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Documentary about India by NHK, I recommend them to Chinese members

@ Develepereo

Ever wondered why Pakistanis talk to Indians in a condescending manner, but when it comes to Chinese members they start kowtowing:lol:. Pretty much every post by a Pakistani addressed to a Chinese has a "Pakistan-China brotherly countries"/"Pakistan-China friendship Zindabad" as a disclaimer?

Mind you I don't have any issues with it, but since you were pointing out this "behaviour" of Indians I though I would point this out too. There are just as many if not more, hyper nationalistic and jingoistic Pakistanis as Indians, but you talk like its only the Indians who do this.

Why is it that any thread where Indian and Chinese are remotely getting along, like this particular, some Pakistani guy manages to come and flame the thread? I mean why so insecure? Are you guys afraid that after America, China will also leave the side of Pakistan and move towards India?

And here we are lecturing about the behaviour of Indians. :rolleyes:

Dont expect any straight answer to this..After all I too tried and did not get one.
Which sentence I wrote belonged to hate speech?

Which sentence I said was anti-Semitism ?

Which sentence I put forward was a lie ?

For heaven’s sake, you even don’t have proper knowledge on what is Semitism. Palestines are the true Semites; Jews are not Semites, but more a Turkic tribe, a Khazaria converts. For the record I don´t hate either of them. I have friends from both of the clans.

`Zionist` is the correct word. What I have exposed was the sheer hypocrisy of Zionist-controlled world-wide propaganda machines.

In the EU we have Anti-Monopoly Commission, where a market-.monopoly company would be forced to break up for the sake of fairness and market competition. Yet as you see, since when it is OKE for 1% of a tiny certain tribe of people to monopoly 98% of world-wide majot media networks ? – that´s about anything you see, watch, read, listen in the western world.

This tiny group of people not only becomes monopoly in the world-wide `Thought Market` but also becoming so untouchable that any criticism towards the situation would be automatically answered by `anti-Semitism` , ´anti-humanity`, ` idiots´, `racists`, `bigots`, `haters`, `Nazis` etc. by their brainwashed sheeple `red guards` insanely shouting from all directions. Thus any legitimate criticism would be severely punished, censored, and people fired from their jobs with a utterly destroyed reputation as a man, jailed in many cases….

Freedom of thoughts with institutionised guaruntee is a major hallmark of hugely successful European Civilisation, where different opinions are, or used to be, free and welcome. Criticism are, or used to be, answered by counter arguments with logic; topics are discussed in public, debated with the opposite side of opinions, legit or even non-legit, respected and listened, without fear of being prosecuted… This was the Euro Tradition, a very spirit to define the European Enlightenment. This, perhaps a unique process, separates enlightened Europe from the rest, marking a height for human civility and thus civilisation advancement. Yet this, fastly became history under today's Zionist Monopoly Thought Police!

The last time `Free` Europe faced the very same kind of Thought Police of such a madness, as per the display of you guys (some do reside in the West) in a microscope manner, was in the Dark Ages. The last famous criticism, or `anti`, burned was Bruno… now here we go again…

… “idiot”, “pathetic low life”, “stormfront”, `anti-Semitism`, `high IQ `white` man, `banana`, `anti-India`, `hater`, `bigot`…are all the real words you people managed to sprout in a consequentive of abusive posts in my absence, actually in almost every post, to my well-argued and rather modest but legitimate opinion and criticism. That spells volume of the character.

You know what, that´s actually quite low and disgusting…

Shame on you all!
@ Develepereo

Ever wondered why Pakistanis talk to Indians in a condescending manner, but when it comes to Chinese members they start kowtowing:lol:. Pretty much every post by a Pakistani addressed to a Chinese has a "Pakistan-China brotherly countries"/"Pakistan-China friendship Zindabad" as a disclaimer?

