, because they couldn't find any black actor/actress in the series which is a serious breach to BBC broadcasting Rules.

Just wait a minute here , can you freeking imagine to what a sickening degree of political correntness a country, a party, or an entity, must have in order to create such Draconian"Rules" even in all trival TV mini-series for pure entertainment purpose ????????

Pure sickness !

ANY decent native Englishman and Englishwoman that I know of depises profoundly the lefty Nu-labour Party highjacked BBC ( except its Nature Documentaries), without an exception!

And no prize to guess who is the Chief BBC's , just as almost ALL important major media network on planet Earth, Programming Director responbsbile for all the broadcasting contents. A Jew boy.

Back to the OP, my questions to you and some of your incrediblely Naïve pals here are:

1. Do you trust a China Documentary made-by-BBC?

2. Do you trust a China Documnetary made-by-NHK?

3. How the F@#$, for heaven's sake, you trust and recommend an India Documentary made-by-NHK then?

I won't even bother to start to look at and refute those wild "Indian enlightenments" that possbilely were raised in this NHK series about their liberal fantasy land ...:no:

I dont know about the NHK, but BBC has left bias.And UK govt has little control over it. But most of the news item in BBC about India is negative. You can go even now to BBC website to their south asia section.
I dont blame BBC for bringing negative news about India, because it speaks truth. And I read enough positive news about India in Indian newspapers, so it kind of, balances those news.
If you think BBC is equivalent of FOX news in america, I did not really understand you.
And Midzomer? Are you even typing yourself?
Completely agree!

Though my speciality is economics/finance, my uncle is a great electronics engineer working for a leading space lab in France. He told me almost the same thing in his field.

IITs are a part of "shining India" propaganda. What are the IIT patents? how many annually? 2 dozens?

The average IQ of ChingHua university studs in Beijing is possiblely close to 155-160 - almost a full SD above their counterparts in MIT, Caltech, Harvard and Yale, according to the experiences of a Harvard professor teaching at both sides. China's problem is teaching, not raw quality of its students, who are world-class.

I dont think IITs were made to be research institutions. Their primary aim was to provide engineers for India's industries. The most popular course in IITs are the undergrad engineering courses.
IITs were started when india was barely walking(right after independence). It is only recently that many IIT alumnis became successful in US, when they got this attention. Otherwise as the documentary tells, nobody knew IITs.

Success of IITan in US( which is primary reason of the interest in them)means brain drain from India, which hardly means "India Shining". It means India does not have enough to offer them.
I dont think IITs were made to be research institutions. Their primary aim was to provide engineers for India's industries. The most popular course in IITs are the undergrad engineering courses.
IITs were started when india was barely walking(right after independence). It is only recently that many IIT alumnis became successful in US, when they got this attention. Otherwise as the documentary tells, nobody knew IITs.

Success of IITan in US( which is primary reason of the interest in them)means brain drain from India, which hardly means "India Shining". It means India does not have enough to offer them.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of research, IITs are ranked lowly by many global standards.

I strongly believe that research output and undergraduate teaching abilities are completely unrelated. The reason is due to BRAIN DRAIN from our top universities to that of the west which artificially increases the research output of western universities.

If instead we measured research output by CITIZENSHIP, I think China would be #1 easily.
I dont know about the NHK, but BBC has left bias.And UK govt has little control over it. But most of the news item in BBC about India is negative. You can go even now to BBC website to their south asia section.
I dont blame BBC for bringing negative news about India, because it speaks truth. And I read enough positive news about India in Indian newspapers, so it kind of, balances those news.
If you think BBC is equivalent of FOX news in america, I did not really understand you.
And Midzomer? Are you even typing yourself?

The left wing bias of the BBC pertain only to domestic matters, for international news they endorse the US-UK point of view on all matters. This is why they report Libya as a fight between "forces loyal to Gaddfi" and "pro-democracy rebels" and they report Bahrain as a fight between the Bahrainian government and "anti-government forces"

They toe the shining India line and I've not seen much coverage about the various government corruption scandals.
I dont know about the NHK, but BBC has left bias.And UK govt has little control over it. But most of the news item in BBC about India is negative. You can go even now to BBC website to their south asia section.
I dont blame BBC for bringing negative news about India, because it speaks truth. And I read enough positive news about India in Indian newspapers, so it kind of, balances those news.
If you think BBC is equivalent of FOX news in america, I did not really understand you.
And Midzomer? Are you even typing yourself?

^^ wrong!

