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Documentary about India by NHK, I recommend them to Chinese members

good thread. now our Chinese friends will know positive side of India.
Dreams are beautiful but reality is harsh.


60% of science graduates leave the country.
15% of engineering graduates leave the country.

Qinghua, Beijing U: taxpayer money and time flowing straight to the US of A.

That question page was from 5 years ago and the source at the bottom of the page says only 10% of Tsinghua's graduates leave China to pursue higher degree aboard.
sh*t we post 1 positive thread about india and it goes to hell because of an american troll.

you know, i'm starting to think that most of the very stupid trolls aren't chinese, indian or even pakistani. We all know that the USAF hired 140,000 people to "correct" "inaccuracies" in people's opinions. That's just the air force. What about Office of Naval Intelligence, US Army Psychops and CIA?

Anyways, to correct some indians: I don't agree but, things happen like that in every country. Even Japan has people throw babies into toilets. But by statistics alone, Indians have no right to talk about China's poverty. Our poverty is not on your level both qualitatively and quantitatively.
of course no body actually compares the poverty level between India and China.
India is where China was 20 year back so it will take some time for it to reach where China is.

I read somwhere that Chinese plan for centuries to come, i believe Indians too plan for decades atleast
Let me point out first of all that I have never mentioned "propaganda" or "the Jewish media".
I share Developereo's view because, I think, both of us are trying to point out the fact that any piece of literature is written from a certain perspective, with both a text and subtext. I am aware of Western documentaries about China's rapid economic development. That is the text. What about the subtext? After seeing those documentaries, do you walk away convinced that China will be able to sustain such growth in the future? I presume not.
On a side note, propaganda is not about all lies. That would be self-defeating. Propaganda is all about careful screening of information that would let people come to their "own" conclusion. Over the course of several hundred years the Western media has managed to elevate it into something of an art form.

twocents, in the case of NHK's documentary, I think all we should care is the text conveyed in it, we can just leave the subtext.
That question page was from 5 years ago and the source at the bottom of the page says only 10% of Tsinghua's graduates leave China to pursue higher degree aboard.

Sorry, didn't see. If it is truly only 10%, then why is the "impression" far different?
while it interesting that Indian college tried tap only the best , it might not be enough to retain them in India since country in Europe and America offer much better opportunity compared with India. There is a similar NHK video which talk about Singapore attracting the best talent all over the world.........even the japanese reporter seem to be uncomfortable for the fact that some japanese researcher prefer Singapore to japan
while it interesting that Indian college tried tap only the best , it might not be enough to retain them in India since country in Europe and America offer much better opportunity compared with India. There is a similar NHK video which talk about Singapore attracting the best talent all over the world.........even the japanese reporter seem to be uncomfortable for the fact that some japanese researcher prefer Singapore to japan

This "brain drain" has been a problem. Almost 80% of IITians used to end up in the West. I hear that it has reduced now though not sure of the current numbers.

In my personal experience, Indian economy now offers plenty of options for people who want to stay back or even come back. There is a big war on for getting the right talent.

The infrastructure is a problem though and some people leave because of what they perceive as a better standard of living in the West.

many people are now coming back after spending a decade or more in teh West. So I guess the problem should reduce with the increase in the size of the pie in India and more opportunities for people nearer home.
My research focuses on structural engineering particularly in earthquake engineering. i did notice that some papers in my area are written by indians, but they are invariably from American and English Universities. to the best of my knowledge, the influence of IITs in this area is negligible.

I am very glad chinese universities especially Tongjiy, Tsinghua, and HIT are playing significant roles in the area of structural engineering research. this is a payoff of tremendous investment and ambition of chinese government. Civil engineering department of my university, for example, has built a huge structure test complex which includes a shaking table lab, a wind tunnel lab, fire hazard test center, oceanic engineering test center in the past five years. the facilities of our university is not behind any universities in North America including UIUC and Berkeley. however, we are not the best univ in china.

the leading univs in the world are still Japanese and Amercian univs like U of Tokyo, UIUC, Berkely, U of Micigna, U of San Diego, UBC. Univs in HongKong, South Korea, China, Singapore are also doing great. the contribution of British Univs are disproportional to their reputation.
^^^^well iits were made primarily to cater to need of the industry,however many iitians do opt for higher studies.Thats y u see more iitians in industries and board members of fortune 500 comanies.
Since arguments between Chinese and Indians happen everyday in this forum, I think it is a good idea for Chinese members to know more about our counterparts. I have been searching documenteries about modern India for quite a while, and finally I came across this excellent documentary by Japanese NHK. The documentary is intended to explain the rise of India.