I will admit that there are some Pakistanis who routinely take a hostile tone towards Indians but the vast majority of heated discussions between Indians and Pakistanis are evenly matched in ferocity. The difference is that many Indians are quite arrogant towards all their neighbors -- except China, where they show extreme deference. Not coincidentally, Chinese posters are precisely the ones who can slap some sense into the jingoistic arrogance of these Indians. Even more telling is that these Indian posters will often slip up and reveal their true feelings about China, before backtracking with profuse praise for Chinese civilization, etc. etc.

As for Pakistanis supporting China, I am amused that you use the term "kowtowing", considering the subject of discussion is arrogance. Suffice it to say that Pakistan and China share so many common interests, with regards to and regardless of India, that it's no surprise this alliance has stood the test of time.

I am also amused by your attempt to take a dig at China-Pak relations. Do rest assured that we are not the least bit "worried" about Indians and Chinese getting along online. The Chinese leadership knows full well what game is being played at large and does not formulate its foreign policy by taking a poll of internet users.
I will admit that there are some Pakistanis who routinely take a hostile tone towards Indians but the vast majority of heated discussions between Indians and Pakistanis are evenly matched in ferocity. The difference is that many Indians are quite arrogant towards all their neighbors -- except China, where they show extreme deference. Not coincidentally, Chinese posters are precisely the ones who can slap some sense into the jingoistic arrogance of these Indians. Even more telling is that these Indian posters will often slip up and reveal their true feelings about China, before backtracking with profuse praise for Chinese civilization, etc. etc.

u r thinking too much these days.
indian dont care abt chinese,i dont know abt reverse.:D
we clearly says there is difference b/w india and china of more than 10 yrs.its not hidden.
every indian knows this.
and one more thing is that,we know that we have to stand ourselves,no body is brother or sister of anybody:D:azn:
this is our strength
I will admit that there are some Pakistanis who routinely take a hostile tone towards Indians but the vast majority of heated discussions between Indians and Pakistanis are evenly matched in ferocity. The difference is that many Indians are quite arrogant towards all their neighbors -- except China, where they show extreme deference. Not coincidentally, Chinese posters are precisely the ones who can slap some sense into the jingoistic arrogance of these Indians. Even more telling is that these Indian posters will often slip up and reveal their true feelings about China, before backtracking with profuse praise for Chinese civilization, etc. etc.

As for Pakistanis supporting China, I am amused that you use the term "kowtowing", considering the subject of discussion is arrogance. Suffice it to say that Pakistan and China share so many common interests, with regards to and regardless of India, that it's no surprise this alliance has stood the test of time.

I am also amused by your attempt to take a dig at China-Pak relations. Do rest assured that we are not the least bit "worried" about Indians and Chinese getting along online. The Chinese leadership knows full well what game is being played at large and does not formulate its foreign policy by taking a poll of internet users.

Seems like I have developed quite a following here. ;)

Well, ferocity is discussion is not necessarily bad as long as it remains civil.

I have not seen any deference to the Chinese by any Indian members. I know you are pointing to me.

I have a fascination for Chinese civilization. Read up quite a few books on it (Reading "The art of war" by Sun Tzu now, I can even send you an e-copy) and plan to visit the country. These are all true facts.

I will also not take any shyt from any Chinese member, that is also a fact.
The difference is that many Indians are quite arrogant towards all their neighbors -- except China, where they show extreme deference.

Maybe because Indians feel that, Chinese forumers are the only ones here with whom Indians can actually reason and debate with. Cause lets face it, Pakistanis here, majority of them have deep rooted resentment for India and vice versa. So no matter how much you debate with them nothing is going to change. As far as Bangladeshis are concerned, its quite evident that Bangladeshis are a polarized bunch and the anti-Indian ones have gravitated to this forum. So if they talk smack about India, those very hyper nationalistic Indians will reply to them. Srilankans, well there is only one regular Srilankan poster here, who is despised for manipulation if anything.

Not coincidentally, Chinese posters are precisely the ones who can slap some sense into the jingoistic arrogance of these Indians. Even more telling is that these Indian posters will often slip up and reveal their true feelings about China, before backtracking with profuse praise for Chinese civilization, etc. etc.