Your so called "negative" BBC reporting on India is in fact no more than a faint impression caused by the typical English middle / upper-middle class snobbish reporting style, which is quite consistant to all other countries regardless programming contents. It has nothing to do with the BBC's insanely-charged lefty agenda on reporting Indian affairs , which is and must be positive in principle since India is a "democracy", at least on paper. The Jews-in-charge are not stupid enough to shoot their own feet.

OKE, Midsomer, not eveyone here is an English speaker. I often mess up some English spellings with Dutch/German ones , so what?
Unfortunately, due to the lack of research, IITs are ranked lowly by many global standards.

I strongly believe that research output and undergraduate teaching abilities are completely unrelated. The reason is due to BRAIN DRAIN from our top universities to that of the west which artificially increases the research output of western universities.

If instead we measured research output by CITIZENSHIP, I think China would be #1 easily.

Yes, I agree about IITs ranking. But I dont think indian policy makers are really bothered about ranking of engineering and technology institutions. They are primarily made for attracting indian talent for undergrad engineering courses, and they do.(In contrast MBA institutions in India take their ranks very seriously)

The reputed research institutions in India are IISc, ISRO, CSIR, BARC etc.
The left wing bias of the BBC pertain only to domestic matters, for international news they endorse the US-UK point of view on all matters. This is why they report Libya as a fight between "forces loyal to Gaddfi" and "pro-democracy rebels" and they report Bahrain as a fight between the Bahrainian government and "anti-government forces"

there is no policy seperation btw domestic and int'l in BBC. Sorry.

BBC can report many good stories though, as along as they don't contradict with its main ideology.

Your Canada, in all honesty, is just another BBC-controlled multi culti time bomb sponsored by a powerful state-owned lefty brainwashing machine - CBC. The reason Canada hasn't collapsed yet is due to the considerable amount of ethnic Chinese and whites demographics there, today. Wait 20 years until the 1st India-born Canadian PM voted into the office by a tsunami of 1st gen Indian immigrants. Then that would truely make you a happy man, wouldn't it cardsharp? :cheers:
there is no policy seperation btw domestic and int'l in BBC. Sorry.

BBC can report many good stories though, as along as they don't contradict with its main ideology.

Your Canada, in all honesty, is just another BBC-controlled multi culti time bomb sponsored by a powerful state-owned lefty brainwashing machine - CBC. The reason Canada hasn't collapsed yet is due to the considerable amount of ethnic Chinese and whites demographics there, today. Wait 20 years until the 1st India-born Canadian PM voted into the office by a tsunami of 1st gen Indian immigrants. Then that would truely make you a happy man, wouldn't it cardsharp? :cheers:

The Indians I've met are generally a bright and industrious bunch, the idiots on this forum is a world apart.
^^ wrong!

Your so called "negative" BBC reporting on India is in fact no more than a faint impression caused by the typical English middle / upper-middle class snobbish reporting style, which is quite consistant to all other countries regardless programming contents. It has nothing to do with the BBC's insanely-charged lefty agenda on reporting Indian affairs , which is and must be positive in principle since India is a "democracy", at least on paper. The Jews-in-charge are not stupid enough to shoot their own feet.

OKE, Midsomer, not eveyone here is an English speaker. I often mess up some English spellings with Dutch/German ones , so what?

I dont know how much negative is negative for you but just to give a list of stories about India in BBC site now.
1.India 'scam' minister aide dead
2. Graft 'threatens India's growth'
3. India guards die in rebel attack
4. 'Fake' pilots
5. Big fat weddings
6. Prime minister under pressure
I am not saying any of them shows negative bias of BBC towards India either, may be you want to say it should have been positive towards china.

And if your point is BBC has pro democracy bias, I will agree. I see the bias in reporting about middle east , china and myanmar.
The Indians I've met are generally a bright and industrious bunch, the idiots on this forum is a world apart.

that's another popular fallacy in the market.

though i have no big issue with particular indians, 2 things in nature will make this fallacy crash and burn, with an ingrediant of time.

1. carefully selected 1st gen immigrants (and even many 2rd gen- their children), either in the UK or in Aus or in Canada, are almost always looking good. Yet Regression to the Mean kicks in decades later ; ( think different native mean bases across the world)

2. religion: Hindu fanatics are as quite capable as any other religious fanatics anywhere in the world.

these result: in the end it doesn't matter at all wether the 1st gen is a high iq scientist or a low-sklled menial labour for some mean bases, with time you'll get the same mean base. simple. for factual evidences you just need to cross the border sometimes to see how some formerly quite properious ethnic enclaves in America ended up decades later.