I only recommend it to Chinese members because only Japanese and Chinese can understand it.

Now BigTree. CN.

Do you realise that you are doing a great de-service , by helping brainwashing your fellow countrymen in China with these almost laughable clips ?

I havn't watched your clips yet and I don't need to watch, because the mistake you are making is huge !

1. Do you have any clue of who is NHK?

NHK to Japan is what BBC is to the UK. almost identical twins !

Guess what, you will NEVER find a leading ariticle, a clip or a report that is neutral on India reporting from BBC, i can tell you. Most are positively-biased and shush on any potential negative side of their "shining India" And I will bet my bottom $$$ that neither NHK will ever do!

2 . Why?

It is because both, BBC and NHK, are stated-controlled ( funded by obligatory TV licence fee), more specificly Lefty-Elite-ONLY - controlled, entities.

It's like what FOX is to GOP in America, like what Xinhua is to CPC... get the picture, Bigtree, CN?

3. That's why the prinicple Lefties' ideals of Political Correntness, Multiculturalism, Democracy, etc. are carried throughout both BBC and NHK programming at ALL COSTS, by which I mean even, and frequently in fact, use lies and deliberate heavy bias , which I believe that Chinese mainlanders tasted a bit of what BBC's reporting on China's 2008 pre-Olympics Rally. Still remember that taste well , BIGTREE, CN ? :Angry:

4 . NHK , alongiwth BBC, might be world-class in making some Nature / Adventure documnetaries ( not even Science as they lie heavily on many sicence issues for the sake of PC) , yet on anything else, their vomitting lefty ideologies will be so prevail, that would make CPC's XinHua look like a saint.

To give you a taste of it : BBC just shut down the entire production of a hugely popular English TV series called Midzomer last week, because they couldn't find any black actor/actress in the series which is a serious breach to BBC broadcasting Rules.

Just wait a minute here , can you freeking imagine to what a sickening degree of political correntness a country, a party, or an entity, must have in order to create such Draconian"Rules" even in all trival TV mini-series for pure entertainment purpose ????????

Pure sickness !

ANY decent native Englishman and Englishwoman that I know of depises profoundly the lefty Nu-labour Party highjacked BBC ( except its Nature Documentaries), without an exception!

And no prize to guess who is the Chief BBC's , just as almost ALL important major media network on planet Earth, Programming Director responbsbile for all the broadcasting contents. A Jew boy.

Back to the OP, my questions to you and some of your incrediblely Naïve pals here are:

1. Do you trust a China Documentary made-by-BBC?

2. Do you trust a China Documnetary made-by-NHK?

3. How the F@#$, for heaven's sake, you trust and recommend an India Documentary made-by-NHK then?

I won't even bother to start to look at and refute those wild "Indian enlightenments" that possbilely were raised in this NHK series about their liberal fantasy land ...:no:
Regardless of whether it is true or not, we must be motivated and alert. India is indeed a potential competitor that should be carefully treated. At the same time, many of India's problems have Chinese analogs. Seeing their successes and failures can be a warning to us.
My research focuses on structural engineering particularly in earthquake engineering. i did notice that some papers in my area are written by indians, but they are invariably from American and English Universities. to the best of my knowledge, the influence of IITs in this area is negligible.

I am very glad chinese universities especially Tongjiy, Tsinghua, and HIT are playing significant roles in the area of structural engineering research. this is a payoff of tremendous investment and ambition of chinese government. Civil engineering department of my university, for example, has built a huge structure test complex which includes a shaking table lab, a wind tunnel lab, fire hazard test center, oceanic engineering test center in the past five years. the facilities of our university is not behind any universities in North America including UIUC and Berkeley. however, we are not the best univ in china.

the leading univs in the world are still Japanese and Amercian univs like U of Tokyo, UIUC, Berkely, U of Micigna, U of San Diego, UBC. Univs in HongKong, South Korea, China, Singapore are also doing great. the contribution of British Univs are disproportional to their reputation.

Completely agree!

Though my speciality is economics/finance, my uncle is a great electronics engineer working for a leading space lab in France. He told me almost the same thing in his field.

IITs are a part of "shining India" propaganda. What are the IIT patents? how many annually? 2 dozens?

The average IQ of ChingHua university studs in Beijing is possiblely close to 155-160 - almost a full SD above their counterparts in MIT, Caltech, Harvard and Yale, according to the experiences of a Harvard professor teaching at both sides. China's problem is teaching, not raw quality of its students, who are world-class.
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