Personally I have never done that, and I can't speak on behalf of others. Isn't that how it should be though? That we don't speak on others behalf and not generalize or stereotype ?

As for Pakistanis supporting China, I am amused that you use the term "kowtowing", considering the subject of discussion is arrogance. Suffice it to say that Pakistan and China share so many common interests, with regards to and regardless of India, that it's no surprise this alliance has stood the test of time. I am also amused by your attempt to take a dig at China-Pak relations. Do rest assured that we are not the least bit "worried" about Indians and Chinese getting along online. The Chinese leadership knows full well what game is being played at large and does not formulate its foreign policy by taking a poll of internet users.

I know whatever happens in this forum doesn't have any affect on things in the real world. But that doesn't apply to just to the highlighted bit, its applies to each and everything discussed on this or any other virtual forum. Although you still couldn't give me a reason, as to why a Pakistani ends up ruining any thread where Indian-Chinese happen to be getting along.
Although you still couldn't give me a reason, as to why a Pakistani ends up ruining any thread where Indian-Chinese happen to be getting along.

I think you are having selective recollection.

It is just as likely to be a Chinese or Indian poster. I believe in this particular thread, it was Chinese (allegedly American), although I have seen some of the more excitable Indians also ruin the party.
I think you are having selective recollection.

It is just as likely to be a Chinese or Indian poster. I believe in this particular thread, it was Chinese (allegedly American), although I have seen some of the more excitable Indians also ruin the party.

Well it was a "Chinese" guy, mind you "Chinese" and Chinese is not the same here on PDF. And you yourself, a Pakistani, thanked and backed his irrelevant posts about Indian Toilets in this thread.
Well it was a "Chinese" guy, mind you "Chinese" and Chinese is not the same here on PDF. And you yourself, a Pakistani, thanked and backed his irrelevant posts about Indian Toilets in this thread.

It wasn't about the content of his post, but the fact that he was being ganged up on. I felt bad for the underdog.
It wasn't about the content of his post, but the fact that he was being ganged up on. I felt bad for the underdog.

So you were encouraging a troll to troll more? Notice how moderators deleted his posts? So obviously people were ganging up on him for a reason?

Anyways lets give this discussion a rest. We all know who we are and why we do whatever it is that we do. We can least try not to encourage trolls.:cheers:
Good documentery.

5000 people are accepted to IIT out of 300,000 applicants.

In contrast, Beida alone is 2646 accepted out of 20036, an acceptance rate 10x higher than IIT.


It is no wonder then that the IITs which concentrate the ultra high geniuses of India, are held in high regard. They are far more selective than even the top of the top elite Chinese universities.

You forgot one thing. Chinese have a very elite school called the Chinese Acadamy of Science. Its acceptance rate is as low as 0.1%

There are currently 8 Acadamies accros China and they only offer PhD!
Actually there are institutions in India that have education system on par with IITs. The factor is the students studying there. Only the best of the best get in. So the output of the school is good. Not because they have some special curriculum. IIT is prestigious because of its exclusivity, which will be lost if government opens more of them.
Most of these guys go to US and work in the biggest firms and earn big bucks. India seldom benefits from them. Most of the scientists and engineers in India are from the more humble institutions. India will benefit from IIT engineers when Indian companies and government can afford to pay them.

Jayron. I have a question, does IIT offer PhD??

Here in UCLA we got a lot of Indians from IIT with Bachlor and getting PhD in UCLA! Even some in Stanford.
Jayron. I have a question, does IIT offer PhD??

Here in UCLA we got a lot of Indians from IIT with Bachlor and getting PhD in UCLA! Even some in Stanford.

Yes IIT does offer PhDs in most fields of engineering and basic sciences. But often the IITans chose foreign universities because of the strength in the areas of research and a funding. The people who pursue PhD programs in the IITs mostly come from the second tier engineering colleges and other universities although lately I have seen some IIT grads staying back to pursure their PhDs in India... depending on their area of interest and research.
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