So i don't care what you think as a singular person, and I don't think you should think that way either cuz it's too selfish. what I care is what's a country's long-term interest. The same long-term interest to China should apply to Benelux, to the UK , and to Canada, too.

The keyword is : regression to the mean.
Now BigTree. CN.
1. Do you have any clue of who is NHK?

NHK to Japan is what BBC is to the UK. almost identical twins !

Guess what, you will NEVER find a leading ariticle, a clip or a report that is neutral on India reporting from BBC, i can tell you. Most are positively-biased and shush on any potential negative side of their "shining India" And I will bet my bottom $$$ that neither NHK will ever do!

2 . Why?

It is because both, BBC and NHK, are stated-controlled ( funded by obligatory TV licence fee), more specificly Lefty-Elite-ONLY - controlled, entities.

It's like what FOX is to GOP in America, like what Xinhua is to CPC... get the picture, Bigtree, CN?

3. That's why the prinicple Lefties' ideals of Political Correntness, Multiculturalism, Democracy, etc. are carried throughout both BBC and NHK programming at ALL COSTS, by which I mean even, and frequently in fact, use lies and deliberate heavy bias , which I believe that Chinese mainlanders tasted a bit of what BBC's reporting on China's 2008 pre-Olympics Rally. Still remember that taste well , BIGTREE, CN ? :Angry:

4 . NHK , alongiwth BBC, might be world-class in making some Nature / Adventure documnetaries ( not even Science as they lie heavily on many sicence issues for the sake of PC) , yet on anything else, their vomitting lefty ideologies will be so prevail, that would make CPC's XinHua look like a saint.

To give you a taste of it : BBC just shut down the entire production of a hugely popular English TV series called Midzomer last week, because they couldn't find any black actor/actress in the series which is a serious breach to BBC broadcasting Rules.

Just wait a minute here , can you freeking imagine to what a sickening degree of political correntness a country, a party, or an entity, must have in order to create such Draconian"Rules" even in all trival TV mini-series for pure entertainment purpose ????????

Pure sickness !

ANY decent native Englishman and Englishwoman that I know of depises profoundly the lefty Nu-labour Party highjacked BBC ( except its Nature Documentaries), without an exception!

And no prize to guess who is the Chief BBC's , just as almost ALL important major media network on planet Earth, Programming Director responbsbile for all the broadcasting contents. A Jew boy.

Back to the OP, my questions to you and some of your incrediblely Naïve pals here are:

1. Do you trust a China Documentary made-by-BBC?

2. Do you trust a China Documnetary made-by-NHK?

3. How the F@#$, for heaven's sake, you trust and recommend an India Documentary made-by-NHK then?

I won't even bother to start to look at and refute those wild "Indian enlightenments" that possbilely were raised in this NHK series about their liberal fantasy land ...:no:

NHK is not world class media. few people know NHK outside east asia. Actually, NHK set up CCTV international as an example to follow.
International rankings for universities are very important. If Chinese and Indian students saw that there are top universities already in country, they wouldn't leave as easily.

Again I am not sure about situation in China, most students who study outside India are those who could not get into Indian colleges/universities. Many of them even go just to earn money while studying.
I am not talking about Indian students in Ivy league institutions abroad, they are small in number compared to total number of student studying abroad.

Only difference a good rank will make is, it will probably attract foreign students to India.
I dont know how much negative is negative for you but just to give a list of stories about India in BBC site now.
1.India 'scam' minister aide dead
2. Graft 'threatens India's growth'
3. India guards die in rebel attack
4. 'Fake' pilots
5. Big fat weddings
6. Prime minister under pressure
I am not saying any of them shows negative bias of BBC towards India either, may be you want to say it should have been positive towards china.

And if your point is BBC has pro democracy bias, I will agree. I see the bias in reporting about middle east , china and myanmar.

as i said, the examples you raised have nothing to undermine lefty ideology, far away from its core actually, thus I would consider them as stories aiming purely ay attracting readership of all kinds. nothing "negative"/.

now what i consider negative is that if BBC writes a leading article questioning India's economic growth model/figures, or the morals of its ruling elites , etc. - that would be considered "un-PC" in eyes of its jewish censorship.
NHK is not world class media. few people know NHK outside east asia. Actually, NHK set up CCTV international as an example to follow.

i didn't know wtf is nhk either until i googled it up. .. 10 sec... no wonder.
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